! . .. k . !.,! . . - " 1 . , -; t-l .'. V . I. : ; . iStainmr 13 icti&wto h rtYittelVhpced for f:- mee. iamdy, tJenrwt of en- rk in within wo-mil or War. 5ii F. 3LADS. : r na iir"es, iira? uutj, rvik o - .-5. ... t ' TT'ij. fnpo Urch, Joha D Court, ; Doe FrWs II.' Dv .i Joha D IV-i Jixm " Utatr Ormam Uiot Gikhnsij KO Jcofi (MwMleCrttk) Mo ,arr. Jocr Fnn;n? Jt:nef,j T.VZlvKi. Mrt-MoU K-s. Join Kyle r ICsmu .Hnnc ? to; L-wr'r, Jcob Wii! : LiJl, -Simpson A-ui.M L.o, ilic.iajJ Lioa. Jehu Io.ititur Iwbr. Will m Mtnrr. M" if... Wil.t Moi?. JMaU iis, Brli. u Ac? I o Ccl M.M'Cutkrs. M'n,). H.M puffy. I C Q MrtuVIol. Mau.fciu.;. ID" . f .! X: da. - 40 "do.". SOdoVr." 200 - v.- 1 - '-'Vsooo.;: .4. 1072 pextM 1 Not two 1$akt S15 2023 bUnki; ;io prise . J10a tickeur tt S dol!wech, is S15.500 Thc Cish brisci iab!ect to deduction of fifieea ixrctnL ' 1. . ' ' Stattomrj Prtttf a$ fcVow Ffrit 500 draWbU'nkc, Vnti ll io 6 each. Fwit drawn lickrti SGOdolLrs ' flrit lira wn ticket von -the 4ib, h, Bih and I'M day; 50d!areach Ditto on the 12th, 14 b. 16th ar.d 18 hdajj, 20 do!Ur each. - Duroon each day, from the 20h to the 39tb, Pines, 20 rckets cacW. ; Th said 20 pnzet to conaist of the Nam- Ucr from 101 to i'JO, nclvnive ; ' each 20 of h sa-4 400 to lie one ptizt. li e first 20. or owe rt w umber, for the Oth diy. ardso uiriy aicei-ding to tbe J9th. First Jrawu en tUe 40th day, Dmo, 4iJ day, Diuo, 43hday, 'mio, 43th dy, DIt:o, . 50ih day. The Mansers Dreseot tbe. Sc'ierr.e tu iht :i.bii., la'iheconBdencethit no? only the UoJible cbjtct-of ihrLY "cry but the great jnduceneots lId out to adven-; re 200 100 500 r 1000 100 . forgoing j-vi: r J", j ; urrr, wi.i iQtor: I cpecdy sale ut the rickety. N'I1f?':-: )b I"";- crtdU, and they 'a,e sy arra.gcd a, that t.he fJ, Th ri .. t, James t,yrchast.r of ainsle number, by bavng iLc fu,; RibenjO,Joh' iT :anU culaie oahischar.ee ci fDU.n.n two orthrce Vigour ; and. to effect tms, Jt tis.Icct to Congress ShnRcpuficsTirid j of the GoTcrnmcnt for,: if instcf of "l' 'll 2.t-. 't..i7. iin ''MAnlrl be mbolqstly criricd -SubmUiionneji, theIlrfonljrto distf actjofij Public Councils, and gtye.fresH'fiope's to our Enemy of- profiunff tn lhe! coni f kw A.a inia'l ttvTclnna f "jrThr I has Wen;tocViitach.tbt. ?thUQrcdf.ii Whcnr the eiieray xJs at but dortr,,it is no (froe to talk of peace, . It is well a&- certaincd that our- Uovemmcnt vvisncs for' peace, as soon as it can be hj nor a oty obtained :A's a fresh eridence of this disposition, the President has1 lately kev ceptea oi tne.onerea meaiauon oi me Emperor of, Russia ; and it is said ano believed, thatr Mr. Gallatin and; Mr.. IJayard are appointed to joinMrM. Q. Adams at the RussianXourt, to rlego ciate op ibis ' all-important subject. Let us, then,, throw no impediments in their way; - ' ; Lt S etrart, bimiton hhaw, Jo$ . . k- tr.i t- VMur-tS.ciJ. d. WW Si.,i, Wif) 1 J tV 3frgit.., Hcnr C Te'H;JI, bT TitfKr.C. Mtnw.i y r, luinn !rtV. J area lay". r. M. II. Tall-naJf-.e,, j rr Trxus Iiaac VVh trhcad AiWr;ru fiiV. Jnepb Wiavr-n, Kn.Io!pb W'clb, , 3 GEXERM. ORDERS; STATi NOUTH.CAKOLINA ... BT w Act i at the last tcstsou ci oar Scwra. Aaembly, li s Hxcd.cy the j CiitukW 'o Chiel s'aai rvonscd u prcicnU t';vf;rm ot" the Cfwl atl FUl Uukrrs ' t it SiTuu. ot tbis State. In parsu4cce of. he direct i tut the imeshail be as Cymtt 1eUcturmof the General ar.d 1 ict Akii dCairp, ha!l b dark blue eoats, ; La-pri. cane and cuffs, Trilw buttons, tod g ct'.'ir, fu'l io the breast, witutwo oo r-cN side, a tout hve icchcs Irora fx ed phtM brc2ttd, tbtee rc of buitona rstaracn, ar.d the rt.w abu; thrr i:cbrs tli io bm:co i ihe pocket ti.v scolUped. Meltof tire lining io hjr fcMir bu.con k.T cich Hp par:lj ccvttf d by it, ard the ari hoKO over. rot-Sammcr white vs ttipxsuccss. Tt-r Wjnter. white vi-stind kjtpaatilooJS, in butT let in the stj ia tae hiridkivrii ; Suw Arrow bscia, b'.ock -Tiff steels, chapeiii dc bi, wtli a loup fillies, two gol tassels, u!jck CCCKadc f v $Lt io the'cntre,'b'tcf ILmrs frJicpi, rra sashes, yetlovr h lttd svrorda sucoded tran a bdt buckAa rou-xl ttc ws.x Tt: Ala.aat Geirril. a red p!umc. iwa -i ttw ikto j iJjcr Ceeru, witU two mm !.- ki. ait ut cXk.li rnu!rie i pa. - ; 3ct4i wita o&e anl lire Aujuau i tiIrho star. ro hrve thtviatre ! ii tr.f Gtnera!s.exce:it tLey arc i' f;t vnite pv.2:ta with red tops, a-kiirjSsu j vAcui ua.li. . Tee A.i.Jtaitt Oei-kI i a "dJIicei coat, and mi rvery other I r;t be dressed as a Drtadwr General.: Field fJj.Kcrn of ItJ in!ru. IV.f.vem cl Hk;d j bccs 1. 1 Inf. y. aL r. Jim o of oiats wii a scar lr t lin -. i act coiLr, wtuie buttons, and to'bc-, F cia er:rf resp-xrt as t!:ie preactibcd a- I ft t toe Gneral O.r.Crr ; t.e ctnls to be -a leu.-ojnotij on eich. lhe u.der h'itof 3ti Sunrer and Wiatcr. to be. I to U wain ot tbe Cffnerals, cvttpf pjnuiaons w,: have acailet let in iruaj butf'z Suairow boots, iJeWii wiib a bUck cockade a d 'k;U m ia cetitie, black feUter t'pt 1J co be worn by. tte Colone?a, and rvipt tia red by the Majors; epaulettes " t : Laca FkU uSlccr to wear otre on tWJcrt Swords stiver mounted to be wh a whirr cross belt abtvit three itchia ii Hei uihea a.J black ljather stocks. CavulrtX ' tC4one!s and Mijora of Cavalry. to r M S made !: hlnr rlh ' wrtrt Nxtlnio.. i .k . ' i. r - - -4 ki sonars inc-tK'i'i or ioc 111! Sir irV- Kl.r li hlr hnn k4njik)(,HHr wiin iww out t .V. - i- 5 IJCkl fv ii.chr fiom each etid, niain witb thre ruwa oC but.oM, the rows ' tflTcr mrs.. . . t . ir.e cwa not lacea out. to oave biaufis, ibe skirts to fall back C''t Ix-r rak ' f'k. ih Cr acj Wrtur. ad bovtalk those d $7 by Fhf Officcisol loantryt 'tiu.cC?i,e,t, bU stoeks, cap to w, --"v ier wimvbear eam orer ice f ' , i red tajfc t:t4'iouod the same - otnioa wi;n sacri cnaa, o.ac , WM0 -.,1 eigiev aod white feat yt Hh tea t red cashes words to be iJT ,i805 bt Ttrht sbotilderfia f I btlt about thite iacKea wuio.vi The drawing w II comrrence -co tbe first of October &cat, and be Einbea wuhout dciy. AII ts. L.I i i.cjur.N, y WILLIAM KUUAKUS) LLV1, T1IUMAS HUNT, M. M. SNKEI), FHelett, at 5 dollars each, lor sale at tr.t Minerva Office, RaletgU. r March 23 Navigation of Roanoakc. T N ccnlutmity to an Act of the Iat General X Assemoly, enutlel ' An act for irnprov. i ng iqc tJTigaiion oi m ar.oaxc iv;cr, irom the town of Hilifax to the place where the Virginia line intersects the'ssmt," the under, signed, Commiasioners n aired in the said act for the city of Ralegh, have openrd a BtKik for r.ceiving Subscriptions for Shares in the Capital Stock for acorrpl.sh'mg the said un dertaktn?, which wll continue open till tbe 1st of Ocooer, at the Bookstores of J. Gales and V, Bolan. m The proposed Capital Stock is limited to -10o,0u0 dollars, to be divided into shares ol lOOdoIiars each. A general meeting cf the subscribers is to be held at Halifax on the 4th Alonda) in October ntxt; and it 400 shares be rot subrcribed before, or at Mid meeting. U subKr:j tions made to be void. But if a sufficient number of shares be then subscribed, a Company is to oe organized, under the titl 'ot Tee hoanotrfe Navigation Company" and subscribers must iheu pay ten dollars on evciy share subscr-bed, and the rcmai ne'er when csllt-U upon, t accpt that more than 53 1-3 dol lars pm a share abail not be called for in any ore year. .1 SKA WELL, ' ' V. DOYLAN, AptdlO. . J. GALES XjT Sajscription Books are a'so cpened at Cdecton, llym.iuth, W.ndsor, Halifax, War renion, Oxford, UocKsborcugh, Caswell C JlvU?, Wentworth and Gcrmanton, under e direction of tnree Cocnmissioncrs at each P - . Baptist Missionary Society, T J tioatd - Directors of aaid Society wii meet at MurretstlOroush, ou Friday before the secorl Sunday in May ruct. The? members of th liaxrtl are requested to attend panctoally, aa Business of tmportahev requires U JprilU. C3 Owing to the inclemency ol the wea ther no rneetirg was held at Town Creek Meeting-house iu Kdecomb in March. . More Congressional Candidates. Gep. Edmund Joi.es offers in the Wilkes district ; James. Martin, jun.in the Cas well district ; VV. II. Murfree in the. hdciiton district ; and Robert Williams in the Hdgecomb district i friend in Buncombe. County writes. ' that Felix Walktr, Eaq. requests him. to inform ti9, thit he is not, a candidate In the pending Election fur a Congressional Uc-pre-M-iuatlvc,. consequently, Mr. Pickens will have no opposition Dvid late, Eq. having' inforitird the Grand Jury at Bui ke late Su per trr Court tliat he had withdrawn hia name as a candidate, these relinquishments do honor to the Gentlemen who made them are truly expressive f the high opinion thry en tert; in ot the integrity ti odr late worthy member ; arl evince to the world, that the ciuaena of the l2ili C'onresMOital dislxict ot j Aiorth-C .rolma are unaivimuusly detcrmtnt d to suppoi t the lale measure of the, General (ovtrnmeiit " VIt is pretty well ascertained that Mr. Randolph, and his devoted fiiend Ed win Giky, have boin lost their electi ons ; Mr. Eppes having been elected in the place of the former,' and Mr. James Joliiisoiik in the room of the latter. Will i.ot this news be deemed, by Mr. Stan ford and his friends rather ominous t The Enquirer, in noticing this subject, says. Picas jnta. l)iwson, (iho.son, Good, wyn. have no oppositHm. ' .Mr. John (i. Jack oo opposes Wilson ; fcinl Love opposes Ls w. is : 'l'iui te go And we hope that Virginia ii rising -nd rj.llyng w.th more spirit around the Law, the Administration, and the Stan dard of Honorable Wur. It is thus, the Up position being1 defeated, the War waged with mote spirit, and the hopes of the Ene- I s 'a ! my airopvU, we snail be aoie to attain toe only end of War on Honorable Peace : tthU crista a most uwortuv.wt wmposed. of the unties of TW:" -?r stSiiceV fii rtbarely re'ne, in the ioom of Jobw ?kn.iav ff v i cicht Yo so Jntola ce klccii6hUHr.c ; frte.: Congress" 'nieedtamf the in A W. ' ? . . - ' V-- ' '-Sf ' j 0t5tnc; Opposition jnjl' -;ic u :-iV. : 4-v 44'j Concrerrencfs the absence1 P natfirtcjrcnm irrfe'snC be lore creased the rsxb; of e'vei-yTriend of thebdnubfttratioii an evil mucb to be refeiefied; eohly cjrcuxnsiaircr wnicn ior a .moment m- quces us to aoupi tne correctness ot me; above statement isV hislExcellccv; the d pvernpri hot 'JijiYiniissu ol :electionvwhicb it v3s presvvtailf Ah'cj wouia nave Gone, as ne must dnotayitxt- Xhet. those gentlemen haye) been com- missonea or not; -....y-'-;.. ; . ; " 'Ve.nt)derstirjd theonjy; fentlemVn iyKb iiaydieceiVed- their , commfssions are, the Won.Mr. UaiHard, jbenator,- if i kV.kfJI kT. .UU k - 4llil k UA 1 t J tl k kl wan-,. i 1 A. - ... ' We learn has lriacfe sion, and not applied . tr1tayyrfi nJbbaor5ebyasiric;e ihro Maum in the biti f ather J ikklyothehahW to Mme icarmdgeand Jopse .. thefloor ctlKUOai to'th'e maj$z$rie mind bf-bne Bf Ithp?en He;duld;? lff4 fendsore cated to the pb-wnTtoe maaiin ..,;V 1nr frnrri wlWiPni?inT'rYtTV ..-'.l'.!.-.! DndorV thai a 0a.rieL cKpbn jftLi'4f9jH tharonebFthf Gentlemen himrUriik "application- for his commit -1 'YSuirV p4n;t;v.-i &fe;-! it h" been reiused, because rnadrr 7, nriMSi-Unrnrlaheft ibr, hi timeO: " , (MdM bri-rorwar? atatfiM nooner retrioti Captain ijom- I ahd aid: Man taugbifjjD Wli ; 1 V W j with' !yefy protyuut I lbiiclon ppc4h rijeRtitisbv ; $&0f& The.sc stock, wmcn sailed irom this port on the 29lh Dec. las(bourid to New "York." has not been heard ot tnee: ' Among other, passengers on board the Patriot, were. Timothy Gukf.nis, "Eq. uier cnant, oi i c w i ot k , ana . r;a, a LSf ox j the Lady of His Excellency the CTOyer tlUI I MiU lib! HllbllUkllll .i j : ' ' '. " ' ' " ' I ! r f .Uk lii ntfi t hlv:'lM jkuVn Rt? t. yihrUP: LOAN. We have ifaction to state on the best th loan the GtfHa in obtaining 50 mill. haaie'public-J luenctes required it, so great ; ws the cohduct fjurine: its retreat. frto ;3ur-l xiisposnicn ior me &iock, i ne toztm oj jigo io Ciudad Kadrigb, and peilorminei : , , JV 4 hhe.pa nful utvf.aiMmWBWbf cSir-iV 1- KUl the. stis- j j soldiers to; acts ol"' inLif-ril i itti? l Fll v MH autho? ity d irretrulariiv - which haveBed ot? 'hti "; atuhe whole of the sixteen '"millirfa ri rep ibation. IfdvAVqtUttW'halee has .been subscribed Such was- i obit trccf jo'-issue a'crrrliiltetift "SifMk credit of the rovertiment that Mr. il division a brigades of tin would have found no dtflicultv n vertili inManuritret? rT-o ;orr vvrr' r","r' i-t ; -r , v.-i.r'i.. Baltimore subtrribed 3,000,000 Pick ; enng s fulrainauon-have-a great erTect soring, admojiisbih IILUll HIV JU1U tlUl'.7"KH iiCU(A 1 1 - J: Fill DAY, Al'KIL 16, 1813. C r010 Majoxa of ArttUeirwill! ' Of tbe s.m rM4.fnf riaw5 G'J?i!c,,"'bMWl"i aaroKisv'all ofi laU.ellww. , t tU GeaeraU br' Fscld Office 1 is Z; . JQrm CCUi omajneutcd wita R ,t,i,lkl tocauae If to ke 6k o be nnderauxd that thrt fj nkf of the Commsrder in ChieL .tai eetlefiUMiloi HarC. ; C" The mention made in our last of Gen. Wilkinson having paed through this city, jrYs fouaded oti a mistake. The General 'we believe, is still in ewUrleans. Friends of Peaccf This is the attrac tive name which, the rcderamts and Oppositionists have given ' to thcif can didate's for Congress ; and no doubt this arc will deceive -some persons, who will expect, if these men bj elected,' they -will be able to bilng about an immediate peace Is this likely I Look at the course which these peace nen have, in times past, invariably pursued. Have they not constantly opposed every mea, sure calculated to maintain our national tights, without proposing themselves to take any efficient cours ithus para lyzing the hands, of tho Government?. Will conduct like this . procure us; a peace ! J "-.JVill It not rat bc.x produce disgrace h i: is precisely such a course ai"our Inemy desires, aa it tenda to di tide "the, people and impede the opera lions of the war. It is,' in tact, servio j the British cause ? Rely upon it, rcaa" erj .ine oniy; way.to procore a specoy The following is an extract of a let ter received hi this city from New-Orleans, dated the 16th ult- '".Our part of the Union, is, at this mo ment. in a very critical situation . Frr smne reasons yet uiikpown, the Tennessee Volun teers under Major-General -Jackson, have btrcn disbanded by ;ur new Svcietary of War, about tLice wceKs after their arrival at Nt chezj and our el.ee: ire m i lit kry force does' not exceed 6,000 regulars, and one year's volunteers. This force is distributed and divided between Orleans, Vlaquimine, the Balize and tbe Lakes. From sources which I diJubt not, but which 1 am not ai liberty to mention, a uiiu&h turc e ot 7,000 men is en its way from Bermuda, intended for the southern coasof America. Yesterday, the General received an expn-ss from the Balize. informing that the Narcissus frigate ai.d two brigs of war, were ofl'ihe mouths of the ri vers. This day, the brig Syren and black ship Louisiana, drop down to reconnoitre, and if they can do so with a prospect of fiuc cer eiigage them. : The . General has also received across the Lakes, a rumour. Which has many believers,, that 300 black troops had landed from British transports at Pensa cola. -Within 100 miles of Orleans, a nume rous body of smugglers and privateers-men have formed; at Grand Terre ot Grand Isle, a regular establishment, to the number qf ?e veral hundreds. They hate about 12 priva teers, a small fortification to defend their harbour, a prize court, and public auctions. All the goods sold, are smuggled into Or leans, thro' innumerable canaU and bayaus, emptying int Lakes Barratarta. The custom-house has no effective force, and il a part of military ot naval force were tube de tached to attack. them, it would weaken our mt ans of defence ; yet ineir numbers are in creasing and something must be dOne This morning arrived in this city from Salisbury, North-Carolina, orj their way to Forts Moultrie and Johnson, 140 ,as finelooking soldiers as we; havetever seen. They are of the 2d U. States Hegiment of Artillery, and compose one complete company .-under Captain Donohoi and part of a company under In create of the Navy.- We, urt'der. stand that breparationsUiuve beep ma king witU the o-reatcsl acttviivTand are already m a stite of considerable for wardness, for cai )ing luto erTect the act of the late Session of Ce'gress which authorised the building of four bcveniy-.qurs, six frigutes, ic six sloops of . war. ' Materbfs for live wiioie ot these vessels-have been Collected at the difleient navy-yatds ol the U. States, and the ways of thiec seventy-fours and several of the other ships are aiready laid down. From the prompt attention lor goyernment to this subject, and the girai cxcrui'ii3 in uc use oi uy uic ijt vy Department, we have the .iatisfac t ion to believe that this important ad dilion to our national ipivc will be com plcted with all racticuule dispatch. k Nat. Int. 1 Gen. Bloomfreld h s issued orders to tho officers emJ)Io'Jed,in the jrecruiting; service, in the Eastern District of Penn sylvania, to' make return to'CoL Wm. Duaiie, adjutant-general oi' that district,, who is appointed to suptrlfnend the re cruiting service by the Secretary of War. ' ' j - D'rd ycu ever byar a : FetljrHli5t' sytat iJ;.- i his Party did.; wro.'ig in faiswigiArmies. and mpyslng TVixes; Up h us, whn t hey were ir constant complaint at presit abuut A'ffrffeav Captain Hawkins all commanded by Major Forney"' VVe understand Capt. Donoho's company is destined for Fort Moultrie, and Capr. -Hawkins for Fort Johnson. They v are. all completely; clothed and armed ; areyoung, healthy, and in high spirits : and should it be tbeir lot to Lee an ebual. number of Britain's best troops, we have no tear ol .... - - . .-v . the .result" being honorably rto tne country, and' glorious tothemseives ; i orjrropntQxes to inc cumirj4. juu- wiinsvanoiu?. uharutten jnveitjiuon I From circumstances with which we have been mado acquainted, we are in duced to believe that Jive of our epre- scntiuvesvto the ; 1 3TJ. Congress, iz Messrs. CheVes, Calh'ouni Earle, Lowni des kEvaris, have V AC ATfiD.TIiEIR 5EATS, by bmittipg to inform the Giv verTjorj witrua yie pcrioo umuca, uy law, of Iheir aewptarice.'. If this should The Environs of Richmond how pre-v sent the piciure of a; Camj Our "Beids are " tented." He.e the Ri flemen ot Rockingham4 atid Augusta, are seen mixing With the Horsemen, of Cariine and Albemat let and the 'Artil' lery of Lynchburg. L Some ofthem wilt remain with us; some uc clesuncd for Norfolk ; and some - of thetn y?iil be dispatched as Videttes or as guards to our rivers. .... We beg leave to suggest tliat the best River-defeuce which we can adopt on the land is, 1st t inkpot our rifles on horse- back ; ancr2d.' to place our ar- till mou can our we as - We understand (savs the New-York Cofiimbian) the. Marshal oLthii district has taken into custody, a . number of British sobjects,' for disregarding the repeated, notices wmcn nave oeen. gtr vcti, and remaining in the city, contrary ls the orders of government for. their lemoval to a requisite distance from the tide waters of the sea coast. . v An alarm h" been exdte4 among the-jcK trzens of Savannah i. founded on a behef .Ubat an - invasion was con etnplated, against ltua' slate by the British, troops in the West Indies. inconsequence ot tnis apprenension, many have sent their plate and other valuable arti cles some distance int; the coua'.ry ; rid in deed the'' stores io this, city are now" almost empty. The gold, and silvers which iJyrms the cabital of the Bank in Savannah. waaemdv. ed to Augusta soon after: the declaration bf war; and lately, alt tLe bills, except a sj1ail iimi to accommodate inniediafe jdemaraist-" those precautions rereweU enough at: thatr time, because we , were tnen entirely unpre pared for defence; in ose of attack either by1 land or water. .Tnouirti itts necessaryHto ue, on alert, we cannot allow ourselves- to believe that the object" would bf sufficient cohae ouence to iusiify the "British, government ia . - kT -l A - - 'L : ' emparxmg on sucn 'ai unpruuucuyc jwui tiont nor do Ve think ;tbai. thteSte-y: troops on those islands wpich cati he' sparedV aad Tixes r fttt4'H. .ii n " A the' seatfIaffifes ruinerEsq. ijj ifai--ren county, ot t h h in st . D r.f : Prii I tp, K C. rope or 'jvaj-renioii, io.--miss Jfiary uc.i l chran m, Slaughter of Hhe late RVchard 'Go iyiJmingtonV in consequence cofaU froai' -- V$ his horse -..rf r'hT&? V'Sl-M1 At Newberri cfi the 5rdwist ifer a' shortX: l:5 - 'SP& -.''..V'! H.i S. . 4 ' illness. Mi s. Julia A. Hawks, the .wife bf F. ? Hawks, Esq. .'Collector thai;wnAlrs (lawks, has left behind beian -s.fKsctfbita'tei- ; hubbanl and 9 small children, who will ever 5 deplore her lds; ; -l4f!-' - J' t'T'r: On the 4th of 4hjmonth, at bis seaHn ;fi Weslmoretand, Va.tlie Hon. tticiard Parkerrj f ne pi sbe'Julges of the General Cqurt, ift Jthe4th veai of his see. ' -i ''V4;;1';vr; ;At;Philadelphiavonr the V9th uU. aga4 71. 5 - . k. i - if : (the Hev John Artdfwa, U. D. lfrovastbf he; i vr ' ' i f lhverityf 'Penney -vanra. ' ; .'H r rosTsvmvr, :WfT! ;;xf It appears that, great quantities, of J grods. are ; shipping in England to he j '" smuggica into me c. otaiea-x ne p.op;... Letters from Vermont fperiddn conria'9:v, a tte m pt s bc in g made ,W'im uggle gockis; 5? ?ff acibss tho;imet;,f$m cargoesof It is said Treasury. .Riefi the weientComptrolieSof.tbjS" l ! ard Rushr EsqfJ'ii'suc- yv- '4f-l '' ceecl Mr. ballatin as Secretary ot. toe-Trea v , V"c -k-1 ... Ellison Currjeq.pf the couhty;bf Lanv J'ty ci&ter t is0 appointed . fey' "trie- acu!tife df ;' .".''-"fj r'p'i t . IICMII. 0 UWf.t Vi lV,k,4 . k, l k , ,k,k ;. k ;p..-:t . f ' . . I .'...... I - I . . r 1 " 1 : '1 1 ! .Ki. k. .T- 1... kk. ' i!: ttBf--- . ' . ,.'... I .1 cry ar, tne norses ..nee is: a U5t u7 s ,ri"! -tpm" wti?iuneu uiMueiwi; i5,'::-ffi; ntea riflemen ano rtyt- ariuufj we uv "Jr .-.- v V;'-.- it Tl best rival the expeditidn.withivhich . - . ' -- ' Vir! enemy travels oy-water. Ana tnus w.-l ..w .4ITrJ jT?f ! xfaubest pierce theralwith our balls, Krt ..kliw. they pierce our-Rivers. -trlfl. v( a hateni dtlence suimonndng rierbuVwafks; " '..Vi, composed or spr rng , bay pr.eisrf jprevent j (composed Nooaraing. sne uaaji great qnanuty or a, ! muntuon on poajo, 'ne was.corjvmanaei i., r ?? '-?;'! an arrbgant,lieuteriant?f the BrKisfcf Nvy;, y . yK&JfW ' who could riot persua'dWhJS creW.to fit.tpe1 A";ife'i;i r Yankees.; ; .;'S-y'4H;iWr. ; o7 sen r rrrr, wortn, giu.uuu, sem into v ; ; v ;f i j Keprletns,' bythe iveif La8:ofJvy; :::s; ; 9 . Bxig -WotlnW Chatham; jby tfra aj iloheaiprivtihser.-o 'h I- '!v vV.'H-c' ; E n-;bhannbHi .12 guns; frotn Drazilf, , 1 . .: v" ? 'fohLfc- Janladoxithbd tdn: of cottorv ? VV&lif: atvftito'-Bristo (lm blp AleajkQr,1Jf fo, tg, wfth f?' 5f ; ,: aeg0invo : Chartestlny th Ubeif'atUmderi $M ' co aiitsmt with their oWa ffafty; permanent and honorblp!polcefis toll pro Pfoacciita the war nith furyuairjuty t4tmaosBtr UcvmgitJhisattioitt-.; ;:r ; - Isaac &tVriy, esqi thedeocrattc can- to eotigrctf , lor the . -. V 8 " ":V V ren- ahd;h i? officer s. ilf.yM 38k Brie- ttesolotioti. Ii guns, IrOm tUioZ iA Janeiro iQiAiaraBiruiaticH wiui vvi'.f?; burnt by tbetlj.S?afes Up caornerV after tkirtoht M.0Q0 tibBar ih 0eeie?c V ? P matucKdiatbVji bytbHor? ' :;' ' c, v f-i. y, . nevinlov roinuUauk; Wtrel the; P4: 'nti'eclaTld be rernoved." t? ' w!' 'U" - l'-5 " ' ilrigntrin frota IreUadHbdry goods, c valuea at'OQ;uoy oo"vUfc'",fcr;; Vk... - St T ew-OMeaiu by.Uie baticvcayr-;,,,y.. ;t fJMriff IuabMt Cbaj j taWbvthe:YnkeeH' ' joroai r imo. ---7-, ,.jf ; '-'...,; fe1! 1 f waxmbdroodhai-attived ff ifU-' ritb 'Um -, -u nrwA In ih. VanltM. ,3 Brirr Percy, for adn : dry dsandalt, priato the Cbespeakj- frigate; w ashore W Ing iwaost, " I fcgot. - (i -k -rtf V ' ,. . t . - ' - . ,'.

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