1-M.M,MM-M,M .. . i i ,mmmmmmmmmmm7'7mr'' f 7"'" t"'l-M'fM.'-'l-H 7 -7 V;': -7-7v:7 r;? T'Mr ' - ; - msmmj&m-r: ivftn;4 mmmmmm .V. bent? It ii out pears wrr. toute .-the .c6unte-nee; pd eh,.Tiidith,tte. br-,tMjontjv .Si&ii iimmim mmmmm -'h,'.fcnn.urn'crt'K1th'E.l'bc .ttw:mrMdDVrr5eeyiW- VgteWM, .SffiiiSiW'l i - C.-.. - V ,...-there. ?ere indiviaOM', ieie crttiyjn '7 be I cue J -to fcveihteoed xhe urm.S . c oancc ct tne cree g-AYrvrrioTc, euec.i prpwfe: ofqrwardipg 'to balhen clo4cdorigloai dpcumt Wbfcftaa rc&diBSthe-bda8cwrth' ot'nn arytn; aaogcablc pppositioD 1 1 hcnivzuixTtfjbLci& fc.uLvti&i rn sad Ft i; 'ibejjtt m ct sad aJsolfor the 1 1 1 J 41- r i.-'i-v - .- re i t 7.: ,,- li-.KVi-r; -T2rv'. .' 2 J 7 7pcctTr-boiteiaot4i.-;"S i r ( I t 1 1 if - 1 V-: habi McrVip "inarched aW"t. tjbilb:.bf t,JbtwniWivr greeted bo siwirt 'ValfcJ Jlblyi Wpecll by Jt o: hfc'body of the cncmV,Vn3cn-tbc lre' bod v LrfmfniMl WitntYforrfthVHatf ' ' ,i if ovcJ tnci jMsoo Bt ijt m fio ; 7 , t epttdations ppjfid TrpmicrjnHa v adewttcmtVdfo n Otv;ihc tnorniog oi inea ore iroeps , Oiff o'er. camelfl virWoftbe toubcaU . - ira xrcnaca- lor uoiy urounoi t-nfijV vis-1 mined lattjj vircuuj? at. 'tceir).ccnepywerc.-ap? . rizeofcurapproachvaca hid cho tea u.cir uctu u jiALViw . r. v laVxcd'tlida:illl5mrJho'lefc ; . rfaoed their ;l"mc ofvwarib.-tMcfly J , X guide ifiejbi When tht JnWn1 f f ; . taort&ig' of the2ot mjdls pni J ' ' . Uuq lbr .attack , wi frtidc;:,! ( thf .riitr'e VWTladvVncroi-sclf i v troop of fr? rejens td.dct'aV ji',coTpi of. ?lurnlltd(km3joftfcvp tonibs vo iczi- 6 Woili Sratei infantry 'aW N cpJutnnr-which was i otnpb$ed pfxrvi.' Htt4 Vbd' Choctaw' Under Push'amut- aCcomqSactJed'bj: fjor Smaot, I tf rri!tta,f hoVerc ordered to charge, couia roxneoerauy imo aciioo, ine - eactny yfite repuUediadwefe flyio" i iltJirectionf,iniujyoftiwin casting ay'tbrirarTas; : i" -' -; : t- : Ibrnj f the en eniyTw ere ' killed, rJ judgfog'from' every appearance . ;ciany w ere wounded 'The ' Jqjs"- on . otxr "part, was onc'cqrporal kvlled, and nne F-pigOf two Serjeant's, oneXori borata fed 1L privates ' vTuiipd cdi ' , . A. pursuit? Vas irnmeiliately or -rrtlt; .but .from tHe ' nature' cdf the Vbuxjt'ry (' Dhi ngcbbld . be jc fTccted, - The tawrl M ntarty surrounded by '.wampsancl uecp ravmcs, wnicn ren- y.foyisldn and'imrocpse proper- u tt various x.nus untcn tne enemv ' :-iflvieeTPu?!werc.iblfrfdVlq -jeavcbchind, araw'sogt their V - f -1- Va 1 n rl r-r knn.rr ' rf. " ;: uoyed;Tbeyi';had-; barety tinted to ixmovx" theif womea'and children a . ! r:'.!..: ia;..--.a 'J' r , 'whcr6 thev . towa stood. - 31 hc next ' day" wita occupied j io; destroy ing. a -to D'coV'isungosUiiousescigh i - .ir.'K a. h iber.upi the Jtay cf and . in ja kir nd L-destroy! a g-t thes enemy's VJ1osts. Av wnt-dcttroyed - Vs'ir4cdri.ree)bdIansof some dis tinaioo'!; arier otrn nrstaestroyed .of mtaVilhgdl, VThe ..leader. W(thtrlord,'Tnoc:f, tad the Choci ..-I c:.-i . r--LLlrLA- Uw uiuumui a sua were uriOwipt v.'X,. CoL'JCar cl ahe - Sd;regtratVt r i United States anfantrvl ' and ? MaVu. ..VStribbt of tbc milhia," rratrydfstiny gushed ineiaseie,. r. lceactivity 7 aod ieal i oCiHt V QuVrtcr iWis. iter General; Cipr Vert, nd.of.my f, : Brigade IaIor,KenhedyJiicruihe appWbatih cf .govxmmenWiX was vHmuch' indebted tb y'Aiat de XXmp r L&trau Caivit of vbunteoat"toXieut.- 4Muwunui ojiiua, wno acted as 1 rl r r - . . ereacur- approata T3i:ocuii ana u : ciHued ; ijbe rscaJif the encmil. Iq the to wn w'efouril Alarge. quantii -lI. f - . I ; Waa buusincelhernmcficmentpf ' , y -"b ost t jUJ es; tad was C5UbUshed aa a 'place of setnry'rcar.ile kbabitanta 7 t propaeiswno restaea; t nreenaw? :k 7 v Cheese! were ongKp'Uaur" ' ;JCo!ooe ainn . of thvc4ttcteeYs' ?;:Tb tVud regjniept hai rctarneg to. Stoddertr fofeltbV purpg$evof cid0 I havi "the Tihdr $a otV if itn .rct i:v : feud; u ciborni i w-tlMi'taid iitrc that ihe-'BritUfi fcarneoter to Massena pjlnuon 6r side. of the St. Ltrf eticV, about720mn:i 1 boyefrech MSlIaandjhattey began to fortifr the Pobki . t5 inke penn v Dem tani there, irhfchV-if ihey culd. bay etftcttOi-.vrouia oarq: giTcn cni jhe cqroplcte comtnand ofine -pasiage of the m cr neat jpringr . Fortjxhc au Ucked them Arufcj hia riflejtxeD killed aeveral, and droVe the rest frona the Point brer the riverand followed ihem ; but after ein 1p Can a hCrtHinie, the enem? cbllccfed so fas tin auch fo'ce batlie Wbliged taeturn..'He bad none kiiira. . . - tos or Tnjf tr.s. acnoownt terezt StR I am sorry to acqaalnt you of Ibe entire loa of the U. S schoon- W FeFrtri TbU vofortunale circam- j Stance" occurred last; rve&ipg,"oa tie ce or men were loat oranjurcd--; 1 Key have lest every intng ocogipg : tar them, and; wotdduffitr muc ws it-not'lor "Bierkinflvvoi Mr;jjar- dercd them many seric l - ; O I am makinc pVeparations to-'prolltachiDfi: toihe Cantondistria in Ohi teed to tne' wrets:;wni a vessel, to save whatr a tickV of; xiggiog." I'k can gtt au . x anvm nopea 10 get some of "her ' cunswhich I threw4 into the. water,! apprehend her 4)nWout in oeep water,' anouiq.-inc u? uguicneu iu.u . viivt ..---w "Tirr ardou-:;..v - ' r- 0r-irtTrl-rfV Mir. tifiifitmn n(n n4. N..ii:t.,'-'n':?l.r.2Ji L Tl ... ''.iir . orBusiqruwflouj jaTc cm on wim a pre portion oi my crew, win inform Vou more-particularly of uhe circumstance whu h the present Jiaste T he House resohred itself into ajCom hm ixs will not allow me to do, as fui- mittee . oSJt the. bill jo provide -fort he . - . . i : .-t -. f - "V ' - -, . ; -Tiit r ,n:.t 'r Com.1;. flDeati commaodio' ::Nfjr officer Chttleston. ' : n m' thf AVn-f i .FROM THE,VtST.JNDIEbr, ?i 4 a - wi"?7 - ia 17 days from Str.i dc Cubo, inConns, that, a few- days previous to sailirgva xwsel arrived thexe.from Foro! Bello, withntcUigenjcd that a ; great battle had been recently fouehti'j Il L . m .'" ''!- ' - -a J in ine neignuornooa oi ice warraccas; AJhavthe honor-to be, most tes- V"SVM' J ctMMr obedient svantii- iSSS 1 between, the Rbyalists'ahd the Fitri-' ihaP lho$ -wbefja tbty are respectively ott, ia-whichthe Unit nrere Yotally ow"5? ortbeiongi-' j; defeated. . A- s. -r ; ; ; :eion iPronourn- Thed Lieut; of ieUtaleiri. lmV Ls...-'p." '1. j , ..V., . ..TiuiCungHuc wumcrw cajuca.onooatO it J rate. c. !. rlirn latHi? At K tnrrr.n.ll . 1T ; r - ' . .r.f . -. .11 ! O0dwasi9terre4:withtbefo tranaoncfSahe JJPim mm4 nors of warv.v .-vV,;: J:1 the owbtr; supercargo loVthesarWnuld2!? toUowiiiur r 3y nhls arrivalmaica pspera tjf, for tne rgoAwa;put an ra? T5f?fefe: the 6th ad th cf Jan. have beeffrel jected-byryeas and ;&ay $i?A 1 f5W ;NttiifeT ceivcd'fromtbiai tiicToilbwing artf Other;vamendnienta otlatnino? 'Si fMT" r!V 5'rvUVV?X-i v7r"-' i'' racter were nrobosed and bi5; '-ww ffe ert-pfrfa ttooliid dc.ia copied V5 r t itT atenaei vTfcm4heapUtoUd- passengers' perenun?horizing therPresidehtto 181 in" thePetrnnaoiVe JeaTfc.-thavthe tructttbe tiSllecorvnCilhbu : P'cvipprtatro tlifeapjUt ;j&ri&ts Tcxcl fltrcVconsisitntr of 15 sail of NrXfouthortertainandi F0" capturedaftcra severe ebgagementbf ?WWvWtsam Loas aCaevejaaiaiiaJf . -OiciiiAj sihourbyVextlectuW !Wm Pjilml fP i:tg ?gi33jffi' $00&Mg&m ffi&fflmmm ,wmM.V:Hit: Mtf4faUfrf?iS.: .KsSftsBftfefi!- rarrfteiirpn frrffr rnnti !.. fr.r. if '..i.j v. ..--i.'-'rrL, .w"f l:it-J.,Ivr!-p1i -x t ..' ; "7 -. ;T:vf5vV'f S7 w men naq so aaeenxk proposed 1 :txudd dpbt ic'addi-w -;:77 IWuejnnreerosrrep9 'f:Ve. baveequedocca to caUthi attention of oaf readers to fiple whaherctbe Hby t diseii, $e thclncooslstencTof Fcdensmt but 'thqntercutra '8? terdentitf surely icvthaaaaU 11 tkMA uitcM...: v -t. v: "r 1 1 i una view ne moved fa-Add ik- x. . sr' -.:;,,Tcc.T'7rr tJ-oon i ?vjCy?r is' : -i committee ftsf Foxeiirtj Jlelatxooa. ta cc i&eqqence I of it rpsojmioir p acd atcjSg- flion of ;Fedeyal memDerioppoea ?tt tbfirst instaocejby the, whole Fe derai: barfvirKThe:RepuWparW averse qeedleis reaIedondeirrv me qniy io injure our cozwjt biViw a request so strenuously ured aout a oi u was. inprouucp or uici , far iasi consistent with :tbe potfeyf the. eiibrgobf be coasters afTettea by.it t Neocmcrdtd tppeartHat this bill would oass withourtheir votes thatttie W'bblc Federal phalanx, r with 1 menl wheeled round, & votedrflp7i CONGRKSS. HGSB OF RE PRESET rATlVKS-' Saturday tlFct. 5. ri:f ' Mr- IneersoU submitted a resolution with sundry specification requesting the, FretuUnt . ox hc umieu ataics io cause to be laid before this House such inforrnatjoh ja may be obtained under the several parucuiara.oi enquiry ;rc pwtihgiheCrenenil Post)ffice ?EsuV itshmfein yJ' the United: States, Whic& was' ordered tVUe oq-.theiaDlc.C '!;3?f A ;rI ne eDgrosscu joiar.,resoivuiori icran. Iric m'awbrd toHh'e nearest male relation of'Mifs!upmantXohnvCUrkdees-( sive ot tlKstfegretl oi Cobgrets ili the lost ot tnaooicer m tne uiue on wic Erie, etc, : the enerossed bilf in tdii i cf banker, &c- Uon to the act laying quixcsoq ine were!)e-: lfveraUv-'rea'd a third time and passe miaee of the whole, on' the bill for-a airacroi iano iywK wiwccu mp w J th; lipids of the Miami and the Co r T. . , r . - ! ' 1 1 Which wprderd to be engrcase miu of tile ;wbolc on the biUi futtbet ,A amnA ih r r&iUi -netuAm m .jj persons on ooara privaicarmca vessels. The bill- was reDorted with sYridrv; a II . i L i " t 1 1 . ' ' , iimencimenui wmcn were conurrea ur noy tne nouse ; sua inc Diii,orQerea to 1 be engrossed for a third reading.1 . several amendments, which were con- crri-fd-in Jjyhe House. 'Various at- tetepsVereihade further to amend th'e Housc but :th bill WaSironeTthToo?h with. -motion wis it . 1 o r v: -r . , - .Alfred CuthbekVelwte. from Ceor- gii, Wm.Bibb, appeared, was qua-. lifiW nk M .t: , ; ' vjrhe louse resumed -the consider itob'ofthe.biU ': to provide foritWje: urn in their ovn districts of vessel deH L" V t- ."; 1.: 2 1? 1. r '-... 1 I taineooyme emoargo, m.wnwi orqer bill Vai "introduced - V 7 ' tf-4-i--4 Iniiki. -unhtuni. in rH ! dne port to mh&' tf' the.am&!K4t T Andrnb;debatcristftetton4 JTiuucson was takJW Afteimeturt 6nsu (tempts to-ampnatbd bill, it; kod;rcln;;' . ' r4 3 ...' dri. j .-V ... fii-; 'xi .. -A t . i t ' -c t . w .. .?..- t- -: Sv:enerossrf:mns?orra, WwMfS!L .'4i .i--wr tK tKiirrilfme iW:- f fewayajgo for thet conversion H -J. . r .: :i '-T i.lwtiiiiini i nrn - vision In iraift three' reerTroetits.o rIdftirMiVh4.nrer4fc Th ficrpen itf tb jheiw Andeaes concntanin amenonic. , i '--;"t-'ie' t?".i'-Hiksfr" had been ufeedirt jluH6useherihe, subject was before undjsr.ceniideration y anddrew a conclusion tfTat it wOud : 'be' best ii'oonlhe whofetoaccepti- the -av; mendment of the Senate? f : . ,-t,.-:-l of "r; .K On inotidffcdf Mr- Macon of NoJCl !. UT.U .iMrf.1 S ' -tc ( . - ' . res6Iuuon sUUrnitted by rhtm 4tbe , other d5yi lor adjdumifig Congres1tmjhe March next.-?;.'-, ; .11 Mx4 lacon yanpq the motion to w 2 1 st Jbf Miuch, aah Zth'Wou Vernapsjioo'earty a'jdayAC Mr-Cru'tidy then obseiedJthat s varying the day entirely varied JheTno- ilon, cevrefiraion wQmd;lneeessa4 ry before decision, ?saad the -usual iiour 01 adjournment navin . ' r-.f-:.' " -r- LL ua nis roooon , Wednesday Mr. Grundy of 3f re'solnUon of the Legislature of Tennesf see req.tifeSUng their represehtaMqt use tneir bebt .endeavoisto prevail on Coneress id.;proposai to tha.fsveral stMts- (bradoption, ah airien5fiTv the Const ttiidon :6f the SnatQrs in Congress frm sxiq four . rears. Read and rtferred to a commit- ee of the whole House on the State off hR tinihn -i ".fc". v;'.7;h The 'House 'resumed the ; eqasidera- Uon of the unfinished bnsjnessof yes? teday, viz. rMacaVs prbposiub anaaiournroeoi on.tne iSL lutrcu , 00 mouon nt rv Jackson ot v a tne oueation was referred to a ioint commit tee o . enquire ; what business was ne cessry to be done before adjournment and it for J it Ati ed iili ate lor concurrence; - tr7-' -ri4. j i-: 1:1 .; a. Wahk1nte,b the sesslO&.be thratha annmtiriaf iaii f!f He fecawtulaled th argumfitsTWqh t what time it WQUld be expedient cor ntne aciaai rncreas fttiaeM frchi m 5Jwo Houses tdadjmii;; 7&J fliua amended, the mbtionTSss-r ll 7 - use,,ndwaittpt teraV whKK-'haslfor sonle dayalieetiuh ntsh der discussion wasTeadardn-isahJ ;!lfe.iiH s-Oa taotion iat;MrEppes. yatrlie .without diSotfry .Hpaes of the wficialbtUtaaihorUialbaA spoW m ;pMr3gSiii.4 pf 77-7 -:0rs"7 75- ..MrEppeiiSosea WiThiuu Hs.. - - i-,.ti. .. ,' i-.i -'f ' i-vtni. MiHtnTM anil .1 Vr .. 1 r, .Tv . . .. --r --.. " - -..-i- ? ; ! juniiJar " , 5 iffiKv , -v r- ':;... .;.;. -?? .1 : . ODD I tMaonfaMlj'we:& :a:i1 .JVi.;Vi.i..ii..: .-;;.'t-l-U-i -:....: I ljtaprUa Bnl V . r. - - W - -k-K. 4. K . . . ' A If U' I f" "-; 4'- -w--r- i-v -JK -vW li - . 'i&lii-. $-2iiJ i'lri lrtV 4rMNh!-rr'tii,ntkA( a debt if rnlhB'T jVave.4aa.an -ii-tiase flKifr thatSiicfirfowvJ what theiiei bndM: ,.. .'!.' - i iuie nvcr.Teanjat Mr4i jaa,.ori?arf?iiBfsra! enn.presenfed?a MtQ(JMfQQ, : I '?-H7 a;; iaiir.7g:-7;7' v'' I at. been suiedu uf iNebaf msr'cr tci t? .Lfc-i-iJ-'..- I li . ' . 1 .. - wt-. -., 1 rjfrnmhem Si r.-a c -v c -ki - J .'V my Aidsoa that dayrfhr.iheproant- -.... j i; :. r T e.teTd.rJiilirfAJiK.l''ii 1 1 r7: . t - ... vy'7' 7r-';' -lff "v'--iMi'' :7Ui a 7'7v 11- -v - -: a: .7HA7--- " "!r-.v v 17