?. ' 1 V V. 1 " f o I r 4 : III . ;f;V'2 ibe;Parlttrrren,V I louse jbbnccf mof .. : - ;ciuKOi) ik preserve? lou'.D.ve. ..rtr.bl:th'wfii one of he Bri'fsh, .trs'takf -V-V. v"- art arfcYm Georfee6ir the.5Alibf May. : t. ' hire the. honor betery respect- topicT jt letter from Major General Dear waw ui secretary ot wr, dated;:- . ' Julrj. irt.70tiria,Dip tbeditnt humble Vf v --v; 7 - ISAAC tHAUKCEY.'X: . ,: ' V -Vw 6. 13U.: - 1 ' :-T :: fl 1 ntre rccetVcd 102 tfyprvti iruin' 1 C ..VVtbe UMd :r Uke ibhet enib with. v.- . aicJlieoccl ihtiiour trotTpVcurnnund' V V --V4 b; SUrigibjer GttJcrtlt ChmdlerV ' " ... :V"V.'tg bt.the WhoHqf tbe priiih andJo , i ' , ; iaa Votxeii f and y om v. itftnge f ita r- - k titl'tyt trt"glovV lot i "ftai 'iroatl; (not ei'r ;;' '' : ; '..cecltn'iBixty) "at;;thp cnpmj ( pom I f . ..pJcieJy .rnuted ind d IvnT frbni (he- 5cl!t V.vVbbih Urgdjrr. CcDcriilt CDanoIerand X Winder .wtri .Ucn ..pritoneri. Tbey t ;--N t.?: ;itd adianctd't6 aieruja tfar tiuiatton roln coTtii.oi-aiUHrry.4whn the .at : ' TUck -ebjamtuwed' ' Qi o .Viufitnt it rc r-c ported to fboainpntbc UU'd of tbex- " Driny Car.'Ciark wtt mortally. wouruN 4 end ftU limb1 our. hodsiHiili tixy ' : "pHfonrs of.th'cVV9:li lir.tUh jeglmemW - The whole lot of the. etiemy.i4tVo ."' l hundred find fifty. Tbey tf in m H , tyt i0 a reqaeii lofuurr incirarao V ntrlitliVctomturiietl by Drietisr 1 . Gvnera) Ucyd goet otr to take thecoma ;P; S. June. a-Tbc- enemfa fleet ha a passed thls.'.lUceivro abtpt'and foui achoonerai. r - . 4 r$ ."-lttind tor ihc advanced troop. , h ! -N ! " - 1 t'tre tie honor to be, tc. 1 S, - . ;: ,; -fr H;.DEAunoRK. ' ( T JJ, .Urtractwrf;aprttiite'!aterV'd Fort ; -'a 5" "Vvtieorgesi -Xune,-tQ'IieSeereti3y .of . u '5 ;Tb e "ebem v ;"-con aide ring hi mself r . punuetJt tops po ar thp;road 01 the ' x . laie,' wattinR 'the "antyal of Pfoctor Qvh)ai;lefr Milden axid Vaking -yie-ciuncb.bf other auccora frbni be- r V . WinderTtfaaaetacrjedDDthe 1st inatant to'tHaJbdije hiin. He carried T ' With him hit own brigade and:6be re. "m pmrob (rotn; Boyd's brigade. . Oa " v itiuriilaV Chandler (for whwp: .'the comtood ; was intended ) V folkiwcd with ;the 'remainder of iJoyd'a bri ' rtde" 'rhe" Dritith ceneral fViti- etn anticipated the bl6w and iulk-' bfour trdbpa at tf bVlbck ro the mbr- l tun'g of the 6th, Chaolicr'and',W in ! xJer, and tbe deputy; quaftcrVinastrr ' . general ; VandcvcptcrHcre hiade "ntobera early io' the actiofi . rlhe corhtband devolved ' upon .C&lonel v liuru ASthsdagoobal ' -Tbe'eneniy were oca tea and. routed, leaving two , cW.crate; hini. tifreto.' collect 'and. i ;.ght;once bnori. Le wiarxl JBojd d r a51uoder xnarcbing- 6detafbr-;t&e command of the fad van ce'" Our loaa rtPf letter fni Jttj. Genrjerkora to - ? " the ccrrtsrj, of VtrnxtC- - ' ..art-I hstexit6 stateTtb jout.tb.t .tlieW hole , of vbur bfuccraVni m tn d it- covered, in the c1an;of,'the 57 h'uli. thst rctJincis k at dor' for.acu3nfrch . ef iocrd a defmlraiio Voa db'hobbr to henv)vesr and' thur coijntrV.The abnjaiingeasmpTct ' setrby CoU:Scott t ami by General U Jyd 3eterre jpanicultr --adeMlcv. U'siitU great!)-'. ;.idcb ed.Vo .-Cohn Tl Porter of the.lifU.t srtillcryr- to 2-3t-r A 'mislead of the '3dreift."oT Vri tilJcTy, and jo Liuten snlTotUn of Ihe. r , mnicricorpa, loriheir ludlcious and V vnnnarcavana nity.Demna mm out, j .V . becbrtting to our norpcra iactict,;we ; - ' T ditdaiped'.to presa' a "beaten,1 enemy. -i ' , V -'S t'1 txretition fnderooJitMogrihe e 'l'. J ; ; uemj fort and tntteriesr.afurcfBccK' r ' .?.';6(lntnry(gnerally,, 1 v r , V ; ; v I hare the h norno he, &c. Saeurj of War. ...t ?"V w :-.ntjtumof ihelcW iheATOfcfJ r.-nd Sutef. mthe action of i ! i . c'-.pmAit4:jairedre4 . .t J"". a.uisirtti MV rtoi t rr wt iHMi' r o 7 - rripvii.y wtfwNuw"BnavouehertNtt, mromiertvPayw&comp Heturii:oX-lrie7ios5'of e:enemfin xxueu wquducoi anu uut en, jii urq F&lia h a,i J Funded; I ,CoIoneL - J ub akenis,; f wrtent ukl 152 hank Vnd.i.r- 163. MinutnUil. lUJamalivi -&Tahern, 1 uigeooy sergeant and )w rank'&sd file- Tie foi!Jtnffit.a late Utter Troro i the Se- ; cteUryt War o the CoYejr.bMasta- . -ijt answer : io, your citciicu- cyfa vfettcr of. 1 tL inst. (cnclbshrgW rctqlution of tbe-legialatufcfcfRlv fhuaettirbFcbru erf 1 to ;he Presidenrbf the ; TJmtecl 5 ta te$V and 4 ? re qot ating . aulh : to pp';y of rnukcta as niay be convtnitntiy furnished, and as may .consider cd the prbporti'cn t which'the-corbmoo wealth mavbe entitled.-) .1 haveTthe nonor to iniorniourtxce.icncy, tnat amis ' i u v ii4 vm ' u Tiiiuc of ; the act4 of 'April 3jl80 vlur arming 8c equipping the whvQc.bbi) of the militia of ale .United Statct, have been ioconsiderablq;,-iQ, prbbor- t!3n i to the tniitiia to be; supplied, the President cat deemed jt mustJcoQdu tive'to the gcotral tfprcattosuppl) in the first ;plaee,the Jionticr atute andjkermilitia' xvk? rtiave come for vJard in thciervicesojjficirouHtry ?'' When te statr of the' public ar- ?senali will justify the, yktaaure Ma' ' - - : ' - " . m. , . . aacnu&etta hiii receive nerpropoiion ol arma agreeably'fo theVproVuiona''oi, lhcfUvr. . Verj: rctpccifuli,' I xrravc the honor, to be. &c; : T v : r jgiJW "AJIMSTRONC - it - ' , . 'is - ' " ' . ' - " " i '' 1 ,V; 4 ' '" , 4l '."-.iairA;fViiel'a.!-'. v McNeHuii, trbro the committee on Nayat Affrfiia, report dVi bill iy ievrc ibc'irtut rs; stU cr w ol he"sloup"bf w i Hurnct ; ibrcb, -s twfe'e rtd n-4 com m Ald. ' ' " , , x ; Ou moiioc, the House rescWed ittelf intb a comiiUec if thewhc4et ob'ibel report or the committee of eirctio. s cn the con'cs'td ekciion of John P Hon gcrlordf un'-wh.th tb'evllouac were oc- Lifpjeii dunngCth; ieouiridcr ;tf this daiwithQuir corning loauy . decision; sbtrti)b--i v . i.;- ; . ,, Jhrdaf, Juni 14. , ,.: .Ir.l. Troup, Jrom the committee on MilitifTy.AtTairsrrcpofted a bill to pio vide lor the widows and orph.ibs oi iii litis slant, u'nd ol nhliilafjisablcd hi the service ol the U. S -Referred. " 'On-moiion of ;Mr. Hfcmpstiad.lhc cbmnuttee oh AJiIiury Atlairs'ws ii siructeci to enquire into the expediency of continuiQ in force the aci 4ulhoris- iiif the President'or the United States to raise ceruib ;cbiipanies vof tanetrs lo-iuc iwuictuon oi me ironueia ot the United Sutes,, pa'fs'cd January C. 18 L2. SciOie VcC suppleratbtary thereto, pa'as- edJuiyiiBu: : :r H v. ,Mii , KiDg;-(Qf Massl) after introduc t9ry remarks, explanatory of bi vieivs lb respect? thereto, ofiered lor consider ration ,ui r :c .rtsoluuona in . relation to conesjc elecuons.v 1 ho' firt piopos- cd to Revive the actoresCiiLinv? .th mode, of taking eiidcnce ; 'the second. prowcmi; jor mcjutuxe choice of .nhc ccmhutteerbf elections bY baliai - mi t wsf"? or tne jppoiniment.ota ape trolls of tftevhoUseV .Pti theaUbiect, oi imum - ticvuoua j j;nuTeporc tnt; uiv yvtu, m pnnciPis,' wnicb ap pear to them to Lave been thereby set tied oriadjudged,' 4.- "The ' Erst i eioluuon was ; aereed tbl the aecbhd waaTonrer cd ntb be on" the laote in pursuance of a rnle olthe House -iahd the third wascfcned tb a tbrtVi mitted bf lha'whol6r V;;v yf'O: Ihe Hous tberi-proceeded Vthe onjer. of ,'tb day-Ahcjconiitieratioii bi the report of the comrpittee of blectibtiii w. -Mt.u . iiaict y pcjmoD) contest ing theeltctiobrjohn P.tHungerfordi In comnduce;.ofthcf.Wbole, the House k uii, a iic naor, on uus report which underwent a full diacusibn. v,.. ' :i . wi luc wromutce roe, av mouoq f 5 Cb hVrge';'ih'em from the turtner cdDiiderauooI thi reoort r.'PcjabnbVeacnted the memoA! of Edwin T S-tter whiter mspufser in tle navy late of the United SfaWfc Vfaen; captured and af;erward wreck, edanchsunk - nearj CpiiccpuIaJand; . . -ii a oituusi o uic : .l AtyVGeieral. wuhibHhenb irrbllV ttttdll tad passed for? artningl and cqujtiping iHe'fHbodyti;lhH of theJO Ststesirand n annuiappF aims had Jeb pY ic a 1 distribution inWriaoVtaWbb'blaEe; It abpwedi iore ine,rousc a vv CL ?,raaw' there -hid bceh'Srbcbfedil Vcorisc-' qiilince xf this'opprcprla'tiobi;: io.bbp'iianda-rhaVL been aisVip'uterJ jba several ; of thetatesl and -icrHtoticsVejC le?en' in numbed '-vTHeHbusdJiadiib j I VnfoTTnatibnr of. the dis tributibri! bjf tb e 1 remainccr, or mat any, aisiriauuwi-uau-ij tanen pnee pijLnosewpicn uu ejeu since nrocuredt' foiLcowracts' had bceiv anriounceo- toaave oeen mape, 10 a copt siderable exteptV; lor Tdrthcr suppcs. The -ibii$Jruxtl!i)ngitennof;thb;la m. ap? parV to have beeni thit jb distribution might be raadb' to: some Siatas,v..tb' the exclusion' of others. fThis construction Mr. P. apbrehehded.Vwas a jery 'diffe Vent ofie from that cpntefnplated.by the. those who' passed it wai,, that he arms should be e a Ual I y -distributed as receiv ed by the UStates; iMrrP. quotid the lerms.oi ine law, requiring, ijie irau?-. mission' ofAhe arms procured 'ubcler ii to the several States and tbi ritorici, tb be distributed bj "thei local autlibntyof each. Thb- teport made to the hoiise on thisabbjecti accountedfbr. the ine quality , of distribution by. stating that the arms had beehdi-tributed'talho'se pyr'ts pf tlie Union most exposed. The bituatioi i ) oC-the lUVS.' had materially cfong'elrT since vthat iettec was.wrltten Mr f-lK- said his own. obinion had been decidedly,: that whenever a distributiori ! took pweei it snouia oe incquai pro-1 r portions lo each state, agreeably to.its c-necuvc militia, uui n wouiu rcwar irpon jbe'prihciple'1 stated iriibtf War Department? that nbvr and at the'tirbV the iettcr. was written,' the'ejwerb ma-: by states as much expbsed:aS'those,to tvhom arnis had been distribnied ; Arrns hud, for ins(ance,': been given lb New-' Hampshire, and jipt to.MassachuseUa, Connecticut, Hi York, pennsylvaida or Virginia. ; As to'tbe situation oLNew- Yorku' noorie,'he presuroed wpuld imar inr jhathe.Wha not much ex'pdsed as ivew-nampsmre. tJi seacoasi n. Hamnshire had but a,sincle.b6int,.and yet arms we re given Whcr, while none. weregiven to vonneciicuij wiin a sea coast of 120 miles, and a cbmparaiively am all territory, or .' to i Massac hbseitsH whh her tiumeroua poris: Alrcatiy had 1 Connecticut Jthree or more reVvimepts called but to defend a 'squadrbn of the U. States, which ,had.Vqught, shelter within her waters. " With c?';withouv this evidence of her exposed situation, Isbe was entitled to her fair proportion jof thecal msprocuredjinderthe law in quesiio7 ror uic purpose oi examin ing wrttner i wasnot ine irnc the law that the arms.thouid Ac' ibejitcht ould If tqually distributed to each Slate,, ana to bring the, subject generally belofe ihe hbiise) be "offered the following resolution t k: . ... j. . ; 1 . . u .- " . - Resolved Tbst a cpromittise Be. appointed to enquire whether any rand if any; wbat al icTstions are nv cessfy io be rcade in -the act for arming and eqiippuig"the whole bodxjf :ne muuia t ana woeioeraify, aqa.i any whai'aheratfbns arc HtCehtt);n (q thetlrne when ilie arnis prociifedby 'yirrue ofvtbis ct jlisirbc distributed, -fcc ' V '? ...: S Alter aome bbservuons in'justifica'-- ion of the mode of tJistribution adopted 1y.the-(Sovcrnment,cthe-tevib adopted,nd referred io the'tommiuec on"'mllijaryirs.ufi:v v :.?lieuse'-again.in eomtnitVeepn the report of' 1. be CommitteVbf Klections bn Mr.'HuniiToTd's i contested? elec tion. ;-,After:mnchfdebate, thecbmrhitK ,tee rose; an iteu progress, and the Th b house then took uhe por of the committee. 'Arobtfbn.was made by JVIh Macor, that the' report: 'be ie : tujumiucu- to ine cornmiitce ot eiecv lioriswitfj instruclibrit tb enquirbintb several cOubucsoi thcUtrict v-uic im rjiroii ine taw qi uic last jlc ...tL.' i Alii llbnt to Xbrjp,reii'i .MfSiinn rkri A v -J &" i t tuna wwuvci nmt eiec 'V-The question waa?t)ien taken bri'con tun uig w,rin.uje cummmee oi elections iri their; firstiesoliiuom ;via.f!:That the ejeii6nrar illegal ahd ought tbbe'set -IJX"--. It'll li jj . 1 ' -.v.--. ost; presented a memorial fro'rrf tb CbrnCoun'eU aside, and'decided against the yebbrt; DcgatiVedithewhole report iifejected and ; Mrj H dbgeri'orbVconCrrrled ixi ' his aeatJV-S. e v ' ' - 'Tv'- - 'nil V ; t .. Xrlr. Post. Dresenteda memorial fmnf committeeWai.rvvaoDomienrro:-er intbtheJexnciiencv; bf tthofhibff ihe ;8ecreary bbWmlteFElciiolSw ford avbonteitejdlwiorii Mhr4 acrujiny ;of thepoljsfbctTO rj vaicivy eterminewpy, rej eewng tee reporttbtjh "thVvOlefeaiityftriem kwaheloSbme on thiviotiom whi termme'intfietfmafi A ; Korthe,, moupnrfe-$i--,f f sgo the rettwaa?reTtommitcd alltrtion ?)iadbeenn , bf eaented to-day' to (1' at&tcbf dtfebce inlone bf obr.biiiC5; J He nlbrbsfforj ine purpose-or caning tnetiejnJoniOi recurring tb'this sUbjectat cbuMbptii defebceiotpuriea pbHs bbdtbt'hiany of ihemrT respeetablei Ji f riot; a petfectc' stated of tiefenceV H. But or? .iliight'doubtless'be done;,iIfojfpace appeared tohim to be; niore e xposcd "and less emwetiUy defena wouJdrbe ;8u6Rcient7or his?presvent purV pose to stale that threlourihsp aea' coasUhad: been debiared in a state ct bldkade ;hat pur wateavrei iist 4iid cbaiQined with thbufmed boats and oarges or tne enemy, wnicn-; we recn gagedin?rWi p o pf jty bjf bu t ciiizehs t ft tkfi mp& hi t y w'hic h ' waa" dee pi y. to be Vegre tecfc He'wisbed; an invcsthjalion .rorhd'jprir pose or enquiring whither: any: mean oouid i he- devised to; qeienp: purcoasj from Vwaiafe UoUs. 'He needed, not, 2he?preaiimeif, io auopc .ineeiiowin rcsoiuuons : c ; . ;.Mr. F jb en moved three resolutions to the iullowirtg effect t V" n? : lJThatiheVconiiteec to enquire in:b the eXptdiency of proc'urinjt such numef of row boait or rallies, $they may deem expedient to aid in; tue Ue fence of otu-roaritimerirontirw11 'xjMtz Ihai the same ebmmittee be instructed to piquire. told lUexpediebcy of ;'i oulDliicr for ihe putihc, service the gun-b6it beJohg; ing,?to thic U. StatesVnot now: mvaciua-ser 3. That Ihe .committee on Military Aflairs ,n! further provisions ore.redired bvliw for the: better - defence 'oT.Hheidwns n ih4r 1 seacoast ; na (hat tnejcommi iea bare leave larepor by' bill or Otberwie.v--':-;vi--l. .Mr. Nelson said, that hefouj proper testate,; : lest janf i mutation, ;bl ln'bifiern.on-tW tbe .bayai commluee, tha t ihacbbimitt tee had fpaid attentlbnVtd:meattttb mittee r but the irenilcman wnuhl' TiVri. iopjoh suoj w, wcn' iuiiy ju&uneatnafniit cuItt'raUntibb wishes, Which iMr; F.' had p ropbsed t v V;The'rebbIuli6hs wer adovtcdrTithoui opposr ion. i . .iv( t-y-iJA ;;1 rMr.ilXari ?then "callclbfthb bS j sideratibn ' bf the reabruttbnrWhichfiiej I had piptdon t w nose, property! :wnustyirU;lle. p.uDltcf service, had; beenVsei2eB atOHetroit ; yrw,;Thatthe cornrnrttee nf CJAim: be instrueteu 6lertqu.ire vHeiher ariy'broYJisi urjuujni iu;wc niaae ior .ine Uiuemrunation ot Jltose persons ; rMibsie'i pi; ojert) has been captured .otdeStroyedibyrthe 'enemy . whilst in tlieifieryiceoribefp'vern --The bill for the ' Wveneti''-efber- rre 4 The bill Ironi' thlSenatb for thb5r- lief of Alexander Phbebiraa anjendbb J ny ine aqmpn pt tne caseofcvw m.Nex sen r. waVdX tfiSib VAt theinstahceoMr.'Websterj the Jtious pi oceeded; te consider .the esb; luydJiaaubm ofAhedmefbianhc luuuicaoa Axo , inecoverriment qi tne uutuiucuu uuiponinff io;De a repeal' i b "1 'vrvr; ket iitlaarorf pEN CB 0 iJM $ RlTlMjif UpNTIER. jeets, andhaq them now, under t;onsi dciaiiob. .',.V-.': -5r-fJ . '.;MiVFsk.; dieclainiedany intfentiortq throw1 anyccnsurc' onVthe iiaVai m- w chV"a Ji e r"s o it to; In the Jbllb winier-words i -if sutia uucijuvu vet liuu uancrics, was ad a third time vandbaasedv i A- arm fdebate imsQedj hich coti nueof tillnearjibu Hous adjpUlVed without rtoanrdecisicr'eor Ji''" , Mr. ?piun presented;; tne peiuion fof JQfePorbt hviWifcm& i atbaithhich r iurioe rtSilililuw: I ic&undred iDoHdrr'.Ravard. armerHewas aUo Unlisted m KmUifciil riiyH;Siilit-Aj(Sand JACOB years o ui o . t nfi, ci Wst-k r,. ,bbbV iri'tiutJi erf- rit to. unty , Nov t"b-Ci.rt iin :S'btt!ebirilfis.?.4 Yetra old. '5 fttmr. orooabiy. rnaclt 'icr liuke cour.ty, N.C'y Jus : .T-he aboyeH-ewaiji vi'l be gWcji for tbr together wU"h;'ali reasonable-cxpetccs, forite 'deiwerj-bCeittier'.'df- thera to aay Uili,ctrii the AmV. 'r - 5. DON0HO, Artif. enni at Savumk ' J ..'J.. 4'.- A T,; a meeting ot a number of the inhibi. rilllsb6rcBgf),'fattV)ap)mt.hc j;i Hllv borcutrh, bit the 2otb day cl May, ,1813, m pursvancji of poW c tiance, for the purpose of ..bkYJ-ja rVe to wt? i U llis.torbohjwntt tojtneA;riaij, ana Miif. j1" r rwnrH SMertrv. vVr.ertu.Jon the tcllow mfe Resolutions weevadoprea : ; tittgoistirtl by the mnj vf.TSeHilhboicuglt Mawxnaciorinjf vnjiiii . ,r , ,2. That the Cpixal St. ck oUaid Copafly bejdivideUmo" shares of twrentyvc dcOirs eac f - "V , f" v . 2. ThaLwbencver fear l-endrei suweisl-alV. hpVubsyj;d;:.ttey trill conveu?; the;Stockhollcrs at wcu tousf'i r feilsborpu first g; vi i.g owe "momu house-1 C prim Ththbusmissol said Comnanj MB & mnsacrid byresndent snd Djrett-'j urj nresenti by thtrnSelVisppprXwcy.' - ; ,r ;soEJra3 tbe 'General: Mcct.nS hejgraMeirw 7 r.i-.iTrinr situ 1 .v v. a iv two snsrev" ?r r - . e f ihiwt Shve trt:Vfeai'7,v-'M V,"7- -r.rw: useripiowBook ifaliTaCAfW V r.tp extend Hh iu, t. andpe:'-?:.!fiH f4M hJ-l2u5e reimrotd tK.n'l v - said ucnrr- 4ilipr.tdr6 ba'eachwd2; iaaVheMlafee proper. ' ;ti :v-'V:'.,' -' -r nW.rt arul r OI'b inneVetcetn of OScerf s m Wf?W!l eoh 01 ielrtUW9Hxie Gryfc ;

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