'8 IZ&i in one gloofsoci iBflV. -ft matter. Ai-a f 1 .ration c -; : t - , r'vjnthe most coroprenc...,- ... --aimed wiih im cume ox 7 ' malciW;hiMa fret Som lSje5f tf tira? i for gSreson ,-cd iUecboiettran4 .country ?hed bH tword-aecrsshy- tUlnr hU rrolcbt.dcrubt what RJ Z ot her soldiers-Der. Jic; - w.n freed htscotintry, rre- ' .rr, own. aod reared to cot. tither tha rclcnln a capitoU Kfmc. Ilfm;-t;:cpnquetits s-lhe left the victotUm the glory iWt ie'f cVnW.. nd uunedipoii the l!. i itfe retribution-of nit K'of he could not,TcsUt. your ".i-tte temr-100 ofestth coujdnol w J .re , ou,ur the memory erf Geo DPCT. SA$Vl GABLAND, ' Tj5DRSbii ' Professional Scrvces to U Ctft of Ualcvch and Ut via,ry. utj u Xod ;m UaldfhM the EaX! A?nll3.:i8l3 12 'A rRlREAS a ctruln Nathan Hobhtrdv whin J nreJea airict .tnrtt riiea cpon Ferr on Chowtr. died tuoui ti iwa dtf f.t Atach. lut at my ho'uM in J Otre eomi'T. 'licrtn uercuna, aoout tix Aj i wt of Mirpheya Mlla. AU tho rt-vi. sic wpjiated tocoote lor.wtrd and ra3rj kat Prop Wy the said "deceard I- ft -. . i JOUNO.FAHRtLL. ; 1315 ;: j . U ;. '97:, . . -v - COMMITTZI) to'Jtii a Cermantorj, Hidc coony4 on tha 10th of" April, a ycpaC)t wfcoaayt hit came FRANK. HtUt be U ton ja to scMrKichatd Otdfietd ef Jf'eoony.r He it, aboot fificao ytaVtof vtfa hs appearance, it 5 fiat 4 J' inchs t cf a jeAawtotapteaion; The owner nwfj to come5 ibrwird, prove hiiprcjHrty, at cairs, and take hWn away. V RmiEA5;M.vnrm Shfl"- AjrH I J, ltl r yl4 3w LAND f RESALE In GtCTTvillr County, TTHE tubicrilcr w3J tell Two Tracu of 1 LAND.' lOne cor.tainiiig-400.crta ttwe nitkfof tbe Town Oafotd, titaivc P!antaturtv with a good Dwelling V.ci oc each .and convrnienl oat laoxci, uk stull .!e ked peach Orchaidj on each iutaten.. - , '. I , ' Al, on. Trtct. of 40 .acres, aHout lea nIV from ViHrdt . with a good DeMing, Uociesada.lcucr convenient out Homes Tn Lacds ant ocd for Coro.vWbtat ct To-, 'eA 'Afartbrt dttcrrption of tbe Land it ttcijVi cBcrceaary, as ibe puchaact wootd k to rw the premiua - The 'ler m of fccaj U Lnrwn by applying to the tiib riei Imvg osi the rst mentioned tract ?of Uat , : .' ... . '. - A3DEIIS0N JOHNSON, j 4 14 Apr3 .State of:Nortr)-Caroliria, ' Astoo Conary. r i " Or ginai attach ment ' j ntnrned?' levied on nffoa Rett,, ) tbr defendant'a pat i.u Maaoua t twoAuodnct acre on ; . ' the watert.of -l.aort "T . i - J Creek.' -r rprsnDgto the sauafiton of the Court, tt Divi XI, C Mno it a rxtident of atttr Siau ; "mit ordered, that publics- be csad-n tbe.Rak'gh.Kegta avithrea U luccestraely, taiaias the defrodtnt fP anbe (jeat ttrm.bl the Court to be at Wtdestcvoijsb; on the ueond Monday JVJV next, and replevy. plead, Ctc. that final , Jdrmrnt wU be en i red artoir biro, knd t , .t.la awarded aaioat the land atV afore." kvkdnatf 4 -- y 14 : 5 TDD ROlilNSOX, Clk. " Sure of xorflCaUnai !r Aotoo.Ccnnry,;,, v ; V . . Original attiehraiat n Hots,; v ! the def andaat't tart tv. i" rvolartract"of land'of wM.C.itancmx two hundred acret oo V . h tha waters ofLancS ' lfnotbe tatisfacxicrjof (ha (iotai Wctwrbtne; U5. ordered; that puWiea 1 ai. Rldt tht-Kaklgb Refijtt-ihm arA 1 .,oc vej, that tatfUtfdt&ndaVt icG t J , ura f ba Cowt to b ddjntt the land as ifcre. TOD. aOBWSON, Clk. v. v. V 'Vl' h CocneiH. f anno w.J: r ; Bot the tm. trior ?aSTn.! Wfco, ikeYshin V fTrkapplciioe;blKlfeVbtxfckl; and JuNESraa born in firangf coWy. State New,Ycr; JO ynr cld, Jetl'Oixcbleibigh. dark coaplexbn. Uick . rrii. Hkrlc hxir7 nf t7 occupitfoft bipr maknr. fc bat on one, of hit rmt, -.wWci I .do notojlecti Ui iHicn i w. u. w on tM 9iher tb mark ox t acald ot burn ; ; f' w' ' J n! "d hair, iboiit 53 or iO ytari xid. and aboijt 5 ect 6 or lit intbni b occupation: a Djritimixo, o ot "oovr. w ere be. wai boxo wai tnhitttJ in. Linajla tlloihV foW ccuitHfi C. jind I exncfte 4aaJ!y yMA4J,i Kot 2Q jean orge. datk com plexion, bazle te, dark fcair, 5 feet 7 incbta birh, hts occupatioa WViboe.makin.- Goad it -of the CoTpt oF Artilterittt,' arid UeaerietU v-From ihaVtavt Pott cr Camb:"on the i n'rbt tte'17ih',itaeafyl 1815. JobnBettiieiann1 , Oril.T4pattick A : - -.V ; ' -BETTITtH wat born in Strket'Crtjfctyi N C. agjtk?2 " yean, 5 frtt 4 inntt tlgbl corapJexlon; gtejr -eyet. Jaxk hair, by occupation a laborer. - '. r Sy, , , FlTSl'ATRlClC wat bora in WUket cooo ty N. a.abom 24cr25 yranckJ. 5fettl$or9 incbei bu, fair cm Feio'grtT-ejrea; 1 ;hi tir, by uccopation a tanner ; be ia a pictty i foTWitdebap, and baa a remujtxbl mou.d on hi isft'bcek. ;. r ' i ) . V JOHN OANlr tJeaertrd'fnora" Sal sbofv. in Dcctrobrr.I813.r-Hc ia about 35 i cartel I $Jti bVof 9 incbel hb. of (Urcroplxkait gtey eyea, gn najr, aoa Dy occupation- a tar j J i i"c ivn V t-ro , 1i 10 !. Urn. tl A,.-"! i Soporinte nding ; P. K. V 4WtbHro. ' it April 25 14 !' 25XD0LLARS (REWAUDi R AH "X WAY frsm t-c taWfiber bnthe v 47th insant, my Nerro .Man-ARt'.lL but will probably, chang h hi name to WifliS, or JVbeki Tnrner, WotiTof which names be aaiomeU co former occasions, n4 Iy th latter acmpted to past at a free man. t The taiH F'Hovr.wn n tfoig tmce committed to Jsil ia GteenivJ'e. Pitt.ccunty, and "may proan y make, for tbe lower part of the- State again, though he was raised hi Sou hatnp'osr county, near Jeruaalarn, yrginia. Aajpa it. about 23 yeart. id, etw - coraplcxiAn hat I Mone tore tooth, is abu- 5 feet 7 ort incea biglw ttout and active .'htt cad the uecV prt of. bit right Ear cur of,: and heart tbe raarka of touch whipping talooka surly and speaks' tW and 'in atiowtcnei -The aboveTlewant and all etasooable axpencet will be paid for bisxlnrery .to me, or for his being secured In any Jaito that 1 get hira agtin. . : , V DUKE. W--DAVIS. Franklin Apl 24, 1815. 14 tf ' ABSCONDED ' FROM the subscriber's tervc on the I7tb' t, JnstantTRAVl$ BROWN, bis Appren tice to tbe Hatrer't business. Hei abaufS tears olage, about feet 10 inches high, to lerabiy ttout msae, rrgnt rair and eyes, tisa and a blacx bat ; bad wi:h him a blue broad j wii "".'f v-j.citu .nrtrnn, ;i doth cnaiaod a pair of ,sni T-celcrtd overalls; and two swanldovrn jackets. Whoever will gve infer mstion of the .said 'Apprrce, or lodge hira i iany JiJf to that he may be" recovered, ahafl ecelve a reward of Twentynve Dollars, f mm . GAlfKLEJL PARKKR. . Lenoir conn tyf April 34, 1815. , 14 tf -.'. 23 All persons arc forewarned from bar. bonrjf aid Apprentice, on pais of being prosecuted. ' T Adjutant and Inspector fieneral's office. Var Department, April 17. . : GNEHAL ORDERS. " , Arrangemenia art making' by tbe War De partment with a view to the execution of the 4cC of Congreatof March 3, 1815, fixing the military peacateatablialimentpf the U. States, aa far at circumstance shall permit The commissioned o&icer who thall be deranged by virtue of that act, on the last Of May peat, will be .paid in addition to the pay and emo turaenia to which they will be entitled by law, i the advance of three months' pa t.' Tkt sol- uicr wuo cousiea 10 serve uunng iip ax, and who have ooj been-previously paid ami discharged will be then mustered paid' ad oischaiged at their proper stations. ;The r.on Comxniaatooed omcert,muslciant and privaies wbo ahall not be retained in service upon the peace establishment, will alio, be then m wa tered, paid,' and discharged 1 1 and the nor., eoormiitaibned officer, muaicians and privates who' thall be retained ' in ; sertice upon the peace eatabf lahroent, wilf then receive tbe a r rearagea of their pay. ' . ; c" No soldier, jhatever rhay be the term of bit enhstinent cn be permitted to leave his corps until he ia dulj discharged,' for. which r reasonable time must bealkwed atver the termination ofthe war t and the disctpl ne of the army roust he Strictly observed, as to ail videacet of a sddier'Mule to pay or bounty, sutu oc ueia resoasioie tor aucu misconauct, and thV eaolirmentto arise front tbe par. chase win not be allowed to. be retained by, the pa ymajter oo the' settlement ot hu ac ccuntAw-1-' ; i ' '-?-K--y '. All oflicera pojsetted of any .books, chartr plans, fuveyt,teom5poq Jeoce; accounts, vouchers or other documents whatsoever, 1e lonrro? Voth.vmilitary department and!u6t necessary Jo be retained for the perform snctTi of their respective dutlet will depotit-tbeTi military district within which the officers res pectiveW'arc stationed,' and forthwith trans mit to the 'War Dcpartmeat aa.-account of tuclrdocumetita. . " My oder of the i. - .corps wtnea a embraces at tkia.ume yntu I ur Vher oydera.."' r If - ' v ; ' . '"Any. pajTsrattev, or Ctlier ofttceri -who thall purchase at a-discount due bills:' or ether e. secretary ot war. mD sv , . . , r r- , r . ami lt anneara triat Oiraw . ' i r Gout Nnrpaa ; Dieaiet A --.Auwraniim u . .. - rnajuomptainu , ' - Sprafna llcgPJbgb- b vHlimfltonxir;:, ; A 9vereigtt rettwdfot Colas obrtinttt Qought, Atthmat, iaore .Tbroatt, 4ud, ar - ptoachmg Conaufflption;andmt'di56rdert' oftbt breast : and lunji. . '', 'ifp",.. '- A aiogfo. trial w.tt prore, that i( iritret tlic deteiminationof tbiild d to th jiwface of h bodjf Jind - brtnga oh;,tl.e cororrjoo -bealtfol, per tpiratioit s thlt' i i'di ilofirek arfii 1 evarruitei tha hna vtacid plgm.f muc$i, tticDgibtnt J ,u ,w;upj .tw r or me lanrs tneat&ct tbtrasTioionjovatiBnfr which uritatcs thetp, andJU: tVy d-t bar a Jt; :Tboa itnkirs at the rootibf,the. dn6rdri. the svmntbini tte of rourac eftect uQ and permincnUrconquered : . Jlbu reverte of contnea codcmea which ea. tbe disorder, for (h aafee'of.raoderaito for the pre tent acme of jts painful effeata, -- - ' f 01 To- partntt wbo. tiave ihTreri afiicted with the Hoopicg; Conshi thft dispoVery it of the firat mtrohtifie.vas itardi immerfiate LreHef,hk the progrtsian in a abort thne- coiirci remoyet the man cml diaordervto wh ch childxcn arc liable. Jbf El.itr it to pexf' cti agreeabfe and f Kt doit . W tmall, that no difficulty arii .'nkiog it. ' ' "r Tbit raediane beat t no. antlo whatever to othert of timlir tjtle, to commonfycomplaiped ot operating witn lrnco; oq tbe.comra. i ry, a pariculi eicellenco yf tt remedr 'it ital ' S"ca to tvrry.ageanacont'ituon. : h taio, nothinsl bit whaf Is perfectly .innc.: cent, and it so raild in it opeiattoa that itca--. not injure the most delicate meirnant ladv. or . i !""! " Tr Juu,u .uf t iAtm fvit r in th kniu .i i V II nain oj" griping deanae the romacH and bv ds, oi whatever is foul or oO"en ve,&, thereby prevent the production of JlVerrn, andT many fatal disorders. 4) .V ' ' ''' '. 1 ; ' ' 4'.- ' A. dose of thia red'ene grvnccca'OtJally tUMng the warm'ieasoo, will efiectually pre veftt Ibt ' Vomiting and putg ng of children," a drsadM daorder which, annually destroys housand3 of tfie infant patt'ofoiir cit'uent. It is likewise thejmildcsiand nyst cerxiu re medy known, and has restored to heaHhand s.renth a great iiumb'r when in an advanced tiage of this fatal comp aint; particular and plain instructions are g ven.for e.very part ot theiecrsiary trcatmfu in tnoh casesT; " Cbiidren generally take this medicine with eagernesa, having a pleasing appearance and an agreeable taste y . . - . -'Hahn'sAnti-BiHous Pills, ' - For the pevtntibnand' aire !cf bilious andnyilignantfiveri ; . The proprietor, has every, pota ble reason that can result" from eaten j-vfc ,experience, for believing Uat ad.te of these Pilla taken onceeery two weeks, during the prevalence of our bilious fevers, wiH prove -aft infahble preventative i and fu'thef. that in the earlier Isuget of these-diseases their uaew'Ul ery: j generally succeed in esturg, health, and frequently in cases ev:eemed desperata and beyond :he power of common remedies. -y v They are excellentiv adapted to carry off t auperflupus bile, and prevent its morbid ae criona t to restore and amend the appetitei Xo produce a free perspiration, afcd thereby nrtTftnt coins. Which ri ntin nt t.t.l rnn. quences. A dose never fails to remoye m cold, if taken on itSTirat appearance they are celebrated for removing habitual cotive neas ; sickness ftfrthe.stomjfh and severe h: ad-ache, and ought to he U ken by all per ona on a change of climate. , & ' - In sickly. ttitKs or places, a dose should be taken every fortnight,' antr if there is reason to apprehrnci personal danger, it.may beta, ken once a week. . . They have been found rimarkahjy" effica dout in preventing and curing disorders at tendant on long voyage's, and should he pro cured and caretul!y preserved for use, by e- very seaman. . , -': ? Hamilton! Grand Restorative, " la recommended as An Invaluable Medicine; for the speedy telief and permanent Cure of Ke vous Drtorders, Consurop ion, - lowners of Spirits, Loss of Appetitei Impurity of te Bliod, Hystericsl Affections, Ioward Weak, oestis. Vjolent Cramp in the Stomach and Oacc, IodigyitionItlancholy, Ooct in tbe Stomach, Pams in the Lknoc, Relaxations, 8te; ! Tfca'piinC'pal oparation of this remedy is In the storafccby rcsior-ng ..the digestive powers, and teading fotrh from thaLorgan' pew health ah-, vigor mto e very part of tbe tf tten! j It enriches and .pur ifiet the b!eoo yithont htia mingitt biacr-s, without stiroujating too'vo. Lenily the nervous sysCrn ttrenghepa the te cretcry vessels, and the gtderl habit ; brings, back the in oscular fibres ro'heir.nattSF? and healthy t ne & restores that nmriiKjn whch ianmoderate evacuationa bad' destroyed, and whore lost hid thrown, thr whole frame into langbr r,d dVbdity. , ; ' " 4 Hamilton's Genuine; Essence and ' Extract of Mu. . 1 A ttfe i'utl effirctutl remedy for acute tvd chronic Uheumatsm, Oour; Khenms tic Gent; Palsy, X.uatbago, Nnmboeas While Swelling, CU-'lotams, Bruges, Sprains, Pain in the Face, kndntek; UL ". j -'"-.h This valuabtf remedy is prepsred botblri.a flud state and in . pills, and'tT.nt excellently ajiltrtl tor external and internal use. Itch Curidby once using LeeV: : Sovereign vOmtment ; s The proptietor informs'thuse.. persant and f families w no are suffering undr tb;s diseaae, faintt.thc jptecuoo of which no person, ia aalel. that if ibis Ointment ia irsed at nightenJ I W . . ' I going to .txtty. jt never .taut to perios m . -cure I by the fc4lowmg morning, a tnousanaa woo ( have nscd h doring tba last ten ycir can j testify. Tha peculiar veiceUeoaeaf of thit i infallioleteraedy for tbe Itcbv oter every e ther, are the? certainty Cf a cure byj K iS,e applicitiou i the ifigredieatk beiog w mhoccat it to-be applied with' perfect safety to tha tradrrett tntant, aad itabchtg notonljr free from any cfreifrivVamd but equally- tgreea. bis with the most, agreeable pomajmni Cbnianimxoa 'r - ilnmrii lVetbm ! HXeod'i :acrmon , conuinint a y icw.oi n - f t- - banitb'avrouticaj economy kc,Y:,- Bookt,;tuhah!o lorcorandfiue if ' , ' V'- Received alt'inineaie. . 'i JiCADtinT Sclbi ;f. A Freth MPply of DS b4tVft uaIe Vfeli Cordial. GouMind Bheatoatic l)rotrs&&-iT.r . V ;-iWt?L-:j4 k :j " . IUieighrApru 2r.;v ,'4 m betTrtea Mr.;-E pipes' andrMH i Prince Edward 1 he- votes tor JVlr. K. SCO, lor, i.u tv is. 175. The prevloumajprity, JAEpps', favor;'w4i" it is nov $ for M&5 Kanuolph. UumUerlartdtirQty def be ele.ctedi t ! V ;We sphsrve it statf d'irt a Nev York paper, that Aaron Burr has'peV tkionedthc Xfgislatuie of that. Stafe for compepsatiqijr fot;: his servipes during the Relutipnary war. His petition was reported jUnfayox-. .Ttfjassachttsetts EJection.'Ooy Strong, will-probably be re-elected; bya majority of from -five: to seyeii' thousand votes., He; had somewhe'ra between twelve and fifteen thousand I of a-: maionty last yearvi. h,e de-v crease of the tyhole number of vote rs truly alarming, . , ) We arc, told that within the last year the ira- tton irom tne state has peeii exceed ingly great-some bf the towns ios ing 30, some 50 and some perhaps as mifnyr as 100 voters SucH are among the effects resultin g .from the jatobinistn of thre Reading men in MassdcfuisjUs The quiet: & peace able citizens are leaving trie land, of taxation and turbulence, to enjoy ease, and quiet in the, western wouqs. .' ; . : ' ' 1 ffiUsyJReg. titr nrrnnnt from he vWekt Iri- dies; we are apprehensive that theqj t9ries of Venezuela have completely subdued. the jvhigs; after some des perate fighting.'. tJft is stated that ia the last four battles no less than; eleven thousand men Ter slain, & extermination has followed the steps of the conqueror. v :Of Mexico1 1$ however, we-have some., hopes, vTJie. Jatiri6ts are in great: force Theijg. Have recently defeated the royal army in three des perate battle'iliear :Feira Gruz'dit appears probable that that important city was about to falUno their hands We have accounts fskin-thence as late" as Jan.; 17. ; Frcw i?rfl2f The British Pack et Princes's lizabtth; captured by the A men ca,'?arnved atJSalem, was , when" captured, :abour 50- days from .Rio Janeiro. ine omcers stat ted that a serious misunderstanding had taken ple betweeri tlie English tnguee -governrnent ' ; that awk was expected,t and that tfie Packet and caher English4 esafcls Were bfi defed away at vet ahortnotice the Packet left At in so jkrht :hurryt that Sie'did nbt obuinafs ujficient sujpply of provision and ifot had only fif teen founds of bread for,ithirty-btte men, wKed vaiie :vrs citiftd -Mf i. mails rvtexv throwri-bvrboardnvh r i --Ali the ericKcbmmis- mers vrhom JLovis tne ujuiscn nen to intoffe the blaclcs and menflf; (color of-that important island , to r- Turn to- xqajr w .. c, ' been apprehenaea - anatneir :iaic variously arresting ciaes vm eiecuoi , t ne meuas pi, f that thetvaVltiQthiTo,: m -4fl Mn Rpeak oriieMihi .Messrs. CIdptoh Newtop, gea ImihSmlr fSll I sartts; Burw-eU and Nelson are. re sen the pW lqcted wtthautoppositioru. e brVhrs Sralatlo4ibatf?lSf Messrs, Bassett, Jackson, HaweianerrcSft vesseFwhicKhoMfe Hiwerfordt. Tuckers V? HitftUi& 'it4l iMi ri luuai t- : s- w v v-w i All 1 17 (Jptain Cit IcLel mi 'PMpe.L ESCAPED AOGfM1I!r tribal nf' ArmiKl!- WW? ifter she - yent to roc6re; tht releasr m ? she was imoiediatelyseiieff;pn they v;i I . V" l 4V( .)' t- i ( States,. wtf ediwwn.f '. ;M$3- :cmodorelRofH;f aftd' Capfc tainsTr:orter ana nun, nave arrve imcy. .wnsmnic; too coruwiissiuucioi; f 'r i , lryoinidrfli'Teiifrir lawyer; of onisiderabl , - aw lev;- , .0 5TE ADTi ?PlfaYJTlA has mroprraicQ .uvv,tAA aoiiarst as Km ;v to7 tie rutj d of ! the milUfo.arm that state , latej1 in the servicejof the gt nera eminent. 'tv , Plaster of Paris. A few aero a oentiemah ;arri vied here (says U NewTYork paper) bampNpvaf ; HScoiiarwith cai04pflaster3rr fi'DectimT tolretabcSi'; 1 jiddnars:atpllCf for itas it had been sold a hih a 30 or. 40 during tle war ; Jttwas he. disappointed to Jhiin ouritfocia' 1 the satnt article'brtiefiowii tnc nortli'''Hvw"--.;t s" VictTdboadaga) dot- lars Anus is roue lmuurHnt. arti cle of commercebne ?ipk!in the xh;aia of dependence oarhensitigns, aJJ niot entirelyfi prize of purcit;zens & riatural rich CS OI euir .wuuiiAj.y.f , j MAKlttED, In Danlih countv.ttiQla'iil It am regoryir Kaq lay of ihetli S; rmyto tliel, amiable and much addtf UsPolly VI Sloan, daughter. ofJCfrid Sloan i. . . y , i wa)rtiiMorfitph :; 3 1 ine Li e, the i$ev J nomas uoae,:- att:: , 4 oneViftheBis&bsoftherMeth : V Jt f ChurclKnl4:thenite5tate wtjrfhe . j H'mrinU And , immediate successors a the.-. . I f. RevvTohn We1eVt"feV5 ;'i;'i i. rtmT ttiir SQft&fiftfc at1 P.tiea r r ! --V--- beth Cartby, datigoiolan Ca'Kt' of Nevdtln.s; ' ' ' 4V . In this Vicinfty orrFrtcwvatUv ".:0 M-GuifW Bdncf a Freemason- he Was inter -t treu wim roinj;iMvt l''- r . : ; :. - ' 1 .-'-4"- ' v..--: ';a.ii At his fttidenceiri Stokes Ctm v& 21s t inatant, Colonel Joseph i Winston, In the . S; 7V 6otji year olus age. t an. veneraoic cin;"v ; s ; r KArttwkrolina nas lost ; mnother of her r f U i Revolutionary Heros. He Wgan hia military ; careeas fa hack adif year 175 5,t RracU i dock's deleat, imcier tne eommanaoi woione ; i f manv vears a source oxoecastonasana painxsss t a ri toflcrmg1. j. Durngvfie uewiuuoo, tae vojo-; . W - . v- . -" a. . - ' a T.";1 f wfuch they also awai vreifiiOMeoiietseerad gagemeW,yvtf ,tosd "p I t dence.of lnaellow:cittienj Uian ioei: ''?&Wi whlejrae'- .a.i .mjuvakik -- n, mvmm nil piiii n - .n' . t elected to serve iberoi not- ory'n the Ugis- vthet rMted Sratt'i-14atiieie.teiaU f i Lioianel wttwi wfflsuwp .j . .. . . Ll-LL......kH;.1la' 3 l. ,..-r... ?, - 1 . i.-J."vM -.a - T . vnf-A : MM d i is; 5 X: . ; in :-j - iv': . -f )'. i1 "'f & I: ;?- '.T'.'AU.j"- r y 4.: i,H c i. r ; i- 1 1 ft-' V i 1 T 4 1 IT j'i "V. 3 'a.