. f V V" . " r j... . . -v .1 - ',-r V.-1 " - -. 4:.. Tmf'm4ir " - -.tS.K" H ?" - ' -o.- ' Vv.:"i i -, - r c " .... " -; " 1 " - 11 - 1 !.,.,:. - o-o.- . , . ., . m..-j . . - . - , ,L- , .-. .r.fx $ '-.f ? The objett iM ,ihe wf trcj ,d rc i - I VSH Jeaeof oar citiicrt froo.eoxi;r, I L-c5 cnrs ion- - vr: w , , ,; . : w,,! iKat riHt!cTri Word ,l-c tiico a coario toavcwhut differ fy he errors ot.the pr irwa to be 'U,! oi the faturc, .Fiudiog-that had'netther provoked the irtc-h- ltfroai ifielr grouad,,rwx obtained X grace lodfavor. of theicoemyu V riocale to hopeiji.-.t Eent4raen fSdb.ve beeacured.pi peir ;iien fliihi exfelebc) wdulth 4iAve fficd his ober vattcins tq the bcsl lin of the 'sta:jr?'acd tlut' thfans wcr Staiie would have ticn of ibe lice Jcscr'ptioxu . But firid lhat icftdemen aft bot ) ci Uicouragcd, licatQ ttir Man;-mmaiqr, ; course ttt uticrtf discounttOinctd by. ftic k, stiit thty pe'ribu iyVfc' have jcctbcr ni iojfe o to lie puWbhed in Efiibh parcrs. scTilcnccahir Mjlv tidajcitshsd etftd Trcra-tr U icr. n J j ct ure" ficJ y ni id this'vc ry ciwer, ostm3 scif Hie. jurberaqc olihic Wgtslatore pi . ni-achuicits, Ffirbearasce sh Vhati9f the lorr Vinact hkh you bok I d if'f -' All tit ccuJ oe ooocwas .uopci, j to ex tic the perp e to oppbsitlo-. - Lei lers is4j tmiuaties re cot frotn a rr ctk ril pam o t QJc eettirnTag tfsrpeopte ihejj were crtnedo- urging them to' get. jop tcttngs tod to ple'Jge dficroseives 3ioittte opposition whUH the. lcTjiiUtarehid projecVd. vjAnd what fa&e sccceu I Sojnev ttveiity "or Dirr rowos out of more tttan five bscrcdv'ap3caaoy of 'thpe totally j Uoccdt coinptajo. "AodhorVid t jtacbuia tveothese 'I' Sirtlie'peb- wtrc imposed :oo. . Evcow thr I fT Birq:eu were anucnca ot the teKoess aalj ajced reciutiWa;'' , Icis wi tLc- forbear qccsoull cfcerit l.Ttu jorthrri to'be.uje it was because you were aYrakl to ttfctiwjsc;-. The1 last legUture 'tdtbjir a5in ,;Tiur people were twelve j e'ff a; (jtust.it W Veidmed; eivirityJ0yibeTp ;Jct ecnrhriiial!y.v:to ihcntespf emdvyoIc U'.C.iit lres . tintf I ferMts jT the ovitKerti and rniddh: andrt .siHp' lSf Jteriv Wivialoa of the United StatcitjTrew peoplef be .yobr cbtntit6ra;lo vcm' kffardoto omraerce ? ;c4 Let i look at cnerce f Have .rfhey. no . locresi;; iof vjhelr exports. sskef the' yeaf'iQ5 l because. If i rememherrichtlyi' that year wa, peculiarly; favorable to the JSrtv, angina s lau t .1 qcc a por is i from -Nt w KbgUod ere abbut'twen- ;ty tour miuicos ; oi tne miaaie siaics, forty riinV: miUioos ; vof the iouthc'iS tstates twenty' one miUions.'I give rmjuoijs v enure incugn tncre,, were frauiiom of a rnHjionb'eacii divi sion; the ' lar ges t, fr?vtion,'j f..I ' nil tak e nt i'wasji. tliescuth'eni 'divisipd.'But tic growth 'a.ni manufacture tyer , in the. scuth, faukk tbfose of thtr'New Englaod atatcs. - What pnrtio'nj'of 'thete, Dorthernexports were -the ;prb iluctsht'f the 'southern and iarriddle states,' I lea've Co the rnerbhants to de ter mine. "Further i IrY the yeareoel inif30th SenitmteT'iSlvt: rhe earlria from! 'Marbliin'd -were douMe' thosei irora, jatsjcmsczis ; . ana ;tms .top jn time of war,' w hep tb: CHesapeaie ccpsia.ibtd wnh the t erotjargo. s rotasure approyt 4 by ' both ptt.t die" tiQiViSnctukcrs was inffsed bv ti.e cicmi tahd alfaf tachiitittt in xh'e object o special erace aod royal fa vpr.'.r - -t " . In 1 0 1 2 .. lialtimorc e aported abou 1 1 ten, and&Qston eleven. milliona ; per haps thrcer out of the eleven were bi ought coastwise fro m alLtmo$. yet, " unaoTC is. s ioi mica iift., c rim merre'; a;rrre-wt3i hwii and Bos too is the - prop of. the commerce of the wot Id fiie liA . k-ooda state of UusitianaS hi iatru Vr ipto the U- Uon jot the MisihsipL was or"ttthv importancc-tt) the bedple who rnUablN i ed the western tei;ithait?mutl'-bu ciiie Spam had.vuhned trnhfiivthe reient7Ctr iheir dear Z brethren ofc the: Avcst "Were to ' be Ldeprivr d 'of their .cim mere.so iucrauve,so important to tne nation and o essential to thcitexifltV ence. " We heaidnoVnifj thn otthe anti-commerciarspirit of these peo- pie: mcy nave commerce ; war. waa inevitable. iv It wa. yctn - dis graceful to ' wait thedsiu'e of Kprnd- ing neoctauon. ; ,1 jtn?eiptr n mr. Ross pf PennsyjHoja.alrM'drm of New -York; and if I d ootr mhcli rriMtaket a certain nonorulfe ' ftbrn' Massachusetts feit''s6mucTv s'mpauh for the western peqp!e; that incy ucret wjuing to spin ftne. oioop, even, of Ncw'JBagland p'riccjv: their commertei, Louistsiha most be ours ; she whojiajiw, ah intruder n mdsttejrcirto thft fmilvi against 1 hV toll!' rirnt;rAr Xrii- Ur " " 1 f f". V r ,v" nanonai inaepcnaencej ana pne . couia not exist without theroth$r ? iirjw. air, moaeyery commercial people are all Vt! dnce ueternalaed to ! nioo j whicrTVoes not contam sixty crush New EnglabtJ by a destriiction Inouandinhabitants, .do ridii the. year of commerce. i f Truly iirwe' in XSi eapdrtcd.'oply one third Jess du'ie; in very. childish jealousies- man jiat-f'tcnuytfULj jipu ii youtaice. masacnu.ieiis-t is -rorevcr: -earning into Jjbpos'idcrjiuHi what is carried some groundless, sqipiciqjis.' 1 ;"vl re coastwise, this back woods state ct- member ; that noi lohsr inte tt resolu ports1 more nHan jlatsachuxi'tts: K I tioo-; wa'i! olfef eYf trl Concr'ress by a : Thi3 is;nq:61L;:.Inthe sjme pe MrJ Jackson Virginia,;. fof.'.alter riodj'M ssnqbttctts W tluwii to the ing the-CodstituUoo oai toau:ho- sith .grade in paint of .om.ii;erct; riue Congress t0 la vj dri -expert ditty j.' while sha stood the? fourth in rrclht " Massachusetts i took. the alarm; and ot popuutKitr .' . oar, it is. unsuirei'fto c nesoivea ;inar ine.opjccc vas ip rie- larrogftce for trria section of 'thc'O-1 '.troy (he; NtwEtigland CornimertieJo mon lo.ooast ot tneir commerce. ..i ) pnu.maKa.ner iripurary r,o me souin amivrare tbat'n?lemen will attempt II crn states !v when t$a$e same -south- feV: tVe goVe'fjiment bYre;UVIriin Itevcthcmirom ibe Duraeos,turmoiis and fcah$ls otocVicjl dl;M hesitate.to express i my &fAhtbatJwjf proclalnatfbnllthisV volt was v issued -io( consequence ot ttexcom plaints df a TestTess, lambiU-r ousaaauanne xacuon ampuc us. sirj' e!; ha ve eoj pyedjth)ar f iorab?e (liVtinttion, of being rj&:ebf! pett Vjf the nem3fV'' grace;ar fyr bee ranee ; and cpnsequeiuty-we' nave of th iriendsr6ur wonder, sir, "oor Influence Is annihl iateaj--tt ougnt .- looe. ine-opie Have mscovered that yd'u "who hoist of all the corimfefce;' . talents?) . ;in"tcgriV to-jparg.y Tht pdcedihgs pft last winter are viewed ; Xv'uH detestatioti and abKorrence.T ':MsVarCAU9e0s;'iji become a bvc-woTtl, and is "despised oy ncr Own, pgn ivi . m iciu- . Jerct i ved rhat ive are read y'to barter .Way the esseqti aifints ot, tne1 peo-' pir lor prone ne gcnxieinan irpoi 5tttTo)k (Mr: TliorhdjkeJ endeavor ed to nrove' the injuaticc of ;tHe war by a calculation l' deblrnd jC edit. ' 'The' oentlemSn ri)bfeases; tof be a mercnaniy anu uc wuwu scuiq tuit; rtghri of the naiio ai he youitl "tlur proceeds bt va if I luildfrvibnoVinuhat we .ave ; spilf !"mprVoloodf or W waYf .than Ve should ever lose byHm presSmeriL.t fid liis inference wouid bci tsuppoVe; that "we should submit If Grc3t.Uritain 8hoald, . in tinie' of pcev'Vantpr.lybutcher a hundred Afhtncan9?-,mcj i riild be like 1 to cost 't$o hiindreil v lo vpuhish ti-r, we ought to" pbckn the outrage jis the degridibg Course adopted by sortie of bur commercial poiitKUns.' tory wjucli wdl-give,hftm.not lyr? - HJ aouSuefcekover the Northern fctateaYr - ; tf; f J If 155 we cn make rrioney, no , matter uur, win enauic AncTniourffeanein-o t diahs to barbSrddrm&ssacW: tpif' : fUir:J ciye that the . northern states i , j ; t ernbra . ,Cv: ,ao, vcti say, isWexclnsive.rV tnam she W on tlic) asti elibrtlt ' . , n r h and-the.westi Wito-ipcfasft libs - r :t danger, eshcr is in the midst, of u$,if t - j J "yea'rs; she cao'eb'taiaha'U'ftbW V, ' t ;'f ' ' II broSen off in -tig op. war, ' V'"d rl ' - t ! T 1 , triMhffp ih'fafure jubjogaiix t..: 'yJ I otHhis country to" British domtmdn i " , ' r 11 add thette dearcfrit V;BntaioV ' " Slh thivve ihepsurtption tO; charge f-t( rl Wpof AnieVicaVifeTfeh? ' J ' i'j m-.o.,., awxj wihj wgiy; war wtaiu Terns 1 r a,; , t tyraat who1 lately gbvernefl Iranfeei- ' ' U1 "M P'i'.r..'. : : i- "i ju.u:4uu, we snouui njve.nearq no' tMng'ofrencS'iiifinentc.iDS parchaiini? ruovisidr. ibr the e- the coaatfy' was Uboui to be JsUryV But it disappointed';! wo pucm of nef n!e f hrf fctcaaie they iroiird co get the lcc because Uicy 14 cot, get ihe -proviskos, .and 5?e Aea;hbu of all the com. wc Wit agid repeated,that tne ol the nation bve discovered I ought not to he resisted j- agreed. :j f I . - - - m r w -I to.gelrid'ofthU era, statek furnished ve dollars for IJ 1 -P?.1 n?;indemntty tiun.e o?-f King the impQr'ts.i But .this ili exportation wnerc :Ne I BngU-h4' If "onsof her Odet s iapcd;;j not aifl thern;.Whtare ihesaur- furntshes' one. .Bufwe e old,' and rv at;frep ?hs';PJ ceVcf ImporMcions f , The-prodiicti Tamlt with, ormi truth; thae fn make-free goods ; pa matter jtt that 1 1 1 rt - t .. '' - ii on. . i n i r i r ii rfir i iiixi isiv rii iri if ti. i xva (fuuencc oi ine.nonnem states is an., u; -.-r -vr. r r now. ot :i our iriiuw-tiiicus, scij i.jiieu, we near gentlemen ex- )our 'rights' yodrhonor'vouVnde- riressroa wpndiJa6ehnnV r. ; pendentc-anV thing for tfieprofih the J?rtnh pjeofe .anA leyraod;- , i". :1i Suppose the iSouth -n 'W.iesf shild jheiijTuselforsobthJ tn " p " fl'Lt: take you at you-' wdrda ; you sty of Bg!hnl:rXhe FrVeh-inSuence $. - V 4 lj tmprescrment is 'a 6ritishfrightf-ind- seeinso bWygotebtt Jf ought not to he resisted agreed j sideof the "'ho'nscf rjtnerf UAff, ' I hat no indemnitv is-tlufontlipp-'ti danger "thatf wllf continue Wef erbtions of her 0dcts iafCincil ; than Frinc iied 66 - mTM products of your xrri, Tourrii7nrcrin',-the tabof of nihilated.' But ho"w? -Are ' we noH B-hoailiry t.crrrmerceV fe. Tgc CWT,:'n5 co from r?.? oii'a bited to C03-. st i&w jf ' J wa5 . th6 S A ?ptlhcide otthcorldj Jt Jton was'tho ianimcrcial AcdjwA-ihoulitatthercpn-. Zttrsn the modest .issuiaTice'of grchicu-, thacmrrcandfc k'noV v'J -ivdy confitedfo the fiostoa?.,Slr;f iC'with' WlconfcsS.aUr'Vt ?t sjrct df , hich, if you take ttiiCk "weir ,wqraj, vew UH.ff 4",ucciai; importance I ftourc'esof . importations' M6ney 'is a mcumm, Dui oot a sojircc oi com merce.? Wjthout yourjordickbol yviT0mamtjapurcs oi w.nat avail, are the trsiKYoii may; to, be inrtf, let j J equal XoQrirfgpeppai& not one. lourtn ortho.lree popuiatton, andyet we have kb , Senators of thiri ry-stx ana incexcess wu more iian compensc fori the loss 6y the - sUve renresentation in the' House It is caabotdcnlonst yotrrJnflucnce'defToVccl ? It isyour ! waVward,5 r cfriritra cted,0'" inconsistent fTnis'jsV.ain irjtt'perfectf ieW of ' you'd j policy which' has clone tnfs ; , your I commtrcui-importance. .jLhescmrei grpunuiess complaints against meaut UUUUUdUliu uiiiit; ircuciai. uwjrciu-v meal s your aiicmpnug pxcue xo cat lea'oUsies ami, animosities s your I vour shins h sailors to other, nations ana xoe smau pittance oc.inctr eam. tincrndybe converted into a retuit) wigu, im wjuiouc a 'mere trine. r Weir r.:r ; . - .. the -men Whoare:perperuaily babblinc. of their cbmmerceV A fine figured would ifc;Nesir t Engl and sutes make in 'the cooimercial W6rld were they cnt" off irura la iuumcfn tnnrKCi, or even upon a 'reWal of the tonnagedutvi J h is -bot long since your ships'. were; neglected in tpe soutnern ports? while oreigners codld obtainfcbod"freitjr ano-a pronuoie traacr it tney.prlQ- ish.yoiti hs you deserved you wctdd sboo besn ihe-s.arne situation. 1 lc us looc.at aoowcr cnarge a gainst the nation. '4- , i he local acrcTan-; t . i.'ir -fcT - voiieo uizementoi tne souirr.ana west trto iif WncfIlieabyt)f w -mth .vePyJnatoweaknctsV WheVa. i, tlKapti-l -iriatf iert;hUinabbr.roW Histejc ih,huneift he. suspects ihat fconieqiehtly' A? is- Wowinrf -poorer fyf vmk iuici w j nave wu ijdatge the 4m$ fcelirigsvl .'Add yerj j pe rtinairlous adhererice toVthe, ene- raies or your, xounirjr, nave :orougnt your t -state into tnar. aisrepute,:anu contcmpt'rt'of 4 which she nrtw pom plalns. '3IassaKusetts has!bern;anjf pf right ought tb'be a poWcrfbr and inaentiil- rncfebit ot the; Voibn-i but this" Ihftnencefa detVe'di'.tT.he Uisgrmceful proeipb Vid WmteV; tousea tne pcqpifrin me ne.gn!or,iog statesif' .New. .Yorkf & &Xc rwhiclv you ooastea ; wouia jomi me c xaaai. rose, a mine majeary.Dr.ncrsircngin hurled d:riancc, in Your .teethe and instead . r r -discovenoff tovlt ?' etrors; arddrfonie pw We Vare nVw buhlishibg tornfilabd' otherevidencc of! oiir dispositido. to bit neutral trade oHeen an :nem s' couoryand her colonies . ; yer y wol' d'hat : the allegiance 'of ( British sb4 je'ct js perpetual '-and ODalieire Dtit.trfr-an American not i we wiii not'eomeudi' ,AArcw, $, Ihavheazii ever if one- of these cunce&xiqmMtivo vntecf' at Vih'tyoardi&d chU'&neh ; w duUl .Have;hhreason"co xo .taib' if peace Is tfade Upon v their, own J rerms ; anu i you wisn ii xne unit inis-rnanra or 'Ffrirri- iinRnnm, ifcy . cxmes with on ellneert genremt-nwho areth'eticessant adrf Urf Vacates of 'Bntish1 rmfu theertik ; If Vf vi wvki: ur uausn U3UW and maw . - .tfH'- tanimn;vyo V, fir your: ties jcf"H6oJ'an3 -hiWiof r J'i!AJf iriemls,hlp wlih thePemfes jof thcs;;, , ; bartlatit the; aricvA&iijff, 'wrMtfa VOU. af- h4 ( v v J uuuuuutcu iriewar. t?;i8teaini 1 vv . duty andJ the frtoVries . li.t : fis h tfancl em ploy' Britishv Shi ps as tel W lHtp ;w ! thanecCrerna ins; ' tna contme. themselves to y our cus to m j samesUteou suspense; 'jbeforc i ihes?coucessicnswoul f amyet-tfiose VersrrmeAConciWiEidii concessions l riiem-but bo w wouldy ou like them? Ad '-.what encouigeme nt ha ve the j pcbple' 'f Uht Somh'andJWest tb waste tneir pzjpti ano treasure , tov ypu. wbile yciiMre cursing them foV ;r l ne gcptlenxen mthe-.nvxt piitce ttiriisj Vmat ; i I irTitlst ' all ithclie Wcra .1 Briti grpu'Diig;r.X 'havcecbjnt i A'-Uf! the clcslmpiohof British'Hghts;n: . - ; ' f tish wfengs,-most arrorVntlv-and in ' . .! S ' ) solent!; charge tne;cbvernmeutnci ' LlmcceVSlr,:rt QlarJZU f f beeome thb' crfihr-atdhwiU: -v 1 r .- i " . vm. 'A - i i - i. - o. ,i . . ii ii f.r . tiqhs and distfesses1, 'the, people tu 7. , flt ! v v . r 1 1.-.1 gtattire v ;r., i hji mustoff-; Th?r people turned their uwhuh yon hvotrcrCitrly iCon-t ; rv re( eyeOtowards Mr'Nqiry r , JV I, me enemy or irieoa ot .nisa tn? . - - I r f. turned voiit i'eves' ''tbj.vtfdsTfehjsi ThtylwQuld npngage'Jh thrQ3 ject'-they ; werealarmea vkst ouj snalmptf 'whiiheyiatfiUrW ill I your ami mixxcwe clears an j uxical ; e xhi lamtijrJG dj? tress; cucraror srienaoi inniiao. ir ? WrbWiitw jMHe tfomtui they are hri; . . j ' IU'.'i i zc$ Tftmtb Crpon erthr. t ; - v--;- . : V ;v lV t wssahwiM.idiaOT r rH si getopritwomd rire 4 Ucdc ,3i1 h? ir;! do not perceive toy' good r. Ilbthcrprodaniatioa loathe oWessd it!!S - V . . . f. o a .t '..- -"o t , t It t. f - " ' r -. P .. , - . - ' v , j 1 f . ;-t f jt '..Co. ..-, v v . ' u . t I " o , . f ..I ...... . , j ' ( 7t