' . ' ' . f - ( j , ' ' ' . - i - -. ' - . ; Aisri i ; . ' r-.; : i ,- ... . .. .... : . ; 'XOKTHCAllOMNA (GABETTJE. '" . -LiM . , x . . -Omitw tb PfaM f fair. ' dctlKlirt Pc, J 1 ' ' jf. :'. 'Hf , I'wtwp'J by prty rgct tolUt likt Ztitheru" : i ... , ,. - " r . ' -r -fi. . j'-g VouXV.. ' FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1815, - ' ':' .: ::' "'Wfi.' is'te ' '! ' I I II I . ' , ' v' f l' IRISH ELOQUENCE. u'xcthe folloin? extract from tnrcrh thC'prm o: ircunn, mi a i.itc tl.c (Ut!.olx Ikurtl. The fir so crc reflect ion$ upon Crattas, ,barfclonetl the CtiKilic cause. 0 pi tir. u fler ten yean of holiday ciiscu K enlivcneti occasionally by the po Vjcs i.f Home, some episwlcspot vo- ijnilatory on Doctor M?lner, an') unt hackmetl dissertations on what ftx ire nle ae! to term itatom jVand, t!ie house of commons magna- )yHa complain of the.v at length, in ,,!ecenion, resolved mtoa conunit- fi deliberate on jour crievapces i i .fi.mx jjave and conderenlinir Je-; fV.rs ! 'I1iiwa, however-the poirit ! rnKirh Mr. Grattan had been strur- 'rthi thermal whence that j J.wie w as to emanate, by which the j if,: tit r vour injuries wato be can- l.ieil. Ntiw hat did our advocate! (r Mr. Grattair 4iapri7.el bv Mr. Can-j r:. and confirmed by Iord Cattle-j nl'L a Rf.lip.p Hill! I would as: n think of callins: an attorney' bill tt'cii-t" a Relief Bill ftmid laughter :) (art wa not a relief clause in it on tNc'ihcaml hiscoatljutors had not con tifil t mount half a d zen blasnhem iicpnets by way of ridrrs ( a laiih :) irver. to" the honor of our country, Ineifr heard man, woman or child. ho approved of it at way ft ecepting ecrotn sweet?cccden and their inot icpriate patriarch, the uper'ative Qsvaittutti ! The jand Relief Dill, v ri a f htit from England a:nl a rr4n fr.?a Ireland, went unlamented to the rS of t!se Capulets it died like a fc"V, with the consent of eery boly (Attfiter: ) and Mr. CSrattan return fito receive a knl of funeral contra- .. r .1 t l "V . . Uation trom tr?e v ainonc ooani. now wut io you imnK4iiu ppv lounu z " . fa lauh -it was U literal answer. Here, however, let ! K . - 1 tnauiein mvnarniu,iuuruioi a-. or clime or color-ihe was an ornament to irelandhe conferred a dimity on human nature. Whethe in the studv developing truths of science; in the senate, repelling the inroads of corrup tion : or at the great national tribuna1 f the state, advocating the cause of client nations, and denouncing the au dacity of powcrfu' crime, he was a i.rodigy of wondrous combination. E ven in the very eccentricity of his er rors, when he shot, like a comet, from !-e boundaries of his orbit, the' heart i.irtu irt-niuieu ai i re ioiuiiess. uncon cifusly bowed before, the beauty of fne auerranon. ( loud applause ) It is admitted, however, even by his advo cates, even upon points of privilege, or perogat.ve, he ran counter to every argument, and rushed upon every prin ciple . . forn for he uriversr. he narrowed his nmuL M - . M wiiuwii views, unnt now ue liicunei UP Whll v" meant fOTf o aeknowledgi th! good of tlie BibI THE CLOSE. " In despite, however, of mmes, or kings, or parliaments or apostates, the final accomplishment of your efforts is' indisputable. With power, and pro-' pri it , uiiu population., rapnuy in pro gress, any permanent impediment is al most a physical impossibility. , The o ceun is on its roll, & who shall stay it ? He shall fall like Canute before its mighty wave, overwhelmed by the ma jesty of the power he would nave im pelled. Men of Ireland, rally round your cause 5 it is the noblest cause that ever nerved an advocate the cause of law 5 the cause of the constitution j the cause of freedom 5 the cause ofyour altars, your children and your country. Unite, then, and petition. Let the court frown, and the conclave fulmi 1 nate ; but let every hill in Ireland echo with your answer--and be that simple answer (jod and Libert." From the JSew-Vork -Columbian. HIE LAND. An effort was lately made in the . - - . Yl A 1 X I T 1. A 1 ti e fashionable cant word ol!JrmMi parnameni ny ir. innhs, 10 ur.traiivn. wuico. 111 11 il menus , . - 1 j 7 a.. ..!..!. nt t'nt mntinti irn nnniKPrl Uxr f r. ; lTllin?. is iinen'ieu 10 cuncv a i rr- quer) on thegrouno: that its collection i 1. .ucirn U!oii xne men wim, inniui;; mnv anil rerrc iimi. ami rri'iiai i 1 1 1 I .IT.-. 4- ms. inn iniiiniuaiiuu, mm inscuuiiir 1 1 . - . 1 tn, i. iiiii rniiis in pvprv UL'criniiuiu 1 1 . ii c aI ' 1 4 rolii'iniis anil ril i tr I il iviainna roili-acv of one party, and the! &c "e stated, that the remittance would be impossible, on account of tSie iinTnmnlfiI nrminnt" nl iithpr in vo . . 1 .... ire ek cirt miire danrerons nvuocnsvoi an-; tpr. flmiil nvnlnuse ) Mr. u rat fan . - t til . Jlf. nru :.1 rw ihp met mnn in convey fie ? b . - w i-j-i:n. 11 fhnri De anrauon in ire- b who created it ? U"ho gave the Ctators birth ? 1 charge it "directly! est?.e Grattan of the Irish parliament (or mvaoir lir it u.-t li mnrfp me an ' Ml I 17VIIII . k v ; ces of rents from Ireland to absentees a lone were 3,000,0(H) annually, above 15 millions of dollars ; That fier share of the funded debt exceeded 94 millions sterling, or 417,777,777 dollars. Sir John Newport declared, that the right honorable gentleman had so ably; vindicated the state and exertion of. Ireland, that he had left him little to say. In fourteen years since the union, j Ireland had brought into the exche quer of the country considerablyf.jp- 1 wards of sixty millions above 266 my lions of dollars or more than tour ;ert its innnortalitv, ami casting' 2"thi r.i'l " tlilu -l I j anrinnKr.in.' ls soars itb an s to a purer clinic, anil swells) holier ambition ! (loud ap- me of a provincial practitioner 1:1 t'ie hw, who, partly by fiis precepts Jl partly by his exa'mple, contrived t. "is companion mm mc um f nevermind it;" says he, "I'll von a relief bill." Unhappily tec'ieiit,t:ie relief succeeded, and .;Utoi it was his soul-inspiring pre t it was his great, glowing, lo ni example ! I pitv tiie youug mind ;!!ch can rise from tfe recortl of his H'It virtue winch can beud before tut shrine of elotiuence and ofpatriot- Q. a 11 moved bv the majesty of its spi-1 millions and half annually, by taxes, unkiudled bv the fire of its in-j. exclusively of what she had been cailetl Ration, ir, it is impossible in the .; on to produce by way of loan. He f.tvnrJation of such studies, all that j trusted the house would not vote an in our nature rises up at once , abstract proposition of tins nature, as it would throw a firebrand ot irrepara ble injury between both countries,vhich wpuld be most fatal to Ireland. Air. Graham and Air. Montgomery ) Rcallv thU recommended mo-n..aA itanL-a' iA;An .ukM. u 1 . j m uijiiiisu uuun iuvwvii) iiiiii.it f 5trition comes too late to us it re- ,'.., We grieve to learn, that the English ' government wantonly persists in fo- ! menting implacable discord in Ireland, ii i ? aI. t r a : Z4U Uy Keeping up uic kjimi latirni rviui all its intolerance, bigotry and devo tion to desposism. From some very respectable passen" gers, just arrived-ln this city, we learn that many of the-Catholics in the west of Ireland, proverbially attached to the natale solum, are now resolved toemi- I grate ; despairing of enjoying civil and j relHous freedom in any other country than tins. During the latet interval of peace; there was a fall in the price , of provU sions and other produce, which affected the value of property," and occasioned a difficulty to tenants in paying their rente. - The corn bill , was an artificial method of raising prices in favor of the farmeryat'the expense of the manufac turer and mechanic Unfortunate peo rile ! whom vour government has soac- customed to war, that peace is viewed Jrom an English Paper BIBLE SOCIETY. At a late anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Hon. and Rev. the Dean of Wells moved the printing of the Report, which he observ ed was a most striking and important document. In mentioning the great works accomplished by he Society in the Netherlands, he said that from that country came, about a century since, our deliverer from civil and religious thraldom it was a proud gratitude to now return to it, the only greater li berty, the liberty of thfe soul. Iln look ing across the Atlantic, another glo rious viewj was given he' rejoiced to see peace with America, and he had now almost a pledge that we should see war no more with her. Even those who were influenced by nothing beyond political views, might now be inclined 10 acKnowieare tne gooa 01 tne tfioie Society. From America, with her 65 Bible Associations, already spreading in strength and zeal, we might hope for permanent peace. If the prospect in France was gloomy, yet let it be re membered that the Bible Soeiety rose j and grew in a time of national strug I gle and od grant that even she may ' be taught and rejoice to receive divine instruction. The Soc iety had publish- ed more than a million ofBibles and Testaments;" the world was comruted to contain about one thousand millions of people. Let the Society go on in the powerful step with which it had moved the last ten years, and perhaps some around him 'might live to see the Gospel Light shed through all the na tions of the earth. Mr. Wilberforce paid a just testi mony of respect to his departed friend Mr. Henry Thornton, whose death would be a heavy loss to the 'Society ; yet he relied upon it that neither talent, nor zeal, nor virtue, nor knowledge would ever be wanting for this great work. It looked like a work of God, j it was simple, it was sublime it was born in danger, it nourished against op position. The report, he said, was one of the most extraordinary records that had ever been given 5 and he congra tulated the Society upon its success, and Jiimself on having been permitted to meet the Assembly once more it was a day of happiness and freshness to the human heart. Mr. John Thornton, the Treasurer, gave a very satisfactory statement of the accounts the income ot the last year was 99,854, the expenditure and engagement to Societies, at nome and abroad, about 119,000. He ascribed the great field for future exertions in the most glowing colors,particulnrly in the vast Empire of Russia, whither he had travelled he said he feltthe high est gratification on hearing of the sub scription of the Tartar Mufti. He looked on it as the first opening to the admission of the truth, and the promise 0 a day of illumination among a peo ple, almost unworthy of its brightness. DIRECT TAX. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Direct l ax lad under th act of Coi.gresa o August? 1813. on the following describe, properly, situate in this State, having re mained ore year from the time ofHhe notfi cation of the olleciorin whose district the said property lie:., that the lax; had become due' and payable, he same, , or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tht said tax due. thereon, with an addition o twenty per centum, will be sold at public J sale at the C ourt-house in the Town of Hills thorough, in the Counyof Qrange; on the ' 4tb day of October, 1815, at 11 o clock a,m JTam( of t nxabUWecription of pro. Jlmouyt pe sonu j . Arraistead Willie B asiey Wm. Beasley James Cray . Heirs of Garret Good Ice - Closes Hawkins lohn Malone Smi hs heirs Wm Upchurch' Leroy Trice , I sham Eppes Juoi Ha ilton Thomas Cary WAKE. 320 acres land 75 do 75 do 305 do do 0do 300 do 213 dJ 71 do 231i do 200 do 640 do 200do do dor do do'j do do f do i do do do do do payable. DC 31 65 4i 41 1 24$ 98 13 61 22i '21$ 59 22 1 4i 2 1 2 1 PERSON 92$ do do do 10 1 9 O 2 2a Moses Camel . ' OH NE. David Cobfe 210 io J do C;ot. v' mCHont 486 do do !Ieir ot O'Neill 100 do do ' do of Miflison 100 do 'j do do of R. Love 12 do ; do; Thomas J'eison 2440 do. ; do J ne'd's Jieirs 320 do I do Francis Taylor I734$di j do fried Troinger 50 ao do A Trolinger 12J do 1 do ri-os. Mobson 100 do i do 2 P Su,nmers 130 do do 3 Jno- Williamson 35 do 'f do Jno, Si Wanock .160 do do Jno Car ring' on . do i do j no Hamilton 400 do do 1 John laylor 1180 do 1 do 8 NASH. Corn. Foreman 90 do! do WAKUEN. Unknown Lot Xo 20 Warrentoii 1 do No. 93 do do Na29 do do No 31 do do , No 32 1 do NORTHAMPTON. Heirs of W.P.Butts 60 acres land Miles Cary 3 male slaves Heirs of W.Hobbs 318 acres land Henry Ktves 50 do do D Shorts heirs. 424 dq do' Frances Stewart 29$ do do AlW n Harris 185 do do E. J ..Hayt8 100 do do; tiarsheb-Harrion 200 do do' S. JoKnson &'co. 6u0 do do lieij.f Johnson 70 do do 38 52$ 66 65 32. 10 93 20 12 2 4 3 o O WixWUkins 70 do BEUT1E. 400 do 28 91$ 96J 25 70 43 2 93 18 :. t 8 12 12 12 12 56 78 41 29' 94 14 86 21 3i 58 49 do do do da do do No 70 m No 71 "m '' 200 acres land Lot No 44 in No 16 in- ' No 30 in b. 1 . 1 1 3 r 9 Jno.Kitteral ludab Miller rfenj. Sims. Jester Matthews GREENE. 119 acres land . ZO do do 69 do do 156 do do 54 30: 26 46- t. .: CRAVEN. Jno. Beckwith Lot No285 in Newbern ,1 J G. BloOnt 496 acres land - 8 19 ' Jno..Carway, 50 , do do ; f 27 Wm. Ciutbrie Lot No 33 n New bem 331 1 Uich'd Grist 595 acres land 4 SSife, Sally LatbafQ ' 1300 do ; do ! 4 91 Ht-irs of F Lane lot No 218: Newbern'2 21V J Maye . ' . ' . 86 acres land ' j 83 Jesse Uountree 400 do do 77 Heirs of a Smith 182 do do f . 40cv . J. Taylor part of lot Noll3 Newbern 1 10 , JOHNSTON. Bennet Baucum 50 acres land Israel Taylor 100 do' do ; Lewis Warren 259 do" dp Mary. A. Love .210 do do Jacob Matthews 740 dd' WmSandets 25a do J do do do do " CARTERET 640 do' do ir! 23 46" 49 32 72 16 58 do 2 45 This meeting must have been held pre vious to the denunciation of Bible Societies by the B.sliop of Lincoln, (as menu on td in the last Register) oritwould hare been noticed. A n,elicel to be hanged. In vaiftj .4 expostulate. What, you vile,1 .ngratefal uretch, etclaitns the ad- j rlte du vou attempt to murmur if it j not forme vouMbe'dissected-ouIl b hanged lo let me recommend 'little moderation." Thus it is ith mm m m m r v w 1S- of fdne&s and the strait waistcoat U reHf bill was near erobracingus ai V?1 he jcolarly recommends us utc moderation.' CHARACTER 'OF BURKE. ' rU it-' a!1.e.TC that pierced the mys , Y-0t r'hophy an eloquence magc, enchanted what he hart that filt for the innr- 1 jfinarniitliout reference to creed, j) as a curse instead of a blessing. LAND NEAR RAUEIGH . For Sale. 1 112 Acres of good fresh Land, lying on M.nr Greek, about-6 miles north of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of Bnttain Jones & Isaac lunter. Trere are about 15 acres ud.r cuitiva ion, and a Log House, Ki'chen, &c. upon it. For terms, apply to Archer Clay, on the prem'ues. . Aocuit 15 . 30 3w DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE, IJST K A L K 1G H. SHOULD an opportunity offer; I will sell my Dwelling House; which for coolness ui Rummer and warmth in Winter, is equal led by few perhaps excelled by j none in -the City. '"!'" For the better information of persons si a distance, who may be inclined to purchase, I will just mention, that this property is well suited for a private family, being si uated near the centre of the city, yet sufficiently retired. Th a Buildings are nearly new Dimensions 'of lb House 36 by! 28. having 6 Rooms and 5 Fireplaces, a 10 feet Pas age and Cellar underneath, a Weil In the yard, and all necessary Outhouses. The Ground attached to the buildings is a half Acre, laid off into a Gardes) and Yard, both of ' hie a Are in a high state of improve mnt ;Fo session irsy be had at airy time most agreeable to the purchaser', d terms of payment can be made accommodating Letters on the subject, (past paid) will to promptly attended to. !. -v Wm Shaw. r 30 Raleigh, i8ih August, 1815. MARTrN. Wm. Kennedy 200 do do 21 Anna Lanier 300 do do.' 86 HALIFAX. " Jhos. B.Eaton 800 do do- 3 84 Wm Person 200 do do 38 .AL.W Turner 140 do da 60 JoseptT.vrnngton 240 do do 1 38 , Elijah Perkins 100 do do 28 T. Roach's hei s 43 do do 8 5. W iggins, guard. 5 b laves 1 20 Charles White ' 332 acres land 64 Sally Haywood 150 do do 43 Isaac uilivant 50 do do 46 Shammell 40 do do 23 HOCKINGHAM. Green L. Brown 106 Jo do 48 8 Elijah Gardner 5 Slaves - 1 99 5 J. Ui anger's estate 12tacies land 18 4 Wm. M. Miller 200, do do 2 14 9 i.M'Gbbire'sheir.lOCr do do! 307 France Pea Iter 1-0 do do . 15 3 George :harp 78 do do 27 6 Francis Vaughao 2 slaves (lemales)l 38 1 guIlford. : i John Banks 50 acres land 218 Gray Booth 2 lots in Greensboro' 29 Kicu'd Uason 300 acres land , 2 3 Jno. Carter 50 do do ' ' 21 8 J. R. Chad wick 108 do do. D.Gd.aspie 300 do do lbos Jenbhs 250 do do Sally Liiin t3 do do Heirs o H. Lane 75 do do Root. Morrow' 200 do do Jesse Ozbtirn ' 18 do do. Jno. Ryan 4do do M iSharbery- MiSdo do 46 5 58 t 74 72 8 49 5 16 74 58 87 JONES. Caler. Quinn 200 do Unknown Lot No 31 in do do. do , do ' do do 1 do do d . do" -t -do -M - do r o32in No 33 in No 34 in No 35 in No 36 in No 33 ia No 40 in No 45 in No 46 in No 55 io No 61 in No'65 ia No66 in No 67 in No 68 in No 69 in do 40 3 v. V' 1 -m Bank's Heirs 640 do do i 67 Wm. & J-Shackle-. ford's heirs 1000 do do X 5 ' Daniel Simmons 400 do do j 63 Jams fay lor, ; 4t0 do do, 3 16 LENdlR. . T , Alex'r Carter 98 do dd-" 4 . Wm.-Wooten SO do do 41 Collector's O&ce, 4t h day of Aupust, 1815 JOHN V.itf UQOKjim. Cdileetor for the 8th Collection dis trict in the '-"State ojTNorfh-Caro- Una, and des.gnatetipy the Secre- try of the Treasury &c- 8tc. DIN EC r TA X. ; - NOYlCE is hereby g'ren,- hat the subscru ber has received ' lists of Taxes under the act of Congress of the 2nd August 181 3, remainingdue upon property in 'he follow ing counties in the State of North'CaroJiria, not owned, occupied, or superintended by some person residing within the collection district inwbicb it is situate, and that he is i utborized to receive the said taxes with an addition of ten per cent t hereon r provided such payment is made within one year after the day on which the collector of the district where such property lies, bad notified that i the tax had become due on the same. Date of Collector'? notification that tbe to haa become 'due. .: Guilford county, 20th July, 1814.1 Rockingham do do do . do Cumberland do 25th August do Richtnmd do do do do, . Montgomery do do, do do . Robeson do ' do do , , do Anson do do de do ; Collector' Office, the Ut June, JOHNi VAN HOOK, Jr. Collector designated by th Secretary 24 9 w c of i he Tressurv. v ,; r V LAND FOR SALfc. i r THE subscriber r ffeVs for sale the follow" ing Tracts of Land,. to w,:- , One tract, if ng n Warren county. N C. eight m In south of Warrenton, within cn mite ot the Mnntrai Spring on Shocco Creek; containing abcut 12 bundredAcresJ f be soil is adapted o thco! ure of Coin,Wheatt Tobacco and Cotton, , The jmprovemcnis ;ire a two story, Dwtlhog H- use -52 fe by 28. with other convenient Houses. Further de, scription is dsemed unnceessary, as ik ii pre turned no person will purchase without view ing the premises. For terms , apply to the subscriber 'who resides bo the premises. He also offers for aJe cne urct of Land in Franklin coo'oifS raifesveajt of Lewisburg, Containing 5p0 - :r;fdjdining the lands of Robert Guptori; who Iw.tf shew the land to any person wishiriglo potefcase, ';"- 1 JACOB HUNGER. ' Angust Ii . ' , ' 28T7f-;' State of North-Carolina, HsaTroKD County. ' Cdurt oj gqvits, April lerpt, 1815. William Jonesy Howell ones and' , Teroperjencoj: ti Admr'sof John ScotC'dec v - " ,v.:r- - r; George Campbell and "Mary his wife, Jame Mango' and Elizai beth his wife, Samiiel Scotr& V Matthias Deans, gnardlan to Julia, James,- Peggy, Lydia, Wilfiam and George "cjtf, heirs at law of the said John Scott, deceased. XT appeariag to the satisfaction of 6e Court JL that Geurge Campbell add Mary his wife, and Samuel acott, are'not. nhabitanta of this State ; It is ordered Cthat publie" nptke be given for three month in . the. Raleigh' IX gi slerthat the said George and Mary his wife and Samuel Scott be and appear, before the Judge of oar said Court fir 4he county, of Hertford, at She Coartbuose in Witoton, on the third; Monday after tbe four h jMoiiday in September rterr answer in the bill of com plaint, or judgment snll be taken jjwo 90a- aoWLL JONE3. c. n.x. ydr.miL :esso. 26 3m I '..IT.,-. ? V? -i J i. .? I- : . - j r