male t timet lafiy st&dco lBducea Siurtetba iMtraetioo cf: or con- iklhe common rudiments, 'WIT. - V -.ffS SO0 !..! MWNmn to Lflt? - rmifltT. sbtll receive prompt y;r-IlJ t ibc ttnsi of Tuition, fcc t cknoo- ; .22' 2w " TrTrHFtt WANTEDS A I . - tw T.u o the Grttne Academy T1 .h to 0,R8 Gentleman to 1 U .aid. Academy Priodpsl cMh0 it elr.rd m the loiiruf TcV5OBth of Ilber Education, aod can Ci !f isft'ctory usiimonralt of character & 6 i to txo teach he various branch- cl i-Tt$Itwtrir a bcal hy ne:SbbcThocd i; Ounrj. forty :Iei w$i of New ,lCTrd m4s esst of Oslrigb. A te chiecv odreted to Che urvder l. S.K)W K CreeneCHiuty, Honh. be do- attended to. 4 j of ibt Board of Trtr-i. HUOKEHClk. lt 6w . AHSCONDED -nt tbesnbicr ber's terr ceon the tTtb I ' s:t,TUAY-s BROWN. b Arpren taVc Hatter's ' He bout22 .Vsze. 3 fctt 10 irche$ hiSb ,0 Sf ,irht rir nd eTef- H,d ra:aH t- "d drk colored overalls, b;,tk t : bad wi;h htm a blue broad - i crt I4 ' P'T " ttolord overalls; vi:f nfcrTt!jlt'on of bc MhI n ice. cr kde him in any J til, thai Jtf be ecoTtt?4. itaUteceiyea rcwiri t: Ft GADUI&L PARKER. Leac r county. April S4,ll5. 14 tf ,-7 All rxroi t forewirnod frcra bar iJ.. ADDienucs. o pain of beiug jr .fnj:ru- CHEAT GOODS. " S. IIOND t HAS j iu receiTcu irw inumronu u j rejersurjr. a freaU Assortment of - AS receWed from Ttichmond and rfteriburjr. a frU Asrtment of rtmns. suitable to the season. Amo-j? tore Cal'icoc, Ctmbrica." plain nd fi fitd, Jtcwitt MuUia, Lmo, llomba Irfs ShirtinRa. Gighnt Vesting. Jeans, K bb. Cotton Hce, Shawl, f Hand- fcrcYief. Lock, H'mgea, Cotton anci Woo! ' CAtii. KnWra afvl Fork, Pocket and Pco i tirti. Plane Trona,Sci4or, Foot AdIe, I Skce. Queen's War, Curry CornWs. Sl !le lan, UnUle.lliaa,'Tirr'ijviron. rine nan. iv . . " a ' II MAlKuoe. IIa;t. ra TrimovnTs. kc. c. ic- JiMt of th above nicies he will sell at PEXR prncr'.. for CJSJI oolv. BiVtfh. Jufle 22. 22 3w T Durkin 7. Henderson end John' nr-it: . HA VI NT. taken X: Ihnderton, U. II Frt, W'A'rt"", into Cn-Partncnhip. their Bmes will in future be conducted under tLefirmof Durkin-t Hendersons Co. Who offer for the entire Carjfo of the hr .rce, F. Martin matter, from LiKrpoot, & landing consisting or Packard Hardware, Cutlery and Dry f;o,d, rotnprI-nfj a gnrrl artment 1? Ilexes London Muatard, Ib botues 23j Krjjs White Lead Hbda. Ccpperss 146 Cratea Ran ben Ware Iwell assorted) I') Srts Dinner Chita 2 Hbds enntaininjr sets e levant Rilt ami , burnished Breakfast China, Wine ana Cutter Coolers with Glasses H r.tea Class Ro ties 20 i.f.xe 1 C and X Tin Plates 3.M .stck l,iT'l ed Salt. Pf.citbug la. June 2J 23 XO.1 ICE. Tiiuti Department Jure2Qd, 1815 Tt'NDS hating Veen asaired for the pay. jt nnntof sich Tmca.cuv otei, and thr interr tt tlerent at wili beenc due at iin.V.5Aia rn tle 11 dry cf August next, kMi cn all vb-quent d pritr 19 lAe lit, fltnu$w 1816 : NoTicair therefore berehy pivet. That ;n;amI Trcahunr Notes w !i be pa'.d. on the TJicaiion of the holder thereof, respect lry, at 'be Loan OrKce in Philadelphia, on i"e Jay er days when th v abail relatively hceonif due aaJ interest on the saul Nwtes ; sill cease to he payalle therraiier. 1 lie (kmmbjsi3nert of Loans in the sere tt buies are requested to make this Notice frentrally known, by ! the means in their jower ; n) the I'nutera authorised to pub- ! I'll, lie U of the United States, will be l'leawd to inacrt it in their respective news. rir. A. J. DALLAS A Secretary of the i a.ury. . S20 REWARD. STOLEN Iron the subscriber, on the nht of the irth instant. A BAY HORSE, 4 fet r or 8 inclies years old. kl..Kl aUrocnd, two bind feet w hile, also his t-fi" s'nle fre ha near pattern joini lanr 4- tbe other ron an old hurt, his mane l.ii j on both sides of bis neck, if not cut i a few ubiie bairs about the middle of li reck, just uruer the mane, that a nine lerre , c,ver, ii a swab tail. The Horse Uxl'ttetobtatolea by JOSKWl STRP, Soldier cf the U. S, Infantry, wlio Deserted fn.ratlie Barrack near th.a place on the lM the llorte was oiitsed. S:cp is siip dto have bern born in Knwan couuly, ' -" trara ff t;e, 5 leet Tor BincNrsJuKb. tir crtrplrliou, cev eyta. . The atoe erd, aod' reasonably chrrea, will be Pd for Uie Horse and Thiel, delivered to in Raleigh, or Ten Dollars for properly tccncscuiier, so that they can be irot. JOHDAN WOK8HAM.' NOTICE TO CREDitoRsKj! Art vienn ot Hertford County cnbtM.iYho request all peraona ha?i very kjaac CARTER, O . , , s tZVilS WALTER, Adm'rt Jonel5, 1815. ' 2J 4w STATE OF NORTH.CAROLINA, GaaaTiLL Couh-iy, Cvrt 9 Pleat and Quarter Set tint, , Xaj Term, 1 i. 1815. Robert Elliott, Alexander Elliott, John; Elliott, Dol ley Ellioti and Judy Elli- Petition to htnge real et- COPT of this Petition be ng duly termL on all the Defendant i. eacept Alexan der Elliott ; it appriof to the satisfaction of this Court hat he U not a reaident of this Slate; it is theretbre ordered, that puWica tida be made in the Raleigh Register for three weeks, that unlesathe said Alexander Elliott appears, at the next term to be held for said county at Oxford, on the first Mon day of August next, plead, answer or demui to said petition, the same will be taken pro confeiao, and read ex-parte as to h m. . Witness, STEPHEN SN F.ED. Clio Jane 25 . 23 3w FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1815. ; The Supreme Court of this State will commence its Session in this city to morrow. An American edition of Ncal's His tory of the PuriUns b' Dr. Joshua tToulmin, in 5 vols. 8vo. is proposed for publication iu Joston. On Saturday last (St. John's Day) the new Freemason's Hall in this city whs consecrated by the M."W. Hon. John L. Taylor, assisted by the Grand viiucers 01 me raics. ne uretnren afterwards moved in procession to the State House, where an appropriate! Address was delivered by tne Grand Master in his usual elegaut style, pre ceded and followed by Music & Sing ing by the Aicateurs and young Ladies of the citv. The Brethren dined toge- m . ) llPVnothcr disbanded officer has ad dresetr his brethren, calling upon them to desist from their proposed meetings and application to Congress, .'and rather than beg pensions, &c. of 1 their country, to exert their ability & j fortitude to, obtain, in the usual way, ! that honest livelihood which may be so" easily prociired in a country like ours. " it (says he) congress were impro vident in the reduction of the Army, is it with us to complain ? We were citizen soldiers, and not mercenaries." He further adds, that thev have no 1 I - I Claim iijioii vuujress, unu win ihj niurt" likely to be generous to the disbanded Soldiers without the proposed applica tion titan with it. And lie cannot think that it is necessary for the heroes of Chippewa, Bridgewater, Erie, Platts burg, Orleans, &c. to beg for employ ment in the Army that maybe raised hereafter. At a meeting of the disl ts at New-Y ork on t!ie i banded Oftv cers at icw-rorK on uie ijmn mst.11 organized Association was formed for the purpose of keeping up their mili- ttcry connection, ol allording rchel to tho widows and orphans of Officers who fell in battle, &c. Gen. Boyd was ; chosen President, Colonels Tafmadge ! ami Forbes, Vice-Presidents and Col. jMulIany, Majors'Delficld and Smitit 1 and Captains Sherman and Seaman, a Committee of Correspondence. We re-publish a piece from RelPs Philadelphia Gazette, entitled South America, to which the writer, Mr. W. D. Kobinson, aflixes his name. This gentleman, who some months ago pub lished a pamphlet at Georgetown, JL C. on the state of Spanish America, and the relations existing, or which might exist, between her and the' U nited States, has displayed a particular interest in the fate of these gallant but oppressed inhabitants of that devoted nation. It is a subject particularly in teresting' to the feelings of the inde pendent citizens of this more northern hemisphere, and cannot fail to awaken in the genuine Am ericarj bosom an ar dent wish for the success of these af flicted chiklren of despotism in their straggle for emancipation' and liberty. The-Surveyocs lately sent to lav outl the .Military iounry lamis in uie Mi chigan territory, have returned with outacoqmplishiug tliat object ; the In dians having refused themf permission tti survey the lauds in question, under I pretence" that the Chiefs . who signed the treaty uv,wuica moic lanus were ceded to tKo' United Stites, had rib riht to make the cession, inasmuch as the country did hot belong to them. - A frsV Indian ,war - appears more- than ? CI W.Bta-.ttJiiefto tnale them kiwrn w,th,n tU. time limited by lw, or thit notice will be plead la bar to their reco. j EALE1G11: Fredonian S30O,O0O, i5?ee, gone! The brig J rajuuer, Uapt. .Lewis, botnd for Liv erpool, with, & SOOJOO Dollars, in srjcie, vh said to be very scare ; in'Englana,na will pay from-SQ to SO per cent; profit;- sailed from Boston jorUhe4ith xristinL 1 p , y-r "i-, ifnowenw.T. British packet Ladjr Jiouisa, on Ker passage from Bra zil to England, and Awhen a thousand miles from land, suddenly had' her j decks, spars, &c. covered to the thick ; ness of half an inch with a yellow jdust. . The7 ' high allies,' says a Vienna papef,hare required! that the French shall deliver up Bormparte. The rreucn pcqpie win say them " come and take him." M. Dupont, the public spirited pro prietor of the Powder Mills on the llrandywirie, (Del.J at which several persons were killed by an erplosionon the,8th inst. has settled a yearly pen sion of one hundred jlollars on tne fa mily of each of the several persons who were killed on that occasion. Fet.Int. Since the re-establishment of peace, -the frontiers of the United States bor dering on Mexico will, we expect j at-' tract the attention of many of the en terprising emigrants from the Atlantic States. A letter from a gentleman who! has recently removed thither, to his, friend inthis city, speaks in flattering terms of JYatchitoches, a place which jmany of us in this part of the world : have been in the habit of regarding as almost beyond the bounds of . -civilization. The town, he says, is of a res i pectable size 5 and, being the key to j Mexico, it may be expected to become a populous city. The country below j that point, on, the Ilcd River, is as well ! peopled generally as the banks of the Mississippi. It is scarcely a dozen years since not more than one man in a thousand had ever heard of that river, which is shortly to become as impor tant to the United States as the Poto mac or the Ohio. V JVat.Int. Mr. John Melish,' of Philadelphia, has in the hands of the engraver, a View of Dartmoor Prison, rendered famous by the massacre of a number of the American prisoners confined there during the war. The painting ; exhibits both the plan and elevation in : perspective of all the prison buildings, ll ,1 V 1. 1 -I wiui tne uarracKS, nospiuii, raarKei square, &c. and a descriptive account , will accompany it, iljustrating the par ticulars referred to in the account of the late most extraordinary butchery of so many defenceless and unoffending human beings. Aurora. Among the number who were inhu-manlv-butchered at Dartmoor' prison, we discover the name of Joseph John son, son of Mr. Shadrach Johnson, an honest ami respectable citizen of this place. Who can speak the bitter an guish of a father thus called upon to mourn the loss of a son, cruelly mur dcred'in a foreign country a country which boasts of nts humanity and reli gion, and to which we are told we are to look as the bulwark of our1 own, Hartford Mercury. Tlr. Gpntirt Mnprafh. thft nhvsir.ian o 9 r j moor prison, in England, has received great praise from1 tne Americans for his humanity and kindnes,sfwhich ex exhibited a striking contrast to the bloody massacre committed there by the 3oldicrv. Sheriff Adams. In a late paper we related tlic shocking; murder of the wife of Sheriff Adams, of Maine. This is the same Sheriff Adams who lately wrote to Gov. Strong, extolling the magnanimity of j the enemy, and ex horting his excellency to raise the standard of Rebellion against the na tional government ; . am the same She riif Adams i3 now immured in a dun geon oh a charge of having murdered his wife ! Because a man perpetrates one crime, it dos not' of course fol low that he j will perpetrate any crime : but treason against on's "Coun try, and tJat country the United States, implies a total absence of all principle that respects th feelings, fortunes or lives of men. j Albany Argus. Decrease of the British Navy. From oyai xxavy September, 1813 and March, 1815, it is evident that ip thatperiod,(nineteen months) there was a decrease in her naval force of TWO HUNDRED avd SIXTEEN SAllr fifty three of which were of the line ! -This great decrease (says the Charleston City Gazette) is propably owing to the number ' of yes- Iscls which have been condemned as to- tall y ; unfif Tor service; sA far exteeditf; their means for building- npw ones - to repair them. Sept. 1813r JTarch 1815. Total m commission - w 5. r&&ii Ordinarj- & repairing 191 ' ,-'' Ciu.U -Vi3Sj ', 94 - iv the following statement accurately co-i pied from Steel's correc'flist of the) Royal Navy" of Great Britain for! 1045 2 The Charleston ,TlmeV states, thatH Gen. Andrew JacJcsoiiiIlestablisli his-Head-Quarters Ihat itv i We understand that , lajor ;Beal, late of the V, S. Artillery, is appointed tto take charge of the United Stafes! ar- nxory At-narpersi erry, -v ana mat CbKvBdswelt Lee late' ofthetT. S: InfantryV is to tae charge cfthe-armo xy at Springfield, Qi ass ; v IJrcs We understand that forty or fifty American Officers are about embarking for Europe to acquire military science and information. . They go jyith the approbatiohof their government. Ind. Insolence of British Officers. 'the National Intelligencer has published the depositions of several respectable young men of Detroit, which display in strong colors the arrogance and inso lence with hich the British officers in Upper Canada treat the citizens ofour adjacent States and. Territories, wjio may happen, to cross the lines. These depositions furnish proof sufficient, that a deadly and insatiable spirit of revenge fills their minds ; and they are not at all disposed to reciprocate those rites of hospitality and friendship, which a return of peace- invariably produces among civilized nations. The English have free and uncontrolled privileges when they cross into the A merican territory, and are universally treated with respect and friendship--! whilst not a single American dare cross, into Canada, without receiving the a- hiise and blackguardism of the British commandant at Saridwichrand his offi cers ; who appear to have studied tac tics under ".Jlalineaitx; and the Big Chicken, rather than in the more po lished school of Mars.VFef. hiti A vaoable interchage has been made at the easte-u and western extremi ties of the globe. The Marrattah Cot ton, cultivated so abundantly, in the Brazils! has been transplanted into tlie E. Indies, and the experiment-has been attended with great success. Under the patronage of the prime minister A ranio, a number of tea plants w ith Chinese gardeners have been im ported into the Brazils, and the plan tations under their management aifiird every prospect of a rich harvest from that important vegetable. The de coction prepared from this exotic is said to be equal to that produced from the commodity of its native soil.- Ib. Letters from New-Orleans of the 20th ult. state that the Mississippi river was higher at that time than at any for mer period ; that the levee had given way in sundry places above and below the city, and that a number of hands were employed iri strengthening and repairing it,; that the watep had done considerable damage to the sugar plan tations, and had likewise run over the levee into the city $ and that great fears were entertained that the Mis souri spring fresh, if it happened to come on while the Mississippi remained at its height, would inundate all the lower country. -Ohio Fred. On the- 6th inst. the Rev. Lawner Blackman, one of the Presiding Elders of the Methodist Cburchin the state of Tennessee, was unfortunatelylrowned in the Ohio River opposite Cincinna ti, on his return to the place appointed for his labors. Mr. B. was 34 years old, and had preached the gospel 17 years. lb. On the 16th inst, a boat containing five persons, filled and sunk in Boston harbor, near Light-House -Island. Two only of the persons could swim, tlwse soon succeeded in getting ' pn a rock in safety, when one of them, (Mr. NicitoLs,Confectioner of Court -street) impelled ny a principle 01 numanity highly honorable to himself,' as a Man and a Christian, divesting himself of his cloathing, immediately pi ungediri the water to save his Drowning Com panions. The nearest, who. was sinkf ing for the last time, he rescued and conveyed in safety to the ; shore ; hut two others remained, and they had sunk to the bottom ; he returned afain, andv diving, found one "fifteen feet froin the surface, on a rock, totally in sensible, with his head sunk, between pis knee3 : he seized him, and collect- tnhis remaining strenjh forcetl him 1 to the surface near the shoreyvirhenV borne down by the weight of' his . siiik ing burden, he was just able to 'raise one hand above the water, which being caught hoi d of by those on the rock, they were both arawn but together. r He would have returned fo'rvwe other; l)'ut by this-time the last spark 0 life had expiredin the unfortunate Iuzzy; and tho. spirited preserver of the others wa3 so much overcome by his great ex ertions tfiat he was obliged to be con veyed tb'hed together-with' those he had rescued. ? The body of Mr. Muzzy was found soon afterby those from the shore, and every exertion made for his restoration, but in vain. We honor and reward those who have been most successful in destroying our enemies Justice require that we jshouy not Be Jess mtefiil to thostfho2af4tlie "risk rtvof their lives haye preirved duririends.J .Arkad was" fately caught 'in;tKa Schuylkill that weighed 1 libs. .And nnarter : extreme lenrtnyu mci pTlie following Circiilar has bceji tenii j fjpBmi 1 Treasury Je to tivJ Coll ecfcrs of ouri several (Ppxti i? v ?n Treaturu Dehartment. June 5th. i ' -SIR--The : information aimmunicatcdl ,. to this BepartoeUndncesr me again p f. n express a desirej jthat. In the execution c , fche Collection Lawyou will pay particn K 1 f lar'attention to thse -sectionSiCtlie eeth h , (7 tlx. 6Sfb, and 46ththt authorise apar- v ! t ' jticular inspection examinatioa of goody I. '.: imported, which the collector suspects ar V K' not trulyin voiced) sthe orjeningiof jackji-t jlr V ges on, suspicion of fraud ;the!searcliihfe. : h V subject to duty, ar'isusjpected. to .Be; fesr v-, dulently concealed ;; and the Examination T of the baggage of personii arriving iji'thet United States. It is deemed - important that some; of the bales boxes arid packaged of every imnoi-tation.hQUld be inspected Sr- and that in most cases the tagsage rf fc reigners cr strangers shquldberected ,to Se examined by theSuryyor cflheport? or an inspector of the CuStom Bt yoU Will exercise the pdvf jprif cSc wguCbi becasious; with as little Inconyeittiencei Se as much delicacy as possible towards in-i,;'. dividuals. Tiie qoprsc r pursued Hbdng Ji; general one, nninptyjnve offence and It .v wilt serve taprevtjasrelj as to detect infcit practice ':f' ' . The Collection Saw authonses the Col -lectcr to incrade'm thc ib one or more siiretics Thegt amftuhi of the existiiig duties uploii importation, suggests the necessity of bestowing '.parti J: cular aitent:a njmi this part of your du ty. Whenever, the duties "amount t. the sum of ten ' thousand dollars, t&i UOJ1U fiiv)LUU lllUUIUe ttU fcWO Ultut-a - ; yi and with the increase of the amount, th- ! j M nuinoer 01 uie sureuey soomu w iiura. ed, ha Ing a just regard to the kftowu for tune and competency of the' objigors, kv well the prim ipals s the suretieiw' It wil also be proper to keep ia vicfw; the 'extent of the actual eiigageuients of -.hc obligor ' v w J at the Custom House : so that the wholes I, of the credit given to an individual shoutt not .exceed his own fair Clainis nor endan ger the public security. f.' I am, very respcfmlly s!f,y6nf obedi ent servant, , ,A. J.lXLLAS, To the Collector's. vK-S ' ' MARRlEt), ' yS' At Beatie'sFord, Lincoln coiinty' the 13th. inst. Mr. John Graham, o Lincoln County, to the Widow M'lauchlah; of Meckieiiburg County ; N-?-7.:i , ' DIED, - v ,; - The Rev. Drfeiuy-uhVnbiiy;tht3 Linneus of America. ,,f 1 :' a Correspotideniy-The (dtor ot . the Register: must decline ; inserting j f a Readerr reply Jtbipiec signetl " a Voter," which appeared in tne Star' of last week. He is stirry that .any' one should have thought so weak ami incoherent a trifler wortJi notice. It cannot be supposed that such' a pro duction can have any effect on the election referred to ; and it is tcetainT that. Mr. Macon wiH only kughat it. As 0 his puny remarks m relation to the Kditor of the Register they excite only his contempt. ' ', ' v., ; rrhis writej, as pthersjiayedone be fore him, Endeavors -to impose " this . falsehood upbitthcTpubl ic, that the E i ditors of Republican Papers call all Federal i s ts,! 2briegVhat :.'they as sertis ihh9 hr.tVhM Tory in the countrywho does not placft himself under, the BeraVBarter and they believe thai it is 'principally' from these men, or such aare equally Tdries in tlieir heart tht it of. th abuse of this goyerentTaha country issues. " That there? are:good nteii. as any m the conununity among, the. Federalists is never denied'; but it must, be allowed, they keep bud compa ny, :- ' ' ; ' yh - er. . ' : ' Jil'. Y ESTER DJUl's IMJIIL. CAPTURE OF1 FORT KOVAt LiRT By tne schr. Bulwark dA' 3 days from HaHiniqu e, wel earii that Admi -rai Dirrham, ntli ',:f4f frigates and a fleet' of tran6ports,ok possession of Fort Royal, MaH on the 4th bfJiine, and that all the French.troops had em-' barked for France, .most ft whonv had 'sailed. 'The pourboni flag was flying. It was the opinion- that GuadalouLer vould alsobe taHni . I P , rpElegant ZauntkiYtstetilay' morn- y f ?noi almut 11 o'clock, thft unirh General Brown, burthen. r about 100 ... - " r i -. I totis size'df therlate Bssex) & pierced tor o.or ogunsp was - fanncneu uy Messrs A. & N?xBrwuV' ; front theii' ship house, in a most capital style, a -mifjst the plauditsof avast concourVe ... The Btitislvirlgate Statirawds Inst on the 27th of January latby striking 'Ijtf on a rock, near tEe 'island of Little 30 marua-i0 inres were lost The Ship Tea-piam belonging to tfev York,;tsailed from Charlettbn,' laden vitH $ 2C0 bales of Catenon :i2ptE insu; bt m got becalmed cn tne bar, i m'ght, nd inJ wearing, mlfsed stays, and. run ashore 0 fil l Stones,Breakers. X In jthi likorningshe gbtS"iu off with mnVfeet water in her hoid and the loss offir rudder. ' tail 4a f ctua-nedto pert 4 t .! if ' if r 1 hi; 1 I11 U ; 1 V it . , t.i J- h t ll ! if M1 US v V it f I .Ill tip IP 'V.V W 4 !' j r Hi 1 i-.r Ml mi Jw 22. 181,5. 13 4y probable. , A - : ' -Y- III .' f," ti7iC-'- - i ! t 1 .'

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