; 4 : t .j . - t .,. . , .. ,'. i 1 i i I 9 . jl' wmht .ntit town stion on the V' t . then cerium - - r i i ! .id lit reaction was in T CC - iMeI on thl. ption " rc!l nudttbereto. . . -.nflPCKl' n. l,.. ;,,,,,itr the I . ..icliition iui irsew111 amount of the tfB, i noted to arfiend the re- lrtkrre hmfred-i"F',' wordl ' rect w fof " nB jwr P ,T ' -r-rf lisIC million. frfVcPtWrdn6tO20 cque tMto concur with the in amending tfee .resolution .rtrcase ihe direct ta 100 per, sst0 1. resent amount making the rct us to he raise? art millions ?! it was carried, J100 to Imticn then being on igreein 1 P'rtetit directrix as before ircrea r v . Kavs having tna I .1 -1 km Hj explained at -m, Itn'jth the motives ami zr hich he shbt?:dv..tc 'Jartr J I for r.-lir. - lJI tlint- were ot c roJTc iv.-.jj,- vn.. t!fre tn the nrcscnt ,ar;cteT'J r ' ken he concluded-- The House ac.joumccu Tuetdn. CM. 2. tc House relumed the consider c he enfiriihed business, bcinjj tt epert or the jcommif ce .prW.ays ijMtinfcrecowmcninj; thcimpcsi- rfad&ional fxe; Sc;the nrrtso-k-icn, fcr nji 100 per. cent, to the i tmotnt br the p rect Taxes, We h s carriexl 89 10 S7. , . ' Be icend refolutionj to berease, tc-jltfutyof twdfe a'wUn hilf cents kt Uoo,a beinfc under iconsiderjtion. LtW wiih thd gmcadmcnt made io cennhtee of tie whole KnnS to in. Ktase the same Xo 15 cents per gallon. Mr. risk tf NX renewed his mouon ro icsm twenty fire instiad ol fifteen. Tie bouse adjourned tithout a deu- sioo. t Vtihftdsy, Oct. 26. U i Tie Hocse resumed (the con?1derft un ef the ur&juhed: us ne, b.mg t qui n on ite.rm-liin b a nkr. out 15 (be pmpoed incrraje of the tax) Sc iruf. lan ptcettf per gallon in ad dition to ih-; prt'sejrt i1uy on ihi capa. city ot the stilt TW wai negatifed to 67. :."' Mr. Fisk. mored to amend the amend, tret of the com mitt'et the whole by inning 'laestf instead cijftet cents perpUoru 7S to 63. fats motion t4 carried M . Y'ancy of N. C. tfieninovsd an o Btndraent e iig to place a duty ol ccn a cn tvery gallon qf sptiits distilled frrdotr.f stic tnateriIs,'tnad otdifi- ibz it br ween the captcuy and product of he Mr. Vt pbkc in support f ctm:y to do equal justice to 'all: distil krs,kc. f ' -'-: Mr. Macon ?Uo spce In support ,of z mciicn. He acknowledged the ne ctsiy cf pfondmg a jreTenue,& there s fto bciter jubjtct of taxation than ip i s, provided it was! not taxed higbtr traa it ccu!d bear. This motion was ttRaiited 07 to 55 , " Mr. Canp&ri of Teo. then moved to ttiiie out the 'addlional duty of twenty tfiiftpcrKfllar.d in lieu thereof pro icscd an 'addiuonal duiy of 100 pe&cenu cn 'be prestnt duty orj ills Tibis mo tion was revived vritlout a'drvuion. ' When the Direct Ta rea- luUqn a crttd yesterday ir.d; ibst'-tus: agrtco were referred to jthe comrbittee of Vays tod Mcaow to rtpori,b;.ls pursu. iM thereto, j j ;c1 r Mr. Trcup oi Ceti from the MUita ry ammitte, rtpefied a billroaking trther provittcD for R'.liog the ranks of lie Rtgular Army by classifying the fee tile pcpulat'cr. of tfi- United S;tet'. This WH prep ststto provide for-the Vision of be whole free male popula Jwa "of the U. States, by the assessors, irto c'asses of twenty -five men each ; fHh class to be compered, under a pttuly of - hundred dollars to fur-( D,5b, withla diys 4fier the clissi a'.nion ifortsiid, anjable-bcdied recrliit r the service of the United Stateaw Tbe bill s of sorne length, and contains Try foil provtsicQst for carrying itself Wo effect. Mr, Ticop also reported a bill ' To authorise the President of the U. States to accept the services. -of Volunteers lo my iHociitc 10d organize Uiem lus sDU offer their ttrvicesl to the rttrnment ofrhe;United Stitcs.' IS TYht tiaeoTtnlablll'dffidenarcx plaio't Its obiect:i Y V. : '7 Mr. Trcup auo reported a bill to proTide fortbe further, defence hi ihe frontiers of the U States by authorizing the President to augment the -present military !ablisnmt nt.' . ' f . i rTWs biH propofea to proridei" that M in addition to the preient Military Es" tablisment ot the Ucited Sutei' there be 'immediately' raised forty regiments n sucji proportions of infantry artillery, rinemc'n and ca? airy, as the President of the United States may deem proper, 6 be enlisted to senre during the war, unless sooner discharged, and limited as to service to the deferce of the frontiers of he U.St at es. Uc The three bils were severally twice read arid referred. . Mr, Troup also laid btfore the House the following letter from the Secretary at War to the Military commi -'ee t Department of TTarOct. 17. Sir .The creat importance of the subject and 1 the other da lea of the Department,, m hich cquld not fail to be very gensibly felt, at ao intereitin a period, by a person who had juat taken charge of if, are ray aiol-py for not anwennff our letter of the 24' h if September at an earlier day, on the defects oflhepreaent Mi itary Ettblithment. Due ccnj'deralion has been bestowed on the iubiect matter of that letter, and I 'have j now the honor -to submit to the committee toe following repori t 1. That the preaent MUlt.ry B taMinh ment, amounting to 62 443 men be present ed and made complete, and that th moul ' efficient meant atithorisetl by the cons'itu 1 i'n -y aixl ronsittent wih .the general rit?ht I of ourfrlIow:i'i2en be ailoptetl, to fill the ' ranks, and vrith the possible delsy. 2 That a pertr.anr.ut force, eonsia?ig of at least 40.0U0 men in avhlitica to th prP- srot mil iary estab mhrnent be raid for the defence of our cities and frin?iers? under an enj;aemcnt bythe Ktreutive withnuc corps that it shall be employed in t!t-t ft.r- I Vice withm certain specfiel tinitt and lha J a proportional augmentation of general tfn cera of each giaue, and other a att be prt Tided for. s V 3. That ihe corps of engineers be enlarjd . 4. That the ordnance department be a- menued. i . Jtespecting the enlrjre?nt of-the corps ! of engineers, I aliallaubmit hereaft'ef a more detailed o mmuaiciti'W , j - for the proponed amendment of theord- J nnnce -department. 1 aabmit a report from the senio ufiin r of that department1 in this j pi.p which ia approved . j I shall be ready and happy to eommun1- j cste such further remarks and detaila.'on f these subjectf aa the commit tec rnayjdesire, and shall request permission to suggest: hereafter the result of , further attention to, land rellecttan on our rrilUary establish ! ment reneratly, shoidd smyVthinr occur which rosy be deemed worthy ita attention. I hate the honor to be, he. t . . , V J AS. MONROE, Hon. O M. Troup, Chairroann v' . y ; Miliary Committee, House -.'j of Repreaentalivea,-, Acccmpaj ying this letter Is an inter. estt!e DSDer of Sme length, from the i pen of the Secretary, fcesued Expbna- tory jtemaik, wh eh we shall publish t as soon as ,wr can lay our hands cn i . TheH .ue.reuned the constdcrctian of the report ,of the coropitlce of ihe whole on the report of the committee pf Ways and Means, , 1 . k 1-nC rCSOiUllOI lor uumu ii duui tional du'y no postage being under con-1 sidt ration, together wi'b the amendment agoing to increase the rates :bf :pnfev one hundred tns'rad of fifty per cen. on I tbtir pretnrnt amyuol ifttr cbiiiidera- ble debate, ' . -The question on inserting; on,e hun dred iostead of fifty per cent- was car ried 9s:to-iscys y, Th ques ts on adopting the resolu tion (as am; nded) was .tbcnted. f i Mr. Gaston awignedi as - he principal reasob 'wliy be should vote aghnst this tax thai -this was not a subject, the revenue onVhich could be safely or pro. perly pledged. to-thf public crcdi or The revenue "therefrom "accruing, Jn f ct. he conceived to beVexclustvely pledged to the perfection of the Po a- The question ws then taken and the resolution was carried 9 6 to 47; ; Y The next question for consideration presented itslf in the following. words; Resolved, That it is expedient to add 100 percent, to the present d6ty pnsiUs at auction vTaod wasagreedrto without The next resolution was that embra cing a tax, among othtr articles, , on cotton yarn, and otner maoufactufes, lumiture, Sc-. , . -. - The' questions to concur with we committee? of the whole in strilcing out .cotton yarn and shoes (that is, ex empting them from taxation) were de cided in the affirmative without fie bate ; as also was tne proposiuon fcf taxing all manufactured paper at the me of fire per cent. r Mr. Oakley of N. 'YJ moved to strike out Billow candles! which was negatived 74. tp -59. ' 1 . Mr. J. Reid theq' moved to strike out Bperxnaxetrcandlea, on account of the pcculiar'oppressive operatioa of tach a tax on the Island of Nantucket and town of New Bedford in Massa chusetts. . Ncgstived 73 to 50. Mr. Bigelowr then.tnovedto strtke out the Word leather so as to exempt it from taxatioVwrttcH motion Mr.B. supported at s?mp length.. The mo tion was negauved by a considerable Mtv Wheatot)the!i tifjve3 to strita out the. article oatls. manufacted by u.At.iutty i, in support oi xiatcn mo tione maieibmeRnut Mr. Eppia rxpliecUtbdthe.tnotioa was negatived, without a division, v-: ; -Mr, Gaston then - moved to strike out so .much 'orje WsolutioaVoow under cods'tderatioo as proposes !to taxfurmture above a certain value, (bedsv betiding; kitchen Furniture, and, articW.of domestic manufacture ex cepd) whiclT iriotioa tras, without debate, decided in the "negative 72 ' to 43. ' ; ' - I. The question on the adoption of the whole of the reaolntion (as emend ed .by striking out cottou yarn xlnd hats) was decided in the affirmative 76 to 34. n. i ne next resolution, is " That it is expeaient to class the retailers xl foreign merchmdize, and add fifty per cent, to the present duty thereon." The next resolution 'was so to im pose a duty on plated harness, combi ned with the tax on carriages, as to fadil to the present di'on.'cmages The eigh.iT- and last resolation, 'That it is -xpedient' to establish a Nitional Bank; with branches in the several states,9 being under conside ration. . ,' On motion of Mr. Hawkins The House adjourrtcd. s The House'-Tesurhed the considera tion of the remaining part of the report of the committee. of the whole i be ing a resolution " that iVis expedient to establiahc National Bank" with branches it tne several States. "This" prcrvition was opposed by Messrs, Cl tpton, Eppcs, Bur well, Stun ford, Hawkins and Post ; and edvoCalrd ) '-hy Messs. Wnght,rDural. Gros'tenor. Wilson & M Kee, unrj carried 93vto 54. The reso'ution from the Sen ite, ex pressive of the sene of Congress rela tive the viciory' of the VYasp Over the Keindecr, wa5 read a third time and passed.'- i Mr. W. Reed of Mass. after Remark ing, that he had und? rctood th'ereTZas before the Senate a bill lor the incre se of th? naval force'ol the United States, in order to acquire information neces sary to enable the House to act undcr standingfyon tho subject, submitted a resolve lor consideration, which, after undergoing some modification, present ed itself in the following shape : j Resolved That the Secretary of the Navy be and he is hereby directed to. report to this House, a statement of the num!er .-0t armed vessels belonging to theU. States" btr the dee:laration ol the existing vir, designating the names by timbiand the progress made in the execution of these laws ind, if not completed, the causes that have pre vented their execution. ' - After some cpulto'v conversation as to the state ot the information on this subject, the ."resolution w-s ordered to lie on the table Si the House adjourned . Frfn tlB v utionai jnrecuencer, 13y 4he Congressional Report of yes- te dav it Will be seen that a System of measures, cofrcsporiclent with the exi gency of-the times, has been reported bv the Military -commutes. The pnn cipal measure proposta ltne cnssin cation ot all the free stales in!, the U. States into classes of 25, each of which classes is to furnish one recruit for the ArmyjThus, if one hundred j dollars, thV present legal bounty for recruits, be. too small an .inducement to any one" o'' that number to enlist into the army, the voluntary contribution of ten dollars, or i r 4 more, I'Om eacn mcmocr ui ct y ciaaa, will .constitute; a premium' for which recruits may be obtained in.abundancef The principal objection which this mea sure will receive and an objection of some weight, too, will be its novelty. Buti" certainly," if we look at the present J state of things i if we look at the lorce and means of annoyance whic the ene my has at his dispoSal ; if we! look at the determination he hS;. evinced to humble the Yankeey for their" rnso lence in daring to resist hisyile atroci ties I if, in puttingtfiis c that together, we reflect upon the" danger to wbich we shall be exposed unless ' measures' zdeuuate tothe crisis are adopted we shall acknowledge these are arguments sufficiently strong to conquer any oojecv ions on the score ot novelty to the mea : sure proposed. ;A nov.i state of things demands noeiineasures. Britain re quires us to surrender a large portion of the soUof 2 ipfour states as a prelim inary to negociatiefn. Go J knows what she would have required tefoi e the end of it. had we been base -enough to yield that. The People with one voice spurn i the insolent demana. i ne aeraana men must be resisUd. Our present regular force is incompetent to cope with that which the enemy can array against it. The process of recruiting is too tardy to supply tne requisite number of men. To call out the Militia en masse, and inarch thtm the necessary distance and force of each and their present con. di;ion ; also, the number of n;w vessels authorised to be btu'.t by law sihee that frOf thBf KszZssi fcrftSs? "iuf tf th6 oueiohHlhie Constitution which tnatiy'of bnrf citisCconwied- itiously ehtertai;i, would be an unequal: measu'hjere Kthen; no alternsi- i tl ve between hc raeurpropose or thirtieth man Sci the ;Mtuittiu4&rej:: inghimrwit:the tnkLXhcorss now recommended avoids' that Jafet :afed painful resort, and we - hope, in this view, Aviu uicei, wnen corrctnj unucr stood, , the general approbation off the pebple. - ... f State of JN6?rhCaroIina, ' Court of Pttds Is? Quarter Settlor tt .' ,' Au'- Scssiojiii As D 1814. Moses Seroggs A9. W.lobn Jeans. Original Attachment levied pvo umdretf. acresof JLanfipn, Busfiy Mountain joining the lands, of Alex ender Gilrtath, Peter Kuton, John Ball and MUiam Bkiord V IT appearing to the satisfaction of the.co.arti t that th defendent is loot an inhabitant of I k this State ; It is therefore ordered that pubW at'on be made in the Halejfch Rezistet for ; three tronths that unless the defendant appear at thenert Connty couit of Pleas and quar ter Sessipns, on the two first days of said court, to be held for the County of Wilkes jat,tfee Court-house in Vilkesboro' on the 5th Monday in October! next; and replevy and ple?d, or judgment final will.be entsredagaina ' hin. ' , . . State ofNorth-CaroIina, . Kichmond county. Sept Term 1814; , Mary Love and fcrtmus Love." Petition -.The Er'rs ofVm. Lore, decd. j legacics. TT appearing to tbs satisfaction ol'thiiCourt A that James Smrth, one of the defendants,4 is not an inhabitant or. this Stae, ordered that publication be made for five weeks suc cessively in the Raleigh Register, that Tames Smith appear on the first Thursday after the J 'third Monday in ; March next at a County Court cfPlesand Quarter Sessions. Jto be . held for said Coun. v t the Courthftuis in ' Itockinharn, and plead,' ns?rer-or demur, otherwise the :aid Petition. a3 to him. hall ! be taken prconfesso and heard exparte. i . i'. Test.. -, 8J MAPXIN a CRAWFORD,, Clerk. State of NotthiCarolina, Nurthampion Cuuniy. Crar? cf Plf ti aid Quarter Sessions September Term, iSl4. Fraacis Dancy pltf. 1 OrljiniJittachnint s and returned levied on a Ben. Johnson ' . deft.3 tract of Ldmlt 6fc. , J- IT is ordered thiit publication of this-suit be made fpr three months successively in the Raleigh fcegiste-r, for the delendar.t to appear at the next term of this Court, to be ho'derfon the first Monday in December next, and replevy,, plead, answer or demur, other wise the 'property, levied on i:ll be condemn ed and subject to be sold in satisfaction of the plaintiff' Vclaim and costs of suit. A Copy. Teste. 83 , J. C HARRISON, c. c. 5tate of North-Carolina, Northampton CbubtytJ: . Court of Tleas and Ouartef Sessions September Term, 1814. Anthony Tucker, -and r Vlliam P. vW.ker, P f . ment rem ned. ORDEHED, that publication of this sdit fne md for three months snccessive!y in the Riletgh Pegitter, for the defendant to ap- pesr at th- next term of this Ccurt to be hold. !cn cn the 1st Monday in Dcc'r next, and re.: ! plvy, plead, answer or demur, otherwae thi i property levied on vdl be; condemned and subject to be sold in satisfaction of th plain. i tiff 's claim and costs of suit. rj A Copy. Teste, , 84 J C HARRISON, c C DIRECT TAX, 4 XTOTICE is hereby jriver. t'at the Direct xN Tas laiet,-in conformity to thb: acts ot dl Cmgre, parsed the 22d July, ,and 2d - Au gust, 1S13, upon the following described property, is ikw remaioing unpaid, and tha: nnless the said tax, with tan per cent, in ad dition thereto, shall be paid to the subscribers on or be fere the 12th day of December, the said Property, or sc much thereot as shall be necessary to satisfy th said tax aad twenty per cent, in addition thereto, wul bs sokl at PuDlic'Sale",j at the Courthouse in Raleigh, in the County of Wake- The sale to com mence at 12 o'clock A. M. on the said 12th diy of December, viz. ' Samuel Sugg,; 1-UIiOt :in Raleigh, No. 116, adjoining R. Smith ; tax SGLl.3ccnts' Lewis Nxholion, 1 Lot 4b Ksle-gh Vlojn 2o3, with part of Lot No 252 & two other Lots ; tax 22 dollars 75 cents "A : John Rhodes, 300 acres fand adjoining S. Smith ; tix 3 dollars Alsey Sanders, 550 acres land on Middle Creek, 200 do do on, W4 NeaJ's Creek I tax 2 dollars 85 1-2 cents . " Britain Stephenson, 202 1-2 , do do ad. joining Lewis Pages tax 1 dollar 73 cents 'i Josian Mitcnti, b0 do do do Henry. Warren : tax 31 cen's . - Ezekil MoWey, 100 do do do John Allei ; tax 41 cents 7 , Francis Jones, ' 60 do' dado Avea Parr bam ; tax 1 cents v is "Given under our hands tbls lst day ef V November, 1814. ; OjrusWhitaker & ?s ' ' - h-WHUs IVhi taker, Deputy. Collector s fax Wke Couoty in the 8.h Collection D?strir..t'N. Carolina. 1BORTV DdLLARS KEWAR D. iSESfiRTED froni my recruiting rendez vous. at Windsor, North Carolina, the lOthOctober; BPHRAIM: GONE, bora w ; Bar frd County,' aged 40 year; six feet high, i black eye ar..' nair. by profestiun a- farmer. The Abbva reward -will be given onliit deli- ' vtrv to me oe to any'officer of the IT. States' army, and au expepcs paw. n ukcij nc lias -made for Wake or Franklin County, io both ot whtcn ne nss rexioea. -- FH ANC1S U. UHARLTUN, V L eoU 35th Regt. U;j5. Infantry. November 4 irttTTjrtir J MMTf IXXM, Urn . v . 'dayHof September Us awtaidiito! tMart or 8ioehes beh.sr5are raidcJ with "a scar on bta iead, perhaps 6oe in U.iace, ba"a''aly downJo5k?wheiiriok to. .He took with him at larp-e fierce, t el low 1) or. also a fiuantitr, s rfcloibt$,Ja snrut coax iinca whs woiic- jcomespgn. - it is supposed that someparsosnas given. nua ' aV Pass; or UkerxcVraay StterWpt jlo jpasa fur . , aTree rcao? i vThe said bribngs to tbei hiya of -Vm.' Hamsey;4eVd.-Tse!St reward will be given to any person who'wiU. deli ver the said Tim to me.orseiorc him m : any vail ana give umetyaoicev Tn-" Chatham county, Oct l6 ISf i ;3vr S HA L'S SALE. VN M6n2ay tbeSlst instantia ptirsnance . v5 S 4 Order ot.S le of the IlonoxxWe yCcurrt : . il- b sold, for cash'bc.PablSc' Aucthirii f& the-iiwn or Newberi, thrJWg' AYJON'atid CARGO, Prize to thearmed Jcbi. :Sablne fefv5 etlumorecon5ist!ngfebf 85: Pipesi and20t y bait P-ipes cf Teueriffc-Wiiie At the sarrer'' titfe and placewijl be sold, the 'Cutter.$tX& injr nan sna uarvju, 7ze w ine tanre: consisting of PiPipcs Sweet b;lj 30 half ; t'.pes uo.wi uasea do 3U bouteS esch vase i u j ars co, it ; casxs vreim uanar. h 110 half barreiS AWho7es, 5O.keg'db.0' bags and 1 barrel Juniper Berries,! 9 ciskk'i. Xiamb and Kid Skins, 47cases4Argol.3 casks '. ditto: . i!.v- B. TjjAMEL, Jfttshrt. :zjy 61 3w November 4 ' hALEWJl FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 1814. 4- To-morrow Week will commenccH.; the term of the Circuit Court of the?v fj. States forihis District. T --' The United States .Steatxi Vessel f of War f J-TD5ilIRSTV ; was Liunbhbdbat. NewYjqrli brt Jtiib y. 1 29thuki. , y:.v, General PasiMr Cibpton from. Virginia,9 at the request otth&k' baptise Associationt,on tne sytn tllU; moved that he Presuienrpi theUV- States be requested to issu; asPrbr clamation for a day of fasting anolf prayer, which tvill cloubtless pass, A netit'IsOatuQti. the samtj dayv the blanklih the? bjlt "i auttiiarisin ss v new loan, was, fijledwith. ifireermil We received by 'the mail yesterday, an Ad- , . i.. : . . .. drt3a to the cit'Seds of Henfofd. Btrtie Martin, Northampvjort, Halif sx, Nash, Edge ' rorobV JoV.nston, Warren, Franilin, Grtn- villu and Vake, andto tha patriotic citizens o North-Carolina ,foerally,f signed by-theu CbU L eut Col, Mjor$ and Captains, of the detaefcmeet of JMHtii from these ccuntiea now at Neffelk; appealing to their benevo lence, patriotism and humanhyi for assist' ance to procure Winter clothing for, the sof diers,- who h ave alresdy sOTeral, and Will if not speedily complied, .suffer greatly from the inclemency of th2 season , fcr 'the want of thm. We hve not robni, for j the addrrS j ticngh is sitd'to call forth T--nnsediaT rehett to bur brethren in arra3. ,' It is propottl that Receivers be appointed m "each ccUhrj Jfcr woollen , clot nititg,; bankets. ormoney. . fho ji Edhor bhe Register will thankfully receive j. and forwstd.Awbatiev'et:iDay be sent to I r a ' to? this pctposer'" Persona in j the? eonarry' ! hiving woo.Mao cloth or blankets for sale,, at ; requested to bring thena to thjditpr, who. ! riH purchase7 thetn for this purpose. v . .; Gen .Porter, inl Ite letter tohs ExcelhnJ ly the Gftveraorssys'5.the N. Carolina ltegi mvm arc nne rngu, di iney want wmteru cloafairg.'.. ; " ' ' " ' " f HE ENEMY ON OUR COASTi Citrrikitk Cwt Bause,'JS. Vt SlttOn the 19th inat jie Britistt' came in at CurfitucKinJet withSijino barges, and supposed to.be thiee hun dred or upwards of ;men 1 Thev nro- ceeded immediately up thb citacnelf F where they captured tthjee. coasting vessels and cat ried themj out, ' burnt three more, tools severaTsmall lighters if but gave them upw;A borne bt their pari" ges proceeded as far - as thle upper'encl k- cf Church's Island,, others off Knot's Isfji land, chasing oyster, twats j and :canoc9 . and firing on them. ilThey , then ref turned tothe ihlet sd,Ayty'0Vctnng: killedourieeTrbrififtq cattle where they taid fall nrghtjwitli? two of their. priaeSAEar'ly the. nemorning they got;underweigh and proceeded to .-, the ship'and brig' which layoff the inlet all of which got under weigh and stood ' to the northward. The greatest ajarra and- confusion prevailed" duryig; their ; fstav in our waters, on Church's- an Krot s Island, ihey aiiot a great maf ny bslli' throtjglihonils house, and destroyed all Hhe furniture He lives on Betsey VMarihr .abririt' Ja mne ana,a; na irc:Urei(aniet.i in! i militia were called :ouilb suthcient quantity of ball and cartridges ; could be prrxuredVlth waters.4we had threelpr four r pieces. of artillery anoa smalf wrtintjadorV ''&Vir: diman'sIarfittee oien , wouiu oc aoieto .Keep on : tne narges, , and fendertliis 'place per fectly securjei ThclEbeaiy threa'tenedT to pay us ano To the u$tr of ibeRegiftcn In this dry, on Sunday laV -'Mfi Be njamia Pulham, ao old and reapectabhHnhab iianf la Granvil!e county, lately M;a Ja jie.Da nieiaiatee f the Mars al wf la Oia itk, 1 rv' iy a --4 I t-.- t 1 . v i - 4 i H 0 t .' V-i' i -. : "i-w - " r - yy-y -"'hi -- .1-'.. ' y 5H--vf MJ '-y.'dii-yf U m:ymy , 1-4