1 : v - - t .v. : X . ", . ; v"' l- " - ' " ' i". .i- 1 A 1 s - f - OMtrth4 afratr4tlfgktl Feme - j t" Friday; -MAR(iH n isu. Vet i, . " f W on the arm y ft e frtSr. rii SpetcH or two la t5s,u j th ontinn of yfeV 6ve vctrt or iluni gthc ;Tibutibc recruit mighr.npt be. f ?-,r mitrnt cot continue so mizht obick to tnfiat ? ilflScultics hewoaWfnove L strike oat the vfords, f.or dariog to war." a Snrt, -?lic war j VaO so fcs continue 1 U3. ,u- . J of 1102 cllcd to eiccc eiuicroi 1 ilrcruiavcs of che bilU tnvvidu-1 iliirou'd prcs forward Uh altctity j & SB up the rank of the arrmvt? hen Kniccins limited M fivu years, and utb'thf roeaauaac ii,prce wa mtfrd tSey weald be nttL-d to .ir !iMharc. H- would use no trptraotieo nhewthat aiprefexence tscue to the plan he- bad the honor tiwbatt. He believed there'woul i be but oce opinion on the ubi -ctt espe ei H? hcc it wabo U h-ands admit ! ttdtiut vc h?d men enough ajrtady tzVrxd for five years for all the pur nc4 of a peace tsublishmtDt, and tub co event cm disbanding the ar a? cIi Acre be any iS-iilry on til score, ' . ' Wh3sytwtthoi2t,:horsfeTer har b prey?UQ!y intcoded . it; he would CMosely reply tO;ome of the re ojU of fee geodemeh jfrom New Hiiipshire tad N-w-Ydrk (lesrs. V er ;'ind,Miiler,)' He' would coccManrIftopoiDUncuttomeof tJicir paJpihle inconsistencies -but, befsre Dfocredinf to do he felt ; r - O , 7 n xull irreistatily- impelled to do tjte the fejv ftttraordioary ' proposi tit icceoi he reprtt ecuttves from Virginia Ql. Sh :ffey )) Thnt gcb tnj.a hk gravely propotd, that the ira ct of the Uaitcd ' States, raised id tofce raiscd,houki be employed ctiv on thtdefeosive-7 however fair the tpnnunltj. 0f -trikm a decisive rf ret Jiating th invion of l5e tnrtav. thr Im ri rt h tt 'n y ; - ' , ' i U: tO Ql an tn l nrvtwkr krri. aitocishment and: lndtgnationV v KCMuitu not to say. to at a 6 "crnmeot. The .recrrdtr of time, we annaU' of hitorv mmht hr thtd in vain for iis parallel it ;3c3jcnl.0tb humble anddctme j, . wjrc u worse coutu tw Id say tOtr enemy, your own kry is s ifeyour forces are unne- !ke a i . . . c " ""u mci itstweu urservcu Lkep rriected, it had r. '-Pprcbauoa of all these I in systematic opposition ' bc honorihle gentleman from havingiassertJd from timeVl j4i tne j torce of the country AmSsJ?1 K,i,h :???oui ; in Korth Hrr ICDC lcUi hen it Doni 7nrjr to JLawW another pUr roe. Lnt ,1. tit-. ' di.tr ! "Hc.ni aatei, w the 'tes can subdo. Cn 11 u tru that a district of Ncw- rion mo t f.HUght Vith mis Hmore parjiadal;in its' nature, V tr in nt rgr or an country --sr.ced to thi UVarlnn r.f u ,t upuo our.va coast, e to riot in spoil and devasialtoiui I Hampshire can y These opinions are contradictory and ibconistent Jut if the one be false and ridiculous, haw tniKh more so is the : other ? ButViy the bonnrvbe gentleman pub ic opinion is against you ; h Is that which, -counteract your opera tions ; it is that which 4s oecessiry to your success. Without denying the correctness of the; principle, he would ask what better criterion for ascertaining public opinion could be adopted," than the ; opinions of this House f How shall we learn with more truth the septimentsof the peo pie. than through their .immediate representatives I What other mode is pointed out by the laws or the con stitution I " : But to excuse or to extenuate the improper course of the minority, the gentleman invokes the practice of the parliament of Britain cites the ex ample or Chatham, roX and Uarro and $ays with no little sell complacen cy, that it was not the opposition, but the manner of it that excited th.sen sibiltty ot vrnii majorities ; it was the splendid eloquence and keen sar. casm of these immortal men which rendered it necessary, to charge on them a'l the misfortunes, foUtes, and crim s of administration, Mr. R. would rcmai-k, that the majority of parliament .were, In some measure crmpensated for the opposition ot their respectable adversaries, by that very oratory so deservedly the theme of universal admiration. Hf doubt ed if the mtjority of Congress had a ny suth consolation, he very much doubted if this minority had any claim to rank with their imagined prototypes they no more displayed their, talents or imitated their patri otism, than' did the government here, the bribed and corrupt and tyranni cal rulers of that country, the object of its scorn and hatred. A language often held on this floor, against which he '' could never, cease' to protest However adverse-from' the .spirit of our constitution, however ruinous to its principles, it ws convenient to the minority to arrogate to themselves that virtue which necessarily belongs to opposition to despotic institutions, but it Is absurd to refer. it was falsr to sayythat in a republic the mioori ty wrr-;, either in regard tomoralitv or pontics, entitl d to peculiar cnnd deration. Under other forms of o vernment, minorities were right ,-jn republics, from the nature of things, they were generally wrong. . ; .. The honorable gen tic mat; going b irk to a period anterior to our re v -lution, telb u that the peop e of the colonies resisted Britain,' because the minister, under pretence of regulating commerce, designed to work his hand into their, pocket. Are the measures of our government calciila ted to produce any such effect ? .Does the riiminution of our commerce en rich our treasury I ; Are not the inte rests of the government and ihe pe'o pie' of the United Slates the same? Is it ubt clear that it was to counter act a second attempt ( ike that to "re sist whit h was once so glorioua)fby EogUodv to put her hands, into our pocket? j to. raise a revenue' from. our trade,-by demandir g toll and tribute for permission to navigate the ocean, that gave 'rise to the restrictive sys tern, and brought uuon us the present War ? D irs it belong to .patriotism or common 'sense at one and the- same time to oppose both measures that are J oppressive, nuu inose ma; arc aaopt cd to' counteract thcra.f The honorable gentle maihas re probated land-vridicuied ; a'ny attack on CaoadU-ir.fs idle,it'ts Quixotic! In soch.ar) attempt, the U;Sute waste blood aod treasure jn 'in In vain yon send forth your armies, ( you catfaotf" pr e vaift ;but ay sj the honora ble gentleman, turn your arjcnliori exclusively to the bceatt ther a !field. presents itself Tor'nitibnal effort and enterprise. It is chimerical to think of concjUering Canada V but it isV,8r tp aasailthe lirifish navy. Vith mil lifn.of inhabitants we can make Nno rnjpression on a' d stunt and feeble co iony of the enemy $ but with fair i i- hopei he maYar;jtheir"navv;.'t6thfe j coraoai a aozen arroea vessels may encounter one . thousand ! x 1 " ' Mr. Chairman,' the gallant achiey ments of ouf navy entitle it to the ad miration ami gratitude of the country; it reflect glory on the government under which it acta : it has redeem ed trie wounded honor of the nation, and well may;; we' rejoice,, for great rnut nave oeen its exploits, to nave created W enthusiasm which unites in its praise pur otherwise divided and distracted community. W,e are told by the honorabto gen tleman, that he is , prepared !to .vote for defensive measures, under certain lim'tations, and necessary reservation s offensive war is criminal and Un just, but'he forgets that he has him self advised us to assail, in every possible wavfs the fleet of our enemv. Is not this offensive war; and does morality make a difference between discharging a broadside against a fri gate and bombarding against the walls of Quebec ? Is it murderous toi kill an Englishman in Canada, and honorable to do it at sea ? ' To term the war; offensive is a tmere pretext for the shameless abandonment of every duty -that the troops to be raised are not to be employed for die fence ; that our own territory is to be invaded and ravaged by an unop posed foe, is i an assumption the most extravagant and preposterous. The minority do not believe it ; it is'not believed by 'one man in the nation But this plea, flimsy as it is, is the only plea for,a dissolution of ohfiga tions, in all countries, and in alleges heretofore 'held sarred. But the Ijonorahle gentleman wi!I aid in pro- terting the country, only after every effort to obtain a peac shall fal ; and e ven then not unless the mode of de fen e shall be such as to meet his ap probation. The trutH is, the aid of the pirty to whirhhe belongs will not be afforded. If the tlm-i! could ever arrive when, their assistance might be expected, one wou d -oppose, that when an invasion was not only threat ened, hut a' tually effected, it would not be withheld. Whilst we listen, to declarations of their willingness to shield their native ; land from the profanation -of a hostile 'tread the fact occur. Do thev tMtte with heir ffov-rnment i N . thy co'd v and obstinately refine all co-Opera-Hon. The enemv mitrht be driven h?ck, pursued and, cuntratv to th ir principles concuered without the bounds ot our dominion. , I shall now, said Mr R. proceed to notice some of the observations whi- h fell from the honorable gentle man from New York (Mr. MUVrr) during his J desultory qration.--Tbe, gentleman' -abruptly lays openlhis course, and states his views, the result no doubt of much mature deli b era. tion, of. profound thought; and deep investigation. He tells' us wnatfweJ 9 , 9 t have so often heard before, and might therefore have expected, , that he is resolutely determined to vote lor no measures except th'psef a defensive character rla the proposition b'tb' gentleman from Virginia .M?. Shf fev) had been already submit .ted ariH rejected, it wasvain and nugatory a gain to bring up the. question, '. . The' grndem m 'gives us, much hackheyed 'detail ahff commwr .pbee remarlc' on the blunders and (lisaSter if the late eampaign,xand aftef pfiUi ng ou from an apparently inexhailsri be storeail . the khorledge in the worldfCompl Jnsof a w;mt ofinforma don., there seemed rtvA beo'io formllribn jcm tbejV :iid not rsts1s.:oiivjf there as,v i: ouldbc of, no; cansecjuepcc. to ; him, tar he h15 6ycn Uto understanid tbv-t undcrall po-iblei cifcumitaniWs vote willbc the same. TbehonprV ole, gefiUerpan has one all-; suflGl?ient ire in foT( opposing the m .asure ot ; he. overrimt ntl namely .he cbuses to do so Hc therefore entertf very: su4 iHiiAkiy Irttn a. r. nim.ilf Irtn 'riff os objections, but aas thattheJoes' Qotknow ih what , ichnoUof . logic, it wiU bt ofijecterj U herct that he ha:H 6 i yen . nooxe than one good reason Tor his opinions. -Mr; iR. ouldhy nt(L i; STRAYJSpg means admit mat qe had - given-one After various ipecifihationsU top unimportant tor bdmmeht the honor atile: Wntleman vcrv uticcre raohlouslv denounces the administ ration fe'e-f ble and incompetent. ; Mrl Rv saldrit truck hia tha t presumptuous vknjcciisatipn. The ad ministratioh,sr men who were deemed by no incon "siderable portion of their fellow citi zens, to possesssdme; little claim; to talent : ' they were ' not thought to be Utterly destitute'of understanding and in!eIligencer;But ihe measures which so much offend the honorable gentle miD, whichmeet with his high dis pleasure, are the measures" of Con gr e s8, of the L e gislature not b f the Executive. Their folly, and tweafe ne'is and wickedness, are chargeable to the majority of this, House, here present. He would say nothing of the deeD .sense of oblication which! would be felt bv his noli ti cal friends when thus oolitelv crreeted : nor would? he make anv comment on the -modesty of the gentleman from Jlew Yor'nor express surprise at he te nor of his remarks,? for he felt "rone; when he. recollectea that the honora ble gendeman belonged to that paty which possessed undeniably and ex clusively all the wealth, all the virtue, and all the talents of the country.--- But amidst the terror which heVjeac tar.ugn tne repuoiican rants, tne se cretary of War ia not onlv'.suffered.tp escape, but U held up ;as a splendid exceptr n, his attainments are admit trj. an ' hi- ti nss tor tn om e ne fi?s allowed t . be eq ual to that of anv individual in the U. States biit great and splendid as were his powers they were insufficient to redeem the coun try f.om the mis hiefs and disgraces hr uht upon it by the imbecility of his coadjutors, Mr K, ; would not ohjr ct to thr justice of this encomium ou the Se retary of War, fie thought highly of his talents, but he would ak if Gen. Armstrong dioWpt direct aod control our "military opeiationsi He certainly did; He hacl' the same influence in' his department, jii. the Secretaries of State and ofthe Kvy in'theirs- V row does the. gentleman, if.itas of any im.piortant e reconcile his denunciations of incom(jetencvrto carry: on the .war with his well merit, ed panegyric onVth'at individual em phatically, ch tfgeciwith our miUtary ooeranons ? It folio ., then; ip' con tradiction to so ne of the' assertions of the gentleman ( Iroiri Nlt, and confo mably . with others, j that f6r all the purposes" of war the ad- )ut possessed of as hiuch teleotalnd as great energy s the . natirnvattords. f rhiis M-J Lhairrriah; Said Mr. K. . . - - : j ! h I have concisely?givep tHe spiritand me,ningof g fheir arguments are feeblevuhei facts' assumed aadohtradiapVy. Wnen we t tke into consideration their aknoWledaed worth : and abilities'. tljxir cbuse as well a'S;theVmahoerof suboortin it. au "onlv, be aifcounted Jot bv recjUcctingtjie 3irButtlty pf ) .'creditably' sustaining, when everyJ thing cse is 'sacrificed to it, Unifor mity and consistency, in systematic opposition.' f ' " '''4;. UNITED STATES! ; tv Paymaster' Xkparjnten 'pIIE extensive liistrct compos'ed ofthe Tr States of Vrrrihia and-NnrthCoKna, ipretofore aisWned to the Suhsorir hsi trqre the . accum alatjon ot business, beendl- J Vidod tato two d'vtricts The lower or eastern utsincr unvwrnw signed xaJfobn A- Qofr? Esq, of Hafljpt iiear NofsnlkVa.Un6 is composed qf aU tlrat ract of Cou.ry, M the State -of yVirgitrta And N6ihCaryltnai lying between VoriRi- ever on the Nwr'tb the northern bitifcdary;ol the State of Sooth Crolma on th Suftithe Lria'utic. Oceanv on the fyaad" the k Pvs UoadurrohKhrtod, ,Pe Vat rehton, LewisbuVg Raleigh.' Avkasho Vough and -JFayetfetrille, to ? its intersection Iwiitt -is?t , nonherribnndary; of oth 4arol n, ?nat Mltoaoo WWesUincludinc also the wimnrs of Northampton and Acco ,nrac in .V4g'mV.! ,; - Am ,; -TJvb rest-of the Sutes jpi Virginia and North- CaolinaV rnclodmgi.all rhet.Towns Vhich;dmde he linVwill eos?, DUtrictj - SAMUbL TURNER Diiict Fcgmatter of tbeU, State Jrmj T7R0M,mV- stable atjout tbe Xltb of JSB - rabie size, bave their toretop? Inmroed short And bive the mark ;olfarri marns nqi;,Tecoueciea. f ; a ressouaDie -re wi.rd.wilt be rvvftn iioiittie delirerV of said horses, and expehctes QfaffifpMT distance infornutjon. is letter, 'diied to h Louisbur, N C will oe uiaokfui receivd 4 -rrankHn Couhty, jFeh 1 4tV" TTNeitioriably the &st StaUiaa In r&S rkr possessing in entire,' 'united speed , sad bottom.. His ancestors are of the greatest tie and elegance ; "many, o his .fcaii ea foaled, are from 3. 3, i & inches highl and some of them from small Otiiea'narc.' -the only bne of his get that baa been trained, is Mr? AVilson's filly, 3 yeauold, lfit.h Jury, car rying lib. ovef her welghv iira; 4 nrile heats against Comet by pckle 'Tobyy FavorJte; by Bell 'Air, cd Maria "byBay nkee, Vho were esteemed te best ronners , America In the 2d heat (8 mi esj she eat' Favbxrte, who wkftdrev- t hi 3d heat f2 m fcs)'.she .. plac- d 3d, . run a nule locked, patted and d'J. ble - distanced Cornet, Ucked snd whipped Maria' to (the. distance . poii- .pexldrroance I believe, never made nr America' bef -re. T is race spasmed and.rumed be j The stock of, several, other' orsev, w'n eavered at 30, .40 nnd 50 dolUrsvirhaps not moire than brie in 50i or lOO', bar proved to be a four mile runner A reneriuie pertarftan on the Scot land Neck, Turf said, that this performapcei of the Strap Filly was sunicieot to place Strap in the highest estimation, : " J 1 Strap will stand at Northampton Conrt Hcusc; For furthtr particulars see his .hand billi . - -4, (X Strap is this Fall intended for West Tennessee - V , HKNHlf COTTEN 3 rorW, J.C. March l. : i . " ' V i.' CtiMMtFTED. ,,. c- Tq Wake Covnty Jail 6a t 10th nst.i r NEQBjO M AN name George; who j 'Xlj says he belongs - to a person named i Hudson. jKarXynttrs Creek in S. Caroline ' He is about 18 years, of age rather small. i , The owner of thsAKegro is requested ttr make application, -prove JbSs property, and t relerse said cgrd. "h : 'A ; - ' ,. - Feb.'25.' - , ' , ; SOTT, 'f n , George Nicks, Sarah Spruce .ana ethers. .4 ; ,..! ; -. John Nicks, the heirs at law; i of Pliebe Brashear. ihe he Orar Bill t of at law of Mxigarct Short &J TT sppearwig to the satisfaction of trie Coert 1' that oha Nicks, thr fiew. at law bi Pbehe UtAShear, . and the heiri otT Msrgarft Snort, y are inhaxants of inc. State of ennessxeiand ,th flebeccaFord ia an inhah tfl''f t:?a j M SStss; tpi Tex rirory.U 3S ordered by tne Court, .Vht)ub!cat: on of tbii order 6e m d9 . tn ;he Ralei Re$tditer,;for three Weeks uc- f eestiV';;4tist .bnlftVrnc-Detndanrsappear ; al tV neii "Court, , answer, plead or aemwr. the pii, wU be taken pro con fesso, and heard ex garie against him;;;,,.' '. . ; . ' TflO DICK, C M E N State of Northarofina Craven Cotlijty. Supmcr aitfty XaviyorpXu11 ;Sarsrt Baitia '''J.:. "':fr "" f Petition for-Doafi The heirs , of Ed ward ; Harris, deceased; IT appearing"to the satisfaction ef the Court that thi heirs ot Edward tlarris deceased, are not inhabiti'rlis of thrs Sfarei therefor it if orderejt. thar unless they appear at the next Superior Qhn of law to o held for th county of Crveii, at VheCourt4house in New ben, oh the fourt&rirlonday after the fourth M today i n , March next, the petition will btt taUn pro cbnfsso agajrat them. It isdr? dered also, thai publ cation hertcf be made .three times in (.he Haieih Register and ia the Salisbury paper , A f ' ' . ' V .1 WRIGHT C- STANLY.C.S.C. 'Five huhilrcd dolJar Reifeciy sirjr ILC'be gvn for a detectiof (so tnit a 'Yj conviction will he otoijuhoi i? iht pes toiv 6r persx)ns who rornoiHd the jobbery of MacTarUais TuupUie UeuAc Lumber ri r tW; H30'dult lars for such mlurrjiauon as w!H tend to a due Laurel HK&&-&i, 8J'3. f -.. ' : ' " .! ' '. r - ' StieriiJV LL be xiKied to k be 1 s : -; WilUasnjion, t ammcottfu j , th twcie, Wuch of be foowttsg':L s Tj Wdlftsmsxon is wUia' citp- 5 SO: 42, 43, - ok r 9A vQ. Pt WUltomHsn, Jan. 28; 5 HHWM'I'llll I I ll II, 111 I I .11 1)11 Ili a I .I'l ' mm ..' m - v ."ft hit, ,2 ;; ? iV. . f, . . ,v:. ,a . .. .-. f -i u- i;t. WA ill: i''. ri 4' J. H i J i i r .': -' .- r ,-: - ' , . ."i V . Jr., it-; : , ;.!. mm 1.

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