. ' . ' ' .-. T fiK ,V. tf. J w 7.- l .IT ouu illations wine fkancr; rREXIDTs. MESSAGE. T, -J House f Refrttrntattttt tf tit & S I iransmit to the Hous of -Kepreien-rUTtsieportofiheSccreiarfofSt te, cLnuliiiiitj tlc informaticn icqUcjted tr tiir rtsolutlcns ol' thc Sisr ot June JZ - JAMES MADISON . , . . --- ' . . ' T , . -Tte Sccrtttry of State, to wltoro wm rtfer- yed eterl rcSoluiioat of tte House of; UcprotxAAtite of tbe !21st ulurequttn. ; liJornoation oi eertiin poiots rel'.'s'ig toj thr Ytticb dfcict: U hc 2oih of April, i 'JS11, tx vhe Donoc )o cuke to the 1'fckU.' la fvniihi(R; t,?e i'rorbLti.n rcquirlf t& by ihc lloaf of Hcprtki.tativit, the; Sccr.uty ot'butc prcUir,ff, iha it cTini be dtCOieJ s-Jiicic :i I U r liirn to! stiu s nir dtimiidtd, vht prt tic ctlhcs been birttofore communi- c c Jaui n ..supply tHccfi it,n. y.' ii; . .. . i i i C.s uris li n rvcr more cduiui mcotc j Dib-vinrs U" hr Hnusr, o meet all U'ts :t3c$ ilbuuv icrdi 5 wkafbas UcD-lna. y cnmaiui.ic ted, ecry to qtiirr, a to KTc a cisiinci answer to cicb. witb ic pft-pcr cxbnaiiun ttl4t icj u it. The lIot.se of Keprcsemafivesbss rtquts'.ed iufarniatio' , vrhcu, by wbom aftd in wha, 'rnani.er, :hc Urt inullf gtnee wai'fciYiIn to tbts crvcr: mcnt of use itcrtc of the g ven men! of Trance bc.ru y; date on hc Q8;ji Apil, 1811, ind purpor;i g to be ad tirur.T- IC ea! cf be decrees f Herhn and Milan vbcther Mr RusH,tate Chaiged'Al (iirc. uf he Uniucd Siales to th; go icrumeM if F ancti ecr aciroitttd ur dcQ'cd to bi guvnnntent ike correct' Ecti cf the dccUraiion cf the Duke uf Jusivrxy t'J M". iiriov, a . , tattd in Mr. BriowS Utter 0 the .liih My 18Utu the -xc ciary of bute thai the uo -ccrec had.btren conununif atcd to bo, Mr.lianuw prcdecc.-or.tTiett, k to ly bxferc hr Ik use any cum'spei: &r.ce vp.b Mr. Ku;cU on ihat subject, Muh ir.nuy foi be i;npioptr,o com munictc tK.d.atxj iuy c.rrtspor.dcnce brwecu Mri-iaflovnd.Mr. KimeU in jKncsron tt thcprpiitn.cnt of S ate ; irtncr the Muui?cr,bf, Trince to the U Sato cVcr ttfonritd jhis RoVprn jceDief Uie'x sicuco rf 'hr -Vd decree,' Ktulto lay bvfort ih& H"uc any corre.s; por-dence with ih A6 rniiii'Ut rc Utive Hereto fto: 1 rn pic xr to be con!mnica ted; any c:fer fpfimVtion in-po us-ALn of the lixectivc'uh.ch h. may lo- bttm it ioju i-.oa. "to th.-pullic in. cicst la ditclute. rVla ive. to ,ihe fsan decrrt, tending u shew at vha time, t) whuni f.d in -wbai manirr," it was frt made kutvn to t h k . v cir n m t n t 0 r to aay of i s rcpr. sc.:tiuvt or agents ; isdlU, to inform the House whether tbf i;runmct.t uf : the United State b:tb tct rtc.iftd'friim tlut of France try exi-lanaiian of tbe'Tason f fhat dcciec bciwj; com cai td from this g -iri'iueni, n4 its minister.. fur so long a tiros ahcr iti d-'.c, and if such expta-a-Uoa has teen askt t!; by tbtg gurcrn rtof,antJ has been omit uU fobeJ given by th'a r.r Frr.;ct'lKtht r tbis.gf.vern tit bis onadr ii.y remonstrance or "pusscd any.disatt.ficiroti to 1 be go uinn.tnt ot Fiance 'at such cchce.I "lacn4,' . x"" -v s Tbtse erquines ernbpee two distinct j cts. , TJu fLr fclat? Ip.tbe con-" ctifihe gt.ieiDaicntcof FraVce. in Snl t. this decree. 4 The second, t ftat tf the,g.;tn.vent rf the United States. "V" In - sitf)if.g the . call of the Ih utc, on this lurr p'jtnti . irsetinnrto Proper to a eel it in a two-fi-lJ vivr ; r't as it niatci to the cottluct rf h: jbctnnicn in ths tfsnsiction sccrond r is it rthtts to i:s"coriduct Jowaids ba. btl!ij;t rents interne imfr ant cir- fucni!ancta connrctru rith i' 'The re- oJu'i v.sdo not call spccilly f-ra repon c k,ch'extcni. lut as the mamcti of executive, and the actiot Unnrrrtsi Q"defl on corrmun'catioos frptfi "the Execuuve, hich rclait to cne of the 'hgcrmis, have by necessaiy conse euct an in: mediate relaicn to the 0 !crt w-b a report seems to be obvious J ccmprncd - wifh'in their ;scpe. . Oti piinciple the repo.t u preparcdiin expectation, thai the more full the nlcrintion givenon every' bfancbVof eiubjtct, the more satisfactory 11 be to the Heme." C V The Secretary of Slate bis the hortor j P.t, itsjrcply to thcic'eDQuuik' ihit K first iDtllieePte which tht! go. vernxnent fereived of tht.t French!. dc ciee of ibtt 28: h Apri. 1811 wa4 oro montcated by. Mr.'Eriuw . ,m a Jettji bearingj:date- on the;i2h -May, 1812, which was rece ved by this dr partm' on r the. 13 h July, f- l'ow'ngs iha th firstintimaiion 'W,Mr.' "Birlow, r.fth: ' ex stence. of ihat decrct , as appears by thf cotmntivhHionir Was.givrn by th , Duke of H.sfanc, in an informal cenfe.-. rmce on somt day between the, Cc and 10th of My 1812, and lha the-,ffi ia. ci'munic. uon cf.it to Mr. Barlow, was made on (he 10: h f 'harmed Jij at his req ciir that Mr. Barlow Ti$mV ted a copy of that decree,, and . ot the Duk- if Bansnoa letter anruiuncine it tol. I.usiell.'in a let erof May I lh? in vhith h- also informed Mr. llussell thai thi;Duk- of Batsano .had.sUtpt that thu decree had been duly commu-n-caied to him s hi Mr. Kussell repli ed, in a letter it Mu Bulow of the 29th lay, hai his -first knowledge of the decixe was'deriVLd.ff'um hii leuct, : h ' that He has repeatedly stated' the same since lo this " government. T. Thebecretary of S:ate reports also t hat Jioommunication cf the DrcVce of the 28?hAptil 18 11, uas ever made to this g V'.rnment by. the minister of France or other person, thrtn asis abm Siatcd, and that no exUnatidn of ?hc cjusc of its not having been communi cated to this government and published , at '.htime f its date, wi t.v-.rmaoe to this government, or, so far asj-it iS info.med, o ihe Vepresen;ativet or a gents -f toe U. 5. in Europe. . 1 hmi ntitcr of France has been a-k'dio cx- ! p.'-in the caue of a procteding iippa- renMy aotxtrjordinaty dfdt:XceptiQr a b'.e, who irplied thui hi firi intrlli gencr of thai decrtc wji received ,by, ' the Wasp, in a letter Ironrlbe Uukc oi j B sa o t f Mjy tOth, 18t2, ib tich he-exprt sscd his rurpr.s.,' exctred by l;Mt. Birjow'tv .communication, li"ut a I prir.r leuer of May, 1811. in whn h be j h.ui transmitted a copy, of (t he decree fv-r i the information of this government, hvd i not Ik err received. Funh.-r xpljna- I itfn if --. v "im trl If. m Mi- f I t fr.w 1 Uit9 nv (. j va iiyiu 1 v w j but n jne '.1 rt re giveru Ttie ligij; 1:1 which U:is trr.sacuon' was viewed by4 , this gavcrnment vrat- r.otici.d by th - F.estdcnt i: J.is me5s: ge to Cdrgress, a d co m m u n i t e d , 0 Ibo by 71 -; B 1 1 lo w to a leer of the 14 h Juiy'l3 t2. wi;h a v.ev !o the Tequisrte expfination Tom tin l;ienh g v rnne.t, t)n the.ili day eff Mav, 18ld. t'hc 'Emperor Jcf ; 'Pa lis fr the NottF$ ku two days lh'erj arerth: Uuke of B.sano I Iowcd hitu. A iiegociation f r Inip.'adjij-trnerit V.f.ii. jurikS, znA thea.ranemcn. uT our cum meter, with he g- vt rnrhtnt cf France, 1 .ng cfc'wr.'d'ing and sMd to have been brotigh neatly to a conclusion attbe f.me olIr. " Barldw's tJtath, was sus pended by that eent. - Hi -success., lately fpp- tn?cdr ia auihoHse.f to; re j sums the nrg;w riUon, and "o conclude J ii. lie is instructed l uf ih French government i every ..n- i lu y. andan explana i n of is motive t:r wannctcing' nom inn government a'-k'towerlge ..f die 'decree for1 to. long a time afur its adoption It aoper by the do uraentg referred to, thu Mr. Barlow h.si no time, after having ob atptil a knowledge ofhex: ister.ee vof the Frenh decieeoTthe 28 b A;;tiTf .181 f, io i.eniar.dingVcopy of 11. gnd transmitting iyo M. Ru-sell who immediately laid' it before, . the British coVtrnmrnt, urging, on the ground of thi,re;w proot ot therepelot th- trench decrtcii that the B i ish ordes n coun cil should.be repeated., M ..Russell's note to Lord Castlereagh.heats dtcon the 20:b of.May ; Lord. Castlei caghV ply on the 2 Jd, in Which he promisld to submit ,the decTte to thc considera ioo of ihe Prince RfgcnU.ilt appear, however, tha io encouragerjhtnwas given at that time to hope that thrvtr ders in council Would berept'ated-'tn consequence, of that decree.;' apd that although it was ifterwatds made . the grour.fi ottheu, repeal, ae repeal was nevertheless to be ascrib;d to : otbt-r Cius'ts. . Their.-peal did. hot.talte ef' feet until the '34 Sf Jurie, mofe than a roonih.af'ir the JFren ch d epre i b adVe e n laid before the British go vein me ni ';. a delay- iodicaiing,. in ;ii4jlf,,at a period to momentous and trhlcarj" nt rocrcy rrgket btit disr rd of French de crrcV!lThat,tbcrtroeal of ;he olerVn . r ' ' .' : .7 fr. l' V Copies of these aeVeral com'rnu'rScatiorw T li - are annexed 10 -ioit ifeporx t-. dui- as inev li. re, been heretofbre publufccdt' weiurt Q- v A' wmm r r 't . niinii f nin vrk n wv r- it j - .... . . . m .ill .. ...... w ' -w ' i - ' w.. -- r council wasnb produced by he'Frnch decree, oh'er proofs might be addtifedl t it J -r k" "l . C-'V..'---..V' I, will state One which in addition to the1 tfvidenccconained4n tht letters from Mr. Rassellr herewith 'commUnfcateHtt 'urked G, is deeroedct.nvlustve. Ir hecommuhica!i6n of MrrBikr to Mr. Gr.iharrjon the 0th August, 18 12svhich as foundedfpni mstJops fiiprnt hs ov rnment, of as late date as the 17th Junr, in which he stated,Hhat anoffictal declaration w. ulcT be. sent to this eouo- rry,"pippcsi g a conditional, repeal of uc oruexs in council), soiiar as mey :- fectedtliU. no noticehaieverawas taken : ot the rrench decree.- Vflt ot the conditions then contemplated was, that'thc orders in council should, be rt yived a the end of eight mohs, unless :he conduct of the French guVetnment and the, result of the . cpmmtmtcViofts .. Maw i- I wi n me grnratnt.ot.ihe usnouio uc j(ucn (is lrinc iinmion 01 mc urtiisn "tr- vethmtrit'to rtTiffer ltieir1 revival i:n L L .4 ,- .' .f LV.li . hecessaty ; a condition which proves in contesiiblyhat the Ftenchudecree .wal not considered by. the British govern men a sufficient ground' onr- whjeh. t ycpearthc orders in council. 'ft proves' mo that en Mat day jhc BrO.shgov ernment Jiad resolved not to repeal the otderson'tfic basisof that decree iince the' proposed repeal was (p depehd not on what the French gtvenment had already done, bu on Vhai it' toittbt. do, and 00 .arrangements to bet- encjced into wittt theU. S. unconncctcdwith ithe French repeal;.- - . - The. trench decree of the 58 th. April, 1811, W3S transmitted to the U. 'States ly the Waspjai public vessel, which had been l6ng awirmy; at the poits of jG Urit..in,and France, dispatches frontfu. ministers 1 elating to these very impor. t nt concetfi4 with both guVerntnem.l ;j 11 was received at the department otb at on ihe II? h July, 16 12, nearly a icont Kfte'r the cieclataMon of waragainsrf B r; a in.' ' Jntel bgeiii.e of th e t peal of t h? ord.rs in council was riot received until ubul 'he middL of ihefollowirgmontiK 1 was impossible, therefore, that either uf thoe acts, in .w'hattver 'ligh' they n..r.l i l- 1 ...I. ..1.1 I , .''" V.oi.'d, ration, br.havvtt.'h:id aoy iuUoince in decioiiTiJr on mil important event. I . ILd tivcBritrJ6ve.nimeni.been dis. j fosed to iept;al lis orders in. council, in ; couf-niity wi h iky priiictpie jor which ii professed to hv-jsu. d ilcm, and on the coRdition Which Uad.iletf prtscri ; bed, there ws no eson to-delay. the j repeal until such a decree as lh ifSif the j 28 h April, 1S1 lhoufcl be fproducedJ j The 'declaration of the Freqh Vfipvem rnentof August 5, 18)6, hid fiiUysatis i 6cd every claim of je.Jl AtUH gi vvrr j mcnt accoiding 10 its own principles on ihat 'point v By it the decrees' of B r' tin and' Fijian, were detlarrd lb be te ; pealedVt he repeal to take tflVct 'o'n th: lst .Nfvember following, cn which diy it did, take effect. The only condiuor;, attached t it, wasj' either1 thaV Grejt -Bri.ain shouhioll w iHe example, and icpe&l btj: orders in ctilor JLhal th. Umtd, States shuld,fry iiijftfiec against her theiroDimportation act. This condition was in hs nature subTC' qu ni.noi precedent, reserving 'righ' in France-to revive her deciees in cat neither alternative iTj perfoimed. B) this declaration it ws puipnipletely in the power or Great Brifijrt to terminate 'his controversy in'a m.nferthe;m(jsi U mor ableno hei lf. iFVancc had it etoS i d 0 bertfn! gu'tind on arirjijian with rh'u b.sne .had 'declared her, wlllingtiess', to. comply. - .Had sHe-.. cooipiti Kthe" non-imporution act t would; notv.havV been earned; into' effect, nor coufd ifcjl 'Ft: nch decrees have bet n- revived sjjy iiersrefusa) to repeal her'ordefs in ibuij; cil,fshe asN.made. herself rtspohsible for e 1 1 .tb at" has , sioceIfollo wcdla:. ' , By the decree of the 8th sApnlU8ll. he decrec5roBct-iinf ;anVlilan,ivee s-ifd to be di,'0'jvdylrtpeaVd'i;aft ttiei execution of the .non-imporaticn act '-.' V. . - ' . 1 1 . agatns: jureat mi tain .wes qciarep.to oe 'the ground of that repeal .'The rjieaf announced by the declaration of th 5lh August, t is 10, wis .absolute- an' final J -. ' l . Jt L. . 1 . -1 ' 1 . I exctpi as .co jtoe; cor.aiupn suuseijucni sttachtd .10 at. This latter- decree .ac knowledges that that cundiiiorj had been performed.': and disci aims,thflf : right Vtc revive itr irr consequence of that'perfor-l jrnarcei ami, ex'eoaipg wmc nrs of No vi hiber7c&HrmVD e very qriim kUnce thepVecm'rpe TiieJat lex act, tbercfof Ci ; as to ihe repeil, isno; K. thingrnJOreT than a - confirmation of tlie former It is iti thi sense' lhat-tKis --CJ- J- .. .. ylti:-., ! U is;n the same sense that efare 10 froj anoincranaiirrwcrc ibi uur , , theretcxt:qfhe,rrencKdetiybftH -.? t28ih. Aoiu:U!K thcBritish eoyem-i iwra Ot the repeal 80rpuncea nrttoee-, j ,: ment has"co4tctdedthatU ought to hdvei tvpealedf thrm on the declaValion 6f t$& Jill ui sT uuiy ,1 v vs. v it no. mijjuauiv iq niscrimin,a:e Dei ween nei tworci5f, to ( Separate tfi em fron ach otherf $6 ti justify, on sound find consistent- pHn. chples tie, repeal -of he 6idersfmcoiiu l efusal .toi repyl them on that of tn o her. " THe scconrf act makers the,srepe,al vdefinitivfifbutfot what reason Because the non-importattori -ix had been )UMi force i garn$KGreat.'Bpttaii:vin cotnptw ancc;vitS" the condition "subsequ wit at, taied. W the (bi meVfT:near: and neJrrer fusa) to peifoimiu 5Tha act being still j in fore, and he decree of lhe'2a;h AA 'pnl, 18 r bcng, expressly toutiaedj Dn it, Great Britain , repeals ..hetorqer vTtrj council on the basis of ihis latter deei ee The coh elusion is, therefore,, irrtsistar? ble", that by tliis 'repealnder Ii: thecir cumstances''attenAng .1f)Jr!S" Vtrntn;tit has u:nj wleVred of the clalai of ihd U. Statesio a repeal on the tormr occasion. uy accepting the litter re peal it has' sanctioned?,the preceding one ;it ria saitjontd Ulihe: conduct ot tn,gtyii.ment"in carryingv into effect the jrion-imnorlation act a guinst ? fea; Bi it8tn founded on the pre ced i'n'e re pe a l. ' 'V ' ' ; . ""V.-I'fei Vv 5 Uther important copseouences "result from" this rc peal of-h' Bi ittsh govei n-r mtpt. vBy fir and obvious construcuon the aceptanciof te.dr-erec 'of the 28 h AiiU 18 11, ast he,: ground of the repeal of. the ordtS's in couf ci), dught to be. ConV jitrued to extend, back to the 1st Nov.' ( 8 lOj lbcdy:dn, which the preceding' repeal ..took effect . .The Secretary of Siate x has full ' confidence, that, if fhe quesden could be'submitied'to the 36dg- Ti.ent 01, an . impartial juciciai iiiouiaK juch would be its decision. He has .qudl f onAdtce that suchlrWili,be the ji'dgmeni.- Dronounced on it by the t n , lightened and imp.rtial 'world. If hdwl vrver, these, ivro cs could be seTrarde( from each :cA.hef, so as that , th lattet i 4ight be' made the basts of the repeat 6f t ho orders in ;couycil, distinct jfrom the formerib (ollows tbat)'baring date onhc 28'hj April, 181 l.the repeal oughH to have reJattoii lo; th&t datc jcgl const ruction between nations as weltak j n d ivid u iA acl f,. a f; X v b ir e cct ttl front the. timehytegin toVopf rafet and, where thty impose a morili or jio 'iiical Obligation, obj another party that cbligat iohcommences .w iib the xom njcncemedtvoi lh? ctv. But it haspen Urged that ibe tjtnch, crc w, rtoti p rom u 1 g a led, or m ade kubwn to:ihe Bri- ish overnmenti ubtil r' year-antrits acceptit an actieying date:a yizt & fore'-it was promulgated it isVadmistjed hat io the inteival.ncihinwaoi:' repugnant to it. ; 4t cantot beprfeiutn ed hat any govef npent wdtild rcWpV from -and! he z'i t he . basis on ; vhicfi?.ft! was to fourid iuii inirtant;tnealua act of anterior; ani ;remote-dale pledging istlf to, a certain voutse'ofv eoridct Which that gby. 1 nmtnt.bad in.th inter-j VJi aepai tea irrnuano ..vioiaieoiyi ary; gbVnmeii lap ict e;li;- j unciie'ri of w Kic.ii it 'as- bound to se vV Vy an inter.ibnone, mjjtlatipd 4c !a ;hird pary, andrwliich it rdfiw&Ui' havebbervedi b"ifore itscceplariceby"! .the otbfci it dould hot be piumedth3t' it, wou iu cease vitiate. ajjeriineac ciptantes VfThe; kbrKiinicirrA' h ijr resists blth ai 1 f '( h e . goye rnmenf.did; 3ccVtM I ucn act wun a xpowieoge or its ac.e,- !yden ti Violation J "as tlt. fmi tvij?ifli5 treasure 00 its ownf parttnar sucniact. mintJjaye. bee n.t be osle nsibfevonly, ijnd iw me? reri mouye,oj sue n. measure. .T.t . herdecla ration t 'cf be prince 'ReV Lrmallr anhodnced; On thevatirhqfity 61 r rancc. tnat ine f r still in s reifilthaled I council ihcald J6t be. repealed ; Jt can nor iaih to exccoryqeraDiesurpxt hat t he.BriUi h go vermin t4' should i jro I meliateirfterward ihat isjronithelf tllStltprlriS 1 1.3yttmsprp; ing me oniisn, goveromeni; ..invoi ved itself ip manifest inpjfShsistjency' ,1' -xa ihaimalpedby -one act," thatjHhe k ... V." if-v ". f thts-aS(fiLif--EiVr z jt juce, repeat its. oroers in 'v council, on iher:rouridrof tW French' creeof 1 dars'ioiiof theFrenlrb, government:; ot '( . , u , ; ' ,ihe 5tb AugifblHJpbeeh confaef inivt Va'thariirfrfifnl.dii-1 Krt Act j bad-sufiiden wehbi. jttf prevent Uhje frt'i . ,?leil cf thoTtlefsjn counc:-; Vl ' I Villas object ci;tiatXthe 'clarationV 'V'' . of liie FfncnoverftmenVof th 5tn of -. ? Ii:t-U:-1L ...l.w' r; '"fct .tki. " " reg&idec Thc.Setretaryof State is, r " ;rV Mtoirettier otfburrded.T i It was mttiu - J ' ' tncattd by the? jEmp,ror t hrcugh bis Irighesi ofBoal btganthe.Seeretary of h 1 mposstWe tp conceive ,-ani act . more i formal aothcoticVr j?bhgato0vpathe . , . , r ; T t' -".- .-"' ..vf1 iL A"i .'"i 1t..!lj -1 V'.. lioe onj: gomeni jrvet sk or ex- 4r)ttled to respeetarirj jw. en reirbteci ?;r ri j' Lr.'L:j.-:ijr,i-f ." 'L i pert 1 torn aiwmer to 5 ecu re tnejpeitof , v - f ? tr rvr' -lief -J 7 frr"f.;. .iH.v moreahsn tj sfficiitolegei Irtyra mily pressaiQarVj r4lemse" Jthetbeh.anykidoiibntus- ! ohena(iet:oCreian : f f iftlfc :: -11 jextjedriif lwh;Jhi)'ryfer5' 'it r diplomaitc lnjercouYstwr dthcrv. rs,.oh the-subject Wct;kad: cordVtthtbirpdm rm f ; g ove rnnDebt ? mSt imte;s', aX; bfbiKadc' .tbe;'f'i i,:te'i -; J 1 becretary of ofeign :'Afwtrs antjiiuncesT? j'f ' I i-irto the,roHis.ers;Of wbfr; powersar v . 1 1 Kndpntfd ijiat tefolr' i - Vrve-wr&vo ''t ' ie:authfenttcP ! 6pce;uVsio ? 'Haoiidecll fythii :VS'i j i Staetphie '';CiS:f, ? 6rdef'orhiscowii:wo iv'i-.'' ' ... ylrpmen aridf.itsinfipartial ;ransaqonittt .gKmjriiblr f r r - - 1 i J L L ! M -ik :-! I.' lS !i c "..-; V ?i French iKpeLitbUfiiteiJ Btatcavev " VWJU W . UM.V , , lUllVUM, .M .IK. I . u - J gfi:6frnbl landed leCtuifliircVis T)S :fallurcl tbatrr terlt ' imput'le.ne;W jonewnofin tetectintetti tGckcm itself - : o nil r in-n M&vawiTin tnrr urniuitnA -.. in r v - t;. - -s t ntster oTreignflr-Vj pyoqfjo"f be- v ;V t?tii.,..2i Jii-'&T'T:! --. ti i'.dtW ?'".. -'V..v.v.-vii noproliJFvof improper? credencelo? the J.&te ttson of btrth trahsactionsi it will apir iiii if ;u iiittiKcuvcnngence ana respect r secure Vjrpuno-rtijani, in acceptingtbat Mhe Ftrhrii;tfOT I'fll4:t.a.vIi tV 11 -k . r A . J 4'to T ositob$3ySlit? dand irceased fto be a qUeAticn whetherhe Trench 're pcaPwolsuffe fj-dncd Jusjn .tpli'.dgtA 1 irt.irt-.rl a criitnv?D,i'n'K. :..v;.. ,41 tsu ri lpreVV e d .. Km f li SV H '. i(itii;nt;.ul.: .' "4 P . il .-- -uyowjut.iv vviiuuev ' VI . 'is en to .'-W here Would Jhfit 'V. Suites a--aafcerwards tb f h-s,ioveTO-r fraudm at? other communication which Totbe j dets,inccuftpilOT of'"- rj fy;, lhenrtsi&dT(?tnmei dc. r' ,; i.( mdnainiacopfeW ( w.'iF d3phe.gmricb goTCThraeWiricn j'H: ; pnporiceUtoithii 'jit 1 1 x.i ii:ti v. Ut might mckeT If credt.was refused J ny inc uriusn govvinmenr io ioe.act -ot r ii tbe Frep6b coveKtm m, thus Tonaa;ly v ;, ' i?. ui' 'ii..-i - ' "h f 1 111' UfVHrMKMrtf i i ?, ' - P. ,f V.'L - 'I f A i . : l --V'rt A. n I l 1 . '"i ... . ' b . i K-i. I I 3,i... WW? . l '