. - l2 ' V O fiS- y 4 - .....-., - . - n. C ' if clxciiaird the Cajiln frQra the serj ; ? -ice. vllid ihC Cbaupttlt beenan: 1 I . tonlr attacked a Imost'ori out;ahore by iFrcnrh ship, Uth'modcfdUjti'df Ibo ;.y Uit PmidcnrcouTd rxt $avjevented V. declaration pf wirgiinst Franccfur a unheard of an iasolt:r:d crage. . V-v-Tiu wili;.sir,recol!eMUt my .having -V iki mat the icV.od the Chef apeake - .:.v was aa'much 'an act of warn, the' 8'-, v- said aSeuc. ; thii" obsemtfoi) thata was ' j-'o'most induced to think that I.mlfcht be .expelled for lr9dU I hd continued to r':." . iept(1i;do ftot koof butJT might Y ive hscn. lUd Srance comir.urd for verity jearaAo impress Arrrcncau cm V vfctna to fig hetbaltics. especially un;. . :der the Dig oX the gteat , Napoleon ; . .. .shield we--bare boroe.it ? No, man, vroavan and cotjd would narve.unuta in imoncit hi? c etyeii. any-pricc. far .tbe'puptra to . war tgatnsl'her. 4Ienry,who.habee,n brought ino the debate ; .had France sent him amonRM ua," if Jlo wduld not ' pore he ibjta of .bi mission, ,csp& ?. cTHy JC about -th. aineaime her, mi V nhtVr htrc.hwJectived 70p.00Qpounda. atcrUng iDnia.of.xthangc r what a rnightT-noIie'Wold have been heard , horn cue end- or the continent to.lhc 'other I' 'tt4dFrtnce.;in -UtnVor peacr Hate blockaded our port and -veiled one of our aailora; the puUc moaning situ tur tuc w ' tiihate and innocent Picceiould hae been tert llmeaVt "great a they" were VciigeJnce for .the murder wouM haVe reaoondfrd thrtugheTcrf tate, arid fa- ' TnilTj ind woutd we.not bYe declared i:aiot Uri That'it was exactly." . "Napoleon irced.the retpf the wrW, and that we mait.tesht him by f irct:. - Had'ifbeen beliered. that; a i French coosot interposed In eur elections he -woad he been kicked out of ibe coun try and told tre 'wanted none of hUfi r- v Ccncltxicd in our ntxt . - LATEST FROM'ENGLAND, The latrnewj&f lh hour at which we' recetired the-London papers ajyd poliii cal Jotcili;cncr brought by . Capt. Ter yon Thuridey evening, and the pre: Qccupacy.'of-sour paperi presented ua . not only from, girtng more than a brief ibitract pf "the Ruwitn. auccess, but ' obliged ui to omit tbt svhola of his ma rine new " 'He .iftforma ihat the voice of England H'.U Tht ike thunder of Brt'tithxannon tft1 ' i fa I A''' tht-AvitrUan perts the ensuinr rummer ; and TA4r in six - jygvt the Ocean f" - ; . . There were lying ioPortsmouibj fea dy for srai i93tl of thejlinr, whichare to be iwhed.brCTerl.friintfSt loons of war aod'Erun brr. all well provided i . iaiih the .necessaries of , w.if,"- for the purpose-of JbJockidtpg"the -American . coast. Ai vut said- they -hid iakrn on boafd a great. quanti'y-of abulia for bom brtfitjgt ar init on altick oo J.' Y-rk 'vis cxnttmplred as aoon as the winter aeasorv would permtt.r. : t, i v .?N?V". .Several 74 gun ships wte cut(ing ' - dhtrn Tor frigatcf," and several Urge ones, boilding. Tbs-se are intended to go : 4 y alongside; our frigates There were al&b y sc.verl l.rgt, vsieis rrady io sriI, each s carryiog iJiguhs, and ire "ciiUd priva teeri. . It wa "beneved m'.Enghnd that Uie attempt to flcsfr by oof barber end ?ca port towns wotit take place whiUt the Amencaa Canada . marching into t - BLOCKADE troops wrre , Of the Chesapeake, Delaware, .From thelyndorr,GateUc,Dec.'2u' t i Ttreijn Ojficti Drt. C6. :; HU Royal Highness ;the Prince Repeat." acunir. to "the name and on .- the . behalf oF h'5 M?estyv has been pieasca crcause trto ps aignmea; by . Iord Casilereagh,hia Majesty's prin '. ci pal Secretary of State for, Foreign AITairsto the Ministers of the friend " , ly powers residing at this Courts that -, the becesaaryl measures . have been ; taken, by the to mmw.nd : of Hisv R oy al Irjjhness, .for- t'be blockacle . of the pots t harbours o f th c -Oay of Ches'a- peake and bf the(Rier-Dtlawarc;1h the.UmtedSutes of America V. and -that from thia time all.the measures iuthorijctjiy the law of Nations will. slcr'adcpted and executed x'h ri- pect to all vessely which maiucmpt io violate the aaideCadev- ; - : TwVfngttea mieTexelv having on hobniauantUydf imaUarmsand v Other stores,, shrmosea fbrAmerr?a 9 - . , r y sir only, waitufora fair oppbrttim- f fc 4 S ,4 wwiviuMMiv ii ifcjJUlu XO DC IQ possession of infoVraatron, ihat! Bona pane ha, ordered 250 000 men to be raiscdaod Wbe put in motion, pre- pautory-'to e opening the ensuing campaign . U lVlikt WUe 'sUtecl. that u was reported W the Government fScet prisi'trut.a pegeciatioo ti D'ptcc from Uord;Catchcart7-; foufoCotlerfbur? mail In J another art of VarTs''JMXr'b)ils Vckherl oirn Vetef- cay - - . r . ti - - ' l ' i li - j. Sr.' Tetersbqrgh, the 22d Deeember, and inclose 'Tery lwg detaila from Gen- Kutuibtt of thev l'4th, writuit from the ineatre oiioe opcrauooK aocj vawc, thaj-iiri the rmsag of theBeinji 'fjt Ruiina took' about SOfDOO ' pnsoneesv. In Ihe purtoit , fiom ;the Dereilna to Wiln'aYOqO more fell into their; hantfa, '. - ' 1 . inciuaing"oaggagexicg rnvug wnuu is a treat" part of ffonaparte'i bcrsonal ef- great part fccfi, and irapOTtant a rate papers. .' The FreticA reached Witna ori the !Oth Dec, where the Russians, who ar rived aboutthe aame time, took W OOO icrs.and obtained possession oT the prisqne ." ' Thes e "dispat ch es " m akethe jnu mb? r bf Vnsonera taken ihce fliejlast iccount upWrds ol 40,000," reducing the 70 000 to:about50.000. ' -.Of this; lutur number nbiinore than 20.000 men -were believ ed to be effective on the ? I 4ih ultimo, llittle douhr, therefore, can be enter tained of the totire annihilation of the French ' Grand Army, especially t as VViitsgenstein reports that the Bavarian divjbinu bad been surrounded by Arju taoV General Ku'.usorPs cors, and cut b(T from Wlna. It isj. in fact, aupposed that only a few oQfcers have etxaprd Resides the prisoners, the French have, since, the last accounts', lost' 200 pieces of cannot ail their magaz ces, stores, 2rc Seve ral General Officers have befi '-taken, arftong whom is General LtfebVr-,' who violated his parole,. and ran away from Cheltenham. - Tht Auitrians might have effected a most favorable diversion in favor of the French by marching on to Wilna, but- Gen.,Sscben' hun-upen tlir Qrk so closely as to deter tliem from attempting such'a movcratnt, tvtn had they been so inclined. - : Grn. KutusoEThas issued a proclama tion to the Poles, offering elemtney, ond states, trra! it was his I nl perial M.jrs y' intentio n that a new organizitun of Po land should take place. For this pur pose the Emperor left Petcrsburgh far yiina on ine iv n. .. - - The total return tT prisonerrj 8c. in the Russhn ,War-Ofikr, up io the Sd December, was .146,000, among wh ra Were 1606 Officers, including 45 Qer.c- fals, and from 700 to 1000 pieces rf caij- n n. i ne surrender ot the f rusian Army under d'Yorck'which touk place on the 30ih December, is not of course, Included in the above kUtemenr., The killed' and wounded could not hare a- niounted to , less than '200 000 more making a total of between 300 5c 400,000 men sacrificed to the ambition of otic individual ' . .LATEST FROM CADIZ. -.The Blooming Rose left Cadifc'Jan. 25. jTbe . Spanish ship Iris, from La Vera Crux and Iiafanaf1iad arrived. On the 23Ut of Nov,' 6he wb robbed, says the Captain, of 42f,000 dollars, by an American privatecrand put on board 8 -prisoners. . FoV this act, the robrwrs ste' under trial at Charles o.i. Lord yel!ingtj?n4iad lef: Cidiz Tor his anny, havings previously concerted measures fof the iTgul&ticn orihft Spanish troops. He msde a'prestntofjflOO 000 sterling toward the" psymmt ;bf thrm. Lord JVVcl ingtcn Ts o have the full comcnand tf alj the .armies. In the Cortes Jan. 22,' a resolution was carried, 90 to 60, that the tribunal Of the inquisition is irt compalibfe.with the consti ution. : On receiving information of an Algc Hne frigate haviog been seen cruizing it the entrance into the Straits, the Cap tains ofs American licenced vessel, ai Gibraltar had applied to the g-.verri' ment fot : aVqonvoy, which had been f. , r - A B A R G AI Nl 7. " I OFER TOR SALE MX TOR OF 'Books (3 Stationary ' A' gWe'm credit of one. two and tttree vear. I expect to, receive in few dajs large sppply fiOm Philadelphia, to make th soamcnt more complete-; The whole Stock thill fx put at sveh pnceS is cannot fti) to be o objectto a ersob who wishes to es'tab himwrU in, a piofiuble trade. ; U is 4inne-ccuirT-to say, that tola y oeng man who bat ome how!edge.of'3oeks. and who doca jtot fike the drudgtry oC profcssinnbuesubl ish' ment pVbmhea profiiTeipeciable acquainurtcc ami rosy sffcud time' -to-purfue hit auidiei. Ondeubved secbriiywil! be-required. li riecev. inrr tiirtl 6f V.-otxy cao be.hid to keep n the awsortjcentr -eiien on the wbject, post: pitid wilt fee atveoded'tdrtV - -'ii n Hiuc niu iR a xew week 3 i snajren J- CAIbaa itVeral .Barrels oF good Cce on bandhclriS4lpphei Yortmroe. Vy wilJt sold oaMow tCTrns either by Jhe barrel br ia ptrcrli to ft private frroi- i and. 'if ten aired, ai Knrt rt; .w.m Dbon,'jCad;t, apd Braras." , v. . L6'd Catcheart's diaphkhea areda'ed Copy op- letter wonjung- yTZJ- U -y Wincheilerf.to the SecretarV . Var ' VC--: EorVGe6rge; tJppef Canada,, f SiR-Onthe Sjdiltim' honor of : wmmunicatifeloyo cellncy Itho-feaolt pf ;;the action at. Frenchtownf on the River H"0; ?Mhd preceding' dy. - -1 have it now. in my power 'to transmit io you, t m6fc detail Prt sifc'tount of that' transactionpgether y,iih a' mori -minute -statement o 6Ur IbssJr A4Uit of the killed, woundect and. missinp. is erewithl enclosed, j The I attack upon biir caro'p Was commenced faboufiS o'clock in the morning heaty fire ot small atcostpgetner wun. thc'disibarge of six -pieces' of artillery, (Urecte'damraetliateiy at our lines, and thef hbusesTaod tcmpprary breast work frt)Tfl(fehmd whiert a potipn of qur troops Vere engaged with ihfr enemy. Early lo; (he action-a charge was made by the assailants but" theL fire from our lines was so intenser tbat'they were quickly compelled to -retire r - In this charge the. 4 1 st regiment of British "regulars" prin'clpidly suijered, their loss during the charge, and in the subsequent encra cement, being very Uonshlcrable Out of three hundred of these troops about. thirty Tell dead upon the field, ' and ninety ,or an hundred wounded : were removed from the grpnnd. .. . It i3 impossible to a; ate with anyide? gree of accuracy, "the number of Cana dian militia and Indians which was ei ther killed or wounded during the en gagemelit ; it jcould, however, not have been small, having received for $ ot 4 hours the consttnt fire of 6'ur inusquetTy and riflemen, from the breastrwok 'un der which they we i e formed.- TKe ac tion had endured about a quarter of -an hour, when the right division of our troops), who were less secured by a breast-woik and exposed to a heavy fire from a body of Indians and militia, who had' possessed themselves of some out-, hquses within their reach, were obliged to re treat from their lines in the. encamp ment,, for the purpose, of. occupying ground less exposed.' This retreat be ing discovered by the eriemjythe whole lodiafi Torce, together with a portion of the miliiia, bore down upon t hem with redoubled violence, and prevented by their superiqrity ot, numbers and the severity oflheir fire the practicability of ever ayuin forming this portion" of our troops in order of battle. ;It was Irom lids division that our principal loss ws sustained, few indeed hiving escaped. Every 'effort was in vain employed to form them into some order of action, as atTording the only mean of either re; pelling the pursuers, regaii)ing,the temporary breast-work from behind which the remaining part of our troops still gallantly defended themselves ; out every exertion Avas in vain employed and the very few who survived of the party, surrendered as fiisoners to the enemy; Our loss in this action will be ascer tained by the lUt herewith enclosed. Among the killed I have to lament se veral brave and valuable officers, some of whom had distinguished themselve in the action of the evening of the I8ih, and tell on the 22d while unavailitigly engaged in rallying the troops, who. re treated -iii disorder from the li'res.v A mongtho ethe lossof Col. John Allen' and Maj. Elijah M'ClannahaW is to be particularly regrettedf as also Captain John H. Wool folk, , on o of fny Aids de camp their exertions were unsuccess ful, notwithstanding every possible cx eftion was employed ; they bravely . fell in the discharge of their respective du ties. While I regret the fate of those who fe I upon -this occasion, I should do injjusdce'to pass over, without notice, the" few partakers .in theiir. danger, who were fortunate enough survive them. To Lie uu- Col. Willia m 1 Le'wisV who commanded .op the I8th, arid to Capt. JamesX)verton,. my Aid dc tamp, who attended my person on the . fields my thanks . are- particularly due,': for their prompt and willing exertibnilurirJg eve ry period of the confiicCr To" tho. cfii ders - and soldiers ..'r.who- bravely main taihed their gnnd" m the temporary fortification, top much praise. ca'nnor be bestowed.. Assailed by numbers' creat- ly superior supported by. six piccesf artillery constantly em pipy cdy they gal lantly defended with-small arras alone, for near four houis' of constant Wile- No troops ever behaved wiih more cool ana aeiermmeq prayery-s ironi tne com manding officer down to the private sol juier therewas scarce a single abandon ment of duty aird ,at the -last, " when hheir ammunition was nearly exhausted and aurrounded by-the enemvy erreatlv auperior In number and in the means of waV, giirrendtfred vith a rtlqctance rarely; to be found npon sipular occa sions. The ofilcerscmimandinfi: ia the breast work an'd who Reserve :particMla hbdee, if dicbdonCcan Vrdly "be JlJuL '.iJLi " . ' - . ' utavru, were umjwrs xjcnj oraves ana jeorge . jyi adison ; Captains Hightowwy Hart; Ay dHmsj CholicV Sebree," ll milton..KeIeWVIlsoe Ballard; Ha- a'nd JnrBtigade AlajcriJmea CJarrard; Master . Pollard Keen theyldefentjed ijstract vot tne. itiiiep wounoea . ana J ;mlssinfri the'a on he HtvtasW Jtii ' . V .'Hff i.L h:, ;t-. , ; tttX&eimpit rt XJhitfiA Smef Infunfty, It KAled 'U mis$ing-i tegumental SafgeA"V Captains r3 UeutgantsW. Ensjffn i.(.112- non-rcqromissiOii y 5 ' 's.yy?:,r - t ifiUedU mmrigUl MaibrL';i'X:.aptaiiil "Sureeons Mate, ll Ensign; '36 non-cdnimrsi I Vioned officers and privatetT v ,y; ' raidedrr- .Xnsign'J privates.- ,. lh Xtte Jletfineni XenUcT MiUHa. : f ". Kited and maijttxitt Oolpnelj: 1 ltemental iiug;bf,4Captaips; rsixTT, I54'DOOcpm(misioned " officers andprivate J- jroimded-2 Ensjris, 6 privji' 1 ; : . . : t Sth Regiment KentuckyMiUtiq. . ' Kiltidjanfr niinin$Mii6Tt 1 Captain, 1 LleutenaUt, 7Z nbnf omrais sioned officers 8c Drtvatesi. . . ' ' ' - . Wtundtd 1 Sereaot, 3 Corporals, 7 nrk J P. S. The wotmded Jafe included in the list of prisoners forwarded.- x ' . h J 3 3 A M ES G ARK A BD, Jan. ; , ' .Brigddc JtUpeetf; An "abstract of prisoners captnredji the action on thegiyer iaisini thcv 22nd Jaijoary. 183; y .yt . . . 17th- United Slate lUiment Jnfantrjf. ! 1 Captain 2 Lieutenants, 3 Ensij-ns; ;54 nonommUsioned ofiicers and privates. : y, 2 Captains, I "lieutenant; 1 Ensign, 104 non-commissioned officers and privates, 1st Sife Rtgtfigentmky Vol MUt' ; 1 Major'2 Captains 4 Ensirfa, 133 rion commissioned ocera amf privates. 5tH.(fegt. iuetJiinietr'MiiA I Lieutenant Vjolonel, 3 Captains,, 3 Lieu tenants, 4 Ensigns, 189 noii commissioived Clficers aud privates. J ; . Siajfbf ihc Sth Etgimenfi ..v - 1 Adjutant, 1 Qwarier Master, 1 Regimen tal Surgeon, 1 Surgeons Mate. 2nd Regiment Kentucky Vol Militia. 1 X-Captain, 20 privates, f . ' Brigade Staff, ,f. . , I Brigadier General, 1 Bngde Inspector, I" Aid ' le Camp, Lieuteaantl7ih ,nitd States Regiment.. y yy , ' y jAMESGARRARpJun. 1 jV "! ' Brigade YnsjZcetor- Qy The Blood freezes at the Read- At a meeting at Eriei, Pennsylvania, 'o se eral of the officers who survived Raisin, of whom the following is a list ? Captains TJfiel Sbbree, amuel Wil liams, Richard BIedsoe, Coleman Coj lier and Heijry James ; L.ieuts. t-iynaon Comsrock' and Higgin ; Ensigns Thos. W. Chtnn and James L. Harris : Capt. Williams being chosen Chairman and John Bickley, one of the Volunteers, appointed Secretary, the following rer solutions were uhanimOusly.adbpted f Whereas, . it is deemed: hecessary that our feilow-citikcas shotild bejn fornied of theMate perTrdious and brutal .acts of the British government, perfovm cd by their otficers it the battfc-of Frerchtown, . ' x Uesolvtd, Tht the fotjowing statement of the conduct of the British officers be exhii tiled to ourcouhtrvmen : . : " When Gexi.' Winchester was taken pri--soneroii'die 22d Jytmar,' J813, being brq't Deore oi. ri ocuor, me iino wwiiuiimi he'diiected.'the comrnjinding ofticer "oi the Americans (Maor; Madisoh) tourrender lajor Madison refused so to do, wile thote surrendered should be free' from tavug massa cre. This Was agreed to. . The liritshofli c ra pledged taernselvjes to protect the wound-, ed. and to convey them "to Maldeii the next .moining. . T be .' arms of the officers wjhich 'were surrendered rweret promised-to. he re turned To them at Maiden. f,"-' ". -. 4, Capt. Hart, Inspector tohe tf. W. army waScamong thewoUiided-Ri f iends offered to carrv hiiTj with, them ? but they- were pee. vented from doing So by the interference' of acuainunce ot Capt ,liart who promised lntn speciarprptection,ajul toiake ninrin his own leigh to Maiden; where IheiriSisted" he shouid remain in his ownf house, until ht tt shoufd recover Thesetwereihe promises of the Britisiv-tet oar country men see ho w. the'y we?e fulfilled At. the break of day rifXt mo' jiing, v- th e savages wre sufiered lo coOM mit everir debfedadolS udoO "our 'woutidcd fc-which - they . pUased. rAn ; indtecnmihate; slaughter of . the oundeiinablet to; wlk ktook place ; maovvwerd burned Uive in the houaes.; Among taese.anfortunatesh: were, tfjttsjmrderd itla:jviih 'regret '.an J' sorrow, wc' have" to name the gallant & brave The arms ; ot the bfficera were never re turnedr and every specioaof-privateproperty remaining.! irK the tent,x b'elohging to boUi- savages'..-; - ?f'tiy? yJr?yy. ; Jlebolved, Tbailm conaieritlonof ihehigjr respect we hdil rtbflcei and soldief itbta. wcrp' thus. crueUy wlirtfered by per rajs- viHiic ormsB commanaer uou rrocwr, and bis kubilteTnia btMrjose !jrho- glori ously feU in the fiel Mcling'jthe only free jrovernment onT earth., that each of os wear : ciape op .our, hat andeft Arm rpr ninety daj Si 1 yimrheir respect for the roe'mori of those l, who Vere. murdered ahd'alaixi: be eoni menuea u our orotiier omeers ana soiaiersj - 5t have th moment .received " 21 W CptaCFqrsyth,:inforSa of Ogdenaburg; yes.terjiay morniui I T? m the enemy sullereS vS 6D0tneo each; at 8 6VWv -1 aoHgaXthe, latter Lieut. BalrH . .Sf the coolnss .With which hia riflJLtri that the; enemy mtt have" lost tw" 5 tgataumber:Tbapfa nit iorce to macK;Lafee. . about 9 mff. ' side of jOgdensburg- tbi.' " KTfW more tdjj ; the number underCapt. F. 1 here storea of any Consequence at Ogs00 Albanv. Uat,'L' Albany is m confusion. Ari exw h has,; arrived from Colonel Pikei!w I ( caniiuc ascertain us content tl-7 i morning Qen. Dearborn started for- ' - ; in a coach "and r..;. Nnd the trodps stationed at Greenbush amotfnurfg. to about 500, bomm'J hheir march for that place "to-morrow : UWUU",B- -yww, iricypst nas adjourned the Legislature of Canada, and U marched with all his force to KinL0D , Somethingofmoment is certainly W transpiring. . - . y v f This moment forty sailors have V 1 yed in stages , from Newport, on their way to$ackrt'sarbor. 'Extract of another letter, same date. f Two expresses arrived here this mop. ningfrom Plattsburg and SacketHir bor: ;and at 12 o'clock General Dear born set off for; the latter placeJ He gave orders for about 300 men at fjreen. Dusn to ioho mm lmmeaiately,:! Itjj said, Sir George Prevost is at Kingstoi, andit is expected that-he will make aa attempt to. burn burvyessels. Tie ene my have carried off or destroyed ill tb public stores atfQgdensburg. ! L !:'' ." ' ' ' .' i' I , I . .V I .". j A' We r nnderstand, that the Governor has received a letter by mail from Nor folk , dated half after 11 in the rnorniaj of Tuesday rtvhich states tha,?n ex press; Jiad arrived an hour before, that the enemy were in motion, theiir boat! filled with men. The troops in folk: were under arms. J ; -The same ' letter states, that an ex- j press had that moment arriveflY a pouncing . that' 1 6 boats with about SO mftn ear.h were within a few miles of Old Point Light House, . standipg fc wards that shore. Two boats and a ten dert were employed the day before sounding the Channel' to Old Point; triaitheir .Beet .would probably be ki Hampton Roads the first fair wind, hi an attack was expectedoon atter. i Abother Jetter. from the same source, written on the 9(h, states that it wasrt ported lay a respectable American IancVl ed from -the Cartel, that "the ; stohefiigate got under weigh the day! I . -: T-.? L Ml htnr vpsrfrpriav tor oaiumoiei wi SpranE: her bowsprit and returnea. ' Other letters to other quarters state that on the 9th the men were at tbeil arras, and balls were in the furnaces si the forts.! ; 1 i - U&? This caution to the reader. )i give all we get j not that we Deue"i all, buts it may be true, we give Th nmv, vilf An fiomethin? J ' iQUght therefore to be armed at H points; A ime nf. 1 eiegrapna , w least a line of 'expresses, ought imav diately to be established from thegre points near the mouths or tne.nc' the metropolis ol V irginia. y ' . Norfolk. March U q;- ' !oct Yhe enemv.bas takt! WU .W.JV,- ; . i S-citirvn in Hamnton RbadSf 1 .iiio rtf line and one tngawj t-v. umiamtincr chinis nn lunik 'f i Vn nnri tfift nthT three about rtitanrea t Old Point Cpmtort. j if h ithnned all cornt5UDl mon Wltn tne nay,-iiuBr-. River ymdops. cult, and' dangerous lor i Mail to pass in future. ;." ; - Vftttr from Norfolk (iwetfl Richmond, 15th insQ says thaMQ sons'haa been taken Jnto cuswc pected of being spies. evidence against; one 9h; strong that it was dcuctc j expected. - " , rnL UoiER, commanding tbcj. V.mtri ar Eastoort, has in takiOg posseasioD w r away near St. John'sand pc 27 pieces of ordnance, . l4lb,rcannon, rtteen W'V; virjt ao. aiso, m- .gls . - r-- iron WCCp fl tor me large psBy i TLJ- Tl Wholes and 35 tons ci sboti v& dj y bence bailed ffom EBga "l-of rrcurvn; kst.iiicoir: six ther . tranortsr us pr V- A,lor,ta ilDOO Ol -Ji comBanVhh hem in n p . j ... , LA tnar privateer :nAeT& Tj.irkL . K.remaUWer A