.... v.--, l;y:J (v i i-Ma Li iphiy?-? w4 m .,fe)v; 01a .vjv.'-v 5KV TRENCH CONSTITUTipN. fnasIteJ tor the New-York Commercial A4 vcfuscr fcom lYtath papcrt. Js eff addition to the Constitution of "the i Empire. . ' i . WtpOLTON", by hc Grace of Cod and the (Wituiious, Eaipcror or the" French, to prtinitaiidtococici grettinjf : I smce wc wre called, fifteen rears 'bv the wish pfFrance. to. the gory , !?meat of tlie sUte, Ve endeavored to oiul forma, accordinto the wants jri the desires ,of the nation j' and pro j.j0r by the lessons oft experienced Xb?r constitutions" of the rlmpirc'are tlas formed bj a serien of acts .which jTe been clothed with the approbation d the people. r ,;"": We nad then Tor our end, to organize i Rrit European federative system, hich we had adopted as being confor sible to the spirit of the ae, and fa rjribleto the progress 6f cirilization'. Tobrinj it to completion, and to tivc t ill tiie extent and all the stability tf which it- was susceptible, we had fastened the establishment of many Sterior institutions , inore . especially jitcnJed to protect the liberty of the titiilns. . Our end henceforth .is only t increase the prosperity of France, Hthe strengthening of public liberty. Ileoce results the necessity of many ipvrunt modifications in tJie consti tutioas, senatusc6nsultaand other acts ?i!ch govern this empire. 1 Tor these reasons, wishing "on tlie cr.f side, to preserve whatever is good ind salutary in the old, and, on - the other, to render the 'constitutions of sr empire conformable in every re ?pect to the national wishes and wants, a veil is to the state of peace which t desire to maintain., with . Europe, e haie resolved to propose to the people a series of arrangements tend ta modify and perfect their consti ul acts, to surround the rights of the citiieas with all their piarantce3,' to peto the representative system all h extension, .to invest the intermedi vjt bodies with the desirable respect itl power j in a word, to combine the Liest point of political liberty ' and bliudual safety, with the power and eLfrrr necessarr to cause the inde vatience of the" f'rench people and the 'iipitr of our crown to be respected bj foreicr.crs. , In consequence,' the flowing articles, .forming a supple mentary act to tlie constitutions oi the Empire, will be submitted. to the free 11 boieran approbation of all the citi wss throughout the whole extent of fnnce. . ' , V Title I. Gentral Jlrranzcmente Art. i.t The Constitutution of the Hapiie,to wit, the constitutional act the 2 Frimaire, in the -year 8; the eaitus Consulta-of the I4th and 6th , ilermidor. in the year 10, and that of j f easth Fiorear, in tlie year 12, shall modified b? 'the. following arrange Kr4ts. All the other arrangements confirmed and maintained. - Hie legislative power is'exercised 3 me traTeror oc br the two Houses. inc Lrst nouse, caiiea inc Mouse -reers, ih hereditary. ! ' The EmnrnfflnnoinfQ tTnV mm who arc irrcmoVabre. they, and eirmale descendants, from the eld? !t to the eldest in the direct line Jije namber of the Jeers is nnlimitc. Adoption dees net transmit the difli- V of a Peer to him who is the object of ine reers.take their syat at the cf 21 years, buthavc not a deter- urj; o:cc until i.- , . , : , 5. "flic House of ' Peers is nresided ? the ArcIWchancellof of theEmnirc. 5 m the case prorideil by the 5thr-t-f tl.e Senatus Coruultum of the , x TlorV Jwr 12, by one of the i;wtrs of this ' House, esneciallr de- W hy the Emperor. ' The members of the Imperial fa: J1?? mthc order of inheritance, are rcfri-ht. 'rheysitaJterthePrei They take their seat at eigh. uoui 21. 'ft u. vcoiiu nouse, raucatne i tie it J'- ' : v!'k . -re of this house are in r M nundreM and iwentvhine. .e) ")M:be '25 years old at fcask ? - v ircsuucnt oft'c House of cuTativcsNS apnohited; by, the a; the opening of theTrst fies-JJ lie remains in ''office until the1 renewal of the house. "-Ilia nomination; is submi tted to the approbation of the' Emperor. . , ; , 7 !-10. The House of IlepreSentatives' verifies the powers of its members1, and pronounces upon, the validity of con--tested elections , A. ki j -11.! The members of the llouse of Representatives receive for . travelling expences, and during the session; the compensation determined by the con stituent assembly. . " , 12. They are re-eligible indefinitely. 13. The House of Representatives is renewed of right, wholly, every five years. . ' 14. No metnberof either !house can be arrested, except in the case of fla grant jprime, nor prosecuted on a cri--jnina or correctional charge, except by virtue of a resolution of the house of which he is member, !v ! 15. Nd'bne can. be arrested or de tained for debts, from the lime'of their departure to attend their 'dutv in the Xcgislature .'a partir tie In con xoaitionj nor for forty days after the session " . r 16. The Peers are judged by their house, on a criminal or correctional charge, accordinj'to, forms which shall be regulated by law; , -ir. The quality of Peer and of Re presentative is compatible tvith all pub lic functions, except those of matters of accounts. However, ho Prefects and sub-Prefects are not eligible bv the electoral colleges of ; the depart ment or; the arrondissement which they administer. A 13. The Emperor sends to the Hou ses spme ministers of state and some counsellors of state, who have a seat therevcc take a part in the discussions, but who have not a determining voice, except when "they are members of the House of Peers, or elected by the peo ple. 1 9. Hie ministers who are members of the House of Peers r or of that of Representatives, or who have a scat by mission of the government, gjvc to the house the illustrations which are judg ed necessary, when their publicitv does not compromjt the interest oT the state. . . 20. The sittings of the two Houses ! arc public They may, nevertheless, , lorm themselves m secret committee ; the House of Peers upon 'the request of ten members, and tnat of Represen tatives upon the request of twenty-five. The government may likewise require secret committees to make communi cations. In every case the determina tlon and the votes can only take place in-public sessions. r . 21. The Emneror mav Drorojnic, adjourn and,dissolve the Houseof lie- prcseniauyes. ineprociamauon wnicn pronounces the dissolution, convokes the electoral colleges for a new elec tion, and indicates the assembling of the representatives in six months at the farthest. , . . ' ' 1 2, During the interval of the ses sions of the House of Representatives, or in case ofa dissolution of this House, the House of Peers .cannot assemble themselves.' J - . i 23. Tie government hasi the propos ing of the law ; the house niay propose amendments ; it these-amendments are not adopted by the government the house is pound to vote upon the law as it was proposed. ' K 24. 'lTie house have the right to re auest thecovernmcntto. Dronose alaw upm a specified subject," and to' digest that which appears , to' tliem proper to insert in the law, ' This request ixiay be made by either of the houses. I . 25. AMienever a bill redaction j is adopted in one of th6 two nouses, it is carried to the other ; and if It is there approved it w carried to the Emperor. 26. No written discourse, except the reports of committees,' the reports of the ministers upon the laws Which are presented 'and the accounts which are rendered can be read in' either of the' houses.;, 4 1. v : A: Title I lirOf th e Electoral Colleges and the mode of Election: . . 27, The electoral colleges' of a de- partmcnt and oi an arronaisscment are maintainbd cortfonhablr to the Senatuis Consultuiiiofth e '1 6 th Thermidbryear io;, txccpt'as in thk following jhodifiV cations i C-r - v ' - ;l ' - 28. The assemblies ofactmton shall fell up every year, by annual elections, all the vacand&lotrthe electoral -col leges:--'-- ;VV ' : 29. . Froia the yearlSlCi a member stoni Mitog House of Peers, designated by r-..T"mxM 7 0411 uc.i rcsiuem ior life, and irremovable of every electoral tollege of a! department. .. ; ( : V-V SO. -Fron the sames peTiodthe eleci toralxollege of each 'department shall appoint frOm among the 'members of each college' of an arrondissement." a President and two yice-Presidents.-i-To this end, the meeting of the college of a department precedes, fifteen days that of the college of arrondissement. i 31. The colleges of fc. department and of an arrondissement, shall,appoint the number of representatives est'ab--Ii3hed for each, by the act and the ta ble subjoined. Nol 1. : 32. ' The representatives tniy bo cho sen indifferently,' thrqughout'the whole extent of FranceEvery 'college of a department or arrondissement, ' shall appoint" a substitute who; must neces sarily be! taken from the department or arrondissement. : . ' ; , -, 33. IThe manufacturing and commer-! ciai industry and propertv shall! have a special representation. "The election: of the 'commercial and manufacturing representatives shall he made by the electoral colles of a department out of a list of eligible persons prepared fay the chambers of commerce and the consultive chambers 'assembled toire- ther, according to the act and the table subjoined; I NoV 2. i Title nil Of the Lh w of Imports. 34. The generaldirect tax, whether on land or on moveables, is onlv Voted ior one vear : the indirect taxes mav be voteeffof several vears. In cases of the dissolution of the House, of Re presentatives, the taxes, voted in the preceding session are! continued until ine meeting oi tne itouse. ' ' 35.' No direct or indirect tax, in mo ney, of in kind, can (be collected, no loan can take place, no inscription o'f creuu can uc maoe in ine; reat dook of the public debt, no domain can be alienated; or, exchanged no levy of men tor the army can be decreed, no portion of the, territory can fofc exchan ged, but by virtue of a law. 36, Every proposal for a taxj for a losn, or a iCvy of men, can only be made to the House of Representatives. 377 It is also to the House of Re presentatives that are first brought, 1st. the general budcet of the state, containing the, sketch of the receipts and the proposition for funds, to be assigned Tor one year to every depart ment of the ministry j 2d. the account of the receipts aid expenditufea of the year, or years preceding. : ; j Title IV. Of Ministers and respon , I . sibility.' :( ' .' r 58. All ,the acts of government must De couniersignca oy a minister noia ing the department. , . ' 59. The ministers are responsible for the acts of government, signed by them i also, for the execution of the laws.' .' ; : j - . 40.' They, may be irnpeached by the House of Representatives and are tri ed by that ot the Peers, 41. Every minister, every command ant of an army by landOr sea may be, impeached by the House pf Represent atives, & tried by the House' of Peers j for having compromised the safety or honor of the nation. K. '.'I - .,j . 42. The House of Peers in this case exercises a discretionary power, both in characterising the crime and infligt injrthe puiiishm ent. , . ' 43. Before pronouncing a minister to De in a state oi irapeaenment,' tne House of Representatives must declare that there (is ground for investigating a proposition ior, impcacnment. - 44. This declaration cannot be made until after the report of a. committee of sixty members, drawn by lot. ; This committee! does not .make its report until ten days at soonest,7 alter, its ap pointment r V . ti r- 45i'Wlieii. the house has declared that there is, grounoV fbi investigation', it may ; call the' minister1' before ;it to recjuire of him explanation. , Thia'cal cannot iako place until ten days after the report of the committee .c- H ' .46. In i every - other caseV thel'ttinisV icrs noiuiii a ueparunqai caunox be called or eommahdeu by'theliousesi ; 47 Yhen the House 'of IteDreseuif ; atiyes' has declared thatj there is ffround ior an myesugaion againsi a minister., a ,ne w f committee is fdrnied .of 'sixty members; 'drawn I by iotts? the first,4 and h hew report is made bj ihc com 'mitteejrpoa the act of Impeachment. This committee cannot report Until ten days after its appointment. ! ; 4 act Of impeachment cannot be pronounced until ten days after the reading and xlistributipri or the report !,49.The ! , impeachment ITeing pro nounced, the House of Representatives appoints five commissioners out of its body, to prosecute'' the', impeachment before the House of Peers.' V. j 50. The Article 75 of Title VIII, of the constitutional'act of the 22d xFri maire, year 8j declaring that the agents of the government cannot be prbseciif ed,' but by' virtuel6f a : decision of the cduncil 'or stati, hairbe modified by Title tthericialwe, ' 51. The Emperort appoints all the judges. They are irremovable andTor life, from the time of their appoint-; ments, except ine juoges OLTne. peace and the judges of commerce, who shall hold as formerly . -Tli e present judges, appointed by the Emper'or, i according to the terms oHhe Senatus Corisultum of the 12th October, 1 807, and ! whom he shall , deem proper tp retain, jshall receive provision for life befare the 1st of next January. ' . 1 52. The institution of jurie3 is mairi taine'd. - ' ; ' ; ''; ' ' 52. The discussions in crimihat ca-. :54. Military crimes alone are4udg ca by military tribunalsi ; ! ; j 55. All Other crimes, even commit ted by military men, are to be edgnii ablfe in the civil tribunals; - : 56. All the crimes & offences-which were referred to tlie highjmperial court, and whose judgment not' observed by the present act, of the Hous of reer3 shall be trieclbefore the ordinal ry tribunals. . - 571 The Emperor has the right -of nardoiU even in the correctional mat ter, and of granting amnesties. . 58i , The interpretations of the laws required by the court of 'appeals (cas sation J shall be given in tbi form :'qf H law. ' V :-. v. ' ; : Title Vk Rights of the PeOpk. 59t Frenchmen are all equal jn the sight of the law, whether for contribu, tion'of. the. public taxes' and charges i oror admission to civil and military 'employ. ' ' ' "'.. ' 60. No ohe can, under any pretence, be deprived of the judges assigned to him by law. V ": ," .. y... 61. No one can be -prosecuted, ar rested, detained or exiled, " except ill cases provided by the law, and accbr dine to the prescribed law. 62. Liberty of Worship is gUaran teed to all f v'- 63. - All property ' possessed or ; ac quired , by virtue of the laws, and all the debts (creanccsj of the state, are inviolable. - -' ''' '. 64. Every citizen has the right : of printing and publishing his thoughts, by signing them ; without -'any.' previ ous censure, except legal f espoiasibni tyj afte the pubneation, by tlje triaf by jury,?even' when thfcrewouldhe oh ly cause for the applicatipn of a cor rectional punishment. .. " 65. v The riffht of petition is assured to the citizens. 5 Every petition is an individftal one. These petitions niay he addressedeither to the government or to --.tne two nouses j 'ne veruiei ess j even" these last ones ought to bear the title to his. majesty the Emperor.VThey shall be presented. o the houseCnhder the guarantee of a member whqiecOm mends the petition. . They are read publicly ; and if the H6u"seiiridertakes: the consideration of them, Hey are carried to the Emperor by the Presi-: denu , . 'Jv- ' ' S:' " 66. No place' no part Of the-tei tito ry, can be declared m a state of siege except in case fan-invasion by a fo reign: force, 'o'oubles.' In the first case tlie declaration is made,' by. an act of tlie jroverhmeht. " In these cond case it can only be done. by , law. I iiutib t vt) it a .vase ). wviu wutu vuy. houses are not'lin session, .the act: of the goverhmjt dedaring; the state. of .siege must bVcohvCrted into, a prOpo siuon ior a law, wimin tne Mrsi ui veji davs of the meetfnjr of the housesV 67. ,Thel French people declares moreovefthat in the deleatiOnwluch' it has matle : and which it lakes.of is;j powers,' it nas poirinienueu anu uoea not tnteiid tofgie Ae rightpf p-opos in thef xeestabiishment of ;the 3pnr bons, o'r. of afiy . Prince cfthafaraUy; upon the throne eveh' in4ihe Case of an extinction oi tneimpenai aynastyj nor the riit of esUblishinc either the ancient nobility or the teuaal or sei norial rights, or the tithescr any pn- vileKed br dominant worship, nor ' thb : tionalMornk.aUriierdicts , tolthe rovet-nment,;jo the Houses, and . h to? tne citixens eyery yivvmu. ' j this respect , 1he M'mJster:oCl?bito, Xli U ..' ,Ofthe JT(rrthWaroHnd:Bipnst Society r jf ; Fjoxxus' ikjra BinM pry. nrE Alm!gl JLias cUsdasuisHe'iept rtf this- C fob'e. tin several tJdrtktOarsyi r y -) llthis 5?ction of tirl4 liepUaPara; : . - V dise and created " jwK tmht God; t t f married witLilhe rloiotit;Lt:-Ci. Co - -i of Heatftenisdatoess; Mahometan : supwtitioh;iJh tks4,e Ujir- J, ter of the earth, &creare &t eas4t fx bundrel m,mit& f mtilffrwlih ihiistlsnend aua-cUroity'-- -of exfluisite hahbiaesr orn .enable misery: - upojl their havgi or ftot4Vjiffv on interest' in the blood othrist,5 fhe.r,s. nor other name linear Heavenif crt among? in ctv wheifiy we must He vcl 'e awful dari-5-ge to which they afe exposed tapctiously de n inkf in i v nhfTh f.nti!uhich has been ah asvluiu to those wIkj knred tyt'aWi cdesiiastical persecution ,He has genUs . ' happy republican fonfc of gbverhinent, tihicj, , ; secures to our'itizenjs tlie,t .lifccrtV' gt cpnv sconce, die,r prpFe',a pfT lei.-vHa what is inore thanMli' hBhas u-nV luf Gospel ; among us! and given' it diviiSeacce&i r j- y ' ? Crtituddtopod,; andvpmevcJence .to manri chrtiitfl trnnstrain tts ta rehevd the m!serie.' and - promote hapness fe Jujnuil tfniUy ' That tne means have Hved 'ithbut revciafecmii ahd -hive iufv fered al that ignorance anrl .supeiticnxqVild' united their eiforta in -sending the -Gjospel ;to the hethjeh nations irt Asia: lr91jMis- ; sjonary iSociely was JnstjtUted j in ,Enlsinh: which sent Missionaries .toctfE'ehfye' since bdrne. the,' glad tidifesi .'-ot , stibh to ' -other aceikhatiOraiK A fewv-ears titce, the plous'in AnSeric -ifiuliiehyMe-'aames ered spirit, fbrmei liionf ry; Societies fo ' die same pupose TwejTie tjf the ; tTnitedi States (incluin. thi Distrjct of Columbia) ' hare openly espoused the cause of JVIissiohs. s . Xorth-varolina hasbt heeh neutral jn so -ld- vlioxt? a ;cause ; but has ybluntarlly ebme for ward and ofTeredh aid iti sipport of these charitahieinstiltions'v'i njt- God hai raisedtip; Uafied ind influeeciSi h61y xtkvg tt'U.eaye;tfielrptite ' .Coiih. ;tv'';v. brave tKe dangers of' a boiSttrdus :ccean aqd ;i the inclemeneiei of 'Sicfclj clime; bear the Gpspel- of salration tp perishm.5 h eathenic c enable them to execute so arduous taski rfeV '.' aUires gre&t pecUmjary aidr Ahapptalis tliere; : fore nude to the' charity of our Citizeni Th&& are reraatfully" invited ttf participatelh the joy which results from so goeda causey That - UWJiVlw. . v . ' v w HMV .iUiJU -DI some, . tnerei -can ne Bo.,aouovx?.iut they sre' which wbe caused hr th i a.h live vanished 1- -h liOspcoi,aniSJui.-oesipQssiDje ; iinre evinced. . Tbos riitIonswoi""eh GodllencedjtheJ rpropeUecLthe xtendh g With ' destruction,. wliich hovered around us .ajodoncfe tpreiii-''-.' tended thfedliy hVch bfpcjice, to ouV bleed ing" couiitly Aieidture commerce again lift ihelidroopuigr heao arid re-al wth i smilesof plentte tods 6f their'otarjes.-r Out field's ; (we .trust) will isoon " be crowned, i v-: with; plenteous httcvests.w . '. an 51se hinOT riches pCforeigpnclimeir, - "v. ' Thaffifidefi,: whi? belVtve the tendency W f the clirisaiijehgitflto darken bdfeewil : -der the imdejtandin, to interrupt the plea- . ' surescfjthiS life, to ccmbund human afiauT, to deh?e th e minct by )spmVtli; atA to mike ; toefifctetyj&vtA.crstl, should withhold their ; aid,'aW evet-ommencfiiacg not tb be wondered aC -Itttl; ihateristiaiu. Vhi are better acuaihtM wjth its niure, and ' who believe iti terulency If to enlighten tho ' mind, td Lpuriry the afjecticml,! al to prepare men to heir up ud Vr-the eVii,t uhd ehjoy.th ; .blestin -fife; st4d.iiip1'theirsifti V ? tance, and especially ccaimenc , ' , ; tion,is truly wonderful and unaficouatahie, s1g " ' ' ; 1u(st pmers'are active in doiflgooclVlet ua not be idle aNfniich -uless active in do'mg v r evilr,l5utlet iis. cheerfiilly give bur mites in 1 support of the Cofpel, Fbr Ood leveth the chterfld. Jer : l'o itiwitbhold it from. heatheil iiationsfbr t is the injunction of HeaJ - vewaat u nouia- pc preacoea to au nataons4 for,ihe obedience of faith-rAnd -by notneani let uidpposejti let 4 we 'he' found fa figjn : prderof the6ociety,' '' or? The Rev, Me&rs. Jesse ReacL !vtilliaM (anastcr, Sobert T. Daniel, Behianiin BarJ Klisha Battle, i 6enjamin Jbyner, VrnJ, P. i. : . - -. a .: . die, jocancx Barrow, auuc a. xtanaioson And -Josiah Crudup 1 alsoj Messrs. Abner CJop ton and John Campbell, vrere appoillted to receive contrihuUons, c. iv- : s i. i. e.. n iS'-i J . . ... 'fi ' 'I'.r ;-.h1' 4.. .1 V . i r t'i f c' "I 1 ' 11 - 4. 'f -.'4 ' I',. - ". ... 1 iS. 9 1 Sjt t iJT ' .'V r. - 1.