r I ' 4 1 if ', .r 'I " "I ' it h w - !r;i t 4 I ; iv I. i fi it H i 1i l'"" t ! , i . well furnished. There t oeift frbnvGtozsu. - tno. and Stettin jAlTthe :ti tttrrr m a $0x1 state f J, . t v This account of fr e tattle oVutU TcneQ can tfilf .lfi"c6qiicIcT?ai 'a . Sketch. The Etiit.ltfajor-General ftllUomcfih.rBmihichJahaU 1 7 ff nsaVfe fcpowa iboofficcrft'ipMicrs and ! ' corps rvhirfciive :ctf-tfinuVshid tbem-, ; - : ' Id: the HauIoT)he 22J.at fticcH?; V-r . MbKhJe lave i&certttned the cer ''.k'yj''1' ' equal' oiifibt.iupipaf : to Cbt - of I i;. - ' the enemy. yfi.navc not,ocen amc 1 o to hc iay tlorr cciny a! ways ,r s. withdrew thcm'Crom the eUl ofcbau '.- . tlcV-'iWe .hifre'onlt'uketi:a9 cannon. -tneyeoemy oicw up ici - ca boils; Besi dee, th Empe.ro k : cep jreserve! and fishes to spire fotiVit it aufiicientjy nutoe. 10 US. t.; V -LATEST TEOMFIUKCB.,'i ; llcticUs thc ibVf e itCountCthe pro- - cetiiins the erfmti - the Boftkau pipers atatfet hiUhccl J of HVmb'urj; srisateH by'stot ni vn theOth of May bf the FrcMV.wp oncf GiH.Vari thtnme The 4)ulua of Cambridge and Brunswick had atritcd ihcre,. lime e-. tiaogh taa :he Ffcncb journalists aay) to'aatip-tUeinselTeV V m V . The Priote Hoyal of DJP3, . departed from Coprnb? grn for Xo w jyf i-' t i'nt lumself at the head of the array -Aieatiocd to dtfend th country -ia 'case orari attack;' rf-'S '.' fa''' AoVnnhtUetm tigned on the 4th of June net Ween the belligerent pjw rk ' Commissioner "ctt rhe .pari of 1-ranee-' the tiqU of Victor iipAhe and on the part of-tVimia, liitUt. Gcn cral dc K' Treae. commmjootr bs?!nxoipel thrir Jull powers at Gebersdoifr cn ihc 1 st June ar.dighcd a aospenjioo crarms'rr 36 hodri, me; at thbrvUTacof P;eiwiUri made neutral fottBeTpnrpaseV between the adrrfnerd poits cf the jepectiVe armies, for conti nuing the- n$cWtoos-of jn armistice mi pendjn jj h nUtuiem .between -j! 1 1 he beir-gerenii, and agreed, amongst other nicies, that hosfUjUe ahould ccase.-t all pcnt from the' noiiBcatioh :of the armistice: and. that' U h&uld, continue till the COih Julf K induiif ef and I s cxpioiinh six day a nosier to brepven, The latest dale, f.om. the headiquar ters, co'ntainpil in our French . papers, is thi -7th of June." ;nv: . Cipu Forbes, was chasrd oh Sunday, last, by twoahips oftbs Une', a frigate; and a achoon tr, and t hre w orproord hia ieUer bapcwhici conuinedditpa'th es tot the. Fa nib Mnier,t and from oor Cbarce dea Affirtsm Paris for go. vent meat t - ..." , . . fbis, jche23. . . Since the commencement oh be prc sent caropslao, tha French-army htt delifered Sxny, conquered h3lf5.f Si lesla, rc-octupied tbe 52d military di?t aion, end confounded the - ho?es of.U' cnerhiet. . 1 - -, . I . . MrniteurS- Thf head quarters of the Vt n h ar myi were 'at! Bratlio (oh lhetth June. Oar French nirfsntain the ar ticles of the armbi kcwulch' were con cluded on the 4 h cf June, between: he Emperor Na-reon rtd Alexander, and J the King of Prussia besides mauy other j articles oUatcrest.j ; , : - American Prize. in France. Cxtraci yf a UtUr from the Duke ot ilassa ' . v rui dated May 20, lbll, . The ' Emperor. ha.v perxelnd that the preiint siinatlon'of- afTy.rs rnbht cause the Americans "to leV part of the advantagebf ihrtr ccmrnerce.' His lajajfcty has -ordered: that the question which' hu tome befr him ihould be detided ia theVwy ; mostLvorable to the Inteixkx of the" Americana.. ; s - . . tVherf forci Ihe Consuls of the U. States iba.ll bare in Francer fn wbat rentes, to 'rric,Vhr; sime jurisdiction whichftKe;; French 'onuls excrcise in th countries where they ore the most. fa?'tirrd.V. V r , The ; American vesss and prlira.. teers shall, be. allored to take each -5 muskets, 50 pisxds and 50 swords, and tad nomber of suns.wbkh sjiall be neV ccasary, front 3 t p4 pounder ! ! V h cn an A ni'crl c a n rr. e rr ja n tab all chuie Wprjjfit ,fcy,: he shall be bqund only by the 4:rrns.nj the decree tocapstther name cf ilifc' teasel, her .destination, and the puratrcrybf her crew, to be cetiified by .acornthfary of the Imperial Marine.And it is pro; vidcc that with toatcenihcatt lif ahall be aJbwcd to., purchase thcarms and to abjp thenrwiihrjt-any'cUuicutty,,i'v " - MRV trn: -"r- r .1 We tare been taTored bf an ofiicer of. respectsb Ji'JfV ' With rthe. following j corontunicatiousirum icxico recemiy received by bimTrnrn that uarter It is da led, , Httd Qua iters,, (which we presume to be btv Anwruoj iay uvib, I..,.! -. 4..- .."- . i recti rr.e tb i..co-r ii .you UwI retired thU d,r(rom ih u;tr, jn honeiliit'rItlatUlli Ufftrd you PK ?XW nxomiiizatea amonjj Aur , 1 . . l the honor to befcc- -.v . ' L.T.rnrrTAAtrreis or tne Mexican Nit OB. cthpoed of 4(J.me9Der.-noia weirj 1T2.- There are. hioe attonp Tepibiiean ar roWin'the IrtteHor,nder the ohro And of Generals Uyon'rMorFlo.eoi.nValyerde. Oropexo, Itorrer. Viirjgfun. Uodr.qz and tvJ, tt r,r : h idalfru; indenfcwlerit cf In nunSerable partiea bf PatrioU'w erery d-: i.- j-Tti MMHi nf Mcuctf havmsr beeo.ta- t - . jm --"-"r .r- ken by-General Morewvana .eic. . GenerarCbv and Vera Qm being close!; blockaded, are cotiarmea oy4 peoplevho flevr towards SaJnUo aod Mon' ?hit the W'GeC 1.5)0 trone; : had ".marcljed 'i ronr Zcatecuato: Warda DnranffO, which placed it qnldered taken at this time. 4 h next object would beCKiaoauY -VVKVrl Sth. That Arrodonda was: lately defeated by the'renob'icana at Valledid3taver,. A r Uluroatcly. that the whole kingd(rrt is en joying ttiCbeneftti of their indepeadence, & only remaiil alarrsthe protmcesJorBiscay; Caahuila. New Lton,turt'of Colonia U part St. Luia Potoaii' wtere the new of this Ca pitolbeirip 1 afcen, . nd a rermWican Tpoyern ment tMab!ishd,.had "thegreatest effect on the :forle4in (Hot .of our. cause. ; - Tim wM:: Extract ofa letter fronrMaj. Gen. Lewis to C -Mhe Secretary of War.Mated . 'Sacittti 7ibrorrfe.S0. Our fleet has gone out of the inner Har bor, and arjoearances are" in favor of iia co iner to sea in (briv tiffbt houra at farthetu ! . A tittle expeditkn of volumeeVa from the cwmtryt ta which by thondrice of Com. Chauncey I lent forty soldiers,; sailed from hence three days since 'on board of 2 small row boit i, whh-a six pounder each, to the head or tho Su. tUwrence wlere they cap tured a fine gun-boat rn minting a 24 pound er, 14 batteaux loaded, ; 4 ofHcera and 61 men. Two of our schooner hare, gone out to convoy them in. The prisoners have been landed, and are coming on under charge of a detachment of dragoons. Extract of a letter from Brifc.Gen. Boyd to the Sec'y ol War, dated Fori George, July 20. I have (he honor to report,, that on the t7ih inV the enemy attacked our pickets In a body'of about 200 British, besides Indians. Detachments were sent out to support ttem, but with instructions to act defensirely. After a contest of one hour occasionally se tere, the erwmj was dispersed. Our loss was trifling only 3 or 4 being killed, and a few wounded ; the lots of the enemy has no been ascertained, but being exposed to some well directed fires of.our light artillery, ,,n' !der the command of Lieut. Smith, it is pro bible their loss must have been comparu i tlrely great. Col. Scott, who had the direc tton of onr troops wnich were engaged, speik highly bf the ardor ind steadiness of both ofBcers and men Iteing fpught in de tachments, many young officers hat an op- Iportunity of evincing- their activity and bra very. To Ue the language cf. Vol. Scott, ' this afTair though small, served to test the merits of 'the cfRcers and menng eed J More "ardor has stUIom been displayed" uaptv vandeursonr fought his detachment with good effVct i and Captain .Ud!son,wilh his Icket guard, .was fully engaged TWey could not lefte. their ardor "under MajnrCuin m'na. Capt nirdsjll's riHeracn'vrere near est tothe e'nemy in pursuit Tajor Arm strong, who was officer of lhe,dayv was ac tive in concentrating ' and arranging the troops and p?ckeu,( Capt. Towson. of the artillery, wal Wounded in the hand while vo Idntarify bearing Col Scott's orders , and an officer of the rifle corps waa ; slightly wounuea.' FROM THE ENEMY IN OUR WATERS. Eatract ca a tetter 'from Capt. Forrest, com ' ,'tnanding the Leonardtou n noop of horse, dated " TVt Pine. JuhfTT 1813. vV'Oor situation is' extremely critical. From two tb three thousand of the enerav are in complete possession kof the point. of land belA"" the ridge,k whicli is 'two t'a half rhdes from Point- Look ,Out .They have been fire or six miles higher up procuring stocky and . have now; in M r. A rmstrong torn field about two hundred head of cattle Sec Several of aur most respectable, inhabi tantaiiate been taken by the enemy i among those I iae beard of, are B. Williams. IL Armstrong;' "U, Jones, and J. Discoev - Many negroes have also been taken, some of wbbm have escaped, and returned to their master.-! Seven of the enemy a Regulars have desert ed,".aad are now with tis. ' The - whole fleet it yrt lay in,-ofTPolnt Look fhjt.i .What will be their.ncxt movement I know. not.-, They have landed six bieces of rtiitery, arid it is ascertain' dthat they "have onboard rvekcts io buadajioe. T t . " ' . 'v ' x:t7 ' Ji&Utmore, July xj. , v The nritislv fleet were seen yesterday x a bout," 11 , o'clock, learing the mouth of the rotomat .the i repression wis. that, they were destioedor the bay; An express ar ritedin this city this morning from the Go vernor, giving ihe above. Information and re rndring the troops to be held' fn- readiness. j V"e shall be prepared to meet them, altho we can scarcely apprehend an attack or this elty.- l;-;.- : K The Volunteers front Washington City; wiiu mri.uro on uic ursc miarui. aown ine Spanish brtgD6Qria fMaria;;35.ays from S 3alTador,'iand 30 frornPer- nambucoV arris ed at Quarantine jest'er- ,,ortiter.i u rivers having been "duly discharged, returned to theltamUiea andTrieoda; .iS " v -1 " "J ""ii ' m ,-' '. ' " .;,t'-"V';" - y &exfn ben-t wp mtntha on tefQ? n2h3ch'Jhe.had"taVen 'irfoitiW, and treated hem'apjrajes -hcTtheir X erboartf,d if Ml the American property t akf n tnPf hi Mr capiul, tn, jtihta, W' v Pa'eM'kenbaAmen teauopned tober thevLssendV herVwew" landed on CapeTr to, ifre ure anirounces. to lhpc public,-Jhat he nai-Jusi ceivdcommi from, FnrL NiHKara, stating tnaivt-ior vyic n':ui ChanndKiaVompaftyavearc' U Vrri vel at ' hat - oast. 'ii appears ,t hat a 'Briti&h gbard uncTer the command 6f on tne uarp ?n? nwwuK; -es;'whichVis'tnnst gallantly executed. and ftirVunatcly. Reaping: some of ihe e nemy'a boats whicli'givs ntm cnase. .t We havenbturther rjaiHcuWrsT MVj;r ahdhVi;compny' my be sto expected-' home ; ."thenSw Hope to, ob tain a satisfory accooM;of then5'clion at.Beav.r B m ad much other inrejv esting- matter.1 which ahal be speedily lata oexorc iue puwut THB MlSStOKO RUSSIA. j The Senate of the United Statesrwe have a Iready stated; have reject eljhfe nomination of Mr. Gallatin as one of the Ministers to Russia. The circum stance appears to us to call for a few rernarks ; in making which, though we have no intention tos wound. the feelings of any indi vidual, wc shall speak; with that plainness and freedom, wjhich be comes the occasion; ' ' - Three, causes, milst have operated jointly or scperately, on .the minds of those gentlemen who voted against cpn firming the nomination. The"avoWed objection, and of course the most plati. sihle and important one, ' is,. t hot Mr. Gallat'n, whilst holding the ofRce oT Se cretary of the Treasury, and wfthoUt re signing it, was appointed a Minister to Russia Had Mr. Q. continued at the Mmc time to receive the salaries or per form the jfuties. attached to rjoth .offices, the objection would perhaps have been conclusive certainly very cogent. But during the absence of,Mri Gron this Mission, which was expected to be as temporary .as it was suHden, the duties of his office were "jicrformcd by others and the salary received, we believe by no one. The President, doubtless yifi ling to avail himselfor Mr. Gallatin's particular qualification for arranging adramageously for the United States ihe details of a commercial treaty, se lected him as one of the mission, with out depriving' the United States of his future 3ci vices in a 'public station of the highest importance, which he h$d filled hitheito with so much afvi.ntar;e to the " hat ion ahd credit to his own ability anl integrity.' On thisreround it was, that the ; jiiominatiort was rejected ; on this j grouna, we ay,pecause weare convin ced that at least one vote-fir the. enate was ihfiuenced by this refined jealousy of plurality of office .ar.d one vote chan ged would have turned the scale. Our readers will judge whether the ohjec tio. was not more ingenious than solid, and w"hether.it ought to have been sufii; cient to outweigh some more important considerations which0 obviously present themselves, and to which we shall pre sently advert. . V A second motive may be.supposed to have had operation oa the minds of some members, .separately or in. connection with the firsts in detemnningtheir.cleci sloiu; That Is, personal hostility! " ; Ve knowi ahd every one knows who has ta ken the trouble to notice the current of events fo some six Tor ;eTghyeavajast that Albert Gallatinhs beenviolently hated b. y some ' men, for what , teasotv we never could -divineandthe.y alone. can tell. We cbhnot but believe that he is hated, "because envied, bjL ome" for his- yjrtues and , trans'cendent; ftalents, A whicp they Uncy have Riven him an influence with hia fellow-citizens which incy can never nope to attain, ana wnicn they . therefore, labot . tides' roy.v He as iailed to ,winhev esteemJpf othersi be causi his. firm and unbending Repu-' licari 'spirit would never stoop to fiattef m luniks ui iuuic3i ui cuuuiv me car pricejorrwpuld be dittaiorsVib tlie3disV charge ;bf ispfficial functions He ;s' a man, whoV without sustaohihg htmseif. oo any ouier urop man conscious -ree- titude of intention and integrity of soul, j ed and deadly aisults from'arjbhy mocs sonaFanct political influence' of indivi-- liuuiwHKicbioi urinsu UII.UV HU lilC UCF uuws.oi prommcm atanamg tn-ine,; na t? rtTV MW !' atTtr Clief AinsI'li).!;'.;..: ik1!' Injuries fafei( uality of "ofilcioy s friend ii anq t he peht- haaiousj attacks of jintsijuided andrJclU-:; ded enemies. -6 Such a man whose cba- li i t V U 1 cli ha s. b c c shili ; t e ti t a Ji! nr c ri 1 .i-t' vTwiui!.ifci'? to its "true caustt'thif peKecuiionTh6 ian4ciIevaU:rl;,fe topmet&t"iwp the;h6nesif5rcudic sonnile'st and fpdsi' unbeitating ponucVns jn-tbe. tetio- pave, Deen su pposc o ua- v vpc r a yyix ontthrscasiorW Thlswaa fair idWecrion ltd mfluence ; those hbeiongto:thc Fe deral paity-f t vvapnot; ncjpv tniniong j h'oiveYe thatpll tnistefhe;r linlght. hazard the .VucCessKla.viUsib.h,! thenly' object 6f.which was: to procure i an nonorame peace, tor wuicn irvtv FYr arq ajjiiou to be csfderedi excl u1 tidn'oiMr. GallaUn s nomthaiioa. WiH add a few wofrls onlyon dht. state jh ivvhich kjeaves' the Embassy .i ' We piedicate2 these 'v r etna rRs the reader will observe,, on theWeahatGif Britain j will accept the mediation of the- Ernpe- rr. ni ' .'-0iv 'I'Lf. IjlL. ' A ror of ' R ussi a . .T his we are inclined to leUeve,'notVithtanciing;theun ly 'violence of tire-Jqrf leading; ministerial print) oh; thia opca sionecause, the ; languaelof that print if reajienUyou ;Mintst'ry and it xs-provcrbial forms re. tfactidna on the: subjecV of ;s American affairs.' . A remark made in Parliament by Mr. Vansittartthe present Chant ceilor of the British " Exchequer, im porting .disposition tov acVede to the Mediation, has more wcighf on.' our minds than all the rant and-passionot all. the blustering journalists in that i country We beJieve tne Mediation win t be accepted, if we have jib bettef ground I siVely&Ucious. -iv-v So rrinch for, tbexauiea of the rejec- AVe ibrthe belief, we wiil at least believe jf vete"?i f ed his musket, which" was whatwb Vish; The negociation, will have cornmenc-- ed, long beforer. he 'decision' but he Seri f late on this nomiiiation can reach Hus sia. - If likely to ar'i've at an amicable J termination, it. will have progressed o. far. under the auspices of Messrs. GaK Jatinj Adams, and Bayaid, ttvat the' ap pointment, of a substitute to 3lrV ualla- j tin woum periiaps more qmuarrass man assist the conclusion"of atjiary oi; t ea ties. It remains forhe repulic'ari Sq nators who Voted against JVtrv Gallatinr to -account to their constituents for the I state m wnicn tneir rejection oi nis norninaiion has left that vei y'impor taht i Embassy. - Tltat "gentleman-was doubt less selected by the Exccuuve, as well with a view to his known. ,pofitlea,or thbdoxjri as "to the comprehensive scope of his commercial 3t now ledge, the arhplest sou rces of which yr&ie dpehed : to him by the' situation vyhich lie1 Jield at the Head of the Tfeasuryr v Tbe. nation will be deprived of the advantages,' ejxr pected tbJhavc been derived from Mr. Gallatin's intfmate acquaintance rwithr every branch of our commerce, m tHel "foi rnation of commercial treaties with Russia arid Great Britain, whicnour commissioners are "said to r have been a uthorized to arrange. ' Mr. Adams arid dr. "Bayard are, it "is true,T politicians of the highest grade of Mind, ariri conipe tent to arrange, or dbcuss any " generan tjuesuon anecting our natural rignis r but We doubt their competency to the difficult and intricate task of arranging the details of mere commercial matters a corTecthderstaricIing of which I? so i vitally important toihe interests'of the U nation. There brie o'herpoint of view in which this Question may: be consider ed Mr. Gwasihi Representative nf iho Democrafio sentiinentof the nation in this vimissipnaidejirdd .by Mr Adam$, )x man approved in the eyes of the People, but comparatively re cent standing in'; the Republican ranks. iJr. Gallatin being taken it ay it he "la-. pors ana isponsioijiy. plearnnassy. test on theshoujb'ers Mr. Bayard. Thef latter, gentleman, fs a man of high and hdhbrableinincl, who will, wdoubt noti be faithfdr alike to his insttUctidns and to "the interests' of ma country :outjt is piceqin nis pow ; erj by the'recent decision of the Seifafer to.thwart vtbe mission altogether or.sa to comnrofhit: the riehtsbf the tlnited States as to;rendcr it abortiveV V;bf suchi conuuc we nope ana -oeieye jTe,W4U4.not be truiltv : " btit the Renuftlicart eha jioi-sho voted ain .put tlie- intercsta lortfiotib hancis iof their tticaTpbnhtsl-of -jfi:-x':irr-ii.sa--ir"4'r2Trt'. r ther than seWo in Heavcn'o (using Mr; wejfind pnthe present tccasidn1s rived frorK jIv hopo that the hedattorr, win nave peen cpnc a do2en: md!(vy ua W'mtl mivejopeZ fata:;t.efc& sion lb Jlussia;i bcjto cmprbrnlt those4 .y uciorc ; i nis uay -anajr tnattne pe(rsonai hostility and Political brxiudic cTfharf gmi ior:r wmcn -i;ne pauon4S. now , Vvt ,tf' U" i--t -fi.'.-t i-l".','' !i. 'A - . i i- ' -'- .--.' . ". - ..' ' .'V.'!'.." I . T? oraectfortryb3h&!t j mento FWfWPS'y on the nitht. 0r ri ing'lhti whole of the; entr;. ; .U" hepf rendezvous and l ' in alarRc open boat, whi. h k. umicuuy f ariaining th- posiubn of the ship. " When he had gu. t0 within;:)lathom ofh-r, he dropH the torpe do over, in the y-ry ir.5jnt of fJding whrchlrc was hailed by of the enemy's guard lioats. Tr.t -speetblv taken into t0ei n'iif ji H tin1 l-i . . -1 i . " o M v c t,J,Ur; Avay ojf in safety.. 0ithe niUt oi the 19 ft heimade another attempt, and was a ajffSiSctv;red ere he could accoci" piUHtbU purpp e. fths pijght of the 20th he s4 cpetlfed i'irgetiih within 15 yards of .theiahip'-i bow, an t directly under her'1 jib-bobm , The re h econtmurd -m',. king his )repratinns fbr 15 minute wnen.a uenufiei irom tne forecast hailed, yiDoat a hoy r' und he ha l to -!. :i ... t.u , Ilk kkllkllil.1 inn ijcinrr .n fpKivveu py a r.-piq u.scnarget.f small jrlnsiJiue liglits were made, io-Ead. out the bluat. tuc r -r.led : th V then :ihteuc' n'jcjkctaj ift'd dTsK nt. dirrcuons, Vhtch4llurninated the .water for a nun. sUU'r;ble:width as far as thev crf u.tow n, ana succcedea in discover. ing tne psittoit uf the nacturnai visit or j whcb ihe ship commenced a n. yd fire of heavy gu .s,, flipped her ca. bles and made some sclil ? whde her J boats wer dipatcheci in pursuit. The xliihg intruders, however ts. ciipeanhurt. The visit" vvs repeat cd n, the nights of the 21stv2?u and SS'witbUi. success as the hip ha ving taken the alarm, changed herpo Hiyonjevery night. On the night of the4th however, Mr. M.succecdcd Hn findibg 4ter out, and fiaVtrig taken nia jjpsuion winin luu yaras uis tanceij5S,(diT with herlarb'-iard, t,fcpped the fatal machine into xftewater ist as the centincl tcryiof- iuell. It wis swept ilbftg vvith the tide, arid would have completely effected its errand, but for a clause not proper to be bamed hcTe. but which may' be easily guarded;"-' against, in future experiments, it ex- plqdeda few seconds too soon, The scene was awf ully sublime I It ... 1. 'l . ' 'If ,.kU was use ine concussion ai au c& w quaVe attended with a sound louder and v more '. terrific : tfiad the hf ayiest peal of triuncier A pyramid of wa tcr 30 feet Jn circumbrence, vas thrown up to the hegh: of 30 or 40 feet, its appearance was a vivi-.i red tinged at the sides with a beauaful pufp.re . 5 Qp ascending to itH greatest height, it burst at ithe top with a ttcniciidvus expliostori and fell in torrents on.tlie deck of the ship which rolled into tne yawniug, chasm below, ahd ha 1 near-. lWtipset.-i rapei Vicus darkriss agaia preailed.Vl he right occasioned tit tb explbsionJithough fleeting, cm bled Mr. M. Sc his companions to disv vvr that the fore charinelof the sh;p was blow&fftand a boat whichbf khmsidd with-stverdl mefl ia ner I ws tliroitrn ub in,,the dreadful coo- vulsion of the waters, i ;rw . r aeed must have ben the pani aftre , shins crew, from the noise and cpafu iiOnwhith appeared to our advcatii Yew to OreVait onboard' ; and tbey.ar- certain that nrariy the hciV'7f(1 cneW hastily r book themsdves w their bqatsi t ' Z .uj- ThoJgh he did hot succeed oo tW . occasion in destroying oneottn. mVs shipsMc Mix ts rather ctic. tacld iNan disheartened. Uf.V , . io&edomamW som as Ptime arid c,rcuknv . wiadrriit. and he appears copfi Mfcejtperitncehicn IbS glyhim,- that he will maxe luturc inais 'success. HERfe is,: and ha. ctc ..nMnihs.'a stray by, Wrhood. lly,inu, V. ; 1 .

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