I I WMaMaaiaaaaaawawaMaaWMaMlwaMM.aiMa.Maaaawaaa.aaa.aaaaaaaMwa.Ma Vpi AN i. i rr . " irrl it would'be advisable for ii tolcam 'I mut return-to Iorc - Mju' MACOXV SPEECH; GfccW and mlikc itX ntibokr Ian- which, ai well a J noW rccfjllccthevcT fbllpd the den. riWcftffejS , Candudci.' v b fsMr;";-TepltcB;Vjthal conuincd ,;afchtCnc,e;p:f3Vor:qf JEc and rhat rfLTo not consent toiS: of C coaijmUlti$cdt ! r,nd Kvh &dlh not even tfar !ab, tovthahe outc Harcomtpntcd which ltd d . f" -mener na one wnq . acciarciriic , 2 r , J . ....- ayprobate ; i a' fcnijol the ouraecof , msn.. and , think o ilfvAftflmM itattd tne rotrucs Lvaamreoi ;our oi rasnian. .voi panrnoqR. cr uit'ctdok. f iir vM" m D -Airare vt wrought W-fi .Ihehqfadvecato iafnf,tnenM psQya; -:j tmtn our ; vestela bihri be ide&naiives i r bv the nubbcr of papers whicb h e .:. ,!iu:d. and;oyni navinc ueen M in a state court 5CXX)idoll3rs for a libel, vMcn nc uicu Mj raaic- vjjc ,.oV believfe was wroatr,' I mean Ptcr Porcupine ;f r suppose j that hb v. thm a KrcDchm'an, avowed o- r.-K his rfetermmapen . to remain a Meet oi riaa-e, acu iujmii ma.pa rher.aJ conwnnv.'aauscu xne re -ral frifty cailcu them the fcoglish fittion ' inat me secanu man me cirioo ever produced was dead before the D3per wa catabtished, the vene- rtblc Frackiin ; that he abused ihin1 ,..:;9:(at noiseib thecoun- speak 5rcck -TJie sameness oflan- ente la thjy countr) which no other nation canpo$sess. ; -Marriagci identify- the people; of diSerent countries inj:he; UntetJ Sutes more British subjects marry than the subjects df any ether powejv, .Commerce bc iween both outrage xt as. copirnitted approbate y i a' fev that-time shall ben i r w aw- . i m ; . i . -i . . - .... march was . pUyed under tfce- window I becaijaVso great a Cavorite.iihvthe; Ee?- oi ine. manvno xircw ine 'Ueciaraiion n ucrar eciuicmcn wno.wcrc iucn of Indenendene The man who firUlrress that the voted 35 times tor Jbim - ' - - Ate " & ft I f C 1 ' I A - J ' - . . s iook up arms atter tne inuoi, unanesj 10 Daf ieaiacirt wncar mty musi igui' and hose body had been, almost KnownMhat not one ekejw whir vdfl middled 'in defence of hts' country,' was. fof'liim.v intend '-him for 'President a member of ConcressJand was-insolt- Aftemard Mr. Madisdn' WaaifaTor ed at the Circus-Anbther meJnbeN of Mte "but afttr the refubl th jriu'sb i r countries wnerc, -peopie . ti -uuuiwu cai oi nuuu, twiuueu m 6v,,fcM,-l.",,;,w:w a',If7 tjmp"v"4- 'iom the same f company t and at.the Theatre a man who win 46 his mde with ot such comoanieSyareormen "v 3,muu- :"V7 irrr .".".v, r" v. -v w,.---. ween; theAmWicans and English plAnother retuniing home . with dopeng M nis lamuy was msuiieu vana aimosci ucu iuc iaic woruiy aiiu.Ycwcauuic y more than'the Americanianti any . other people.- Secret service money :Bn- gland- and France both have the cha. T"3 ft mf nrVn'turini r rt i tn iicl if. fn advantage it would- seem . that nntl e nJeavored to brinir! aavanutre it would, seem that it U Ul " " ,0 1 1 k - r. ;ni.n K..k . n his nime mto contempt Dy-riaicuLe,j -vvv:wai7 hct iv,-U6 dUtt- ll mKe called ' him nothing 'but tal together to ;iarry on ;the 4nefari; JhtntnP-rxL " rrhat he hadtadvlscd Us bargains and doings which grow vth hlarV I but ofthts fund the sameness of lan- z cwWe. (which they djd) and all that guage.aUords Kngiana opportunities vduld not put it ont.ought to bV con f?rmtrigue in this country vwhich no siJercd inimical to the country. That nation ever -rhad or 'will have they, he constantly declared the govern- f ranee ana .ngiana,arc outn wining, mui o( Napoleon to be tbc.best in c?0 to have such men as Hcny , wnrldand'that this nancrl which amongst us; and if France' had stot Bfl-f v i.wc . J mpreasBQ : i n ,ois yea r r. rfyfjf of;tliem.bad b:(.0rii: fftrma'ktfi 'Kwi. itbA tfH xoiidHhih i5nfe iiofpsvl ;dK:tim?n;toV?c jomailc; .;tnearstufnetf .- renqhJpIIueDcrvo ' sifttheV would :onIdrhii?efoin dren fertrdars dlrehtls! I hicawii other federal pape ! gwa; reason, jDcaue7iney iiiigqtajire nai pareaiyj'w editor claimed to have selected a m2n from their, owp. party, f impreised yjs&f vie tpcTpuorJc frtdi t his paper than any ho they thought had; rherit. Kut all nes$It:r'he Ml&m union. . And after he these Jhinps may be IHe doings of those i tton rnliBe ljtp;::ift e, he wrote and, pub- f who a tormef 'member ot , thiS iiyuT nmtftiin:.tpbtm Af -W frtfAier sun. I called the ultra federalist s,. and it- wiiri! mav take a ceiit mobbed; he is now one of the cabinet, President and CoL Monroe became fat uicnuonca oy .me trcniicniau irum 11 ""'vc ui,,mwihu5 uvi uyi v t- iachusetts (Air. Cuihcjf.j , lt;t was not i ion apcur tne ume ne wasppoimea drnosf exhausted, I would Rtve some of I cretary of State ; -and. lastiyMr.D the details of. these then: fashionable Witt Clinton "became 'aonilhope transactions. 1 vtiu onJv aod, it was II c win., n..oeupjareuoy it, out nc nothingliii those days for a few-men to' I seems to be losing groundas we have wh'iDa nrinter whose niiblications. thet been fold, it 'was not his jneritlhat in- djd not like. AU these outrages and I aucea ne leaerausrs to-sijpport mm ior violations oi lawru is ociisvcui were noL ri 'tsiuciui wunit ucuitm u ooly approved by the editor pf the btf ire d.son, This'doesnot appear , to bea named paper, but also. . This same more subscribers for other editor in the .It is btliercd never had its equal for wc aaouia navc nearu ven urocs i:.hpfi ako it . om " . . . .if i f . t i Mt. . ii w ... r i i. . v,-- , r -'i it . - c , -fc,. v - v .-w'?i-. . . .j iciada oui publications, was support, as mucn aoout mm-innis aepate as portCrs. Had this have been a French libs recollected that ail thenaien be t cdby the party men in power, tne t,avt i ui wiuuiumuu mWUiu i editor, and acted toward tne, federal come lavorue on oiu voutiuc oi i. tit . i .ft. a. i ii mm nivp nn rrnnn iinrrrain t ii i j : i-.k.. ija..ui... - iriivi ri rnnntipr ann it mirrnr nm i f v n mort Mart trntii i... i.i.L : ?-..'-..' Ocmocrats. uou'a incrc not nave ; " w ww x imarijr as um iuwaiu-mc ncpuuutau, tfta as cood cruund to tatk about lvr,cc lhc sum which s stated to have (and the subscribers to his paper Repub couio noi inose wno iook ai cve- ig now. done to find French influ- have had as good 4 field to hunt in as an?' thcy.bave yet found. At the1 French influence as any which has UCCQ Svcu ior u; wnai suia was ac- ucaos, .t,t? .A.rin-'iinneahnntlh!V'R:,iven Idonotknow, but if; it ry thir tvJn Kt on was b50O00 as stated; I am content. 1 1 ence. fti4v, ii - . .. : . . .ii Eutntial democrat, that the constitu- r,acs amusemeAt tne plays ;and too cent etc the bay lad about ihe s .rae timeii Dublicatioo "T ihmg there makes the Englishman div;de and conquer and it ought not to American, 'e$itk; oy not jtarcaf x . .n" be forgotten that - whenr' Messrs'.-; Els ''VenftYtoVtiafm' thc' i? tvuit.ii wm U4ic ic'uiucvi;iLuiii l iauv-t) it wcacis.witcu.incy.arc OUS oii.lucltll9i,''-!''i': ofStheJnlied tatesSif asTnfe.ri:0v?;?t or them ; indeed A should not jje -suri zen'shQuld;b orisea u ivicssrs.- j jv. fk.mi?k . w oicoit ir iuna.. me wnftie .nmh. tvnniH ttr ir .? i i - . ii ,l tV.'.T piayers ot our theatres are cenerauv T577 W?M-? -,f"t Vii.k a .v.; ma inty talked as much about French ta constitutions wouia not uo, tnat 6 t:u-',!,wslv V,J Tu6 w,r un M a. .h- ninnrit. nn; a ? m ought to be made at the point cf them tends to jgive us a -; - 'Zan 11 b ooet,:hatnoSoveroment would qppimon oi an nngnsnman, ana , and,a hundr other equally ridi- is Mrhichwj ix,tfca ed. with blood : opinion oi a rrencmudu-eve- ... flnj nnrnnn'A-A ahirh rir. these , wuivuw tiaw w w v v w jr. , zenhQu1d;be4irf$rc&sed :onKArn(c Iandr: the V holfc; nattott woul1iri ancf nvter: should not much tanker Tie 1 f flarnti -the "rl&httK; niHti'tiii r:the Wnolnatlpttwoumi)efn tvthe -frt FrwhethcVn?Xie1rica culated for a,day. IQiave roentionetJ thee thinorW not . urith an intent to II wou wound theTeelines of any man livipp. tell do ybu'not recollect, sir, Mr. Nel- Ii bit with a .view of trying to persuade j ty name, Federalist. ippwrrd in a democratic newspaper the delight of the company, and the bfavwr of fixing a dynasty to go- Frenchman the contempt of it. And rtra ihe nation froiri their own oartv t do ou not, recollect, Sir, 1 Mr. Nel- i ...' c' .iii.lln urn'in rViail if fr.11 rln' nnf 1 1 tli r.a tsVir fallr art mith nhnnt Prnrh your venerable and respectable father II influence, to look at both sides of the II Washing wouid, was he living, that when we led ia another, one favoring . a divt lioaof the states. Could "not those ho now think they see French in faence in every thing which is done, ha-e easily suspected that all this, was iccoecied wtth French intrigue Ti.it the constitution had been censi drrtd s!n-.ot unVtmitcd in their hands, trer a clause which was not intended u give any p awcr, tud that under; it were bovs, the old men took great 'delight in telling us that one English man could beat three Frenchmen at sea, and (wo on land ; nay, we were taught to consider the French the meanest people in the world, and to confirm it, were told they ea frogs jrV '!t 't . i i same work miMtrf. If. the Henubl'cans had . then r- V - f a, - , I T . - asrditicn law was passed to operate and the tnglisn the greatest, ana bccn jn power, and Liston a French mi irlvoothc federal partv, . by which LWer toId lhc.v ilvcd on roaSt'Vcel Master, could not a strict examination of the editors of the ab'test federal news aacJ puurtmg. uur eanv prejudices i the documents have placrd , u a easily dj3?ts ami nfi..r t.-r- nnnth'-i fnr II were all enlisted against France rand as many other acts have been to French I 4 aa.i wv-aftr question about foreign influence;, and) (ere it theyiwill I hope we shall never hear thit some of the people who claim of it agajn in this Houc. ; .hj be his: exclusive fo'Iowersf,? haveC their x.Mr. Genet,- when he was minister of seircreated.WaOiington t rancebegan to intrigue, tor witich he jcielies' wherevcrthcy was dismissed. was minister ' J I I ' v. y tavorites-- n we mar. tur ?e ironitne tsatni public prints, commodore odgers isno an'fHAmeticariJvessel -:v :!pf Url; longer one, though he, like the otjiers,' irttis rerha i is understood to be - a federalist j but not; ; word afd t(0; these men will ntvectsiy, . peaceably' iiiipreisifig.i(m if We cahV forcibly - if - we ' must f'yl of ithe ' ' United 'Btateh tmtfii&:$P&i 'I id realty tnanic any cenueraan rr snouio have been srfidlto Of 6ve tliat;we v ti! . mei what is now meant by. the pari ought dbttdHh'ae If is a fact on record,' that( General 1 . W!n8A'AW I onldtd'n6VaVwv.e;'ofHfd ated socieues, and l have undemaodjl" y ' iwksay .1 H fHm 'anH n V n..nl' ;i.l.rii; iLV l II .t!fieraf. ,efr , aj(3ffitp5fe '. Mr. Liston,, when he? them, arid that they -were of Enghnd,' began . Ihe4 oppose sdme 'oSer lociety ; , for which he was-not dis-'i Tammaiiv. This could n fendme their opinions vcry Douy anovs tney arc not reaa . muuence federalist, no 'matter 1 v G0!1 clear off.. - . . .While, .it ricauonsue aid that every mhis revolutknary . services" mav rure been or hts qualific rcspcctibmtv, was tum 'e, because they were fall these ihings were doing, It muVt annear stranre to the neo- land many others quite as strange, -the " ' r " o: 'Z V r, -if - .... i.... r-itf. tut was their only fault. AVoulcfnot part, to settle every' dispute we" had doings have furnished some I with England by negociation, not one ground to suspect that it was. tinged II of which originated in any, wrong wc French rlemoemcv ?. ' II had donel We had acted honestlv ii7 ; . : . ' ' . T7. . : - . It is worth while to examine what ?nd W, to. J uations-our tor- qearance had been so great, that tne here to his principles. and attend to hk oest aavice. iivtry,-act oi nis wem iu, perpetuate the union and to attajen re states toeach o her. T fear the senti ments 'contained in his farcwell-'address to themation. arc eettine outoftashion rv body but a sailor. ut do not permit wi;h" those who cUim to. be his exclu-Jihini to become ''citizen j .herwili bejn way of naiW.sac4,;;ho;wTOt.en. npnf vninr .'sn i i ti'";vM iuimwjuu ,mi uat .t ivum, iiiuuiiik. .- . s.- Can . establish 'oph;'Ui'er. gme:riC 1 re mtendeditb eu witb: r t - perhaps the . ' li$earVdo , not;iusiify the Impt'essmenhen i proceeding As to myself; I do ndt part4u,iini.ims trade, vantnay,v - ; : care if there wasne ihv every thfe lhatpreat BriraijAmari f v. iles squareln the naUcnVso thttil-tftfi't wiljing f left rce hot ttfbe a member " ; f : hraiiithoSi I plaint frbny quarter ' G,:Brjtainoeerytra .iThis.teelyJias,-. tnsjtf : tunategovrame "ll'l i .rpnt.to present istdahTQtos 4Q';is.-wrongr:xas;.r';to nhe"'t' i-feai-of goferhmeri' ! ito place, this house andlhouses o&K$? k Ir. r'..-.- '. . -.',-. . i. .hi -f,- ii.: f...i J'l Vion, merchants, lawyers,, doctors snj even idirines t to -which may addetlj tradesmen vsng mecnanics ,; iney;aii go -where they plsaie, h?e amonusV -and tUce'paa In the polities' ofhdaIf loreign iuuence .coujii oe imtroauzep in toilhe copntry by haturalizi ri gwe should have, mbre! B ritish ihatvof French ; but iiituraliaing seems well enQUgh tr eye Q'rs are most likW tr crWone na. Pearanci ti.mir !n- .:.k -..r- , j : I ccntleman froni Massachusetts said, I sire foil uwers t" or whvf do wev hear I the waV hrthey mav support the opinion' of somc thie past, that the then majors witbm these walls, the ! foundation of couragement rbesides We know thaj Lr. the great influence? tofir h France' is lY "could nqt belickcd into war ; and hich he laid for unibnr union, fohion;; Britain will imp re . . - II " . !' I . petted to have in this codn "people who speak the yd me, cannot y o:iieve that those vnh svhom talkie tbcir ownoj 'gne'rs ; they intermix m corapa rv how oftehhas it been declared in this disunion spoken of, peaceably if ioe con, as ell iVfimt Hbusc,;6y men of botbrparfies, that forcibly if wc mustd ..why listen io theyfcar nJ we 'had Just cause of v war against G. idle and.uriJoun.cfed;;aJesbout foreign qahorE was wrone m ye: naoer nrotecTions t:.i - America rT 'Seamtn ir if was wronty to . : v haveJJft mercytin luav MU,WWitlK"M'V . l. n . .2- ' J. ' ill!. ,"1-11 .'Ji ' IVJT- :J '.L-V'.uJr 'iV..i.-liT- Britaid and France bothand that War "ucncewqicn n;neycr mjurc u, nas never cotnpia.nea r - '-vro "ll? . . - : ii'icu -.c!.T.f-r ,r .k.. .' : i ivc svstem ana now mat wc arc ai shew fJ without any dtfifulsy, and without ar, it seems at any thing would be, has become of ih'eChewsfcaper ctdfedjhe;' inoViog or thinking that thcV live in better than ivar. : . Tterestrictive sys: Washington Fcderalisi ? - The . name utent countries: the French hay- "m:5avepwucea tnetaeswea was,7l.haye undetstood, changed to the htentl bn?uaof most of the wet, had it been continued, and-en- Independent American-ioui: of Jthat;i . . o . r i 1 l r .in.. . . , ..... . . urts cf Europe, has undoubtedly rceu ana ourion iQiDearance ana believe was raised the eder Kpuov na mr;,;,r.r.Vki tvVV tk eci4ety to live in peace hadino other lican afl crootinamesibut why.1bse.the a - - O I 1 UT.4 -1 L!x 1 Ili - w r fir t5 a. A a. - aVaft ft a c a;nst naturaliziniT foreign kailori ,; and we hive naa experience enoun o P (hat our merchants .could Complain and compiam aimosvagainsi ineir; own eoor piaints. licv uieirrproperiT. utjwMi ureu, or expected to be captured under a new OTocr jn i? rancetTr y XLiigianu, anu, juwre cnmrilaihts wiil be made ancut it, tnan ,tske Canada would ;b&wrpigvindee idoulov.bVifncit I whlefr haseen'oe Jghi'acc ,tfie'ificefhTiMiet&e pihUiirjiy.u ootlieitaoi!4h?3 ;seaft'iolawlj'ie tf&spl lsfoferWh the;jimDrcsstB:o .ciiiaSt TheShuatibn of a merchantwbenpjun derd i bad; enough, nut, nisproperiy -'s'ri'rt taken aVayiWithnutatrbl pf.somfe veirs to have' lasticcone-himNoi so wiih" fhe sailorwlAn; impressed is nb'learned Judge jovdiedey hisjiiaseV or lawyer to iVavs -uscdoiM.'iJdrt ?n- have? made been wrongs undereveri admintst ration :u WoWadrprlsVthtl' people. We they hefetlf 1 1 0er-two such rMfdicolfjcr v iibwu luai ixixiw v. uiv kvuuk.uivi,)Vi "i " f i ,

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