Vf V, Jl a V. x --jh. ' i V VV, v-" J!f ', . rr , TTi i i i " T 'f--1 I l.VjLl. t- I 1 1 " - w " -V'.'--V mr.;"hY'S oration; , wi"""" ... IT-. ;, a trtuure l.o fi.; Hif. tW. fwwvw- b T7rtim ther vear 17 uic pre- f .wt.timeAthc. people havccoosc crated the 4 th cjsr of. fdjte J?y "d 1 io for the assertion of f l"!1 J our nanoa1 rr- -: "j t hv . hose .w5dom. patritism and valor, it wastffected. The En'm versarjr of that day, on whkh .l . r.ntit7f of thc'Deople ot .fKm rirltish colonics .of-North America declared their coosiitucnts m. iiir r.i. ,rl nHrnendent natwm, ;:.4(M,mV for th'rrn. nmong the JUKI vlK4 invf - A -r,ui rh.k thai &ution to lr'--hoatureWd naWrvGn-l .a Wm Ki -Vain-come, rbund.'r- . ' . . l 11 -'Jam II tntry while cur ports, arq ,inu ..coastsMnvaded,-.our .towns -laid ... W-frontiert!exV -d tt MorcUIly to the cnormiucj u-CUJu.k w - , . ow in ivbmi m. 1 ittealUtn?toa;;j; ; -; . , KjaiKcrVcbmorously forced; vt.unr CXTJtts J -; -W " I nntice- Whv U this done T7rm the'r vear 177 : ta the pre- Whv is this done at all ? i all the horrors of a warno whicKcua- Was s"trVriuc?usly; opposed. - Thecon .rrnMtv nnd murder' in cold dialed one Was., trivial m itseU , uu'fcV - - . -0 - . r . .'.f II blood, ' KaVe.-r inurpol the place pf couSc t 'tnea.wc are i'cic h. together to piy Ue Vobual tribute of ' our unfeigned reipectw the atates . men, hom time; hav.sunk" into the gravfand the -warriors, .who teil iof us b baldc, lei us make -the of ferinia the waj which they, if they could be now consul ted. .would most approver- tet us emulate their spir-. it ; let us be - govened.ijy Aheitw pre and following their hih ejeam. p!efUMT;ft5-tEe- did( sndencoun. terdiEcd tprivatipn, danger deso lation and deatt in ev-ery prm,Tather .ionre r submit to oppres sion and degra4ateA-J!etua attend to the valedictory aompmuun ui m.u. -vho has-been emphatlcaltyXallrd the saviour of his country ; let us shew that his VmerrTM-' fi,ur i,.or.' Qnr4 VW nreccnt arc h' Id in ..m.m, ' I , our cratefuLremembMDcr oy solvingto W apdto continued be,4 one peopled 'Let us.auenu io nira, iodnotto those fabe prophets. wbo-e - coming he foretold i .itt nwhq und t ' ths sanctioo of his venerated tjsme; nrc aeh adoctrioe which he abhorred. u 1 Tnlno " he tells, us,' 44 is the mam pillar iflthe eaUGcc of our real inde pendence; the support of our trao quUlitya home, of our peace a broad rtf our afety ; of 'our pros perity ; bt that "very liberty which we so highlf nnzervlt is the point of our pclUi:2lc fortress . against whfeh'the batterie3of mternetlnd r-vffrriaeriemies, m be Tnojt cop- stantly. anoV activdx, (though - often covcrdy and inndiously) UirectecL- iTOivtjtheTelorctnniju'mij wyf he continues" onjthefirst dawning of every attempt tp alienate any por tion of .our country' from the test, or tn Wptrire theiracred ties which now link toctthcr its various pins. . . cenjurr you and all the ptoplc of thi iMiafre nation toattend; to attcnu y rrmr-. T pncmv. bv a discrim ination botKmiUtary pod commercial between the .belligerent an a uvu vuu hatant States, is endeavoring to un. dcrmine this j;reat pillar of our .inde pendence, while some of our citizens, from the frenzv of party spirit, co pnrrate with him, by attempting to alinatethe people pf the East from ' ihcir brethren of, he 'South andof the 'West. At this yery. moment, when the enemy il upon ou Atlan tic ami Sr.liTKl frontier, when all the fnrri- bf the "government. and, of be directed to hp-W.cV ..Sr-vi when the men of Kwaiucky and Quia, undismayed by j this hallowca spmr, spcanu thetcmb'the.prophetic and inspired truth and patruitisrrr, I 1 - jjpIncalUlcgoTon statue io? iurabrtihc cause of tncir coantr, and t6aTCPg9 Wdeath ofjhcir thtfjastxtt observed, aftd questions; ..... ' ! - .I'll . t mm 4 dcUbcratc'y.setuca oymc uc.uu cst'iiicnof tfts country, with AVascP. ingtoa at their head, arc revived and tfe3U6usiy pressed upon ; 'OtieaioDS which haveBlept rdif mg 1 fiyetwenty yeafs of rtace prosper the nouroi amicuiv w. uDon our .now Whv These are aons which ! will not s op to weri buthere is one point m whcH we must all concur; we rauH agree; that'the effect, as far as any tfTect can be produced, is not only to encourage the enemy, but toy alien ate one portion of , our country from the test, and to enfeeble the.aacrcd ties wbch now link together us va nous parts.'' " . " 4 m a Let us rtmeoDcr,"Tc.uyc uvi fniifted theexample of those, whose Vvw - i ' ff .:. ,m. trirtue and valor, we are here asemhd to celebrate., Uur fathers did not wair until; tbeoppres- iniuncc lhey were aanouaccu. Brih government nsserted a right fn the colonies. Thus Usurpation ... I - iht have been paid, without diminishing a single comfort,, which our citizenvhad been accustoroeu w cnioV. . But the people of America, happily tortnemscivc, iy t thl world, decided that they would notiii mitto the slightest imposi- tion. " ; cy , opposea a pnnmc hich they. knew, would iraa to unli mited dominion, ihc unusn.mi nistry endeavored to silence this op- position by a new commcrtui u: blion, which,whi)e it asserted the p'rmciple, made the tax entirely nomi nal. -They took from the export. duty to. England, a, sum precisely rquivalent to the duty cxacteo nere. But this miserable subterfuge did pot succeed. The. founders of our revolution disdained to make; those fKCuniary calculations, wnicn nave n'nf late so common. They scorned to weigh gold and silver a- gainst principle. " But our remonstrances were treat ed with scorn r our opposition was declared to be rebellion ; Washing ton himself declared to be -a traitor .rA was annihilated : our cities destroyed and our country ravaged th veteran armies of our oppres sor, aided bv hired murderers from the continent. . -But the spirirwhich dictated the Declaration of indepen dence was not subdued; the flame r rvitrTtiMn was : cherished with I mm ww - w - . . . 1 1 ..: JUnrA . thti mnre tnan. vcsw - chain of union was bright & strong, and the surrender of the urmsn': ar my in this state, produced a .reiuc uoVbfit tlnalJaqquiescence m our claim' to national independence Such was sthe : conduct, such Svere the suflcrings, such was the, success f those whom we are no w wcuuku to h"nor and who arc mosi wwiu; ?o he honored. " Z . THave we, animated by the. spirit of '76, followed this great example f Have we united, and risen tip to op pose insolent and unjust pretensions. as soon as tncy wwc uwy- . vt "Kofi'tvisdom to. foresee i, 'mUrhief: which acdmescencc-' in foreign usurpation must always pro. duce; andJfirmnetvenoUgh to rests it," .from'tts commencement? we have nothaa this wisdom, c. t .i it: ...i.i v4 .inTured at homeland a- broadband otfgh xomptooea- .t. Moor-to revenni ve never suu ww ; -j-z The spint of our fathers slept- v r bave indeed s been patient. Pa tient Xet mc r -3- JZa ha've been ste dndcr a bretended have -noC delayed ;tms-nrmnC-, Thr hard hand pf oppression w ;s la! - i - i .u' ..u.iri irinrmured d6voti6n to, peace, ; we have conceal- repcaicu : d kUi od our love of pain corrunted by .high nirjfoffreighti'the ot a desnisca anu u i'ty in our ardent p we , have ? stoopea,. f-otulH. until wc all power tobecome erect, ana we nave been oppressed and ; trampled, until not only every feeling rfshame, hut all sense ol pain appcarcu tu tinct. Our Commerce had been, for years piratically pmnqereu, our wwV taken from us by torce, or cousuuwu by fire, upon the ocean ; our : cities insulted, our, citizens murucipu, H" flag dishonored, our seajnenmade slaves, and national character tjecome the scorn of nations... AU this we havi. Ween, and vetyour patience was not exhausted. For .seven long years, the very period' which, our father encountered all the miseries fOfwar, iri repelling a claim, which 1 riorl into actnil ohera- tion agaihstthem, then wilhng sub iprt of the British empire wc, : vr m -m i w w- m .ai k " fr ni-nnle. oossesstni: twice their afnJr"th' and wealth, have Wu1rhitied to every "species of oppression ( and insiiU, But, thaok be to God ! the Mnnf these United States have been at length roused fromrhe sta por. and: lethargy, into which they had sunk. ... y ' - This subject of our, wrongs ancyiu- miliations deserves our most serious notice. 'Mf. H. took a view of them ; but we wilt not follow himi ; They are welr-knowbV Ve mUSt n W ver mentipnf that in -June, -1807, a British ship in the Bay ChesapeaKe attacked an American frigate unpre pared for .battle, killed .some pi ncr. ' f'j 1 -V rtV htt-r rnlOlirS. men. torceuuer w om r-:--, ' and impressed several seamen Irom on board. ' Yes. Fellow Citja-ns, the flag of these United S ateSi which ne wVn,.Histtrace before, and which has seen nothing but felory since, de scended; sunk, became .prostrate, withmdie limit of this insulted coun trtr unon a deck wet and stained with the blood ol our murtcrcu ti -r-; . , j .,rt.-i mcn. ,1 do hot menUon thisoutrage, i r.n w'ardlv as it was.-savageM.a cause of war. The British ministry disavowed the act, and, we have c- . epted the rep iration, such a9 it was, which their pride per mitted them, Jto .A-. It is onlv statetTto shew the ' i nnt hntildf snirit of that na, msur m a"u "w i ... . ;,.arH9 u9.. But; thanks be to God this dishonor has been wiped a 1 A nation has been aVenged: the "flag of the United Spies has wi ,a : trinmnh over the naval stand: iMrdofBritain : and honored, forever; honored, be the men, who nave uC5 towed this glory . and happiness on their country. . .J There was yet more cf misery, and more of humiliation, in store for the n,nn1, of America, knepurageu uy tience, and ..ill; more by our divisions, and. tunuUted at w - hv nnde- ureal nruam, "TMmher. 1607.. issued1her or- xters jn council interdicting all Lneu- . r with France and ncr aepcu- dencies.. This gave ,the, hnisniug troke to almost all our commerce cx- cept with herself, vlt waTthe death-bloto-neutral rights. It was the -1-. i httfrfinn inthc race 3- CJiBed tosertioo inihe fcee has been SO aaruiwv uwv.r, , Yc nare-oeen; onwiii."" --v-rrp; iiiffer. abandcxm$ mejmiaui-?Y;"v J:l miserable prohts l.eu at ncrw--; ursmfbf.wealthn ot wmcnw.M Ww t then. because t rancewas "T,! I w;w-hiflKe ha:insnurea .cns- fr,r:v; e.iDH.UauthoriS;Ja.K -a -iff irTQintL.ricr taiu enemy enemy more never serty rieree. com:r.:alFS- " 't4 ;tn from tra tiops or me. ww. . . - - -. f U and sordidlyu .ledn:.wim vnicn - that-enemy,:.n?7y v.. ' neutra s were lorbiqaea to "Bvr iltVtrae Aat-Aese-orde... .fie In feoealed.4Bnt wbyitrera u-v-i" . v . hat dens ; anctpuri.y -""""Ti.r. V at wc T - vru iink- and perished ,in;vuic.vu-r dawlcsdv& r.ore.opprc .ikw'it,. Athofthe delfalrwns,vnu-au ..l--,- ;a ntf asserreu j,;... ) V,VW--voU have moincrsvvjTT Othe P ate ol tMr atfeWivfe ' whbhv yjloreg ihe sourHeI;frrmh.y fP'4ft- SiSoff4?f. ? ... -!tr-;rnf!ti had ineiiher nave 15c . mvou have JVX J - v- : j Woit hecaus" rit 1. o lu thf fnetl- - Th eTei produced bfrthe'tlamors oe . TA - rrimnle .u..!rtnfcr British claimthc. righonrnpressingthei?amen A,rir.an shins ; on thethigh ThMUedged right caW? f i-reiseand inthe pur- suitdf it; have taken tnpnsandsofnarj . i; V-:.u- nd bv. chains and 1 and since, in combatting again defence of which-Lihey uu, pnnctpai oojvy. r,; arv-obiect wtircn mi ti,. ,;,rnment ot America can ne vcrloseiightofiu It eannot,beD . . . .ji.fl.- 'rr.-'netionbv trea ty, a clai mxwhich brandy .this nattPn .Aim -u jnfjimv. woud be -,iinVt humanity a coward ly and sacrilegious siitrenderof that eqiivl station among the powers of the Earth, tb which the grearmi, . uB hrnupht us this day toge theri deaired that" Nature and-Na-..,'... firi i..ntitIedU9. -. S i'' And yet there are persons inu, ricafmemn uuuuw,.w. r tion and of the states, who saythat we ouSht still ;to have been paucui, and thVthew in which we are en cracred. W wicled and-unust., Jf this be true, ietus disperse in sorrow ana in silenceLet Us speakjiojnore of iht statesmen wno ,pwu,-- y lutiooor ot the nerwuwuu-v. ed us through it, or tell in its supu.v. The revolution was, folly , the war was wi kedness, C Wastiingtnn a trar ..AtnMnn.rnd that Pur covemmeui. uau-" , celebrate, thi shame, .and not met to the clorv of Awierira: We. have felt for y ears the hand oRppWjeWp 5 W them even for a moment, v " -V Before the war,' the eondUcr of Great Britain was ih directpppo-...L.i:...-nr; nrinles establish ed amon nation for their ,8 m neutrals. Since- meni iu icivk .;i- u h,Pn ouallv irregular ..V,.n Savage Of- the Xprur bSabceficTishe eventuate in his destruction. , Jj w.lrtoe iinonrour tron. turraja J-j ifi 6ugb and evenbrougnt nim w uyr, toteiwb t"b v 7f w i mnnler tau i .tLi- nantivel Tihd murder on a ii the fort.the enemy, whom m tte r i i ofWirJ to face-" i A V But this is not all. 1 heBritisnnot content yf tr"r."ro ultai for baitle, haVe commeoaj.ru war on,ju , -'f .lUvl-V. all ? k?-ii and - under ,au , those whose ( -rr etve--vr r - . A KrntioUSSOloicry?r, nuw, - - i.-. hotr ei vois ,uiwr. 1 V The vw.i i,at qwpnre it. mc arms ana y" -tut k hout ol retr iduuou ,at of retribuuotrwiu. , t . . - t- urhu arem the field. bu are. in 11 Mcyfv .. :nnitencr nWimoas pep"? PT:" ".i i . 1 ;.1ujed, Jy ituhvuJual rcc, rrtr KateX..?? their nrviita Bght the.r. battltp proud to Uv down their 1; - Tc -.hake ofl-Ahis yoke, is, noyr th ' . t -. . k nresent war,; seal wa i b. r t -i-'Z.ii wniirtr tr2maii-': - ; aKnirthe line ,of : mmmmmmSc alOniT'tne llOCJV:.vvr,r;.?-x"-, 4i-l-vv raincd.':sh'all be ymW!V$$, dnaWft bjlflittiBg qvwpb?fc aaitlaS.iifV dred : milUoarin6rrVh'. m MMi thjt Weigbf tbitb!!?? dv Wft remani; P;?, that W"Puiatwn WmHl Fi Rrmsh minis by epmdeSfTO4;bl!l itThey ted itlwW- i". - -'- . I in . .Won nqtristen render the -.aM&W try mUstoeJsenau5,T , ., the ri6fifempitWgntiPSai? , ; , . mm1fm imp. the point Pt oui"t"rn: w , directs mt is CO U19UI atv .. . , . ' . mcntxposei)-- UwcSddtoupowfi; cDmcmpt , If be can makenc paFVMf? fee4 'ekciusivy l,0T . r-i- ionruhrcalamuieS v n inrl to mUCPMvuv ii -r--t burst heads nexs yri-Ti;h-!!rl' sed bymeari Amyri ocu yy m . - . I4.tv the- crovern r . divtdedjimerwieanu -3 N U r; I , It WIS .CUeiBC ir,r. -Vc: that tne PCVPl 4 f -j-v -r be more "Mmfrjm- this hoftoq ' cciveoViere Uno parryhn fi? ZiA to surrender t to Jjreat . , r i wpuldtdareto.surr tf;---;:wv. andtoimpffs J- 'H- f il t r--'v ; at theum.mK'" f.i- that our ngKSS S aC The tsebplei oi AiDti"?,;;, m-v crunv the frUitlul P? f?"r -1 C-v SSvaiUe,ip ii Atlantic lom::L-H U-Murron--v-. . mm m annillliui M ' 1 . m ' b intercsvv- ninrTntr in wealth and fix- e- caUml ofEuropexusep neverjai - hecaUse tney v will-fear joar PyHii-J f '. ... . if -V? V r a :".i-:.';vH'-' r 'T V 1 1

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