4. ; 1 v.. . 1 . I - ' - ' - ---....' I' , Ll rt r I i ' ' .. .. 1 . . . . , J S . . . . ' - . " ' : ' ' -t ' . ' -U.V ,.vj.'r: .-!. f- r-?Vfr.-AVAv--iTVri-a 1U W.B-MAttriN'l lCUAUGE as two or three jeim Fs,k?f JuileeTKl tbe foltowinff Vi?61 fm U'e rttwonf in,ry Chire of his to . tfeC;Md Ualiimorr County, 51th After a eliocauon of the nature cfnian and f.f oiJctvApd government, thcJudtrtf concjudi;$at 311 wars arc icSktcd on naUfCT'oT their aim. j 1 ne ouprernc lacing ay h b:s wiseprpyidehce;hMh made1, it bis constant rule to nuqtsnnauonai ciimes by nup'nliifliicuons. r'l'he nitical txistence ol nations is con "... s t .' 1 1 '1. .'. 1' - t.V-:. - tacd to inuvrorifj, neajivays inuiucs irem for their nat uJnsJ gu'lt andsome timc yttrrly dctroythero. ' W'r;- limit c and pcitilcncL are the three J itcjrgcs .mr?st; . usuany. aaopica t him, whcrewitlx. to .avenge him s?if on nations who have, trampled h'rs mrr i-rs unrr jhcir.fcct, and in ic!!rd h'.s jasticT; Of 'these, war is Lhr m f lutef,',nd ivcc, the most ta br denrec.ited,- a besides its ovra ar-.vna!tiviTs;it i frtnuently pro- du :;vr ol botnjne otner5,pcsuicnce 3H fjmjne - besides which nothing nn be rco-c fertile indmoJutcness jnJ corruption of,he morals of a peo- pK ootniris sprouueuyc 01 n:y ar.d additiooal scenes of vice ; and ar cniantly furniihes add!- tinc.il supplies to those very sour ces frcrn which it firjt orginatetL A ccl as wr is one of the gre-trst ca brrii'fs, by fr htcji an avenging Gocl aa,in hb wrath,-punish mankind, k-can a j guitt be mo t;e aggravated cr in- xniable, than the guilt of 'the j m'-n who withrut jutifiab!e cauie, pJunge a nation into VJc? 'Such a m:n h aciount:ble to his Gr.d for aH thr dinest and misery, bMh public od pi i vat e. which shalJ fiow there fnm. Io the sight cf Heaven; he i l be virnrd as the wi'ful, the de rheratr mur!erer. off very iodividu. l,tihoM his" life io the prosur lion. And his soul !3-taincd .by e Tervdrcp cf b!nod,. rhich shnll be sprlrd tbtrebv : stainswhuh'must w.fsh:d out, in this wOtfu; by it an of the cIcrnct and moMf bi. ur ccr.rti:iro, cr will be punished, 4 n another, by the hottest, fire of di tioe iadigti.tianJ - t . 'Whoever would nUh to sec this ir h ; h hi h e , a r e'po w in flctetl tr ar av engine (iodl terroinatecT bv anh horrible prr.ee ; or, if-that-csn- j set l r cbtaincd, that Heaven may j irti r ufon cur arms, in its further frrwruticn ; let them "dean ' their rr-Js from all iniquity, and purify cir hearts from all pollution; let irm bumble themselves before the, bud ; let them teae to do evil and Mnt' do well. Thcv, who thiv ct, whatever may be the boasting of trs, T?iil prove themselves the F".r?st patriots, and. stncerytt friends ciVcrr crur.try;; while, en., the con rt, thcv who ontinue! in their vi-t'-u? pursuits ; ' vyhogo'r on' adding '3 .o sin, with grced'ttes nho in a're themselves.. In :hc gratification tU"tl theirunruly pasMoni, whatever 3y be Jhtir professions, are itn l?ntesr e,henv.cs ; and,1 at far as in lm lies",, ibe ensure the .disgrace Hiiccrofiturc of our armies, while " tharpen thr swords h 'strerr'.h rae hinds ofur .nrmu j. And c,'och persons lit may .indeed .be :th great - truirr said, that' they are. cf moral trea?or-. , The.JUcfgC tticn enunieratcs some uhc dutiesof the Kr.Md Jaryand' ndudcswiih the'fo-lr.itinc retSatks: relation to Treaso'n and perpetlial By our constitution, this crime; Vicstthe suiteqrtKe LVited-States,' 1 OLfined solely. to1. It vy i ng war a dcrcdas comprising ib it-the" yni them, or adhenngtoAbeir tne-1 ' S'yios them aid-and comfort,, cs crime is, in , all gove'romectv Mmjr ui sUMt 5,5 ocing ty v- allegice which c- 9 I aa weu asmtrocjuctory to almost eyery otheirspecies of crimes. Aod I nod it, gentlemen, as a -acred and uncon trovertible truths truth of which . tannct dsubt xhzt po citizen cab ."more Tifcottuuy oivest himseir ot nis..aiier gtance ta his government, without its' consent,' than his govern merircaii without his "consent . dcpfiye.him of its protection.- This truth is,founded in the verj-nature of xjvil'Spciety, and essential ? to iu eiiistebcr. The. coptrary,drctrine lstKespairn of folly and knavery .-Wei afc". indeed very gravely tcld by certain wiseacres of modem growth, "that as it did not .de- pnd upon any manVcho'icewhether he should be; horn in. any particular government he ; is'vthet.eforV Wder no ODiigation 10 eootinuernt3auegi ance'to t any longer, than he pleases, And, these same wiseacres 'a's, grave-' ivf jto tell us that "children are under no obligation to love, hoaor and obey j their parents, except so far as seems jgocd in their own eyes, because their pirents in . begetting them, were ac- luaieu uy-tneir own rHcasure,-witnoui consulting them whether they chose j u uc.iurgtmcu. i;i, mcic crc ? mong them such impious fools, who i proceeding on the same principles, even ten us, mai man is unoer uot obligation, nor owes any duty to his God, because his existence was forc ed upon him, whhoat his consent br ing first obtained or evena&kcd for. REPLY Of THE GRAND JURY The. Grand Jury having dufv con sidered the solemn charge delivered to them at theopcning of the present session of this cour t (a copy 'of which has been furnished ibem) beg leave respectfully to present and say; that thcv feel impressed with a proper de ference for that honorable tribunal ; i yet they cannot, io duty to themselves and f their beloved couotryhs law, and political institutions, permit tome of the mral ao'd political principles j diffused through the charge to pass un tic?d, lot. the unrtflrctipg. nd uninformed, might, indeed, be indue yd io believe, .that the hearts df the L American pecnle, were not only ude terioratcd," but even rotten to-their cores. . -Although some of the reasoning St lentim'ents perfecdy accord with that 01 'nc jun rmqre ,13 niuti in ne ex teniv;e Tange tiken by the court, po repugnant to their-opinion of tvhat is correct, or consistent with cur nation al dignity, or with the true principles of our excellent form, of government that the-Jurv have thought ?it their bcjuhdcn duty to. point out some. of what they; conceive thus exceptiona ble and erroneous, p-' We arc well aware that "human governments werefcrmed, and courts of law establishedto'preserye peace and order in society, andj to protect individuals innhe'eniovmtnt. of pro perty, reputationiberty and life l that of all governments the. mos:legiti raste is thatcf the Republican - form itnd that virtue.. is"r45scntially re- qoiMte to its preservation. . . - . : ; And while; we lament that man is too'much inclined to evil, anil that the improvement qf morals and a stricter 1 observance' in the practice of yitlue, ranit be always desirable; and particu- j larly scijo us, Trom. the genius pf our j government ; ,y et, we. are , connoentj j in a strong conviction, mat mere, is no enrfldeteriorationinyirtue, morals or rcligtcn. , ; , -. The virtuous stand our country has taken in thejeiiisting'; contest ; when power would tyrannize byer rVAf and tne spirited enthusiasm of a great maiority of the people; in support of a no ntcous cause, arcatuiicsuuiucdi w e vince a national puf uy. and integrity, whic h.onght to ; nave quitted any ap pre hensions, as'to the safety of the re public. . .. - v ; - - - , , -v .i :: . A .But. although the jury cajraot tee iny jwra7Zflij.egen,Vr3cy they srejtoft ry to ohscrVef that there wepany a moogst uswho are trtadiermis venal T . ' 1 ' very .atizen.owes to mat.goverbment of which) he la a member, and striking I at the verv existence pf government, j na ooanacneai on t;ncja, xris ta dc 4 V (eared,1 lawi.br wmple will have lit- heart : and who malce' Religi6n,the eri-i cine toctxrer mese worst 01 purpose. B uc the j ury must beg . le aye to say, that it is 4t Uholit mingled .tmo- tions 01 regrer ana -tnoign.aiion, uia theyhaye hear'iherrprestnt public enemyi the aily of savakesrthe in4 truments'of destxjtisrnV and the trols aged, plundered and. violated, the in- nogeot and the fairjand ,idefaced. in kuited and defiled the house of chris tian .worship stiled the J bulwark of the religion; we. profcss.V Yet, the' jury entertain-tne,, lively coonaenr e that bur divihereUgion, thus, abiised by the hypocrite apd the masked trai tor, will finally by th e blessings of an t .: .A. u . V. .... k . '. all wjse' Providence, be ' shed abroad i our hearts, and spread its purifying and benign mfluencethrbughout'eve- ry region of this happy, land. ; That a powerful nnd ambittojjs n'a. tir aspiring to unlimited sovereign ly aricl con ttoljshouldj attack, and com mit aggressions on a virtuous and re Jgipus people, it must be acknowledge I ed, to. the disgrace of human nature. js neuner novel or uncommon; and tbe history of ft-w nations furnishes so jnzny rsampiesoi sticn wiinton,n-uor pl injustice, as that of G. Unts'nt. . fl nc Jur3; nave. not deerned it with- in the bounds of their duty, or the li mits of this presentment of their sen timtnts fhd cpihio'ns of the charge, to turn aside to enquire,' who', or what ,was ment by the strong terms in which the court seemed to imprecate the wrath of Heaven, upon the head 0 t 'hat individual who, should plunge a happy people into the calamities of war, mrrely to .gratify his ownambi tiorr. They believe that ncne but an individual possessing df-spotic control cou'd have the power to inflict so heavv a calaniitvV So far as tne ex pressions or the allusions of tbe court applied to absolute governments, they meetviih the hearty approbation of the jury ; and it h not without a con Mdcrahlc degree of confidence and sa tisfjctioo they express their.: belief. that not eVen an enemy of the chief!! m-Jgistrate of the United StnttS, who! J has ihc least regard to truth, would or I tould apply such msinu ticn to him : a matt who hus lorg ben the choi e of the people, and so recently re-elev-ted to the high station he has' tilled, since the declaration of war, by near ly two thirds of ail the people of this nation.-. The intrusion upon territorial juris diction;the violation ol pcrsond rights, add'the base iniringemtnt of the freew dortx of navigation, the jury humbly conceive, were just and mple causes of war and ibufdrivtri into the con. test, the AraerlcSn people,the world, and posterity; muAt ackutvledgc we h-,ve, justice on our yide ; and jutce, observes the great American sage u c.''ablheth. a. nation.'' The jury , cannot omit glancing to what they deem,. the absurd and un- tonttitvucnal ground, on' which .the court have" predicated thVir remarks, in defence of perpetual allegiance. The premises, and deductions drawn therefrom, are, 'altogether, such, as lhy must totally reject; they. view them'as in flagrant-hostility with the honor' and irAerestof the Union, and with every genuine Amcriwnfe.elihg and sentiment. And thev c more poignantly ,: deplore, the .utterance of such doc'trjhe, op 5t'subjectt at a cri' sis. so jmpurtaot. to.r their country ; whenf instead of' entering.' into the views and " policy "of ' theenerhy and, therebyV making an inroad Upbn; the; energies of the 'nation they holff it to be the Sacred duty bf every ' faithful and patriotic bean, to beat n umson witk vkHosAefo calls forth, In support of justice and rights againit tyranny iod. Oppr ession' L Wttfi due 'deference, to tw honorable coirKtf.ncy; .ikuuiu luriucr auu, inav the romujgat; on o fin; t penejt enti jdienC.Vob :perpeiuit)legian only ie productiV6 "of an eflect to'Vr. C72 the physical force of the riatxop, in itsTpresent . heiligercnt attitude t an1 as thev jvould not aid in.cdmmunicat- Jpg.i spshS toeven the tnost slight nerveofthfe gnveVnment-t.hey4 there fqrev decpl'- regret, thatthre honorable cQtirt should nave so uigresseci miw an e&ralffiaai tracts a to touch 'sub ject, they have been thus impeDed to notice wnn some ucgitc.iu wnivt- nation. The furv ' cannot accord rWlthfthe jiohofabie court, lin sinking jmiinQ JoW in grad6n the scale pfcreation as is contended fpr in7, the "charge theyj wpuid rather exalt jhzn dsgrjee human haturc- andv as freemen, they are unwilling to cslk an unnecessary andMndeserved atigma on the dignity of man. '' ; ; : ' v:. : i;he jury cfo :ho deem it expedient . to resort to writers on' the laws of na tions, to prove the failicypi the doc trine they 'Condemn; for it' requires but a'siight: beam of sober reason to play upon' the mind, to see the 'subject and its hearings in all their dtfoririity, If the charge should herealter Jbe re ceived in a British court f justice, as gcod evideoce against z-yiutufeitlzed American, and should produce con demnation and pmishment say, an ignominious cicatn me peoaty ior treason ; in snth an event, the j&ry would observe that the feelings of i ts authors ".would reauire a. solace, of which they hope they will not be des titute in the hour of need. k The jury wouTd close this subject, by adverting "td thatxporttbnsof the Declaration, of Independence, which concedes to man k "fJfe liberty mid the pursuit of happiness" and they would make a reference to the consti tution of the , United States, which' authorises Congress to establish a iinjqrjn rule of naturalizdtionJ-j-Such !rule having been established, j growing out ot tne con3iicuiionj tne i jury deem it the duty of good citizens, to respecr the high obligation it im poses ; andvthey feel a confidence in the &ood faith and honor of the nation? . which aTe the sacred Dledpes of ruar- anteewor the orotectton of the hatu- I rallied ciVzehs fi om every'couotryi '1'he Jury feel much pleasure in' finding they are supported in their opinion by a member of thir Supreme Court of the United States ; 44 Per- haps fsay9 lu ge Iredell) it is not ne cessary that it the (the right of expa triation) sh- ukl be expressly decided on thin occasion: but I; will freely express my seniirilenta on that sub! ject ; that a mln ought not io be. a slave i that he should not be confined; r.gamst his will," to a particular ' spot; i because he happened to draw hfs nrstl breath uponlit; that he khou'd not be compelled to continue in o society to which he is jaccidently attached when hie can better his situation else-1 where ; much less when he must starve in, one country, and mav, live j re Li.. l. -: I cuimuriauiy inanuiner ? re positions which I hold as strongly' as any man; and they are such as most nations in the'werid appear clearly torecognke.,5 For these and other reasons; not herein partictUarly expressed the ju ry beg leave respectfully ytq; present j and say, that the, chacge delivered to them at ahe 'opening pi . the- present session at the court of Oyer,. and Ter-" (miner, by the chief judge rJthereofi Contained sentiments expressions," of which they totally disapprove." -RicHARb Stewart ore man. vA--. .- And theotber Jiu6r rosiv. rw, Monday the, 1st. ot JJpvember.or the. dty betofe, a-black leather PACKET '909K.V. cbmainfiig; IX Note$ of the feranch1 Bank er North Ctfri-ja, arrioantin ib 2p; dollars; a .'d a one dollar Newbern Note V 'tQ j get her wiiha note drawn by Wm.M; HaVi veyi Esq: .dited 3h pctobcr,v on demznd tct fighlyldol patabie to me. wliicti note thir fubirc.are fo warned from titing any: ksiJgn: mebt of,ir tradingor-thr same, a pajmcov is tpped-ilitre were sundry other papers, ot )mrfiediately. wcbliected,. wc& coijld oniv 6f aeriheow.Jli -V ' The finder is at liberty tojretain sachpart of jhe.Money as he njay consider hjm&eJ fen. cled to iq hirtrtmbie; oft delivering the Pock et Book and reraaitlng pohteots to , "3 THOMAS GORDON. Wew-Leiinon, X, C Nov. .3. 39 1 t V "r 1 The folteiag extracts from ;a Qaebeepaeri re beived yesterday;. ftirQisiies, wfpl lowing strictUres po the, evepts :fihe,. present Hvah ejttracfeuiTO -1 bee -papeHfd eobsatiSnV pfv. us; own, lnrelatidn to ur nayalyic toriesi ;T$ereaderVj spirit aiicl te&ieVv inwhicn theyare Avrittcm ; ; ' Tbe Victory gatnerj;;by; he A n .enthusiastic Joy throrhoiier the; United States.; Tne . twp; great po liticai parties, ip that country are vie jog with eathtHefor th at- v i ctory, and atl ippps1 tioh to the war seems ior aime 10 pe lorgpcieri) in the gratification; of f national prides ivhich it hasiariledi x: . . v ; '' VThecctest f it odght to hive beeQ sd cajfedi betiween Great Bri tain and the .Uoteif States, on the waferV haV indeed been gratifying to the Americans, and mortifying to British-subjectsy beyond ahy thing that could have bef"n figured bVjthc utmost stretch of imaginatibnvVes sels of an inferior classf vervibadlv. manned have been,asit.e.fJmwii ' info the way .of the enemyV vessels ! fresh frohri port, fully . prepared " aridv man.ne4t.w1th picked seamen ; 1 so ais to afford them at least, a semblance of superiority, bveriruis: officer and seame beyondj V&zt ! Vasv ever obtained ;by the mpip brave of the numerou?ip& .w;hom; they ; have ;.ccmtri .. i HoW; long this clisgracefil sttaie 3 of things is tp last, WecanbqtCtell j but if it is nbt ;quickly re medd ye are sure that4t will not only ruinous40 these provinces, but dan gerous to the; nayal existence of BrUt tish grearness which has arisen from ' the superiority Mf heirsval rbfficers and eanetierpseljf e very other notion ; fho not for tb!presnti with the freight frigates destroy the two huodi4tf shipyof the line of Great Britain, u the i r successes infuse frers fi : yigptfr into all her enemies, vhich gpgl, ways to be .counted as consistinttVAr lHcely tb consist of eVeryvnatlrthai navigates the ocean; -, The ioocl rJ. tizens of London mav. thumnK m their yictories vin Spaing and Ponn gaV; but the onquerers tf Vittoria and Pyrferesiirnot Ibng defend bngland,hould ;she ever- suffer the sceptre of the ocean to slip out bP her hands; heni 'lo the insulting 1 guage pf ode .who hates her, she ' which her population anffitorial -t?T$irl tHt torn which erfmde and seamen Mv raised beae must recee5govern. or ;mteiit h ye giventrbnithe Ottfe'r:; i. : we has etritiq a mixmre'orfretfdlness AvhicK1 nert aS'f V ' " ",TrC5 artxeuse So, firom fMuuipniDg-ror the battles of them as, auspicious to diir t been ex?esitnv6vo4lX i e 'rr -,ns man the 'baTTlii , of m or 7M, conouered otTLp. " vwwca charactcrihonftrar.ri he evefit of the gcentre of th- otMilV uur, army ppstenfy Vill do It pages' of Wrforv. wUI J&SIZS!? vc a icsa , anuo - M. '4 1 v- A 4- If! '1 s V-