Or. StuttJir .rnbrnlfir arrivrd at thH port, ibe "ship liMerpritBvrKcrjo lit w.ni'Ui Ul.ll UTV iJti (IS iw;cju we yQ c reoruaYyv .., : . -fc7f Opt.-. B informed us that nothing "inlcs ; andlhat ;licrd vYdhngtoo as id iia stroce-Wd.-S"- : '-'v. ; '.y- .'. Byjhcfcane! abrp Uniftd.State ao'd Wibenrai Lopdon paper! to the 26ihxf Ji.ua i K inclusive. rr received at the OflU'e vfCbC Mercantile dmtiierA- tr m.tA "r'uSr r-ar1r-r liriil .'V nlr.eirl - Yi?bi in 4ipinun4v.he.B w infirm them that ill? f IIawtnr are thVfintr artJe.lt cWtainc in jhern Wort h cop vfrr--- The passengers inform that there lveracreat discontents. in ail parti ol ipurops under tjiV tontrouV. "of Don j. p3rtet even in Fnricc, 'and that the Em - fror j? rocentfaiin; aU (be forte he Jussiani iir cbect, Vn Vtb prcVcntvthe Prtissuxii and Polei from revoliinff. . vapt. Burgtfrom i L'hor hteh tlacc be let. jn the 17; h f eb, inurmau thatacktKartied'hcTe the dajrfce Tore he jailed, io 19 jhVa from England,' bri rvqi h g Ixoddr ac(iiru to jeX tb tebrcixy bu Jl,ai ihcrt. vai; nd-oeka f eiryjm'poriaQce ' f - v ' V We tbV rtuc? i tlir Vextraets Xrcmi ihtfUJttcnLur -pjpfrt received yeitf.niaji Goyerntrfenii iby-f h iam coarey TKet-Te,-dTi$ptchr."trtjra Xdrd Cathcartr dated Jph; 2r:JW.VS They con'afnlno TreSviniltay Jvcxili j bothete 1$ a PrhcIarria.tioi:a:gritdJby to -the pebpteof Gcrroahyt and particu lar J jr Xht Kxoc i.f; PrUJSiii declaratory of thcXE'nfxrof Altxaride'rVtnxiettt) fcatbre the balance of power xf Europe, and all the lustre and, rsicnt cf' domi. tion to the thrtsne cf rredeHc.lL .fee acccunia iroia nuna. wa riusajm.arc of tbernoit animating and Intercstmg character. t Our extract vYeerf ay ata. ted that the preericeand Jnttrpsaiiibn tf the Kirjr. were -not able o restriil the expreasion'tf; the public joy'. Lit t'he . rcVeraes of .the FrerKh, InAtb tbeatrt of Berlin. Thla ecMng-'pretailed ltIO., the iihule - cilyi in 'tbtch the PrcricJV were attacked; and maoy t f them riiai-'j larrrd tr ibti titiaetVi.' EVcota at Vii enna, the'eaptta! of ibe f3tbtTin law cf BonapaT.tr it ia saM" aeieral Irth ,bu. tantr had of their own accord. 1 ilium;' hated iheir.briusea, and.Celebrattd wife joy xht aucceaa cf theJlfsaian arms; X thus.apptarvthJvVhcea:riiltton oj'tbc gratd French am y ha tlrxcrfjr res' td cd tbrour;a au Lurrpf, ana produced s Ttaciico m-the nublicmind. blch htf? compIeteljLhreri all those spells apdj chirms by ublch his good fortune had hitherto tnioled'Bouapatie.to hold it in captiTity. lrt"n the Kiog- of Swedcnlt sid to have rirparted fom' iheJ aytcm of caunm ahdieserte, which he haa hi tbcrto pursued,-and, . ptu cliing couiag' rfrom the lai'retsorRussia, jjaiiorucied the French .ibMJuW to kavc bis ca pital. ThcEmperpr ' AVxtnder Jii been receiyed. wjih the jntHAt Jivej-de-. rnontra;Ions of joy at AViloa nd, , ii said,-that at "Moiccw; trade and :a nutcfufjea icviftin" arirexiraordi'-arT ronher; To thousnd .five 4 hundred ahtpV are already builtV&ndthr tVk'r;t place ts cTry day ibronpjtd iiho "pro digious hombrr. of. huyers; and aelien. " "ThcmUcmuJe inhabitant? y ha effected Ihrir escape into the neighboring. Hjjos and waste cm - the appruach of the Frtnch have no doubt, seiaed the first opportun(yv.ttf Tetuiri,?aiid ae'tk shelter In the' rpins of thrir, former fomrsAi Thea4Jiirnrnent j of - respective , heed- 1 quarters in Prcswa. for tVe several curpi ibat lately coDSilxutrd the Rvriod Frenrh rny. appears to 1 be' only a'ritJt ic aem .'The French cfUpsannouij' ced on their," march 5far . Knlperg XaTiciibrVfri Mrrehwetdcr and I horn, were sta'ted at 25,00- men -'each, "and m.. : . b(giiiiuuu loriviumu m..uiuiiij ai ' every stae ; "butthVy hidalready gone; 10 M that bo'Vrnr from whence no trrel-i ;V J JAW AtT 3ff. v,.. -; . , Sretal . of . the fgtinyihlps ;!atel tauncifed and raoninf. are ordtrrcd to prt Jred. f r etVide, tlthut. delay! oucn itne o,Dariie.ihips. (third ratea; artand m fe pf trifling reair,are to be sunr.cYCd Tot omptetica-ajb ' A prniiiofrcpecuWIitr has fast enisled fm ii ti Tribes' wi h the intelJ l?ce frjih cmbirxo oi lh the 'porta En.Lsb ncHpepen; , which' iised.to he recttrr! ihrri rerMlatlr. .uavc bem rli V. 1 irVJwger a master irdouht tha: e Ficptrt. CSare drt AflTa'rea . Icf $;okhotm in dirAc, ai hu beta sta ted. 4 Trie letters from. Goltenburlal Jude to:br fact a 5 an, event, generally known S " fnd it f s ejnaily eertairl, 3 thr he w,n cnocIccte4 dt'of UjOCOStry b; Rxtract cfa letter Cotn :jXrrttis CCnUod) bdeclaraur hU goremmen made -titho ureUobl,o Canning, and drawn:' up by 5ir " dtixm'ScokU en tabare anrrer elt' ;.jftrsrathia cdntrjpcfojrc thia parappeaired'; thV-TrtanniL bt rwhicb : Mr. Moaroe.Ud placed therea't question taAd isinl Wtrrrn. pita it ibe advafitacre rround Iwre even m ;ioig iriira .but tbe public ludjcrt.bich;in tbe brat of time ire itroog rairut tu is mhr wholly, I ,rnar ay, pb ihcJ that ia the present fc-teri&b atau fottr reU- ttona -with other countries, tnli goverdmem wm rmzcrta in jnTorviiyj u -wiui uu' ad. A'ttbia toidtnnrformidable preparations are rtakinfc -jn the narjd arsenala of ihjt kln)tiom,J to t tbii " theiVnjpjije of die day, ami there ia reason to betieye wr hall have a viaitro tcL Cvpcnha-get--ai' wr Jhiri the thtracter of'Oueencniy, 1 tftikf r hall K rin n 4 iVfi to 'deceive him ffsirv a. becomier rCanntT-marines,' artillery, artillerifti. and-, r Agineera; arc; gone and rolacmtivotf ivv tberefbr e ci pec I 'aotne 1 hot" work aext spring. Agoklen, opportuni rty'bsa boewjoat in tle-laatvcampaientbey now tail: ot aerxting 17 or-iiuw men 10 naida in April. Tba"t aupryijte ia predicated f on ibe eve'uatiprf of the Peninsula by the r icnco ia-ncauin u aimer, h.-vtcui vj no 'meipa fro'gvskibli, as, matters ate now going in tb north. NapoUnn will now have occaaion for all bia r80ucea. ' ' I Urtiit b rnanufacturea in great abundance are eoins: daily o ibfeLnriula,fortbe pur- 'poc of hcir ama2.v 4 r pasied fnto tlc Uniled T State ,aa Portuguese and-Spanislu .goola Great quantmea, are also alirrpin Tor PensacoIa to.be amugglcd by tbe south, and mant of our Yankee rc at this moment in( London engaged In'mnkiog lVge purcha "ara fortbla m?aKitsramc 4n -Tirivor of the public eherty. Pricel of jain 'and. flour are very IXoxr in crpain and rortdgal,. owing to the actual.sCftrciiy of money to- paj fur tUera, and the eootroous loaa by axebaaga ; thrs trade is near ita-cloie is to profit,- and if our people cab only khaw-how lo avoid- an un. profitabJe trade itiU be vrfctlo The license trade between this; country and franc ia at an end and under ejisting circumstances a'peice between the. United tttes artl this country Is not to be calculated upon... The 1 capture of two oft heir frigates is fell to tbe rcmofi corner 01 una uiano. . V. IMPltESSM ENT. . ' Tba, London Tohtical Jtcview, of Dekcmber last, concludcrs tome remarks on the Presj. r dentUJtlessaV to Oirteas, in the follow yg' cogena and cottcliisiVe mannti- ; If there oe tuen of .either,; nation, whb mkc' a pr ffer of their 'services while at peoce with each other,' although it is to fiht the enemy of their country, there cn be mt little blarney but to "force those services cannot be just ; and vthat is Lot justifiable cannot well Ce saitcticncd by any- pica of necessity -m 1 nus tar uns Amerip mucn reason ot her aide : but, s.ys the advocate ot tbe stbtem, hcic is our stancf, litis consti j tutesoW matitimc rights, those rights for wluch we ought to die contending I And Is this, the liberal policy of a gene- f rous nation, to fc tin d her rbts upon the wronga of others this the liberal prin ciple! of 1 free state, thai would .destroy all freedom but its own ? Our maritime .1 ights.I In what re;these rightsjound ed I Is it not the luw of force i Do we not sayi a We will, because we dare! ! We take because we are atrotig T And jet we call the Kuler"oi France a tyrant ! Does' he not siezc, because he is the strongest ; and would control the powex&of the World, is we would reign upon the world ofrwatera? Let casuists f'etolvc the difference in principle pand; yet we cati ourselves a noerai peqpie, in love . with freedom -even to excjcss, the, friends and; patronizers of all whQ ?would be free, the! emancipators of a struggling world f It lar now, however, that these maritime rights appear to hive reached Vtheir climax the mo ment js arrived that their utility, as well as their authority; Hill be brought under discussion f but aha II they be relinquish ed f Why not, irther 'are fbutKl to be I uojtist ? and as for .their. utility except to gratify a false fdelingf or the. httle vanhy of ournaval cijtnmanders,"we "can not discover its tndiapensable existence to the safety of the British empire ; as l by' a natural deduction, what is indispen sable with iis; and absolutely necessary for our notional existence, can1 be of lii tlejconsequence to bur neighbors -ui)d thus is the old maxim reverted to, that IcibiiT constitutes : riomt ; the - very principle we. deprecate in. others, and one', that ahould ; be deprecated by all malikmd.wThedmiriiori of the. seas will, theyefote, form one of the scveralll poinia wn'tii arcio oe comprizea mine definitive and comprehensive adjust ment" ofcxlsting cotroVcrsiea andil tt be true, that it is the fated dc term In. utiun of our vigorous ministry v. to.iesiat every encroacnment.ol the trfd ,.y sfenf, the war may be considered -aVonce is interminable ' x V;. v- :cf .-V ? Klrl TTrxoit'i, Rcsolutionraathom- mg 1 loan' tO'the. national jcrrmiehtj after being'debatcd three daysifwYssera- bly.'was finally negiuvt0iijir4aj- Niy 5 !', AytM?. voi- V .'V' .-! The yteUte jZp this aubject, brought forth from the Teticral leadcfi,arfb'l de: vefbpemcru of their principles imd their vicwa$;vhlch tc o(i1aitu're'tb excite the abhorrence of the bcicirai)d patil- btic of thel? par",c.ibd htaeU ifidlg lance to me jvvs .5 .vinysr.A -tnUityhen ,theighta sHoerileaJf thai, rrmntrtr wre in' icuuaiui i marked dapprobaa9nxf the federalists of New -York; V Butiheimesriave a-. tered.1; ine xeuerai icaucitr ed tvitb power; and rclprtg'uppri tbe;-cit-cquiescence of s their , followers, which tney'think they have secure with rthe cords, of 'their benevolent socieries ttesyf Wed have: thrown ofT the mask,' ; and avowed themselves thcsfriehds tblHe Jferthfrn . -Jtwas qistinctiy ucciarcu mluki that thaobjea of this confederacy vas 1 to starve J fie government into pc, by withholhi g .all ' aid and raSsistarice which could facilitatd a vigoWjof prose cutiort of the war'i our pfirlv ii$ tiiz intimation; yaV thrown butylhat if Ver mont could be brought into their inter ests, the south should be (made to trem ble. The object of 'the War .waa'dccla red to be the protetton'of a few foreign ers,, wno yveie deacribed as the offscour ings of. society. . The practice ofv im prcssment was said ta.be one wjiich G. Ui itaVn could not and ought not to give up. ' Onc-of the Speakers,, takingTilhe MassacHusettv report as his "data, went into a mathematicalCalcuIatrbn bl tlie number of native 'Americans retained by tlte Biitish, and gave it as his sober belief, that it did not exceed 10 or 121 According, then, to the estiniation of these gentlemcj), the capture bfG. Bri tain, cluiirrg peace, oT rnbre than nine hundred ol our merchant vesely(om- I ciillv stated by the Secretary of State) is liothin ; the omctal report irom tne Qepai tmentof State, stating that G. Ori tam held in bondage more than six thoifc rand of our rthV useful citt2ens, is.?-, thing ; the opi lion of Com, Rotlger in torfobcration of this fact is nptking ; and (p ishing 'strange) even the British testimony of capt. Dacrea ami the mtis ter books of their fiigatesj which sub stautiatd the fact, are for once rejected a nothing In fine, in the, estimation of these gentlemen, Piracy, and Man Stealing are peccadillos, .which G. Bri tain may commit upon us with perfect impunity, and without affording any just cause of compluiot. From the National Advocate . t DKFNCE. . " The providence and foresight of the Wrar Departrneht having jvided the whole territory of tbe Union, into great military districts, and this State, (New-4 York) south pi the highlands, with New Jersey, forming the third district, a ge neral officer'of approved fiileiity will ul timately be appointed to its command. In the mean time General Izard, a sol dier of distinguished talents andpatrot ism, has assumed the command in this, city ; aud we trust, that tinder his aus pices the business of its defence will be sei-iqusly undertaken.;. A UTo the coun sels of those wlio would advise us to a bnndoo our dwellings 8c property on the approach of the enemy, and to fly into tbe country, we can consider: them in no other light than as proceeding from the spirit of crjwardly disafTection ; On the contrary? a determined, spiiit of resist ance, manifested by the preparation of cveryimeansi;in ourTpowcr, may deter, our crafty, cruel andJnsolerit oo from making tlic attack. At any rate, v e are coiifident that with! the ample resources and faculties which may be exerted to repel it, he will ItiveCausq to repent his rashness. : To this eiid nothing is want ing but the spirit of discipline and patri otism. Tho former may be soon ac quired by assiduity . and practice ; the latter, alas ; must spring from the heart and cannot be kindled by tl)e clearest convvcuuu 01 1110 unuersianqing. 1 nose who love tbeir country do not require long and intricate demonisratious ot her wrung. iu, uiuanic iireir araor a ney feel how much she has been Injured and insulted, ana tneiroesire lor vengeance lsJike the sense. of indijviduar honor, hich once wounded, will brook no dc lay", nor listen to a pat le v. ' . Oi thefoihir ltaod, those; whose hearta are with ihe i-n.'m. hflv fttfl mnaf.ntlB niT.;:j .leredMO" their passions and prejudices by factious writer, who would fain persuade -.a k ' . " V" " J I - vw.ai.vv u 1 1 1 1 w inem to ociieve that these passions; and pre indices are patriotic 1 and that the v are' do ing their eountrt service by depreciating her pretensions ad elevating 't he of the ene rny. In this state'eT mins,nothjng. re- mama but for those, -who are vef uninfected r by the poiitieaMn sanity ofCthe day, to rally twKcvucr, ir.u uisraisinj ine ocious badges vand distinctions of pjartyy present a firm.pha lahx of brothers, determined to Cve free, or dieC-Much ai thepOweybf theenemy is vaOntcdby his parasite, -:we CAnnot fqrget uiai ne isue ume vaum nave so .often beaten by Und anil by sea I 'wbouhas never. since we were a poplc, defeated us iri bat peVItb'in equal force, Nor Jet us cfcapair af Vrltiroately tbtain'mr4he'xa)jects forwhich We contend, by tlie supposed JUnbendingcba-J (xriacmuibciu ills, preiensions- A Ithortgh ;5r- Britain .never yet. made ,.'onf marTaiiimoua concession- norbe dictated by a kense of justice,, yel she ' hMMxtedrr 10 . aenac- or. leat anuuencea by thia, Uie vielded lb Ireland m. XTT7 what I fm acra she had deprived .bat ' Co ant rv of to -detach that oovrer from ita .rnnlnn I with the Crited butea'and Frahce-and ahe (r-v. un cuMuuy -uer oraera tt;council, ;the: datlini policy of :ber iiBia- pressure .va.-vuir ;uuwxct"n&&z3.,xAi i th;s fmrjort aircbncesaioni ajs procure by 1 pacific mcasurea, ii -It vUreaaonabie to ?x-vl pect lir inorv wnpuFiii vwvwMUMajuir and tbe'-war.-lvV-' zy?'?hvtk t'- izf r.i 7:-: FOR YSAt&SiStti (yjflg' 'iw Caswell Ccoty bo the jtiim road leadiwg'from we uonfc-ntusexR niiKOQ.r TowghRiiie ra nefroih heioymeeae11 frtfm the- lrrterlfclacei, coniiWmci67i: acres. -lia maily level, :and jsw culTore of corn , " whear, ryeV cmtoit,;&c. af. fording several gooa springs, two ororee 01 Which are tonvjwiieot to a ; very desirable Ieou,. oence to-biiHd This Lacd Ja well.: worth the atfeation of a pxTson wishing a good seat in tbis country,' asrherejs ,rtot perhaps 'soch another : tract; qi unimproVed land in Ihe county cf jCawrtl.. Payment wl! be made as easy arotae. purchaser as eircumf taoces admit. 11. i-.- --v.- - - .- - A n UN AWAT, from the-Subcriber, livini JLl. id StokesCoonty, a urid i;ad, by Slime of JamesMariin- He leMhe hou?e 6f i k vSobsc'rier on tbe; 28ih . ot' face inter, list. fht abVe: ReWar wdhbr given "if Brought home, butio expeices paid. . ; v ? 4 March 2, 1813. 1 v WM JOHNSTON 8 Authority of the S late of Nori Carolina seimSis ot the 7 Oxfcftd - Academy Lattery 1 prise of X do. do. do 4o do. dr do. do do. do. , ;iooo ;"' ' 100 20 lockets eacft 50 . - lOU' - 5Q0 rjOO , 600 ; lCOO k 800 1200 lOQpi 1800 i J. 6 100 3.0 J IS 10,; IS 102 prees: 7 Nor twtibisnks 1500 3100 tickets at-3 dollar each, is g 15,500 , , j " The Cish priietf'subject to a deUucUon ofl oiiecn per ccni, .; r Stationary JPriit aefrtUpvit . Fjrst 500 drawn bUnksV enided to 6 each. First drawn ticket, 200. of-llars.;' First diawn ticket on the 4:h, 6b 8th and - ' 10th daysr50 dollars; each.;. ill Ditto on the 12tt, 14;h, 16'h and 184i days, " ; 20do;latseacfi.' ; k. Ditto on each day, rrerrMbe 2hh to the 39th, inclusive, excepting tre tickets consiitutipg J l'rises. 20 Tickers each. .The said 20 prixes to Consist of theforn bers from 101 to 500, inclusive ; each 20 of ihe said 400. to be one prize, the first 20, or j lowest cumber, for the 20th day, and so re' guiarly aSceiding to the 39ih , Frrst drawn on ihe 4att day, v 200 ' Duto, : 42dday 1X Uittoj 45th day 500 " Ditto, 48fhday, TOOO Ditto, v.- 50th day, 100 . : . -The;; Managers -( present the foregoing Scheme to the pu Wit.in ,t be confidence that not only the' laudable object of the Lottery , but the greatiuducements held out to aSven; turers j vf d insure a speedy sate ol the THiketsi The proportion of Prtzei has seldom beeri txv ceedtrd, and they ate so arranged. as that tho purchaser of a single numbtrV by having the N prospect 01 drawirfg twenty ethers, may cal culate on his chance of obtaining two or three of the best px;zes, for th trifling sum of five dojiats. ; ;.-, . 'V ' ;;":;.. - The drawing will commence on the first of Qctobtr nextand b finished witl.out. delay .; 71 tt 11. 11 11 L.u.j5Jj, w WiLMAM ROUARDS, WILLIS LfcVlY v . THOMVSrHUMT - . -W M. M. SNED, . 3 ft Tickets,' at 5 dollars each lor sale ac. the h NEVSE mVIGAriON. ', T I N co of or miry to the provision! of 'an; Act X'.of the last General Assembly, cnttledrtj u Act for opening and improxing tie Navigation of Neuie7 Hter' Books w.nfbe opened a the .ity ol Kaicieh, under the direction oi the undersigned Comrr issiontus, on the fifst, day otApnl, and be kept oben until the 15th day of July. I next;' fur the purpose Of .receiving Subscripttors to- the Capital Stock of -Fifty Thousand UoUars, In shares of one hundred dollars ecr, to be applied, upder the direction of4 The Neue River Navigation' Comparly,' or tlie r-pe;irtt; the Navigation cf that Rjver id:Crabtree(Falls',in the vicinity f Raleigh V. I his object, so interesting to every portion of. citiaens residing on or near the. Waters of Note, or to the westward of. iht- proposed heaoTof Kavigatiorr, can undtiUhtcdiy be.ef J tecteo atan-expence tnatjmay be deemed mo, derate Wbeu compared with the Benen s to?beV derived 4rom i; The'l'lanters of-Wake ano the adjacent Ckunftei7iWbo w?sh tu enhance tbe price of, tbeir Prodocta, and ald to the value cf their, possessions, will '.embrace Hhc present , opportunity ofdpinjj - t. -Indepen dently ot UM.se very strong motives to prompt iubscripiionithc Stock' must, t no distant perioa,. oecome. vai;ffshie tfom tire Kevettue it will afford .r v JOiEPH GALES; : : ' , Calvin Jokes, ,r 1 : henry sea vveli;,. ' '-vv'' 7. v . '" ComitTiasiensrs. Raleigh"; March 23 v - . , CCT The Subcrtption-3o6k ia tperied and several names entered ipon if; - It iievat J:, Guleas.fioOkstore', where person! wishiue to obser be, are requested to apply. Jttt rTHti bttbcrfter bas- obtained apfvateahd -. commodious Apment at lIr. Wi. SiiaV trnTayf rteyille Street; wheVeJte ot lera riia seiVicCa to his frkuds and 4npjibbcV '-f Scnvensr ahdAccoSntan Hia ability as a. Scnbe'ta wtil known7: and his knowledge of Accotmta kuch. as fim!ure vvuM(jiui,ij, wMcr njrasciivin inar iroe. In ardrdall tpeclea of Writing iil heeit. ecoted w tho tatrjt ss.ee iect wis ardijpaich ' iKe would aid, devote ijart ofTluVfJiner to 5 urveymjprv Such persona is Way bedeairbaa Eatxtca, toy'JwtiraVilied5 ns, Eef ft 5xed on for the meeting 0f the n! ConsstheTJfW mndera; MJexcdient arid nece? saryvthat the elect ons for llepresctv jras prescribed by law ; W6t;)w thr 2 ' thority in; ne esled by-in ct n5 atHhe las&csion ofjthti Ot,nvrai semblfi t ntitled Ah' Actdivicli, ,uV 'Satejut6Di senta(ive to Congix-s' hd to ih.4 tbt th hrrnen of thi . S'ate raav be reprifscntl' ri.4be-;uext CVbcfeVy, itV first Seoj commncinr as ifor?. said I t)0 issue this :my PROCLv Jt IuN,'he!;hy ' Command eg and rtqui.; "g the r3t ' iS cejrs cf ihfecral; ccuaties cQrpc, - eaXh piarict; to cuc j o!k, bi o;icn--d and kept, and e lectio' held frfV.: ! ip-eentatcS loathe, fJonjr?s of ihe-fj. nittdate, orr ridDy )ht 50 h !av 6f April next, at the styeril plarer tsu. j sneo oy: iw tir nRectiyc coun, ficiWAnd lutther to mett for kt the Thurlay -next- af.er $aid elections at the. la presr;iibed ,by tle ehcH reritcd Act , of ; he General Assent" Ji-tS inwhy hereof, I havecaui?K VThGrpat; S'?a!iaf the Statetf ' f; fentO; affixft', urd signal the mapthe-'Ci y of R4eigh, ih)$ ; - 'eivehrtr cjay of Murch; in the ,Vraf' w t citiriorq onejnousana eij ht tiin j 'fored. li. j - pfndence if the United Sutcs thti . xxViK . . . r;H . v '4 illiatn Hawking . j V si 1 -SMBt:-, -rrieettary. GENERAL ORDERS f SATE of! Sorthxarolina; BT'an-Ajct pisstd at the last session cfco Genet at 4?$err bly, U' s Excellency ihe. Comraan 'er iii Ctnef is authorised to pr.r'scritw' theUhif-rm of the General and Ftld Oficcri of the Milini of this Sfate.' in pursuing of. which, he directs., tiut . the tame, shall be is f !laWs x' -The OtViform of the Ger.erab m4 If thrAids de-(jamp, thail be uSrk blui; coiti, butt limn gs, cape and cults,-ycuow button, standing collar, full to the breast," with two. buttons on each de, about five inches fron.. the end, plainreasted, three rows qfbauoct ten iri each and ithe rows about three Jpckei; part to button ; rthe pocket rlaps sccltopeJ, 1 the edge of the lining' .to shew four buttons'' j under each flap partly ccveied; by it, and 'tie ; skins hocked over- vcSummer,ViteVert i and pantaloons, -j For AVjfoteiy whitveft and h'tte pantalvojis,: :wuh buflf ijtlm the icami j fom t he hips db wit 1 Suwarrow boots black teather.stock'shapeau'de bras, with a.lfl pf .ffold lace t0 r6!d tassels, b'ack cockKe' with a goldcoMeagle'in the centre, black pinna with red lppsed sashes, yellow hw ted swc?ai ispenled from a belthuckd rcu d the wn r. ! The Ad ju;ioi. General, a ; red plume, tw r go'den epauletteii Major Generals, with tw sr. ars on the strap of each epaulette V friSH teir General with "Orc and jibe Adjutant Genetal with one star. Aids o have the wme tform as the Generals, except they are is hive wbite jplumes 'With red tops, abd epau lettes without stars. Thev Adjutant Genrirf wlr wear a gold jjaced coai and in every ouier fespect will be dressed as a Brigadier General : Field (Mcefsf Injantry ' - ; Te Un-.fvrm ottheField Grhccfswflnfao. iry, snJt be dark blur coat with scarlet W tns a.ud collarj white, buttons, and to be mad$ iu every respcctjta tri we prticribcd hovefor the Gcrieraf OfBcers j it cuflsto ba nl with fctip bultona uia each. The uwwt cloaths lor both "Suniuieiaiiu Winter, to Kj- like thoseto.be worn by tbe Gene!, eq their bluespantilfKjrrs will have scatlet lei m ,h ,tn)!..narM'.nf huff KliWairCW bCOt chapeAtiile.bras wiih a bbek cockW m sirver eaglet tbt ctne, bt "fcatben tipjj with red to he worn. by tbe Coloreis, ssj white trpt with red by the Majors i ttS of railve s ach Field Officer to wear one air each shpuldrs fworoV silver mounted-tol worrt woh i, whi aoss 'belt, aiKrut thitcmcMf . WideTUed sashes black leather stock. ,1 The Cotonel and Majors of Cavalry Jj VeaeoimaWoifar'k scstlet lirimgs and celiais,; the.aa m -coataio izti&ktbes fceliw'tbe tP b Ktifinria. ' 'tWf ooilir With tW0 5.: tbtis' faboutlfbuijiMchea ftm.eacb ibont three : inch esa .and to cootaifl ibuttons eachthe cufiV not factd out - r- -.'ii- -1 i n till D on ezen- lour Buttons, tne " so as to -shew the .hips, acd awH;t e'.l;-l 1J17, -Lhnmft he iowr rCted to bewprn by Field Otois of two goiaen epaulettes, btck shocks, cap crown and a red sash tid aiound tW , m a Carnal! Whehiad wiih abort kkadea wyb a golden e:Ste, .aod ihifs tlpt; with d red shes, swordM , eUovr aooglrthe 8"i. ioffcoldiued Wit about three vff j veil liiuiurm iiak iiui '- . .rjfficeiraf iU:mcrad lettea, gkaunoa ;ana , ; 7r -vi. v'r funerals or vf havehad istmRinjl licar cord. IClabe uterstocd 'j . ; in ttovleteby req uired jo-c r , ;& i v - By ord of tbe Commafioc