1 . J' - 1 v . Si ". i ' ' i . ." . - i . !3.j2 A c.lculauo mtUt of pake i ney Jh difficulty of ascertaining- iub . - P ,.i-k incontequenceoftbe neglect of many clerk !n .r:?:L.,,r to the Comptroller. After. yXrttotr from tbe sum due by each county r.:.. im ih am due by each county .i . ..int to be rataed wr a t on mtc. the bilaoce.it impoaed upon tow property .d land e.timat.og 100 value of the Tor- .t three huodrtd acres of Und. lour committee hate provided any county roy raise the aum impoaed oo It from tbe same lubjacts V y bc' K L which may be more equuaDic rxwR them at the same time from varying tbe tax Report & bill ordered to be printed, j The report on the subject of paying the local militia, was read and con curred in- Tcejday. Dec . On motion of Mr Steele, a resolu tion, was passed, reoue'ting'the Gover nor to he laid beiore the General As sembly. an estimate of the amount rue indii.Juals lor baggage Jggprvs, sup plies. hospital stores, iroinunttioii. &c. Lri.i,ni the nav of such of the local miiitin a could nct.from the regulations of the War Department, receive com ncrsatkn from the U Staler like- ise account of cxpencea incurred during the late im asion. : he house look up the report agreed 40 in Senate, censuring the political vc octet cf David Stone, Esq. Mr. Tearbon moved an indefinite pintpcnenicnt. lxjstTO to 48. . Mi bicele moved to strike out the preamble. Lost 73 to 46. Mr. Sianly moved aeveral amend .n, ntt m t hfc resolution, so as to pccily the particular votes in which Mr. Sione h,d dis-tipointcd the expectations of tho 1-ecubture. As to the vole on the di- . Ve. iarr, inrrfirTacerl a bULul reeling viie uu -. :r"7 . . oltheHntc tnau ncr.(- b- 1? .i-l .e.;.: of Directors 01 the State Bank, -pltctng thewjeinc. o itln a committee ot tiie "S5j r.,M,i nf the Treaiurer. The bin was negatived on its first reading 34 to - , t yesuay, i'C" 4 - ,. v,.. w C!krk. Tames Iredell, Tho. Rumn, and Lewis Williams, were appointed Trustees ot tne u Di versity. ' r . , Joseph H. Bryan wa repoted to . i-...j nf rnral ot the first division; JosepK Pickett as Lieut. trtni.1 nf thp lAthhripade : &c Bar U w U , zillai Gravea LieutecaDt Colons 01 the 16th Brigade of the Militia. 1 Mr Murphey frtm the committee to whom the tuHjeet of Sje .m Bua N y g.ttnnMas referred, recommended ihav the petitioner! should hae leave to with draw their petmoni, stating that th coniliciiug righ'5 of the aeferal pcrious cuiming pretcr?nce in. m uuau mu't be settled in a court of jutic. The committee condemned thS expres tion in Mr. Dc Lacy'a mctruirbd, wh'ch states 14 that the act of last year was sur repiiiior Jy dbtaintd," as they believe the Legislature acled upon sulcknt dof ununti:. The re ort concurred with. s A report was made in favor of paying the expences incurred 07 camngom mr local Miiitii; which was concutred wiin; " ' ' . WHliam Tarinlln lotin the town 01 nuiiooro , ki; vw-h. 1nt in flie pied by Henry 1 lomfTO, lh. mam street, beiwten Enondge andje Markct-hcfw, wberc ne.nas J u- - At. un. have been tboTomchly rtoairad, and coi.dersblt add-ons made ; r!.S' built, and wilt -contain bout thirty hcTMt in stperate atalla.-Tho their custom, may Q"r " w" , j-'.' voftio please, and tte mat now -satisfied. ' ' .j. fi H.ilborof Dec 17h, ISIS- , , Ten Gents Reward; u a v r.MM t siiMrrifeer ort tne w 1 1 nf n & 1 1 wjii w lv stcond day of the preKPt-Taonth, an ap- ' 1 u ..... j prentice boy, named uyvi. v nineteen; gars of age. All ptrlons ata heteby forwamed from har bouring said Boy, and particnlarly from are, ditioKh-.m n my acconnt. Any persorr ap. prenending ara uov, u ' - me. Urmg near the Hawfield Mating Housa, Oiinge County, C ihaU receive tbe above reward, buno tbuika. " VM. CRUTCllFltLD. I Dac, 35, 1813. .-,. 1 , j miunction ofecrecy will, not be re- moyeu.'Uiiiu iTxuuuay t - - - -tr yjiichmmd Compiler, j. .r FOR SALE, THAT well known vtluiWe Phntation on TotvsaH Sound, Hi New;Hanover county, raAStortJWnt. where re suoscrtDer now - The citizens of Petersburg ar? making.arrangeinerits to treat their brave volunteers witn a puoiic um- ner ' . n ' - Norwich Dec' b On- Sundsw last the United States, 44, Commodore Decatur ; MaVer!b nfan. 38, Capt. Jones ; and Hornet; 1.8, Capt; Biddle, got umjer way from their moorings in the tivef, and pro cefeded down to New-London, whffrf they pmc, to, off fort Gmwnld They aifei a!l in full view of the Dri tish 8quadrxjO'--iii '"perfect reading for aea andwitl go out the first op portunity - 4 Annapolis, Dec ,13 The Senate1 throdgh a fcar of con sftnneiices to the slate, have e'eien '.d their eround 5 and the Alleghany friuri ) will be triumphant, . 1 his is mormv ing enough ,des, containing 450 acrei or upwards, the carried 1-eirKbtu -!- iVi. amendment was C3 to 49 ; on tho act respecting duties on rekJlcrs, Jcc. It was adopted "54 to 52 ; on the act . imposing duties on It ccnccs 10 distil pirhuous licjuors, the .r'.nr.t was alwi received 68 to 4 1 ; on the act by mK duty on niported ; filu ne col 1 vet! 45 to 1 .vine an Embargo, agreed .kJ tillable x about oW ol wMcn is tieateu and ia good order for cultivation. The great est part of the cleared i-and is fresh, and .t.t&l to the culture ol Cotton or Om. ! On ihe nremi&es are a convenient Dwelling- ! Houe. Cotton Machine and ether improve- ll , Tho t'.tnitinn it enua! to any m tlTP I iZ! V. U I - - 1, , , ' . f r . ...in .Ca'i Works, navinff t; : ..... . . 1... aiaie iui , - . 'but the comptrolltr n direcien to jt.kc , jg. 0f a good navigat;on and a land out f.n acccuot thereof and tkUve i; to ' wtjcre yeiiela may warp to tbe shore al k. rtnvMnAr.whn it to transmit ihc ;n a carzo without the trouble and ex- prce of boatiog, ana inq wuu "tus than a mie along the -sound. The p!ac is well watered, and as healthy as any on the shore. , . 3 Also, a House and Lot m V .lmtngt same to he Sccre'.iry of Vr aoc uiht-t ;upan a reimbursennt thcrc-jf. : . Wednesday, Dec. 8 i Mr. Brutor. io rovtHwCd bill for clas ; aiK lhe Mdilia t.f-tbis Slate. j The residution concetmnp; the con- iduct of l)avd Stone, otir Senator in 'Congress, was read as amended by the ! Housf tf Commons und concurred wtvh. Kreisuier's Mioual : situated 00 th south wde ot Mffket Jjtref t 1 he Buildinr is calculated fox a private family or public house and store, and stantss in an eligible situation for business. The aforesaid proWry s c ftWed for sale cn efy moderate terms for cash or coonwy born Slaves, fi om io to 25 years of ae. 42; on the bill I ! was referred the to 64 rj iltcport, recommend that the Treasure 1 ;i F r further uarticu'rs apply to r j Dec. 10. ALL VI AND II ALL I I 11 1 1,1 ! I . . . r I. a . a a i,.k ir ' 1 42 ; und on the tote atr,l - jvviJOJi. 1 Lin a .nnointment. refused 44 to 67. i:tif ib;s hiate at an n:ereat not -cetu-, , , did a ft w a pa8t in The resolution beinR amended, so as j , ig six ptr cnt, h2t),ooo lor in oroi- yy tho ;rceU oi Hiihboio t 1 r.i,fl Hcsolved, that the said Duvid nary purposes of government Ctn- ,: , drkim,t H,i others that Tlieph.i "hompson 10 reau 1 t . , h . . .trvi.n nak- that h had at th;t time Stone, in his vote aK-... .u...w , -, which he h,d slolen ?UHU l ,v a cured tax ; against the tax 10 j i I y," P , . .Villlam Palmer. Now tins i j - - 1 - II Jlilillll flM but if there is " a paviiclc. of spirit in the people, it cannot .last.. We had a clarions' debate on Saturday, OiTvtho rnnrt .f the. Committee oi E c tionson the Alleghany leliirns Im'par lial persons admit, that, there wa rot-a hitllrTg hole left . them - bti all in vain. Their dead majority overcame the light of truth, aw well as tho constitution and law." : - A Naval Order has lately been issued hv the Secretary ofcthe Navy, forbid dinf intercourse with the tnemy, by flaps, excebting:vby the commanders ot Qt.tinne nr th Ci.llr.rtors ot the Several lKUVlia V W i ports in the United Mates I Commodore Hull, iii a letter, diied I Portsmouth Nov 24, acknowledges the receipt of a Service of Plate, presented him by the citizens oi Charleston, S C. The Freedom of the City of New York, has bcn conferred. on Commo dore Bain3kidgk, in an elegant Gol BOX. ; ' -1 "- v letter from Baltimore states, that ; the privateer schooner Lion, command cd by Thprqas Lewis, q. pnntipai owner, had returned into L Orient, in nomife marie 1btantainoit&xtoirc;.v; Yeniejana comFortable to all hous Election in the State of Mmryianrww . ,,f U k..n on nniform Mit to the reptlb- ! UcanJnterest;are as important Mnare oeeia , ; theirestiitf ofttrly election xsmct theorrnj orvof the tJonstittition la a .mtercf pride and grattilatton that: flotwrthstandinff h. nraf ioris ahd haidships of the war m . which we art 'enit3 AV"i:.-- ; incessant cries and claroora of facUon.affaiftst our rnlewo8ereaVeJdearerXW : ver to the great body oT 6itr citienf :that r he friends of our country, under everV di - advantage are 6onstarit!y aipisfr strength-- , , Und tiial tbk war Waged: for tl ee .trade and. ' sailors' ngns is ruw i r--;- Ho extremely morlifyim; tnust be thi- change of imtnibn to the dvocarea bfotir e-iu-nemv ! How do these aesuU give the he to ? the pred;ctien$i ot , me propnets oi : icuci - -Um! what irtcitements-lo preaervance dd . they afford to the vtMefrd. dfourcottil?- 1 tvffvr discouraeremenia may ap er ie our political hori ioir, lDoa givup the . ahm'ahall ever dwell oh the tottgue; attd..' ... !rit Fvpfv trite natridt ana'reDaoncan. the heroine of this tbry iithe wite rff n militia min who is nofr servine ! bi? tdtfr of duty at Nor Folk. They art piior but respectanie peisons, wn "vr , in Hanover county, iu or is inues nuns li ritv. -1 neir 1 uusc ia w ' . of a Mn Bootright i; it Is small, atja , hos'but sineje ' room to it-The wb- ' ie j, rrioiher with an infant about 4 , imontlrs old- - A few nights since sne i had etfred tb bed, Jnely ar?d. unpro ! tfirted with, no one but her eleeiins !ir,fatit beside her. Thought was datfe j and rainy theTefeble light' of the fire A . alone glimmered in..", the rooni 4j ' ,V midst such a scene au cheerless 3nd -ifuli of gloom ; Jo wellf alcujated to ei? 1... fj licences iu ufocs, spirituous Uqlors and foreign n.crcbndixe ; in hi. vote a-ain.t the pc to lav duties on licences to dililleis of rii!Mous liquors i and in his vote insi tbe UU to hy an embargo, hub UUappoin.ed the rra.onable cxmictati, om, r incurred the disapprobation ol lhe General Assembly- . Mr. D. L Daningcr moved Its mde (ini'e potponomer,l, Lor 2 to 4. Mr! Pcuraoo morod to atnke o ut the woms this Gcncm Ai.em.y ifctt those whaclectcd htm. Lost 79 to 40 . The ye-s und nation tbe acoptton f the tceo'ution as amended, were, tU e..ttiru John Adams, Aauer ,nn llfeCm b Barnes. Iknton J. Bcnes. Itr ani. C.IUwav, - OoUtfu, . J. . haters, L.1 i y. Chamber a Daniel, Drew, oiw-.ij c. . . vil-.rw!i.f. Kur&ter. 1 Fifty Dollars Reward o Ui ct the 30th list month (Oct. j 1 1 gainst hiu.'"4 tne. his NEKDUAM HOWELL. Witriest, mark. R. Huntington. Dec. T, 1313. " ' W . . ft. was c.ter stolen or muraemJ, a zgo . ... ...1 MiKfUl. He is between twe'.reT and thiitesn )ear of age,bady cl-aUed, kid onaocldpauofyt'Jow pantaloons, 00 shoes, be it well made, (li.ou&u very low; tlht a Ana n took aud OtkCk CJXplfiX'Cn. I hope if a.y such boy sbuuld U brought n j the nmhuorhood olany of the good catena 1 this cr any other Sta;e, that tbey will a ' tle trouble exsm'ne him and if tbey 'hottld I . iw itu!iv-d tu bt l.eve him to be the boy abovt described, and vdl inferm me of it by nu t, ,i fuct Msoc, Atklusoo, Wears, aad Millar. .r Hireriert to tr.e rosi vnucc a. ry 1 Thi be sold oasuch tercas as wui dc i'O i ... ;n.t.r.nr ut In ihrtit whO VMSh tO JBVal France, havinor on dred thousand dollars, takch !rom tne jenenry: besides having burnt from fif teen to twenty sau 01 m uisu vcaacis. B A NK OF THE MET UO TO LIS," to certify tht Ihe assertion above made oy 1 ys the utle proposed to be given to tne me, was false aod whhont ay fotmdation j. jAn. about to be established at the k I do beUve the i' seat of the encr,l Cov-rnmeht. The SOU IO D2 r ia.iu. ,'" ..0- - , 1 1 m?K. ,! artlClCSOI associaui-:! na LFcv-ij the National JnelUeencer i ne j by a btidden rap at the -q5o: one Usked who was t'Ue're. ? grujand atf- , -iihorita'tive voice demand ed an cstraiice. She again enqmreo j.ne naiuc ui iucju: , , t aider. The person without replied, that ifVhe did hot open tiie door im She begged hirft to trait jot a monnent find she wotild 'let, him in. Having . ' hoddled on a few c'oaths and ihrowft 1Ml" 1V"V"' H. . ' ... ex. .1 f board about four hun- j 1 some iigiitwoocr on tne nrc, sne ogcuw tne w JOSEPH. ROSS part of his lot Street, now occuuiea by ILL sfcll that part of his lot aa rayett- bvai isrs It . v rrnrt. r...vt ra Fennell. Coodm. -i- 4.rar. lUmliri. Hare. C llama. L lu-ll.J Hrit llujn Larduon. Hill. !l,ki Wn. .loe: llertfard jordau Jovf cr, J. l.tpn, K,U. rLlp-tnci. Lar.icr i Jf cn. : r.oir, L3nKJ. vM...c, Mebane. ncr Maitn, M.ltt.s Ne Ow,-. IV Tl.f Vrarre. ruck It- Liddw-k W. R.adick I llfr hum. . S s-yer. Simmons. Sa.nner lcJrl li.n,elcr. Spencer iH IT t!r.,ii U'.aii. N jnhampton Count ytf a. "s soun as such Uucr shall ccme to band I 1; i ro ar.d sec iheboy.aud if he should ptovr. ! iouc the bov abovadcscMbctr win g ve iwvn 1 rive dollars DoUtrs. and ifdJ.v.rcd to me , I ;D this County I will &iv Fifty Dollars. ! U. ii. lr niers .0 me Sta'es of S Carolina, r.nre.ii anJ Tcnr.tsee wi the above j tu their papers tor two weeks and forward then accuuti to mc, I will Py.ero. i Bertie Coimtyj 29tb Nov. 813 (4i2t their money in prort.abU properly. ' KaU.gb, Dec. 22, 1813. fifty Dollars Reward, 4: lUiLElGH FRIDAY DSCEliUlili 24, 1813. Owing to the difference of opi nion which exists in the Legislature ion the subject ol the equalization f of the Land-tax, though it is belie v- H ' r 1 .lit capital to be one million ot dollars, di tided into shares of forty dollars eftrh, to be pid in thirteen instalments The subscriprion books to be opened at Da vis's Hotel in the city of Washington, on the 1st Monday in January nex. The bhRk to commence dong buainess after the 2d instalment is paid up. Salt works have lately been complet ed y Messrs Reed Jotiirson- 8c Co- at Ore.enbush, P. which prOre tb he vef f rroduciive. Virh fotty kettles bhly, I they M-e st-dted nave maae tmviy j bushels of salt oei dy- l. ' U The olhce ot tne state ireasury, in Charleston was broke open on the night ol the 1 5 inst. for he purpose oi' plun der, but the villain, or vilLins. were dis. appointed, as no money had been left there b: Hole. V"-'0 V 3 . . . t ii.n Wide. Tahtcrro Wr.giti "J TJlucn. Me,r Je.se dani,. V. Harrirr.W.Brj.n. JW' Blk nt i ltran Bairre. Canijbel. Cutbner -o.an. U llry aa 13 kk Cook. Car- mons, ghlfoot, . . . a i . - 11 1 111. a in Moore. M'-uHoh. "c'c' " 'Slcw iTc bdl to equate the bndta, wis indefinitely postponed, 63 to 59, . Wedreada?, Ir- . W. R. Pickett fas elected Isc, std AlcjE-M'MilUn 2d Major Cutalry ol the 12th brigade. tu hill in Taiac a revenue for the rcar 1814, passed its first reading. IN SENATE. Monday. Dec 2 Tbe committee to whom was re ftrred the subject of aUerinr? the time for etcctiiK Members to Congress recommended that n alter.tton take place, but that the Governor & au Ln.ed.io case f necessity, to di rect elections to be bW-Concur- m red with . , . ... r '1-he commUtee on the sufye : of Fortifications, &c. rented a bill providing the means by which the U. States may obtain .cites House and Fortifications wuh in tbi? State, and for ceding the Jupllo thereof to the U. States ; a bill o authorise the Public Ireasurer, to borrow money Tor the purpese ol pro viding means for the public defence ; and a bill to provide means to fur nish luppUes to the militia which may be railed into service during the year 1814 which bills passed their first leading. OTOLEN frcm Ue Subscriber, hving in ea tnat iucj c. i& " j lO aeecomb CcoJit, ten mile abova Tar. j; jlollses in favor of the mcasurethe 1 1,3, t.i. 1'Jiurui. ie 9iU inst about half worn, a dark bay also a mas sjddle, ilbill lor assuming theDirect Tax JmeB. Rifchardson, President in i th Sci.ate of the Slate of S (Jarolijus vas expelled from that bef! onlh? iiibt. only one disseiitinc vt;iCe (w ich 1 nth ricHible UK. M. aj'has been lost." U was yesterday in- s Col Wm; B. VilcMl his sbn iu kiits, ins a ,114s occiiauai. j law Mo was heard lv counsel. Kf old saddla bags a nocei puto , .via, x Commons, 73 votes to 48. lno Si. JJ A I Suspension Bill has been re- uckaor, he has resijed in our roighborhoM ! v jved again, and it is thought it M ill r' labour eight m.n.ti s. h-r tS. ast xMnow ass. The ,sU5pension, if the ! 'months hat lived i my Um-If j a.-- I.a j .. j prcsent form wjH j . - I Th- IOWCU ! '" r ! 1 . U firat rmirta m I Tl I j ' UcWsou is a man about vj yeais ui expne ai "i 4 j v i !ig..tcomp!exioii,abcuisia teeth.gh, oi a j Jt is expected that the Legisla- I smooth and easy adares. am vj ltble from -aviag an nv Jto.v moio , h t i i.nr.iiliy when niUiio.wd, or CYtSl "I tur will ViiP tO-TYlorrOVV. bUl - !i After the 1st of next month, all . , hi-. vi will i a 4upr-11 Vt 1 nrtrrpft lor discount, at anv 'zing manner tty lrom sule to side ; vrben , he 1 Bank ' be written upon stamped went away he were a i'5"i Au,vu,lu " wat. with metal buitons, a book greeu m fr j ,,rK orn. with b'.atk velvet SDOCiS U" w - . m.rnl new VM I . ... t L .1, liUtfl T I h boes ol a dxab cassimir wan ; - oTn at heei and eye seam. . nf r.bbed oantaioons, cf a dtep parpic ft ...M.Af U1V blue or black co.our. ie a.so w - uome shoe lerJicr tcaoy cui c. - -. -. . .h..mikm tools. ue 'K 1 nwil.'Witn sums . . j ji. 1 - t.o thr uaaiPk 1 . ar ia hcr-fo-h!. when ttk.n feet, ine pisie " ' F. P. ecrravea on - - i li.Hirroi.sSes to be acq-tlntcd wuh d.t- tont patuot the Uai.ed State, but most i Darticularly the stnttmems o iS.v d it. tr.bu ary sueams-hfc has f ISueo ly signified a w.sa to see the atate of cSre" . and his occasionally eaqu.r.d t1 lSS?w A u. however, be has taken oe; .rouiaiw lhJU h, na(j obiamcd a He covereu ni - - "-.n r,.e 25 f .rarer J 10 roe. r """" . . .u livired - . 1 H 1.1. . 1 " .... : r. f .ifwi raiei sio en:Tui paperj according to their amount a table oi the rates appears m tne first page of this-paper. We are glad to hear that the State jBank, in orderto accommodate its customers, and to save them one-third of their trouble in attending upoti the Bank for renewing: their notes', and one- third of the stamp duty which the)' would otherwise have to pay, have determined to discount Notes at 0, instead of 60 days' as heretofore. We learn also, that for the conve nience of the citizens of the west ern Counties of this State, the Presi dent & Directors of the State Bank (hare determined tipon establishing an Agency lor the purpose ot dis counting Notes, at Morganton. Wasbingtor Dec .8,1813. A bill to impose an Embargo on all the unarmed, vessels within the norts of the TJ- States, has passed the two houses of Congress, and by this tim is a law. It received the signature of the Speaker of the lloime of Renrcsentativcs and the t president of the Striate aUutrhali1 vast acquisition to our country, aa . thest law.J He was heard fv counsel. AMERICAN M ANLT'rCTU!ifi.S There is one p ?-snge in the Preii' deni's JVlessaj.ye whk h is of so pleasing a nature, as to deserve puiticular ob servation namely, "If the war, (says he) has increased tire interruption of our Commerce,it hss at thesp.me time cherished and rnuHinliH ourManufaa turcs, so as to make us independent cf all other countries for the more "essen tial branches, for which we ought to In dependent on none ; and I even tipiJv ly giving them an extent which will create addition staples in our luture intercourse with foreign nations' Frotfi almost every part of thfe Uni ed States, we tlsilf hear of the discovei ry of valuabie mines and Tmnerals, und of the. establishment of some use ful branch of manufacture oF iron, glass, Sec. Iron and glass wards are already brought to , considerable perfecuon in PittsburcTf aestinea one any to oecome the Birmingham or Sheffield of Americv liut move especially in tne woouen and Cotton branches, we have the-most flatleri" K accounts. Th introduction of the Meiirio breed of sheep from Spain, was an srequisition infinitely more raluable to our country, than the drsco very of an hundred gold vmns As to our Cotton works, they are making rapid advances not only in, tho E&st. cm, but also inthe middle and south ern States toroe of them within a few miles of BaJrimore, (see the article in our last page) Tbe manufactures df Cotton Btenkcts in that city ia abtJdy brought to great perfecuon. They are equal in usefulness to those broughi from England, are ono half cheaper, k -much superior to them irr beauty. We consider this new branch, alone, as a GOOr, lt ;TU5 am -tn apu y -t-r Yir tK s'avp. rf her? nfeichbour , M r Bootnght's 1 She derrtandea 01 hint what rhe wanted. He informed ! her with an authoritative air, that he, had come los eep wnn ner. mug, quainted with the ie 'ow, she repliedy vith confidence, that,he tnust be drunk and dbt of his sensas. f Hone ofptiX airs (rep'ied the ruffian)' my mind' is made up, I wil4 sic n that bed to night, br. Mke your lie. Terrified by Kis manner, y et idetermined to, y e d her HFe rather than fcHjbm!t tp his wishes, she yet had courage enough to devise; . a scheme fo her escane, which she carried into insmt -executions ; ' Looking down at his feet, she discoV vered that they were mudtlv: Why , (sAys-. she) ycu cannot think to s'cep io niy bed with sikh feet these you must wish them " The fellow think ing himself on die eve bf accomplish- ing his wishes, very reivJily assemed totheieims. And she pouring sorne; water inio a noggin, seated him in a chair on ihe heanhi with his back to wards 1 he rst of the room' Stepping backv s:ie seized an axe which la on j hi table near the door, and ere then 5 h i ! she w'ybleil the axe with siich tremen- wdouii irtct uporv his skull that he; fell rkJlrl ii1t'fl 'nut rif th hrtuefi nnrl ... made tKe best of her way through the rain arfd gloom of thenight to her Vicigh -bpr M r Bool Wright i o him she dfc- v closed the terrific even s which had just - ; iiauaptii.u , wiieii ue rrpueu,n a man-' rip tri?it thi him irrprlit. that Ua tuoa sorrr to lose such a leitow : but. thttt so far from blaming her j he eOmmend',,, ed the spirit whicb she had exhibited in the ijefencr- of her iftue,' Persons were immediately -unt to the scene of these transactional where tne. evidences of her heroism were placed before therm So efTectriallv hsc her arm, nerved, bv clesperation arid terror, fallen uporV his akull, tht in ihe act of tumbling into tne hearth from Mb stooping pos. tur, his brainf. fallen jfrenn their.ca-v vity into the ricrggin between his feet. ", MAR 111 ED. 1. ' v . . m Jt ... ' ' . . '' ; A M A v i.vauiure Mcir vvmcneeier, t Virginia)' ' on the ULh irist Mr. Josplr Gales, 'Saul of .Waahinirton citv. tto Misa,. Jni'.gM 11, fAi r rt . c. - Otithe tGthv Mpchti Wiltiamsi mer.- ltt of Chesterfield cotiotyVirr.' .s in Northampton aountv nn ti ifitK ::iV Mr. Uodenc B. Gary to Mis Uercca Pac y liUe bvrauabi. to Mis RJ. -fi h u x- ' At Hillsbpro ort tbe l3th in.r ?iCr' cf-.-c Rckhart, aed 55 y ara fter a lfnirhp umeas ot u.ree roontha' vhir). V i. " - 1 iiiun& Will :-a. -.t- I iuiai Circle VlJSSS:r.,'.h'.,'-e ' 1 7 . 'TTiwimreea. vin con . d Wltl1 th aafaS rccpUe uon 01 ber norntus nrtuek ' : - - 1" ; ' j. -. i ,4

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