1 4 Tirr :vTrTni? Y' ON. 'MNU. Vc cnnfess ourselves quite at a loss &r 'words Tn'wWch to convey our leeltngsat Gcoliartisv.ctory. The peneverin's rnmousm and valor of this Indefatigable, cominandcri and the same qualities in hts nndaunted troop, after encountering difficulties, of which the-.country at large seems ncrer to ruV$ been folly aware, have at length completely" triumphed" stri umphedat the imost opportune tdqo ment, as regards thecarapaignfandat the very, tnomejit; slab, when for lorn faction among, is was ebnfident- lv preaicung, wiuiajoj' aa maucioui ' at treslo not doubt the with was ami ccrejhis total discomfiture. ' The ef fect of this victory upon the future o- . . . - ? Derations ot pur arms, in vanaoa can not &iU we thinly to be immediately anu aienailr aupicicSus' towards the great objects of this most just and. righteous war uutnerc js anomer nrKCfc, alike aolemn "and interesting, under which we catmot help present inr the subject. T ' ' As far as tne acaie oi wanare nas been ccnccrxied, we are bold to" say, that the British hive waged hostili ties arainst us alongour abrth wea- tern frontier witn a wrnamy max no thing in history surpasses. TaTrag the horrid savages as tneir irienas tsnd associates in battle, placing them c as the front warriors of their host, they have alternately encouraged and permitted enormities at which" they ought forever to blush amd which, Vt3 hence. It will still freeze the - Wood of our "posterity tbvreadx of. Faction, disaiTection,' a spirit worse tiaa treason, and as , shocking under cverv ciorat view aa the savage Eamcs and' torments themselves are to the shrinking nerves and fibres of the flesh, mav affect to sneer at these thincs affect to denv them V but their solemn truth has been drawn out by. official acrutiny,'ftnd will, must, most auredlv. make a bm of the hrstory of the times beyond the possibility of contradiction, when the loui tongues and pens, of party and of falsehood r hard ho more.' Have we not,a- moog other deeds of horror, seen the corpses of but countrymen; tneir mm plcd'arms. lers. hearts; a prey- to the ven-hogs of the high way, while the unfeeling ;c.ngiKn ra(in hui witha defibetaie deifayitr which the daintiest blood-pampered appetites of the most rebneu cannioais oi ixvuiu tionarv France never went beyond, have coolly, turned aside or coolly turned away. s And now wnatisuat -Iv to be the chance I Thelevere to mahawks 4 that, side bv s'e with the equally cruel tJriton, have.ocen maae to open the sculls of our poon fellows, wnue in unouenuiog .MpKy very, 'savage arms that always yes alwayswith British permission, hiVt been thust elbow deep into'tUb gore and bowels of our gallant coun txjrmeo rriigned," submitting, wltrt no shricks of fear, no prayers for mV cy A?here indeed mercy, never dwelt?; co imprecatiooi' at the callous au .thors o all .their, dreidfut," .ufferr ins. but with a composed aid ub lime fortitqde meeting and sink ing under their terrible doomJThese clf-same savage Implements are now likely to be lifted in awful retribution1 gtint the heads bf their heretofore base andpiore ravage employe rs- Tbr infamous Proctor, has perhaps been flyingan appalled Ifugiu ve, ; be fore those pocr deluded 'human be ings so latelvhUJrieodsvl'is clpef de pendence, his " cbmpatripts in arms?) and himself hud others of those jdiif gTaccd Britons who .firs: dfewput this infernal enemy to the field; may,even now, if American humanity " be "hot still at hand, and still ready to .save, be exp'iatlng'.their fell i. abominable crimes under the agonic, of la Ycrv. scalpibg knife still warm with Ame- ri can" blood, fsteeped ,and reeking-at their instanceat. British instance I The' OUo waysVtne Cbippcways;4 the PoUcwatomies, the Kickaporfjthise i-SIies of Br iuio allies as regularly ac- c.vlnlgedV aod even as regularly lur ked in every official dispatch,:fts my Loird;VellingtoiS ' acknoi, ledges and thanks 'the Portuguese ks the al lies of he British in Spairt, may ndw be taising I their; exas jSefated' arms, their eyebaUs glaring-; with perrldious fury, against' the very Koststhat drew thi'm from their cabins, formed theni into ranks, instructed trienV how best tq deal out destructipn, and ; whetted their 'patates for fpasts of 'captive blood, but who, alas, could not (thenv selves .also perfidious) make .good their rich promises to, them, of con stant : carriage and - blood rfeasta .arid plunder; ! The1 remorseless; English in "Canada have themselves alone to blame, in any, disasters from "this source, that, may overtake them. ;Tbis must be the judgment, of na tions ; and we. humbly hope of hea veri. Well may bur commanders, whether upon the waters of the Lakes, J or upon tne L.anci, write tnat it nas pleased the "Almighty to give victory to bur arm s." Deo date. W i th re ver'ence-would we breathe it, ,but as far.as short sighted mortals can see, we think the retributions- of a just Providence may. be'traced in this turn of things which seems likely 'to .roll back, upon the guilty heads of its au thors, some'of the horrors of Indian warfare. . . t v Ar. InU .THE SOUTH WESTERN FRONTIER. At this moment when our fellow ci tiaens are most properly rejoicing from one end of the Union to the other for our extraordinary and astonishing navsl success a success which has no par rJlel in the history ; of any . nadon which hat done; more injury to haughty Britain, than she would, sustain by the capture of Canada itsclFUt us not in forgcttht situation of our fclw citircris -l Gelrgia9orvIjuisiana ind of the MisUssippi Territory. .The events in this quarter ihttrcat the U. States deep- II tM thp tKitern nraol viiallr. m That'the enemy can icapmre and II hold any partof our territory in. ihis quarter we do not believe but that they may rirac inc -.coumry, roasaacrc lis innsDuamsana sur up tne- negroes. -bat to be cspceted, , for - some .of nose scenes narc aircaar dccd cxni uua A . .The Warming situation of this section of ihe union calls for the immediate in- te-nositlon of ovtrnment. The in. slant possession oCEaft Florida would tre peace and safety4o the inhabitants ofGcrgia, the M sussippi lerutory and part of Louisiana. But so long1 as that country is held by the jenemy (for the Spanish and Britih hare-j6intly set the Indians on us) so Jong will that ex- rensire and important irontier dc suo-u ji,i9 miucprcur And tor wnat coon, reason are we to ..,ku.-..aL,;..?,c- i i j.j L. -- r.liof the nroohet Moses, and in that ot this we have -Ibo fkanilwshe ii iiiiiTinrrrii run nruiiri i vaaMAiiu im if nas siimuiaica mc inoians iu inc iuaa- n sactcf-or our exposed frontier iettle- ijifents-Lsbe is in fact at mar. with jus, whilst we are a; peace wlib her.. : East Tlorida would be a remunera tion to the U.' States for, what the Spa nish cofemmtntoWd her. And as. the lives the peace he happiness of our cttizens-i-and tqe, safety oftur temtOiy are all to be saved by this meat ute, will Lit. Madison hesitate to possess him vtlFf E. Florida? ' , .We are fullv aware.of tne difticulUes which lirroubd the President. .The Sensfet that hot-bed of aristocracy, standi ready to oppose, every salutary measure he cfiers in support OF the sub- stantial Interests of the nation; , Let the President act with that energy which J me times oemana ne wiu.oc auppori- i. il t 1 ed by the people -and if the Senate dare check hU exertions for the country,- let the od.um fall upon -thetrti . . ; ' .Tae conduct of trie Senate is fast des troying itself. It rosy persevere. in hs evil doings a while longer, bOt the eyes of the nation will beu opened and the nroiiet f of cc r tail fog th s tim e c f set vice in that body will be gcnerally;ass'entcd to. , it would te laugnaoie; were-i noT. a matter of the deepest f egret, tqf see men,'whd profess tfcpukic-aisra dnd the crea'tet:con"cern for the latere UVoibc countfy and.tDe.ilghtSof he pcpplehc sooner become ' members- orHh'at Mc? pendent bbdy thantheir tone Is changed. instances ni.tniajuna.niiiK vtvwuu front EeitucyVA Vargiia,MvUina, from etry state, in iheuriion.' .. ," ' -irig pewtina) ribeV'i- i I v. . ; ; . ,v..ifrit. ;0VeiJ. V The piece wihe G4riersk4Wh6 iiMmKf i ; fNATIO ALLEGIANCE." "tha? the ' publiurbpe: fe.1 i -VI uf - hi tunjast'WHojttage Blaine df f havi nheirvfl that there has . ' . .?...- s v, . wu. j," 'with ImisihoneYtv-thexsLtkiadsmcoth' t. lately- been republished in some of o6r 'newspapers a piece from, theXon don Courier which Ss full of anger at Mr. Madison for Sauemptihg ' to change what "it, pronroUntes, vhhan amazing cbhtidencc ; the' public- taw of urbneY&:That V native born citir zeh or subject of a 'country cannott snaiLe on nis auegiancc .llls lctc from, the Courier takes to beajav ini disputable part .bfVtnai public law ; add by waVibf fplacincr the .iningf be'- yndaH cavil lnthe; eyes no doubt of readers In jaV quarter's of the globe, it quotes a' passage from JBlaclwiones Commentaries upon, the laws of Eng land' Judge lilackstobei -it. seems, for tne quotation from him is true e-nough,- 83ys it is apart of universal law that a subject never can, by any possible act, shake.cff thefiiatural al." legiance which he owes to . the coun try of his birth. - ' Now, this piece from the Courier is written in a very confident, not to say puerile tone, from beginning s to end, bearing the marks of having come from some very ill naturtd as well as' i uninformed 'Englishman. -Still it may not be amiss to follow its doctrine with a short American com- meritary. . ' j . , " So far is it from being a- part 6f universal law mat a citizen cannot throw off his natural allegiance as thr English term it, that if this writer would read other books than LSUclc- atonc, he would fiud it universally to be the other way. . Puffendorf holds that such allegi- ance may be shaken c;tT. m. I,rrttti hiSM that it mav- Vattel holds that it may. Byckershock holds' that it may, I and -says that it is a point Tagre'd by wrltcra upon public law. Justinian code will show that lh RomaQj aUow it Cicero cele- nt . v, . L . I orates it as a noble right. . . P0"8 Antiquities, and the Grc historians, will shew that it was allowed 10 Greece. ' I quote without the books at hand to give the pages, but rely upon the knowledge oi any juirist tor the .cor- rectness of the, references, to which more might beadded of the same stamp; y -( ' T w'l5CSt an(rtruest of all books . u- i-' lr.Ki- as shown in ihe conducUdLthe family r , , . . . T . w-, , of the Patriarch Jacob, in the conduct - - m David, all bf whoni shbok off what uwswmv, .uj . lawyer, , would have called the. im- moveable yoke ot their natural alle giance,, and went to dwell, in other countries, where they contractecj new allegiance, and whence it was never aaid' or imaginedxthey could be re claimed' or demanded . again' (roach less impressed) by the country of their birth. :,'.- : r ' ' Much" has been said lately, I oh serve, of Bonaparte's having hung' a Frenchman taken in irma against France in .Spam?; .What edict the FrencEmpert)r nlay at present have uix)n this Shbiect V do not correctly know. '!: If fs certain that the ancient law bf 'Frahci fell tn.witli the .univer sal lawupon this point and never temDtetf 4ltb - resuain expatriation; Louil the i4th first broke jfi upon Ht at the time he revoked the dict of kiocdocL Vrhich this Entshed piece of Bourbon criielri asTikcfyb beca. sion. But even ii Bonaparte has set tledVthe point ; forFra,Jwu3gc BlacVstooe would iave(irr itlproVe ndthTog shdrei than triat Vit; isat prey sent esUDJoneu ra r rancc. as a; mu nicipal regutitibnV wbiph docs t6lf ' it irta b hoped; rhan fa w v It :pf otes, tor. bexi'itt'idJ.dU tiwlaifrikinaaamenesi between: the edicts' bf Bonaparte and englisri NahtziwltH a1 vicwinddobupelp to ? check1' theV emierarion Vfrbtn i his what is tsntain.' : tnat eitner tne -oDei , or tne otneris to presence Mne-ruie ca r Very; leaniietiir illiam Blk-J stoncs; no,doubt'V and int nluch cs'- tprm ' ?n EntrlanrL and L here too- a' or municipal law." Bdt w by;; should he, tipbn a. point so important, be'held up as' the. arbiter of the public .law f Euop'e;anv' murethau sir eltcjBer NortonslrVicary Gibbs, "ifHai'- however eminent' '" Open Blackstohe ana ' see. wno. r re nis ? amnoriucs,. You will -find he refers sir Edward Coke, td sir Matthew Hale ; and some English Vrcporters. ppenrthern a gainvand you ; will ;fend tjberet ie matter sops ; they adduce no wtitera upon general law to support their po sition ;' aod thus it is the Engfish law yers have it all imohitheittselvei . one Quotes anoiheri6nti they ' jjh3 w into a beliefthai(tneTeida1 nations of their.Saxon and Gorman ancestors, who were) hutaj very feV degrees. more civilized foarf iur Indian lay r the ' undoubted foundations of the I puuiiciaw oirivc.uropc npuims con ... t n ,v' " ' ' t tinent into thenar gain, v But Clla i f not mean ' toNW'nte a . dissert atioii to show the vell established rt'ght pi 'ix patriattoh considered as a part of uni? versal law. f True the arbUrary geV nius of 'somegovernrnenishas"' occa sionally innovated C upon '"this nobfe right, as Citero calls ir, b pecufiar local lws oi their own. liur, ' taken as part of unjveTsal law, it has long' been too wtir settled by all the -lirst i writers of ancient and of mbderau-j rope," as well as by the practie of most nations, to be Altered by iJuSge Blackatonk ' None but English law yers or tbbVe who derive' their Iav through English law fcooks cinry doublt it. . As bvnliershoirk'savs u atfa tJyrKersnoiri: says writers' Upon pUblia iaw agree that it . It ought to be tnentioned; in .cob elusion, that some expoundefs of the English doctrine ' of maritimer.NCn scription, or; impressment is most usdatlyialled, in NW England, agree iri opinion With' Ijud'ge Black stone and the English lairv'ers. Philadelphia County Oct 121813. ' S3TRAYED . . . - On tbe t4tb instart, froni the plantation ft Mr; George liii- rr.uKes in vnainim county, i a RL HUHSE,4 ibout 4 feet 10 or 11 inches high Rxp mane and . tailhis fctcpCaiid part of 1Ts nwnd ciit,off-a star lnr hiHbr headland snip op bis jboscno'otbeV-myica recollected, '",, , ... " ' V"" 'C " Any pesori ta ting. up said Hoi'sei? jan re: twninff htm to aaid-Pismukes", jor td J. Gafes ,'ia iialeigb, wil be rewarded lor their trouble', ana paia any ex pence wnica may nave oeen RALEIGH ACADEkr; XT".' A"1 VPnbtjfiaimitiition : dfvthStiidet8lf thia institution- will commence on Toes1. dst the 2d of XToVemberj and endon tbi. 10th. ; Pirjmtsi; Oriartffans and bihers wbotakg an interest iri ' JLilerary Exhibtions are te-; iivprm niiTiii7 111c uixa5iuii, i... ijin spectfulry solicited to tuend. :.mC? ro aiqaent (except in a special ca5c-n ' 'J'-l-l '4i? XhMft .k'v-: i". WlfI. BE".SOLPi" : ;;..;'; At tbe Cburt-bouse in H.otherfot wtdttinl 4;M6ndaj ihelth bf lember ncty ji CuntToTRutherfort.ef w itiucbtbere- of ia ahaliber nccrsiarf to defray the Taxes Joining yalentiTle, Krat beorjguag; ' ;le auel Lemons and not returned L.emons and not fetarned. 1 Acrear.roiog Rich ard rGoo&'rt& belonging fdmV' n- 500 others 135 Acres a BrnahT CreelCvbdobgics to losephiHeoderpsn-.- A i'5Hl? : 1 T be - dismissed until i the whole business be broughtto a close-v J V U-H ILSecy 4ae raereon tor. tne year ioi, twi ' 6& Acres oo the wtri of Crooked .Rtin; 4 coon I! fillea 4. 'vV ' AbofefttSceBby WHliint: Parrel between andr20 (yewa of are. - All.tietspni st-e eiiutidn'ed. afeairiatar- rd t Ve : nenaity solftniliw TKeabove Re- liBaw4;l:iMiv State. ; ; A BSCPKDE13 fioft.iy Service on the 13th i:: ;tj Wrd die painyewwhblll, v -! ; f live the ai Apprentfee to theobsbiber : '.-:.3-ff'J jpignt raiavvin runrou&' wKwenoorg vj -r rv, v; at SaUpbpm 0 Ah'f);6ui "o last tnonti bands'htgWea'rsWi s lajblaat i )kts lump pn her back ccctstpiiedf by the sad- . dU; but i MrfeiEtTvell Op the tioin:tref iper rfcni.nciaCT'K a ew aovumwo-or mice .n nt;ttfcl nfuir Kvbebtaclc. and riin pine mmntelyV insnecttxl ,w.llen' ihrddin?. sbp hai some ppearanCej oP being; spotted. SVe ifavrsVemurk'aWv we U under the saHdle. aod w afks iweitiini. $'atnesv I Sanl. ipewas s mare to meV or "give -inormli may - be fowndi talf eceiye a generoua Re- warp ana sui rcasonaoje epcrc; paia " " ' :; -V :-TH(5j CT BLWTT. . . vfXjT The Editors of tbeastw'ef aiilledg- ViJIe and OolBttibia;; pir " -Vsertf'tbi adyertiseiwint for ::theeyeekaSMi4' they will bp piaadbjuBe sabscriber.; 1 .Court of Piea an4Qpam KaHriajpaslVa rborien 3 0tAttacbite. fa TJarraebus & MarshaU. I gbut If Maftbull. T i appearjng rauiis iuoo fr and Marshall are ot inbabitantr oti this Stare; Ordered, that ?fobl!C I6tice'b4 given .for thre' rntbi in i. the HafetgHegiW, tht ; Unless hey ppeai; and replevy, and plea j of this suit; that J ujtment fToaJi by dctaulrwill; be entered up a vt beJbeiS term zgii nst t berai ?io the SBoaeVtbfl jeima3f.,ibe- kaowri. ayd! V 44 NorthflrvlifiayMe&ifa ; voun oi neas a no vaar t er sessions, I t: appearing to , titeCoiJrt; tbtlaery Hi Rogers islnbt jandbabrtantrif this State, Ordered:' that 'public notice be oVen foribree 1 rbntb in theRateigh Register tba unesa r be the said tienry K., Uogera.appeara,an(l re- i plevieaf rnd:plearjatq ' said auit ihat 'Judgi roent default finatwill becttere! bp at'tht next teriii against Ijint'-Cv f 'cAA :ih ' 10 -vHpWAVfCIIc:; YT5aiipeann ; to tjie Cpurti tbaiamea ha. Jeqnevisrnolai. jinbaban j Ordereakrtbat buMk ndiice bef tivctr far thr f - r;:otruwenSv!;yr(' 1fvS " i I I'P" : Woril&C!a Ay. t:K a CourjbiPlws andarteacfls i v y L t---..... . i . ;j - - l ,:;." V - wtpf a ar . :-vM Hen&afi pfer-fia-ept an inhabitant of tbiifSratii! Vm ' prdctefbft jnctcelK( giTefl Jor three SHf montbilntbp- ligtlegiitertbamieaa Hf I hethevia1d Henry NReerapneataatid tAAilU pleviest: awl pixels to said -ayivjtbat jttd.' i mcm-or wukutt uivf win oe coierea ry attht "-.I 1,1! t- '.-t- -V'- 'A " ' Vt.1 V r v

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