1 ' 'if- . r l:f rirhti r:' :-lr : , -LexSRtkerler.-' II wows mar military .pptrauons Ure.ecn -l -BelievlnV that it will beacceDtablerta our reader, we brese'rtnemwitn i n ii lutiju rescue LiiiDuanu ana rot ana n i ,., . - - - .. ? -.-" - . . ? ,321 tCzMQttiL , , Mean Alexandria.,: K, i 5,' - A It h ical fonh umrikallbtd todic far ihi Entuh re bctt'tUiU; i educed lo thMc pitilu! csped'teots i.twJ rnOvi or, uu.in merer to their wrecked kraJof and hard itniih i codscicncesi or from tome oHcr mo rcfoTta io the tja'em Tits ppK: twirds ibe U.;Statea Tb prejet Jrxttm is hostile to our.'righ'i.btfbrtl r CtrtncCt -and oucht to be.mel by the" 1 srfclwd arm ot retatsncr, Mrcieru ar"cn cuf part 'till ahk cooieato incsecf ju?tkcv Till this U; done, lUi BJw8Ctei.oroa jicaaco.oy urn circu Icdenr acd mould io'thrfr vvX, who bave nsuxtata mc pvouc vti:o tfr isjumediitlc, wihe.peace parj,Ms while the tioUte cTerr. principle r on wfoch '-national honor .rest sv 'ard Jby "wfcich tubiun'Jal pecc can be.cbtajoed erprtitrud ; lilWhU i donrr thf self ijled " peace piny, are nininj: more ter tea thtn a psrtj to prolong tfit mar jd ibt in proporiicn io their, fAiin Jen aril influence f Jo their. hqp.a and eSbrts tf? brice Anierlra toihe terma pi.s ka! tnuocif tbey i raur? tney w.i be disipfrinted- TVpany will only hiu the rr.cti: of, prolonging the war, is leaders the mot tiBcJh (ir they I n) to see k 'close. with hon'Mir to our cdorTyt tnd iucoeai to Us'rinap.jUhe grat cpme cf roVrii me . rights; of jui lire to oirnhea and justice to the world, itacst vhicb ErigUndyr?; England ! !ch sxnilea w:;h to much coroplaccn cy a this party, i 'amy e?.' . ' V. At. Frtrnd. , " SAILORS RIGHTS ;. . A rr m rk ha been, fi equently reUe ratrd by way of sneer at the pcople of tie mestem states, which,' we thinkthe, fenehd better, left air he. - ItMsiVay; ihry, Tc'ry siracgt', that bere'ahouTobe aocuich feeling for the ligbjs p f acarncrt irrxg the backwcodrnrrw and ao little cf it roorgttbc inhbitanta 4of ht, KtwEcRlan ajaieaiwbosc arc rrcit frtquemed'bysea-ranng mt Ko, to mi there itnothing'strangc in this circumstance-.; The 'reason of inc cifToervce is to he found in the different chirrctersf tha two peo"ple, t.The Ktnuktans(brc8inpJeareofa warm ded ratare, they ho!d etcry thing at tughi without personal Hbe.ty V .they DrTer lit downto carcuiate.whether yiey il! rr.ike morexr iea mercy, by, suf, ferirg their fellow-ciiinns to be draR- rtd -w?y into captivity t it.ia enrugb f-r them to know,hat they are thus t ....... ' 'i' . crtjrgtd away, and tna? tnetwrong coer 'jtthvi inrsucq mjusvee. toplecfthe Wear, personal liberty U ftt faint cf honor, IJut in Ncwitog ked, i; would seem.tKat all 'the ties and sicetities of life, ' inditidud freedo'm, ird eten the righr-of opinion J'majr e tercjeunded for factidcd 'dollars'. e fivuh art brought i i the. .opposite .ttc. e anow mattnetc ixidiido cct apply to ftXijhitw-Englanders Ut they, apply to'a.suincictil Dumber to Jmp the whole with the character we ne drtwn of them. Ther are the tccidwcn of the United States ; mo'ne'y thtir grand object t It is so desirable ".i last u bcgnta ana oiasia rneir wal fictiltie.'s i Who mx ihe weit ftitcrcf ihercToluio:. ll Decedict'Ar- ficW, 1 4scw Eoglander.'' Who arc now I V . . ! . m.t ' lit . , t ,0Fi 'erf oj iDeenemy ininetwest" Jl'dles nd No?acotia.f ; TheNcw. "Rlandcri -.arid'oaiticularir he Bos adened to etery honorable' aentiment Jkat is dear to the heait of roan ? .The w.ErVltodera.; Ifamidst thegene- . .'i int of oroDer tens buitrtt few no esmik lure appeared) a lew thousand Jwmen hate a.aistecV' to form oyra r- tl'n, they are like a cleam of liehtTn k night, ; It will be : the ! province Arable njentioobf;hech If these ob , prions abeoldV - 00" account ' of tljeir tkne,, and their'trutM. offedd--fci.it .ftmtmbered that they ark but rier 5,l4tate reuiufibri for those colurona of -swnlity which are incessantly directed West tte reputation the feeling, and Je mteresla of theeitern eopleby J ucreants of th East; Yes I weOf e tuSTeringt of the-galhnt sailor? ami -'7 the 5an cf Hearen never ictupon word of a Kectuckiirf In it Jih. U may.rTot be amiss. berhaMtpno- tldc.an humble. marl of respect ofiered oy me managers ot tae -Baltimore. ioe- trfu W IVur: iinrraria.) tn lha neetriorr of 'he'Ceniffal. Thekftbsei waa crQWrt-j cd in cniHui:ncc ofvseveral'askectacKa des'rned. in honor of rhe day..Betweeu the atcnd and -third acta'of -therDTay, the curtain' slowly, r bmunekpectedlyf rose to aoiemn rouitc, ana exniouea iof;y obelisk 6n .which-was loscribed j 44 7, MflKEj BalttAbikR vGiiEAL FftLL'fjL '.iRtboa'ii'B roaViV'R ;Apkit2r, 1813. On thelefi.nandof I the , monument' waa that eltganvctrest jdvely ; pointing with bet spear ta the nmi of the hcroi J.ftrdreis was .up- rpramon7 spienaia ; ana-very appropri atr b ihe fdeX deigned toiuvjfttn; -On the other side was a bdy , an elegant npurcrt:ticu in toe acepesi mourning gracesHy leaning agarnat.the pcdeatal, mm'veabl feaed,' in;all the solemn .m - j ty o f V oe.H I e - e u rta In , be i n g hrj raided, a . death like silence for -1 considerable' time retgntd in the hoiiUc, inc rn us ic excepted -w nico pia rioi in tennpt thfr pleasing melancholy by any ill-timed botsterousness :" but aoon the feelings bf the people burt forth in orie" unanimous exprcssicri of applausesuch aa ha been rately -.wltnessett. certaioTy n?cr surpaseu, in any mun'rv on a U Poland larie'froW, the calamities under wbicVv mer.oaa taiieo in tut: winter ; ana lorm iruiK powrr. out oi jrxussia sna I'u- lsHd ; augment beicloiiir.ipiofSxonv) Brandenburg lathe kingdom 6fVcsU' phaha t Prussia wiil. ctasc aa.a monar thy j I and the unhappy dtiper of GreH Britalnf WHlj likethe SwtoMsbictim:6l her. policy, find England negoaatuic: u new cnspirac( with wbateTericlf BcV Brandenburg houses as th.r yihave'Ibe godaied withBernadotte, loathe eatcinf aiof the ,misirable madman i,of atoo ther kind, who is now .knoWn on)r as a I maniac Irvelling hatmlet;thro; GerJ rmany , undenhc title of count Gpttorp.w w 1 1 ;'STATElOF FRANCE: Extract oft letter from an Amfficin pentle- nan at faris, to his friend .Philadelphia; : ; ?o v . , jhnimh. ibis. . : ; . ' -. . .. a.uaa ur itiei uitu v L.t.11 Aviu JSACLH' in consequence 01 me umisn .gun boats having been. oVer.ib'e lines 2c fit e upon some of our small. waier-crtft, two of our armed sloops,- the Growler 'and - ' . ! . ' v r 'm ' . ' ': caie atnea ircm inis place, on tne morninc: of hV second ,insr. under i hp command of Lieut. Smith,' for the pur pose of aiUilkiig iheirivahould tney a- gaiu iuaxincjriipps:avini;c. 1 nty af rived xwitliiri a mile pf'tbc'1 lihea ab .. daik the same day and cast onchor they .discovert d thrtBrivlsh gun4oa'j- and guve them thas ; tu. ihc wind btT ing stxith, they uafjnurtatcly t tn so far in me narrow (.nunnei ma' mey touna it diGTr. ulr to return, hi.d the'Eaifle not be- metal, became Unmanageable and at last' . vThe campa'iijn 1willptn ih ten diya 'Went down' the Growierunwilling to frrro thiS'datei in the north, for the he- abandon her continued -figli ingby her ro-of the age is by tfiis lime oVer the side, intil after she-Went down and thh Hhin'e; he movrt bff in his ustif 1 stv'e; waa'compelled to yield o suoerior foit: without parade or rciinue, -two dy orll The action lasted from r5 till ubout half nignis age, arm t (calculate, upoo nis (pav in ine rnoiningj win l tile or no speed by his mode ofmovemcnwhen Interrnissr6n. .The cne"my had by some he moved'off to TJlm'and 'to Jena. The means gotten in formation of the sailing; sameinsrru'able.secrecy, an immensely of our sjoops oBd brought their 'force trpbrUnt. in war as usual, pervXdea; all up trom tne; Island Aui'Noik,: 'and ranks tlihe'.blan aAdVobiects oft be earn placed' them on both sklea f the chan- paign ac onfihed b-the' single, he'acJil riel, which, was so n.trow that raUaket that guide iff jour. Uncle -Tibys and corporal Trims, therefrrej have toom enouRh for bcir severaraystemsl WYiu; will.be astonuhed in ther Unit ed Stales to learn what .the public spi fit.f;thia nation has Reeled in the course of .only 4; months Xeveri per haps, did, the talents of thisex'mordi nary manappear, more, trahscendant than in what he' has accomplished in tbishort space: of lime. ;fcHe has em- brtdicdi organixcdi ahd cquipt, -.n armjr ot ocxwo men aTo winoui an aaat tionat ttut f Idxcf. Trfe horses whi;b fell under the'climate .of Russia,' have been replaced by 100 000,' the volunta CDntntutipn of every city, town vil lage.eli'y corporate body ctrl;and ecclesiastical ; . monks and ministers of state : the youth of both sexes 'all ;ap pear; to : have been -unnpirhous, from Rt.meo FrahkfortfonV ihe'.Mainei : In furnishing horses, and in bine out of ten cases, " cavaliers equiptf and paid ;till tbryjoin. the army upon the hbrset pre cnted.5oroe cities, sucn as the ina nQfacturine city of Lyons; has presented a cproplct squadron ; of hbrsen and4vo lumeers, moontea ana pertecuy equipt Orleans Jiar presented roop o 66 mounted "men p the , colleges have, all fircscnted.W considerable numbftr eath ; short' the mere register which has occupied the popera rof Paris, Jar:. two months past, tires lrbm"ta aamenessfic never' "edfngVrepelition jof. houses and cavaliers' p resented. yr. )' f'The troops ia Spain ar to benaia tsined At SOOOOO men ;. so it will be in the nature of aIefenslvr, rather than an oftensiye w'r. 'The iJritshtorce citnrpt be. sr . snort , ot tne, same numoer; ana the jcpnditton of 5pain as .wil aa the tils pbstUon of thfe Spaniards", may be oesa cd Undefauch' circumstances; ' r.,.; i'Dar,avy,7 redeems "pur ; national chsfacte't fron the pfaroy cas,t upbn5,.It at .Boston--the'naval wortbies havelm mortaliaed'tpemselvfs apd-Vaveclhe reputation of. their; countrj y they 4iVvC ecnfoutidell -Entrlsrid,', and astontsVed and agon,iaa mc navai rencDmcn shoe could ; reach tor sloops Jrom - the shore.'iWe huve not Vtt learr.e'd ihe number of lullcd andwpundcd pn uither side, but from the 4ef gtbUof the action; the nartowne&s of the ch4hnti and the signs pftarnage which iftrc discovered after the aciod, we piesunn; if must h4ve been'Vcry chsider'able, but we fear our loss has ben gresttr, from the oil- aavantuges unaet wnun out mt n lought. We had . one hdrievred arid thirteen men oh board, tUcludihg Cpt, .llerrexk arid 33 Volunteers frorjit,bis'cornpin)r Va tioned at Chamnlaini We under 3t And inc euciujnau uvc -'guiiuoai9 in me actionbey (carried 24, pounders the largest pf our gunsw,ere .eistttenf.'-. i: r, Since the above was,; in i ty pe . an txf press has arrived from Cham plain which states, vbn he authority 'of riformaiion derived from. -the .enemy, that onjy one of our.tnen was killed, but a cosidera blc number wounded-ihe , enemy had two killed the Eagle aunk in shoal wa ter and the. crew were irit&RipS Extract bf a letter fromirejpefctable characi teri ; dated CantoLoient; Ctirlington, Jaxle 4.J , Ycatrrdav rhbrnifip' w; werir alarm- f cd with a cannonade' to'.tht'nohhypt' more;' than'Rve houra'duraiioti ;(herW suit has' been disastrous ; AVej have Josi, the sloops Grpwler tt Eagle, C apt. from , Ch&ft) plain; the epeniy has therp VThe -men ereybraVcvbut Jniptu dent 5 GoK- Clark" gaye "no pr'dprs a'nd it wascpntrary: tohisadvice the:, soldierrike ardor' and -'spirit,; txcs young officers and7 sojoHerChave shewn, but ! Teferet iber shluld havai rriade'iht expeditiprii withoutV suppon, ;The,; wiad wasutberly, they , probably v.T?re n,fed 'upon fro'm three sides "ir ti naiw'channeluwhere !4hey A. Adams..-4 - .-v i . Argus, br.v, ij . Adeline;' schi , Asp,schv - . &ina homb... ; Arialostan, bKV : -V v Boston, .?;r., Constitution;! Uorotellatioti'i . ' ? Lbesapeake, ' Congress; tv.., Carolfna, scb. . Conduest, sen. Comet, hired sch. Duk'tofGhuicstit br XB ;Dpatch,schi 'E.scx, : r. rav ' ; Enterpr izt, brvC: E.5lf,;ch.,. ? - . Ciirz oein,-scn. v Fair American, scht: " . Ferretschi V General Pke;,' . r o GW. 'Tompkins; sch. Growler, .sell.. Hornet; ; ; HamtltonJ schi .y.i ' J ibrt 7Vdaros ; Isaac Hulf,' icbt . Jblia, schi . . . uiianV f" Laiy ft the Lkke, ch. JMadistjuJ Maty, bombi Neptunr. 7 N.J3SUti), achv C)tieidi br. : ; On ianO sch.w rreswen'j President, , Ptapsco, hired sch. Perseverance. -V'.t tcrtf sch; ' Hrvenge, hired sch. Syren,br. Sccjirgt,.schi -jj SfUifiie, bombi -prpion, sloop . f .1 32 '44 J3&T 3$ 3fc 12 -32' 14 'JO 2 4 Tfouibr. - r- tinitea o sies, . ., 32. lb is 9 r-26 lb 38 28 3e 18 I 44 12 Lt, Smith; 'i: smith, C. Gordon,;1 V; I 1 mt&lkj i.i -'j; Lawrence. v . . . " , . . . . - t ftesajSeake BaJrVtv??;, ? ' Ltke'dmkripU 'Mr-iV : Cartel SefTic.-X , t j;,-5 rSmithVv- - dacKe rAarooiyi pnz-.y lj? v- , , Lwfce Champlain'v Ms?---j-Aa tfiBmkat.i fkVfS' . 1 ! DUt&Vj Sa?' r4'-V 'll . Hike ontanp iWir 1 );Lke Ontario. "V" ;r,.) IVitP fif&m tondpnil-v; "'V? Jl tiiDritaHbvrV'vfr'' ! LV LPa'ce, '-J 1 ;V 1 1 - Mrkf f r J yl -;;Lu-BLkcfef,vr: J E C!i;yncey,-- Lt:B.ownV ;A- ' Jut xw'ifnerson; . ; " Lr. Jfeweombi' s 'v LttTram,7:v j.L,naunceyf vvooisev,- v- :Washiogton; repalringt f , - ;r , ToCKussiai V - If .flVfj . varvtagei; t We;5 have not : -got the pai(Cx cuiarroribil iffiT.i4VA';.r;: K All is-activitv' here : ,V hVAS ; :(Lake,ObtariP,, v .Jk xU ' 1 j 1 vesr, -r ifEasrn-coasKf Js" 'I (1 . liJiatnbrWge;-4-Lake'0mai" , f 44 aecamr., ii r wew-i.dndohvk,u v v r- , (C7 pesWes be (tlbote, ibere ? number of Reveniie'Cutfers, ti& abobM70 . . ' J ."To .Ibopa of .rlj hfeienurchtd Lkf'Efli Hi -'v k? tL.! .j,' ! aaaBMaaaiaaafcMawBaaaarJWaaaaw 'Y","''Kir'V y'1 1 i I" ! i t i i ZT" Z.r :ZT3 Z . V 'fWirv - h- :.T I 1 jtBCSfc OF AMEftlCAN PiaIEt5 ; We republish1: the fpllpwfrg-articlt fdrjhe purDos"ef callmg;theaitenici of the public'' kri'd me 7k3ernftM''paciy: culauy ta the peculiaropprersionanitl iud;gnrty; , which ; the ent myv inflicts ,or? Ita'psef be:;na 'patrtPtic rAmicirfe wno ire vine mosii arueni ano janr.iyi nevercelse iufd htaVenrt6.custod fcsekon borA; ;: i fTb ptUon faip;ivhereheW;nnned ju' i' rf; VubHcTiewuhtilPme eemplafd m ci sive.ro e asure snai i . oc vascn t ii ufenerv jinecs'anqfe nationf are compel ! w to enaure at jn Kabdrof"1 thehetny; -:It seejths;0;nS5 Captf Nichols sOrtered from hecrucltV oi me, oniisn, merely oecausoi ipv, acti vV part be had ;ui(eiSfyiiy; And is tlijs the mapnet U atnitioft'boastingiofiiti ap preci aiea ine vaior r ana .painowm pr an erjemyr?vVbuld& tle;or "government esteeroAiBriion th lew fo'uistin and courage; Vitr lnlinghbattlea his" ccntry5Voujd tbyntheT treatl 5jbuch an ;JE h'ospitaltryVarid respectrwhtak'ew soner; than:one. who; had displayed Cpwk ard(cnd ,traehr mwardv his urtyli'But England iya;pifa caeing tftpelvaJue oaur. enemy u respcv V--rKM1 T ana patriotism pt Arncans,oxs .1103 cdmpoVtf.TTitn her 'bViblnWQprnipting! verrimertt; however, must be joJiy sen-r brig JDecaturof U1s pvrt, Vfilli ani khott, V l' :mrnunaer, wa wtudbthfc Irtish fri-rfrj? ; V Surprise; rand off tKe gb f rtfc aatnp f h nxonth irriireitartadbcaV wfcere CaptaioV 1 Myj Nicliola Was season sbor wiL.parble.After ; i v O. i , tfte arrival of me,Vi;rtalfrVefk'qicbadfr: n j irmerly fcaptured Czpl MchbTa ,in,lherig , . ;J ! Alertrtiomroander rtcOViiiziri 'vleiftliu 'V. ''-Jf. d Aientf ano; tne active partuoe oat :aen" r-.f,v '! ih the; preset warApEh or'ahoulL'tha' X frl: ' ' 28th day Pf April laet, wlthout kny pre'vidtti;. $ . ' frigaterwbich sailed for.ihVfleewrd1slnpXV y " 1-"' -JA Gieeabl? to die direction pt the -Att of J -'.s, i J"1' l6e- GeaeVal Asertblyf enttt!eU-f Att Act for Wt9k IwvufiS t Mass's 9 cfrtobe; jnorniu for. thai t'O ; iirce lie" eoiHaud';oBenV'tfi Boo&tOreafc?? HoerohD Sta'l,' - 'Hi . t'v', nut u c. 3u A I r ii j - inenipnesf nceveniat fniwwjKnTottiTit andieilant.nrotectron .to tntivll rfr v zi'i i ' 1 "- - - Vtfiii not weary yon wun cooicgmi -f r i-V4 -v.'ii.-; ,11 r . t. v..-v. . , .L.rri, -nr 71-1 OTnt4 Jwrt-.-aS ?; ' ra . . . 7 the peril . yv.,;i-.fA(iVCriii-iiii?'lhi:v";.vi .5c. --JSitl.. -v i&i.hBa&i'lxY.'