N 1 ?U''fr:::rx ' 11 her irthe r;ftU iLv--' t!rVJttoa 4xiTO frlsOusE ds.EPJtrskVrATXV htbmi ii KTHommi the United Sta-ep rt( Vu J?.VxsT1 v-r. ..-a -4 .;.rrjV'.II parted h& petition.: and 'ibit ThomU-It; i.n.ri;i'. t&k & s"::UnRrrysixAr nFFJCEKS w 'put; into xlose f . OEcrrVand others, . lately, put into dose connnciiiwiu tu jm Another gentleman . alsopasscp. 1 above vessel informs, that &rv rrwaAiEKiCAN had been put mro cwspu Ui.ii xi,i;f x oincTs rtccatlv received the United Statcsj state, that tW Hritisb naval' Jorcejon .iac . -n tntricao ution consists of 106 yc rcl,otrviz? l3of7gun,,2of iof50, 1 of. 44, 2 of 4011 !f W 8 of 3a, 6- of 32, 2 of 28, of 20, 28 of I8t Gof-16, lot 14, 8 of 10fand 4 of 4 arnouiu :ne ia the whole lo?l39 guns.1 1 Tm of the petty officers. pF the. Chcrapec frigate, baring been ref. Wicd from close ;connncmcnt.; ai Halifax ten-umisnomccra wno bve been closely confined, in, Jps Mich jail, in' retaliation, have been likewise released. J j Boston Jtn Last evening, tvra persons were coramiued to the jl.1 In' this town I in achargcx)t niuif I nLAoun. Tbcy were apprehjtnded in. Ber wick, in pursuance! of a, rarrant from the hon. Judgv .Story, by Mr. Thcxier, deputy marshal, ' and con ducted by him "to this plate. We understand the charge aliedged a jainst them, is supplying the British shbs off Cane Harbor with cattle, 1 Biudocton. Dec. 26, The Rntih ire colleciiDr their force f tnd furjf;inc on hc'nortb bank oi the S . Lmrcncc, opposite to Salmon rWet, 1 lie ioir icrwrrrou of : UKinsoa s ;mv; and have alo strongly fortiSed ihr t!edarst a narrow ptisage into the bJL wrencc, which fort tnit bcUken belo e we cjn'pdss tb .Monireal In sensequeoce of thisttep of the enemy, General Wilkinson has refused any funher fu?aughs, and recalled those lrcaJy giTen. General Irard is fst etdiuing, rA hU rccaTcnr is despaired L CsL Purdy uccecdi him. - , , . J FROU THE SOirrilii IN DOItOER. , Mt!larcyUl. lec 22. BrtgadicT General ploy d, we are bfarmrd, has written to Maj r Ge errs! P nkoc , hthe is fast rcover r lrom his "ate Wound ; and ex pe.u to txr able hortv to resume the t.-mmtnd of the armv. A trer from n officer in the U. ?L.t- my flt Camp Pinckncy to a crn'JciT.an in "tli nla- e, dated 7th irst. jrives informatipo. that thr-Pa- tr ot tnd Kovaltsts of East Florida 7 reVu to combrornise their qu ir-1 . i . i ' . rr. : . l I icibs iotiovrs: incj n.yauis pro- tce to give up to the Patriota the Uods oi the nnrtn of S John s cm- j pritir.g about half thk Province, and pkm a crneral amnesty. The Le B'!tive Council of tbe Patriots had been ctinveod to dejiberate on the rropcssl, aod appointeo Gen. Harris and Cel. D Uto confejr with the Spa a'ih Acrntfk at Poiat Pettr on -the llth trtan. An armistice had been rgrmi 03 till the J5th inst. and it is lupp std their differences wH be fi tIy settled. f A t'imvj hi- fvrrecl us with tbe fckwWv.t txtra t of a letter from an ( ctr n Geo. Floyd js army dated . Fort sfitcbell Dec. 12. 41 1 ?.h n!cstire give you the oc i'rer. in Camp since you left rtFe ; J.ilcy and Mostly were dea ptHtd z p t s to the Tatapoosce -,nr r-t-,rrti three davakago and re yr.rl t-.j ii:e lriaa5t0i Ialbsee utJO'.re mi)W(l dnvti . to J'Y?h.)t waivlee 6ir tpilea below our JtK grouwl, where according to l'r tatr,i4enl nil x hbsti.e towns a;onctntratiig. . 'i ic atatemrntof " Y u ntr,s or -pes. relative;, to Oak u'Ket are somewhat 'contradictor) , r'r l1 car gli'er, Dumber " J lr,:!,it,rs exe in our battle, fd mMre ef chera hate tince gone ntne Tr.hpooseej There came CAwt-tcau Isst week about 3000 i'Uianthe Chic's ettimatq.thrm ?taWuiOO able bodied1rWv .'The lower chiefs v,uch r he fticndlv conduct of the Flori v Ioduns Kunner arr' rarVrl pi i n .i - - v I Quarter MaaHr Tocaille 4 si recc-criog I r. 'Jespaxhzs to pens. Flournoy, H-ki-q and Adtma-i-tbo-e to the former ofHctrs to fctuit in about -Mr,Cbtti cf cfrota the com ejjteq on ottg Affaifi, torrf wi rfem;d ihe J FrciidentV leitige of 'ho 5 b lilu rcDohed ! biU to prohibit ejrtDBoming of shTpi or iemtt oTthV Jt9ioUhelIo4 and ;i w od -boatd v ihe VnmV;; captured by thenemieifK;reof;,:frw binfo'r1be oott at ion I a wiv by forbiddinW the cbwr Tbete biUcre twice retdtnd re ' ' Ontnotiorv of; ivit. ' Humphriea; f f Tenor- !f -f : . 'lJ- " ;V" : l?u?!re; Thxx thrM tt'a Committee ib it)srrcicd to cnQcUa uifAht txpedicxKr of nUking an appropnatian.br law ior tbtriy.J mttt ff.4 detachmcm' n'C the mUtia .oFTtn fitm9-ordntd lato tervVcr by tbe, Executive I nrtiit lncuulon or Inchani, and guardpg and prottclinr ib 'frontier i whicb jdetatlment cemmtnded by Biig.Cfeo,N.Tbomas Joho. ton ; - ' ; Tne.hwM ag?ln resf?ed iislf into a cammitie of ,ne nfr0e oa tbr bill hu rnormng a suofCiiptton io inc socr ox ? he 'Chesapeake and Dclwre, Cn. I Company ; and afer discii8air:nl bt sug- gis icq n Mr. Mcot, the further con sideration of the blPw as. postponed to ;d m lt 'he order of the day for Moh dy; wctk. 13 " ,:5.. ' FrVday .December .31 A rts wii;ia U-u;rtceied ea- iirciOre of the higi scnie jTtht gallant i'mduci of Lt, 'Wrti Burroughs, de ctiatdt and of Lt. iMT-alVand the crtii uT the U' Si brig E itrrp'rlte in the cap Untf the QriUahfbrig; Boxer whicl car- wis a!;o ;iiire read and committed to t be im: committeer r Hi Speaker laicVbefcrs heJHottte- better f-qm the Commiisio'oer of. br Lshd OfTice, tranwtttirg general ex . uotitinn.of the iesourcea and kituaUut offhJr Unitcd jritatea in relation "to tfi Pub!Jc Lands which was t irftrredh" the committee on public Lands, and cr der-d to be piint-d. " . "' ' t t M Eppes o! Va. from the commit tee of .Waya and Mtaia, reported - hd to amend en ct entitled f An act liyicg duties on notts of bmks, banke s tpd certain companies, tnd notesbonda snl bligations discounted b? binks bsnk cra and certain companies, on bflls of excbinge of oertain description,; ' Tibch wts twice reid and e .mmittrd. : J M . Bradley, of Veimon , aaid it was well known, that U'e in ht last session of Co crcas he had off-red resolution for enquiring tnto'tfce causes of thedis ast:ra on our frontier, which bid not received the apr-robation ef the H u" IThe obiectinna to ihe course which he thvn propcrei to pa'sue appeared now t' have lo-t murhof thtir force, wbOa the rcaa'O which recommended its a do;Hioa hrd daily gathered strength. He now again prcuoied to offer a likt reaolullon tuthe Hoo-e, onder the per- l f?rn i Kfi nnn.r nv f irnimitinCf S it nceasarT-. If a chancre were efeii Jikriy to wke place in the state of our . . . ... t t- I..- rj present reta'ioas 10 ircfgn p-JwcF, juv ntice to the" parties' concerned required the adoption of the motion, it int war continued the enquiry was doubly ne cessary, that it might' be made- more efficient for the fu ute.; Mr. B. aaid, he would hot itntieipate any "objections to hia resolution, but would con' crt b'ra self wUh cbserting, that it waa founded It) a sense of justice to the Executive, and not inconsistent with that confidence justly "duet to It. He had adopted a phraseology, too, which be , believed woyld remove many of the objections urced to it at the last session. Under these impresdons he proposed the fiL lowing resolution : ' RttolvcJ, That the President of the United Stati a b requested to cause to be laid before this Hoote ary information in hia possrtimn not improper to be comrounict'td,, which may lend to illffirttte the causes pi the 'allure of the arms of the United States on the northern frontier. f Mr. Troup of Geo. spoke at length ga:nt Ihc resolution ; but it wes Car ried by'yeat aad Niiys, I37 to ;.3:4 r( On motion olMr. CJrouchof Pa. . . fiera'tcd, IbAt th ccmns ttee of Ways and Meaarbe Iniuoctrd to enquire whether any, and, if iny, what altmoous amendment are neccitary iobensde by raw in the act re larive to eitablhior the compensation ef col lectera of the cus:oni of tie Unitd States; and ihat they have leave to report by bJl cr otherwise. . ' ' 1 - - I Monday JahZ y . ' . Mr. Eppcsof y.lrom4the commit tee of Waya aOd Means, tepdrted a i ill nuking truin" jjattial appfopriallbna for the si rvice Ot the" y ear 1 6 1 4 ; abd a bill to laroerld the 7th section of an act io lay and coellct a dirpct taxwuh- 111 lilC y UlUlvHJ jav.1ub' ' vw time allowed ip the ttates who have aa aumed their quota of the direct tar, to pay in the same) w,hich;waa twice read and committed . , . j r Mr: Fisktof Vh from.the commit ter of Elections made a report oh' the . , - f ? ;PPrt on. ihe ly cootcatuig- the" is,a suungjacjas J petition of lr. Kelly 1 contesting- the iaacucaof Mr. IJarris, trliU roerchajidlie br.v other mlclei iei onder..tfKr wme'-.' :l'-Jk l . , , 1 he ergwitcdnt, for ibeppnin:; raent tf an.pddlric ht) judge inlhriM. i ur territorywVi read athtrd limf and report mitt e e ,o f t h e whole y. :;' i 4 ; - lr AVebser of ; H?- wd that it would, be remembered chat at, the last aessiooa roessago was recei?edj by lawer v to cenain, resoluUena' of the House, jeladf e. to. the . repeal bfthe French decrees. ;Th message ras referfed tq. he committee on , Foreign Ttei&tipba, who made thdr report.N . On this report, the House dinot act' at that; session?1, ,J now rise, iald MrW. for; the prpose of submiltlng a motion which sball again bring the aubject be-' fore the 'House.- I. mean, air, that the raessaOT and-report of the Committee of Foreign Relations -thereon, be again rcierircu iame; BBtne- i unoersianq snch-a reference, or some similar pro ceeding, to be necessary.1 in order 'to bring the, subject again negiilariy bei J xore us l am induced to this, as wel by theintrthsic importance of the mat ter ' contained inhcV report of the 5ec ret Jry pf State, as by; an unwi hngness that the1 manner tTn which the' resolu tions' of the Housfe were answered on .that occasion should quietly pass Inter a: precedent I deprecate, the' , idea, that when Ihis House, which is the in quest of the nation calls for information on certain, specific points, the call is to' be answered by an elaborate argu enti and that such argument is to be nolden to be conclusive on the judge mcntoftbe Huse and nation; The subject to which the message and the report of the. Secretary relate, has lost none of its importance. It remains an object of great interest, to those es pecially who havevbejen and -still are dissatisGed with the professed grounds of the war It was referred to a com mittee of the whole. On motion of Mr. Pickens of N. C. the House re?oWed itself into a com mittee of th'e wholeon the propbsition to amend the Constitution of the Unit ed States so as to establish an uniform mode of election of electors of Presi-1 cieni ana vice rresiaeni oi tne united States- . . , - ; ' Mr. Pickens, in a speech, of corsi- derate length supported his motion. lNlr F;ndly spoke for a few minutes in opposuion to the resolutions ,Mr-; Gaston decidedly ..supported them in a speech of about half an hour- When tho committee rose without 1 I ' - W i i ; i e pone a progress ana ODiaineu learc 10 tut again , , Tuesday y January 4. ; Mr Troup ofGeq from the Corn mittec on Military fifoiTay'rt ported a bill allowing compensation for horses owned by militia or volunteers and kil led or lost in the service o' the United States ; which was twice read and com mitted. 1 -Mr. Lowndes of S. C. from the com., mutee on Kaval ArTairs, proposed the following resolution : . ! . . FtflvctL Tba the President of the U S. fye reqt.es ed to preieiit to the' nearest male relative of Captain James Lawrence. ' a gold medal, and a silver medal to each ef the com miisintxl nors who served under him , in the sloep of war Hornet in her conflict with' the British vessel of war die Peacock, in tes timony of the hjeh sense entertained by Con cress of the gallantry and gebd conduct of the officers and" crew in, the capture of that vessel. And the President is also requested to communicate, to the 1 nearest relative of Capt .Lawrence, the sense which Congress entertains qf the loss which the naval service of the U. 8. has since sustained in the death of that distinguished officer. i. . The resolution was twice read and referred to a committee of the whole. The bill making certain partial ap propriations for the service of he year 18 14,' passed through a committee of the whole. Some discussion took place In committee of the whole, not on tbe bill but on a complaint of Mr. Pitkin, that the general estimates for the en suing year' had no yet-been laid before the House. In reply it was remarked,! by. .Mr. Lopes, thai the course now pro posed was not novelj hut had frequently before taken place, of making a partial appropriation when necessary, before the general estimates for the s.ervice of the year were made out. The bill was reported to the House, 8c ordered to be engrossed for third reading, ' ! i The Speaker laid before the House a report from the Acting Secretary of die Treasury, transmitting. a report of tne. unector oi tne iViini on tue essays of foreign gold - ; ' ; On moti-n bftMr. Lowndes ofoS. C. the Houseresofted itself into a corn ( .mittee ox the wnoie, on tne resoiuuons expressive of he sense, of Congress of ihc merits oi several ot our naval neroes who particularly distinguished 4hefn selves during thei.past summer. - .MK Lowndes of S. ; C. made ,avery eat and pertinent" speech on ihe" mer its of those achievements wnich are the. subject of these reiolutions. 4 i , -On raoti6n"'1qf j Mrl pickens of f C the f House apain resolved itself into a committee of ihe whole,-on Mr.;Pick-j lion. so as to establish an uniform mode j of election bf elcctora of President and V: L.rr ; " ... .. . - - :i , rwno sics)Uk uvui wurot religion inw(,etB cf The Kiot i Mr.a Wight spoke in support of the f and humahfiyVbehatlvbn induct to resolution;knd Mr. Shipherd tgamst it. -; fampl tM mOmMint literary woli jir, Pickens replied. .!'.: .- , ' 'yyA' vice rrwwucm. , The follriwirhT resolution waSnfaid on the table by Mr. Jackson df :gitaV J?$ves&k -attfie- Jouwing'a,rU0le be propo sed -io the Leii la tu res of the seve ral Statesaa aroertdmeAta to" tbe Ccnatitutioh of the p Sfateseacbjof which wben.Vai.fHd by "three fourths of tle ,sid LecisIaVures , shall he. valid to all Jntents and purposes. fas part of the Said Constitution : , 'r i f; , ,1; Copgresa ah all have power tdiay a taxi or doty not. evtcedm u eir centum ad valorrtnon articles exported from any state. ' a i Congress V shall have' newer to raalcB i roads3,ai.y itate; .V,4 . i trongres shall have power to mate ea nals in Iran f 'state,' wim the consent of the State With in i wbitb tbe same j&atl be made? ! 4 Con press shall have power to establish a national bank with braiicbea fbereofin any j axate.- -. , . . - --a. .w- . . .' ; Mr. Vr!ght, from the committee on uiivsuojeci, roppriea a oiu esiaoiismog, an siniorni1 mode of election of t Sehiv tors- and Represeptatlves lb Congress, L'which was1 twice read and committed. I ''-MrEalbddrh.' of ;hib. intiuced; sul5ect which was before the -bouse at. the last session, Viz. the appointment of av commntee to enquire CfotiV jthe eapef, diency of providing more eitetiially & ecdnom icall y for, the prptecuon ofthe north westcrp frontier 'against the in cursibns ofsavagesjkc; by "granting do nations of lahTd to actual sfettlers&c, ! " The resoluiion was referred to the 'niUitairy.;e!craM , The bill malting certain partial ap propriations for theV ear 181 4y was read a third rne land .passed. Th ?main "apprbpk jtioti in the bill is a million and a half oidollara on account of the ex pence of the military establishment. The tesbluuon reladyp to the brilUant exploit of the deceased Cant. Lawrence and the crew of die Hornet, in' the capture of the Peacock, was read- a 3d time, passea unanimously, ana sent no the Senate for cbnctirrehCe. V ) The house resumed the order of the day on Mr. Pickins'a 'proposition or amending the consdtulion, sokas'to have a uniform mode oF chusing Electors of rresiaent ana ,vr resident ot tne u a. The report1 of the committee of the whole was against the! resdlutioh.--Messrs. Wright, Macon,- Alston and Gholson f poke against the reports when its further consideration,' was postponed till to-morrow, on mbtidn of Mr Gaston Mr. Taylor ofN York offered a 're-' solution instructing the judiciary conv 1 ! mittce to enquire into the expediency of making n the duty of the Attorney General of the V S to keep his office at the seat of Government during the session ef Congress Agreed to. The house went into a committee orf the biir to amend the 7th section of the act,to lay and collect a direct tax, which was gone through, and ordered vto be engrossed, i ! Thursday Jan., 6 k. ' The bill to amend tmydirect tax law was read the third time and passed Mr. Murfree offered a resolution to inuuct the miliary committee to en quire into tha expediency df empower ing the President, by and with the ad-' vice of the Senate, to appoint a Lieu tenant General to command the armies of the U. States-Mr, M. stated the ground of his motion He aid that it was uecessary to have an officerwho should be responsible for the conduct nf lh ctrmv.n thwt ll shflnM nn ronnirAr la long investigation to find out where! error or .misconduct ayt in 1798. said he, when a war. was apprehended with Francesuch art oSTicer. was deemed becessary, rand it is certainly more necessary now. Had we such an officer there would be no necessity . for the; Secretary of War to leave his office for the seat of war. After some obscrva tions from Messrs. vVV right 8c Fisk, the motion was agreed to without a division, anu tne resoiuuon ncs over ior lunner consideration, ' .... MrSharp of .X'y, after a number of introductory remark!, offered the fol- lowing resolutions; t r v ' ifetolved, That , the rnrlitia of 'these U. l r the territories thereofr when lawfulle em- played in the service ofthe U. S; are subject to the same rules and articles as the troops oi toe United Mates. . . i - That every person not subject to the rules J and articles of war, who shall procure ior en- TI tice a soldier in the service of the U S. to desert, is guilty of ah infraction of the laws ot the TJ. S. and subject to punishment. That his Excellency Martin Cbtttendenj Governor of the State OF Vermont, by issuing- ma proclamation, uavea ai j.vivnipeiier on tne 10th orJov. in the year of our Lord I8i 3, did entice soldiers in the service of the V. States to desertTherefore. '' ',. v. ?BsoxwBf,.That tjie Presldeftl of the U. S be, ahd he ia lifreby Ttujjuested to ' instruct tlie Attorney General to institute a prosecu tion against the faid Martin Chittenden. , 1 After, ..soiyef debateiV the resolutions were ordered to lie on the table The house resumed the consideration i pf.the report f the comniitteecof t be w bole on- M r Pickins motion, which was debated jbr' sor nime'when the message from the President on theaub. ject ofpeace negociationa, waareceived. anq Caused a ppstponemetiu 7 a .- "C MrV Wheatbb biseme.the'ipetMoii of raul Coffee,, avfrmaiT dfrcoloin4 , who states,that from motivtMiof reheioo IburexTpopIe to eff ctthe object of hfaM uridekiftgileferled; tc'W" ivr. X4JKcr50ii:suDninica .aretJjuuo;Ai:,x:5i;:r ibr'ihe appoiiitnientlof a cojnnmijteejid revise-theaws.reailatm;gthQG Pbst OfBce, in'relatioii ttrmmentf ap'ybf the Heads of Depar'tmebti 03uld v ahused:ttnigb b used torie: worst oitprpsesV iTbe restdutioh wa agreed tbv3tt0v53;; j.:-f ; i, ir uros?enor moved that thexynttiAt mitteei imUry to enquire imoa Utiona'-jby wiicij.:rb(ipabs'.f rhrvihr& General appoints band ot Officers ttomj?MI$ti&Wvf onerTofjhe ambuntmgltdfiqt'iess than ont amy.'rej:obtatned foitc ; oflrtcris yyvt j 1 therebly andVwhtther they; o&Wto;;bM rKiixEU nramnnfn. t i nrren in 11 . .sj.i.nii.tTT.i'J -1 n biMVtriakib'an'Kp .n anda baU.5qn 3&iuM a .million . ti$iti&r$: raepitiiient iiijr'amonaifiijipp Ihenr.'-latter :sdme' "tlebitey I was '' agread AlciJff notice; f HkRffBY g;ye BOtfce thai 1 Will prVsecote 4- with the ir r.ost i fcevr HUttct. potion and, peisons, thai shaii y i mot or . tonsrire to violate1 or PfeWdeot cTtbe United States titcbf n Td4 pt liptn, Eqairs (ani 'b1sass6cisieJj iV aiiy placef f p .state, at or sown uainrnt'f, wupir me juidicuea ofUbe Unitd Statei;: idfr, co vrr or-cdior ct a law passeo uvune uncrai In. : TVirrttti 1h tUtPVn. of I saHI State Wkth Steam &aS: . And 1 do; ak atney'cd for said patentee' amd.hm;aa$cates,:,rctesi..y.4 zgvTist thef sai taw asvbeinjg; ibrreptKioUsiy w fyfr and to-"wls suggestion ofcttincd.: .i ; . V- JOHN D. 1E LACY. Raleigh, Jan. the lOtb, 1814 COTTON filRTTNOl T G AL.ES hu jiiit received frptn jdie Ma J nutactory, a supply .ot Uotnestiq votton h ifttno of an' excellent auaiitv. wh'teti ia'V ..'i: " n - -----. - . b t I ' " fJ2' . ' - I - now oa sale at his Store - r ,'. .' . , ':.. ' ns Z, rF evrTV denommatiop, saiuble'for any bt he Banlcs ib be'lbad atJ: alesfSe JFR IDAY, ikVi AttY J4, l8I4 ' h-sessUri.-. XMl' the oaee of. erred.. -p:imP0 aiifaxthat the acts of i 5t IUC OUpiTIUC WUi It has' be en deteirrninec. .Inn a tVfHTl HallfaXti the General ,sav.mbly of this irtat,comin.only cahed the Suspension Acts. aH unfeonstttu " tio,nat , the Court grounds it decision on, 1 deral Lonstitutlon, which ia it Kese woMsy X?, HX S 'b Sate shall enter fntoiany treaty; alb ; t;ixjjfi 'XXXri juice or confederation t - jr cunt k letters of r marque ana repr of credit ! make ?er coin a tende anv bill" of; attainder. K Pnt facto, t,w. orr tended to take a JV nt of IJrroi to te prewe Court, of the. United ; Ji ates but, on examining the'act df Congress; it was disctw vered that, the above case was not cine of those enumerated in the ,25th section of ihe t nf Entitled An 'at5t ti' establish the Judicial Courts of the United states.' words 'Thjft a final judginent or decree inj -I U1S VCCIHMIIV ill tuc iuug(ti ahv suit. .in the; highest court ot taw pr cgM'.y ot a. state m -i - l L. :.. which a deciaionVin the suit couiQ-pe naa, where is drawn in question the Validity of , treaty or statute ofi or an tuitlrority exercised nndi-r,h ii. S and the decision us arainst ; low impairing tne opuganon oj contract, or ' ;f & - , grant any title of nobility" ; Alrw;,!.: ua- v.'BtM-r l nieL who was counsel fof the Defendant, in-X iVjf sf r J their validity $;drwhere.'. i;ldrawn ' .asX-X'-Mft lidn the validity of sT statute bf, or an auiho- v pjXil rity exercised etrder any .state, onine gruuni (f thfir hrinfr renusnant 10 the COJtsUtutkw, Itieatiea or laWaaftbe U- btaie, and the de- cision la in Tavdr ot saca tneir vaiiany j or where m dr&wn in'ouestion the conbti uet'on , o f any.clause of the consd.tHioii,, or of treaty, or statute of, or commission held un der the U-5t and the decision is against tb title, richr. ortviieireor exemption, bpecialiy sfet un or cUimed bv f either, pary,v ,onder . -- . . .i' 1. 3k- in the nresentcase, the-' Itahri'havede cided acaihsCt the act of the "Staid, and the rOefendant ha no riht; to his Writ of Brror. fi id the decision; beenjn favor and- in sup port of the act? of tiie atateXhthe :Ba1n. have had a 1VYtttf lErrrir, Ai-cord Rfri AVilbsNewsom, of.thWcouuty. to Mors Betty Hollomart, of NbrthSorptoo,: i O , in rerson couffty on incuw i uiv ir. .uo maaarker to. was I auca clause .ot aaia . nsmuuw.ijrij , ., il i fatattite 'brcomttUsidi,'rtiay'be reSeiamiaed .t-;-M2ll fikhm Aiid , reversed of-affirmedi tht? Supreme ). ?$$M' Court of ihe 2nUedf Slates lipon arit-of : X l ing to theihore ejenlioned act 01 uonjess y &i& 'n '. Mr. Daniel UaS raised yberrX'VMi 7 itia thiareootthossejoes:wi,b.wfi. IIP ! mcK iiniir. inf nntinsOQ iw 1 now ui. -.r v.v '! 11-r . in-Nortfiamtrtori ioun-oth :23rd ullaXXr 1iO;l'X ; onj-;ih fit -.iijrvfei , f. xtJj Sir 1 in qrange coun'T Wilbite;DlGuilford CbristmaseHdest daugt ef cf J U?8 W,St masvBsojure.XvH?;: ,5 '';.;.U.ifs?'JJJSl, . ; - 'XAuUrie Obio:" he i;tttrin WnsiimWibn. f)&?iU mat id M itf. t 44 yeara,:therEdUiotf rfctAmrycanrf?.. WriVtitor of Ihermatoii vatAU, AK3jJjite Wcan.- X J -XllXpm-:i coitdttctbttof Tbe liot a,i rfc- aaA''-41t?J?.rXi :-! -; :il?tXW U, i Cf it X' XX' l. 8' lr . 6 c 'intf lpe ;thi A :WMiJ.;?V;i5?Sir if? .1111 w- lintel 1 fh ,1.111 :XX'-3'A X.KJM..Xrr.- , uXU'X;t .Xf -Xf 4feXX..: ;4!4p.'i'M' X" XX Xx. ; X'SxIlXX' X"f Mm ... . MSA 7 y.- . x '...,1 ,,?ifH s-v-;; '. J -f-iti;': . :XX,Hv. 4- i' 1 frd t V X x- ! wM :" x .VI V ,1

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