1 1 i! i: ; Crn WaMter fro Cc aiHL-y t? : tury cf ib : :ty. : v ' ' -v. 5,Sblp General Flkr, Kiagara l- - . . .n Hits Ser,,lM3. . r. i i-.Arur I Kid the hoQored V.' drcsiinjVottootbferiSthl coatlnatd tohlotkaae t&eenemY unuujc -i vhcb the wiiid; Hawing hcivf from V , the wVstWard; the' enemy. baDQTU i toa-SiogiiSwJ ittoingt be, ' could "col move fro rolbar pace wjih- .ct change :cfwmd; I S ut X rtwajoed but a fe w houri at.the . hirbor.and left luYday Tighten' the; Yfihe 18th?Lurdid not ar. fleer cri Ljikc Ene. .It .this' should. high' txpcctjiucmt totmtd ot his U; 'I Have leirot IfbU1 w5 ciaUrdepeisdcd upont that vwe did thtenerhy much more injury in .our tenetcVoilhcjlUH- pected. : . I,6nd that we kiHcdCaptaid aSlu!caster'of the RvaV George and a nurKbef ofii5 mcrit'".and did eqosi dere tnjarVtD thirahip, a well as aevtrarbfthe other ,ve3vcK troly nnfo'rtunitethat; e "could nor havi brcughi the oefnywto a general action on that 'day, as I am conbdent that be Tictory ould have been, as tornctVaithupooXikeErie, I, hotrever.hive consolation (0 know that every taitioxi wit used to bung him to dote actions -tf we did not ttttreed it wis not oaf fault. ' ' i hire the honor ta be, Uc; , isaXc CHAUNCY. The hoc WiliUta'JooeJ. ' ; 'fiii Stern!? U a. ckocacr Ail. Put in-IUjr. " Sim I hate the honor to acquaint f on that about' twelte'-lhjndredj troops; were yeiierday transported to a mll lsnd, distant -shout" 4- letgucs-fronr ialden, TwtitilbsoindioR it bfew, hart, ituh frefiutnt sqoiIUtf. I'hit day al ihouRti tue wcather'is not settled, -the aqusdron Will agiin take orer asnuny .xnoTeV .W .only 4wait forJttorabJe w eat hereto rnsae.a final more. I need not awure you; tir, Ihst ercry possible exertlon'mllbe rosde by the officers and men tinder iny comroand to assist K dTnc of the arinyi and it affords tne grest plcasuro to hare it irrTny povr- J ertoaythat toe itmwi uarroouj pre Tailt between, the arniYnd myj. I furo ibt honor tobe, Sec. .- p. H. PERRY. , The Hon Wm. Jo9iv ' , &H fa lexer f mi. tiett ru.Uf tu scrgt s fit ry. . . -; U. SL choQccr. Lxvrm a w caj -Erie, 0 23d Sept. 181X. Si a I bare the honor, to a'nnqonceto ytxx tny tatc aniral hero vriih the U. tchocnef Lawrence. She hss on board all the sick wk! wouoded of the squad-' roo. I Bavc msdc such varrantments as "will contribuio much to tbdr relief. Died of the typhus fever, Richard Wib liams and. Henry VanpooJ, rntrines, during our passage frbra Put;la.Bay. N 1 hate the honor, to be, cc- C , JOHN J 'YARNALL.V TUUoo.WmtJoEs. . -Secretary 1 tne NsTy. , ZxrxrX of s ktter 'Rom MJ.Cm. ITarntMi.! tftthe SecreUry a Yr, aw iicd Ogrter- - 11 , 2a J itImL 22, 1813. TheEteater part oCtb troops are hereith.me, and tnij vnoie wlI 1 do lreTebe upby 12 o'dock ' l,thn pro-' cecdas frffsihehliddle Sisfer, tn,the course or to "bight and toTnorrowri' and in 1 he. following night get so iear thje ;netny"a coast is to bnd two or three miles belowMalden by eijht o'clock In the mornlnjv. I'bese mosrjcctsrrotfi however,, be rettrded hy. adt erse winds .Com Prr gites inc. eycry ,ass tance la bis power." , i , Dutl ngton V. Oct 3.- , Latest accounts from "the Northern Army, are to Wednesday; laaf: The army .was thenencaorped at the Four Corners, (so called) Chetuugei fony' miles west of Cham plain.' - Cmmcdorei'DonouBb, re 10der-. stand lta'aaenta cballcrijo by a Oaf; to Commodore Steel, tbc DnUsh Com mander to come out and right him. -The xhirtl-Unmade of nbo rrorthern cWssoritif Abe Militia of the Stath of Vermont arrived at'tbia, post oft SararT 5y and Swnday On Wednesday' tvaBrlgade was reviewed by his Ex ;cJhaey ihe Camtnander in ChicX ? cooiheia windBothavioglavd lwn tattl Ubom it roty concern. ' 4 ' WcourtG'daHoithe: pwrOo ' XbtTee honor to . beV-; - iroyV.'me in til its devils, Qtna wi Sia't thatli may) he has immomhi: ?r4MmUtra-tibt diwppoIOtCd rthC VOa lundrj,hjr .fifteen -hcrdrcdBU- rsJS td&riltJU Bctatftaattf leQ?Uiell d!d d S ferld Head toVWathicrthfeni; tc. tn& IT vf . f . RutyCenU- ltObserveo,;A "mqctr -w mih j t- 'Y v----r .yy- irAusdsra .r.- nuvs, bonds nj , . ,l s v tnate fc:ea utoicu gtmi!al:dowmcnttifhai 3- rn-il-. take .the: libtrr to eo dote, fnV tr JnCWrmaiien. a copy of a prpcla- !tnaJonl Admiral the Tight honorable I Sir John Bbrltie Warrej Cart. K B & KCi commtnder tnehierf &c.vr .; ; And I am to request yoa will bate the . of hit tnjrtj' sbipf rid veueli etnploy. ' cUnd to DethpioyU jn m Vr " Uwrtf.ee,5 snd aJojijt the coast of JJors nSeotU.'tbe Islands 1 St John and CP j.Brron. the Bay of TUndyV nd . U and -- bout thb Island of Bermuda or Somtrs is Uodt , and In the West Jkdi;&c. ' k A - PROCLAMATION, Whereas hfs Tloy'al Highctti the Princ Refctnt has caused his plcisuTc to be Mgn' fied to the right honorable the Lcrds Commlssionera of the.AOmlraUyj to' direct that 1 ahould institute a attict .arid nVofotit hlocktde ot the port ana I barbbi sef New-York; Charleston Port Royal, Ssvanah, and pf tha titer Misv siisippi, in the United pistes, or. Aihf dca, andmiintslb,' and enforce .the same according to the usages of war in simi lar cstesi Atd.likewise that the minis ters of neutral powera' should be duly notfi:d thatall the mea urrs authorised by the hw ef nations will be adapted and exercised with trspecUo alt vessels which rosy a'teraptto violate 'the said jblocksde ; I do tbervfofe, hereby rt -1 ,quire and direct you tp pty the umot regard and attention to'bis royal high ness the Pflnce Regent'i commind, I before rrentioried, and by every mrans hn Tdur'DowrT to maintain and enforce the moat strict and litrorout bbckidc cf the'-porta-of 'NewOTorki Chsriestun Port-U:r-l, Ssvanah; and of the riv.r IMisMssipi m the Unittd states 01 a Imerica.actordingly ; and in pmausnce j of the powers in mq vested, I do funhef ;decl air, from the firvt 'cf Septtmber, 11313, all'theToutlets from the Albemarle (ana. rimp'ICO. OOuat coinicticu uj - I land navigailon with the port cf Nor- :ioiv. thr Ttririi of Keaniort ana ucra- 1 v r . cork. Not ih Camlint. Cape Fear river, and Ceerpe.Town.Snuth- Carolins", arid Rtinhur nd Darien In GeorirVj, in a state cf "strict and ricorous blockade. Given undrr my hand, on boanl his majesty's. ship San DrmingoVXhesa- fe-kt, lt September, lsia. SlgtedJ JOHN OOntASE WARREN. Ta the"rt!tcrive flie ofRcera, captain com minders nd CommnxJinEr ofHcrrs of biff . msiestv's abips and vesim employed and - to be employed on the A mcrictn and Weid . JnUia itatiooa, aoa ail oiners wnom a may concern. , t fly coramsnd f the Admiral. trA. TH011A3 FOX. Jr. Secretary. Extract of a letter from ah officer of the u .8. army to the Sec 01 War, dated . 1 Cmilicothk, Sept. i?8. 1813. Altho much-has been said on the subject of the baTbsrities of the enemy td our countrymen, that the fortune of war have Diacea in tneir power, ano which had been supported by proofs un deniable .j .still some, even those honor? ed with the proud name of Americans pretend iodoubt the authenticity of their oriein I am. therefore, from a sense of duty to my country ana my tnjurea tei- tow bretnren inarrasj.inaucea io raasq known toycm a confirmation in part from tho llps ora Dritish officer now on his parole In this town, of tho enofmitiea COmmueUy JOUr -stiuict j aw iVBi&ui, ana .nami,opposuo sn wcj, oj mc Indians underthe command ot general Proctor. . In eonversauon with him, he infoTed me that after the irnTcnder of the Kent ncktana . under col Uudley at fine Rapid'a; of the Maima of the ;iaks, be waa dear general rroctor s tent wnen one pur 'unfortunate otliceni fame up and asked the general where they were to be quartered V that Proctor iin-" periousiy onlerea, mm on tnai tru 01 ficer reured but u few yards, when he was met by a -small' partjTbf Indians and inhumanly tnurde(ed under' the eye ol Proctor."" , ; Another instance ,he relates. of a sol dier that .was taken during, rhp" last siege ;of fort . Meigs by a "partyof In dians arid conducted itb the British jje rie'ral'a .cam jvr painted "blacky (a1 marT. tkev alwavs afox to pHsonrawhenTen- tencp of death is "pTonbunccd.ori"lhem),- :fhafsonie one of the office rs (bethinks uentanantrcoionei anon, laiciy iuueu ai Sandusky) "went to their general to" fri- icrcctio lor, idc.dooc captive, inai ne wasj ordered .off,. and: severely repri manded vfer intcxeliog hliriielf far a lSiar Wehad yeAerhayrmngr.and riiKhtprtscedindho Of most aovere Mii.V T Kv .xtitnesikcBd' "'-It ' toVEL mericed about 6 M; atNE.'ind veered tq jN- Py ,ywn mv'-m ihe greatest'. force and contmuedunui about,lA.,ls atfwbicKUmc.theue, wtuch hid risen to an uncommon height ceased io flqwi incfef: about pne hour we. were wvorea wua r-". 4 2 oclock';the : le: ietTenced at" W. and blew until day break with tiquil, indeed tf thinkr increased violence Here the destruction commenced ; eve ry vessel in,tbe;haibor droves on.sbore oraunkat their moorings; Gun vessel No: 1 64, John R.'Gray soxti coromanaer ftf 2fi louls'on board at the time she went down' only she were ' saved. ; Mr. Grayson and two "rfien reached the marah xn the fFlqrida sid arid with great difficulty supported themselves through the night and until 11 o'clock next day,-, when they were discovered and taken off. - Mr. Lecompt,' midship man on board, and Women were taken off from an old wreck about two and a quarter miles down t rje-riter tyetwecn this place and Point Peter, tov which place they were taken.; No. 161 in or dinary, lies sunk a little above the har bor. I am in hopes ah e Will be got up. No. 62, the same which was reported as condemnable, which lay off the town, having on board the men attached to vessels in ordinary,-sunk at her-an-chors,but" fortunately no lives Were lost. No. 160, 138, 62 and 163 are on shore above high water . mark tbey will be got off with little damage. . The two lermer are in ordinary. No, 3, hospf ul vesself parted ber csbles and drifted over a body of marsh about 3 miles, and is now on the Florida ahore ; I have sent her assistance and hope she will be ebt off. No. t68. John Hulburd, commander, lying off the south end of CimerUrtd,not being able to fetch into this river above Point Petre, run for the barbor oi FemandinaV and an cbored above the 'town, from which situation he was driven some miles oxer marsh tftid is now on shore about 6 of miles . from this place with the 0s of his muinmast. The Saucy Jack privateer; of Charleston; lying retvdy to 11 sail, IB now JjiJig tuii itu ui j, uu a marsh that must be at least 5 feEt above the level 01 low uae. ancaraws 14 ill .'. ,. - feet, seven neing tne common rise. This town has suffered much : seven inhabited housea blown down, and se vera) in frame but no lives lost ; much more fortunate than its. neighboring town Fernandina, where, I am told by a gentleman just from that p!ace,that)2Q houses are blown down, cvery-VesscI in port drove-on shore, except a 'Swedish brig, and a copsiderable amount pf mer cantile property destroyed. ; I have the honor to be'kc. HUGH H. CAMPBELL. ' JWwprf, Sept. 27. The capture of the Jscljooner '-High-Jtjer, o( 5 guns, by Commodore Ro do rks was very cxtraonHnary On ma king the schooner to the Souihwaiid of XNaniucKci anoais, sc oqiiicu me pri vate British signal, which was answer ed by Cora. Rodoers, and fortunately proved the private British signal for thru day. Upon seeing this the High uysr came immcuioiciy iu mm. worn. Hodokks ordered one of. his officers to dress in a British uniform, and. manned out a boat and boarded hi in. The Lieu tenant of the schooner did not wait to be boarded, but manned his own boat and boarded the .President, supposing the President to be a Briush Irigate. l ne oriusu bicuu w on Dparu ior some time oeiore ne discovered .ms mistake. The officer that bearded the schooner from the President, asked the officer left in charge of. the schooner, for his private signals and instructions, which .were . j immediately, handed : . to him ; .by this stratagem',' Com. Honov ers has obtained possession of the Bri tish Private Sindls and AdnQ ' VaR k a ns Instruction On" examininc: Admiral WAaaiN's Instructions, Com Rodger discovered the number of British squadrons sationed on tho A- merican coast their force,' and rela tire position -atj th pointed instructions to all of them if possible to capture the Presidents. r . - ,.;. e w r American prizes, - : , 576lBrig i . from Lisbon for London Udet with wool, rice 'and cotton,: captured bvthe letter of tnaraue schooner Gramasl or Baltimore, oi her' passage from France , byrnt . , - " -' , t 577V 578 Twd small .vessels captured by the privateer boat Terrible pf Salem. ; 't'.t - 579 9c boon er Lilly, from--Port, aa Prince for Londori.capnired,by thj; fetter of marque scfaoooer Pilot of Baliimorei and rireniiD after taking bui some sugars, &c ,' . 80 Uriff alary. Ann', from St. Lucie for St John' N; B. laden with 180 punebcona of rum. and I4f hhds aaalaaseti eapturedbyi f-S&gtix? sr-ctf tain dercr', f5.of M ALDkN 8c DETRdlT OUkS! artSg-,R..W -abetters ierer tms av,Teceiva ty tne ; oecretarv'- ot : wanrom vwm - . had' that MayVlanded aboultoifea DCiOW7J.iaiaen, ana tqok pp&sessunt of tJie place' about one hour aftet- wards. ; Then& the town, and previously destroyed evexy thing, 1 4 Indians 'rwere cap tured;vGen;"H;;intended 'pursiiing A letter frbni ColSmitn ClU8kv. datea vcu; recetveia uvis morning by ihe exprcSj, statea that uen. narnson wa m pursuicoi, ne enemy. ..v., ,v-'.. ' , , ,: v! " From' the Pittsburgh Merctiry f y. : Cleveland, Oc h , I cc By tnforrnation. just received; we learn that our army arrived in Maiden im , Monday last, .but met with no opposition, as the enemy had evacuated. and burnt the ; fort. Gen. Harrison was , about to pursue them. It was stated there, though not generally believed, that the ene my were to make a stand at Sand wich. They took up and destroyed all the bridges on their march It .was also, stated that., the enemy's force -consisted oY 700 British and 000 Indians." - ' - . Clevelandi rOctoW . A u Imny last of the 1st; JnstI in- i formed you of the landing of Gen. Harrison ;and the troops under , his. command, at Maiden. In addition to the above, ve learn oy ; Captain 'iDobbin, of the schooner Ohiby who arrived yesterday from DerrptV our army marched for Detroit on the 28th September, and took 'posses sion of that place xm the aame day The British .had -evacuated and burnt the fort, vand citadel and all thejpublic buildings. The friend ly Indians took thirteen or fourteen of the savage enemy and" brought tnem m. a nave learnea - noipmg further ox iniportance. ttist un derstood that cvur army will follow up the enemy. All the men had left Sandwich with the Brhisb ar my, leavihg,some women and chil dren.0- . - -. -. . . . - . ,v' - ' - 1 gfrg (gter SHERIFF'S sale. WILL BE 5X)LD, At the Cbort4jou?e,.'in RatberTordton, on , Monday the L3ih of December netti, rPHE foJbwtug Tracts &f Land lying in the Couuty of JKuiherford, or so much there of as suall be necussary to defray the Taxes uue inereon ior ipe-year loxar, wit tne cost ot advertising, etc.. . ; . r ;. 1 66 Acies on the waters of Crooked Run. joining Valentine Xrat; belonging to Le muel Lemons, and not returned, r s 7 500 'Acres, joining Richard Goode land others, bekrTng to.Wra'.'M'Gown t not re luroed; . . '' " '.; - ' 135 Acres on Brushy Creek, belonging to Joseph Henderson. V IOHK li. ALLEY, Shff. , Sep- ia. , ; NOTICE; BY the decease of Robert Vivlori' Somer vell, late of CraavHle County, Nortb. Carolina, an infant, certain Propeiry which, aaa ne irveo, . vouia ,m time pave oeen nis, hath descended to other persons.- Those perr ' . j t .. .1 r. .'. . . 1 sons qesirpus toi mKing av-saiisiaciory ana. honorable arrangement of bia affairs, request all persons, who were indebted io him tf come forward and, give bond send security, err make payrooHW aa soon as possioie ana an 10 wnom he was fatrljr indebted, 10 present their ac Minta to the bubscriber. properly substan tiated, bef re the second day of January '"nct. deem their presence, necessar, wUl auend,at tbe bouse of the ubscribeT, in order that a fiaal arranceme&t roav be made. '," r , r iv JQHM SOMERVELL ' lZj Jgertfof the JJeateeu Mecklenburgh County, Virg. " cf . EXAMINATION. RALEIGH ACADEMY. - si- A public Eiatoinltjo vof ibt Staaenti of .-this IWstitut iow wal commence on Tues. Uv the 2d of November and end bathe 10th,; A number of interesting Orat tofts will be de- Jivered dunnghe:ocCasiO041 vV j an iBterest Jn Literary Exhibitions' are tie bt disntissetSTnntit, tia w!wie 7 basinesr.be or not.-. 1 -mmnt compare rrr,- f fe . - .. , - vi 'wrraai V Kalf-per centum on teim '..r cpramff to the following ... .7 ?rot rteed)hg one dollar. on, fe?v one dojtw, and noxcet doUart ,; two centK. v n5 two ceni. . If above two and not pvmJ:-a. lart, three cents; : "'"s lflfe Ifabove three and 'hor i ana r not exceeding twentv tfoJIarSrvlwentyeeiitt. ! - 5 m? . abntenve hundred and not iT:. one.tbeasandJio1brsV' teitdblian; ' " 5 &a fjgnd dollar TtOy dollars, . Wi any. bona, polijraiibn it'ontuxcmi erf as afaemid;. dhcounted by anv iu,h toil umpanict or &inJtcr, ttntt on any fatim ImdbiU or biUof exzhanPe hbvc fyty doUutl nnd havmz 'inc oi' tnore ttulorstrit ibt following Malt - v - t not eaceediog one handled dollars. centa.- j .. . ; v . If above otie bundled tnd not cxpo.;n. cwu hundred dollars, ten ccnt & If abope two hundred id Hvc hundreddoftarii, iweriiy five cents.", .'" XC above five' htib-ed ar.d not extcedln? one' thubsaod dollvr?, fifty cents. T If 'above oni thbosand and noteicettiin een hundred dollars, seventy Ave cents. " P;s" If above fifteen hundred and not exceed ing two tboosand dollar t, one dollar It above two thousand and net -exceedm three thousand dollars," one ddlar and fifty cents. . " If above rhrte thousand and not exceedin? four fboosand doUars,, two dcMars. If above four thonsand and not exceedW 6va thowvind dollars, rvro dollars and fifty cents. If above five thoesand and not exefedin? seven thousand dollars, . tbree dollsri and ('yceota; '.; . v it above seven thonsand and not exec din? eight thousand dollars,' font dvilars. If above eight thousand dollars, five dollars AH whichrsaJd Sramps liave for therr le gend, the dSjtvis above specified, with ihe device of an Eagle bearmg a shield. . An Treatury. or other notes, tsswec for th? ose or benefit of t1e United States, m pu-su Snce of any act of - Congress, or drahs "or bills drawn by ; the Treasarer of he Uined States, or checks payable at s'kht upon an bank, .company Or banker, are exempted fstni":4urv,afcd-Nar''not required to be stamped and no doty is charged on a second or other copy.-cf a set of exchange. When any person shall deposit any v? llum, rchment or paper at the rjS:e of a GoiiectpTi accompanying he same with a list specifying the number and denominatrQiv of the Titainps which are to be thereto- afitxed, it will be the dutv cf the. Collector' to transmiUhe samevxo ine ouie 01 ooiiuHuwvuti v Revenue, where uch peperg parchment. :8c veljuni will be properly marked or sianiped, anil forthwith sent back to the collector, who will deliver the same,, pursuant to the order of the person fVotrv whom it Was received ' Statnns on paper will be. transmitted from this officeAd the collectors, who will delivet the 'same, on ' the. payment off the duty, to Vthe person apply therefor. In case 'of stamps rttjaired on vellum prparchmenf, the vellum or parchment must invariably be trhsmttr -tedrougn-i collector, to ibis t (?ce Whence ; it, Will b'q returned stamped to me; collector, subject, on the payment bl thedutyi to the oder of the person from wbom k was received. Any person, other than an officer em rPloyed in collecting 'the levenue u Ue United .'.States,- who .shall, apply Collector JX his; ofilce for the .purss5 at one lime of a quins y ef ?:a tSiuparchmenv or pupsr, ihe duji Upwards, shall xiceive f.om.htm , quantity of vellum, parchment or P3PCC 420 said person v-viog d wn ihe.ap L of said dutresfter dutcnng from ' seyenAaiiUone bill c thereon',. f:, . ';.v. .-j Ui.tn under mv hand t Wh. APTOR RbBlNON hasjuit rec feBMediel street, ra; ' " ,--.---r-ri L ..,nnlv f FreS1 7nnaMe wrms win perron, ... , V,4f Ccid Leaf na jew artcie! orf pAaWfortis 4 attempt the aniifafwa 14.: KtmAcW -V ' Few arttCiei ot arawi w' " fcrria ana trie. V

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