mmmmmmmmmm vol lyv S.MOS'STJmKtE TO TlVi; PREDT. y . .. -v . v -. - Ytn hi, thm nnti Vmrf r mi4ftl1rr HrrKf rlnt nt th. Unit 1 .Ktato. Kus ..I I TS x "y.x. rirAi n.T.;A7f If C .T M.r.n.. J .,..-, ..V-,,-. Ww .a?- VVV! I The follows Hcport, hic!..hd jea; tcrd-y becn'maby Mr. Druton, .chaWan. cf'iJreUcrcommUtcc to W9 talco up.- 9T- c v "ftqiitiiedtfm ttf rcad;ihiscpprt wltbout '.noticing worda printed v,,h;n l.racktih't? ".fj Meh. will Iitc ihcm iftc ftddrc-aa fit icpori tj. After wards, if he-will rcd it with the word whhin 'b'rackcts? and a . I T L - 2 emit tnc paris.Dicji 'rcrnic in Itlict Ire will have the Report a imended. -. : .-; , , . iVc committee ttrwhdrn '-iia re- fri'cd ft vmuth ottHe i)ietsaeoi ois tm the fatweka of the! Indians up, catte frontier counties ; and loso n.orh of the saul mbge W relate" .jLhcc.mmunHVtioc ot His Excel i.n with the Department ofAVar of tre United Sta:es, on the subject of .h- unprotected and dcfentelcsi con !,; n of the Scaboiittli and on other sh eets mentinoed in the aid com- cuniiion, K- p ti in pJrto;) " -Ilui it is the first principle of social conpact, thUcyery com .nitv shall exteucrpiotcctlon to its nij'm, o long as they rem J in obe. hi to its rW and faithfully dU .Tgc the ditties of their al'icginnce; c constiiutiooof the United. States vingtherclore vested in the general nrrnment the right toTecbre.war I -,!mpC'l it as a solemn duty upon it government to .provide for the Qepld?fcuceol the UoioR. I(du t5 the ling perioof prosperity and jte, preparations for defence have ;t been made, the declaration of jr rendered it tne duty jl the gene i government to increase its actiy: , and, without delay to exlend to ch State in the Union exposed to rqcr su h protection anil means of t ute as were within its powtr. . flh Can Una being an imjhjiUoi .tnibei of the Coile,criicy ivitrra l-ccajt presenting but lew Vu!tUT;t point, and thisc capuhltot beiAg utl atliide cxpcnce .iti a state oi ;tv against the cnemVf confidently vicctcd that no time w-mld be lost the general govcininent in pivitig ihote vu.ner;H?lc point- au'clBcicm fence. n this cxpcciationwccuo- J ucd un it the enemy iriv.dcd nu nitory. At that period of danger d alarm the tato.hud tixlcpenrl up 1 her own rexourtes uric her own Vf nr. AUhcvgh mzrc tn:n 'ttvelvc nth iicdlapciIfrCmte Jtchirifu.ii zvar the general govern ment d provided for ihW. state no fatle Jtc mrans either Tor protrctton or 'cuce, and had vvi;hdrwn most of 5 that were found upon oof sea t at the first moment of dangcri gun boat-t which Vtre in'iom 'ion at Wdir.ingtgn whrn the war 9 declared, had Ieea4aid upin or i:un a companvj-f regular Woldirri 't garrisoned' l'rt Himptcn, had n withdrawn arid acot bc inid irlf 'ctotheprctfcthnc f another tate I its Exceltcricy thc lib vc trior acted mp'tly "and dclisivcJy ; he called o service such pattiunoi thr ini!i;;a -as dccmctl adequate to il)e'cm r ,3:y :j He procuii.lVutrj U'uaitior.s war as were wiihtn his rcarh;Had e enemy having abandoned our tefV r-or)-, he examined co 00 H t"crttd the j-csuJt oi thr cxamim n td the Department of Wtr cf Hie n'Ued States : riis; E xcellency press- the claims of thij jutuptjnthi D5 government for adequate pro -tion and suitable means ol clefeoce ur committee as citixeoV of thi -tc of North-Carolina Jecl hlimtii d at.the indifference; ami neglect h which 'those ritpresedtaths pf F.xcellcm haveiieen treated- If KiteUcncy. tne .uo'emor wtTctaio m :hc erection of fonificationi; procu; ,n 9 munitions of ,Wr, providing a- 9 ;Ka . V'Wmtnt to whit h-the j rRemotinaef the - MrfcCAitxVmoTed to.ike menjmstd; c ,llrd.thcy have produced no of Commons ofthis Gcoerat ouVtbcVwnole of the preamble or aubsiaclhat theO Senate might jgd onll :Vf (Qore I &.utn msnthifimh:- MpM ibkeAUeA 6iied State herewiv ipwh e" Uieme:QMact. j (w only-. 'that' the gun botts h ichr.JwtH the Coytxxxof be rcqU . itedtpemn wJ been Uid up n orO'f rary inrVVilmmg-- ( ion- nve.ocen put itno.conuntssiuL.i Nti Ford have been erectctl'f no ves1 found upoo our sea -coast, except com oa ny of a r tUlery station . f ' " tI T oh nst-an. The d etach'e d .'mU. i i a call. cd rioto tbeservi" e, oT the,, United outes . nave pccn rcuy Lmui na-, KctedanrftiicftfyjeJl for th m ) selves ihsy have neither been furnish ed With but few) tctita to protect tlitm-J from'tne mclementiesot the weather,' ncr withmznv f thtm have perish ed' for' want bfj meclical and hosDitaf stores to-resisrtht diseasea-'of a sik'. I v i 1 j itn ac and J he su i r vTvor s o fth em been- ireqir red Ito perfond' ordmiarv garrison luVyf and xthendUchiirgeit from icrvicc hove been Lent home with cut pay W.twitn-itanuing tnesapri ; v:;tion ar.rJL-ulL rings, tne'militia thu called, out have .exhibited ,3 pa.epct and constancy which your cominifiee crnbi foibear co notice and app -aud. During this time many hundreds ol regular troops hare been voluntarily rnliuedvin thin state, and instead of sending thc'se.tro-ps, or a j:ut there of to the defence ot our seajcoastand to the relief of oar militia in service.' the general government hasfsent them elsewhere xvhhdratvn hcnt for tli defence of other states, i At the mo ront when the Secretary of Siite for the United States r. apprising (en eral Puickcey ofv the sailing of the enemy's armament from Hnliinx, and that its -probabU. destination was to I the southern states, the regular troops' wnicn nau oeen in canionmenc mza lisbary were tinder marching orders and have since marched into the state 9f.yrgTfitn bey ond the fimits of this Stite 'luswhilst'danger apprbaCh es, the' irieanH of security are have Ibccn witbdi Awn from us, our physi who shoulJ defend .the V!lnsralle, pciuts upon our sea coast, have been srnt t7 garrison the forts of Georgia. 6V Carolina Virginia or to from Sa vannahto the frontiers bfl'N. Yok, ft.M wih deep concern ihttyourcum j rnttiee mention the facf, that althoiij-b Njr:h'C.toiina lu?s furnished to the United State many regulr troops as almost ;'ny tf:AeViale in the Uuion, tftt irj opportunity b-icn a forded: tier i f nulharu . aisiinctiotu nor have tahy iione cjl ihost troops havejbeen vmpUrycd m hr defence. . 'fheyhive been sent to the defences f other stater. tfuiscuii- revr jrom j.civ wrtcans to.m 2 or km It is time tousc the plain Ian f iae of earnetjt remonstrance, or to yield our '-'claims 'to re- fect 'in thK' confederacy ; - it time to, tviuci to the zvrd that howiuer our claim to refkct may 'be overlooked by the gene ral VcvL)nmentJiueiaow howx l&ret' pect pursues. I ne present, is, a mo ment of danger.' t .Theeneniy are oflfj -ur cuait, and we xnow not wnsn nor, wnere' they way land and by; our towns and c-ountrj. on the sea. board . - 'T-t - a tl ? ' .? I" "1 un contriDution i jm0 lur un.distinctly to understand whether this general governmcnt.will, without turtber dtlav, aflord to us the rcquf i;r. protection or whether we are stol to be left f depend upon our re- s'.iirf es.f A Your commtttee arp there j iok'of opinion, that n address from i hoih Houses rof thiv6enerat;Assdm.j uy shotlrd fe tran nutted i m med late ' Ui 00 eJrtVihe-Prescient of the u.niteo oiau.s,.ppou,mc j tesrof thiW nep6V.mtVc.adbgimto, rlluril to us tnc protection sum nieansv quired ,. Your UommVttce: have pre .pared an address: whichibey pre&ent asa pare oi UMS eir-rcpvn, anu re com mend to the two Hauxes toadopt the (bllowibs resolutions :'ol warhave be'eii statrpned 0 our waters ;T'no 4e5ala,rf troop vb ive betm found UDoa our aei-coastVexet one ad express fafrentT for the. purposes- lorcpaicr. ana xo laiorr me-Jrcesiucni; bf the. UnjterJ States ! .at' the said el preys fytiit'l iwtl rem aTn ahje'tty. of ?VVashiogtbo for .fur :ahsv -7r tothe jfd -V M e mbrtit l and. Temr tcc1. . Jl4ake? charge .there ljar.4- present jt to his. Excellency, for the. purpose of being laid before this General As- scmbly.F- -SV-"-"V:': ... - - ' T Kespeetful'ly submitted.1 . " . . . o.unuiu vitiirniin Te femoriil S; Itemonstrance U in the folV v. r.V : lowing iwordBs ; , . Kyi Seiateand IMuse-of Commons of the Gene ril.AssenSlrivref the State of North-Carolina, That urwn Uur .ircUralion of war by the United State against Great Jtritaini your'me- mcriaiisu nopan: .expctea tnat uni f mcasureal would have been taken, witliout delay by die general lOTernment t6 defend i he aea coaa. of thia staler -sin this hope and in this expectation we have been disappoint-: cd t'ind aftrrUie lapse of Seventeen mon he Tinm ihe deelaralion of wwr, and'mbre than four months after suiieiual invasion of the slate by the enemy, We find our sea toast a reat degreft unprotected and-'unde tended. .His Exeelfeflcy the Governor of this state has- laid before? us his communications with t he depah inept of warof the U. Statea, iu which he.haa exposed the- condition of our aca boardrepresented the po'mls most UlIe to attack, sttesteLmeana pf defence n'd enforced die claims of this -state topon I he jeneral. government for protection. It is with'much concern that we baVe not wit' nesacda prompt ' and decisive 'attention, to j tho repcsentations; and seen them fulk ed by measures .corresponding: with their) importance, ; uur concern at xniamamerence ;s increased by the. consideration,' that a few thousand dollars would have been sufficient to place Noi di Carolida in-a state of Safely against the predatory incursions- of Jlhecnei toy. Out ot'the many miiruns heretofore voted for the purposea of. general defence,' founder the presrntijc -preceding admimsira 1 ttunnj we wouiu asx wnat has -been, expend ej in providing for the di fence 'of this slate I JVw.iVnoMs uddio tke fmbarrintmenS 6f the government "riec- wth ; nmt -excite rra - ion or throw cut .nv (Lout reflection &ut the cireuniht-uict-s of tbe4tmes the'danget s to which we are exposed--the ri'ghVs of this state as a member of the confederacy and the indifference with wliich.her efforts to enforce her. claims to protection have- been heretofore treated, impel u Qupon this.oo casiok to ue iht&nguage of earnest rentoW stracee t fit is from wrrspirit ofdisaflection. but'lromTajust sense of our, righta, dial we have, adopted. . this language. For the proof of 4this declaration .we appeal Ho'the nt rous confidence whitf we have extended 4o the geneckl .government the mt generoui confidence?- - confidence .which penis and difficulties have-not impairctir-- confidence . that has continued unshaken, .unci it seem to hve produced an opinion tbatthe cUinis of N Carolina both to diuircthn . tvitf protec tion my overlooked by the genera! gov ernmeitt, and no a murmur be heard. cOur anxiety fur tie public vxptre Ititt repretfcd tbe feelings of wounded. pride sbut itbtri$btd tbe ij ' ttfe.werr not bynorcd.-vue tbttla at 'ieiut bt : protected, ..57ei cffic:ei)3 Meisufe of drfce have not been ad-iptcd nce the drdaran- o af wrl fttrbacnx beeke cctei vetitU n vuir banc Hot been etattonea in out tx itrt i ttquLtr flditre tavc nut beck furnisfied ". gctrntjn Ue tutj rwo Jon to . oe.'ctuny upon u cxterstve tca-coatti toe i0"p erurttfd iu bi it Ute buve been pttbdtaxonfor tte ikfcucf vtber siatt (iJ ue buve been deft dependant upon our miUtiu even for toe ditcburgc. tf "ordinary gatri. tun uutjf t P vterfntres. kfe been adapted vide fir tbe beat'b, eomfort and, accommodation of toe de'ucbed in ilitia called fata tbe 'service tcf tbe U . and tbej nave bepiiefi private bounty far' tbocc tbtngt wbicb it noae tbe, duty of the general government to bave provided. A due regard, to the character and to the inurescaof the aut, xany longer - whether the, general government will aflfbrd to tUewt thev requisite protect oo. JThe ene." niy are off our coast we, know not at whatj nour:-r n wuai puce, tncy, may. tana inu plunder our tQwns and countiy on 'the sek boardXVc beg you. sir, with ut-vdhiy -lo iufarm us. whether measures will fc im-mdifelyrtakenJror- our protection. : We Vnike ihis' enou Whhua early after having asslembied togtther, that;wemay.b- able flu J rig,our session to givejto North-Uarotina an altitude iuived ta Ber "population and the ext tentof her resources; andto extend to oar sea.coast.tbe requisite protection,' .should it .be longer-witkbeld i by 'the jjeneraT govern ment. ; we invite your auenuoii w iiw wui Dunirations of His Excellency; the Governor TthU state with the Department of Vr,fof the United Stales, and earnestly entreat you to give imiucuiaic quect wiiicwoubu fnw JkO-J ames Madison Lsqutfe Fresi ' 'The Memorial and- Remonstrance of the" to rmahi id this, uncertainty 'and insecurity I Vihe ,now 'come whtn6ur reamorialista ;mu5t( diatinctly. understand.'! U?cdoaand 4 ESySlvU ide iSbirt EdghfcUahatHc ftaddi,;hatt s?We mit4mktfaMXsita Wish thairthelep"Wr IJ the t rutb,;!he hdpedThts motion would prevail. 1 1 1 ne 'committee can meet iu- getherUnd inmfnutesHbe may be retUrnedWtheU . : :: Mr Cl An k "was 'op pse) to, t h i. s m? tfoni . ,Thef cororo"ttee had mAde theif Report " del iberatefy- i; bo it apy pre; sure,- ant) had therefore an opportunity, or ascertaining the ! trdih ol what Ahry ahedcedl anii' on yterday ahey Were desirous onmmedtately deciding upon their Reprirt, . Nor - could, be x see ; any. brnfii. that Jxopld Vr rsuU, frbm -passing Upon' this Report. T'rie did noOthi'k t. Dreatne i ;a;iangu?ge suiteq to:-bresent-situation ffcctitmtrv;!thai kt was neither calculated to give ehargy to the General Gu y cm mem i nbK u na Oimity ra v flipiric.l J 0P ' f", t'i ' Mr SLAnti nad eondec tion of the $ren tl e m ? rt f rojn 0 raoe jr-r' and he" did tthis froth a fi nrt ' coh v itt io h in ;his mind, 1 haf the ccure , rjropbseel bvthfcgenilcmai ' from lidgecomb.was riot "consis'dnt wit h pa rli i mentary' prac tice, or theVuleisf proceeding tn this hduse. tVhVn sald ' he, fwe appoint a. committee.- for. ascertaining and brin'gi ing forward to t he? h6us e the f facts i n ?ny;cseVvlbironiinee; retire ianct' mkkea its iepoitV vwhich cqnbwisxth impi ession ..,f the Ltommitteeo; the subj-ct submitted to 4trnN;Jh?s, re port is laid bef Ve"he house. Tbl gert eman from Egecdmb proposes d;'a oend it," If hi prcpositio-fi bagjr eecT o, j;anj -theR' (;ine report ; of that l3Gornmittee ?U Tf t hert be ' any dobb- s toWny ri)&iUr' sf fact ' cont aint d Viri a R eporti t he pro-' pr way ot bving;it.c4ryeej4sHth to jtommit4t, orgo into a cphiniit:ee of 1 he whole housf ang:there correct -it, ' nd hot attempt to pMrttaihefmous of the. fcommiltee by rway..;iof"5ieml.-T iften - matter wh prove. J As tQtbc 'iaionsl; Purged by he gentleman from Edgecbrabxgain this modonf be. wSy sorry Abb -eXve 1 r.nat iney appcercuio savour moreor an; opposition to thVmeasurei'aeir -tb 2 n, to any ; wish, J cor rec t t he; tr er; of ihe j report-& or his paK caLihl see no rejonaDic;ooicction, againnt' lowing the comlnitteev,. to,c6rHc4 their J , AI rj Pa anch. said it was not hif wish' 1o. exci e tbe leat. irritation on.' this subject,. bur he wa 'astonished whin h - z on t ray.ep r neopmici oi tp e, irienas qi hV report veiterdayV with thei r conduct of to-day. YrVterday they pressed with' z al y an immediate .ecistOn upon heir; 3 epor, 'wnien .it-way eraser tea- coniainca a' truer satemt nt of ,f a'c t s,; . rtd ay i th ey hey call rout , for delay, and?ahv oppoiS shtoD Lis 'yre'plete wulr ofenr;rriat ter, mat tt -eannox, oearaenoeaj .pu .i ougb b.rejcteffe- . AMr. Rj ViLti am w s ' sori. to see any ;thing like paVtypirisUro i his voccaston. 4Cv jppmjm true, might '.have delayed . making' their ie pori but tht)r wjshed o briiTg-it-fof j waidejrlylthat'timemig Si ibehi i to hear frt Ah General fjloi vprnmerit bt fore the seioji,:r.isc . : -U I hoped the'miiritc trcommit theire-c k - . ii.;. 'm .... ' . 'l., j port , wpuia i if prevail, vina n'gnv 5 De-4 dcared'f;U:ciflense:taatv had eenjlfi bald been a5nVto;tjiVtexccu iyVp WheTJi o.a js?; one i fktjtiQiiiiaM jnightrf do ;;but ill - our viemons' raoc tl . . .r. r fcwK, m,.in"''Hit' Khi l". n'tAiiuauiiibiuEuiuiic:.. ill, int. - ing.:tjmp"riedin raafeijtiadtesp If wea'sseroble bej tibfOie;Statel6f pointat bchweVare tulnerable; to ojtit?.4a enemy ,? -; 0?igpaJyo:betraIIl:eu;pr r ip' question' of tbisort ;?pl.mpp ;&Mt0ih jicts4rfeVw;j3ehe wajfestsi?ibi metwh?pi!0pert'dist8$itTi;ofw roper descisun Ay yareealk .?$i$K loMf: wlialiJha4-ieo fonbf bu'rwive-vand oassioos shou be excitedib .ivl? it isiihSVaintoxp-f rect deisioriHehopedh tnac t'i tv conaiaera'ipn.1: wouiu oe -ma. a 1st as , toRebbn 1 ftat;iij.ta iiildren o$ c fjpfttpmk'i dtrectlJO'tijem in tbeUbguageothegen Marunf what isloj)jecJ of beonv-? ; niitlmenf Wt ftp HgairT; fpfor tne.&mniitiee have liien intp a mi&6ke ' t. shaU .tbey r.otV hfyeTu'nbripwtuni corrcctingit surely bughtfthat' press any Ihinl' whiphCwduf d tend? to MfA nkflM4k jsm. tw ' -KTI-i aLA sV. a' -' , . clarevwHstere bis irnpr If -v Mnitdtbcepo : :,Xv, jegrc);fhebtibtrikingou lrr moir iina, ine y eotieman irom U. . ! r angoduces A- comrptiment, fnibrder tocmrect ceinaui T V i hlm.butthGentlknaid srt 'mitrh y ' v;--' abo prtyelmgi liaU :ed-rea4jMb';l;ai didpot tT' - i comb Jad said anything alirjaKtfw.t.;:. I He ppposdtcf reject thereambleof f 4'- h$ Jlp1nordef7J.effip t cuetherhh etjor passeociJutiahould the geiyl -Br nponejorirtosedme arahaftyf I1VU hirpa uon aorKX op tne'Keftm hhn etrt:nUW;jp:a rb he had rathe ba vcrrh ad "alo ue:X V ' i W nbg robbed fusV:;v.4vg oftortrooiia:antfArr Carolina arfdVirinU-.ViL:: -2 'A 7- -i'-'Ty;. i .V 5 I! a 1

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