.... ; V,ia with- Uaada. pe 61 5k Am-prt'io'" 7.- : . js; u the p?:&J2Wfft u! this is doubticsi tbe cause f the teddea : dtpamire oi j uz V as-j .The PrWcrr f f Orarjacand ml oo. irzics Of TUK XM?XROU k Pjuit. ,Decr'iuoerl9. ' Ta-diu Suadaft'Pt c J 19. ma inty ihc Emperor ,andEling.'sct, off SscoeVcbtk from the Taacc of the Ttdlilcs, to xtpilr instate tthe Up4 drr Body t; wcrcvng bcct :airedwrth tKc usual ccit monies tii faijntyi after 'ialuVBji tea dt th foilowiiig'spcecHr tutors, UOBDCliU3 CI 'taic, tenci tavcT rscd cloVfrrcf Frtach wmsidaric that cxntxigtl i; itfeajuci wiihouw parillelihavp'renK 6rcdac victories; uslcf iall has treed , sgaiou di Fraucetitielf laudbe iD danger; but tor the union id tstrgy orte'Tfcncfc i . la these vcifihtVf drciimsttnctt, u wj rov first thought to tattyptf V focd' mc. My'hcart has "utedcithe icocc and ,o tjjcf aiTcctldn iorf .my : I h.iYc never, bein fcduced y f vapcrity. rA dversltyVdlaJ vrava ud mc superior ti its attacks. - 1 k ivc KVera! times Jitveo toeace b niiows when they had 'lost every " I had coexct'ved and executed great dctijps lor tho prosperity, and tic hipp.ccw olthr troridvfiv mpr vth and a fatbti?I fceV'that .peace Kids io the scenriiv oJ1 thrones; nd W that of fitnUics Ketowationsi bic occn cnierca mto.TTitn wq auicu rmru -. - j.;.,:-:!vvH'V Kl have accepted theprclimi nary cccdiuonso the alii esi for'die take of r facuiiw t-f tie Frcotk cation.;.1 , i I bad thcnth;; bcf that before cftnn of thu acssfoisV the Con nfns cf.Manhcipri tyohld"b'e sisteiri j-w;.tju:r,tw deUrs. which are not . cniicd tc Frcccl bave dferrcdthis tr.i, vhi.b the vruhes' of the ragtrly ca!l)pr. : - Jtuzli tt.c oririn!it'dotmenu which I the? pott lUH of my;.lepiri- vUi ci lorcirT iiUU JCDU.-wiII fi'iU yoursclvii : cqoVmtrd . with 8PUrof my couooliwitl Acquaint )ai:h my ui in xhj aubi'ecuV. " 4 On my tulci there jnd obstacle l0 taWshxneot- b peace 1 Jwe- Frlovh I say ;of the French, J cddciiupeaccafa,e pficcofhc . t u wuh -Tercet thatit ' ask of r-:? . rncrbus people Vie w is?rificea t Uty arc comminded by iUlioblcst dearest interested V fit waVnee' 'j recruit nw-arratci w- nrimJl s vicsnaliotjscannbureatwith ittunty except - by dispta- their c sircngih. , A n incteaio of taxa- rj:.aistcr cf finaccei will prbpop ieXc2is!nbr Body :;5?kmUd -vie ttirg. From & pat t of my conquests, 1 cave i aist d thrones for kings - who Hate fcikcn mei " I , - f 'i-Y "piSE -ofeeiWchViiuUlil;- lccliiiiiljli rjiti k ' rentes Wssc-ml '".S1 VI i ruii9 w w,mua-iosw w;:wcii. fjm s?JF?l&& iM3.J tivhlch wyop bfltalf fca?e tV diosrd.i' thUon v " D-mark WaideS alpnti iii fre t -tM ne -ivepupucroi mc uouco Utes ot. America continues mtp juc cexajtt war trith England .' rjii have 'recognised thtrjcutrsdity , of the nineteen Sw Us Cantons v . Dcputie? fr6m thle Departrrien to'.th IrLsIauve:Bpdv t -YodarViKe natu raiornanawinis rnronc: iiisioryou to' ctvc an example- of enersn, 'which may retQOmend our generation to thej enerauont;.co come- in?1 J rev V trfi Ur,Ty hdte: sacrifi(ejhc teyttntrreit tf their ccuttlry l fAru asa iar tqvautfrugfu :aur -trig 'jour ccBturJett to impose on jfance ' Vl r f j ". i -i&irpQple cannot f fear that' the policy" Ot their Pmperdr.yill eveV be tray, the oatidbal glory. ; Orxroy side. FI feerihcbnudeDce; that the French andhpie" ;"; " Aitcr. the Speech of Kismajestyf lite ivtu wvim iuiiuvu mi wa jesty retired in the midst bf aula ma tions " ' r - ' . - PR1NC OF ORANGE, v- .r . UotUrdaei, Tuesda jpeb.?- J "vThe Prmce -of 0ang arriTed. - crn Wednesday lasiwith i a few marine His entri i nt6' the Hague : was a tri umjOf and hothmg cbukl tseedthe delicht of lu populatioaf -.Thc Brii tish itmbassador with a ' fewjocerV, follwed: 9-J -Detachments of Russian and Prus sian light troops have been pushed tbX Jrarcfs AntWerp,' which Js-Bow; tKt grand object. fts capture may br difficulty the works always. strong, have beeVfateTy strengthened : 'and the cpnVcqueoce annexe to the namj? of the gran J-depot of. the North Sea Fleet, will' make, its defence a matter of peculiar Interest. The force of thjs fleet appears to have been exaggetai ed in England, It is said to consist only of twelve sail of the line' afloat, and sixwith ix frigates on th shocks The Mp rm now.Temovecr'wlthin the docks', whic&are capable of con. tainbg .a navy and are "completely under the gun of the fortress; fcf The j ITexel fleet yiil probably; fall.rnore rreadily. VerheuiltWAdtirarre urea irom on oaaro, ana snui mmseii up'with the'priacipal French, yi f ort La Salle. 'Jhe, place; is strong, and will probably be defended to the last. The Unitedethef iands. may be now considered' free- - .r . . ' : ,The Crowb Prince- has .marched back; onhis own tep4 , UTCH AKFAips; :, ' s Wit DirilTNtBTi . ,! r ; Downirtgsireei. Dec. H,181irr . ; A letter, of which', thfe foUowing is an extract, has this day iicen rexcived j by "tar! Bathurati' frdm ( Major Gc- r4 It is' with the greatest satis faction thatvlsihdve the -honor iacOuaint youtJLrdsbipth)!) possession of Breda and WiUiamitadt which have been abandoucd.by .theTc ..?-, r . . . . . ,. i ,.i'rom a person who. r as seen X? cp-eral'-; (5enlten'doy'IF this morning I understand that upon the; approach j6f GOO CossacW, whci hadpVead the ; jfe pbri tbi'tHey. Were the Advance guard pf.ten thosd iRusSlansbex garri sonof QredaconsiAiogciri 600 men," had marched ' out4 'butthb Cossacki havloc WnctratcU ; into thestbwn-bej fore the -evacuation vaft ;bmpfetedi J ow oi ane gamsoo , nao. rjaueur; inio their ''handsVit kV-;T':'v,vV .i ; loy wrya nirascii iomQrroW ana will carry-with him a'great ptojbr- fchateir A xtrf Hrkc quantity iofbrclqance storey were unippea irom vastnam ttt)hridlofpucoi wfvl beiliWshecT-tp ayinde.ahall j cross, the. river: toimprowidr tji next ! dawat 6niizenburcrr'and1 IJmagine tm m e9 raie iy. navp; ancnon Tnvav$ s vbustV armyi iii is etose there in rtct.w !j oananeaz-cc about txrenty- iAdric'cf' have been, received- from the Haijue to thif 22d instant; but they contain no intdligence ofimriortance. None of the ftrpng placealo Josses sioo pf the enemy Saialle ttnre the previous aexounts tior had Ac Texel fle p tiurfcoeWi;) The French con tinued witngreattctiyt, to'ttrcngh en the fortifications in Zcabnd. . J CAPITLXATIONr OF?DNTZICV . The London Gazette blDec;1 2, contains a1etterA from Malor Mac- f dobild, staunR. that articles of capitu- Uaotzie were signed on trie 29tn or November. "The troops werei to marcVbut of the. town 'wit!tr their, arms and baggage on the 1st of Jan 1814nd lay down if their arms Jn front of the batteryof the Gottes Ep gel, if before that period the. place shall be relic Ved byan equal ounthcr 'of the besieging army, the bfSccrsto retain their swords', a dctaxhicnt of the Imperial Guards, ahd a battalion of 600 men shall retain thtir - arms, and shall take with them two 5 ppun ders and the. iramuoiUon' weggons ; belonging. thereto, ---Twenty 6re"icil valry , soldiers "shall' like wise trctTftin their Worses and arms. Thermon. ofDaritaic shall be prisoners of 57ar, and conducted, tcv France. s Tfe Gp vcrnorv Count Rapp, fofmallyjpiedg cs himself that none of the officers and men shall strve .until they have been Advices have been since received from Ubrd . Cathcart, datil-Franks fort4aitri PeCembec 113, stating that his ..Imperial JVlajesty had i not 1 ratified the aooye arttciesQf capitula tion biit.had ordered thatheslegje of Dantzic should continueuntU the Kafilsbn shoulcfsurrendcr aa., prison--ersfviarV r;"-:4v ''V;V;.; December ; 1 Lord rfstlereagh aets3bfUbjre "continent op Mdoday, accbropamcd by'the Hon. 'Mr.'HoJbins6ttT'M yet Ittde has tanspired relatiVe;to ht .causesk.thattuveMuced mc mbers of the Cabinet to undertake suth a mtssion. ; , - ;j: - 4' By the Cadiz paper which arrived yCl(.niA, - uivvui maif vvmKai.M, thit on the Othf Novemberi the'Oor te'40p'radect their "sUtirigs irr ifeetsle of Leon' wlucfi aW to b ic : resumed at JMadriio "jCfl theprancrieB'of the GfiivernriVeht wereremoviegirom Cadrz,fto that ;? Lettersfrom Su Petersburg: dated aovenjher, .second attempt' of Mediatibii try'Rus. 'tia hay i rig faVfeid bHti pur6se Wessl ftp rite the trrdepar prctUrniy :Berlin f andCoinbagbn. 'UV(?aneriot;he iiboi having been lost bnthe. voyage izronr tnc uuipnoi; r iniana ta u otters uurgc anouier snip was prepeaiing fortheir (eceptlpn; ! : r ; for.Houand, during he Utt jreek, includidbcarjy'ip bTtoall omcerjri the( i- JMnelurP&'-jlcv. 27. I ISelieve ciht gluh oMlesf th hiiKovalo Hi k .V tjarletori; WusfeJalUtfMprfr: aVrctun te&khraUmof the Amdrotveru in tvi ne r rencrif governmenc .naajDf deredya nel sen p'tsVHe tjtotivtr of thr Seia tu9 Consulttm to that;effcct .contain aSapV. They tbrtj Sr &L uDoti-toiromuljtate ahevf; in-vthe face Of the world,' ihe. vieWs MchJ rguide 4hem its: tbe present wars; the pnncipiea'-wnico sorni tneas ok determinatidns.fv f Che UieciPQwcr .wt;fpake ;-rar irjwnFrattceb nderaefbabghtjly aonocedtT against Jhatpreppncttrahc to theriiisforhioe - , . - . . . . .1 .a .-- -. - rs v France, tB'eimperC'-.'.Ni bblean fia' of th Empire v-.; :Victbrv Jia;'c4qrue1ectlti-lUeri Armieso the banks df the Rhttfe. t The first use which their Imperial and noyai mj tsea nave maoe os v icio tv has bten to btfef neaceii his 51 a iestv the EmDefbr of'Wdich d aintuae, sircarwieDeo. oy , ins ac ui A-f y uisuy,' Aia ,iin'u muus tvu the concUtions cond i dpnirSadub oendeoca.bf rt6 FrfrV.mprt'et' -iff well as 'bii-th e ?ndependeoebtSb ocn:r $caie pi curupr, A nevicw of thcrowera arejust m their bbject' generous ana nocrai in ncirappnca tioniviog security to all, honor tdeacb-;."-- : - --;' y;Thfc Allied Sovereigns desire" thatl t rpay oe great; powetiuyna because , trwk French pSwer redlfice of Eiirbpe ish France mat bebippy, toit i w mercemay 4 revvj-e that the t arts, thbse bjeisibgrojee flourish J ijcaselgreat people can oyybenquii it is ha'ppy The Powers xbrirmtbhe French Em pire an extentQp Xerrttory- w jh Franctrunflerh rKmefknef because1 a vliatban bs from Us rank,J5Ht having? iotsr tijrri experienced reverses in an obstmate and sangumafy ionteat, igwhichf, it has lbr1lith Very. :'-. ,hv-y k .f " Rhtl tbV Altied Povvers wlsh tol be freetr anqiiil and h&ppv hem Velvesv by a wiseipartfticin b strengtlkyby lamitieswhicrVtiha fib6or;trre datfti their: arjfeS utit ri'iheKv'e "af? gained this grea C nnd hceupTa t f esuft: this noble ject; bf.-!thr.rrtsi 1 ncy wi;no4aF po wwvsnnr$ aia until tSbtiBiaPsfcatxrcS Tc-estabthhed snefimtdimiv ble wlnceshave rights '-ove'ri yam 4p e Allied ifewerfcw abovewaa; fuded bothiHottsesitjf j ift?lraBUn v by "i-brd Hollantufi Vieif ,of ascenaming Trplg -JVIiner whether trte vlf ere name tcUhe hiihv U&tioa-ahfc MlUI llUlI y . VfllQlUCr ill, u- vertttre pf peace - bad been a4e -to happy in a sraie orgreyiess una, scrcngxois one of rthi i btinti6nsf r the - social ,. - j e '.-'ill-' r "i. iJj.ir hutr eoturfcettfetri s?' titeef:diverpolh .4 in Vr v.v ' ... i .vi. ... j-,.jf . -.ir i iv-,tt F auyt : i ' t!? con vains ruso ioe opinions pi tneiWH . 5 s1agovcnimtntthe t a&ut Mi! tsteitMdduti I m:r ItSeie'ditlfbWrSSffm - '.S BobatJarieteveraauablK ; 'Americwua ayacgo cm mc sUQ.cg. oi;in wuu to net regretteo, warwwitiratme ria ; ; tbctseildMcttlt theiampgeinwt. it xtt mi ujai tot etbivlTheStt- f-werintralit ;dain tl n&ld uaa qojts arri vca sue ou- XHeKrsour cn itlbfitea eoce pf aisyierpowervwith tour irwith AmcTica:ihd axtne stay in:Russaothe 6pujb1icatt & sitirs JafterSihgi timttbx ' '. .kgown ' ' tfiworl;hevi ' nSMthat tjaeismijQ ilCommi ssiber Wbuld&Mcri dmncfEeis bi CSriSiBrX-i v y Parjspaer t-pthe "T ' edltl fpeefe , Sd5hetolati 1 Ifbarof'Pea tfetefrethe per ti(ieJaVrti& pree,nti tHeceriitrpl out p nature oi tnat nasi feutbnff Jhairns Mil trwfjiywaiicwsre ; n-ifui irerWtPyaa f .fl tlterdCrobn krente: Bntislr ve naytfarip.npwceaseirr z ;:$M iiurs'alBb:ttemp "'WKf V.'. " i Jl 1 fit V I: r .Mi- ! 1 ;; i . - - i. v

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