w.vr , ! IVL10IKCJ TOS DdCTRIMJ or TncAio A Vi f?nrtr!ni oT treason" hll ht come a fruitful aiibfcctoFcoatrovcny bstwctaahepormcal parcf of our coantryr and as it,is-ncccmry that the uiturt oflteawl tjalaitthc.auu should be defioed md underUood b t!JfI citlnotorbear to rcqustt you p publish the pplnlon of one of .ihe most conspicuous, md: distinguished chirictcrs id our revolutionary etrug glc,upoa this irnporunt subject. The ciuracter.or the late Dr.Witherspoon, irho wis President of Princeton Col-l:gt,sUnd'too- high in this country to tdmUof - a doubt ; that he would commit. the Authority of his name to aay production,-or to. any sentiment, which was pot the mire eguslod of bis ob t unbtised juagmentjV " ' The doctrine laid down in the sub. joined extract was not more apHca b!e in the tiniw of the vrar'of the re volution, ?thaa it is applicable to the present contest between the U. States tud G. Britain ; . fiJf if one Who, at that time, was bare Ajr neuter? could " sccrcth ht 'forgiven? at least ecjual. ly criminal now, since our indepen dence has been "acknowledge and , established! the American who not only wishes to stand beuter,V but who actually abets -and eocouracei, by bis gross language,; and his licen tious opposition to the government, the savage enemy to pursue his fit ticks upon our rights and indepen dence . Mr Grundy i an able and distin guished member of the House of He presentidves of the U. States,' in a soccch made at the last session of Congress, advanced doctrines upon this subject very similar to those cpn uined in thjs extract, which thefede ral orator and" writers have assailed and attempted' controvert Mr. Grundy'a;high legil character is of itself suficicnt to establish, the cor rectness of any doctrines of upon a subject with which we are bound to suppose htm intimately acquainted ; but over and above the merit o! the authority, of Mr. Grundy, tipon the . subject of whit constitutes treason a gainst the sute,' if we take the evi dence of Dr..Vithcrspooo, I think it may be considered as "conclusive upon the subject. Another reason Which induces me to request you to republish this ex tract is, that a virtuous'and respecta ble class of our" fellow1 citizens',' who blindly follow their wicked and pros tituted leaders, may -have an oppcr tuniiy, before they proceed too ar, to perceive their crime and the dan- ger they ire heedlessly rushing joto"; If such should be its effect, as well as bbear evidence to the correctness of Mr. Grundy's opinion, my purpose will be accomplished, and I shall be gratified that I have been the instru ment in rendering esentialscrjwce to a portion of the American people, and of strengthening the sentiments nf a gentleman for whom I have the highest respect and esteem. It wiU be observed that Dr. With, erspoon was a native of that country, te people of which are more remark able thin any odicr.pcople for their pertinacious adherence tomoharchi cal principles that he was born, edu tated and brought up in Scotland, and it is reasonable to suppose ahat his early bias was in favor of the Cause of his King ; but reason hiving assumed lcs empire to his capacious mind, he felt no hesitation .in giving ciii rency to senuments which tended to pro iote order and free- govern menu h:y were-addressed to hjs country, pen, the natives of Scotland, , residing a America during the war 61 the it volutiotu vv , . B. - ' ? EXTRACT. - v u Uitre u ujy principle that , vm neTer Jfrtcd upoa the tocUl union, it is,' tht t body, rery society tniut be dtenaied plvirUity. Tber wu a time when It u rx : ooly jut tod consistent,' but neces yrj. lbi every one should treJc hi mind retij fuUy of ihe necesMty or espedien J l rettii tut uibbrlty of Grot liritiin' ' v ' - But the t'meia'bVer lonr aso. Themes- turti being' respired ifpon. nd the. conflict bertn. ene wro !birely "ueuter tkricifCe ly b$ fortfrcn I)' ecrct" pfoddinff .enemy mmi be conidered "a yiitorf , Every one whoyccwUndcrimon afier the decisive reruUtlom formed'. til the colonies,' ougut to be comidertd.' ai, pledging Vi fsth and honor to saUt in the common cause."' "Let rrie uy to illnstrtte it by a timilar case.', Soppose that a ship at sea springs a leak, fthtebjf xposet the whole company to the most imminent danger of peribin.--Sopposea 'council 'i is called of . all' the peri sons on fcosrd, to determine vhat port they hill endeavor to iraia. CThen it ianot onlv the right, but the duty bi cfery one to speak i his dCm judgtnear, and to press it upon o1 iners, dj every argurasni w nis power, Suppose a great majority determine to push for a ceruia place; and to go to the pump; by turns every quarter of an hour.i but that two or three, or one, if you .please, is of opii nion, that they should hive ,bne another coarse, because of lhewint currejit7r any oilier circumsUnce; and that if would be best to cljanjje hsnds every half hour at! ibis is vet'. -Uut if, after the deteTminatidn, this same gentleman, because h'u advice was not fallowed, thould refuse to pump at all. should sl'Jy alter the ship's course, or deaden her by every tnearfs Wt his power or even should only,' by continual complaints and despondent fears, discourage others, on whose activity the common ssfety depended,' I desire to knovr what treatment he would receive or destnre ? AVithout doubt he would be thrown overboard in Jess time than 1. have taken to atate the'easc.' . lam not ablf 'to perceivt Uie least dif Terence between this supposition and what takes place in America at the present time BrtlTlSlf DECENCY. , The ship Fair .American, apJaio Weathers, which arr.iyed ' here On Monday from Lisbon,',was boarded on the 26th Jul) in la; 42, long. 04, fronl his Britannic Majesty's frigate i1aVfif5nr,jCrptain Burdett, afer a chase of tehrmrs, and the foUoi?mg particulars respecting the infamous treatment received from Captain B. wj:re ndteu dowp by the passengers, and are published at their request. .7 At 9, J A . si. was brouaht too -and haifed from CaptVin ll. (who "stood in die main rigging,) 4s follows ' Where "arc you from ? 'Answer From LtSbon.V ' Vhy did yoii not heave too. and not run me so far out of my way.r' Answer, 41 I under stood there was.a French squadron out- and I thought you niight h.we been one of them." To which Bur- dett replied, You have reard of nri such thing sir, yon arc a liar 201: arc a damned liar sir, and your whole country are; a damned set of liars icti are a nation of liars, and repeated me ssme several times over, ne then cqntinued, " I will cut your ca bin to pieces I will cutt?u in pieces lower your topsails down, sir get a big of dollars ready to pay for the shot I have hove at you they were the JCiog's shot, sir you ari an ene. my, sir, (twice, repeated) for you hare ho licence from my government, sir, or you tro.uld not have run away from meif.yf He then repeated over several, of the above blackguard ex pressions, and ordered Captain Wea thers to come on board with his pa pers, which he complied with, and while there, was grossly insulted with the loulest Iancmace. VVe recommend, trie above to the attention of the Boston Rebel, who says in his CentineL that the- English ire the most pious, humane and gen liemanitf people in the word.J JJotton Pd trttt. JOSEPH ROSS nit TasciivtD, axo orraas raa sale, SUGAR' in parrels Cofiee in bags Su nerfine Flour Hvson Tea Gin .Cases and a small assortment of Dry Goods. ' ItokifA29tA2u!s,ib3. " FOR SALft in tux city or hai.kioh, TWO LOTS, well improved, convenient Neighbourhood, and Well situated for the coo venience of private families.' One of thera loduding twoi acres, a most elegant Seat The othehhas not so mdeh Ground attached to it. Apply to ' ' . Joty-T. STEULING YANCV-' vtWas leit.uJidircetedsoroe months ago, at the Stage0ffice-,lm'.Raleigb, consisting ehlefly of Alaps of the West-India Islands. :,:Jlie,owner,oa tnplication, will bare the packet restored, r : v . yrr.&t;uiji. jpRdPOSAtS j Kef carrying Maib 'tf the United State ph cbt ' 'YottoisiMjr Post tioadt, will be received at tb central ipit'Ujjicc, in wrjro .tratuin tbreTarbortfusbGrecnYiUe & -Wishing ton, to . Newbern, twice a week. . '-' Leave Pctersbarzeverv T-eidiv and Friday at 4 a Ht? arrive at Halifa the next day by 2 p m. reave at 23 prj ana arrive, at XMewoern on Friday and Tuesday; by 10 a nt.1 Leave Newbern every Friday and Tuesday au2 p trL and arrive at Petersburg, en ; Monday and Thdrsday'by Tp m. ' ' , ! . t I IT NO RT I- CAROLINA . . 7 From Warf ento'ti, by Falconer &X.ew; iiburg, to1 Rafergbj-every da; .'. Leave Warrenton every da at l a m.&nd. arrive at Raleigh by noon. ; Leave Raleigh every day at noon, and arrive at Warren too by 11 pm - 4 . . . . y.' WFrora Rale:gh; ,by'Avertsl?orough,' to rayciievue, every aay.'. ,,., - -. Leave Raleigh every day at X p m. and ar rive at FayettevRIe the next day hyZatji, Leave Fayettevilleevery day at 9 p m. and ar rive at Raleigh the hext day by 11 am, 99 From Fayettevilfe, by Lumberton, No land'a and BatHeld't, to Port's Ferry, S, G. every day, " y ' ' " , Leave Fayetteville every day at 3 a m. and, arrive at Ports' Ferry by 10 m. Lea ye Port's Ferry every day at 3 a m, and arrive at Faretteville bv 9 jo ih. . 100 From Suflollc; Va. by Gates c. h. to Sdenton, tw ee a week. v Leave Suffolk every .Monday and Friday at 7 a tn. and arrive at E demon by 4 m. Letve Eden ion every Tuesday and. Saturday at '4 a m.-and arrive at SuITold by 6p in.' 101 From Edcnioni by- Lee's Mills and Plymouth, to Washington, once a week. Leave Edenton every Tuesday at 8 am. 1 and arrive at' Washington on"" Wedoeday by 11am.. L fare Washington every Wcdnes. dy at 2j i. and arrive at Efenton on Tburs j day by op in, ' ' ' 'Ci 02 From Warrenton, by CrovehillJoj3es)s j Store, Halilax, Bellevae, Murfreesborough', j Winton, Colerain and .Windsor, to Edeuton, once a week. tr , V . Lelve Warrtntoh every Saturday at C a vi, arrive at Murfreesboro' on Sunday by 3pm, and arrive at Edenton on Monday by 6m. Leave Edenton every Tuesday at G a m, and arrive at Warrewton on. Thursday by 6 pii. ' Q3 From Kdenton, by Hartford, Nixonton Elizabeth, Camden c. h Indiantown, Curri. tuck c.h. Tull's Creek, N. W. R. Bridge, V and Great Bridge, to Norfolk once a week. . Leaver Eden tou every Tueeda) at 6-a m and arr.ve at Norfolk on Thursday by 4 pm. Lcve Norfolk every Fi'iday at 8 a . and aaivtr ar Edenton ovn Sunday Ly 6p m, 104 Tiom Elizabeth City to New Lebanon, once a week. i Leave Elisabeth City every Saturday at 4 a m. and arrive at Ntw Lebanon nine day j by 0 am. Leave New.Lebanon at noon, j and arrive at EliziDeth City by 6 p m, , j 10 j from Y.arrenton, by Witliamsboro , MetritsviUe, Gosheii, Mount Tirzaii, Hox boro', Leas burg, Caswell c. h, Lenoxcastle, Rockungham c- h. Mount Pleasant, Rocky spring and Ccrmanton, to Salem, once a week. . . Leave Warrenton every Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at Merritsviile by leave at 2 p. tn, and arrive at Salem the next Tueday by 10 o m. Leave jSalera every Tuesday at 2 in. and atrive at Warrenton the next Friday by Spm. ' 106., From Raleigh, by Southerjard'sStore, Lcmay sX Roads, Merritsviile and btagsvitle, to Hillsborouzh once a wee. Leave Hirisboro' every Wednesday at 2 p m. and arrive at Raleigh oh Friday by 10 a in. Leave . Raleigh every Friday at 2 p m and arrive at Merittsoille on Saturday at I p vu depart at 2 pm and arrive at Hillsbo tough by Saturday at noon. r ; 107 From Raleigh, Chapel Hill, iiillsbo: rough, Mason's Hail, Haw River, Allemace, Greensboro', Mlninville and Dobson'f,to" Salem, to return from Salem by Jamestown, Green iboro'f' Allemance, See.. once a week. ' Leave Raleigh every Saturday at 4 a m.'as rive at Hillsborough by' 4 fi'n. depart at 4A p m.'and arrive at Salem the next Tuesday by 10 a ra..JUfve aiera every 1 uesday at dp m . and'attlfsrat Raleigh the next Friday by 1 6p 103 From Saka.r by Bethania, Panther Creek; HuntsvillcV Hamptonville; tlduston- ville, Statesville, lsiund Ford, Morganton & Mackeysville, to Asbeviue, once a week. Leave Salem every Tuesday at 2n. and arrive at Ashetille the siext t riday by 8 ttn. Leave Asheville every Saturday at 6 a m. and arrive at Salem the next Tuesday by 10 a m. 1C9 From HonuvlUe, byRockford.Wiltes borooth; Ashe c h. and Eh2abethtowoj- to Joaesboroueb. T. once a week. Leave Hunts vine Jevefry Wednesday at.fi a m. and arrive at jonesbcrough the next .bun day bf4p tnv- Leave Jonesbotooghevcry Monday at 0 a tn, and arrive at lluntsvilie the next. Fr. day by 6p m. , ; 110 From Hillaborocgh, by Mount Ttrra'h, Pe.son c h; WiUiamsviJ!e, the. Red Houie, and Irvine's, to Halifax c n. Va."'ohcin two weeks. ,: 1 7 ' Leave H ill shot oogh every other Sunday xt 6 am. and arrive at Halifax c. b on Monday by 6 p m. Leave Halifax c. h. every other Tuesday at 6 a m, and arrive at Hillsborough on Wednesday by 6 m. ft vv 4 "V V 111 From Sa!em, by Lexington, Salisbury, Locke's, Concord, Miilgrove. .v Charlotte Whitehall and ; Hil ron Wotks.o, York c h S C. return the same road to Charlotte, thence by Alexihdxiana,. Mount Morne, Fall townStateiville, Barberry, SaL'sbon U Lex mgton, to saienTi- once" wetK Z ton, imtif tbf lWday of SrjtcinbyriKttstri. clutive. ', , , V f 95 From Peferslfjr?by BiHops: Parti am's Stoic, llicksford.-HSlifaz EnBeld,,MNairs S ' r:;t v Ttve Salem eeTr ThesdaV at-2 P m. ar rive atSalisburv on . Wedneidajr.by .a m. ar tiVe at. Charlctte jbhnrsday-jooort, and ar4 rtve ai;jcrKfC4 n. ic iv( j t fceae Vorfe c h. etery Saturday at 6 a in, and arrive it Salem th 'oeitt Toesdsy by 1D: am. 112 From Raleigh; by iNew Hopc Hridge PittsborQugb and Randolph Ci'hy to sahsouryi once 31: week, rt''K' Leave RaJeleh every.Sundav at 3 A tnMa arrive at Salisbury; the next IVednestUy by 9 a toVLeaveiSaiisbVy ?y7 Wednesday at noon, ana arrive at xwicigginc; nei mr dav noon. V -. '- i. 113 "From Charlttttei'bv Beattiesford, Gra ham's, Lincolntoni'Mofganton and Fort De. fiance to vyilkesborough. once a, week.' Leave Charlotte every Thursday .at jip m. and arrive at Wdk'esboro' the next Sunday by 10 a m. Leave Wllkesboro, every Sunday at 2pm. and arrive'at Charlotte the next Wed nesday by 10 a m? - v 114 From AslierUle to Haywood C h, once in two'.weeXs" '.v. i.i- i-'-V.- :. Leave Asheville every other Saturday at & a m. and arrive at Hay wood c. hrby,4 p m. Leave Hay wo9d c. h. at p p m. and arrive , at Ashevilje the next day by 6 p ?n.v ix v? CS 115. From JayettevJIe, by Modre c: nand W adders .Ferry, to ly son's More, omnung VVaddel's Ferry tm tberetpih. ; V- Leave Fayetteville every Thursday at 2 p m. and arirve at T y son's Store on bsturday by nooa ; Leave Tyson's htore very vyed nesday at fci.m. and arrive at Fayetteviliepn .1 nursaay py yiu a m 1 16 From Fayettcvillei byReed Store, H ay woodsboro'i PittsboroV jCioyei Garden & LindJey's, to Htlsboro one juvfwk omit ing LindUy's on tiie return. ,"'V '. Leave Fayetteville every Thursday at 2pm. and arrive fit Hnisboro onSatiirday by Apmt Leave Hillsboro' every Sartfrday at 6j6 & arrive at Fayettevi t the pext; Thtfflay by 10 aw . ; . v. -f'L , 117 From Fsyetteyille, by M'Faandsvine, Rockingham, Sncedsboro, Wadesboro''.' Al len town, Henderson, Salisbury -and MAu lay'p Store, to Fayetteville, once a week; Leave Fayettevipeevey,$uTiday.at 6 am arrive at S need sboro "on MoTnday .6 p tn: and arrive at 'Salisbury pnAVed nesday by 10 am Leave Salisbury, evey Wednesday at 2 p jn and arrive at'acttcvill on Saturday at-5T. 118 FromF&Jetteville,- by Laurel -'Hill, Witt&held&vilte, &.C. Cheraw c. hAand Cam; den, to Columbia, thrice a week 1 . Leave Fayetteville cv try Monday, Wednes day and Friday a't.ti a m. and arrive at'Marl- botu'e. h. by$p m. Leave Marlboro' c h. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday atS a m. and arrive at Gamoen by 9p in. Leave Camden every Wednesday, Friday and Hem day at 3 a in, and arrive at Columbia by 1 pm Leave Columbia every Tuesday. Thursday & Saturday at 11 a tn. and arrive at Camden by 9o Leave Camden every Wednesday, rriday & Monday at 3 am. .and amve at Marlboro' & h'by'9 Leave Marlboro c h. every Thursday, SatuTday and Tuesday, at 3 a m and amve at ttiyetteyille by 7 p m. 119 Frcm Warrenton, by Ransom'sBridge, Artington, Philips's Store, Tar borot Wes trayville, Nashrc h Sills's Store and Rig .som's Bridge to Warrenton,- once a week. : Leave VVarjen ton every Saturday at 6 am, ind arrive at TaibOTO on Sunday by 6pm. Leave Tarboro every Thursday at 15 a vi, and arrive at Warrenton oh Friday by 6pm. - 120 -Frcm Washington, by Bath, Wood stock and Germanton; to Lake Landing on Mattamuskeet, once a week. , 1, - Ltave Washington every Monday at 6 umt nA arrive fif. f A let' T.andinff ' ort.'uesrfa- hv i 6 p m. Leave Lake Landing on Wednesday j at o a m, ana arrive at v asoingron on Thursday by 6 p itl. 11 From Raleigh to Nash c, house ohce a week' ; " ' - " 1 L'Jtve Raleigh every Saturday a 4 a m, and arrive at Nash c h. by 6 p in. Leave Nash c h. every Thursday at' 4 a , ancLarrive at Raleigh bf op m. - v 22 From Halifax, by Scotland Neck. Ha milton,' "i'lliamston, Jamestown, Plymouth and Washington c h. to Scuppernong, once a week. ' , ' "J Leave Halifax every Sunday at 6 a mt and arrive at Scuppernong the next Tuesday? by 6 p m. Leave Scuppernong evety Wednesday at 6 q m, and arrive at Halifax en Friday by 6 pm. ' , ' 4K , ' 123Trora Raleiglr, by Smitbfield,llVaynes bbrp', Snowhill 'and Kinston. to.Newbcrn, once a week to return from rtinswJn, by Pa L Leave Raleigh every Saturday at -am, and amve at rewoern-oy monoay at noun- 4 .cave Newoern eyeryMondayat Jp.ntf ana arrive at Raleigh on 1 hursday bf I Ola tn." - a-J-124 From FayetteviMe, by Sampson c h uupun c n. ana ooutn-v ssningion, 10 vth. mipgtbnr once a;week . Leave Fayetrevillf cyeiy Surd?Vat 8am and arrive at Wilmington on Wednesday by 10 a m, f Leave Wilrungton every Wednes day at 2 p mi gihid arrive at .Fayetttyille on Saturday by 6 p in. "K: 125 From Fayetteyille bEKxabethtown llfir an4 Belvideie,,lo Wilmington, once a tek. X'eave Fayettiviue every Friday at 6 am, Ind arrite at WilnJirgto-.i on Sunday by noon. Leave -Wilmipgtdn every Tueiday at o a m, and atrive at . Fayeitevilie io? Thfirsday 'by noon. . s - r. v : 126 Tron Elizabethtown JoVhitesyjlle, LUncea.week-cV -rU ' Leave1 Elizabetntown every oaturday at su a m, ana arrive at v nuesynie Dy y p Leave Whitesville' et S pm atid arrive-at Eli4aberhtownthe htxi day-,by 3 ml 127 From Nevbern,by Sfransboro& Wil- minrtos. o StnithviUev once a jweex. fc ' Ieave Newbera erery Mdnday'at p m and arrive at SmithyiU tbeneltilhursday by ttpm,- jrfeave.omiyivuie,'very cfy: v am. and arrive arNewbetfrthcijext Monday by 10 tftn. jLavc xxcwoern Every' o,ipcr wvrty v t ".ml and airive at U tan fort ,1)&:TXBdAfrtfr'. rnpm Leave jJeautQU every other, suncay,, o j TTirm, Imd arrivrat lbeM'o the rnaiils and alter lhtimes for arrival an4 denartreatlnvttime'dujinsf'l ance bfthercbhtraet be Vreviously stipulat 'shall' he pemg-ar clbslr) lifhofbnn ttrf llM--1 ihkia id torit.'l(itA "n?- Fprylprptuir vdidableafccidehts excepted) in arrivihcr al e;r Uie rrrepriicribed in any" contract;? the.; contractor shall forfeit one dollar stand if the ' .dycontinue bend Miff rhaif 'W&ei foir such epii B4itJ'li' tripr ai for- xeiiure ox aoumewe amount aiowea lorcaAr ryihg the mail pne trip hiall pe thiairediun less if 'shall le made?1, tor appear hatthe de , lay . was occasioned bj unavoidable accident in whtbh case,the amount of pay for thtMrip I 4.. Persons kinj-riifinsal& desired' ; to state their prices bhejarThoie frbo A ' vnii avi win reuciTir lueir 'y tuariri ij-iii the months ot February, m ayr AucWSt November one. month after the expiration J of each quarter. , ;:,.Via':i!i-tv ; 5.1WO olherthati 'a freelwhiteerson' shall be;ThIoyedcMvetb& '4 6. where triel prdpse intendstov cqnveyv the mail in the body of atage riagei hjs:; is desired to stateiit in his proposals, s . - . s.- 7. The; Poetm aster G eneyal t reaerves tto himseli the rii&t of deciaHn at an .end wheneverone ;failUre-;happhs, which arqbtihts totiie loss ca' trip :-, :; : 8. The contract s are to i be)lbopeTa.ion on the first : clay of January nextand coxitinue, vs until llecembr,3I816r -f 'f:i J . , s&-.i. GIDEON GJiNGER,:f; ,;j..:'- General Pbst Onlce ; - K Washington City May 20? 1313; r Committed tq tya&aitf . ' ; Oh the 22d iristant, : ; ; v 4 : A lEGRO : .B.OV, '';jkhHti3ttt'er or severtV 4 teen years old,VlbwbUt: welT set, savs7 his name 19' Bacchus; ahd that be belohga- to Colin Woodherrylivlhg" sorter disiifice be'-, ind Luntberto f.'-;X 'iM'iW'r--The owner is request ed-'to come forward. ; prove his roperty and take the -Boy away' j s ira ia v til is Twenty X pilars &evfardj X ESERTEIj, from the- RecruUirtkPostiat X- Criaibtte,. N. Carolina,, cav the 13th of Jone,!WILLt AM ACKSpfe'ihd pT 17th .'3IOHN' HAltRIN OTON 1 afcon s .was borniri Rbckihgriarr- County Ji'Czfo'i lma,aged 25 yearsj leet 9 1-2 inches high f 4)f fair cbmtUxion, browh eyes,sindy hair, j J rid by profession a farmer. ' He; has a, re-, rnarkable scar on his left 'or right cheeh-is fond of spirits, and when inroXicat,ed is quite t loquacious. . John 'Harrington was bornf la Anson ccunty, JJ;'rCarolina, ;'fged $ years, S feet inches highAordark complexion, blue Ijeyes, dark hair, and by profession a farther iHiaa ucui uiiuiic ui wv tnccu occasionea 0 the tooth ach. The aifecjve-reward, of wenty dollars, will be given, for hoth, or 10 dollars for eaeh man, toany persdn'' who Will apprv ' hend and secure in GoaVtle Said deserters "tot ':, sr art adequate compensation Jor an v extra expence Uiat Wayfce t)casioned ibrehy.;s : '2. FAAetenMinuteslshairbe T allowed for deliver them over to anyl4Uomlting Onicei : 'iV in this State. , , A . HiiBH ANlON .4'' ' :' y lr LUut. lOtb. U S; Infanirri f " ?v Charlotte, July 127Tjf 4 - SHERIFFS SALES , .WILL BE SOLD V . At the Court" hdosertrf Wayri County, on-Mohday the 20ih day ipf Sep ; i XHE rfbllow'nsr LANDSr in wjiv rtmtlr or 'so much thereof as w'ill discharge the 4 axesue thereon for the years 1810 &181i; . 20aacres. the pronertv of Alex'i M'CInre. lying on the west sorlc; of Pigeon River, v' . . 100 do. rthe- property 01 1 Matthew Xead ' better, on Scott's Creeks- v. W Vl .rOdcuivn in by Thomas C: StClair on the Raters of Rjchlahd Creek and; fiigecnf KrverV lor thejears 1811 and 1812 r - 200 do the property of Thomas M 'In tyre, oia Jdnathan'vCreeki a ' ;." - - yOQjio. the property of Jesse Toler, on the . waterslof Uichland Creek. . 4. VJuly 20a ;tAN; M'DOWEJL, "$hff,.. ' JG ALES having teiyfeceivetf a const f tierabTestrtoly sate lbwt AKEN ct-and pndrjMttedtd tbd ail-of N ounty, on Sunday last i One of ' -...-'-l jl i Stckes County. yellow complexion, 5 feetS L2inchisiiigha sayahts name is Willis asd' that he will be ' 20yeafs old next Chris tmai,. The other, is Y4 black Feltow: about 23t years ibid, says his :( name laSain is 5 feet 6 12 Inches high. They. -say they rah away from a plantation of Mr. ' yiB..iiirAiey's,a wennessetraod'x: : " H that Jam;S'irryais, .tbeix -rrtasrxr,nves:tn' t!!i;ilnvl Muf j&eeshorough, N Carolina. The owttex is requested to apply, prove bis property,, pay charges and take them away; ; . ..r. u r " H -( .; -;i ''St: - SKA J ' '-..'- Si i 'J !. 4 K t II -y- i-'-tr-'.! a -.vv- e 1. 'J4 i ft .Hfi . Oh ,1 m 1 iji.fi si 1 "r;-' r,i ' 4'.- -".

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