i&ihvixfrtix&i prxh6urSj-,do-; ,rimfflw&$$iss mym'mmm Stei?2 . Si- Y iur' iuvinft:jbteor inform,-; -"Vet ofmy leaving Botoh on the . mamo.mcaihvit nnr..ool? rcmtins tor aftniotm whil "brr' of. 'wir!. near the aboals.of "WWW v YTV r"Jy .Mrw(i- l4rd of ihreeiaU; tt?o of .wKichv from their appearalit XTevibuAly.reociycd, j juci to oc uw,:Wv nogue 7-, ana IS iv mtib -if igatcandhe :ihird i meW 'fchaiU 'briR.V TAftcr; ficniog;tkar of GtorccV.llinki the Vtnd veered ' to thtT north eastward.ad tfe continued alageist pthe?tly;m the direction of the! ioui&.-n cdire of the Gulf Stream until ti'Sibof;May,Sa!oo. 0. WJ ttt;29'JO;N. heti I parted compa Wnli thVC90sress; jAfttr. jutting wirjpahjIahaped cnuraVas.near is thesvind leftUfd permit to intercept the7eemfs West India commerce pawns to the iojithjard of the Grand XJJOjc Xiot roeciipg wiin.iny iniog id tbVdirection exrepv American acli'Wm'Xabbnand Cidi I ocxt puisucd at route jkx the northward co a pari'lcl trVihtKe eastern dgeofthe Grabi BinV o aVto cros the tracks ofWaf WcVt Ih'dli; -Halifax; Quebec, and S'i John'a trade-" In ihh route; experienciog coosunt thick fogs far e "oumberof 'days;-3nd not metring any thing, after reaching "the latitude of 48 N.-S;f steered (o thb S.'E. to trards the .Arcre oSfhtrh in "dif ferent' directions; I continof d until the 6h of JuneA tihout meeting a single enerayVvcselt or any othcra except two' American. At this time falllnixT with an American ship bound to Cad;2,- and 'receiving xn fonaatifch tfut rheliad. four day bo fore passed an rummy's 'ccavoy from the West Indies bound to 'England; 1 crowded sail to theN. and al. though disappointed -in falHng in wtih the convoy; 2 nevertheless made four captures between the 9lh and 15th of Jutk ;.. f t - -Jkiogcow in thelar. of 46 N. and ong.2B-W -rcterminedon going into the North Seviud accordingly 'shaped a course that afforded a pro! pectoi umngto wiia twcij ocuou co NcwfoucdUod .from Su', George's Channel by the way .of Cape Clear, as well as others Out might pitscorth alout to -the bonhward of Ireland e to my astonishment, however, -in all . this route I did tio! mce: with" a sin g!e vessel, unri il mauc the Shetland -1 ft bods, and cvcnofTthcrenothing but -Danish vessels trading to .England under british licences. Jt thqtirae I reached the ShedaudIslands n ccn 'sidcrable portion, ? of my. provisjccs and wster being expended; it became cecesaary to replenish these, previous to detenninjng Jbat .course- to pur sue next ; and I accordingly, for this purpose, put inta North 'liVgen on thcj27d) yf June but inuch to my surprize. And, .djsap rnnent, "was notable to obujo any" thing but wa ter, there being an unusual 'scarcity ot"1)read iqTfTety part of 'i Norway, and the time not more Jn' Bergen thso a bare 'sufEcieo'ey' for its inhabi tants'for 'four .or fiye. wetks." Thit beto'theiasej after, replenishingmy wate r, re'pa'rtetK op the d. 0 1 J ply, and se3i??d ovci toward j the Ork n ey I sLsnds apd from- the nee toward thcrocth cape for the. purpose of in tecepVng a cqavbp bl 25 nr 30 sail, wfiifK it was said would. leave Arch ungel atioot.the middle of uly under the rirotecticti cf two bncs or two t " m slcops o ' war ; Whith ws further x crnfrmed hy .two Vessels-. ( eaptured J.ira the 13th pnd. 18th pf' the. same month'.: In; th;s cfjcct however the enemy h?d lhe gopd fortune to di ap point me, bar 1Vpl'tde.shjp and a frVgale making xhejf appearapce nil the NM th Cape c 'the 19th of July, juit a I uw'tn momcn'afy cxpecta tido of mrrtinjgthe convoy on first ducoyen. the enemy' two ships'bf war nof being able, r.wjng to Uc ha. jfess, of the. Vcatjicr tdascertm iheir character with precision, 1 stood tevrard them unt.il. making out what they if ere, I hutcd by the wind in thecpposUetatk, to avoid them jbut 'the wind, yhich had beenlihtfrpra. the Jwestw?rcl, shifted, to the SvEv nS .ob:xsecTtoe to t a V consequently "VrVcVted bur ttmg clear. cj(fi e bay -,ir th? tVifd of Mairrien.4in the- le in chase ot a Untisnl . l n" Do half aYekr to bedti.adanubscr I - 1 k v Aurennc nn not cacec thlrty. Imesinscrted the first tlmVfor Half a DolJari andfbr at ofaTeedM vi6 .wemy : tyro . , f ; mVvoitWeh-I haatarpnlir with the d'ay.BtforcL'wt'cQpiHy f-Wi thot jrtnuffl.Jt bueh;engrqsf cd by ireHentUiUjtKey permit ted the Scourge to wcpe. withoilt ?P pVtiSg fq'Ste'aay ; nodee bf hf r. V V ,T3inrthui 8iapn'oioted in meet- inn wi'lh th'e tonvoy, and: V still-fur-ther portion fc6r my provisions ;being exenoeq, 1 aeerim;u , to a more' eVterlvj ataijop.,. and iao- coraingiy recreo ,w gaw uicum.. tionof the traie paising but of; a ud rnio the Irjsh. ChanneL . In this po mltipn between the2th; of July, and the 2nd of August, I made 3 captures, when finding that the enemy had a superior (Yorce! in 'that ' vtcinuy, ! found it expedient toharigejn ground and after' taking a circuit rodnd 'Ireland and 'getting, into j the. latitude of Cape Clear, steered for the' Banks pf Newfoundland, bear to which I made two -mora .captures, .... I- - 1 .1. 1 and oy tne latter onr iouna inai jtnc BeUcrb'phVn Y4 and Hyperioo" frigate were on th. eastern pan of the Bank and only a few miles to lhe westward of me I however 'cdl.-?OC; fqll in with .them." From the eastern edge of the Grand Bank to Vhich . I had beat all' the 'way iron? the "NW. coast of Ireland . (the ..wind having prevailed without intermission, from 1st of Aug, to the middle of, Sep', from . west Ho "southwest) I steered for the'Uni(edatesvwithout seeing a single vessel of any kind until the 22d of the present month, being near the South Shoal of NantucV.et,. met with a Swedish brig and jm Ameri can cartel (the Russian ship Hoff nung) from London, bound to New Be'dtord. . '- . By this time my provision and par tlcularly bread were so, heady' con sumed as to "make it indispensably necessary that I should put into tht rst convenient port after gainiog the requisite information of the dipoi tioo bf the enemv's cruisers as coud enable me to steer clear of a superior force ; and this I was enabled to do in a manner which I shall commum ate in another letter. On the 23d msf.' I captured his Bfitannic .ma jesty's schr. .High Flyer, (tender to admiral Warren) with which vessel I now have to inform you of my ar tivalat this port. ... Annexed is a list -of vessels cap lured and destroyed, in wbjcb were made' 2ri prisoners I have npw., however, only 55 prisoners onboaid, having sent to England on parole to the Duke of Montrose;. 76 in the .Greenland ship feiir.a Swn, and . 62 m the bij que Lion of Liverpool. During my cruize, altho' I have not had it in my power to add any ad ditiohal lustre to the character of pur Ihtle navy,,' I have nevertheless rm d ere d' essential service to my toun try, I hope by harrasnn.the enemy's commerce aitr) 'employing to his dis advantage more than a dozen times (he force of a single frigate -. My olHcers. and crew have experi-1 enced great privations since I left the United States from being nearly five months at sea and living the last three months of that time upon a scanty al lowance of the roughest fare ; . and it is wjin peculiar pleasure tnat A ac- quaint you that. they arc all in better health than might be'expected, altho you may well supposxr1 "that their scanty allowance has not been of any advantage to their strength or ap pearance. ' ' ' . ' , The High Flyer was commanded by licuWlfiiltchinsoo, second , of ihn St, Domingo. She is1 a remarkably firteyessel of her' class,4. satis . very fast; and . would , make an excellent light cruizer,; provided the govern mcufhave' occasion formal vessel of her descr iption . i Just at the moment of closing- my letterTa oewspaner has been handed me Containing V capU Brpk"eV cral lebge to' my Iae. 'gallant friend capf. Lawrenre, in which he mentions , with cbn'sidprable 'cmphath the pains he Kid. taken to meet the President and" Congress with the Shainon and It is unnecessary at present to utce further' netice ' of capriv- DrokVs obscryatiors hso to aav,' if that .was , his deposition, bisconcluct' 'was so i'- ' B . . " ' , " --- " r .1 I M.J ILMII. II ! -otKC lime:ubric4Cittv,VdrGren ock; Robert ovc, masterbr2tis: ana ii mcn, irom " bdqhdrto fAlicantSpain) with cic'oofifisrUV;Ordered ToToce:;.' ;f Udthrjnbeciet qfj Falmouth libbuiad to'rTarifairenttb England a a caytel with 78;pr;isonew. IVUiJune, Lcuer oMarque Brig iarb, of iPort Glasgow, (Scodand) John Bald Master, of 14 guns'and 5 men, i from- Newfoundland bound to Spain,twithU cargo-of cod fith ": ?ot dered her for France' v . 12th pf June, Schooner Falcon, of Guernsey Johii Mauger Master, of 2 guns and 10 nen, from Newfound land bound to Spain, with a cargo of codfish : ordered her for Frante. f July 12,; Brig Jean and Ann, of Salt Coats, Robert Caldwell, master, from Cork bound'to ' Archangel,- in ballast tork oathefcrew & burnt heir. July 18, Brig Daphne,of Whitby, William Gales master, pf 2 guns and 9 men; ; from Sotith Shields bound to Afchange) 'nV'l.P0' out her trew and sunk fieri' t- ... j - July 24, Eliza 'Syr?o, of Montrose, John Young master, of .3 guns and 48 men, from a Greenland, whaling voyage, bound. ta IMontrose. with fish blubber, ransomed her for 5000 pounds sterling, . . 1 July 29, Brig Alert, of Peterhead, George Shand master, from Archan gel bound-to Oporto (via England) wiih a cargo of pitch and tar : took out the crew and burnt her.' August 2, Barque Lion, of Liver pool, Thomas, Hawkins master, of 8 guns and 52 men, from Greenland, whaling voyage bound to Liverpool, with fish h ubber : ransomed her for 3000. pounds sterling, . . August J0, Hermophrodite brig Shannon of St. Kitts, John Perkin master, bound to London, with a cargo of rum, sugar and molssses ; ordered her for the United States. ; . Sep. 9. Uri- Fly of Bermuda, Bowey; muter, of 6 (jnni untl 9 men, from J arnica, bouhd to LonJon with -coffee, ordered to the United Stale. -V Sep. Bri ith ScJiooner Highflyer, Lt. Hutchinson 5 gun, 5 lifiicerx 2c 54. men.' miuTHORTr. v-. Halo, of tbt OlntteD 0tatps. An act lalner duties on sales at ant ion of merchandize and of thipa.and vessel. . Be it enacted 6f the Stnat and HaUtt cf Pe presenfativc of tbe United Statet of Amenta in Cbrreu atfctnbled, That from and after -tbe first day . or January next, there sfidl be levied, collected nd paid for theuse of th United States, upon all sales by way of audion as be remafterdescribed,wnich shall be made within the United States, Uie respective raits and. duties follow, -ing, to wit : The sum of one dollar for eviry hundred dollars of the purchase money arising ny sale at auction of goods, wares and merchandize ; aftd the sum of tweniy-five.cen's for every hundred dollars ol tbe purchase moneT anting by sale at suction of ships or vev c; and et the aa me rate for any greater or lesser sum, except as herein after excepted ; the said respective rates and,'duties to. be paid by iie auctioneer or person making such sales 'at suction, ;Out of the monies arising from each ano every such sale!: Provided' atwaysx That nothing inthis act contained shsli extend to any sale or Kales by auction of goods, wares and merchandize, mcde rmrsuant to or in execution of any rulr, order, decree,sen.cncc or judgment ol any court of the-United States or either of ihem, oc made in virtue or. by .. force of any distreis far rent,' or other cause for which a distress is allowed by. law or made in consequtnee of any bankrupt, cy or insolvenry, pursuant .to'anyfJaw' concerning bankruptcies or insolvencies; 'br. made in const qtjence of any general issinmcnr of property and effects for, the benefit rf creditors ; orfhadb'bf ot on behalf of executorsbi- administrators; or made pursuant to; the dFrections of any la w of the United States, or either of thejrt, touching 'tbe collection of' any tax or duty ; 6r disposal by auction or public properly of the United ;States or of any stale'; nor to'any such "sale'iSr sties by auction of ships tieif; tackle apparel and - furhituae,v or the ;cargoe thereof,' which 'shall' be. wrecked or stranded ' withinT tfe' United States,' ani sold for the benefit of -the insurers v or proprietors thereof " 1 ? VT ' Sec, ' 2; ""And be if further enacted. 1 1 .unuiniiprcpursuam hTm -.V rtt a state, or issued oursuant o tne:ui- u iFnrQ; Aliens of thacdnin and meaning of this act true C (J-fou&mndseid -dollars, -together wilh thesnms Or duties p'aysb1e by tht act upnVhegc9i.'w8rfes and merchan d z sp sold-iProvMed,' however 9 That hoihing rherefn pQmaipedi shall beacon st rued to require) a 'license for the sale at" auction' of any eatate,:goods chattetsi or other thlnciwhich by this 'act ari not! maue Maii j e to quiy or cxcnipicu iroui l nat every .person wno,Deiore xae ehu fipt day tJinu license or; ipecwl JsuUtbrit Vi : ptirsu apt o any'w of apy sateor l he said trade jpJnsine'of. ah eeiv shall bete;brpQn ' and every, personba day shaJblnve such sciatcVnseveau thorjty, shall within thiriy days after the obtaining or Veejeiving. of the same - give, notice thereof in ' : wtirigt ' underf his hand, to the coUectpr, anpointedfcyVi tiie of the act entided assessment and collection of tlircct tiu cs and internal dude s, for thdistilc & where such person shall fcarry dn br in tend to carry dn the slid trade orbusi ness.of an auctioneer,, speceiying in such notice the date or commencement J J pf such licence or other special authori- granted or giyeh, by whom at)d by what law of a state the same Vas granted or given ; and shall also give bond to, the, United S.ates in a som not.-, less :th,an one thousand nor more than three thou; sand dollars, at the discretion of the col lector, to be taken by the collector to whom 'the noticeforesa'd shall bergrgV en, with oridrion that he will, 'on the -first day of April, Ju-'y, October and janu;.ry in eacn yeur, .wnuc.. nc. nau continue to exercise .said trade or busi ness, renderto the person or persons who, on bthajf of the United' States, shall be authorised to receive the same, a irue and particular account in wrir ting of the. monies ofssums fcr which any goods, wares and merchandise, made liable' to duty by this act, - have buTsold at every sale bt auction by him mde, and of the severat articles, lots Plid parcels, which have" sold, trie price of each article, lot or parcel, in every su h sale, by whom bought, that is, to say ; Grst from the dale of the bond un til such of tbe aforesaid days as shall accrue next thereafter, and-thenceforth from the day to whiph antrccount shall Huve been last rendered, until such of the sild days as shall next thereafter J - . , i Jk - , ensue; and so on in succession, from one of the said days to another, .coi9hg, a he shalf continue ko exvrcise, his said trade or business, ' and tlso shart pay all such sums of money as shall bt due to the Uniled Slaes, upon the said sales, according tojthe true intent and rnen irg ofthis.slct, which sums he is hereby iihorised.and directed to retain ouf of t he produce of each sale made as afore said, - And 3 like notice and bt4. rid shall be given in fik manner, as often as a ny such license spec? 1 uutho; iiic&Jl all have expired and been renswed. And if any person shvh, after the 33id first day of January next by virtue or color of any such license or special authority as a foresaid, make' any sate or sales at auction without havlag rgiven bond as aforesaid, within the. time for that .pur pose prescribed, or ' without renewing sucn bond upon the expiralion and re: newal of any such license or special au thority, he shall forfeit and payi forevery such sale by him made, the sum of four U hundre d dollars, together with the sums or duties payable by this. act,, upon the j goods, wares and merchandize so sold. Sec 4. be it further enacted That the several collectors aforesaid mai ay, within their respciiveditricts, and .upon 'request of any person orrper sons desirous . thereof, shall grantMi cense without fee or rewarr) for a term not exceeding one year; ( at one time, to exercise the trade or business of an auctioneer, t and such licenses,1 upon like request,, may and shall from, time to time renew : Pjrovided Aoyever9 i nai no sucn iicensc.snaii pe graju ted or ' reeweo until the ,, person ipr persons requesting )he same shall have becpnie bupd . to the;l United States, with; one ors more ;suretiesv tdthe satis-. Ifactioh of the collector of whom such li cence shall be" requested, -in the; sum bf riot more than three thousand, nor, less tharione thousand doIlarsV.at he discreiion of he ebjf dition a is V herein for persons having licenses by vir.fue f f somelawf a state And provided fur 4irThati:hK granted torry ;orthe said trader' or business, in aoy,eity.;town, mrcnnty any. slate, m respect to which provision hatli beeiv made jby any of sueh bVthPrinte jn e v quarter m even succecwaw f r aec. 16, - And be it r.. a That the accounts toi, tl duties tK. r . u reeHi by any auctionceer, mh and Pidto the eonectorX r'ndt u. k . vor aIoresaifi exercise bis saidlrade or h? r H rhiidepiitydulyltes; hand and seal,- anHnch a dcr hi shallake- oath .f : jng to tbebest of his knowleZ 81 lief to the tnith oteveW! " atl(i ncoau rrnaer oetore the i son to whom . such ar.,. . ,r P ali be lb admtnis.er the said ft AM n ITn.1'f i . hairnot be deemed to beld01 edccnfe;to;tKe eon r bond of such auctioneer : kna lh8 that such accounts myZ, 7 kept and rendered it is hefebv dfey dayjp day, as often as any sak .i Wide, m abookoron a Pper lob5ke hyhim for that purpose, the tJZf hint made; which book r.r J hafat.aU reusonab tirae, upo quest made be submiited for fx.iha. ticnvto the collectoi; aforvsaid rhift whose distrietsuch auftioncer shai bc on pain of forfriiing, for t very rtftiv ' o comply with suchj request, the sum Pf .five hundred dollars. j Sec. 7. Arid be H further enacted Thatjfit shall appeanothe satisfaction pf the CoUector, wuliin whose district he shall be that an suc;icnt'er haihact cd .agr bly to the ccccttiofi 'cf the bond which he shall have given, and to the directions of this act, duinttTi time to which his said bond shall relate, the same having expired, then, and in every such case, the said collector shall cause such bond to be delivered up; but in case no such account hari be dtliverrd as herein before mentioned, or fit shall appeaethat any such account was i not iruiy made, or that tne party hath acted i in any other respect, contrary; to the true inten' and mtanihgofhisrDdaDd of this act, it shall be the duty of such collector as aforesaid to cause such bond to be prosecuted according to law ; and in case nta verdicf or judgment against the defendant be shall afterwards, npoa every sale byViirrW any goods, warn and merchandize at auction, be iiabi: w all penalties which may be incurred by this act) for acting as an auctioneer with out licencev 'v. v sSec.8. That every -Auctioneers optjf fti" j treeds of the duties, which M h w,rT tain and pay aa aforesaid s?all be ?Un ? ed .a commission ofoW 'per etottl'f; bathe amount there .uiswjfr ; and about the same ; ... 'V- ;;- L Stc, 9. ' And Si itJurlhelLM&m Thai if any person shall wiMuily sifjp afljrm I ilseiy, touching any ntaM'! in before required to be" VerifiedLbr or affirmation, he .shall sufrthe pio. and penalties which by law arc; ed for wilful and corrupt perjury, and, it an officer shall forfeit his office andbey Incapable of afterwards holding wf0. lice under the United State ; -jfm , Sec, lO. Andbe it further tnsM That it shall be the coty of the coiltct ors aforesaid in their respective disincts and they are hereby authorised to col lect the duties imposed by this act and to prosecute for the recovery i simeand fot thVrecovery nV Vnm which mar be torteiiea ti, of ihi act. And all tinea 7 -s T ?nd rotfcitore. which tha i i b foixe of IhU act, .h.Hmd ued for and recovered in the n.me the foiled States,' or oUU .collet within who district y natty or forfeiture tiaUave t red.'by Wll, pWnt, or f moiety thereof to the uie v- flt , Statevandrthe other nioietT jbw , the u btthepcrsot. ho, shall Brat diwoTtr, if othtrtb". lector, ahalNir" iotorm matter brfthinff br ii penalty or'forfeUure shall 011 or coiripUint.h.II awse p- fts!, place by law established' ' tt.ct h of a dist rict court "HP. JL hlcl,-;h.ame.U'M snch suit and rec0eflr:J .,:,!, forehycoMrtoTtbfeaidio. in u Ke cssci, . l '.r cxociwi 1 &?Andte it further c -rm 'r- r. .... - .iftiniorwc That this act u v io wbicj ill it.i. termination of th ihralieAKinedonl ot -:.fhcrf . sIfinndlhedepenoi-, d0