: SOO acres !ytor.oAn&. w i: Parrv. PUfrton ? Kttii Keif lUnfcay, KobettV Ran. .s Porter. PovtIL Kobe ttV Ran-1 . " w w. - ,t VMSh. am i Din. James Aivcr A. Aleves JamtcVr, -IJirJie ,,K fiwytr. """'j' csJewrd. Tyson Thomas. 'Ynnoc. r3- w vy$ Messrs. Dirco. Benton." Otter. wj BoTfr. v Carson, ntrkaon, Dobon, ELkipa,!! Jtdwtrd. Fennell Guytber, K.oTcrar; Simon1 tuv..k, ed that two of fhOVorc cc!f:ive been ransomed the nam ol nni.'?; or which wfchifebeenblto obtain. wp;Ticrroii-1JaD!.CiiIeoi. Kilt I a ,. . ; . viii wu mcua jor z?500 dolars. ..VI BRITISH ATROCITY, -f ' y Wct3TeV.erer cxDeritnetrVanei, entatlonriniiCTiatiok as wre. m- tued on learning: tUtt mTeir tftys; after .tne wale of (he Cataracr. : rftmmon!r. jnd improperljr ca!W Bridgwater, & UiniljF Lane, the British iXieut. Gen. 1rummond Jrrtx he rites of DdN t tare to'.our fUcn hcroei, caused them . iitb Cieat prciti whch houW cede 'c collected in heafs and burnt 1 toy cfwr Tcrr'ojnr,.a's r-jjpted, ThIa.tnost atrocious, act of -he tocmj ,td ordered'wbe ctMsed from the Jourj. together with several otketssX deeper i. I ' f I . : r dfe harelonp hern i,:r- ..u-: c. riviiion ines: brave men disdain f erf io vent their . , O " vi uj .wu wnh their sworp h vc taken f-. geanQe on thi? m nsterin humin shape; hia imitaior of Tmrraniand Khin. ;H4 may h ve hoped that the hM l.feat and dirace, at the Cataract, woold hive perthed with the hod iM of th brwe vrUo (cl in Aorj. Vain oriuatve nope ; The .thunder of the catanc: ahall cease and records be ex 'pott Pbifc" Parbhi Pearafln,-: lliddiek. iliwar. 5prkmn, Sal-wjr. Henr m. S.irt Jolh dinner, Toxt..Lewi The reaolltion mentioned in our list. iaTOduced by Mri Purtei,'di recti ouc cgcitprs nd Kepreicntatites in Coo- rrtft oct .to. eacwentoce sny a rcaty :vit iMxwfr; upwn,! i " ht;JAh;mS:of Wtgomerr ; , Athen A. M'DowHl n,rV. ,e . Shower lliViMk JoboBea, Bowav Zirttfniw--johnKerr' v j ; 7 - . Thomas Jones. C Rowaa. r Jnca i Gillespie, Vi-J aw.,- rt waci as ludre anta f and other Field nffi,. rom which thi.' deuehment 2 vlov? waters oV French broad nw sraMed tp James Mirinan ; ISO, aereado. VraaW -r OOjores y iff cjTeathemoaescree0the aSS1 HolUacC ou. acres, said to belAn9vm t. us Harris, on Hoodeopyles ereVkT: " 100 acres befootioWo WM-rJ-j- .4 (o blons to W.lK.m Cihct . -?r?' HENRT ; GRADE Y"vsVE;.' flnited States o&Amii LtHtrtCt Court of th TJit-t 1- -. .tt ''"'wwjr toe jJit, lit san December; lor a cnator twfthout e Senr. ADHlftAiTT. TJBE! 1VAII. VY' Vatta Jones, Esq. - Proctor fdr the ir . - and Randolph k C - T ' vwwjio r-"- ".nis jjoei m this tfc. IWr. from Z L.! ""',ft3f. .."jr ord?r of CoramtndeTin Chfef. trcm C ti!ledevJle (Gea): Argii rVf are bappf to i?yl6efore our irjj inttlrtrthce. . Itlwill be seen ihat lbeF:jic charm of British intluence is ccppKtty diilred in a,quirtrr from which c bad mott reason tn r!rcsd its ccttccy. Siipeittiuon and Cupidity Bire Aid before PatViOtism and Vdlor mdlorg, Iot, wiU the Savage lament t:s fate while he curses the trccchery aitb: citilcfed birha'rian. iofficUli Erractof a Utter frora Waj. Gen. Jacksoa to the braye and the free. the reeiment ifS' called i rW f!s a ? . ... r II - - -' HwiiLiK. inniMt n.ture, and hercareo. co.,:4: ZZl': RO B T. IV f m i o AdjuUQt General of Ahe Militia of N.C. tinct, before the memory of that glori ous ba: tie shall fade from the mind .of" mn. The rcciral of it will f..r..ih iJT - v., nondicd and fifi. iix bapi, and one hunAA k. four hn. .r:,iw 01 .co. ; r r v,ia ? boxes of to Gor. Early, dated IkdJ Qnartnt TtM Military Dutrict, W WJjmu, JVi. lfl 1814. B'foie thia'reichra you uifurmtion wi'I havr ben received of my viu: to ? wrcch 1 4 It wai joccasioned by thr tsprecedenred conduct of the.govern or cf Pensacob, In j harbbriug aiding i:.d countenancing the Brrttth and ther rrialfies. hentcedlit sord in-hand a;th about 3000 tr-e fojlowen, in rhe ke of the SpinJth' btteri , and a Biiuh fleet of seven aail, anchored a krtai: oppotire the town. The Brhish lj mtrigte and base falsehood, induced ite Spaniards to abandon the works ecmma-dinglhehsrbbrjweenteredihem ind blew tkem tip!; oibtwisj they tlq nive mien a sacn&ce to ihrir wn plsns. :Wbtn this Uk place the fret being at liberty to 150 out dM so j nd Ietacuaifd thr- jf.wn, lecvrr.ij the Spaniards fevcrib y impressed wiih our cocdun, and djjgnsteil with imrir Bri- vth tnends-i The hostile Iruiiana hW .1. wrwi ne nay at our approach : and aire, no cocbt, Jost all confidence in fiiorances they ;have received f JJwb protection. They hn rctiret! l ubeneTtdJowarda Apalachlcolo in rta!artr. .1' 1 The SernrnoleihbwtTrr, i appears tsni informauoo given by Col. Hawkins preparing to assume an fcoMile atti- ff. Whea (key heir of ihVahame. -i oicner in out mtn. 1 rm mii r 1 1 r - ' vvi w ui 11 win iuriun a splendid page in American hiitorr. h add another prbof to the truths taught st ziraa iuarj man and Phtte, that .ares and hireling must al way a yield viu rm?n:an trooDs ever omit ih I r . - nouors o4 me trave to a tal en foe ? V - - w - A W never f Alter ihe repuUe oftheaatanfi 01 tne.enemy on Fort Eric, the slain were interred wuh all ike oomo nH 0 . r -"-" nunon 01 war, and the parry o trobni engaged in this sacked duly vere fired mtum uj inx cocmy, and many oitnern Iain, not withtiandiog he was repeated ly iniormed they were burying his JUSTICE. and nuHt lona of loffwontl i 2 h.-" SdiS '"i'ru, mji nil nennr H,-d . r V "" FPniea the H5th w", - vce.ra ihe cirj of Raleirh. Witness, , a WALKEIt. United State of Anierica, North Caroii vr w tairetf Statu for the D rrw oj uape tear. , IN ABMUAt vv. WHEREAS William Watts Jones, Esq. . ct crew iLkk""1? acbooner or vesselad the Kemp, whereof Joseph Almeda il com. www.., ,una uai.tne said vessel Societv: -nr?vKft!rwr2x. held on the. lSdianTSta if nouse. in the".! CCOlw afteriooiriS cung, appointment apprcmri ate Discourse w r&ii Kcvw. Joseph Cwai? theii- Oaicers;ancl of busmess; v Dr iv- STRAY HOGS. wX thPUr-n on Little the 20th of October last, 15 HOGS, , of the description as. loweth-2 larw sobtfed Sow., both with Pie , 13 .w ??S???ed and 1 .mall. Sboat. the holVnarkd alfke aihahofe and slit in ihmltSR.S crop andwderkeel in th Uft . Not harinc hearvl . k: - t uuiiK gi xne above How since tbev atraved. it i? "?Z?yt have eot a eonderaWe At iff? neighborhood. I wUI ve iol.S Va !2 In n r.- -i . .7 : - .wrw . 7i wtiW w'" oeiirer the said Hoes h .. ,TC Do"for information of them ao that they raav be had again. . Wm. Harrison Guardian for (he CPs. of Wm i Franklin coonty, Dec. 18. ; 95 , .NOTICE. T'HE subscriber ha A. , a. evemeen cnests of whitt and one bundrfd uca reete all important "fiscal and thirty.two chet of ..iw hWonm.. 1 . ! "ii- v 1 . ' w vuujf , auD-ir. ama a 1 tuat:i.iiii:ii ix Tisn nAAtM ?. ,?0. n !! north 0f ndd quinu . ;of fajW ,,h hh 'fiOT,! Jected m hts.tcadj and the fiev. Jo. ?ph CaWwell appointed M'an addtftonal a?hfrTh' Mf y ton? John -Hay..', wood, D. Camen, ffid K iNTaiK re named, Manafeehi, .to ropply ' VVoodberrv wasanno;Ui.H to kJS.w the next annual enrion: ft.w supply of Bibles Was Sdireetrf Kir !: rtiiTVii0A J. - '' . f : hi . . . Gen. Wlljiiwli&i: ' JiS morbftheSte rAe National Batik ssED . the Senate Ibf 1 a, r any to aeU, the following Tracts of LAND. r 9at of therai . , Bill '-TTl it 1 . . wi roe ilc . ... " r": t vr.-yMw ",uKi o capinrea on the hirh j iruuitcs. lrwil h M.'il .U- trir ' authority of the Uiiited Sr.TT! nf nST n:ucJOUe called th S. B. her uckle nnrl v u' .r -""s.v.c J joay r ana :Wr '" Extract a lcitcfror ner T.tppakarmock fa dated iZth Dec. 1814. , j The enemy have a. I .it l.ft ui af ter buying a' part of Tsppahannock. good repair men ianceo, ana marched to Farnham Church, teven miles from the river burnt the poit-office, and took away many negroes, aud returned unmolested to their ahlpping ; after c featiag our- small force, look; from us aAf m- a k w 1 - . v..- 6uwt m.uutcu ana toe prisoner v.api. ancaiciord ol aniJIery. wham tney p aided. He is doing well, though the ball is not extracted. Cipt. Barrie of the Dragon 'and Col. Malcolm, of the marines, commanded this brilliant ex petition s :hev will no rfmiht the City Raleigh, near Cooka Saw. Mill ; uncLtract of 26f acres in th rAnfttAr S" S.tokn ckv- good land, a very good Mill, with other improvementa One tract of 520 aare 1. foi.r u of Caswell Courthouse, on whirh th ...k. wiucr nw utcs, a urge rianiation i ' Biuwici niiv am on k4 .11 the iasneni J wlUi. . h day of January n, io hear ,nl irr. W rhkh Ihc lfH .MrV. ceaerted by their aUfcf, they will ibtprpiract. I TLefbllotriog waain M. S. fi it. 11 t " Jlcon WM PPcd by the Vriirdnd several mtn wtrc !ot oa n s-c-ea ib taking .thetown. The retreated to jheir ah'u s, f-om bther&eda? Jackson hut with Thtr attempted to ijecoy cn1Pfoihe : fort tl the time the t!5 b-raiBg ;ibul Hc cul!ouUy -ed it unii! the tremendous trxplo- ck affect and injured none. be 5a? annab RepobUcan, Dec- 15. t cf a letter to CeiuJ. Floyd, dated Si Si.- Tr', Dec 10, 1814. c ---m nm.ran . p . iiiauun mat . . a hris n 4 f ca yester- n'AD.in The English, friesie prcition as :hey will no doubt call if 1 airteen pmcocrs ana deserters of the enemy, C&n . Lomux has taken W a vvaantng'on. I,Dd ,bt R'e f c.p- .Ml... ' - WV,f Af Ik- tl - . ca.: "irts,so that the ; ""cn is entirely interrupted. j-. SAUCY JACK. l.v te.f?4 S-ranaah. dated umwm .T . - . : r Hat; :tc!bere h..Tlbc5cy Jack hasar- f w nrc 1 in r 1 1 . . nire been with teotioocd ..to tmc Ward" arPcrdry rood. -w.)0H.ste rliuffsand. hd.irvV,?!:,JW0h SOOO, and cXi W HeV.. V!! north, from 5 t.. prisoners on Ihe Saucy J,ck From the Kingiton Jamaica Courant of Oct. Jiai received via rbiladelphuu THE EXPEDITION." -On he 14th inst. the foilwir sels proceeded from the Chefapeake for this Island to ftfodaxroos at'Negril Bay, aiW form an expedition as it is 14 d auainst either Si. A XT . . cir.Vnfini, oncer the command ; of nesr Adrmra! Malcolm, and Col. Ar. tbur Br oke, L: Cot of the4th Rtg. Royal Oak 74 Rear Admiral Mai. colm Cant. Dix. Ramillies, 74,'CaDC' SirThnm. Mi Hardy B Asia 74 Ctpt, Skene Diciator, H n. Cant; Crofton.TravV36 f!, iMoticy. Thncsa. Hon.Cxpt. I by, I c..i.c,i. non, japt.rlowell. Th'.j tie. 14 Capt. Whyre. Etna(hb) 8 ?rru ;,ir.;0,G,no V D . Capt. r iinicniransporra having on board five thousand troops latelv com. manded xby the deceased. Major vGen. w., Acar' aroirai jvialcolm Jt was thought would eajlat Port Royal to expedite the sailing of ,the transpoiu irm tbehee and make some other ar rangements respecting the expedition. in very Also, another tract of nee na i mllea Weat of Danville, v.. k. L.. road leading from WaahingroA City to Au gusta,' a very handsome aituation; pretty well improved, so a to reni. ; A atand for any public busineaa oiuer amall tracta or I nA i.,:- i county of Caswell, not herein memioned .k .4 V gd HUck,miUl' w'Veiy likely, about 25 jeara of age , : Any peraon; inclining to ibyyVany part af wimessi C-WALKER. ClerkJ . and Rev. nftk 9fl t hi Lit ft On -r rLV r l""rtu0 i - r a f rn rrn n a- a y o r y ox, State of North-CaroiinT -Ueaufort Coontv. woisH.; Yvoiey ma Ouardlan and I neat friend, , vGrifinal bai rtru;iga and others come a law1. if-: Tl!. : V f lieved tftat the; Pifeyesa marl. KTAlt :LLO L r - 4WUUHUID'. nnmin4ttAM ji. UK ocnaie m - the above Property may kaor & terms, by f1"" to l Mifactibnof thisConrt pplytngtomc. : Ac .ffida 3d Dec 1814. miliam Kennon. 96 4w one of the defendants nuts tion be EDUCATION. ' ;:. v Ma. U Mrs. Falkenbs, ofWartenttm jy.C A CQU AINT their Friends'and the Publ that the last .Session of their Institut ic, ton I terminated some time cast . and tk.f I propose aRecommencement on the second i Monday in Tanuwy oext. Thi. -:- taking any male Students, exceotln,, . r young Gentlemen from fhn age of aix to twelve. Their object In rivirir this information IT f:?. loo the Enn or!; 7 iuiriea j aa, also to pb-11 r , jl 7n j 7 1UC ol Hiram viate report which- has been circulated. La6g E?if viutinff Brethren that they had relinauished thf if : Tl " r he pleased to ioin them -tIjaZZ Teaching for-the next Year. aWyrhW f i! it ;-A Po Jr; k. k I a Medal the LbdrerB .i ... Y"a 7." """w-nwui Proceed X Urother nr.i uhJ - y mnoo auiuuie to the vf ihu o v"lut wunont the li of this 3uieit is ordered that nttVi tmade in the RaleJK nS'P1 thTaCoTT' ternS of at the Couro: w!T Moaday after the foundaVYM , wr ucarmg ee.accordinglyi 96 Walter ' ..Hn, C M. js. MASpMC NOTICE. "VT v?rfJ"? 97 l uretnren ol Hiram iamin W' :f!rm:li5i in" wUhiWa Stated 64 ipt. t : - I wcj JlCk II -4, 1J VALUABLE L AD . r FCW SALE. pIJE subscriber orra for sale his valuable Tractef Land. Ivlnonlvttk r.t.. Catawba- River in the count Lrf r I j f . . T. T tv.icn. ,15 i-tneoin, eievearouea west or ChaS lotte contain in ir between ASQmnA 'rsn ucrc lacieareo i ana sumeient fn of 0 or 7ands,mostIy bottom of the first qua my? and a quantity of excellent tottcm Und to clearwtbere Ua tolerable good Dwelling ttouae and out Housei. excellent .to a jrood neiahborhood.' to purchase, may k no wthe terms, br PPlyU to the subscriber' oa the.preml7ea. 8AMX. . 'iCOMB. . lec3denborg,0ct.t.v.. v s 8w 8fi n tlle P" improvement wur fuui nave maoe mis year; will be their best recommendation i and m.ilni limit, the number of Scholar I they themscites can diligently attend the en isuipgyear, they g ve ibis public notice.- gestiog that the eailicst Applications wiU command a preference. - - VryTaaMS Board, Tuition- &e. SEin pov annum One half to be paid in advance, due remainder at the expiration offi mnth7 I case oi lauure, interest will accrue. ; IJ. a Each voungLady must be furnished with a pair cf a beets.' a blanket. and band-towels. November 14. ' to tbeState horrti. Brother Dr,A:s.H;B occasion t after I nose. - December 23. blanket, counterpane 95 3w occasion , alter which . tbe-atco!ty War P V ?f d,nBer P'tpjued nodar the direc tion of the committee aooointi r .k-Tl... By order. : : ' f ' WM. M. WHITE, Secrjr. f aVT3. S A JJ T. ' i, " MAY be had tnj SaltVorks wVfltai' .Creek, in Onslow Count ,r iii .tif fP' P." tbaa; at any othetace in the State. . . '.-.r.-T v . ?t- December.; ' -v.:,- WiUiainV : Euktii-'fiii - 'sdii f; of War) to be our Minbter to HoU land. ( Nat. Intt mtu j ? t Jll FJvins Jf an.Author.' ' :wvue tfvcKm ' a ,8tftte.i of active preparation and will tinaues uonabl makea sesfriinsiaa : on the commercebf tHe caiemy 4ur- mgthe winter. iCapitalsei:: (among which itf the Macirlof W e nriderstana, hav be'etf buithased i ' pastAnd Capt. fois raisin 50oior 400 men and ic:service. 7 $0Is nor Lacedemonian. I WW il JUi - the hrmcv -off ? CharlirLr : " e capuiref theRoretf by Uie KemppriFatceTi : Erw pnyateeraceonbnramVi at Portsmouth) informs" tnat tHev found on - Board a faze a Xontfott paper of the SfithvOcrJ whiVh that thd negotiations at CHriV Krf ' takeniavarable? tvmi 4tpA:, :f hemccanomiisib A TEACHER WANTED In the Salisbury Acadetty HP HE main Buildimr of toe 8aKahW aj' X- cadeaay will be eomnleafedj anl a I for the -reception of a icmool hv k. i.., January. UNIVERSITV. HB TrueeaTofme Univeriity of North' . varouna bare Mitchell, of Vftke c5a5.v ; rWhtle the nrp..) nr:.:. :r - ? Jr" wwine dtewardl tfihle anuary. -In the interim, the Society, under 1 1 demand k an augmenution rhose direction me IntautiorvJsv ai d . -mi - f roeq io pned W see flhe to take charjre ol the Axaderovind t.r II aiena, indicated tha nW;nf.u Af tin a Preacherof the GoipeL to attendto Wl better provUion for the 'Jt sil- St: 5 adjacent Congregatitn. ; ' Vt vk-f I v The-Tmteeavi'tlcbre.'-' have beeft'ohi I The asderaigned indmduala wilt Kr,M feed Wnulaie for n,'i 7Z. .u"-!J tt toa Propot hka that azettey hayeceiv4 ed Jamaica papers Ae :29th OcV 1 hoy stateh a treaty of pfeace had : itionhic theB m: &M"!!$5 Domingo e ocape4':Dy 5JPfx except it General Officers io respective owners itproper here tpaJhat me anxiety ofthe P1 & neceasityhey hare bea 1 aociety to. obtao a person of ureaoi Tone cantfuT4o make airinle xrovisl r- rXi efnmently qualified for tbe'duile r th. Mure and atteirfaMndtJ . stktlon, will injure' t such a person a Verv II addition to the expreaaati Ubaala.h;.;.; ' 4. tr John :FultoH:t i "5 W enaractcr whieh the . Wm. C. Irhy ITC7P impacwa fey acquired ill l . - ' 9f -fiw' as public mm erpersV . 2thJle. 181 94V MAHR Id tSus cilr, ye3erdad tndrnine. lit. $,n . Hi'rf. oaaer, di SHUrtjn ej Hunter.. ' mm Oo Wednesday the 1 4?aj; ai rs barab otigg; witt jjea 75 yeara; ho hi it'? r.ty, to mis,': Imt Mr. tfarrV insii near thi C'tfi diiltfi IrtW.t Cn4V r -no -tr'-' ' - id b&jxi hie aa&zt h 'hved belorc her death foe twelve Ufi 4 3 oti any UHs of food I Rtspipf 1 i "'. jjv- . '" l'l. ' V" ,KtJ-. . - i -v: .... - - v y ,1 r , " v" ' " - ' f, . ., v.