7" K " Y GENERAL A5SE51BLt,r jui House or commons. Mr. Newby presented a billlo amend au act to prevent tfye circulation of small promissory notes or due bill, passed in 1309. . . ' V."--.-. . , MrvPicrtvrr from. thet committee to whom. was referred the petitions oX the Ageotsof the Stockholders cf the Hanks of Cape.Feir and Ncwbern, prarr iog for ao extension of their Chatters j I f r1 a Minnriarl t Kill fr nnlfnthi f in. farce certain acts concenmig the jhnVi of Ncwbcrn and CapeKear-i Tiic bill being read, Mr..uufi5ri moved in indc6pttc postponement on the I . i . 'it - . I 7 t ? . . t i in w9 iii miii mnioiTiniarn rn in. t fringeraem of tho charter granted trthc Stale Hunk, ; He suppotted his motion C i at ooic length slier which Alr.-f Drew occupied the floor till censidert bly pst the usual hour of adjournment. The house adjourned viihoat taiun. a m:elion. . - . Saturd),Dec 11." Mr. SirtLK, fiom ihe committee 50 whom was referred that part of the Go crnots incssape ahich relates lo the Militia Laws, retried a bill to amend the Lawa of this Stale. Mr. F a hmcu' introduced a lull to in Ybrporatc company for the purpose off rendering navigable Content oca Creek,'! Tiic Ull far annexing, a part of Cnt veo county to I-cnoir, on motion of Mr. Stanly, was indefinitely pos' pemed. The order of, the tfsvj whtch was ilr. UulBn'a motion indefinitely to postpone tho report aud bill In favor ol extending j the charier and capitals of the New bern and CupeFear Uunkswas taken vp ; and aftca a long di-baic? io.whtch Messrs Pickett and Stanly -spoke in fa tr m m. m . W oroitne extension, una Oltisrs x. M ilium s, Iredcll,Crsxmand Cameron against it, the motion was negatived by one vote only-the numbers being 60 tu59. The debate hereafter 3Iorlsy, Dec. 14- Mr, JUTFix picscr.tcd a bin to Con 5 m JtAl make itd certain cotrveyances irjr UnJs in this nade' bv bus- . , 1 , . . tnnds -nd their wives residing in other j States l and - f t 1. : 11 r-.Ufc.- V I Mr. BirsTOi a bill ftiriher to prd vide lor widows of persons tly ing intes A bill was received from Ihe Senate to divide the Militia of EdgeComb into to icgimenta'wd four battalions.; The Unit reading of the bill conceVo. ir.v the Newbert and Cape Fear Bahk:t u a uit moiionof Mr. Suuly, who sui ted that he wished to make sornc Hl. tcraiions ic the details of the bill, post r pciicd till Tliursdoy. - " The bill concerting Divorce and Alt. mor.y which proposed giving the. Supe rior Courts power to act in such, cases, was rejected oa Us second reading, t7 to 59. . ' It wasrcko.vcd, that no blH of a pri vatc nature snouJJ be. introduced after Friday next Tuesday, Dec-14 Air. Akdersoic introduced a bill .ton smcdao -ctUirccti how. persons in. jured by. the erection, of public mills shall in future proceed to recover do mages. . Hcc.iied from the Senate A hill to alter the time of the meets fcg ol the'LegisIaiur? of this State; t o esuDflsh an uurrorm "mode of la kt:. t .li ; s . Mai in,; further pmriiiofis in favour .ci the otfucr& of strays ; ' l u craend the aevcral acts regulating the itpectiou of Hour ,od t bill more effectually io midgate -he icerity of Executions This Ust but. en moiion of Mr Farmcri was in ticfUhcly postponed 8 to 30., WeJncsday, Dec. 1 3. " Mr. Gibson, Irtfin the balloting com miitcc, lur Cotiocillora of State, report' ccibA John 4instead, .Bryan Whit field, Gideon Trfatou, Thomas Kenan, H0U11 iiurton and Benjamin Robeson, were cicc;td. TbcscnUisyetofce cho&ci,. v ' Mr. Urw presented Kasolution Prohibiiinf tne Juthreaof oar Superior Couns from heir.: Uirectom of aiiy-of is u . ihe Ikuks. It was orderqd to lie till M:. t Uahmkofb presented a bill to amend the act of 1741, tor the better ibier,ioii ol the Sabbath. Received fiom thr.Scnate. A bih lor the d'tviiion of the Militia cf Wayne irto two regiments and A bill auspenciiug execution for a tbne there in mentioded. " This bill proves e iusrpdhsion o! itt months, that the debts shall be paid by three lmenu, viz. at :x, twelse'andelgli cn moniha. A Tnotion was , made ndcfinittly to postpone tle UU, wnich vsicegtuf ed e7. to 58- The" bill hm ?d ita first reading 63 to 39. t Mr. Etls; presented a bill to erect tfiat part of liutcoinbc county,' known, ly the name of New Georgia, or V a!' ton County, into a separate and distinrfc: coucty, which was ng&tived. " . , - be resigni'ion of Thomas Vjrnn'f a Mtjot General ot xhe first iviston ;' ot Thomas Hicks, Lu Cdlonei of Jlr f the 16th bngade.lwere read aad accepted. - v ' . Ti; k .Thufdy..I)ccl6. ; y 1 lUS neirt lh A- t Ui.u ri. Xn Intsc -cm the subeetCk extenamg tne Mbiricri of .the NewbVfn-ad;CapcFcar. tiankki" War uostpoaed. ihc . report .was t jkeitiipruu J,altef spce chc Iromr Mri Stanly Hn favor ol the report, -ana worn Meisb;Cameron and Sttcle against it,, it was nc5ati?cdf66 votes to 58. - iSome. others -pmatc ; bfts'iness Was done. -.The resolution . -sent from the Senate, respecting .the conduct of D. Stone ha4;n9t yet been taken -up. , iN SENATEi V - ' The hU tot the division of Rowdn, after bein minded, by aclding Cur rituck to itias indefinitely' postponed 47 to 13.. - ' ' " l'he Commitlte of Finance repor- Lirl n a?nf hftrnlor the' rncFrrl nanf utrcntyju M fuu "BIUUH4 that the Banks were wiliiog to receive tu . Ir.' Branch, from the committee appoioted on the ktibjccr, made ihe fdllowiocf report : L The Committee appointed to ejoottre ini" j to inr poimcaKonuuci 01 iiariu u?we, esq. i a'ie;n4or frwra this 8ate iCthe Congress of nc vji oiatcs, respcevtuuy repri ; - Tht it was to hire been expected thtt erery mD ho valued the honoor Or the sstty of his Country, would not 'bare with held that aid which wf indispensable to the preterration of both much less Was it lobe anticipated that one who to the duties fa ehiaen had tperadded the'atrowfrelt profeS- 4 siqos of his approbation of the nt;Asurej of theueneral Goyrmment ln erjennj; into the ,WAr,who impliedly if not expressly arowed hiroselfanjonjnhe fbreraost of its supporters. ' wouiu nave aaopieu a course 01 cnnuuci, ai- r .i - ' . . . . it . recuy opposite to intt cxpccivu j ms con stituents. and hosiHe to the honour and the interesV of his Country; "This lias been' done by the llnni Durid Stone. The sentimcimof the pecple of this State and of the Legftloture at jw last ses. flon. were wneqiiisocally in faVn'r 6f a prose cution of th. War in which the U. tatea wa$ ena;ed with Great Britain. Their oj pinrqps were known ta Mr Stone, and those professed by him were in unison with ihesn. Under lhec "impressions he wa cioen a Senator So circumstance haa sinte occur ml to alter the opinions ot the poop! 8 of this State, or of tint bvxly by which he was eho; sen.- NTo circumstance could ccur whicti ft-otiM authorise a change of the-e opinions So lone. is we vslne our National C'.iracert i n .... i mini ucsire iii uic pracu wuiui ar Jcnllv sh mkJ obtained without dis. ' cracve. Yet we find, that for reasons which I . . L.i'ir .1. aim u-sirc inai mc pracu wuicji we i ar ne oas tnougut profcr to wiuutoiu irons uie people of this state, the conduct of air. Stone K m ka ltakjif u tn it Ar AaiiiAn (a K rarssi. his been directly in opposition to his protes sihns: and we are fcrced to believe that hs . avuwsd principles which he did not posse j orhf. he bS without cu .changed the course of his political conduct; VhcreDytie has, as far as his voice of his exampie could eXteud, jeopard sed the safrtylaod the in terest of his Country. Justice demands that those who arc fighting our batttes, should receive the sOp pott.' coufidio in which, they enlisted 'I nn. der our bsnners. Honour forbids ihe adep lion any measure by which our national chafacier may be tarnished ; and Policy xJtc tates a vigorous prosecution of the War by. which we may obtain an early and an honor able termination of it. j, ffeis.,B.. tltrefire, That the said David Stae haih d sap pointed the reasonable ex pectations, and iitcurrtHi'the disapprobation or th'i General Assembly 5 . The re,Vsrt being read, Mr. Murphy moved that it bt committed for amendment. Motion rvrgatived 4-3 to 17. He then moved n indefinite; postponement, which- vras clio negatived 41 to .19. The question on agreeing to the reporswaa thco puu anc earned 40 to 8. The neaiives were, .Messrs Bender, tito dmtissner, C.:d well, fuller, Foy, 4 Hinton, Jnhiisou. SlcKiane. 5urphey, Parker, tt. Smith, "p -;ht, SUdet Stewart, J. Smiih, J.J Wright, J Wiihams.K. YVUiama 1 OR bALE. A Grist and SavV-Mill ON Grabtree Cretk, about 3 miles- north .of the city of Kalciffh, with a fewaxrvs of UodadjoininjJ. . Also alLLaBAT at the Falls of Crab, tretaboul milea from Raleigh with be tween 5 and 600 acre of Land, and several Oicr Traoi of Land on theWaters of Crab tree, t 1. V ' All which will be Sold low, for cash, on application to ISAAC HUNTEll. - WoJbe County t )eceme 9. F0$ SALE, LIGHT hundred and ihitty three acres ot Land inGrsnviUccouaty. o P waters ct Grassy and Island creeks of a good quality, soch as the farmers lo thaf couary Ow ia rx !.. trk.rn. rem. wheat. &c. Negroes will I be taken in payment, if most convenient for the purchsser. Tb laud may dc su u.. iTi cation 10 4Sd. Taylor of Granville, and uroTts taaic known by appTtcatibo1 to hebul!scr?r oer in UaieigU. V1I. HIx-L.. Novate 18U , Fifty Dollars Reward ON the ..at of the 3(hhlai month OcU wascubtr stolen or snurdCTtd. a Negro B6v nwn:d allNGO. He is betweer . twelve S tbhtesn ear. of age, badly cloathed.ksd onauoldpaicfycUow rlTLha tiU.tuozU very low rather a dowojook and bUck compUaion 1 hone if sjjy sucn ooy suou - . tfe iod to Svt bin, lo bt the boy above, be ,0?.'our,nrxrm or b; rnatl, described, and wui ofl ajBry. tke letter directed SS.-i 'a Cross BL cafl,. oi umjui - c.-!r ahall come- to haad,J "TZEE&ZSZKSaSZ duri 1 f ,T': :5fiXK T TJiaa. ; ? ' LVZ ITTiiof C 1 - n rm lar lav . - k 11. StatVof NoTthroi rpHEfesteeaotthe OxfJcadeiny'eaii , . , V ;54 tHJiv' '-V r ' P:tttit he,ciiiafcnrfrltOhi4 ft--?XpsVil wi.laHanoTPriwimty - . . ; X !Soa SaveleJ crowned with kcceiiS Aoletaw cintaV ilo30(fi? Meatedlt ha f , of the IJ Vriycifeptete tfwiDV ready Vhe1 lsVrtiorVtbteIeare M-i nnvxxe armed brig Saratora-- rjewxotkfl--H Mrv1z Lt Iv.L.- 'Vu ,L.K-i. -;.ir " " . : 'i whereof Thomas Adeitoo is master andcomi Inlander; .against the folding toods wares land mfTCbiodiae, capt&Kd and taken out of the 'following, rt sieli; by the said private; L armed brig Saratoga on the high els, ami at ithe timeof that capturr were. ib propertjj;, of a subject or sobjects ofvGetairIlntainf and- las such have become'a lawful wtz to the )( ! Captors VIZ, linu iwu vi vni vrwua uu iwd four pound Cannonades taken from the Bri tish btie Lloyd, J. Barke,:tnaaier.v Eighf twelve pound Cannoaadea and tour Blndr- bosses, taken from the 'British ship Veatal 4 H. Logan, rnasicT. uoe barrel ot ury uaofls, i . f ar : ixlnndaod Cannon, fc.en frombe firitishl racket Morgiana, j . running nm, master. ! Nioe'SIaveS taken fron ihoBrimh schooner iFanu. VVm. Greenidge .mastrfTwa csks " a - m At " . of Glauber Salts and -one bear of Peruvian 'Bark, taken fram the British schooner Ja 'aepb, B Hayes, master Thmy-tfre strocits Tbt Indigo, 'taken fiom the JJritish schooner ! Udy Cockbumr L G. Caur,. rnittei. Fifty. ! four Goatskins add ane SIaVV taken from the '.British sloop General Hodgswn, AvHermer der master. Natice is-bfcrEby. girew to'tke :saidJ. Burks, H. Logaa, JrConnrosTam, W. iOreenide, a Hayes, L 6. 'pour, A. lief -rhider, and all other ptisahs iitreated, that at a coan, to be hild by appa)tmem of the ;Hon Heory Votter, Jud5eef the. District 'Courr, at his bfEce ia'the city of Raleigh on. jtkeSlst da; of the pittcnt rocath (Dtcetnbtr) t the, ja'td goods, 'wares a ad mVchaadife ttdl be Adjudged and forfeited ti thf awhersvenV iceri and crew. oTthe privatdlfmedbrn? Sara toga of Ncw'Yark, Thomas A der ton, marter ;and comscander,. unless tbey then and thf:e i appear, sod do allege in due form cocclodent ;in i'sw, a reasonable ad U wfal excuse to the ,coatrary, acd legal c!aip be ioterposed ta j said goods, wares and irietchaitdiaf,.; . f, C., WALKER, v t ' ' Register Court of Vrn halt) . Deer, i8!3. - ' ' United States of AiMrlccu Cw'thtCarcTina District, District of Cspe Fear ' -. ' t in Admiralty. W-l'EKEA a Libsl has been filed in this - honors b! Court by AViJlam Watts ! Jonoa, Esquire, as Prcxtor ted'-Advocate cm 1 behalf of Ote owners, efficers artd crew of the i 1 private armed schoaner Corns, whereof Tho. j mas Boyle is master and comrmrnder, aglimrt the schoouer or vessel csJfTed the Asenger, her tackle, apparel, furniture sndcarv, cott s stivg of Eigaty.two PutKacona of Rum ai Foorwea HogaUeads of Moiaiisejr, caprured acd taken by th said private, armed schooner ; Comvton hc high seas ami atth'e time of 1 their capture wtie tha prCiierry of a subject or . subjectu'of Great-Britain, and socls have! oecome a lawful pria to the caprors; And j whereas bis tlorior Hear? Pat tec, EsqafYe, Judge 01 the District Courts oT North-Cart-, ! linahas apjxintcd ihe ZXsx, dayW Decenrber t ins'aat, to hear and dertrmirYa said 'Libel St b-s ofSce in the cay of Maleiijh, all concerned :are therefore hereby-6ufurd to appear et th2i I time and place aforesaid, acd shew cause, if ; any they cu. why its said schVonar MesMa' 1 ger, her tackte, Sppsrel, fenuure aud careo, Mas s foresaid, sboiiid n?t be adjudged as for. J fctted 10 the cwnrir'officcrs aod crW of the sal prira:e armedLachoouar CoAci. Witness . CWALKEfl, CCeri and Jiejiiicr of said Court. Dec 1813. CERTIFICATES. fTTHereas a Report has and now is Vv in circulation whch zom to ckiRf alajor Caleb Kthendge ot Ourntuca coants , of holding treasonable corrtspaaaseacr with the Enemy of ihe Uaired Statrs by famish ing them Svith prov.sions for tbeir fleet coast id Oil'tie coast of the l), States. l-Thoms Wtllms do hereby certify, that the schooaet Sally Jasper, belonging to Major Caleb Ethe ride of Cu.iituck county, has sailed tmdrr my. direction, and has made bti.Ofie voyage ptoses in the present jear, tanA-hat si to Charleston! South-Car4ioa, 'and returned wnh a return cargo from the' consignees te Wilson and Cunningham of Norfolk, Virgi ma, the for mexcmpl overs t AJso, that Mai C Etherkfge directed me to rui the schooner on shore rather than be taken' by the Enmy". And it I had gone to the Enemy with the Jscljooper,' it would hav?Tbeea contrary toany directions vhKh. I. received from Major fc.tne. ridge, either in letter or spirit Given under mV hind this 30th Nov 1513. THOS. .WILLIAMS Sworn before me, B Bell, j. f. . t do' hereby certify that' I have sal lle'd In the schooner Guardian of Currituck, b'elnngmg'to )f ajor Caleb ktberide of the said county, ever since she has bee a owned, by .him, and that she has made bat three yo rages siuce he owned her, all of which Were to' Wilmington id this State. The first ifhd lasr voya5es she was employsd by'ltaincdiktfe Thorbor n cE Nirf oik, -Virginia .the -second voyage-'sfi was. employed by Gabriel Pean of V.imma. And 1 received positive orders from Major Etbendze to rati her om $wref at destroy her J in any manner, in pre 1 ere nee iy per isiung into the hands al the enemy ".Ai4frI had held any cotrespadencewithshe enemy, o furaished tbem with .any thiog1 whatever, it would have bea a contrary - to " any order s o? directions ever given me by Major C Ethe tidie, or any person for. hfiu -. - j ISAAC .rOBERTSr Sworn to before me, ' B. JXjlvujJt Tvventy PHars Revar,, . RUNAWAY from theiibsciriber on the Xath November, JRSrtY aiNegro Man about thirty years old; fire feet eleven inch es higb-cuea his 'b'air" which is 3 or 4incLeS lu.v'Vmi hit tvi nlaits of aearlv the same 'length from the fore partjof . hi- bead, baa raisedio Johaston county by a Mr John. ton." and sold by Run to a Mr. . Fish who mmA him to5 Hi'demon Hodges,-of CumberT i.nd eountv. from whom I purchased him v Twenty dolUfs will be sjiten fdr apprehend. lbs Hverlog him to me. or ten dou roriccnruie mm ia imww .bi " -Will tOLK. time the Exercises of his institution will commence; Therhare employed iiPrincftaJ Air. Thomas IL; Wilie'. a Gentle rpantwjbo.- by hia-jtrthriel. . aSsiduFtr anttldng scqnaintancel With the duties pt biapfotesstoc, naaacejoirec a character ehuaHetf by tew, anastjrpassco uy iQpe,rsh in, this part of -trie country. This Gentleman has Jqr twoyeats last pascfuptr intended Jhe.Nutbush Miriera! Spring Acs-" demy he has taught in several olher'pkraf the State, and has been Xlwas highly vaiueo for the "mildness nd regularity Which Aer observed in1 his 'SchcclV as wellirtf tIjie.Sig Cornhsoi) fjruficieoty; of h-.s popilr. . ; , 4-' , An Aastsnt will Joe rery scon emp.'yeu Brd to geofeel fashes caoh had very vrnitqt to twe Acaqtmy ar aoous ou 0r.j5w.aar The taitien for clsssvcal Scholars VriU be,Sl, for "Eftglish 7 doll in ancTa half each session, to be pa d. in advance. M'l.-'V n , 4e . A'cadmy.ls jsituated ? on a. beabtifu eminence,-and verv ..convenient to .one of the UbSt Springs perhaps irt1ie woriHL " The 1 rosters 11 titer tnemseiv9 mat irom uw hb; airy and ."healthy situation 4f -1he Aca demy tbe.cntapDess cf board, amt. thehgb and commahdingxharactcr of the; G,eo0ema,9 selected tp supcrimend it., that. Prents.knd GcafcPans wUl firid .it a very eligible sitnitinn In which' to-place'ttieir children and i'wadV; The TtusUe pledge iherriselves to pay strict attahtion .tQ, the morals of the students and their deportment it everp respecu ... , . December 1. ;WM. NEEEM V tfOTlCE. SCHOOL will be opened at my ' hmjsa the first Monday in Tanuiiirv Vi'e it, uner he care of. Mr. John Ferresf,jwho a;j:itf.l hed 10 teach. the.Lanijuagcs and Scieucesr Geography &c Theerms of rujtWn and Roarding wlif bs the sarhe as at the Nu?1ush Mineral Springs Academy vfrith onte half 6f the reition.Mriney paid in advswe As fh Teacher requite a part of his salary In ad. tace, one il.'of the money for.feoar.-i-wi'h be expected oWenterng the school. lwv. accommoaite from fifteen to.teniy ficad. ers .-Ir-rs"'' uiihttessary 'it say ar,-thiis in ror of the' heshhy situation. ofihe pfat;?, as fav n is no? surpassed for heMth. by anyVji3ce. AM AS A PAI,MER. MeciUfiiurg, fi(n 22. EDUCATION. " , THE ubscnbetS ta'cehis method to ar nrunce to the public, tht the'feaersei of the Hickary Grove SemiiarV m Trartklin' conn ry, ten b-les above L' oisburg, w id. ag?in commence on the 19th Januiry nca, n.'.dr te careof the. former. T.Scher (Mr, , Babbitt) where will.be taught Latn?;Greek, rreta & Enghsh 'In. ill their virius branoWs.-' r - TER MS O F, Tt UTIO fc. - . For Latfn, .tSteek and French 8 pfr$pn Geography, English GremTnaraiid. Mathem maticsy 8.' per ..Session,-' Read-hjfv Writing and XWllimctic 4 60. ' Board iTthe ttelgcborhbdj; from 4 to 5 g per month. '! l ?:v"7v-' Th? pleatantness of he snuatinn, th'ey heahhlpss of the, neighborhood, the distance fmm any place of dissipation.,-the low price of board -tetheT witSjthev rap:dT progress of th clssst's the last iJensj tbd -indisputable qiiaTificatforns of the THcfcer'and hia greet attention to hts pupils geteraHy, all conspire ta recommend this SlscJinsry (pyrticu'arly-cm cconnt of health) ,to parents and guardian in the lower part of thrStjrev . V' t , : ' AhrahSm APLemoiT. ' Culton Glenn 8abert.GitL. ' yohrSione. ' . T ' few. P.: fayhn ' James y.ottea ; . Pub&c Notii 3 is ht rebu given TfJ AT the several acts of Cohgressr pas sed at their last session, lay mf certain Internal Duties. "wtU take effect from and after the 3iVt day 'cf December,. .1813, the provisions of Which rhust be complied, with, on pam of incurritiff tlie ptTiaities attached !l lo a violaTi, thereotl hese proViibM9 rev ; quire retailers ot winfts, spirituous bquors.lt or foreign merchindt2ek li make application j in writmj for and'tb obtain a licence t own j f era or su:?rintenaant3 ct sujis, or ooners int en dpd . (0 jbe worktyl to" ' tilake application in writing, fhr and to obtain a licence; ifuc tionea itfnter .in ponds. !and, under xr tarn 6r6mstantes.to;i:ake out a Irctttce r'te. tinerfafttafr.fio enttsr- iiuaj..ikvaw,njBrB'. op keeper of arrsges to enter the same; artd obtaina certiffeater:f the payment of the ddiy't aKd, discounted notes and bonds, together with bills of exchange to be stamp. ed. -7..',.- '-. --C- .;-7': Persons interested herein may .examine the said taw aV roy office, where, the mode of making- applWtfori and dtities payable, wJth other c i rci hst ance proper f orrt heisi i o be acquainted wtb may be .teamed;. ' r ; . jnnpt, van HpOX Jutt. Collector of the Itevrnue for tb tUi CoJ 7 .' ' : ' iVstVici of Jf. a .: --':.:v C d UL E C T 0 RS ) r P I C E,. v . . "7 -Person ctnin; pec. U, 1813, ; ;s 1 shad ba In th city of JUlelVicii the 2T and 2Sthin thtf town of . tlibsboro1 on the 29 knd JOth, and at ierson C O. ou the 3 1st day of the pretiifttith. " when & where any person having bHa8wIih ma may avail ' themselve' of' the opportuuity ;of seeing me," . ' ' : United States fntefe&lnemiel THE Sabenber btrn appomied ColkciorU tif the tI.Kti!i1?.rn ir thf sovihlfi C-alftetioti lTtStricLf. tba State ol IJorth- f Carolina ctmpwnagts-cojBatics ol ,fJo berlacd. MeoTMornmcsyAiiao'Dy Hov beVonand Richmond, csjls upoa all persjas residixrg m. "said drstrict who are. required to Have ;Lrcenceav 'prey tous ttT.the first day. ol Janrj'.r(eiiJ! va. secft s SfH foren goods, wares and merchandize, retail, tptrituoaa liquors by tfco amall measure, ci WhD dJsH stiituojs.lt'iors from domestic materials'- Ppmestic spirits may tlf in ' uantitie not lesa aanGv gallons at the place whera the same' shall have Iteeu d-ttiUed. ; And &ll persona: who keep carriages wiH' enter them S.vrW4 av aaw- a u 11 T" j 1 for Dconnt Jlotes ;and lid's ot liacbane may be had on application, . ?JOHN,WFARLANI. 11 ijQxt iteremiscs are contenieailpw Hcttsep w on Maentn& ana otper imgrovw Ifcent L iThe'sitoaimrf is equal to arty in tb v' I Siat'e - lar'erect tok1.Sa?4VjMtfs dvamaite:cta good navigiUon and aiandgst " Where vessels may w4np.iQ to5nwsi, ?; take in a catgo without 4he trooble and .cxky pence of Doaliag,vaii0?thi itA-4 mlfeAlonsbe wundThe place ISJ: wellwaiered, Uasijealtby ehntV. J . Also. i I'OCSe ftiJO KOl jrt sriirningtoii aittiaffd oh jiie scui sidevti Mat keitreet -K Huildintr is ralculated ftr a tpnyate fwilfi' orpubl uc.puse and itnretai alUinda; Uanigthatl t-r. ?,li7" r; " -FZ m vcrv Ihoderat e term a fercka 1 oroontrjr Fori tottner particulars appiy p ; -Dec. 10, halw - - -- ---; tt: A?fs:-f s;: Ahidefe Cjh.n the ftii - clny if atuafyi.ck,;n; he;,3cwr.:otr Sa-t9nsb roV.Qpili.cuiti:.W9wS hktly - ycung KEGHOlSS.'Cf5 both o'clock. 'Yi t realen. 61 losiriy eyfrsighti bavi; jji tppbtV-my futhd Xi B iVtAj.; tny Atrorten m ?"f Gomrace, &e, :y me feade pM Atiorneyv bearing jdaelSth coui ' November 5x?&stony ioi- .7 r , RALFAtilh 1813 On Sunday litst, agreeably to- j pointment . the- Key. AV.; V tliU tielivfjrea a giscoutc at -c?. s f feouse-dn the subject pumepeyriy . established: Bibii Societlfrpm the iblloWin words JMM ' And' on Mbnclay eenrag,; anothei r discourse- was delivered pji ihe. ?apn: r . occasroiithe mail, from ;the wofds;Ki thfcg tt rtecdfiil .-i;ath:6f AvhlchrvverelJ attended and a .number ol aoMitional, siibscri&sere tceivedri the ' following; morning a meeting fwaf " held of the Society, when an order, was made for procuring quaiitity of Bibles for distribution. Copies f ; the Constitution will be placed ; the bands of the Managers andthet, , friends, of the Instittrtionthat -thejr. may add to the subscriptioh-ii$t, tie namesof such as feel . disposed to ' forward the views of this behevolertt Institution." " ; J.Y:-Pf--. ' -7' :' The eneralf As&mb) 'sj h passed na important billr Jt fias not considercrd itself nt liberty to act up on the petitions ofihe Kewbern and Cape-Fear , ijanks to; extend their charters. ' It isnot yet aseerinecl." Whethextbe State wjU aUme mount -of thej Direcl'Tx' Tbe- qualfeation of the-land-tax SlnV ' jecHhatvthe Western Menibers have much" at heart, ifiSa SvhiGti it is sufi posed will have some beHhgor -assumptibnaS they willhp unIf lini? to extend much farther the. tax ' on landj withQUt '- TeCOimiiing J$ie -f Kih thPtPrrrllnrirl J r' "JV ..T'T. "T K th&h astern 7l1 embers are muclvopr nosed io it . v s-' vi V'4: 7 - The suspension b.ilt'.ii.ite7. ! eighteen? mohthj5yhaspgd fine reaaing m eacn nouse uut. ivs up ; : Major,- Gene Pin -suite arrived at Miliedgexil)eJiv . . fi; ' It is "said he wiUai4thb f 3 . place his:keltauarers 'fcyr''Mwjme ' t v ftu aiiuuiv. a juncuuu yc lyfiucuuc- tween the rmilripn Georgia now acting "agaf nst the ln-dianbc-'wjll theWtaiet.ttec"oni-; tnand Y'r-; .: f; : $ S enem -hasclec Island to-be in a state of hloikade.' The 'linlfed' States 'KiKat Pre Ul&-wr&r ri VA''a u - .'.'-. 5 ' , v., . . , Cseeflaiftr-t a0terrtaierCaU;SEsq. of RitnlTdhd.- A f - ,r :,7'- AtSherwood KaTWCcd'a Kan in this ettv ?? ' W ;WBiilat:.4isthtr,2It,ear"if a joang raanf amxaMetdcliawnoi and tro- -fthe UUaiAa.1ar.:W;iiT ff?ldf an old a very ifspeclala-fe ; i niheMhis IjN yea;Mary ;A:lexandej'f ft ' 5 ritr liftoff I: is amiaMf7wvra xu-t..;: . 7 1 ilM anunrLil 15,1 " fiIIi irT"PHea.C.VV w ill 4amr-regret tlie pri?ation Kev lSS qcca.wmCoeWen .'31. KS.;j.s I . - C i Tr. Si T :4enruoa of tha reporfof th "wmmh f 0$mtj, 2 t 'V- 1 '.J5 ' ii i , v.-V"-.,