A;& A. ; . A;w . - A-;-v;-:f'vAw - CrA'.-y t,i;.J-,,svt ;:&!: . ; - , A;ta ? ; ; . ;AA Yj'.v- v'' AAi.-.yA o.rt.v.fp,.J. vAA;aA:A -m? v ' 'AAAA iv-A - " ' ' " "" ' "" " ' ' " " 1 " '" " ' ' ., iwli 1 ' ' ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' 11 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 'lh ' ' ' '' ' " '" " - ' ' 'Milium, r , f 1 iv. w. Of lit. i . Gift raEpEVtUAlON; ..a k it Keti f "ml ilh the fuUo winjjf ' JJtrr frcm rt of hr .CorKU Mrmbert JT Conprt m W i friend m .Couat r-. anrnmwc that .wif irdcr )M rNfcrrk PkjierU'ikhicir.JV rftciv'we'j 1 ... P TW.'f . . . , " ti I ccr.s fc r ir.h cf j-cur cpnsirtcra- lacr-CRioscr .'f vra fom cur C1 ci:rt tn.'.ne. j.rfRcni 5:nije-io e cr fi t ne'e tu ' r'' fc thr ' hr P rir j r f tht- trnrr per rourc.cn. ica, or: o I fixed tjr .3na iuiwji xwr- rr' tun r.'ttS m P -Iia-nt rjt Tdse actn of ib?moibrr ccuntry;e?e tvOv'Her d ts r.-rccrrnfnccmcnt f n.yau-m rT.-of;-, p??kn; h it the- rr c; c pi caVuc 'bftbricMif f tirl.b-stijr.ThcTo ;n 6 Lncf curHbirt)- "rijid in rr?ivii - " " - r ' I jhic c t uurpa'inn, 10 y no-l.-tcif ;h r tew of injuntce : whc'b InI rd crtcen:inu, hnc which i,V t H pcft.'s in, and for thr rstfprrs vhth e ruve jrone to war, reft.fi jbfeathe to austalrV Animal lfei 4Irt pro- iand, rKlMhc jaiccTl :JDUr cause, so hcTe tne firth ai3 hirdlparty nieh,' in creased' their epposhjonjo'cur Roverh- mfnand dtfemletr that of Our cntrrues. It a abS 'Iuiejy nereaary foij eYery Oic rho yaluea lift , property otfjibcrfjr o i alfr Bmur.d t!ie andard of their CuMir, '"nnd to defend her asrairfst fo- ftirn or .intern A pes. fhe 'members ii'CongreVs Triji Georgia" and ; Soutn oarouna. arc unittvio a man iir a vi- C'rous posec9tion. cf the; waf nd it murrriQ.oe .ciesir;a icai ynur oiaic shoiikf tke the bmc !tfn5. .BuV uh- for oncttiy, you kavij, thrre nembcrs, rcarson, ivi unae' ana 3anira yvao are "opposed to erery .measure adopted f r thU pnrp sr' Thetwa first ere pro-fls-d f e ?IU?! ; ?he,1-tter, Mr&uri fortl, calls himself a republican ; and a! :huii in 1798-9 h voted fur Jahn A- darii& army' to'tnaVe vrr on France. flfni cTtry person Kntw, irom ine re lative kl;y: fon and circumstance of ;ne imto niMtis, i. was irnposi:uie io em ploy it'rgiitiist hiff 'he Jiow refuseav to .6,r.mn or moneys taprostcu,eJ the m'.s jul tvar tn whichf rny nitip i or pcOr iS'wur,: eTerenpBped. ;I veiHy bcr licve that our indrpcTi()ecei our all is jrsr.iUe 'It ii hi:f tended rn ,lhe suc Cess of the pres nt war.' We claim no hng burwnat we are eitided to by tb iaw oi na:ure ana pi nations, wcco not w.'sfi England to t Wrrrnder the rnaKestof Iir rights, bm tf respect and Jave our unn;o!es d" At fuch, r.mc can it sid'ihit Mr. Stanford U ?ar;i pofnglf forte coulq , iif procured fromheqe'yl Uy. wejf hemminnsof d? paun pneU R - L J , ry JO prvuce an ip. states forejfcerrpo5e, Tot it is rom fji ... i.senajou.aepaperiijtovrw v;v $h the iSentimenta, herd ;by)he t&r'ifa feaeralistsV ? -we roust staid- stiU"aftftheTmty tiesof pJp4Tnerc li l& atVtIisr ? IikfeiiUtietif: bjaUueirtt-Hv' I rfiTiaffJa! v "hlaae ta the ComnSarider of r A 4 I no doubt ut there axe'emi through pur couri surcupOj mong population ptiolisbed will eee p pur feeling; rWe, should copcetyc thei sctb'i u w tidal Sfioulcf Uie f northern ' " The bubUcariph to which I alluded you habcen heard on the floor jOf C; Dgress. vrV'VM?4r Yet AlrvSranlbrdvia, Totihc: with men, and throwing hiseighc in.the scale' of persons proitssinj; sucd setifncnia;, appeal tomafterof fact, Examine .the Journals jhe twelfth ;Cohiess., J. bdjee b-may truly say ;his, vote . . wilt be .found among the- republicans on o. few, if.,"oy impcrTant qi?esvvojsBui il i tii tie to quit TihiV su;5e'5 prtsa: mjt)"g ihat the Newspapers' have: fur nished you whlvxorreci informittipo-as 13 tbe proceedings ot lgresss, tid wrth all the rews whfch t in circyrayoiv at thls'plate. I WiUcon ludr vTih the btst.wiihc jlo-you- and family. . '5 Frem iti Albany Reef rating itc prr of. a fai hful representp uVc of ihe' people whin by his fcte, ti :.tcr of Ike iedcral censftiu'inf u. Ll ifir dccUriMon of the warr England ireur era'd to imprtsi .AmrrVan sciP- n ; ar-U at ihtime ht!d ff ibc Iu? bcfi'iige mojc than six thcuTind'ci titrrsvf the U. Stiles, cf which we hid f5. ial if f rn-ulion,. but the tci tctub'r I bate n6 doubi is much grea-. trr. CtpU Jrne; -who has l ntgrdir." tit same bouaeJw!th rne;, says thfrr rre serrral Americans' rn bcl br; BnMhh seTenyfur gun ship-vh!C lock bim after he captured the.Ffo!ick. E rS.ial acccu'nts now before me. .1' hi rrevjrcs to a -cKritJon of r, G. D itain had captured and con irn.ntl n nr hortfred and cv-nren Ao ric.fn ntttlt nd their rarjtoes -titherr is ihe most in!uhlbl)!c p'rof, ti urder her in0uence the tndJ?fi5 kit: been irwfflord to murdrr rur !.eln and inn cent women and cUtHdrrri VrlE f.P R O S PEt r5E FOft EUS . The yc3r 18 1 3 prrstn 3 to ouHvitw inc uniira o:a 'rswuicnv.DUi'.a yes terd y, burst the b.Hidsv.f slavery fytd acqvitd- her independence at the"' ptn :e of. her best bto'ojd ad much'irca , sure J governed by an txsu'tVc'fdected by Staves I Yc.vl" I icpeat el .cted bv siaics ! . For it is to the .nti-chrisiv.n, anti republican and shaded mflutr-cti of one million of African, ht$ in Jhei most object bondage, by the rjccple of ine, southern-S;Atesf that MrAlacASpn qwes his e-e?eciion ; and hot :tdrt!;e sufTrages of a majority f the frc wh"fe inhabitants of lb United j States liut tl:i$ is not all, f r it is these seme slaves have depressed our infant navy "hackhd pur commerce, andif volved us in'lhe disastrous war in which we are now engaged; and tor ihtrrf, thriforef'it is no more tha;i reasonable thit Ihe executive should now. lock for tht means to prosecute iU Ve. would not wish to be understood as insinuate ing, that we had no cause, fbrwar-fir from it-i-our ilghtb tvere invaded ; but ! we contend that we ought to have fought tu'the crura-which should be ursuerlM redress ,n ine same wuy we were in Ojr childrrh's children, to Uct eene-M j,,rcd' lThc 00011 U proper tle: rations, mut feel-the rfw-cti if nor cm, nrjtota rrpubl.can g?venmtnt, thm duct! Shall'we entail on them fetdnm and there let us contend tpt Us rights- It is the -.manner ..ani, the rcisy mre fliianthih thrse which tKYU.td the Utvolu'ion.; RegJidle.-s cfvrjr r morA'.rance, ifid 1 may almost l ineir orst inrerescs wpum nave D?en sarnlitHx.9 from !he time- cf the sacrificed f Strip the arguments undtr :wn:tn nt -ai'.empis 10 jus ny uimscii ci Cutivkmake"scbtVn ta roake tne pcop lQoirjKmtfteffpra ihejr slaves the: cnsequen bwrepaUti. lie i-KMrU4ghtuat and' 'knaves u hcjoveraf iiio.ttieJ seat cjtccUvetnmen; lie:, ou2hrtor 1 Know inai me vvqj aa i var u cuii-. ,qu jfnis u EAi iu,.; 11c voit uiu icr obtaiof rbjett pbr 'mohe); tQ jca'rry iton sucpessfulHv '.'1 He . niayVstabusb xas manv. nfcTsppprs.fthrugbw of tb.e'cGu ntry;i.s.': be pleasejjJimav dispense all his favots artongv ihe lift evtry ntn v;in a ar Renter cam a 0,1 r- f icrtrit bpinion.roni themivFUp the ! also dismisalb hisldm:fftl:l it wi.i not acr vaaTpjataunn 1 , .raR'iiiistmotdm i: oid jpr!ith"eit 4 ' their soj.histiy and falie colouring, and ?hy led tQ the turcncltr of curhono-i and dur independrnce'to the mu&(bise, aaib'.tiocs and rr "fligaie nuion on car.h whove avarice; is unbounded, and vin'oseC a "of ""cruelty acd eippiession exTena ro cv ry oojccx wunin ner con rrou'. Vi? wing the wrongs which we luvc recciTed, ' and those trnps in creasing ih proporticn to oar submis sion, can any man who is a friend to ms counuy hesrate, for & moment, as or slavery I Resistance, m?y secure he fo mvr, submission' vill certainly ftave them'Oply the ihhtritance of the Jahcr. If in : our struggle we should lall, wc.shill have thcconsolalion of ha taefrorj'ieri. in a manner ion bornd vn? falkn in the'eadse of juitice, hu take nrmed. We 3I50 .knrtyt by th: 'manity end patriotism J but in submis- ccr.f-vsicn ..f her accredited agcn'(lfen n 'there is ho consoUtion-disracc n) d.ai br- ht s sent person among us. contempt most follow. 1 feci, sir, tr -ow tbe stJs of dic rd, tn llglvtihe " though I had dwelt too'long on this frvhcfcWl wjr.andtdrUsmrrr.brthe subject'; let your own feelings, as a' it she hf mutred rurriti- cii2en cf the UijUed States, plead my r.rK ri hin mi- own watet. Artrr he- excuse'; and permit me to suggest i g u(Tertd there wrorpswc art-told 1 1 y 0 a the importance and necessi y for U 'N? fcen!! tV.ai'd thircVpjry men. the people in ydur district to lend a tt.uh? ar is .impolitic '.unj'.tM end member to tne next Congress, 9 I : that-Ecdand lia d t)e us no willing to dtfend the rights of hiieouh t u ii jury. It. was not to have try or sirk with her libeny. Yuknow br X-li-vtd, that whtn goverrmtrnt t is najural forepersons placed in dim rf fltn ud arms for ihe nrateetbrtdr culr xjr digressing siruitions,' to' feel a tie mnsi ts enrial rights cf her cittrens, V'ng ahment for each other.' The rr-r .r:y, hfr and librrty, thatny per- independence and brmness. ot Major s . . I 1 " . II (ArliMn : in ikn limi. uliill. it fn rftct 'hemselves and their country". llducd in rne this f fleet Should be be a Jri me n who bate enjoyed jrari.of oiin I candidate, and M f. St his opponent, I prospvf iiy except. tQ"?r m jl Mr w ui. jti-s ir.3.rtd by France and Encbmd) I knowledge of their conduct dtiiing the .t . - . . ' ' ill.-. . . r . " irt irr inn rniv irf." rrktrr. iriasi nu wiocui ccjnuii ui vwucicjjmi on r2riH:'nnrri4pH'witi;m-fpf. Ilth-t theMaioh in my opinion, is to be r "f.y imw.i II "..'. . ' . II "cmi6 blood of itheir4 f.thrr, b.sly Satly pretcrrcd.'" HiStrmness in his r?rir jhtir "aid. nd'"ea)l 'thrmsr Ives cnuctry's causecnutles him,to the con- '-wji cf feacc unparalleled duplicW. nutnee ct toe peopc. nowever amiai rLred vi plu he fore the war, when Erg- opposition to every measure of govern lu .dering,' murdeKng and mcnt for tbc-piosccutiin of the war ibtirjj our citr.v:s slate of pesce II with vigour, renders him unfit tortprc it mas war on htr part, and tubrais. aent a. people who ztt .determined ti cs oq onrs., Thatcur gdvrrnmenf (support their government, arid itheir V dHrrad'oMes now anxiously deiUkbts. There can exist ntf "doubt'tbai -vc , en jest and bftner an Je terms, ro mr 0pp9sr.wn.1s joiy cnargeaoie rn-n, wi.hnut rbmmijtin s-violation many oiour raitirtunesi fgatpj it is J tvry printlple cf liu'th, ca'Veny- bsduiely necessary in my; opinidn, for 2 mtjmrety splinted 4with""eVery! the 'people In" the 'Soulhern .'Stares1, to I kn-v that their srdentdestre is jplished sd long as their RepresehtatiTes l-cr , tiit nr. V n terrhs pf degradation, are puf suing a different ourse ;f ha Vtr ' : :i u.t 8 Vr cf ambition, oi ff England,' in the l4orthernand EaVcro " -i -iui;-aei:- pflhe few at the I Stales, would endeavor to fling ibe bur- --!'-. trjr-jr.any," but for ths pro- F hen. of ,the svaton the, Western .and rv!:U4r"J "T oT, indiVidoind ScHtJTeTrW ,Tht$ ; h as - bee n ; y efifi ed ' to i-onsi tights 'asstential to ourr thet w?st and.the sornhfit is probable, ivV V ac,tion and ourhapprnesr :l"soOn fee! the'eflcd uThe. Cbesai 'Uils, at the viul olr which iye pcak'e n airsdy blixkaicd and X hvtc fjrrn we object to :-; 'L-evs of marque and 'repiival. ought lo hvc tak'.n plac?. fler ihe dVcLraiicri of-war ; ,and p?e p'aaiioii"f'r'th.defr.iCc of our -ie:i pr:s and extensive lKm'ier, ips e of :hM . 1' .1'. . in vision anu conquest. 1 teirr.pry. out let us examine acts js tfuy are. . The pbysicatforce to' carry; cn-this war must be obtained- from thesiale north of ihe Potomac. T.i the. 'same, quarter must ihe ex't-cti.tTe apply f;r ihV loan necessary tS fill the empty'Uasu fy, for the wester and outhsih. siates have nomonvy to loan : and the fb'mer nare no more mtn iiun are necessary roads of ihe SiVees : anu tne latter can- nnf aerd off any cfficieht, f re w hou endangering the; lives of those thctt ere left behind, , by ah insurrection cf 'their slaves. , majority .of the. northei states, jt is well known, 'were averse to the yrar z its dcpliatiorij and the m?ti: otr tp ubicb the. v carnpign t has : en conducted hs very mucn increased that maj rity, as is fuUy eyiaced'hy thelate electioris inthese states.. , AYhat thenistve prpspect before us 1 ft 'is this.- We'are ihvolvrdln a wa"r, contrary. to the judgment ahd.wishts nf a hiaj irhy of t he people cf the e Stiorth, cta States, Vtr are,rmVd by a Chitf M'givtrate, not chosen by a maj jHtylcf free citiuns," but by; the slaves of a sec tion of our. country r. and this1 .Chief Mi- gisiraie tsttp oe oPi'Pea ny aanaj'nvy of;-! the .rirxt 'Congress; n :;thf jntSn trme ; nt. will -.not pe. aoie to cpv1? ne loin ieq'uiredi'lief Hill not belabe to in crease the, my ;so': as to : fna V i nf way effbieoU iA payy can&t'e'buat in a'day Wd should the;BuUshrclali ate', by landing;' av ioiur fectlW mdog,the Wacksibat mehtthe wairin is at ndfdrwe. gt?e it a !dur opi hicn. Lh3t that rnomcnt tbe.tlnipboutd cease :4Cexisi X.Dr Utfse.rybMi 'Vl sV Tolssa'e'cAhJojrpuli fndticc the iPrcstdent to call Tcrs!drfra'(Kl'tbe I northern's ttes, tappel :theluVast on I jnities never the dise-s war. cannot however ver -Ambitious-; Vaa'.etiterfiHfe tp.car- ryx ch a . war contrary to, the wishes of a majority of "thev people, ur ss he nau preyiou-iiy a poweriui army suo servient -to hU-.-vieysC tThe peslftt ftdmiiiistratiobi judder 'the idmididf of the Virginia da carrot cann on thVyaf ! ' f'he failure. ofthejoan wiU Coranl the execu jyr to re.rt to direvt taxr?, and these v UFput dowp any adniinistrati n that lays them,--; I n! this case thtpitbcan psrt muspj fall also. . r rem ths5 tcts men; wc draw these conclu!4ihs , , V&l j , "Vhc Virginta.dyiismcit' be put dorvn, or'fhc wlfoie republicatarty f in the: lpited States must fallarsacri prewoWtohetof: ayuiuriseu OT8r If 1 shiproraVdNefe&ryVor taeit-b'yycA Hofd.liffjh$.piinjciplailh ? deatidnhzesUhrefty :.i , The fJcrte.ofm M 1 ? it! A" AH mEaf I t' I t i ficeo their ambttiori i and - hi - their.f ml ' mm I U; mot onlv ngcr: the, qniono jAMkrmita)d the states, ' bul' jeopardize theextst CaaweU etyv enceof the renub'ic itselfalThe pros- ;i;dehi V one. believing, aye dp, that ipie ;byrts Republic fetched its mortal wound (y :inissiexiifiyirrf f$ sbautyeirs l. J ,, :,.?vwc do Ag) pi 8 not expect any .senous attenuonwill ;tprbtrkir 4b'.:4f be paid- to thd above obsetvatfonf 'buryirgf 1 j A but impresfiecf af we are with the por .3fe;& j trntous state ofour-couo.U deemed it our dutyksareemeo. & WeTrerided Wvetofey speak thus fdVeihly tdur riilrs: : Miiektp ijA : . rnv'&t j'dFuti yfM adt;Wof aa ; .! H' "' - - v .' .A';.- A;;Al.!'i ?t. ';:y fesKfn'a,Ub9uri b'lsVtplacectresVcience '-.''A?kt-). r last Wunis fomsJaniSmenrWei frf thrdrentcbUelathatibeJhdepend. .plexbj Ver'ng frodd sWck l,at: ths awful earth. "V0' 1 quake,-and defe'ctW of Ge-AlVrandi hadi iftMi Vj.- prodHced pn their sacred Cfof.Liber fr i Col MaVee anel hta he?olebanaAAhavV al? WW&f&mb ! , littvbpen crowned with iforviiti fyj&kV fid.tbaC rflr big the Mexican patriot t, U delt nd iS' pse the afmrof nidBarChistsVfOina Ly Governor Calcedo; a partiaaa;df ttofuK KWw : Chkanoru;t.Iewie:proou honor and hapinesshia NewiWrldj -& f ' JI-S Vt& -Af Jl JL-.tik.Wrf.rt.v..i Thr'aboir.Uevawiltbe;iritc thei ' aA I' i bftheCon'stitutrwiwr vVehievi; . f ! on the! Brazil; hare'thif resDunSed frp(- J aidesapenc, i-irivenior'anv. one. oi.riaem w'iii..i ---i"?!--?-' n jBt .Salvador to Unxa'. iuid frptn Rfjer la platd to lexiwi.Jind tbat,it has Abeen Teceiyed ;b'at rncb joby,tb;e lAdeertdhta of Urn outlMma oy me- real itepirocan Jioitntfrrt part rtjie'weaiern v yve coincide tuny Cla vZlkle- Stieakdr of wtatiyeiwbowTsely and. justly nber in Sodlh-Aineriea, tbaftrlbe poLt tbatftttuM.prDawnt ereaxer concern vt1' ! mh-h.iu" jt I lliL-- iNi tuArtf h. ArM-ira. than 'the no I t"J UI7 will Dfrncidattr be derf ved fronfcoor intimate acquaintance, ec connection irtuMJijR. nun of apuleht andfrapidlypwing-e eiorpraper fitAth .inh$blamlri SmPM Bwon,t'if;'0eyW. liiiW Ht 11 these hajdiaer.cc . Ul?A fc-! - -?''&pifty -- ' . i. j, .j. -- -r t" . f- ' ' ".,''.' .5- . 1 . xSy '..--i!