; -r Domes nc Manufacturer s s . ; . '. r - v. . r ' ' - iL ."i : Lvt not ihe Debole of Nrt'ih-Crtolina, jjuri-bbM UW lt' f?!I??l,S!rC" fflipiti9pM!ie,fwrt:idTef Jm, , ' ' '0i V. ii J Uhdcrstandioc: jhat Cornparx n fonnicg in iLs Y t stern part of iVii, for tfceaoufactunog Ttf AVcqllcrf jlciMtxlicg t.vcvriirlruc Amcricar cnosiiYito undertakings of.'lhit. kird, . vlucU "ut have cdirtcttctidcncy'toort gmpljr io,&curt. rur lodcpcntjencct V imcliorclc.ciu prcM.nl xiiirrrsiid Vitua-Ucn-forarticitt f this detenptioni and ttenlually to ptove an incalculable aou rce o f w e ait h too u rcm n t f y;; knowing YtbM imroense properly has been realized in enffcrcntiparts of Eng land by manufacturing Companies,! cannot for a mbmerj lubt of the prac tlcsbi&y oi establishing one j1" on pricclplw equally wiiantagcous to adven turers. - " .4. ; . .V ' Even ia the New EpglanCStates thtir profis hare exceeded ihe moit sanguine . expectations. ' Koping thai every patri otic citizen will cbnit tbute'aon:e aid to ad laudable an undct CckipgIuve taken the libcTf to Jut i-jsc ryr.u tatement for warded fivm a Woolen factory in Mas Mchust:t?,xhibtifrg1he profits of ma ouf'cruilog 3 COO pornda of cornrpon wool manufactureU io one yeaby,tbfee hands Ec two toysyas hafctiera forhrec; rnomhs each. Each Oece of. wool la df rdtd Into six different qualities or par cel.. The prices anmxcd areMasacho setta prices Tbc preciie cx pence of the machinery in the manufactory is. Dot cxxc-ly known. i estimated at three thousand dollars ' t . I -A?Nofth CoroVinicm. Dcc lbs- ' " - An estimate of the cost and profit of manu factor n three thousand - pounds ct com xton wool in Massachusetts iu the 1 . QVALIT1II Of WOOL. C 4C0 lb. wUl nuke COQ vds. 6 4 wide at S6- 500 lb. 1 750 ) d do do at 5 S75a ; 3.t0ulk do 6COtU.iQ do.t-4 W. iOUlo. do 4CO)d. do do at 3 yi200. i,40o lb. do30O)c!.Uo at 2-2i C70. &4C01b. do 250 di. dr do ml 50a Eefutr wool IU to suect extra capea - ce 000. Amount of tTa ' S 12150 ILr-aei intvrref. ahovr. 000 lb. wul at 05 certu per lb. gl050 00 2 biirclt of oil at 8 1 per gallon 73 CO 6 li. Hue at 83 certta per lb. ' 5 40 j 6 br,l of Soap at h per btrrel ?4 00 3 lb. Gum Arabic at 1 prr lb 3 00 LHe Mufla 2C0 CO f bandaepe jearatg!8 per month 432 iX) 2 bcya 3 icootba at each p. month 24 00 1 principal workman at p. morrtJI 300 00 Boardio handa . 156 CO iia exptneca not exceeding 100 OU b2Ji7 40 Kelt profit on the a bore mtnorc tun: tn one jeareroplojtng alU'jfe" tberfit bands DEBATE On. the Address to the President. Cvnikrued frcm our Utt 3 Frid. Not. 55. Jol. DauTOX laid he did not rise to cn'rr into a discusjijn of the subject be fore the Senate; but merely t give xuch infortTiatiiHi upr n it cam? wflh in bh own knowledge in relation io the detached M'Ifii. .A ron as the a larm ol iiiVjion,rf .cI rim,he issued ordera to l.e seAijtaIr.? undsrhisl coccpiand to repm tc Nebtnj n on j aa'tosiibie. Alenr cys after he uni teo at Niwbeni the hi inl. fromseTcjj Tectiicd ntHMhit C-pt. Bryan, then a: if , fort-Haropton,fr:!h acQnipar,)r cf U. S. j Infantry, bad received murcbir.g crd; rs. A patt of be Militia was then ordered, to Beiufortf ar.d preparations wcreraai.'e for their rnarrh. Hut Cpt. J yan,; rote that if tht Mili-ia came there,' they must bring prortsions with them. Col.B. then applied to . the Comrartor to kndw what step nc thouid Uke. ile answered that hn contract wis out ; but that if he (the Colonel) would be respon sible for what he got, be wculd furnhh hJm ith whitetcr he wanted. Upon.1 remcticn, the Colonel declined this re.j . iponaibtlity. After the Uorernor arri. Ted, heobtiined the necesaary prori- rpna, on his promise to pay for them. In a few dajra Capt. Bryan marchtd bro' Ncwbern, Itajring a few. men in the fort 'to lake fcare of what was left behind. This tbc Col. said, iris what be knew of i his part of the business The yeaa & naya were called for and "agreed la he taken. Mr. Slxdf. was aware that the Sc. rate had become somewhat impatien', from the time which had been" occupi ed in the investigation of this question ; and were he td make rrplj to all that had been said by the gentleman from Edgecomb, he should not expect the attention of the hcus. He should there lore confine hi remarks a fcw pxiii ts only i It wu.on'y nrcetsary, Mr. S. said to come to a correct knowledge of tb aubjett crow under consideration, to en uire into Miree proposiiions. Is the General Government bound to aiToid ' protection to tbo se? eral Statca , in "he Union? If it be, has it afford td thai rrite ThreiDollan. a neir ouiyi oy, a occoroigt, mam m m (irro Hcroonstrance to require Van ex- tecsiorvofthat protcctioD io- which jwc . N' person will pretend to, deny; the first propbsuion. Aa to tne seconn, u mvplres s.an enquiry Into the vt tilth ol the fjcia'ct forth in the Uepiprtrof the Committee. ,'It is ataied In thaj$Vport hatthe Gebe'ral Goycrpmeni in the lime of our difficulty, arising4 from the lata invasion, left the State tQ her own e (forts This expression Jn t he Re- port has been branded with Iheeptthef ox.betnT:unioundexi- in iruipr..iir.. o said he would undertake to enquire into a fe w4, facts in order to see whether they are founded in truth or not ; for if not true) he should be as willing XfS set his face against them as. any mm. The assertoa is not founded fn truth the gentleman from Edgecomb sid, be cause the U. S have had a certain num ber of troops at Fts. ohoson and II a nip ton. It w ill be recollected that this cx prctaicn In the import has reference tb the period at which our State was inva ded j and be ntuit say, with the com mittee, that the Slate was at that time, left to seek protection from her own ef forts, the declaration of the gentleman from Edgeccmb notwithstanding ; and he would call the -attention of the Se nate to what had fallen from tbc gen lie nan last Op to' prove this position, lb has told th? Senate, that on the lan ding of tht Enemy, he wis called upn to go to N-'Wbern j .and tht Capt. Bryan commanding a company of U. S. !roops hrd about that time received marching JjDrders, and cn hearing J Co:kburo WM jn our.wj that Admiral waters, he aail- ol himself of his orders, and left the State. - He alluded to Fori Hampton ; he was not so well acquainted with Fort John t ten. But about the same time, we lc.ow.that Cup . Copeland marched his troops fiom Fort Johnston; and lint sta tion was not only left without trocp, but without an? officer to supply the D achmentot M htia, which wai af;. -wards sent there with provisions. W- re we not then indrtd lef to our own re 8 mrces-f Independent of the&e two forts, nothing like protection rras afford ed to our extensive sea-ccast. Is North Car. lina thcraid he, cf so little cjji5-. quence aa to require no defence ? In his o"ptnion it was a very f ulnerabl' part of the Union; and It was h:gh time the people should raise their voice to the .general Government and compel.! lb cm to give us that protection to which we are justly entitled. It appears then, said Mr. S. that, aa mentioned in" the HcpoiU we wrre left in an unprotected state But sup--pote ihercbid been, for a few djys af. j terthe invasion ICO men in Forts John- sipn and Hampton It North-Carolina to be satisfied with 100 men on a coas: of 30O miles: I this such a protection as her interest requires ? Is it right, as h;d been askca by his friend fiom Ortmgtr, when thousand and lens of thousands of dolUts are expended in the defence of our sister Statts, that scarcely a cent shuuld be spent on N. Carolina? Do we not, Siid he, psy our pn.pjrJoci of rcver.ue, and peifarm all our relative duties, to the t.eneral Government I It could not be said we tid not. j Bit thouffh.ihep.entlemn from Ed-7- corobami s th3tsu(Bcient attention hus U not befn pjid o out U- Luce by he Ge neral G'v:rtiment, yet be aitemptt; an a;oloty for ihem. He sayt, that bein cng-ged in a Vtr, the prosectition cf which ca Is fproll thtir vigilence, they cannot "poss-bly attend to all parts cf tne Union, so as to drfind every ex posed pomt on the sea-coast. This ob-ervation might have weight, if other States were equally neglected. Bur, if gentlemen lock upon the States frra Matnc to Georgia, they will not find one so neglected as Nori it-Carolina.-If, said he, we look at Georgia, do we not find a very considerable number of troops on the St. Mary's, both before and tjneethe declaration-cf War ; and South-Carolina, not to be compared to this State, rs to her relative weight in the Union, has had thousands and tens of thousands exptnded in the'defence of Charleston ; yt since the declaration of War, troops raised In this State, have been marched into that State. He knew this was the case, aa to Capt. llr.untV. Company which is now sta tioned at Charleston. And Georgia is besides protected by p-boats and cut lers. As to Stales north of this, Vinri- ,oia, it is true, is a large and populous Stae,andher coast much, exposed. But have you nor seen ihe Gencr;l G -yernmeht extend every . possible pro tection to that State V You may, indeed look at every other northern State, anct you will find that attention has-been p.ia t(thrm all.- ) x The question is.asked, what kind of procection do you'want i Are ships of the'lice, or frigates , or gun-boats wont. el ? Io rpfv, Mr. S would ay, iha , our waters wt uio. neitncr admit -hins Vr. or one I3qlIiivJ halt for half a.Yeir to be.paidin aance-iSGbri?riM!T PViite Weiiw0 i-li le iii.TtK whofei extent pf it being bofderedby aaand-bank w.hich I prCTeftrihe approaco vyrrr' n.ii. JrVn to tell, the vessels; which we haolof;This deicriptint ;cla-; ration of .war, were, iaiu .up. m pwm 1 1 except two ? at .Qccracock, wlucl were carried th thenoilhward ' . .- M If the S-mate would excusd himr Mr. S. -vfOuloTatate what werc his notions of aa edequat6 defence' for -'is State;: Vt have', a number, of inlets, but Jew of IheroiU admit vessels qt magnitude. At Ocracock, there- is a $ood aquation for a fort.' The W- States,; Ittdeeddid comwncew the hUildin of a i fort there, but never finished4t, though he did not believe the design was relinquished for ihe f reasons stated byr the gentleman from Edgecomb, but because it wax sup posed to bf a useless exppce, as U ap' peared to tiina the General-Government seemed to tblnk all expencea were when applied to this State. A fort, at this place would, command the" channel, which onens into Pamptico and Albei marie JSrunds, in the vicinity of which are from fifeen to twenty as wealthy counties as any in N. Carolina, which, if the.vEnemy gets into tbeo watery wnnM htxnosed to his ravaee. Our most valuable. seaports are on these wa ter ; and if this frr would not afford an vtlTectual protection, wi.h the aid of a few gun-boits, or othrr sniall ves sels, the enemy, would be pre.vent.td frfsm doing mischief by means of their bargts. 1 Ii was stated in the Import that no tents or h .spita! stores had beep fur nished to the detached militia. This be brliev-d to be correct, and ought tp be remedied ; if not it would" be attend ed with bad consequence, and bring the service itv.o disrepute. The Smote had ben told 'hat ab-ut he time the, British landed tbe U. States 'roops were morchtdlrom Fott Hampton, and the Militia ock their place ; that when they went there, there was not a bar rel of pork or flour, or other provisiors or hcspiial Stoics ; and it is a fact, that though four months have elapted,.they have not at this time, a single tent, nor any hospital stores, or? any regular plucc of eticamproer.t, but are obligee toencampin an old church, without a ny convenience rffire, so that "about forty of the men had been lately near ly frozen to death. Ii not this alarm ing ? Is it not time to call up-n ibt General Government for auppht ? But it ia said, that h.is want ol necessa- r "Il' : r ..... ? rtes, is owing io iac igiivnuvc wi oncers nol making proper application! To shew that this was not correct,, i was necessary only to refer to the do cuments which bud been read by the penile man from O rg Mr. S. would make a remark s to another mutter of fact It was stated by the gentleman from Edgecomb that the truops at Salisbury were under marchit g orders in Augus;. This fact shew?, said he, that the General Go vernment has not paid that attention to ihis S'ate to which she is entitled. It was the duty cf the comnivHidcroi these tu-ops io mke wetkly or mo'.ihly re tu.ns to the War Department. It was therefore known to the Governmen' lhatr the trc-Jp had not m .rchcd, and when ihey knew 'that the State was in vaded, the oi dets.frr 'marching ought to have been countermanded. These tfoops might as wdl have bun on tht sea-coast for four months before ihey marched, as to have )ii; at Salisbury and thus have aaved the Militia. In conclusion, Mr. S. observed, this State is called upon to pay its propor tion of a directax of three millions of dollars into the Treasury of the United S ates. I( is. a question with us, whr ther we will p-y the money, and let our own officers collect it, or suffer the officers of the U. States to corn e and collect it from? us. Sha 1 w , then, at a time, when we are about to pay this heavy tex, not require from the Gene ral Govci nmcnt that a certain portion of it, ahall be expended in our own dc. fence ? For, if the General "Govern ment will do nothing for us, we must do it, ourselves, and it Cannot be done without layiri taxes, for the purpose. He doubted not, however, on a proper representation be ng made that the nt cesary protection would be afi'orded us, then why not make it ? He did pot con sider this as a political quesiion, but simply a question between ihin Slate and the United Stafes -It is ' whether we will cause ourselves to be respecter, or ny. He hoped, therefore, the Le gislJure, would make a wtroi.g and una nimous call upon the General Govern ment for this purpPse; ' t ' Taken up' " ' ! On ihe l8:h. day ofriKcvemb4t mj m hihij uuihs;, hi WUIIIora lOUUTT, LJ , B AY llORSS,: about. 15 hands high Kight hind le whhe, boVtair', 'and hismane r ached in, several Jplaces-The oWner is re." quested to come forw id acd take him Iway - UCCCTOQCT v, : 211 RALEIC.ii :Pbiv' iwtkw by josepw Triors. 1 -Vi LrtdeXick Creeks within three, mile of the f ish dam F;ord,.6nt Neaae ver , Tbe said tract ol Ind camairis by turveyi four hun. dreel and fou'tteenacies;, aj)d has a suHTciency of Cleared land, urlder" good fences to make One hundrtd arid fifty barrels of corn. W,. S be mom hs eredit wilt be llowed ;to the, purcliaVer, oA giving bond with approvisei cunt, , and Jn upderubted Ititle made for the Land. . . DMPSEY(iUBB ARD, - ' r ',.- Executor Dec. I. " 24r : ' ' - . : ; llingMillsv . r rpHE SUBSCRIBER tsVea tins'mttW cf ' t inibfming hi costomers and the public in pneral, that he has got two FULLING MILLS in excellent repairone v'Uhin 12 and the other 1 4 miles Vest of. H illsborough , .and both within one mile of the Cross-Roads Meeting House that he carries on the busi ness in all .its branches and has procured a complete assortment . of dift'erent colors for dyemg. He will dress cloth th'is season m the bearmarmer.for 20 cents per yard, when ail othevs in the county have from 25 to 30; cents1 per ard, and war attend at his usual places, via. Mr. Nathaniel Nortieet-s m Person coun ty and Henry Thompson's stove in Hdlsooio' for the purpose of receiving and delivering clotb Orders punctually attended tt and vrv'n dispatch. ROOERT MURRAY. ' CAUTION. THE Public are hereby cautioned egaths taking any kpd of transfer ot a psper purpottinio be a Note, of Hand, eiVen by fo. siah Rogers to A bsalom Rogers tor the surnJisole purpose of lusteninc 01 inrce nmmrcu uuuara, attesieu. oy james M'Math, jun due perhaps twelve months af. ter date: as I do riot, intend topay it unless compelled bylaw, for the following reasons : 1st, that there was no consideration whatever received in consequence of said Note : 2d, that the obligee was not in his proper anindat the time the note was given. , J AS. H. ROGERS, Ex'or of the last will & testament ot Josiah Rogers, dec. Chatham, Nov. 12, 1813. 3:9 2000 -Dollars Keward. bank of sou tii-cauolina. IT having been, some time since, discovered that the Notes ot this Bank, of the deno mination of Ten Dollars, had been counterfeit edA and put into osculation, a Reward of One Tboutand JJoUarj vtz ofiVred for the ap prehension, and conviction of the Perpetrator or Perpetrators of the said Forgery and the holder a of Bills of that denominatior. were re quested to bring them in to pc exchanged, at 1 ue Bank. It now appears, that tbelVJb. Dollar 13 lis of this Bank, have beeu, also, caunterfeited, and seme of the Forged .Bills are in crculation and from the similantyof their execution, it is probable the same person cr.persoks, were engaged :n ihecoonretfeuing of both BUfs. I am thiefore authensed, by the Board of Directors, to ojFVr a Reward of to any person or. persons, who shall apprehend, and convict the Perpetrate or Perpetrators ot eilixr atid each of the above mentioned coun--eife t Five and Ten Dollar Bills', and the holders of B'ils Of this Bank, of those two de nominations, are requested to send them :h, to the Bank, to be exchanged. . 40 TWO. W. BACOT, Cashier. November 6. . r Lands for Sale. TO BE SOLD AT VENDUE, A T tHe House of Alexander Terrans, iqlre dell county, on Alondav the 24th day of January nexrr the remaining Lands of tbees late of Alexander Worke, dec. to wit": . About 1105 acres of land, cn the waters of Davidson's Creeks near Centre, Meeting Hus?, in Iredell county, on wh-ch is an ele gant DweUmg House, -with necessjiry nui houses, fortoerly the residence of Col. Worke. About 157 acres of land, on Davidson's Creek, near tne aforesaid tract. Two small surveys, containing about oT a cres, near ttie atoresaid tracts. 223 acres of land in Metkienburg ccninry, fcrnerljrthe property of,Andew lexandor. v 400 acres of land, lyfrfc: on second Broad R'ver, in thecounty of RltheTfordi A sale will positively b made of the shares of all tnese who do not forbid the same before the 24th day of January next. A liberal credit will be given, and bonds -I wjth approved security required? An) further information will be given on the day of sale. 40 M. STOKES, Atx'y for the Heirs of Col . Worke: Nov. 8th, 1813. Raleigh arid Newberri Stages, where it will meet. Mr. Joseph Bell's line from Newbern. . The Stsiges will leave Raleigh & Newbern every Monday at 11 a. m. meet at Cashington's Store every Tuesday at 12 a. Mi aid tetorn to both places on Wednesday at 8 p. m. Fare to Washington's Store, 6 dollars from.ihence to Newbern, 6 ; and in pro portion for ihtermedatedisfancs- P." S CASH will be gnrea tor 5 or Cgood Stage Horses, on application to Wrakfecott Raleigh. v ; November, 5. ' 37 State of NbrtH-Carolina, STOKES COUNTY. Supcriour Court of Law October Tm, 1813 George Hauser, Chairman Original Attach ' j "- .; ; v" ' ' ' rnen'V ; Henry Wortey. ":; S Levied on lands his appearance repi tte levied on $?Or1&?Xffi? daysjf asaintVwtn. .., . Teste, ; prfeTUOM ATaRSTRPNG S-.OiT & HELM, propose starting within a shor: time, a hew line of Stages ran -ekjy frrm Ralegh to Wash in Eton's Stdre. IN this cause it ordered tbat'advertisemet be. made ... in thf Raleigh Register thrfe weeks successiyely, that tlieg&deTtter do 100 15 do do do da ca do do do o looo 500 200 100 looo 600 600 600 :' 3 6 20 20 40 ioo 800. SO'Tick; 50 . 20 iJf 10 looo 800 120Q loob rizes," k X0t 3 hi lar.k. f ia 6 pr 2028 bh P?iZe. 01 uu iirkfts at Tne Cash prizes percett. ict toadilln f nst dr rvn Tic ket 00 ach Dd. on th Ath k.vo.u . . 200 lw said 400 to be one pru the , oV. t;c arly acceptor to rhe 'JQth. and to le.. q rst drawn on the 40-h dv do ; 40d tip, 00 - 45th day, J 50th day, Last drawn ticVet. i ': Km lire public will perceire, "that in tW ft. by convening the 1000 into a (Win and tW aoeoto a atatioaary I II1C lllAnOTA line hAAn a v,it icaurieu to tor tl sole purpose of hastening the drr.v;n- 5 placing it m ihe power of ibe n(.v,a4u, commence under the sale of a snailer betof tickets. They are aarelhai n nn;t like?the present,: ot general pressure. ni duals do not Willingly let their monev re. main where it ia inactive It is thw fore their wish and .their expectation to b ena .bled to b'en at or shortly after the aHj.X7!! roent of the i Legislature. ' "These who mav have already purchased ticket anddoi approve of the foreoin alteration, wnl !)e at liberty to return their numbers on or be before the first day of January ner, but nut -afterwards. THO'i B. LITTLEJ0HN. W?VI. ilOBARDS, MAURI CIS SMITH, THO'S HUNT, WM. M.i SNEED, Nov. 18M. One Hundred 6c Twenty Dor lars Reward. DESERTED frora the 'iJarrsi Salisbury N C. PETLR'UOWS some timeiR" Aun-t last ; abrut 30 ven-$j vf. age, 5 feet 9 inches higi, Vht eomp-'sj. ion, blue eyes, light hair,rd well sett r wh fs supposed to be larking in Wilkrs u iy, X, Carolina. JOHN POMPKREY, SfTgr. sbcutCS. vears of aze. 6 feet high, dark compf.'xic blue ; eyes, black hair; who w.ssent w;h n oEcer in pursuit of deserter?, with a hrei r horse and borrowed saddle ; was swjie line since m Wikes County N- C bi soptwei since to have jfohe tn Kentucky orTcnnsee. t JOHN GARRET about 30 years cf ge. Ii ftS and a half inches hieh, fair ccropex- ion light hair, blue eyes and by profession a I mill wright j who deserted in N. Ci oa the march from Salisbnry to the Cirjbf Washing-.-ton, and is supposed to have gene to Rotber. ford County, N C. JOHN BURTON abotrt 5 feet 10 inches VibV23 years ofge, dark hair, dark eyes itid by trade i shoemaker who enlisted ia A ibn County Nv C ' . A; ' . SOLOMON COCKER ajred 24 yewj feet 10 inches high fairjcoifiplexidn black eyes dark hair. . ' - . , JOHN KELLY 23 years of age 6 feet 1 inch high, dark complexion, grey eyes, b ack haViTT x Tn m i-r.THEWS. seed 30 yr 5 feet lb and a half inches high dark : convex, ion Woe eyes and brswo hair . WM- SHORT; ag 57 yenrs 5 feet 8m4 a half inches high,dark complexfen black eves Wack hairi , ; . . I Ail Of the above were enhstea . L .. Cratqwin RuUierford County N.C exci imposed to be lotiinB in WMm- EWIAIM COOS: a t""", W-gJJJ wno issuppuw v-- t- s Q 7. tTojnoV Ufrti?fI flt IIS '1 Sv Va. rHft mirch 1 rom tne dv eJ5i iikpury, wtr j i.ri. -icsi dark eats, dark compkxton d eyes d soeowed to aim for Wilkes twM), 01 Tennesree. - ri.;:i oo tbfl w GEORGE COOK :. to . D Jt same march, aged U 7 uneeyer, hjh, fair complexion, ' N C: ' sed to aim orrd f(J .GEORGE DlMSDAtE,tl0 and on same tnarc y, ' CTtbrowo inches high, fairoWie "IS'ifcid. hair, and is supposed to an .for liM'cnM deserteo bow and on same rntrcn, v,- u.: who has smae, oy & hicefT ojecu when sent for, sJtUe ta This vr; Richmond jail, V o been aa'agreement between S 4b?It UA nd the then sheritt- J",,Vion.blu- the so- five feet ten inches high, fac o age. eves, lizht hair &nd about J wdW HaMES GRADY Is ? iorougb, N Crrpi ifl c0ff!n,ny posed to have gone to Jenae with other cVserters. zoci ft is cbnidentty expectedjn .citizen, wiii yr?:lZice, r 5fneabov reward fof . bfr wiih sJ lc.irheingc0o - easonab statts ' ao """r: inany Jail in-the Vrt fr giveine."ord-i.vered to a Hh United States. , lv.StataH Col. Com, lOtbm- w' ; Decemoet v I tickets COllSt! tiilii' r.vt V ; 4- L'- insist r.t the K fr-m 10ltoo(;0,,rcRiaive? -2 )1 Aaurtfecmcnt, not cetoe M Umc ft, tt'