w La -r-. 'v.-.:.: :-vy . " V,: : ... Friday; vjuNg-ii, .Wv;,', , XMm ... - - , " ., .T . - . - - - - - - y , , , . , . , . , -r ,, ' " ..' J L . . ''',- ' - JYtm the Avrma - THE CAPtCBSOP YORK, IK CANADA. Thtf foIloVmK tcc-iani of the enre r- bids. IU5 DCcn.COrorouMti.4.-u uj vuc wi r . . . ftk MRS f iboic1 wbcro.xncnero nna w ociorc hnnce Vrtn hi the moment of rictory ini deitb ,Tbit irmcmbraticc is too ) prcdooi not ro txdtc, with the wrrow fcr ihc !oftMcb p country hti tui tainct?, rmjntions too vrtlf to be w prtsicd io tnT '0(,, T'or1 The ac toena il it. will app'rart Ki writTch on the srdfUo junction of Geo Pike." by one cf hVcompanroni. in arm, aix wV fell by hia tlici nd-U communUj ca!rd Irotn tnc onRtnw lorinia paper. Tbc following i the unnfTcc-cd and in fTrithe nirrafir of the -ofiicer to wb?m the etneral we the injunction : . -Without the honor ot a personal' ioJinUnre, I addreia yrnist the par J timlu crJer of the Ute Genrral Pike, ftf kVhif4 h-en morttllv wounded-: fcrt iTorr'i wer exactly these i u I am mortally wounded roy riba and .baekare store ln-write ray friendj V . ana ten ntro wnsi you koopt ot i f he battle and to comfort . . . Jbnre thinsri elie he aiid, on. which I . shall tfciin write yem ; and roay.thm j I: urd Tor your ear. hare escaped me :Vf uh the sererity of my owD brutrr. A in brdcr foro General Pike," While liiic wasao obligation of duy on roe louhtjt I.shal) hsrdly disregard his io jure: Ion a, ctcb though we hare paned fcrerer. . ' ' We embarked the 22d and 23d of A pril, but the' weather being stormy we n turned into port, .and sailed gain'on the 2jlh, and arriired at York in Upper Canada, the 3tt,'-3boat.7 n'clock A. 31. and imroediately.prepared to land pfsite the old.tcite of Fort Torcnto. A body of British grenadiers were pa n-Vdpn the shore, ind the Glengary frfKibles, a corps which has been duci p."ncdwith great pains for mx months put, appeared ataoother point Bo i:r of Indians were perceived in larjje gtcups in different' directum ; . and a considerable.nambtr in some woods and taderoods on our leeward fliuk. About the siite of the old' French fori of Toren!o,.of wich scarcely any wires at present remain, we could cTwrn a few horaemen whom we per etived afterwards rnoTing ioito the town, irre strong field w rks had been thrown up to oppose our landing. . As soon as the horsemen had enter the town we sar the Indians moving in ?angs abng the skins of ihf wooda ; - - w r - M VIOWV I apparently calculated with some skill ma to the point at which the water and the weather must compel us to land After thrse Indiana, acting.ai tlral Bri wtfe thus disposed- we perceived dutincly iae regular, moving out ibtir works in open columns pla and marching along tht bank io that order when they rcaeherf the fUh of the old fort Toronto, thry were Reeled off hy heads of phtoona into the woods, nnd soon appeared in th; 4 Jae order blow the plain just t the Pinion at which our troopa were under coecesitr offamlini?. i '' V. 4r Forsythe and hia excBeht:and j- nni nue corps, who had been placed ,WT large iatttu puiled uodaunt towards the cer ground where he d been ordered to lnd ; but he was "reed, by the strength of the wind, t ?derab!e distance below the destined The Ere of . inuskc trypan d rifles here coa-meacctj from ,tbe bore:- the ene 1! witt.jn a. few feel of tfie wat-r J33 n a tonsiderablo degree masked by l ; ocdj and copse. - V :rrc:Maior;Fosy ordered hia to fesf far K fcwjtnomehta upon iT cra and eobaopeoed afalliog 6r ?a the enemr- In bi moment when corps' were fyinst upon their r j -. n? .r ors and priming, Cen.Pko was fading on 'dea and Impitier at V-nprrnt pilisc 0f an instanf. and Jtg iSat ,hc mc had teeo'drl- J !he V,nd Viood the point at ' ey were to harc;embarkc'ti ; !.'racd-.a h hi' J 4rssinc himself to J afr, comei jump-mS tbboaV- thit pbc elecfedjrom Jtie crowd ir ihc worfcV'M woribf . or hU Wcftd. fthilc lirnir, tod of hif rtmcro- I u Sw " . - - .ir-fj -T,w. m-- vrv , m su ca art a a w prnviM ' iinw t i j. aria a ven 1 , . - .1 c ' a a ly for him ahd bis suite .the little-cox t swata waa oraerea immeaiaiejy .ua steer for -J he middle of the fray, and the ball whistled gloriously around ; ' probably their pumbet was 'owing to; aeeing roaiy;ofncers in the same boat ; but we I?aghrd at 'their- clumsy eflbrta- as - we prease .forward wittv well pulled bars. . The.tf T n'ry hi according to or derr, embarked at, the' Ume -time, anVi formett m platoons as fast as they reach eh he -shore, r The ger.eral look cam rasnd-nf tberst platoon he reached, and forme it le!ow and ordered yth' wholeto prepare for'k charge. as. soon as we feacbed the top of the bank ;"wc proceeded in high spirits and mounted the bank under a'volleyof xheir. mus ketry and rifla'shet't. but we had not time to form our -platoon completely when, the British grenadiers shewed us their backs at the- very Vndraeni of .their turning tail upon us the sound' c Forsythe' bugles wat-beard, . wrh pe cuhar teltghV.aa ttwas the indicator, of biaaucceas ; the ; effect of , the bugle upon Jhe nrfvea of the British Indian allies was electric p for they no sooner beard it thin tbty gave a mosLdiaboIi cal yc'V-nd fled in all directi-ms. The Gfengary corps skirmished with JForsyrhe's while the infantry were landing ;, and brigade major Hunter formed h troopa for action as they landed and reached the plain. ' The volunteer corps commanded by colonel Mselure flanked by' the reserve, and the I'gbt artillery commanded by nujor EuatiSf acting aa infantry, cover ed the left. h ia proper to state in this place the gallant .and masterly co-operation of enmmodore Chauncey, and the naval sq adron under his command he sent hia schooners mounting heavy metal to coYcr the landing, and kept up so well directed and inceaaant a fire of grape on tbe'woods, as toefTecruaJSycov.r our nght flank, and aflorded us great facili ty in forming our platoons t besides producing the utmost .consternation a- mong the-Indians. A shot from one of the schoooers killed a horse under the aid of the British general ; but owing to the shallowness cf the water, neither the ship nor brig could be brought tn tof participate in the'acttoo ; tasat the commodore himself wa through the whole bf .he action, in his boat, encou raging and giving orders to the difltr ent acbooners. Thenavy lost two sal lant youn midshipmen, and about 20 seamen were killed and wounded iq the service of landing. 14 The troops ordered to land by gene ral Pike when he went on short, were the three companies of capt. Hoppock, (who was mortally wounded in be boat) capt. Scott, and capt. Young, of the 15th regt-'Unired States infantry, all under the command of m-j K'ng if the same wimont Ylk m ihn (vaTlantlv fll. tincuished himsdf it Qucsnstotrn) their! orders were. to reinforce Maj.' Forsythe, A - a and ertect a landing and they 'were lorbidden to load or ue powder ; "the riflemen .f Forsythe,. as the. infantry came up, opened a heavy and effective fire upon the enemy and the three companies landed in the most complete s'yls ;the enemy gave way before our Hoops could come to. the bayonet's point, and were pursued up the bank by our troops; at. the; top of the bank a fresh body of British; grenadiers- (said to be the 8th or king's grenadiers) made a formidable charge upon thiaco tumn of ours, and .compelled us for an instant to retire; but our troops in atantly rallied, tc returned to the charge, and with the most complete success ; not a man of the grenadiers escaped our .fire or charge, and our.troop just reinforced by the remainder of the 15th, remained undisputed' masters of the trank. This reinforcement brought the colors of the 15th, .which accompanied the; platoon of capt. Steele. ' The cne my presenvinc a fresh front, the' troops were in lntly formed for the chsre hy major Kingi who gave them Yankee D iodic 2 but the-enemy did not like our'.rausir, nor our- pikes, any better trua our .rifles", , they gave way arid fled in" the vtmtst disorder,. ' ' rv Aa soon as our force were all, landed mod collected.' we werej formed into pfa tcona,kodVrnarchedlpPthat order to- mimmm wnV ' M.nVrt K theriacofps -.Ji i'V:' , V ;; v Our march waa by the Jake road in aectidnsybtit thefout ii so -much in tersected bV streams' wid.rmilets, the briesVvrwhich had beendesiroyed J progress ; sre oQlIeetedIo'aiiidie 'fre eMorts at length contrivci tor pass over one n?ia piece ana n , nownacr. vhich were placed at the ne a3;of pur mwrnp In charge of capf tanning b nic 5d artillery and thus eproceeded through a jpacipui wbbd,,iis soon as we Merged froni "which we were salgtedy i battery' of 14 pounders, bur, excepting some puces oroKen .ana some, nsyoncis pent, these gun gave us no annoyance. The tr en era I then ordered "one of hi aids (Fraser)and a serjeant to proceed to ihe right of the battery in ordto dis cover hoW many men wet'e tn the works we oia so, ana reporea 10 pim me numbrand that they, were spiking their own guns iowards the shipping 5. The iGeheral immediately bordered. Captain Walworth of the I0h with Ids company of grenadiers 10 make. the as- sanlt; 'Walworth gallantly ordejed his men to trail arms, and advance-at the accelerated pace, but at, thV moment when they were ordered. to recover and cnarge tne enemy, trt enerriy DioKt ir he utrni-it confusion, leaving sertral men wounped on the ground which they abandoned. ' "" ' .We then proceeded in admirable or- aer on a graauai ascent, ttnen a ore was opened upan us of round and can nister from the quarters of the British governor ; the geoeral here ordered the troops to lie cl se, while the artil lery battery under Major Eustin vvas brought to the front and sifenced the enemy's battery Tbe fHing vcry soon ceased aJ.togcther, and we were txpect ng a Ibg of surrender, at. the very rno ment when a terrible explosion M the British magaine took plaqe. The ex plosion was stupendous and awfu), and at the imtanty the common supposition was, that ii was a subterraneous mine. The general had just aided in removing a wounded man with his own; hands, and had sat down- on a stump with a British serjeant we had taken prisoner, hom th general, with Capu Nicholson and myself, wrre examining, when the txpl osion took place; Tlie General, Cipt Vin Nicholson and the British ser jeant, were all mortally wounded, and I was so1 much, btuised in .the general crash that it-is surprising how I sir - ived ; probably I owe ray escape to j .a ' t . w me corpulency 01 tne un isu serjeant, whose body was thrown upon mine by the concussion. V Brigade M jor Hunter, ; assisted by Lieuu Co). Mkchdl of the 3 ! ariillcry. who acted as a volunteer on the expedi tion, formed the troops and we were reody to give or receive a charge in 5 minutes after his explosion . The wounds of General Pike were of such a nature as to disable him from al further aervice, and the command de volved on Col. Pearce, of the 16Mi( in fantry, as the senior officerwho sent a flag, demanding an immediate surrender at discretion itiey nade only one sti pulation which was granted with'at he sitation, .that is, that private propert) Should he respected. I tl niIL 1 J i ' iQC Oiiinii general mouc nia escape, and a body of the regular troops with him, in what direction I have not heard. : When the surgeons were carrying their wounded general and his aids from the field, our -troops, which just, formed, gavea tremendous huzza I The general turned hiaJiead anxious; to enquire what' that wa for ; a scrjrant who ac-ompanipQ him. sai't i-jThe British union-jack it coming down Gene red the stars arc going up 'be heaved - aigh of ecatacy and smiled even amidst the anguish which must havebeen in separable from the state 'qf his woun ti. --He was carried .-on board the Pert schooner, together With his aid de-camp Fra&er and from thence on, board the commodore's ship, accompanied by the commodore, who came 1 to attend. him. board .the comtnodore's ahip. his in fate i rrot.iiniieed perishing, by the valor of a gallant foe. in nmedcomba., but fal!tng even in the armsof vtc ory by the barbarian rerenge ofa bafltectic defeated entmjJ v-, " '',M: General Dearborn, comm.Cbiuncey, and indeed every ofiacer 'and aoldier, ; tees in th. loss of our friend, the loss of one vof . our . country's proudest orna ments, and theimUiury -profession 11s brightest example arid trKxlel. ' A TIIE N AVAIi cmfltlATIONj r? f, At the hour appointed for the DhiV neron Saturday, m hongr ot-)ur rr I- is . 1 :--tvil? cogofacd wi th pleitsure the Veperat!r Vice-President ptihVlfoitedat the 'Sneater:6fIth'i5lrK sen! ati ves, many rfct;l)ert ptboth ) Housed of 3Coogress;raIttie vgemicW rican:Pab-iots; mcn'h&d ed themselves in he.c6uncildril thtv . M - . . L i- -W HCw ? .4. t. field, m the. acquisition .of tAdcpen' rlericiejand wfio vrilf stVaha every pervr xo Gen. Kobe jt Bo w te, lire Go;rnoP Malan'dcteas'Ptli oebrQ fthr Dr. Chas. A. Oeattytrf Oeorgetowrn and id Gen. Young of Alexandria, Tftf J ice-PresidenL thelSpenkericf iKe J Vi Mouse or Kcpresentatives, apa uiA French Minister, were theopl) invi ted guests wjio were present. ' The Russian Minister was invited, but de ctioed -attending'' for reasons perfect-; ly satisfactory to tHii meeting. xTht" subjoined toasts fwere drank wttbTtKe greatest enthusiasm, accompanied by j patriotic airs rrom a moa oi music, and echoed by. the roar of artillery ',: 1..l'he Jlmerican 'people &tf collected in prosperity, undaunted by adversity. In en during the inevitable evil a of war, may Jhey, imitate the fortitude, otVUei revolutionary aires. 9 euns ... -..'t..: 2 The Pretident ftlie Tfrtited Sd?e-Th$ able advocate and intrepid asserter of neu tral rights. 5srun. . V " :! : - J. 2. Cengriewhmm The enlightened -interpre-, ters of the nxtional will. , . 5 g'uiia. j-;r'f . ; 4. lGthSh?tm (lis aword acnieStu our independence," hia advice teachea ua how to" maintain it 9 guna. : ; . - 5. Iuill Jones, 'DectqmtUnbHdge ujul Lavrence,vUh our other navel Aerflet Brave, magnanimous and modest Uch heroiam unsurpassed &nd unaurpansable. . 5 guna. " 6 The War May : Ue same spirit that con ducts it with V jjor, adorn it with humanity i 5 guns. ? , w . . . '7 7,Tte drwtf of ' tlx Uratctl S'afM Emerg ing with effulgence from the passing clouds that momentarily obscured iu luatfc gnns, ' , ; 8. Our maritime t Itecipfocity their basis-lhe whole ,rce"o)f "the nation their rrotection ';r 3 gun a. . 9. The gallant Ptke, and tither heroee ynfii have recently (.alien oijtiZe Living, u4e wc, liOAfeve: divide d in politlcdtopioion, em brace them as brother. 3 guns. . ' 12. Hoadt and Canals in peace, the arte ries of our" Wealth in war, Ihe sinews of our- treigth. .3 ffuns- U The incorruDtible spirit of aeVenty-wj, that disdained to barter principle for lucre 3 guns. "- -, k' . ' 14. Our brave tar May a grateful coun try render comfortable thoMtiivea which ate sq trloriouslv hasarded in her defence. .3 " , ' ..... 15 renifne iZuAtfporthe whqirever ready to oefend. hia country against all her enemies. 3 guna. '" - V- , f f'' v'; - ' 16. MilliwHtfmr dtfentc, nf is cent fir tri bute t true in V8, U ae at thit time eter naiiy true in an inaepenuen aiat. ,jiuu. 17. 'Tfie mioa ttC i?M-Aa it JS vihe pledge ot pac ific intentions, jmayMt prove the precursor of an honorable peace r J guns. 18V nmeomtntmmrateit4th.w that shaU maintain unatsturoeooHr majniiuie rights,' or hurl destruction .oo tbeur guilty Violators, v&guna. -.- 'Vf-.;, By the Tiee-President of the Tj; Stages. The Districtif C)lurabia-rmay the.ardsr.of hs natrioti&m in thia cekbTatioD be prdelaim. ed oy our.navai cannon iov ue iieni, wu our ports te anin aoornca vua uiu irozn his inviocible navy. ' f ; - J ' "' iu t lir Sneiiker of the' House of Represent tativea. vThat 'pcaca'? which iajschieved y- th valor of our arms. - -.' -iv ; -'P Bytbe Freticb Minister. -The gr- Jdea I Unies of the United Statesmay Lney conu nde to develone th'emaetvea. , ' -iv " Bv the Secretarv of State. : .The freemen os America: nave never wawu uiw wvr bul in' defence of their rlerhta 'daey w.ll ni ver;heathe them till heir rights aseaej 1 . My, tne secretary v aavv t!T44V Kavy May their only strife be thaTof glory. X' ft the Secrietarv of the Navti : The flair or Decatur-- to tbe.viirhtnmff: f tteaven'it bo wa-to BrilialY thunder, "never. : , . Bv tne; Hon.- Vim. n. iwttuw r.rl nrirtP nt thliF frtilHtrv. fill 1 1 10. TAe cTmoft-Detesled be the' wretcli; f bq'MbTToof Uus feallaiv who lilts his arm or voice rgainst it. -9" Tts sorVWUhhrt and guis. :J'V" " ' And rw inemiua'butn - II.' Ofr Mrweitpttn- under arms -May I The-fcisixd .OLORr i'ijf;.fiEETJo&l riebts asiexua ana errasxiauca btwutimtu nctoriea,,, ;v Alluding ta tLs . nnaodore!s flag Jo VlaifkeenUy keert rrt ima 's custhy. Aih President of the tlrti ted State? tivteakers ,, k::? jeadsriJepinfaeititTcosteniimeri; t; I lThe,Preslder,Co lire Day havnjf,retirl, X A"" . lltalrfHWi flthftfl otthlicf servant.' in.v ' ' J fexUe,feiMibikarJp i . ; tir ur. janja; ik nis:e :j namvm ' - rVfaso'r disUniruihed fey !is viriuea Vid p- "J CAVvf M?Kr': IB 1 M Mm' .VA. I.B:.kW 1 1141 , IfllKViaZVfllA mm m mm Perm'a 1rotUei.t-r-i 'litzt Aug whTchtlJgfes bef . OarCo'STl-ridrsthfn!, T amhei'IUQ?AU Oriaomajrr:w& : TrWaeigfifsioMWrsrealr ; But Iloci, iw6mjster j ' ; bones . ro'acek. a;iiwith ;rf ' Tcar'd noCtho' roaring; of it JlVi.t; i Ij! She took a FkoiAcx oniric wave r . av ;-:.vft-- But thta'fo'far impairu;er mignf -. vs; ' r Jl' i strtnjref fi foeman Stopt her flight CH J' A happier victory the Fates rut, aaAKis' IW $assv mivvaa ' Tv " : s iiVht hefhe M" aspoJ Aoofcf'r-; - v. 5ai k, "Again the Cdtatiweigird,iytv.H-1? ;'v To distaTit rejdrns wrWi ' iHljBASv.BkijpjBB. hed.bjr;'manleiaftrv .t 0H Made arronceiMiiprwi i And laid theV aV standard low f 105 ' P' 'j J riiENci' i cbnslrnefrFarni'5' ?3t or he has tauiAfrItJaara.'a inVlg To'quell a bird of proudest wihi f ii t ilsi jiL st.fiii ' s-vv. ;-; ;j And thnouh JliePaAc09K.i'raVilv:-. cr piume svatiaoncMtorn msrest v ?- - Our s it are staunch ouyc.TAssre brave V As ever j&ired iurit ,the w4vr4 4;'fjy' Who wishwhen theV abroad vtnti rosm To bear the peac4ftIf)i.i 'see hojTV.'-V"' t.1v.' i iHntif insUUiaK'rbe4hey ret :t.,Z7 vuperfoiktrtaffiaafclc Columbia's rtJoJ-irfidTt' ofi shaU ?'m'wiM:: ndjTPAfcVXO eacfi conamahderVnanw0Y , His wjrt h his imirf shall proclatm:. -Ilk'P j Wicb Fat decrees Alallu f Cl? HE Subscriber iiad two Warrants SerVed 11. and &.iha. otrtc for the sum 6lL10 These Waif acts were triel befoe Dr;-Jaraca, iVe'bb, ?q. and, bcifaallowtd jo he tv but Iiiue of -Sttsei will .'immediate! com v - fit oHhe of hmiiiohvJ.;LUSOi.' ' UiUaboru', May ,14, - ; - ' I - ' V k, mence rrtr.mj between Portamouib.Va. ' 1 ? frxa$elh CitrV aasores the aWic ibai ercryi - aitenuon 'shah b .nani to nassensers and bar.- page, ana mat necessary caan&cs :m gooQ , Ins prearnif, lemon iiooge'i ocoiarayi it ne pc l ttbeicprnmon Jair O-'DUfltlUTZ. bprses, snait be p'qvtdeci online rcaj, io aa to . ; v- ! render tIejeHTijey as.plda-ssatv and as expedfc ?j k -.ts!"n QTOL&rf X rorn t he Subscriber, otr the 55tV, , A . t inrraat a EGiiO MD named J3rmrf; , ; . - abbotatfneen.or filiwn'i?!"1 0j?,J 1 ' a vcIIqV c-TipIeakn with some .,btishspots. s " ' " ' fc upon hit face and a burn vgo&hls btlfy o the shajcl iriirrf .poi'rifta'isle-iTVw I mak a4. teniat tably , active anTctnHWj J ?he mayfce fuakm abouH l fritter hi BJo-n nvng 4- ty WIIod;,TheTaioyrewara iruiw i iciian Wtt)e ?h tr,6r twenty -, ; Uikeirof delivered fAt, -V ; f-r . - ra ayettevjlTe.- 'x h - . rFikiinVWorlcavoK- ! . II- ! t 1 ii 1 ' y i i ni.a w . v m . a w ,.- . i " a - s ! j w a Ma1 v . - - L - - a mmmw mt m-M mm " ia s wa va v i a v a - - : - , i .v- Nr . . - s r r . : . - , w a. . - . - - i - j- .' - a f- : t-r- '' :A V " . .... .' 1 : vj.. I