t ' Hl K " r , t' '-" V -. V .1 j: I TT t"TW i T'I " ' 1' ' '! JM C - the General Cotcrpbent tof Belarocd . fcr whttnohcixiaDciraim.spectiQa could prrvcnl? .Mr, HrlohS; uotice or time f other parti lof'ihVlUfoori pbleh were incotrecVincl be outd not agree, tQ the ! unq i a. i 6 ed cnaju re ,w h ich -it coat amc d . jrntrerotri'Cforn Simrsory, irvhis tic, went if oibVw t ! e rvr opric: f " of Veconv rniuipf; WRrrurfoVthey went to aheWibit it contained Incorrect statc . menu lhat it- vroutd; in bU own ener- gt tic language, mike Ibe state oiionn Carolina .utl i unumhs. Ought . not the boute, then, to send back the report to thc committee forcorrection I ,Mr. S. iqoV. colic of hc case .cited by the gentjtrr.in fronVEdKecornb in i upport , of,he propriety if-hi motion ; bdi dc rued that tbe two cases were parMlel Mr.'S. made)someremirki at to the best : wip oT dcfendio&liur iea-coait ; but as the aame r.bicrraitons will ap-l pear when the que ion came afterward! before xVt houseitbey.are here omitted. After a few remarkt from other gen Uproen,tbequeiUon on a recommitment of the TUpsrt tras'carricd 34 to 24. - ; 'Ttrursdajttov.SJ The select comminee'to whom was retntnitted.tb'esUi port, Uid it before the house as'arocndcd, and it. was made tbe order of tnedy for to-morrow. Fridiv. Nor. 26. f - The report anil address being read as amended; . Mr. J Clark moved that the considerauOa. of tlu m be indefinitely postponed. If'hc succeeded in this motion, hewould move an address to th'c President ol the U. Sutcs, freeii from the objectionable matter which the one now before the Senate, in hia opinion, contained MrAD.MuRPiiETaaid.it would . dn-M hn amiiIv inrUo him it the gentleman whd made this motion, had assigned the reasons which in duced him to make it. v Mr. Clark, said he would c'o so, since the gentleman Irom Orange wished it. fie rud hoped that he nhculd not have been called upon to nulc an exoo5iticn of the exposi tion of the Commituc ; but, having been called to it, he should no shrink from the task. Gentlemen had re quired a recommitment o! the Report, in order that it might be freed from errors, or to use the emphatic lao gug of the gentleman from Orange, that it might exhibit the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." But, on the rc-appearance of what he was going to call their Banding; (but which Irom the length of time it had teen in the nursery did not descivcthc app -Nation) is it that model of perfectioQ ve had rea son to expect ? y M. Centered UDon the examina tion of the Heport. le Constitu tion of the U. Staten :i r vested in the General Guveinm:.: the tight to declare w-r : aud h. : -.jed it as a aolemn obiigatici w. ' 10 provide for the defence of iV i'nn.w In this position Ye tb. cifully con curred vhn the committer. l"he next paragraph Mates that N.ih Carolina, in the peiiod of drgcr nd alrm, bad tcr depend aionc upon her own efforts. He wou'd ask the members of the Senate if this assertion be cor rect ? Were there, not at the period alluded to, a company of the United States troops at Fort Hamntouand encthertit I'ortjohnston ? He knew that was the case. This complaint therefore is unfoundc!. It is next stated, .that the general govenment f.ad provided ftr this SStatp no means either for protection or defence and had withdrawn most of those that were found , upon our coast at the firkt moment of danger. St ought to be remembered, that in "a great Cmfederacy, like the United States, wher we arc unhappily involv. ed in War, at the first commencement of such a state of things, the Govcrn Vncntwilljin a great measure, be un prepared, and could tjpt at once, ex tend adequate protection to every part of the Union. This State to be per feed) scciif e would require a line of fortifications i n the whole, extent of "her ata cnVsu In many places Alljcrmarle toutid is sepjiaud from the ocean by 'narrow strip of -aand, through theioletHofHhich tbe barges of . the tncray' might pass ond take poastisioc ol lildenton;iiiough all.thc pomu designated ihovild be ui a state of defence. Shall Vc, bbmc the Gepcral Gr veinmeVit,itbtn, At nut doing what ahe bad'not .'the 'pcwcr u do I and ahall we te the. iiratmcrr.Ur of the Uuioo to ciplaiQof the want ot i'nee Three Dollars a Year, or one Dollar and a Kalf for half a Year to be paid in advance -Subscriptions - " Adrcrtisements not exceeding thirty lines inserted the first time for Haifa Dollar, and autca requirea more-.aucauca ou count pi tncrmoreperiious iiiuauoo, than.-Caolinal;'' VV;- Yt'-i ''ff ? In the'ncDhcej.we that' the Gun loata wBchu were in -commission at ; VVilmtngtpn ' .$vheri , the, war was declared had be lajd up in onjinary. He - kpew jOpthing 41 this facuj , It might be correct.:. , I t is then Vtatcdhat a company of regular soldferi that .earrisoned iFC Hamp ton had been .withdrawn and' sent r- yonJ the State. li would seern to be insinuated they had been acnt.intq a sister ftte, But wfhat isthr, truth ? They are uow with Gen.. Hampton fighttngour battles in Canada. x Doeaj North Carolina owe nothing to i the Nation in her present atVuggle vfijh a powerful enemy ? , Why were IQO QOO of the Militia called into service,! f they are not to bcemployed ? 1 Key have been tried on bur frontier, and 'they refuse! to cross the lines. ' Except indeed, the Alilitia from the Western States, who have fought like heroes and set'an example, worthy, of being followed by their Eastern" brethren. It is sgd that" the Representations of thej Uovernor of this State .have heen treated with neglect by the 'Ge neral Government. He could' not say whether this was correct or not,as he had not been able "to ascertain pre cisely the dates of thecprrespon'dence. But it was suted that ihc'Gbvcrnor had been written to by a sub-clerk of the War Department. If he were not mistaken, at the time the Govern or wrote to the War Office, the Head of that Department was 'with the Northern Armies ; and if so,' it is not extraordinary that ryav letter should have been answered by a Clerk In the Department. The next complaint is, that no forts have been erected. It was well known to the mtmbers of the Senatr that a fort had bcen begun many yean ago, under the administration of Mr. A- dams, on Bcac6n bland, "wWch is now so highly recommended as a pro- r ,. i ' . per scite lortnis purpose ; nuui was then represented by some persons who had wtfghrwith the administra tion, that a Fort in that situation w would be ol no use, except to defend Shell Casdc, and that it was cal- ti ted only for the benefit of an indivi dual. It was therefore abandoned. It was said, we have no vessels of war in our watert. What Gentlemen meant by essrls of war he did not know. Do they mean 74s, frigates, or 20 or 30 gun ships ? If these could be of any use any where, it must be at Wilmington ; but he doubted whether thty cculd be of service there. Did they mean common tenders ? We have not many of these. If not, they must have reference to the dea- j pised gun boats. Could they not have been sent here ? Unfortunately, they were blockaded up by the Ene mv in the Chesapeake. But it may be aked why they were -not sent be fore tbe blockade. . Was it not Mr. C asked, a correct policy to attend first to points which are most threat ened with immediate danger. New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Nor !b k,&c. were the most prominent objects. Government had not the means, of sending vessels of war to every part of our coast at on; e. But gentlemen will perhaps say theymighi have had vessels built in our own ports. GfiVenrment had not suffi cient resources. It is to be regretted, that in some parts of the U. States, a spirit of opposition had been raised to the government and the War, that had, in some degree, paralyzed their efforts. " . . When,, said Mr. C. we are toJd that . no regalar troops have been found upon our sea-coast, except one company bf Artillery at Fort John, stoff, is this 4 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ?" Are there not gentlemen, within my hearing, rihp know that there were regularroops at Fort Johnston'and Fort Hampton, besides the troops now there ? He knew there was, aud mentioned the particular troops. . The next complaint is, that the de tached militia called into service' had been much neglected, he. That they had been required to dp ordinary gar rison duty, and that, till lately, they had b'utfew tents, he admitted, but that they had perished for want of medicine and hospital stores, he de nied It is much to be regretted, that the Presidenfof the U. States is under the necessity of being indebted to . other persons for: the recommen dation of suitable characters for office in thcarm)V Nor did he "say this, with a view of derogating from the merit of any of our men in high sta- .1 non: though he belieTrcdc that some ot.tness wovuaoc m Whatever talents' a, man aDpoinwd to Office Jh ; atmyrtnay possess, hcannbt possibly-enter at once ftnto ,an the comnbeated rdutieaojt ,o'F Many of them will-potvenlkyw now w maKc uuv f . -. , -:ter roll.J much less will they1 be .able immediatelv-to ascertamihe yartpus channefa' thf ough which; applications are to W madeorr.articlcs of pifinia rv imnortancei Wheo' at Ncwbern lately, Mr. C. saw a gentleman who held the office of Assisunt Inspector, .General, who yas on nwfHj spectahe, troppa.,at rort nampwu. The Lieutenant of the .detachment Stationed at that post, Was in town & eompliinerf that die' troops had not received "any pay. ucu "y,""-" j , the fact was found to be, that the Gap tain Commandant had made his re turn, not to Gen. Pinckney'as he ought; to- have done,', but to General Jones of tKis State, VYfjl'ch accounted for the delay. ' Whether the situation of the officers oHhe . detachment at Fort Johnaton Vas" similar, hi would not say; V But ,knew that they had madevreturhs to the Adjutant General of this'.State. Will you, then, blame i the General Government for errors arising from the inexperience or the ignorance of officers commanding detachments of militia ? He hoped not. It is next said, that the regular troops enlisted here, instead of being sent to defend our seaeoast, have been sent elsewhere. Is (his the whole truth ? He asked whether some men of this description had not been sent to defend bur coast ? Where, he asked,, was Capt. Bryan's Company raised ? In Halifax, Edgecomb. &c. Whre was Capt. Copeland's Com pany enlisted ? In Perqutmons, Pas quotank, Chowan, &c. and were not both these sent to our sea coast ? They were, and continued there for nine months, until the militia took their place. Is it, then, candid, is it liberal, af ter this second attempt to prepare this Heport, to palm upon the Senate as sertions which are not founded in fact? At the time, fit is stated) that the Secretary of State was apprising Gen. Pinckney of the sailing of the enemy's armament, and its probable destina tion, the troops at Salisbury were un der marching orders. He saw no thing in this which shewed the Pre sident had neglecter his duty. In deed, he was warranted in saying that though these troops had but lately left Salisbury, they have been under marching orders since the 25th of last August. " It was not, therefore, pro bably known to Governmtnt that the troops were still at Salisbury. It might be expected they were on their march to the northward. . It is said, that though N. Caroli na has furnished as many troops as al most any other State, yet none of these troops have been employed io her defence. Neither of thetfe posi tions can be substantiated. , Nay it is evident that a part of the troops rais td in the State, as before observed, have been employ ed on the Seacornt. But it is stated thai our Militia havebeen made to pe norm garrison duty. And why not ? If we are to f rely upon our Militia for defence, what duty are they to perform, if they are not to do duty within their own State ? We have seen them refuse to cross the lines And if they will not fight the Enemy where he is to be met, they surely, ought at least to d duty where their services are want ed at home. If detached, they ought not to be unemployed. They will, to be sure, always be ready to oppose a foe not hen to be named, which may arise amongst ourselves. Mr. C. hoped after this exposition of the Committee's Report twice Cre fined, this, motion for an indefinite postponement thereof, will -not, he trusted, be deemed an improper one. (Debate to be continued.) NOTICE. BY the decease of Kbben Vivlon Somer vell, lite of Granville county, North Cat Toiina, aa iofarr, certain property which, had he lived, would in .time have been his, hath d cended to o'her peiaons. Those persons desirous of making satisfactory and bonora ble airaogeirent cf his afialrs, rqucet all pet. sons vrbo were indebted to him - to come for wild and give bond and security,' crrnake payment as soon as posslbiey and all to whom he was fairly indebted, to present their, ac counts to the Subscriber, properly substantias et before the third day of January next On that day, it" is desired that all parties who deem their presence r.ects&arjj will attend at the house of the Subscriber, in order thai a final arrangement may be made! J - ' '- " JOHN SOMERVELL, , 0 Agent fot ' tbe Legaietm, ' . Mecklenburg County, Va. Nov. 25, 1813. RALEIGH : Priittid by JOSEPH qrtmcnt Rerenue OfficeVXuust ?if?imL y Public ticiihereif fa&i f, TINT pursuance of?th? jAcrTof t COngrcs Jkoasseo on ui passed on tne, second oy ol "Aricutf one thousand ;et'htVnunf4idahd' thir-' teen' entitled fn Act Jayihg dudes on notes of banks! bankers uhd certaiu companies, on notes, bonds and bblig4 tions discounted by bank , bankers arni certaircompam bills of ex? Change oxertain de scViptions,'xthat ftorh rid ifiix thejasvday rof-December nextf there wjll be Uviedi collected and paid, throughout '.the United States'.' the' several Stamp Duties followihgrviz ' For every skin or piece of vellum pr pareh meat, pr heeto.r piece of paper,' upon ivhici shall be writtenor printed any or either of the instruments of writing following to wit : 1 - On any promtuctfy note or tieter payable eitber to bearer nr oraer usue4 by any of tbe oanxi vr comjpantet vsoo urue ana aitcounr noien bondi or obltgattoru, either incorporated or rust incorporated, wbicb novt . are or may hereafter be cttablubcd tn tbe United otater, or by any banker or banker, (Tn case such company banker or bankers, shall not agree with the Secretary of the Treasury to an annual com position, in) lieu of such duties, of pne and a half per ceotum on the amount oF thetr annua dividends according to . the f olid wing scale v.z. ' : - ' . -. , . , ; If not exceeding onedollar, one cent If above One dollar, and not exceeding two dollars; two cents. v, , - . If above two- and not exceeding three dol- If above three and not exceeding five dof lars. five cents.. r ' If above five and not exceeding ,ten dol lars, ten cents. If above ten and not exceeding twenty dollars, twenty cents. If above twenty and not exeedipg fifty dollars, fifty cents. If above fiftf and not exceeding one hun d red dollars, one dollar.- v ? i If above one hundred and not exceeding five hundred dollars, fite dollars. If above five hundred and not exceeding one thousand dollars, ten dollars. i above one thousand dollars, fifty dollars On any bond, obligation or promissory note or notot not it sued by any bank, companies or bank1 er, as aforesaid, dhcounttd by any' such bank, Lolmpanics or banker t and on any foreign or in land bill or bills of exchange above fifty dollar st and having one or. more endorsers, according to tbe following scale t If not exceeding one hundred dollars, five trents. If above one hundred and not exceeding two hundred dollars, ten cents. If above two hundred and not exceeding five hundreddollara, twenty fave cens. If above five hundred and not exceeding one thousand dollars, hfty cents. If above one thousand and not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars, sevemyNfive cents. If above fifteen hundred and not exceed ing two thousand dollars, one dollar. If above two thousand and not exceeding three thousand dollars, one dollar and fifty cents. If above three thousand and not exceeding four thousand dollars, two dollars. If above four thousand and not exceeding five thousand dollars, two dollars and fifty cents. If above five thousand and not exceeding even thousand dollar! , three dollars and fifty cents. If above seven thottsand and not exceeding eieht thousand dollars,, four dollars. If above eight thousand collars, nve aoiiars All which said Stamps have for their le geod, the duty as above specified, with the device of an Eagle bearing a shield. All Treasury, ot other notes, issued tor tbe use or benefit of the United States, in pursu. ancc of any act of .Congress, or drafts or bills drawn by the Treasurer ot the United States, or checks payable at sight upon any bank, company or' banker, -aie exempted from duty, and are not required to. be stamped; and no duty is charged on a second or other copy of a set of exchange. When any person shall' ce posit any vellum, parchment or paper, at the office of a Collector, accompanying i ru same wilh a list specifying the numb i aqd denomination of the stamps which are to be thereto affixed, it will be the duty of, the Collector to transmit, the same to the office of Commissioner of Revenue, where such paper, parchment ScVellom will be properly , marked or stamped, and forthwith sent back tothe collector, who will deliver the same, pursuant to the order of the person ftorn whom it ts received 1 Stamps on paper will be transmitted from this office to the collectors, who will deliver the sameon the payment ot the doty, to the person apply; ng therefor. In cse of stamps required "h vellum or parchment, the vellum or parchment must invariably be transmit ted, through ax collector, to this office whence it will be returned stamped tcri the collector, subject," on the payment ot the duty, to the order of the person from whom it was received Any person, other than an officer em ployed in collecting the revenue of the United Statesi who shall apply to a collector at hiv office for the porchaae ai onetime of a quantity ot stamped vcllum,parchment or uaper the duuts on which shall atnounttp ten dollars or upwards shall receive 'irom' him such quintity of vellum, parcrmient or paper on said person paying doWrijHe ambuov of said: duties, Rafter r deducting there from seven and 1 onefhal per centum thereon,.;- '' '' ',fr'; ' : . Given under my hand at Washing ton, the day . and year above mentioned. ! , ' SAMUEL Hi SMl,TH Conwjttsioner of the Revenue v GLAUBER SALTS. -By the qoantity or single dose, for sale at .. ! .. OALEs's 6rORE. : GALES 1 receivexlby the Printers and by every for a quarter united States or ' 4 iortk Carolina UUi I :i4 ret 5 4. 4ijjnenca 4o' theM., ; mates' cf . si r urn !. - 6 ut W..-ft.isf the District fn,' nited S-ates in r CUrt iY tt Cape Fear, whhlnf? 'f A Wtly a,d duly pro&e;1? ig the name Qf the UnUed Stfte, ,? lbel fi! h the use ol ahe pWnerSl. ; T. .f (l fam private armed VeSf vtwof , whereoi Thomas' WlUon 1 the zt creed rst fcath de! tend to have. nW;K &5. wn have. rhw" ct, ue a za, to be morishprf . ' 'eQ vej. t, judgment ju trie t.me called ten, and to the effect hereaf eLve "i de,Wr,t. nd rictiv enin:n;.t j , char w : e. merefft. ..i. yen omit not, cut that by pu, d' l -t dems in the W-lmington oZt ,g f 5? Jc. Weston, and tne Rj.$t lhed lished at Raleigh; you do monisb pu'a' pperiioos in general, -who hav- i ,,y' ili w iv ijitiJii!CU 01 Cited 'vr- uc I1! f-gnr, tuie, or imeresi . 'u br g her tackle, apparel, fUnii x goods, wares and merrh,.. .' ar ?hs Ie5gh, on F i triday the 10rH day Jrf01 iU: n and there to u,. l-!r men ana there to . v c in cuie, if toyybey have, why said bn V ex"' Ue, apre furnlturetandt the Jl and merchandise larlsn sh.-. S. Li?Hs liroriounced to h- nn, . .v. J"'uunw l- .--VWX.BITI ure of theame, to the enemies ol tbe Un States, and. as cods of their en , n therwiselblc?nd;subjeet tofi to U adjudged and condemend as lawful prze ; and further to do andr in this behalf, as ; tojusnee shall aPpe that voti rfnlv aiJP.am, and ; te irttimat- whom by the tenor of these presets it is, P nntmatedj that if.they shall not "I tune and pJace aboVementiooed, oiltU, Z shall not shew a reasonable hZt to the contrary, the id Drfe Court intend, and will procted to adjudic.on or i ? e said canture. arH fnu v.., K "r Hie sil JrX " . Ware', lun.nure, and the gobds, wfreVnd merchnd laden therein .did belong, at the lime of tHe capture of ,he swne,: tp the enemies of the United State, of America ;and as goods'of their enem.es, or 0. thet wiseliable and subject to confiscation a;d condernnaikin to be adjudged and conuSni-ea as lawful prize, the absence of the par.i cited and imimated ih any w se Dotwithsun.d And that VOU dulv certlfo tn tk t- tner Court what you sr.ji, do in-.the premises together with these presents. AVituess the Hon. Henry Putter, Judge of the District Courts for the North-Carolina District, at Uaeih, the 20h day of Novem. ber, A- D, 1813, and XXXVIII.h year of the Independence of the United Stares. " Ci WALKER, Clk. . - ; District Court. 'The forecroine: citation and monition ii nL v lished for the intimation of th'p concerned : BEV DANIEL, Marshal. r 1 - . ( By authority of the State of Abrfo Carolina ) SCHEME OF The Oxford Academy Lottery, , 1 prize of. g2000 is g2000 1000 500 . 600 600 2CO0 1000 800 1200 1000 . 4800 1 do "1 do 3 do 6 do 20 da 20 do ".'" 40 do 80 do , 100 do ' " 1000 500 200 ; 100. 20 Tickcs each, 50 20 1 5 10 6 800. do - -1072 prizes, TNot Not 2 blanks 2028 blanks, J to a prize 15500 3400 Tickets at 5 dollars each i 15500 The Cash prizes subject to a discount of 15 per cent. .. Stationary Prizes as follows : First 500 drawn blanks . entitled tp g6 each, First dr&'jtrn Ticket.. 200 Do. on the 4th, 6 h, 8 h & 10th days, 5atach Do. 12th, Uthi totb and lbih days, uew. Do. each day from the 20th to the ) Treaty ; 39th inclusive (excepting ?he S Tickeii tickets coiistitutine prizes) j each. The said 20, prizes to coftsist'ot the Nnmbm tr.-m lOl to 5D0 irejusjve ; ea.cn w un said 400 to be one pr ze, the first 20 or low est nnber for the 20th day, and so rego- First drawn on the 40 h lay, lany asccnainsr-io :ne w g200 J00 5l) 100 do , 42d (lav,.; do '45th day, do ' . ' 50th day, KThe public will nerceive, that .-in r - ffoinff Scheme an alteration Ias been k. .LnthP 1000 Into a flwlinp,,,ze and tle 200Q into a stationary Thischanse fias been sorted to jo plucingr it in the power -.of nlW. commence under he sale of a n? . like the presfot, of general prejfu ' re, daalfdo qotv willinirly let tir - re the wish and the-r ctlXe r . bled to'bejr n at or lShor.ly af rer tne j ment of the cgisla-ure.'. ;1 h" i( imK nave already purchased icaew t approve ofW:.foreW.? a r at liberty to return their SSt bat not before the first day of January next, afterwards. TULlTTLEjOHlf: ' ; r wm: RonARDj ,' MiURlClt -SMini, . , iaw..v Kena ' Nov. 1813; j , - h for sale at the ' .4 i Hollars each lor t Minerva Office, v , PasMnaster in tne State. brig called the fh'reete " teres! a F. aser is master) her ic.k)t tu.e. andthe g ods wares lT laden therein. :aken Kv ,u . 'chand,,. N . I it rn .- Juiige of the "Dwrict Cn for tL v Vhe roima District, at hiioffi.,., .i. ior,h .