.. roiuire of .' & bonq. wTliooks and Stationery. ' .ht..MT '"PI'S. ! r,fU.ks Mationsry, wiuuH i the'new Wcrkf are; pfi.c er FatUts cm coin aioes... 'V "-' .... EftditicL . l!' v .n conU4cjr a view 01 uic I' . r. ittor. on A grit culture. - ',.fDTMC " . ' :.-r.t)Y 11 nun" oflarge blank 1,1 ".i"i'b c ir recottL, &.C. and fin wri- Haas. Keceed at ime tnnca AijSCONDLD V f H AVIS B'lOWN, bis A pir. ! f r; ...Mfacaitot a Dtt-co.crta OYauj - r a am 1 4fowr.dwajukea. i h tcr vriil g rc iDlrnation of the Mid inxtv" ,,f.e ,,m in 10 4"U w Mit recovtl, ballciTea rtwnJ i .ccunij. AprdC4tbll ' 14 tl i jxiiont aie forewatutd frciij nr aid Apptice, onpain of.rirg NOTICE. rM pcbl ctic i!ormd that a FULLING MILL li beta lately rcct"d a: Luplin OJ CiTitnoutf, wbc vr be uodcr ttu- ma tt m-.ui ci a gtailcrtun wbo; it compUtriy -uVwtrf Faluns, Dying and.Dreasng oSall 14 Jt nf WsoTen Cloth tn themaUuaod bct iti-iir. Tn.- piitionaje of the public u rta- 7 D. L. KRNAN. 3 ; v.t. 1313. 16 ft Ten Dollar Reward. R AM AV AY Ircm me about the first of ;? Jmuiry, a Ne&ro Mn bj th name haFUIwA ; t.-if o in this conniy. about So Md, nl boot 5 fett 7 inches Wrht rmiJe, has a scar eo ont cfhii cheeks, .n.Ljb'uk, and is fiddler. I parcbaied U' outi'UT Jtsrs past of Mi. Jo'nn M, D.y.ef Kkinghaxn.confry, N. Carolina. li.l .ve theaborc reward and all reasons tofgtt Tonne skid Nrgro to bt dehirtred Kce. or piit in JiUa tbit I get him tgin. r i WM,LIOON, ,7 Lawrence Dutrc , ?., C. MVrS2 It! 3. !C 3w rOH SALE. THE kuowo LAJD asd 4 bilitR-ngto roeiBs upper end of Haii hi t iufH), Nnb Carolioa--coa nz sbui iO.icvi. hindwodf s t'uted, wri Wieird v4i-9U'.t, with i lufuc e'y 6f oKnlsi d, x cndcird. to wcrk ten or twtlf htndf tfj t prov'sJed with s'ailifor atebllng ud fifteen handreJ yoong.and thriT ng Ap4 Treei, some ctq ce Frui'si alsos S-ore Hk rha Lumber House & utlier Houses tixmnient lor carryTnc on the Mrreaotde Baj ct, and the aiand for tbat business s ucirVi io lx jual to acy country place near i I'i't of tb:s Isnd wca'd be sold, Including t-i orrmsnti ft aceommodae th pii.ch. i4 the ontmproved pan could be ss!d sc. puicly; uut snculd the perch aer wisb to fwx raore Uad in the ncignborlmod he can k a'ccmracaiaicd that way with lands frtime adjotmnj? . The tetrai of payment l l bctnadeeaiy to tbe purciiaaer, a valjis tN.t3ca wculd be rtteived io pymcn at itul pri.ot i' credit gnrcn fee almost anj p'tof iteaiiooat;ca-ovd aiiuiances. .r . - . N. GEE. 13 6w . Pleasant Crove 'Academy. - THE if rot-annual Ea.rnmatton cftbeSta' cca.'a of this ScToroary wll ciroraence c Uih ard cud on the 15h day of June :-. l'ien.s ardCiiatd!ans are rtipecttul v Ixit.d o aitcfid and jod?e for themitlrea, v.t piotets oi'uieir children and wards. C ".v.o.- tl Slinn riimffltBCf OQ tbC "i IQ r tirrt tV, t.iinirnnct cf Sir. J- ".it as Prccrpal teacher. Tbe pnee or T:... n .i, Semioary la. for Reading, :idS, Ambraetic and nt,trih Granirnar, J , and for Latin and Creek languages, Jriphy, ; ttc ute ol the Gkbea Pr Scuum, pa.d n adTance. The price pf Board " "iXt iJ per Sen ton, which mutt likewise Midra adanc-A deductioo of g2 30 iK)niO be made to those vko lure rah t?e on boh. DctforAmata Palmer', Ihf H mut'-u Lalf a mile of the Academy will ccrnxcaic 35cv 4o be Vile, s, who will be ondeT the Immediate care of tb teacb c' t-Trtmeej'laiirig Inio'consideration t-etcTr ntckrais terms ot beard rnd totdoo, T'''tltr mtb the bcaUWaeae of i: aittiatton, U caliy and rtrjbabniiy ot- t.t -neigb-oodt aod'ctheV local advantages 'of tnc ; M'P7 hope jo roerit a continuance of the pugt they haVs bit a crto received: bJ crdtr of tba Hoard; ' , M " JOHN'DAVlSSecVy. kwuarg Cconry, V. 6tif 7Uf lbl3. V - A iulf r.f Dr. Pyo.it a vahiable? Me 'riTf licut and lUUBTatic Drops, &c 1 U4!.fS Apr.l27. l. n iry fi.ut aod ejas. " Hid ! 'ffl iflicJii d-rl cum1 overaJt. j S!jCk ,:t ; V.td vi h htm a Wu bread' j sa4a..u2cs the ao is adspeed tv-ihc c ld to ihe lubacribtra on all ami aingul t the tMcciCrn, Wheat and Tcuacco. The tm- gwds, char eli,figh.a and creraoT Oert.ta. ' tn,rmcu.a are. a contenieot dwelln-s Hcuaa. J tti c dee'd. AU peraons having de- ktrttn. and other ont Houies. with a Gta. nnda against the sad deceased, are requcsteo ftonum jUtc, appeals ftUtivc to int.'oto. ..arid rterpuBed' leiordktg to iaapdight, .anion the manner pre erribd'by uW set of Iwngieas oh the of loir: for the assessment and collection of direct taxes ard " . v t "gales; Princijwtf Atmtcr of tt 8:h District ; .Vv - of the Sat of N. C. ' May It X615 ., 17 t Raleigh- Atademy ; ' v THE ami annual Examination of the Stn--r .V!. wii vuib kuiuiuiJOTi win commence cm Mondaj.tbe 5ihbf June. .; rarenta ard Guudiani iotcritted - in the proreit of Uic Siudenli Education will pleiu to attena ;W, HILL, Src'ry. 17 Miy 18 UNIVERSITY. npHC axmoal Ezareinatioo of the SluHecti at the Universiry of North-CaroL'ua witi begio on Vednesda'hc 2lt day cf Jod next r and wUI continue onill lbursday the 29th June at which time U)t corrmencemect ot the College will takepWce. The following TiuiUc are appointed to atujnd : Thomss Drown Joieph H' Hrao . Thomas O Hcunehso Te Uc'v. Kotrt H. Chpmai t Tl.e Rrv J b CnUweil James lreovi) V4iam Li:le . Israel P'(Can 1 Iter. Ja. ! VaUis c Wm. Wsbii Jchn S Wctt m ttobm VV;hwns (RaUh Tet . ' - ROBEttT WlLLIAvtS Raleigh, May 15. A. D 1813 SecYy. 3w 7 Domestic Goods. , 3- GALES has juit recotvl (rom the NortrWarrt, streh supply nf Dmrnic Ma nufactures, such 9 excellpt "SHIRTLNG SHEETING, DIW'KR, GU AMI1R AYS, ' STRIPES, CHECKS &c.wmch will be i-ld rhr tx-at termi. May 18 v - CAUTI0N. ; Tjg it known to all perarn. that I. John " Jonesa aolditr jo tfce 10 h Rg cunt U S. Infantry, do forewarn all and every pe rto.i from ctediting.Sirth Jones from this date, or they will be debarred payment. JOHN JONES fart11813j , 17 2w 'Valuable Land for Sale. rpH& ubcnb r is now anxious to acIJ a!l, his LANDS in the county of Naih; cor- thereon a good MjII Scar ; finery watered as lorsprmja, aj wen set wut umber ac m y be wanting, and rami ex?l!e t for atock, w b th advaotae of that va uable seai au the t Couthouie', as the Isnd is at' u a ted ar mud tLat p!ace Further dcaciiption 1 deem unnc csary, as iit Ls prracmed no person ti at it unacqoaiBttd vt purchs&e w.thout virwu the preraiftii For terms apply to j JOHN ALSTON, till lax o.unty, Si Uarow.ia. May $ 17 8r NOTICE. AT the Aprrl County Corrt o( Tl-aa ami Quarter Sr aaions for. h county o Ru i tharfoid, le'tcra of fdminiitration were ant- to bricg forward tbfir demand! properly au- thent'eattd, ! within the time prescribed by i v. . : .u. i i i i T"v. . . iiiW u uuwmc ioy wu uc uarru. h-bv I indeb-eH to the estate by bond, book acccun , ; or otherwise, are atrtctly rrquhed to come i forward and srtle aa the estate is mdtbtcd. Richard Lewi 8 , a jamts ErivintJ Agnes Miller JAdm'x. April 22. 17 3w ' I . ' Herrings and Shads, VrpHE subscribers offer for sate,, at UVir x Store, 2000 barrels trimmed Herrings also, 150 barrels Shad which they warrant to be cured in the beet manner, and packed with coarse Y. I. salt. Rea& BlacXxvelU- Mrfesboo, May 1, 1815. 16 2m PKOFOSALS for carrying the Mail on tfce following Poat Roads in North.Carolna, will be received at this Oiuce uotil the 15tb day of July oexu rratn ScoUand WecJC, dv a aroorougn, a Cobbabiidge in Edgecombe county, ence a sretk. . ! . Leave Scotland Neck evry Monday at o La m ard arrive at Cobbabridge by o p n. ave uouosoriaga at tp m na iiit Scotfa id Neck on Tutsday by noon. ' Frotn Bryant's-Crois Rdadi, to Winder, once so two weeks. .Leave Bryan fa Groas Rosda every other Sunday at a m and arrive at'Wmdtor by 6 o W Leave Windsor next day, Monday, at a tn and arrive tt Bryant's Cross Koaos by 60m. - '" ' i- From Pituboro, by Liberty and Gardner' Store, to Lexington, once in two weeks. J Lcive PjttaboroVet'y other Monday at 1 p m aad amirs at Lexington 00 , Tuesday by 7 p wu- .Leave Luogton next dsy,l Wednesday- at 6dn and arrive at Pi Us bo 10' : on Touhday by 3 p vt. - ' - 1 The. coot rift are to be in operation on the 1st day ot-November next, nd wili-contiou ontd December 31, 1816; with the uaual coo, diticna. . ' ' ,5.Tr v: ;-' J I . It J 'MEIGS, Ju-f ' r ' Poatmatter GeneraL - ' Waibinrbaa Citr. April 50. 1815. W 171 .- - Hop; of DblteJTThe usek were veryr ably and tlabortcl arkuedv norioiK wM onc; and Were diipbscd of as follows i The Owners, Officer's & Crew, if the" pnTaic- rmcru Teasel"" KOger ot Morjoiav . r- . s The Sbip " Fortuna" and Cafi. Several" claims rere pot in fdr this property, alleging it t6:fce tius- sian and therefore jieutral ; and ma ny points were made, and a C large ; voiuin;e pi testimony adduced : but the pivot on which the cause turned was,' the extent of suspicion attached to the circumstance of concealing ships papers and the evidence they afforded when produced. IV ap peared in evidence that the master of the ship; prior, Jto his capture but during the sanje voyage, had con- v-misui iuiiiuti uu papers, uyi ;;nn. ;n : u V u ' dcDositinsr tnem in a tin box whirh i mrt;.i,l!;r o and artfully, varnished to elude dis- coyery they were found by theCap- tors alter coming into port For the Libellants it was contend ed that the mere concealment was a circumstance so suspicibus in itself, that the -worst should be inferred from it, against ihe party concealing and all whose interests his fraud was capable of contaminating and that the papers thus concealed did furnish strong presumptive evidence of fraud. i " " For- the Claimants it was insisted, that although concealment is a sus picious' circumstance prima facie, it is not like the destruction of papers ; but is susceptible of explanation, and that, in this instance the papers are found to have no relation to the pre sent voyage, and are therefore" per fectly harmless upon this question. The Chief Justice laid down tbe rule thus : The act of concealment is suspicious, but not in itself suffi cient to justify a. condemnation of the property if the papers when pro duced are perfectly fair and innocent the presumption of fraund created by the concealment is removed by the positive evidence which the face of the papers exhibits : but if the pa pers themselves , bp of doubtful im port the act pfconcealifig furnishes e vidence of the opinion of the party as to their. application and tendency, & f fraud is of course imputable to him. ne tnen snewcu, iu 111s usum iutiu manner, herein tbe papers were ma terial dtyclope the real transaction and to detail the fraud. All the property Ws condemned,exceptone small adventure : and an appeal was taken to the Supreme Court. The Owners, Sscol the " Herald' . ofNew-York, ' The Friendchafi and Carpo, J The only question of much mo ment in this cause was, how far the interests of a neutral are involved with those of his belligerent partner in trade,; in questions of Prize. It seems that two joiftt houses had boen established, one at London and the other at St. Michael's. The members of the concern residing at London were belligerents, and those at SuMichaes were neutrals. The goods were shipped at London-to order of the St. Michael's house and on their' account and risk. .The Chief Justice held that one moiety i only was liable to- confiscation, and that the moiety belonging to the heu tfal partners ought to be restored. But the case was continued for fur ther, proof as to one 'of tlie parties. . The same Libellants, ; ., ' , .4vt... . v ? Tbe ' Antonio Johanna" 8c Cargo. This case turned upon 'theame principle as that last mentioned-& j one moiety oniy oeing cpnacmnexi, the Libellants appealed to the Su preme Court. ' ' - ' ' , i-j "l", The case of thej Caridad, was a libel for jgoods taken" as prize from on board oaf her -No: claim, wasjn terposetj ; but the vessel appeared evidently toj) Spanish property ; and as" by the. treaty between Spain and the XT., States,' Spanish Bottoms make free coods, the" libel was dis missed ; andJ the property remains I in. cuaioay agr vuc , 1 igiiutu u vr ucas. , dulent paperst the: treaty ,the3re f6re not rt conclusive upon: the Mavanftah hi& thtTlC6urt m id. & be insufficient-; , for that there s uu-L A tti .'.v lit ciLiit.(V Awy at . va.mijji v. I or a passport! Trpm the Goi'UjiOrs- sued underth authority covaii r Edict. The case was continued ipr further -prb of 'as to the real hiitiorial character of the vessel'. 1 he'Editorof the Register was mistnfjrnr eJ aa to the a tendance of 4. Uurr atthe Ute Circuit Court Gcr .'Taylor tbok the place of Mr.Tuzewe'I . ,' .' ' ' ; , i iii i V ' .... ' ' ' , v ' At a meeting of the Directors of the State Bank, held in this city", on Saturday lastt to consider the expe diency bt opening . Jbooks tor sub r" i j scnptions lor their unsubscribe .r.. . .-r it was reserved not to open thfi &ooks at present. tooutkern Nabobs .--Whenever the citizens of New-England speak p tlie Southern States,1 thty always present the inhabitants as livirfg in a state of splendid luxury and ex travagance, than which nothing can he further from the truth, as will fully appear when the returns of the -Assessors shall he made. It will be found from them, that so plain and unostentatious are the habits bf our citizens, that many men possessing j a property ot trom 15 to JO,000 dol lars, in lands and negroes, Bave not Furniture iil their houses, exclusive of Bedding and Kitchen Utensils, and domestic articles,woi-th one hun dred dollars. . It is .believed there will not be found in the state of N. Carolina, (exclusive. -of town resi dents) oneiundred families, posses sed of Furniture of a sufficient va lue to subject them to the lowest tax imposed by Congress ! . The following Consular appoint ments, we learn, have been recently made by the President : Col. Thos. AspinwaH, of the Ar my, to be Consul at London. Com. Jacob Lewis, to be fcdtisul at Malta. -': ' ) ' Thos. D. Anderson, to be Consul at -London. Nat. Int. The British Accounts of the a bortion of their attempts against New Orleans, will bereadvithmucji interest. Though there is an evi dent concealment of the rank and file loss, the letters of General Lam bert contain more truth than we have beenaccustomed to find in the British official letters, and were cal- j cutated togive tt heart-ache to the iVlinistry who planned tne lxpedi tion, and had calculated, on its en tire success. The meHncholy tale did not produce as strong a sensa tion in Englandas was anticipated, owing to the magnitude of the e vents then passing : in Europe, to which even the slaughter of their troops before New Orleans was or secondary importance. But the se ries qf successes on our part cannot fail of their ultimate effect: nrid whenever in their public assemblies, or in their public prints, the Ameri can armv and navy sliall be. men tioned, as they were generally be- fore the war, in disrespectable atid degrading terms, the wordsVffaga ra, iN-ew vneans, .ric, ium vaiiup. plain," will xcompbse a . charm; of power to silence such impertinence. Though you rnay have acquir ed no temtory bother war, saic( a British n,aval officer to one of our military heroes, " you have gieaily4 gained by it; you have acquired a character by the exploits of your Ar my and Navy, which alone is worth inorfe than; all it has cost you." The British officer expressed only a pnHment whichiis common to i aUi the world j witri whichr every arrir val informs us$dl the jnationsipf Europe are deeply impressed, j , The Library recentlypurcbascd by. the goyernrrtent fvpTii homas: Je iTerson , arrired ins Washingtbii onhe cltlinstanU f ..:Muehgnti6c. 1 , tioa fs anticipated by. literary mett. ii .'i.u i i.- .t.-1 Canadian' witt-eiVe his kundreiatU 5 - statethawfenewW WaaikenStpir . "ft -at-- wV - Sx iiliSti. ill give Ki, hiiiidftZ3tl vcr dolldirtf for areasute6 - Utnat - sum ran fCitx oh the 1 1th insts for thrthtfe to travel td the Ho?v Land, 4nd afceadyreVeive Seignidf the necessary per niisslpn rthr respect. t ; lA- :u fftrgiritq Election.--The-rresnf jtation f the s tate of Vir cinia; i rV tlifc; -hexrCo'nje Iowing gentlemen.rhilipl3.. Bar-', DQur Wm. ? A. Bur well jhu,;Clpp-: ton, "VVm. JVt'Coy-, QshbUen; Peterson OoodwyOv yfetH5js, iBavingdispatihedlhslnes , iif brought them there,. . ' ' The: tiuU oHdlsrtrt-Eufthe &fi late Klhf SwedrOlsrt has , ' Hugh '''Neisosii . "p; lames rieasants win' f:noanerv tt. ouj; i ker, Mattnew; Ciayv j Biirwell BaSsettBrd-Sphr rejullkahsy-rJoi (as nearly r ni 'fertffi?$i$' as : amaM 4 can Wc;ier,-'-Da1fel Breckenridge, IViaus"ii?ate,; deral, or oppdsitianSy f ' V ' -;. &Riapitulaft6n.--fe federalists 3W opposition, (c.dunttng Mr. Hungerfbrd) 3.Tni the41astr Uoncrress Uiere verc i&irenuoiicans ana 7 ieaeraust-4 una opposition.---', tt Republican cleargaih 0Iesieg,3t Those marked; witbtbVtttertaVwere notlj of the lasl Congrciss. '"r New-Tor k eleetionlnrtit city 9 . federalists and ,2 repiiblicanshave been elected to the assembly--and: ; as the returns how stand pth pair ties claim a majority . of fronv tw pj ' A. to four in the lower house. The se- , rtate, as usual, is decidedly repubU can.- , , - -I.-. ' ;.. . Another valuable r.- The "find British coppered ship Nichdlsoh,la den with dry goods,- &c. captured 13th of iVIarchboundiorn; LiVer-. poolifor St- Salvador, a Jjrize to the -private armed brig Warrior.; Cham- " plin,pf 'N-York,arrivedvat that" port on tne$th; msj. . ij.-- By the Swfed ish brig; Carjsham , (says a New-Ypi k paper) wbicnar rived here.ou Saturday eVeriiri, 6th inst. from Pbrtfau-prrQce, we 4eara . that the Prussian 'shijr Gustaf A- '' dblprt,Nhad arrived1 trkerewith a v Frepch- ambassador,- appointed -by king Louis who had been Vejceiv- ' ed hy the twofchiefs Christophe apcl Petion that y the; empire pf-Hayi I was to be an indepeident? repul flic and that Petion was 'apointcdr' i'resident. . virtues -and. plertoiajs S much celebrity van he I was" thr The Inquisition $palri apper s ' ftoliave hadjhut .;a slibttriurnpt ; very little Ionget thaii tftator- tbex Hartford ' fknvshkiori. v-Jkrjra. vf MtncytpttjitM ' hi.s beenreei ;1 General coyringa onsideraf feV sum, and ts$lng that the- amoy tV y was takeii letter -ttteij by or to John Dale, dated at Phiiadel- r phia; betveen 1798''ard-ivar)dX j retaueted that it fwould' paid ; to ; ; the 'proper perstn.'v -; v ? A v tienetai fos vm e vy aaamgion uuy, 20, 1815. i- ..,r. ;Wtv- MAHIaX':'. V Oh ffeftb itavt, ? ' oef :Jfe&ihT qm' of f5re nebbroagb, : to Miss bosan Lea, of .CMweiju.;:?,' .-I'-," " Jn jetteviJ!o tbr TOb tiU. Mr. David Ocbntree, to Mlas Lucy An? Wjnskrw, ekl est daugbter rf JoJin 'Wia.lv q- vTJlBDr- "vA, iv;.'-. : i iAt Cnarlettonon. tbf tb ;tfttl veref aof ana learaea uiwit --j, Wb '--7;. -..V ?,The retreaf FerdfanqWJt, fro rn Spa i n m u st exc itc aCSat de -.1: ". of sumbaihii in- B6st6nVjereii?5 ' 1 :. Pi M 'mm, m p y 1.', ibH "11; r 5 j r i ?t r V i 1 if .... t-' ri ' ' J i i ' Hi , . i t. 1. M v. I'! I it 1 v: 7 J 4' ? 'ir 1 - 1 -