r r J; I' .iir am: Mil. 4 fi r . k , I ' ) fif' tl Arnlbtrej A n biticn, frpfr ba J J ( I : ,l t ' - " P -- f"1 baia e?jos a '; i Viyi'Y:' rilitbfnadniintr Miiie,.. . i' - r.. V- i . "If I. if 1 It w . .I I . f - ma : . i - v jr.- J. 1 ? 4 r . . 1 r . , .: ii ;. If i . . ii:- i v i' " I. t f ' 1 f " i .. ' j .,-- i I n 1 1 i ii 1 1 i 1 ' ' ' . 1 . ' ij . i- i-V Ml i Ml f i i . r . I lit i f i ' ... ' I J I v ft', j i j i I. . Wren the. tr.aumwajiip hum, n ar-and t -. - CTUU 41 CUJ sum l"4" 5 : dwtllslcherr 'i -choir, and dfarlniiiof tani";tessc i ot moral lnipieyerncnt iroromciroccavi ,t vrhen Uiey )olICneMh.tbc rm of J " 6;avge vat tit ei iley ' reviewed s i . T? itH IccH?:i ofji&rror. indignation. - , - ;.iid extortctrae I rem the Qi oi ' ttyueli"sjnt ;t heir 'barbarous ' UV rata "frt.aJe'ry.ttciddMor; 'breath, o' btn iotteriAjc tcAin.Vt lu .decay ittbtjm Wrd muViou o'er ibrrrtck o! grta&fc;' Of, mbile the lcprt k tb it led low'r - :licUr poDde;Y oolic, rwird dretnu.' , ILe LuAty 4iewike hiw wiiU'bi ; :'r ' ' v -i. ; ' i' ! tf.cn, how rub 4hcVc -glooms J ' " 1 ; ' j ., 'V S - Bid iroiubrr h'Jfa itc moril letOD Coir." . TLrn. oti of Jrf , ja hare roi to 13 in Vain j . 1-hi4 ""VriM- vateJ rile in ruin lie- 1 1 ' Tcr tVcte, iil;)rfe'froo -laaioor frt)ticj projects free, wect repdae. rcairsm ibj -'iCtat.p-tfiQi t'tngeancer rend the. "feeble r, r - ' ' 2 p When ihUJ fur boHMtbe imf4ot:a brand r f ' , 'v ''i . J i - 1 hatwuj.pM p:aRftw' Ca.itol in fire, . . ' " '. 1-1 -i l bft rTed oiinea, by I'tttdLtA cbiMren fb: Vd. - x 7 5 , ' . I i i . 'i . .Vd mSticnetb aM Beauzy tbe proud , V r a" ! J ' : 1 1 ' ! AUf ' ,rg to heavca'a, cwcaTe ; r-- ;v':,tt J AtKlpuur(l 'atlelrtr radsoe round our i . ; i-v.:;i v ' vow., r;.-' v.-' . 1 f r if -;? ;, . Ca, what arv wrtfmf' language oonld ea" f '; . ;'t t' A TXeaweUifTRlboufbta that ttruggicd id S'l 'f (' i i ' - - J v vbl1.1 wetftb'tiaJeartLthy iivjury tOTedrerl f ,f ; t n J Tbvu fair i&atAiad daugbter of Mt.rcac! j IrrDerta Ck'? iSall tbvdrvopifiiread4 Which erV brliUat bayt jThjnor cronnn'J.i V , Uopit'4 d lie itayou;l-albeautes fled, l a e)i a in torfenu of a01ctkm drown. 1 ? . Shall eldei rivals oVr tLy bUekr ed va'U J lUutttoir it ejl thy.aoogsuicorn.nd taie, Ard ri sr itn t'arbaroua toy lfiy deaext oalla. 1 by lAc Ijr paJacand Jefattcd aute ! Tt gtous tmp imperial pov'r nomorr; Cwcir t:rr bdre of dignity ard awsv U I i'- hmef. vvltute on tby raragM abort . i Ft- iacist'm7bM"and rio.a on bia pey ? Kojfx.nHbijteit abini t thy rain ed .5re , Bitla L r arid tl fif ail iny blu es bloom Aksb d jo aui'rft bosit iby 4oea ctir; TLr.; : urt)fvd hope iomerd hsejadlpaa J ..: Tb) aftri JrwRe preierrrd to latest v ume, , ; . f . .. Tbe lupous dtr& inacxib'd on History 'a SballsUtxI ihamofoneatsof Britain's cticev Ot Cit'ic tudeneas in an .Htifg a But,-fjom their ruin, cbcer'd by imdinx . .aktea; j. ; .Iik.-tlie sokflg TUunxx am u parent afTby paia.ea stull In new splendor -rife, . t V-iJiibl atby tjory laing.M thy fame." 4 f i r " SPA!N,NU AMERICA. . i - . , Bxtrrxt, of. a teten rk jived in Phi la i deiphijjrcmcx American gentleman1, "tAa to ihrhcliticil relations bel trrn opm ana jnc vjnuca ouics, j . have i rivlittle st present to add to the lViocn.ftipn rntatneu to my ust u 1 ht rli 'CrthnliQ Majesty would cot Tcttivt atv iVitnister or' Amtas-t-::ir Jrom' America van IvOg as tne .Maiatcr tthni Scia tathc.U. Sutes vat not rcielirvd or acknoirlcdctUl mtTr, to.trcfip riis Uairioiic . Alajisty ivfca tJtairiiUa grecgthen the bonds ci. a ttnuiej antftotrous.amit) with the? y. State av 1 he. ana'wer givcti ta JirAIpnis, ax'. Cdiz, by tbcilat Hcgeiicy ol Spjo,t aad the one he re ttiv clvl.alte Waida-at Madrid frdm tb'r K'V miiister, ircrc predicated .on' i..mt: roaH;s;..and ttisaaid, that ttvi coai tutre bttn sent r i . ! i r i k;' V tts:-crticafKiJgr: rdinandwr "tcfrom ; j i ll J -(. ; Piia v to . 'the Spoist? Secr?taryol rl' iVf?! -v'l . . .State, aor! ii lU (ofa puspen t toxome U 3U4?"d o his vfKcul capacity : t answer. to fhfll : lai Minister inr America, to make ,i i vn u W the Pttaidciit this .resolu- aia imotia iiiajesty v Ifitcc lixs Uuliaxa a Year or.one : "AdYcnhcmcab rt oribc UkTf U ibe tJ.Htcd, SutcJ, fur 'ttie jttrWibcxiwucight.hnndred wd rt itemxtedbythe Send? arid Home ?fXrpHTehtrthcoj tfit VniredSlaUr hf Amkrica in Vongtcft dumblcd, 11.. . . m lV' 'If K- bci md arc hereby Kxcspcihrtly tp; ro rbttd, thai it to a ay For mv and aubJistrhce of the ofiicera Tid'ni? of lhc:itaroexi, one million, Gn h'unrVd. ihir.t' uebt ihound.thrce ; For prvislo,ii3? hundred andeven cxpcnsei V.n' c-ouut of the sicJc, foit) thquVird dol!ari - : ' Fir coftincnt expenses, including freftbV' trapporvaiiori,. unA rrcml:lnx; txensrs, &ve nuuofeJ ana ui j voou- tnd'dotU'ra. . c ' . ' l For otdnancet ammo 'iiioS nd tary atoreatbjec hundred ihvuiand doV Jara. r : - T; r nfrvy yards,, dc.ks d wifarv a ffk.ljaiL. uiaubw " ' " - - CUf liaT 9Uu uwin- : fine eofpa one hundred end nrhVty thou- aml and iwen-ooiitfrs. t . For dmhim? for the tam fiic y :h u nd three, hundred atul Ci y seven cl ; For 'milttarr ;.nre for the same, one thousand x bon rtd djlUra. V. F ! can'inunt'expencct for the ajme cijjb;ecfv th us.d -sevto hundred and e ghi dollars. , . v. Foi. thr.nurchas of 'he veissU c?p 'ur .d by Coxnmfcore. Macd.njjugh rn Lake Chaimplan, aueh sum as atull be irced upa.n, with hr approbation of rbc Preaideh'v not exceeding four hundred thousand foliar4.' Sec.2, And be it further tnactedi Tl'at the acVcfal appropriaticna herein before made ahall b paid -it ofany tnnies,in be ircasury'not otherwUe ap piopriaied. - v ' . LANCDON CllEVt S,4 Speaker of tbe House of Reprearf talrrea JilHN GhMLtLARD, President of the Senate, pro ttca. . March 3, 1815- -Apwovid, JAMES MADISON, An act making appropriations for the support of the mil'uaiy estabwaliment'or 'lie year one thousand eight buiulredand Gf vf tv Bat enacted by the Senate and tfatyc L of Rt preventatives of the Vnitfd Stiles ofAmefca in C'.ngtess assembled 1 rxi,t J fard- fraying. tbe expencea-ot .the mili tary es'ablisHfnsnf ofthv United S atea for (he year one thousand eight nur.drcd and fif een, for brdnsncei fortifications, and tbe Indian department, the foHnv inv"u.ii be, and the same-are hereby respectively appropriated, that is tosay t For the piy of rht army of the XJni -cd States,. indjding the prirate set tania kept by iCEkera, nine hundred thousand doi ats . , - . ... ' For forfge t" cfRcers, one" hundred nd twenty .five thousand dollars. F.or ,aubYis ence- oft the army aef en hundrcd,,hound dollars, v For tbesrncdicai'an4 hospital depart rncntf fif y ibouund dorlat s. . '' Fnr dohir g, three hundred and twen ty, fiye thousand dollars.. For .thexquanermaatera department tw hundred tbnnsand dollars. .. For purchasing horses- for. artillery, one bandrcd thousand cjol.'ars. For ordnance and ordnance stores, in eluding arsenal, msgszines,.and armo ries," rt; e hundred and thirty eight thou sand th ec buodrtd and tbjny eight dpi4 For fortification st four hundred thtfu said dollars l; ', Per contingencies, two hundred thou sand '3 Jiar. - w . For tbeindian department, two hun dted thousand dollars. For advancing thrifc jmonlbs pay to th-'cfHccra deranged sfud. non-commi' sionetf - rffjcers and privates discharged, or.tr million two hucdrtd thousand dol lars.. - .. -. : , Sec. 22. And be it further enacted. Tbat tb" aercral p'propriMit.na" herein Of fore madem. aball be paid putof any monies in. the treasury not otherwise ap propriatcd. " ' ' ' .''' LANG DON CHEVES. V Speaker ot th House of tlepresentaiites. ; v JOHVGAILAUD, , . ; ; . . , President-pro tempore of the Senate. March 3, 1 15 Approved. . JAMES MADISON. : ' An act requiring tbe Secretary of the Senate t. and.tne Lterk ot tnetllouse cf Representa. t"V tnbe Congreaaof iht United States, to fac security tor the faithful application v and diabu. aem ant of tbe contingent funds . of lUe Ser.ate and Hooteot liepirsei.ta lives. ''. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tHe Unittt States of Artericam Corigreh . assembled. That it -shall be 'the-duty of the Secrc- JCtf f itb be yttr one thputaffl eight iiiire'd and fiUccOt tb'c fo lowihg mmt three- Ibvisand, nine bundled, and ?cvn:y. id dollara and'fifty c.n Tor rt-.eiikine."h3sr;iul a!or:5, and ail t ocn exceeding thirty hnea insened ths fim tiine fmj,'Hlf Af YIIIU aww j - '- . hVlhe-Comotrollcr bt -the Treasu ry iaebfbond in tht pehaloi : of VwetitT thousand oHira, wiih condition for he-f'ilhful apDlication and djaburae mfcnti of aucxontinKenr-funda-of the' tVeir hands, wbteh'bpnds ahalllje depo. aiUd in ibe C-iro ptroUerf offices And it thaU be thcutyioeachtand every Secretary of - the .Senateyan d. Clerk of tra upon th? dischlirge'of.tfic duties of; bK aaid ffice,j s;;: .i:'r i. ..Sec. 2. And'; t iifatfcrenacte'd; Th'jVlr'm .n3 sf cr the passage tihjs act, ifrah'aU bs'the dm yyof-lhr Secreta ry ri the Senate,'and of the Clerfc of hr House of IUp'escbta-ivcs. to dep6fitell rBneyvbcbrlginic to-th Unilcd S;a e, which tpay cVftnc ito JhVir bandaf in one of -h U'inkv tn ibe .Uia rut qfCo. luml)'u ? and debts payableby said iitrUary or Cltrk, od accqum othe Uball be paid by a d.'af1 .inrfToa of eacb creditor on the Daj.iv where the money of guvernrneai niay ta deported. V ' L'ANGpON.CHliVKS, . Speaker of the 'Up tie of ttepreacntatlyeal jph6ajli!ard, President pro temnbre of the Senate. i February 23, lfcls--vrRorrtp, An act makinjr further provision for complet.' ing tbe public bu Idiugsat.Weat Fcwnt for the accommodation of the mili ary acade- my. . , - . . . " ' Be it enacted by the Seriate and House ff Representatives of the United Sttitei of Jmericat in Congress ' assembled That the lum of twen y ' hausand alol l .rstc,' arid the same i a; hereby appro priated, to b paid out of any money in he trefc&ur)S not otherwise appropriated f r conaplcting buildings, and forjirovt dng an appar tiia, a library, and all ne cessary implements, and for such Con tingenl expenicea as may. be neceAaary a jd prop r, in the jogrnent vf the P- siJent of the United SJtatea for ihjf.bet ter support aod accommodation uf the military academy'at W-st point. LiANGDON CHEVES, ' Speaker of i"e Haus.- of Repreieriitives- T JOHN GAILLARD, f Tr sident of the Seoate.pro tern Marcb3, 1815 Approved . ' JAMES NUDISON. STRAYED ,; ; , FHOM t-e vubacrtber, three or. four weeks a not, A YOUNG BLACK. MAKE, v li.tle upwards of five fee: li'gb. . She is a bke ly nag ; and has bean heard of as fsr aa the falls of Neuse on that road. A I'beral reward will be grven for the del tery of &iid nsare to the Sabscriber, in Ualeib, or any information which nay enable him to gei ber sgan. v J T. C. VVIATT April Q.'V . h- la-rSt" GENERAL ORDEH. AJjpiaw and la lector Genera's cIBce, r j r. War Department, April 1 2, 1815. OFFICCHS who have received racmey for , the rccr,Di.iog aeiviee, all quarter-masters of every fcrade, 2c all o her oflicas and agents who tntyb&Ve a expended balances of puoiic money, received frvm the War Department, or on account of military service, will forth with deposit tbe same in ms.Bank in their vrc nity. to the credit of the Paymaster of the Army, taking triplicare receipts for snc idepo. si's ; oae of whida will be transmitted to the Accountant of tht War Department; to cbargf- he paymaster and credit tht individual t one will bt immediately seat to the paymas:er, Robert Brent, Esq. at this place.-to give him the control of the money,, for tht payment of tne troops, and one wdl be ..kept for. the accu ri'yonbe officer in case of casualty, of ;di wh ch. -tht Waruepartmem will be promptly advised T ' " " v- . All officers ot tbe array, all commjsax:es, con i factors and agents, and ail other persons U - .r j-j J"T - I , wuwraiotTti, niTJQg umciuca accounrs WJto the War Departmeos. arv required lorthyrith to state and .rratBurtheTaamt to tbe Account ant for e;tlemcm, apd report , a brief thereof to the Secretary of vV ar. In ali cisea where this Order is not complied ;w.-th; in a reason able time, farther ateps will be' taken to ac complish the object. . f A , J:' , v . By order of the Seuyiry of .War, . . ' " IX PAHfcSR, ' Adj. and losp. Gan. Thc ihorcugp, bred ftor9ttM HOLLO, ri7,ILIf Stand the ensuidg 'Spring 'Season v v .(to cwnmence on, this day and expire on tbt 10th Of luly, at my Stable, on Suiar Creek, seven miles West from Chsdotte,lthev tour urs) wQrKing.oaya in eacn wcef repays and Satordays'at Captt'A: M'bride's in Char lottc iandwill ? "be let. to. Mares ' at twelvk dollaratht season, which may bt .discharged by thepty'raenr often dollars if paid byr tfie hrst ot next Movtmbes ; sit Cellars the aifeglc tiiit. pt id at the time.of service,, and eign teen having so completely-, estaWiibed:. themselves on tbt turf, )t would , U ' useless ?to .addany thing ort that subject i suffice it to statr, tbat HoLtoia one of the best sens of tJie old im ported aorrtl t tovr d; ourof v full bred ktate Pattoer mate i and as a foal getter, he u tbo't by good Judge, to be tual to any orae ia No (b"Ca'6l ina. "i Tbcst ' Who flavor me ' With i tkela cuitcra may rely pn du,' attrulaactr b- lag ghreo, and jastkt rendered byii !tC dorars to insure a mare wiL colt, atndV fitly cents in every case to the groom. ' r v Houlo, and ' a great Dumber, of nia colls. commodarion ox n vlm Pv tht undersigned Gorondtyibftera aoldfpart only ot the Publieiand aotebg tha.Ctty. oi Rak gb' Tht greatet part,' d ty,ftr"tHe most valuable, : remaia ye .to be sold i And ifi. nnwert of the- lGQrtmiistOJierrmni. ,ea Urged by Resoltinlie last Ltgislatjr Wbev hereby gtvef Kptice,! that?cm 4he 12 dzj or May next, ano ivuuwmgi LAND remafongwiH be aold tP6lU3 Auctoii. otf tb prtroisesj at six noTtwelve months ediii ' the DatchaseV-civior, btrid whb fsuffictepf secoriiy, .payaoie lo.rae; - " J tftitrrr i ;V&. Hit A ,1. V. : IThifantef, : ; J II enry S'sawelU" V RaUigb;-lotb'Fekvlw5v-' L AN CAST E Kl A N (yiOOI .HEV&tsjaftheUahc . it to b generally known, that tlie pew arid hwthly approved Plan of riaeing the first ttudiments of Lamng, invented btatd J 5pV Laricaster,of .Engl mcDcration in uie-r rrciiwi thev believe ffil-werb eeneraily and its . mems understood,1 that it cowlif nt fail to be greatltj. piiferred to the common mcJii of teachinr- ! ' ' . ' The reatadraJaees.atN:tdlng. this planof EducaUon are, ttrata i tacnr can instruct a v ny number of CMildren that'll is Sctiool Uooro will hold : Ctt Id ea are lauhtihe Kud '.mtiita.. I of Learning to a miica 1rfe 1 ime than in ( the usnat wiV (the youngest leataing.r read and 'wrteattrr? aim n v,c) ; ,tt lamccii c-a- per than the oW motie .tn prce Qnjpg jyu yesr only5, and no Bocks rruirtci j! n,rl what is lit greatest rtcomrn'da ion, urC.h-'d-, d;en fhemseivesrs delighkcl v;itU tne.Vartefy of . agreeable exercises wnif h stieud tt. Th e seen hal f ,S. f Wi il co m rnente or. Monday the 20th iriUaut'.'L wic time.CV;il drn ill be reecvd tor tae tefflttpder' of the Session for twodubarVand a naif- ' . - ' The Trusteeer-eive' ttid Children of acch Partfnti as, caaoot aflbrd t& pay for their4iirfu-. cation free ot f xpence. Soch as w1siiJto avaif thems-lves of ibis advaniagi vrill apply Jude Potter, VVm. Suaw, or) J Gales, w-mi will g'.ve. them ;tbeeceiTyrtiuroducuor tc the School' Vttat renders tuts ptovjjiobjtbx more acceptable is, no one bu' he Tjtstee to whojj the Pareoi applies and theJ.t'rcasoer (aptVcvenhe feacner) kino w awbicb-4;of fh'e Scholar, arepaik foi & w hichar taught graty ; . aWM. HiLL, oecry - ,.;;Marchl6.f.'. -Pi ' ''.- ; .LANDS FOJi SALE, JriOrarige ?, nnHE subscr br having Removed to Ten. neasec. offers for Site a: Tract of, L A Np conVainirtg J30Q acres, ly'rngof.,Orange county on the. western side ot, Hiw- Hivei, vt beig' ti-e Tract of La d on which Col. Willanv -0Nei!l formerly lived.- f This u one of the best Tracts ot Land in Orange, is well weter- cd and we'Laituate. inejuiocnoer win jn?Ke tmii purchase esy to any' person inclined to make it he wdl take Negroa jn payment of part ot of thel -whvte of tne price. ApLcaw tions mide to William Pirkms,"oh thermi aea, or by letter, d.rec ed, t'hin a! lthe: lw lwiver rost Mince, win oe amy srxeuaea, 10. ' .THOMAii UPt HKIN$. March 22 - 1 jo ba U The .celebrated & iihriv fid Ifcne, SIR ARpflEY, ; A beautiful dark bay, five' fee?-four incbea ' high, ten yeara o'd this -spring, 1 lifax to Tetersbu-a : arid will - be let to Mares t tbirty. three and ooe-thiid dollars the season, which may be discharged bythe-payroettt ot imrty, it paia wrnintttc season, with -one dollar tothegrocm tor each mare, - Good and extensive pasturage ancl seryantsr board grar. tis. , Tboaej.wn wiih th ir' mares fed with grain, caa. have it doue for th neighborhood price, of grain, whichmoty t-must 5ie; paid to commence Ihfe 20th iusiant 'and end ne 20th Jirly next. , No liSbUity fo accidenta oi Sia AacHEY was Avaaeot by tbelmDOrted vernot area negouaoic i.pvsw . y, x: I TbiaLand" ia welilwateted. and yeodtfspa, manybeaotlfut sc&eal ftr bdicg,a It; i laid,. rff iM 'rmivn nt LOTS ffcf Vit IWS ' sixefa I fnrMrtwthindttV6raiMrt&e?n areofod . - TX7ILL Stand at my Stable m Northamptori VV M. C.'eight mU from HHifsXj twk ty from B;lfild. and on the mamraad from 11 a- SortU . D jomed j. hia dam aw imported tnarej oj 4v.iiiguam ot .oiarja . ' w: - xtortrrampton, rem. 24 v - - xpr p ', 1 he unequajltti fymih g Horse t ) Stand this season at mv Stabfe in -Meckleabur? cbui tv. Vir o i east cf the . Courthouse, and will he let a Mares at, the low . pr ; cp ot tW cmy hi dol lars . w wv..w, .y.v,.,vuicn; lue orti i3y of August, next,: at wnicrr tfrme'the ?4Son 'wBt .exp c. 1 have very good psrurdger boibloW ani high rwunds well enclosed for Mare left. The lardVofbceot:withlmafeagr t. Mates wbl'otedliicaraLintv; .fiteens eVcUy5ymoney'ior';theieS be P AFn V -Mfy 4feaken,awayw My utuai attention ,wUl . be paid to mares eit, bit: WtU net. fie' liable iof accidents or'eicaoea; H U u peed that Kotes, in ajl icaseaWiU b an.iwiM Alates. ;v?. - i' P?c has been, ret ulerly iadvwtised, for several; aeisoWs Dicfcf X deem.it entirely? uuneccaaa fqrmance baywitb 'great tjion well iirJortioocuiaod u aaid byth bistj dgeatt) bVprite pi ltblvc-J j ii mu est isrgc noraca.in tnta ccantry. As foal ;gtter, a';aj(alKirmfttiwf-ro tc horse zvAtoenbk Seyetai of lVomacaColta tuve, run; with, success 'irrlew .Marked iWaV renwairctber plaasw ryvo sayany tamg aboutiliUr cijsiixteeni hindshih. a beautiful . j w-- - r;r rwr. rwogn; under the 'comcuiurJJfe lift 5:W?i0fike 5ft,: and and 6th Ajprili ,I8li J ? ' . 'W4 lTae. krs wW. have claiQ ' f byyipwHaily, ct ty ur T : tiers claimaAny person adm.r.iJ- , s-a'e of Jauch dceajsd soUieiiWit 1 hi ; Fay yng to the UKtri; i rjnea a u-h orRUrgli- Xiie woner . 1 Uwuinade the better. :. ..Hl 1 April 20. ISli. , i 14 K-r-Nasi v -r- Upor y SHOli.STOHE.;, 'T?1 Vb4r-bas:o hands jooi;i sortmtm ot V n.kde'ph Cdi 8kiC VVa,v nl Grtin,and pledges n t0 BOJ I .VC'-ndemin' and iJadiea SHOES : ot ttic.um .quality. y v t N B Alt order aJTrom the Cttatry will bt v thafc xFuJiy rBceiyed and puiictuairy s.Wd ,i JOSEPH G R APnw i Sleigh, :ApriV2Q, 1315. .-.'is jpsefhrs Lists andothcr 'Bknks Afay be bad on application a . ; . , office, inHaleigh. ; , March 31 ; , . 1 J t NOTICE.! v-;; ) Treasrvrtj Department, JprcA 10, 181S. J - i pursuance of powers, which have ben duly; vested jn the. Secretary ' of tieTreanry und?r an act cf the Congress of the Uciri I Sta'es, .entitled" An act to authorize a iou,. for a aura, not exceedi ng eigh ha mtlia J .four nundred and fifty-two tbousu&etifr oncrreu oouars," aportvsd bj the ftidejl of the Unhed State on the 3d cl(Marc current, ptoposiS, wrl be received bytne Se r. trctaty ot the I rtasu?y from labia time,' aaol tne first day of My next (unless ti;e tmjsot tsqwred ahculd oe previously subscribed) its rajoai to. Mre iUmted States effhe lumflf tweive mimooi ci -uouars, or aty pan jkicsl- on th vfolkrwing terff s, and ik the folvicj - mt.ner- ;' v- ; - 1, Ti proposa's ijmnst state the smoactt.1 be loa n.ea the rate at icb t!;e stock v l .1 ' rtC2 ved ' trie icstalraents Lin which tla "nariv will mke the navmeuti. nurweasV' a w is Jt i s i, tor the whole, ,'mncty daj i firon U -Sate of iLe sobicriptiooi aud the bik,iflt which the paymD1 w Jl biroiSe.; , ' 2rnpaynVei will "be receive fither is; ' "rnnwv. nriin . onnrftvtH bant aSiS, Ot U ieasurv noies acttnllv isstiied bcfnrVtbt3rfl; nt M iff hcnrrent.ur.tlei theaotSfif Conr-' ' pssedrerpec iveJy,tte30liif Jonl :thOyJ4th ot tbraaryr jpwftWY-'', iMvc ciii .law, at, tsar ! par ara r interest atcrued jbereon ttime ofp?; . mem. The kind ofpsyraeat injfcwW ' be made, muat bestdftd n thffptcpppl and where leterrcsf subscripMa1: tjual, a preference will be;givea for paying in Twasur'KsjwSia ,MJ : ; bncorat doe and remain enf W,: nK town nee of trie interest nin xM j well since, as before they becstnei' v . 3i On failnrt to piy Siy nisww''" - jrr.e stipulated, 4he next mc&& eutabaltbe forfeited for tbet .United Sjtes. i - t Zti' 4, Acrlpeitificates wiH be i.JZ ' ahrioftbeBanks into whrcb the psgg-; .: shall be made. o the w?H5; :iiot,,Wki.g tlt paymefs;tMg; : ssive instalments ; the; 'stv' will beassignabte by efldorstm? J? -L yery t and will be furded at of tie StaVm w thJ. biJy m icharged WilH tbe ffill f the interest, aad the reiabori , ,4 principal Wf-'W it is Ueatrabicraav r r-,y v ' .Jl. ,k mount w tf 6bs?rye. that the tcrraa Jt bear some i relatHmnotBe- . . Stck3a the market our-- stocky York; eisf9f,is. be allowed to any person .Cf fa PAV pfVihe' ist RegtJcTKrr ttOs, .menf rr a Just ce of t&e. pe? (,cetve; Payr deadk , n "AW, by-lecele: j lnMhe cennry seal &tC andaow urtbel btnd ol the Clerk ? &M! bchool, be . i Uhhanch adrrtmi.tri-in ;.: JL.l',CnMs suciL- Ciaims -Jiavirur inn ,f.1i.i ' : 4 m known,- il. ,.;A t ". J aR,?d. ta. ! 5. Fr the amount leaned, stocK iwj , when. the mstlmet H C0B,pw ' :ingWerest ai6perat.b& euafferyeirj). Tbe stocs -f bbleatthepfeaiure of jSJJ p tneprdpos.i to the;moont f.. Jrrds.-Drovide4sci FV7':v oe acctpteo. - ; ; ' .4. V . k 4 4- . i -v. - - : .... vt . -XT.- iJ ' i v. . ..... :').-. --:'. ' 2- . vrt-

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