l-i .1 0 . . V qu XV. T i sa : .: ; r " 1 1 . ' - . . fLTUM IN PAHVO.. jutpubtffea,AM for Sale, , IT 37, Suth SicJ Street,. fhe Americanppeaker; J v; fir---- Uri for One Dsllann a more ex tern collection cj interesting mat , LVn tiny Booh of the jame vxrc extant. ; Tw v5yVcXi err zit entirety such is may be use &, 5 w understoffd, ar the tmetitdav ' 1 ITiis Volume. Contain : B'4LiT initiaons ti the pbyeri f--f V-tohii ion I'hUis, en tei.gn-pg to ! bim hit vat dop.utons - . fflSl.x:h fobrr aim encamped at Cjtfooof 'c ipcixh ,l the rati of Siraf fori before :!us Ucoie Of Lordi 1-41 . f ef1t'i:a q the HertfrUnt , ' ' ; r lahB S-Aubyn on the duration 5 et Hatrtamen: f t WtUUnj Vindham on the aame subject: J Sn Kobtrt V!?Je in reply Sir li lexrt llatrjco;c on ihe estab Jivi.T.cac of iiace"OfiicTa M euiuoe ofl a $uml.rg annj 1731 I .' ' v S.r Kcbeit VaJptle on motidn fo dutni&l bim froA ibe Kio'a coun cJ f U ' . v Dute of Bcdfcro cn m mctioo to ctke the dcicedanu.cr (raitnrt aatvrtrable for the xtai of their airuoira ti.S , Gocnl t"Volfe to bia anajr btfore t lrdCutbxaoo inxclircxatothc . - "f . " da : the leifareTof -, v f ' f alUand IMandav . J ?V iM w w . tai njl to Lord JIanihcid 1770 I oo tbe atate of the nation ' Lcrd Mtnafielijon tb delays of Justice jr.... CoieoUBaite ci AneficarfaiTalra . Do ia teplf GortmoT PowTiall on the repeal of j ibe fortdanea Lord Ciatban on the bill icr qoai- i terissMdicis 'Mr. Burkao Atncricin taxation - ( ( Dol witb a tkctcli oHbe char act et of Alr.Creuv.Ue Mr. Herts wnti a tievr of Lord CnathimUsidrainmraiioaad charter of Carles Tcwcacnd Mr. Dot kc, extract from Cc tame , j to tieekotors of Brit . v tor. on bejndulj c- " ' '. lcCted' Mr. Borke to tbt elector of Brittoi -on the rght of innrucung rcpre aentaiivcs Luta Ctutbam on his motion lo tcT.;vt the trcOus from Boton Loid Canien ion secondtog the itetoft 4 31. Burke on 'American afTairs t j : on JcoccUiation with .1 Amerca Mirquia of Gt abb on Aoencan AUiiTl Lcrd tiEcgUm COTUrr ilsiua on resigning his Ld Cfestham cin an address to the on a notion to acW ' i ttourn tbOooae' . ' on his motion rfr " kn amcniifseoi 40 f (thaadd.ss -V" I:rd Chathira bn the employraent Gl lixiiaos against j Kmeric. . Dr. Shipley, bishop of St. Aiaph, ; ,;On tckrtiiqn Sir WiUianrMtrcditii on frequent In e 1 exccut.ona "Stroma tpeech o! Mr, Borke on ceo ru ."Of i . -I iro n the erne to tbe electors o( Bristol liorathc'on speed, oil imprison j. tm lot debt - . ww i on psnai ttatote? ; agairst Catholics Mr Fax on the rr;?al of the news of the battle ot Cu.lford M , JVittaraPitt.imiim' Mi cx on the smrent?er ol Lord . t-crrtiitit . , . M: ?e oa the right to tax V nerica J Z of Mr Fox on Mr Pitt'i mation for tttn fPVCameotary reform n s kpeecb cf Mf picod s Uo.l ofMrFoxotiMrGray'a U-, fm for ri form in parliament -awa i - Do i of Mr. Fox on the same siojcct ' cfjMrFox on the af: fsirs of lrelsid ofMr Borke on Mr, Fax's IndmbJI Do Do Do ! '-... -" . . : Inttc .lion to a ipcecft of Mr Fox on ' tif C-woraeiil of-India - N V ; Cxttact of a speech of Mr Unite on the nabob r. ofAtcotVdebts s : y .: Extract of a tpeech of Mf Grattan. ' T r Speech of Lord Krskinioa cruelty to animali j bfWairen llaningf. ; ; . Mr Bui kea evloglam on Mr B' ridana ipeeclt, Exrratt fr;.r. x ; apeecb off Mr Grattaru con' "cerning tithes . ' , , : Speech ct Mr Cnrran in the Irish psriiiraent on pensions ! Extract from a tpeech of Mr Erakine on the' trial of Mr Paine r . "VVk- The, petition of the wife of Almai AU Cawn to Warren Hasting ' , v, iCAxf J Mr Erikine on the Jibertj of the, preis . , , Mr Con an oof the same subject on "Mr, Row- tn'a trial ' . ' " Extract from a speech cf Mr Curran on thev Ccnclufion of Mr Eisk ne'i address to tbe 'jury Ati the ttuiNit Mr Uaidy Mt Fx'a eu'oeium on General Waihinrtcn : . . . . . - . ----- Mr Sheridan o.t the death of Mr Fox txtrac: from Mr Curran's speech in the case of Just-ce Johnson Speech of Mr Grattan on the Catholic question Dr. Dodo's addirt to the cccri be tore xccciv- . inprtentcr.ee ol J- n Sperch of Mr llorue. on the trial nf Mr. Bsr tot to k'Uih Mr Mills in a duel Speech of Mr Poland in the Virginia legists ture.ona bll lor the sopprewion of duelling Extract from a speech of Jord btanhope on ceutilnghts kxuictfroro a speech of governor Livingston to the cnurol and assembly of Nvr Jersey Orat!on of Uobert Krnmetc to his judge befote recennaj sentence of death Speech of Jacob Henry In tbe North Carolina leglsla ory on a motion to expel him, be General Washington to Congress, on accept V 'ng ns commission to bis troops before the ba:u of Long Island to hia troops before at V tacking the Hesuans at Trenton general orders to tbe army circular to the governors of the States speech to the army in i conscqucuce. ot an ano tljmous publication Speech of Genera Washington to the Prcs: dent of Congress, on resigning bis com mission Answer bl the President of Congress to the forerotnr Farewell address of Ccncral Washington to the army Speech of the Mayor Of Alexandria to General Wasbtngtun. on Ins (caving home to entc on the prrt deucy !' j Gn- Washington's answer to the foregoing FreakUnt Washington's. 1st rpeech toCcngTess speech to the-jd Uon prcs lr9.i ,l f arc wcl address to the people of the V S General Marshall's speech in Congress an nooncing the death of Washington 4 . J Extract trom tnerai tt. L.ee a lunerai ora tion on Washington' t deai h JnaoguraJ speech of President Adams v . J-tferson Msdson Exrr&ct from a speech of Fishes A me on the British trca?j '.vi , 't 2 ..f 1 from a speech of' Mr. Writ on the i from an oration of U chdi Rush, Esq. , at Washington, July 4th, 4813 An old Indian chief to an J&i.glish .officer , t Ah -ilri lisnibicf to English commisatopers Speech of Lcsas. a Mmro chief 1 an Indian chief to tthe, Prorincial Congresa of New .nglaod . thechtefr of the Seneca nation ,t0 tbe PreslJcnt of the Vs State .-" ' - the same 40 the same the same to tbe same i.-' . Farmer's Brother S , , Red Jacket V Rtd Jacket . a , ; Ktd Jacket. ' ', S . '. Rsdjacket j Philadelphia, Nov, ly 1EU "I- l VALUABLE LAND ; : ' IOR &.fX. v -A t 'TflE'subscriber ofTeri' for sale bis valuable A Tract of,Land, lying oh both Wide of the Catiwba Hirer ill the counties of Mecklen burirand Lincoln, eleven miles west of Char lolie ccnulninjr between 450 and 500 acres. There is cleared land 'sufrtciest for the work of 6 or 7 bandi.mostly bottom of tbe neat qua- liiy, and a quantity of excellent bottom land to clear tuere ia a roieraoie gooc uweiiing House and out Mouses, excellent water, aV.d in a jjood neighborhood. Any person wish ing' to purchase, may Know tHe terma, Dy applying to tne suDacriDer.oninepremjses. K , SAM'L. M'CUMB, , Mecklenburg. QcL 8. 8w 6 ; HENUY HAHU1E, vj j'- CABINET MAKER, t Respectrnlly informs "the Public, that b hascomcirsced the above business ih that ccw boosa on i tbe corner of ".Martin & MDowell stiteis, a Utile west ot ina orage waxecv -TlMjse Who are in.wanr of any thine- in his line wdlfind it greatly .to the.r ; anuge-to l)r0 call, as be nlcnda always to haye such arts.. cksas wdlbeat iit:uieni oom in uauiyvano I f tnorice. J . I I . ; , He tiaturs himself From the faithful exe 1 1 .Mfi mlr. khu he- can "ive renera) If their coramindi. and be fullr uiiae them W M VIM M. w ' RalnVh. Scti 36. " ;tf--4 ' FOREIGN JV!E VPS. I v ....-' ( -AURivit of jTifilcUAVHcir pry, latt ci Important, .JLt cvcbbgf arrivcfl at;thipprt the cartel EytoonferChauticcyi Capti Depeysterf in jthe Very shbrtpssiage of 25 rJays.Frota Oatcnd. fsrhSch place ihe left. on WcVtrMtsff ' brabtlat'of passengers Chauncey, informs that inteUitence Had reached Oatendbf the meeting qf the gfeai Kurppean Congress at V ienna, 'and a repdrt 'of its' having terminated irH-V rUDture between Fr jnce ap1df Elnglarid -that an army of ;80 000 -men ipTie put uodV the command oT inrrl Welliogtod, nd been ordered to Igiarn j and that the nnnular' Vnir.i in lVs4nr.-aa- n uar xuahJingianat 6ra new revolu tion. The passengers farther state, that, it wasp hoped and expected, that a jieacev would be facilitated between rvmcrTxa ana cogiana, in coose quenccf. of an exacted rupture be tween come of the Huropean powers. ?0ar. readers will perceiver' that tbe above intelligence is verbal, and that our papers make no mention .of a rupiure in tne congress 01 v ienna,' wnicn assemDieaon tne 3d ot uct j The cartel ship Neptune had not ssiled,. but was ordered to proceed from Antwerp to Brest. The news of the captuse of Washi ington, by the British ; their defeat nt Baltimore, and joss of thtirmaior gfjierai rioss; ana tne capture 01 toeir lc'ct'on Lake; Champlain, and, defeat of their army, ai PUttsburg; -reached London about thelth ot October, nd ail about the same time. 1 heir defeat on ChampUin'ar Pittsburg and Baltimorewefe tcrriblc'dampera to th Lunddner.s. v " " r Lord Hill remained in England, but it was" Tejiqrted had received or ders'to embutlc.for tbe.coptibent. We have seen a letter from;Ghent of the'!25tH'Octobe;rl at .Which time our ministers were at that places A Ghent paper of October : 21r state?, ,u Tre negotiations at -Vienna are enveloped ia the most- profound mystery. ' It is, however,-presumftdi that in the course of a few days the public will hear of some important e vents which ' wc , Uhderstancl' have been decided qpon , r ? . 4k Sweden has peremptorily refused t co give up Swedish romerama, until she is indemnified for theexpenceat of the war against Norway which ; the king 6f Denmark has not been able to effect agreeably? to the treaty of Kiehl.: jTheKnssianfleet of men of war had arrived in the Baltic from Eng- X The London Suteman of the 15th October, states, that on the day the news of the capture of Washington reached Washington, Lord Welling ton, then atPans, gave a grand did ncr and ball, td which he invited ail the foreicrn ministers; not one' of whom attended. ' A Paris paper of Octobcr.il, says. " Of the questions of general interest which are to occupy the- at tention ol the epvoys at Vienna, the first without doubt-w ill be to solemnly fix the richts of nations of j all the known world, and'ptrticularly those of weaker powers. France tihd Kas- sta will -stipulate, m tne name orr nu manitr. thatineutral countries' shall cor be pillaged in rinpe of war i and that war should not; be commenced without a previous declaration, & e- ven without delay for the purpose of nccotiatinff The emperor Alexander tas, put forth the only Jrojct capable of insuring this grand principle ;: and it is a common pact oetween tne r.u pn; owerarti diminuh to lialf rZinr r V V 7 -. Vi . Passengers tn the, cartel Chauncey Mlr Connell bf Philadelphia, bear - . . v . - at Ghent) Wr ii. auiewell, Captr iovemDcr wun c. tenf irr-i our r in idlers :.al, Ghent, i V,. ; i dome of th& 1 Dassenp;ers in the the late GenBosshetatira K ? I tis!saidf airX ige Prevpsl: T is vn monaay nignt a very notpress 1 cook piece oo' tne, river i names, anuj 80O men were lodeed in the tcder The alleged purpose of this measur w cuduic 111c auitiii any wilJLT"& ;rV ler vessels, to thise away or capture e .e American privateers whit .art? fthefade; r oV 1 A letter was yesterday received fr om Brussels, which refers.hftth' er transmitted from Mr. Gallatin in which thut minister.says he ekpeteJ to embark on board the Neptunevfor America in k fprthihtV'and the letf ter irom Brussels adds, tnere can oe no prospect of a peace. ' l S The best understandinand in timacy continue . to prevailbetvvpen the two legations at the congressi Ob Thursday the Americans' gave a grand entertainment to a hundred persons, to .which the; English minis ters, and a cumber ot the pnnapai cittZejB Were invited. While we see the ministers of the two. nations behave to each otner with the great'j est friendship, and remain- constant at their post, we dannot but wonder at seeing continuailytortrtinthe London and Paris pap-rs, , which state, arrfong o:her . thing!,' that Lorcj Gambier has asked leavcf his cour to return "td - LondonJlWls presence is no longer' necessary ot the congress, that tlie7 ministers have consented, that the American Ami bassadors begin to assume a very Hofty tone, that the pretensions of England are so extfavagant that an arrangement is impossible,- that the Neptune is to sail in a fortnight, to convey the American legation home. All these1 assertions proye- ho whittle the writers' areacquainted With the altairsofthe congress. : .y- f ' On the 'other hand we have seen with still more astonishment in one of Our Gazettes, an extractxl? a letter; from Ghenti sayingtwo stremgers ofdistinctipnhad been introduced ihtd the hotel of the American'ambassa dorsv and that they?wereertaihiv the! ' Russiair mediatdrolop expectedi?! iris wen Known mat tac. urtsisu gu vernthent lohg-sihce refused the. me- tnation ox riussia, occtaring ia rcsu- luuqti to finish the aiHirs or; the Statei'without the mtervetibnran third power. . The stranger Wfrei the secretaries of state, MFajknd Ba. ton ;de Capellan; whoasJlaicy were.resentat the emerfiinmnt :gii ven by the Atireiican Jegatiojtftheir! hotel.of Lbyendighem. Belg'tnJourl We.had news yesterday from Tus jjany 'to the 25th'ofiSeptv at which time frequent couriers were passing from theIsfand of Elba totVie nxiai They wereit is said, the bearers of h permitted tb-enioy tho: society of his consoV&md uperiaFend tri'enucadan ofhis son..-'-.., h. ,v,-i, - '4: DispatcHes. arctaud;ta haye rieen received ohtSatufday from Ghem. uatea tne ;4itn.,inst .. ncir,t;uuicui3 nave? no that the by 0U nature that the successfully have sailed from Cove for Soa.rf A- j i transpireo ; putrepyrMi ministers were of sa pacjac a ? , - 1-1:1 v $T . . -r . . tine' vis tisuftss. - -. s, ; i i as to induce a conhrjert nope , -u.;.., .j- JvrAiar4 .of?J riegoaattorictird terminate , , r: r rwT V.1 iV Lenewid J lhc,SulMn,.74,,Sh,rock-.lo-m, auu '. chief .i, : I B;V. The. YorlciChasjeura ara sa.t.d io .-....,:.. ,,1. w rkh' -'' JotGentz, attendsfthmgsasen reta recnratlift Ms'mbit. ihviciiabte IrieiiJshinMitat-IL 1 c su,uMaav 6p(; 'p ; ?) k;ua ujiia.u3i.i mw- v. composed ohef niin cip4Wtes of I'iVi 4 -t in) a Ms thr Th rrirtirft rr.. ' ' liliiince'of' 'NaosanIl&jb ' ..... ,?,'.. --4 - .J Uxf- ! bis retiring to'filba was Jttbrejjr a tem x porary & pravisionary: arraoRement , ; ; 'fertbeSlelrrif ";if eountNcisy , : 'DenSaVkwiitpeHiK '-" -,frtttPar1sfa3 ' i rv- partjcuiarxommjssipai pptxipva -n ; ed ctae'ntsterai ,atWiniKtMe to discu?athevartous)bject3 connct;p; he Germanic 'empirev:jW3 ured that IVI . de'StetlsJjpriS Accofdihgb theeteti fr0myff;!' n . enna it laTumoremeTaviQwsrtiv : . th e latter eon or &eptmoert ; tne pien- disaission Mieiministers have jidt beenable te agree Jupcinbints on thJit It fH courts feyealnm - y the 'fate oSaxpnyirancl rafter aiong ':. ' i . ; Severlf4o.0sidriats havepent , c l ly condemoedvthei conduct of jthts Eh -gHsh0yi Gaiette .. is.theonlyrjf V spcctrintrdiciedd Acfordtng publtcdificesfouotry trnue:whar ; masted of jie m.f:Tht sv U a ne w masrM ' ' m which waianied to Itfie -:r ighIpf ; r. -r 't j ; lishers who wrotJnmon this import j 1 f antubiecthas et tabugat otV Thns 6 f j ix - I trgeaalw btrcebatmsJmigm Jr?ites cnurlh and thantbtpn f TheSiglufif war,aumoHfe&fy tiftx aw'Scructioo Ql iortresscs4 ana ui auuu : tablhmentslss contributes toithev , f mUitarytrehgtSr ptmeaemjmia , caj'alOroryTtiim - - '? ilsiot :-. ,.--j jnctisr haVaiwiybtsn: ; ' ' ;; eaygem??aiswno nav&oocrvcu wj f 2 :The: troubles hfch$xistff a, e;ief&s ,( fiaietuei?6nw ,ha5issdecj-: :? , thelevst&y to chetfc nespiri j - of revolt, whichi ihe state . of-thingA: x renders bfi thel mostiatfuio - anences-i ne vi:cror:ouatiispcf r , ' letBasprwdcallthc icelpfiNaVarre brvlnis toTmarclta v-XH'ai ;C hiiadercntsIf; -tjleinsurrection 4HJi depotfipread intjothev, countries rv ; : - j whih ; thjefbisepr $fr J tilemelljg' woicn is. pouring rapiiy jupon wc.ww.;,; fly; poinrf Navarf ewhere cpsn;'.?!. .i " V.I - f t 4 Hi r(;n for the couriers. o- r ...vr-. . 1- 1 . 1 -