v 1 -1 t .Lato of tlje Clnruii states; An act to hj trd coUcct D!rcf JTatwiUi; tmtntaiiteM cf it UiittJStttci cf America M x.:!!'3avcfdu!UxtfiaJi be awl ibere L7 laid upga the Onited Srifes, ahdip jkrtioned to the Sbtes respectirelj, in :ht raiaoner fulloninj; : ,,0Jt To't: state of NevrIsmpshirr, piaety$ixj thousand tctejf hundred t jictj-lhrtc. dollar & thirty seven cents. To the state ofMassachusUP, three hundred sixteeQ. thousand two hundred strcotjr dcllirs and ninety-eight ctnis. To.jbe state cfRhode-IiIandr thiny f.iur thousand seven hundred two dol Kr and eighteen cents. To the siite of Connecticut, one hun dred eighteen- thousand one hundred sx yseren dollars Sc scrcntj-ont: cents To the state of Vtrmon', ninety, eight thousand' three hundred forty ihrtc dollars and sctentTone cents. To the sta'c of Nw York, four hun dred thirty 'th'iiusndpne hundred forty one dollars and fixy two cents. ' To the state cf Sevt: Jl-rsty, one hun dred e gh thousand1 eight hundred se- i-:?:y-onc collars k fcighty-thrce cents. To the stale f PcnnsyUaniai three hundred sixtySTc thousand t;ur 'nn drtd set. my -nine dollars and sixteen cents. ' To the state of Delaware, thirty-two thousand forty-six dollars end twenty-Crectnti.- v" To thc-state of Maryland, one hun Crd Cr.y-one thousand s'x hundred twenty-three dollars and ninety-four ants. .U; Tthe state of Virginia, three hun ?r?d sixtjrjnine thousand eighteen del 1 a rsar dTrty- f ju r cs n ! 3 . Ta the state cf Ktr.cky. one jjun drcd sixty-ij:bt thousand nine hundred twcDt-cighl dollars and ccutysix ctn'. ' To the state of Ohio, one hundred four thousand one hundred fifty dollars trA f u nee n cents. T6 the state. of North Carolina, two b-.ndrcd twenty tbcusar.d two hundred tbirty-tfgh: dcllirs and twenty-right cents. 4 , To hf ?aie oTTVnn?S5ee. on hur- i'drrd ten thousanfVjghty-itx dollars & I fi r Se cent?. " ; To the 'ate of South Cirolina, one hi:vlret! Efr'-one , thousand Bine hun-J drc-i Htc dollars and foMytinht cents. To the state of Gf-oria, ninety-four Or.uiand, nine hurdrrd thirty six del bra and !orty-nnefcen s. f ; ' Arvl to the tate of Louisiana, twen-ty-ijjht thousand two hundred ninety e dcllars and eleven ceot.. cc. 2. And Be itjurlhtr enacted. Tint the quotas of pinions payable by. t'ne statcsjresjiectivtry shall be bid and "zpncrticncd on the 5trer3l counties and districts of the said states, as de- fn:d with respect to 'the bonr.daries of,' l- "id cc unties anH state districts by a act, entitled A tract fit. the assess ffert 3r.d cOlkction: of dircct.Uxeand :.-.ttrnal duties," in the manner, folio w- in the state cfKevHnmpshite.r ' t):i ;he county of K(Kkingham tweo t!Se thouaDd,'tv?o hundred nioety t.tdclicrs and righty -r.ir.c cents. Oi thejonty of S rtT;rd. setxriteen 'usand yx huqdrcd ninetrght dollars J vsty-i cents. vi ' n the county cf f liUsborough, twen lT t-'tcuisrd two bundrtcl ninciten dol and sixteen "Cents. On the county of Cheshire, nineteen IX j.j-jj three liundrtd eighteen dd-?ar'-d three cents. . I the county of Grafton, eleven '''"d nine -hundred ten dcl!ar an '0?!:-orce cents. . ; ; hundred forty-cight d( -y-ccnts. "5 dollars and e if c A&f sffc husettsi ' ()n the county of Washington, two --na ixiiunarcd twenty-thrcenol-Ur ar.d fmjr.mr.e cens. - " ' , . On the county of ilncock, nine.thcu- one hundred ninety dollars and 'he county IT Lincolr, thirteen Rd s.!x hundred tevcnty-twa dol Oa the ccunty cf Xcn9cb:c nlceli x"husand iix Jbyr red irncirL dollars .O.i ihc .emintv f Sanrhiei,set,r three 1 1 Oxford.'-five thou- sand lav cd-Bfty-ne.dollirs and six!fCt.ts. - ' r : On 11 - county of Cumberlini fifteen thotjarHi ,&evei! ' f iidred eichty-Ven uoiiarsand nmcty-tune cents, r r Op.the coupty biyqik, fourteen thu sand cne hundred .venty-fire dollars and lliree cents. - , , . On Uic county of Essex forty -ont thou, and six hundred forty-three dollars and one cent. On the county of Middlesex, twenty six thousand f ur hundred thirty-three dollars and forty.fivc cents. . On the county of Suffolk, forty-three thousand six hundred seventy-six dol lars and cigb y-'hree cen's. . On the county of Norfolk, fifteen thousand six hundred twenty nine dol lars and eighty-eight cents. (On the county of Plymouth, fourteen thousand four hundred stv.nty-e ghi dollars ard sixty-seven cents. On the couny of Drutol, fourteen thousand four hundred sixty-nine dol lars and sixteen cents. On toe county of Bsrnstab'c, six thousand five huudred fifiy-ihree dol- V On the county of Dukes, one thou- I sad one hundred st ven:y-;hrec dollars j and thirty-lhree cents. ' . On the coviMty of Nantucket, tour thousand nine hundred twenty-four dol lars and thirty one cents, i- - ' On the county, of Worcester, thirty thousand one hundred seventy cne dol jlars and seventy one cents. O.i the counties of H-rripshir:tFrank-lin and Hampden, twenty-nine huusaod six hundred thirty four collars and five cents. And on the county of Betk hiie. j thirteen thousand two hu .dr d slvtncy three dollars and fifiy-ievcn cents. ii the state of Vermont. - j On the county of Windham, clever, thousand ciht hundred sixty seven dollars and eighty rive cents. On county of WindsoV, Gf een thousand fire hundred fony-uvo dollars and thirty two cents. On the coan!yqf O.-angc, eleven thousand s v-n hundred eigh:y four idollais ai-d five ten's. ""r A a On the county of Caledonia, seven thousand six liundrcd forty thrcedollars ; and eighty four cents. . J On the county of Orleans, two thou sand one hundred twenty tight dollars and ten cents. . On the county of Hsex, bne thou sand cne hundred ninety seven dollars aud ninety s x cents. ! On tht county of Bennington, eight thousand three hundred ninety doilais and twelve cents. , On the county of Rutland; fourteen th-Auand thirty six dollars and eighty nine cents. ' ,V - On the ccun'y of Addison, ten thou sand seventy nine dollars and eleven cents. On the county of Grand Isle, one 'housand five hundred fifty thtee dol lars and thir y seven cents. On the courty of Franklin, five thou sand eight hundred ninety doilars and forty cents. And cn the county of Chi tenden, e:ght thousand two hundred twenty nine dollars and seventy cents. In the state of Rhode-Island. On the county of Providence, four teen thousand five hundred sixty doifai?. t On the county . of Newport, eight thousand fifiy-six dollars. 'v On the county cf WashingtonY,five thousand three hundred ninety-four dol- l-rs.. ' ' - . ' . . On the country ofKtnyfour thoa sand two hundred ninety five dollars, 4On the county of Bristol, two thou sand three hundred ninety five dollars and eighteen cents. , . . - s r' Li theitate cf Connecticut. Jn (he county of Litchfield, nineteen thousand sixty fire dollars seventy-two '.-ehts. , j - ' . . - On tbV county of Fairfield, eighteen thousand eight hundred ten dollars and fifiy ix cenUA ; ' . . r ' :L On, the county; 01 lew-iiaveny-six In thniii3nd seven ""hundred- wehtv- teen thousand, seven "hundred twenty ihVce dollars and ten cents' ' . On the countv of Kartfordi . nineteen thousanrlux hundred three doVars and twtS cents,: un th- county or jTlewuondin thir rhnusjind Ds'ind "sixty f 6 uth. , J j rl Wad twenty I n e: counts of V idhiTiVlourteen cents, - firs inKrAimf liQVsind'jyelhundreditwtjl , four 3oh ... .-M iT -. 1 . Ui and thirtfxeiKhf tents. Aild on 4be xouTrtyw- T6Utnd, six housand nine bundled eigbfyi four dol ars and sixty nine cents. ' In the State cf New tori On the count - of Suffolk nin! b thou sand thirty doilars. On Queens county, nine thousand o hundred fifty dol'ars j ; On K ng's countyj sx; thousa(d nine hundred thir.y dollars. I ; ' On the city and county of Ney-iork, f e hundrd nine thousand two lundred hirty dotlars... . . . . On the cotinty of West thester, hirteen thousand one hundred twenty d .liars, O i the county of Dutchess twenty four thcusarnl ont? hundred forty dollars. On iht cuunty of Orange fifieeh thou santf.d tl lavs. . On the cou9ty cf R )ck ancfi two thou sand six hundred eigh y dollars. On the coun y of Ulster, fen thou sand six hur.drtd seventy dollars. : 1 O 1 the -county of Sullivan, two thou sand four hundred fifty dollars. S On the county or coharic, five thou sand six hundred ninety dollars. O i the county of Colufnl' a fourteen thousand six hundied doll O the oun y of" Rnse!a?r nftten housand one hundred nintjiy dollars. On the-couny cf Wasl;ii gton fif een thousand, six hundred fit y one dol lars and sx y two cents. On the c uity of Saratoga, nine thousui d light bU'idrid thry dolhrs C)n the aun y of Essex, two tbou s ind seven hundred d. llar. : On the coun.y of Clinton, two thou isnd.two hunditd and eighty dolirs.; On the county cf Franklin, seven, hundred seventy dollar . , On the county of Albany, nineteen thousand four hunc red twenty dollars. On the county ot Schenectady, four thousand onie bundled doilars. On the county of Mcntcpmery, si::-(j tetn thousand f ur hunareu iweniy dol- j 'ar- ..." . , .1 On the cout.ty.of Ileikimer seven thousand ninety dollars. On the county of Ontida, thirteen thousand three hundred dollars On the county rof Lewis, one thou a :d pin- hundred sixy dollars. On the county olf, X ffets&n, four thousand six hundred ten dollars. On the courjty cf St. Ltwrehce, three thousand dollars. On he county of O sego,' eleven thousand six hundred ninety dollars. Oi 1 he county of Chenango six thou sand one bundled twenty dollars. On the couh'y nfo Madison seven thousand four hundred thirty dollars. On the county ofTi:ga,,pne thou sand nine hundred thirty dollars. 4 On he county of Broome, one thou sand nine hundred ninety dollars. On the county of Steuben, one thou sand "cyen hundred seventy dollars. Of the county of Onandjgo,. rseven thousand eight hundted ixty dbllaiS. On the cU'it. of CortLnd, two thou, sand'OTe hundred setnty dollars. . Oh the county jfCuy ago, nine thou sand two hundred ninety dojiars. On th crunty of Senecs, five thou sand dolbrs. " . i On the county of Ontario' fourteen thousand two hundred 'seventy dollars. On the county of" Genessee, Jour thousand eighty dollars. , . ' , On the county of .Niagara, three (hcusandone hundred ninety' dollars. LOn ibe .county of Allegheny, fcuE1 hundred . styenty dollars. ' . . On the county of Richmond, two thousand two hundred twenty dollars. OrVthe ccunty f Greene, seven th'.usandeight hundred fifty dollars. And on the county of Delaware, five thousand four hundred ninety dollars 4 - ''''' " " In the state offfewSfersey. a , On the county cf Bcigtn sevn thousand twenty-seven dollars and thir ty sevQ Uts7n 7- , , On the cotinty or Essex,' nine thou- sarid nine hn nd red nine kVollars and eight fctnts!; . . w 'Z On the -county of Somerset, seven teen thoua and t h re e h und fSdiiifc ty-two dolian;Bhl 'Mr; ter r rf W ! UrLt(hs tc ' ntfi,c ' Iiddl? 'dr- nine ihousind two hundred thirty three dof. Jara ahd twentV eight cets i " .j f-'Ocil the '.bunty of Middlesex nine iuuuaauujuc. uuutrea eigniy iwo O0J- lars add nUy-jtwq cents. - ; ; x i)nV the county of Sussex, eleyen thousand twenty-two dollars and seven; ty-rhree cepi 'i:y '-): : i bri h&cSunirjroF Morrfs, eight thobf and .jcighr hundredejghteen dollars and twenty nu?e cent v'-v x-y? j MJnlrye county 01 riunierop,;tweijre thousand two burdmf fifty one dollar 1 1 . ' - '- .- qoiiars and seventy eight cenrktv && On the conn ty of Burlington :c)even thousand nine hundred twenty nine dof lars arid thirty rshr cents.' - t- L-;?! ; '. On the county of Gloucester, eicrht thousand eight -hundred twenty Ihrejp collars anu wxiy inree cepis. On the- county of. Monthou h, Ven thousand two hundred four dollars and twelve 'cents. On the county of Cumberland, four thousand three hundred fifty seven dol lars and six'een cents. .. V On the county of Salem, six thousand five hundred twenty eight dollarcand seventeen cefits, . " On the1 county of Cape May, one thousand fivef hundred eighry Joiir dol liars and forty-one cents. ', ' Inthe State of Pennsylvania . On thi city ;' of Philadelphia seventy nine thousand five . hundred doUarsV On the county of-Philadelphia thir ty eight thousand two hundred thirty dollars. , On the county - ofoChs'ter, eighteen thousand two hundred seventy dollars On tha county of Delaware, Seven thousand six y dollars. ' On thecxuf,ty of Montgomery, fif teen thousaptLihree hundred dollars. . On the county of But ks, sixteen thousand six hundred dollars. , On the county of Lancaster, thirty- seven thousand tour hundred collars. O coun-v of York, tleven thotiw Uantl five hundred forty dollars. On the county ot Adams, rive thota sand.fiiur huiidcerl fifty dollars. 1 A On the county of Northampton, ele ven thousahd'one hundred forty doilars. On the county of Wayne, two ihou- 1 sand six hundred forty dollars. , On the county of Burks, twenty-one thousand five hundred fiftydlia?. . . On the countjof Dauphin seven teen thousand six huhdred fifty dollars.' On the county of Cumberiahd, ten thousand threehundred dollarsfi On tiie ccimty of Franklin nine thousarid dollars. On the county pi ; Northumberland, seven thousand five hundred eighty dollars. v?''' '1- Oi the county of Mifflin, three thou sand five hundred dollars. C)n the county of Huntingdon, three thousand seventy dollars. Qn the county of Bedford two thou sand six hundred ten dollars. On the county of- Sommerseti two thousand dollars. On the county of Cambria, four hun dre'd debars. v ; On the 1 ouny of Fayette four thou sand five hundred dollars. ,y. On the counter of Greene, two thou sand one hundred thirty dollars;; (lOn the coufit y of Washingonsix thousand nine hundred twenty dollars. On' the county of Alltgbenyrjive thousand fvvo hundred and ten dollars. O n the c6ni;ty of Armatrong, one thousand two hundrtd fifty dollars. On the county, of Westmorland, five thousand four; hundred forty dollars. On the' counties 'of ItSjianaaud Jef ferso:i one thousand three hundred twentjdoliars. . ' ' . OfVt'he county cf Centre, three thou sand ore hundred fifty den 3 rs. Ou the counties)f Clearfield, Potter On the county of Luzernehayingthe same limit as 'belOTehefbrmation of the counties of Su'tiuebannab and Bradford, two thousand 'seyen hun dred twenty fdouarsi ' - O the countyof Lycoming,7Jiaving the same limits aa before the Hfvrroaiion of the county of Bradfor3' two thousand five bttndred'tlDtlars. ' ' O n, the County of TiogaVlthreehOT-i creu eicniv nine oouara auu..ajAiccu Mr -I : , On theuhty'ofercerijnethou sand -seven hundred ten' dollars. On He couuTy of Butler one ;thpu sand Jiye' hundred SoUsr " On "t,he county of Beaver, two'ithou sand five hundred ten dollars. ' On the ceajnty ofo Crwfordt-one thousand'lwo huntlfd'sixty 4cllaxv f f rOn the counties. arren eieht hiin in 1 the : county; ErteT seven hundred iffntAe&ateMW X png llie icriff; w Cptle twelve thousand ; t wol hundred . eifrht dollars ahd ernht icents. M V .''r V 1 . sii -hnndf - " tgjtwQ- doUar n'd -$c L'i "; Pi . 1 1 it diousaiifl one hundreo fifty dollars and sis cetits; - r H -: K" vjn me count or aomerseit nveinou v .arjd fiv KundrijEby'cj .yninq., coump oiv;y orcejsfer, K jour tHousarid nine hu Jred th dollars.' ' I fcfii 3he cdnntripf borghetterv fiyfe - inousanq nve nunpjrea jten aouars. v. On the county. WTlbbtj four tfiou-r sand one hundred 'forty doJIars,l,a r Ans onvthd cantir bFSussex, - nine u.Cv ua tne couniyoi ueen Anne, ft vev : ) ; j r thouiand:six-hundrei;thiriy - On: tire county of Caroline tWOthoU; v ":MSr' , On ihejiputy jof 3&nt, . fourfthou- sand tvvijdrd ithmeen dollars and ninety "four den-::;l(;.,;.:-r"' On the county of Cecil (five thousand nine hundred fiftyjdollars v On the county of rlart'ford, five thou sand three hundred flTtycfblfarV. : ( . On the city and cnunv of Baliiriiore, forty eight thousand six hundred seven ty dollars, r; , ' 7 '' ': On the county of Ann Arundle. bine t hmj sand ei gh t u nd red t i a doll -r s. Oi the cbuo'y of Prince Gecfgei.se- ven thousand six hundred ninety dojiars. vu uic cyuiuy 01 aivqn, ? two uiou- sand four hundred ten dollars, , ; On the county cf , StifcMamT three thousaifq nine hundred iifty dollars. ;Cjr;ihe cbunty 6 rs ;..Vii1 t'hpo-i .' sand seven hundred fbrtyf dollarsi 'Iph'theconfifi. r thbusanbix3btitlrf t4olI?f X - On the county ofederick,rourteen ' ' thousand one hundiidieventy doilars, f Onhe county of -Washington , se ve n J-, thousand three hunclred seventy dollars. And on ;be county of Allegheny, two v thbttsand two Hundred tjbn dollar s the state of Virginia ! " ( " r.;yninecpuniy 01 Liee,rnree:nunarea forty seven, dollars a nd "fifi y cept'5 ' ' . J. On the county of iWshlnctori, one ! '": thousand eight hundred ninety four dol-i. v, Urifcab.nfyerts 'tf$$foMr UjTine county ,01 frayson, wpnQnii. cjred thirtythrce dollara and fiftylCOT3?-' : f : On the county oRussctl, pner thba- sand three hundred thirty six dollarsf O n t he cou rt t yVof Wy t he, one t hou - sand fie hundred, vthirty eight tdollar and hby cents.- , ,.. , : .1 , ;;) On the cfeunty of Tazewell, one"thou- H sand two hundred sixfjr seven dollars, v, On the county ot B'stetouit,"jthree thousand one hundred, fourteen ctollars . and fifty cents., ' ,v ;- On the county of Montgomery one ; j thousand three hundred twelve dollars and, fifty tcents.L '-&- '' , .'I un tne county 01 ones, tivc nunarea forty dollars and fifty cents. i v j A f Qn the county"o)f ? Monroe one thou sand thirty dollars land fifty eents ; On the couQtyf Green Briar, one thousand six.hundrecfifty dollars and for'ty'foiir cents.-; k;"-: ,':( .--I On (fa; UJit itehhaa, two tHeusa n'dohe hpndrecTs'ixty seven del ,X)n;.the coum yprcbejl, one j thou- " ' J sandtfive hundred forty six dollars and Jiltycents ; c . ... OttiheJo$nty ot ason, one thou sand one' hundred thirty dollars and fifty-cetofs ; ' Iv ' . : ' OnAie''' cpontW ' of .'Rand61bn.'five' thousand four. hundred sixty five dol 'lars arid fiftyents -V- if..v On theCountJof iHarrison, twb t housand -Sx hundred seventy two . dollars and fiTty mt".-.. j. -. :' . ; "" O couniy of Wood, one thoa sand three hundred twelve thirty eigi aouars nci nuycenw. ; On the county of lonangalia,3 two' 5i thousand nine nundred ninety two dol lata atVfJfifty cent. ; ; i;v rf O the county of ; Ohio "one 'thou sanWnine hundred sevendbllara knd &$l&toss :? - ; 3&l.' Qa the county df" Brooke one thou sanUone hundred ninety,- five dollars ari4fifty cents. . ; v ' y -Pt!'-. ipn tbe county of Bath; . tn thousand three hundred fiveUoflars itx. My cents. rCantinued 'in ;tKeAtfcParej:A of "Venanco Tanm'vfrAvg - .- . 1 : . - v 1 r 1 si .:.tv. .if ' til '. 9'. , r.. . A-', 9 . M ! V". 4v : j,v - T -v i .-.V.:- M 11 I ; " i 1. w : . V.'i i X 'iV'-'; 1 TV.

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