- -ztt"' : rrn i,sv-Ltc . -v :'':'j A yK'-rkil9 --c - - - A ' , rr vv1 ' ' v : v - v- ; r?rt ; r inihfr Spanfsfr r dominions tih thi9fbe-. tnispliere, vl ;cV ftas jevoltcd,. can he T,,A , ' mV - tiro I OUR IlEUVTIONS-AVrril SPAHf; Td the Uouie of Rcprocntativc . Iq compliance with the wsj"" to ToledQ RReen nunuro jv" .,VI.- that-h'e mar.' comer, inem - l ! ; '7- in communication with anvpwef friehdlT.to Spain, sipcenpitnern.Hs ingih ihis,Union. , pwj "X-'rfwS- part, nor oh,that of any,othr govern to jouotherinnumerable.jcfir this Pbth'eirindependencbeerrac. With P"Te''uS,i?! knoedge-a., pd it bnsefluenthr, With hicfi thej eon tirraiv TwUI con; Spkhtsh monlrchr, and agaiBst.the so i'fihS mvself.to Btatlowou, ttat the. H8-f'ofali few. WmMtertx. Jaciwry 6iA, 1S16. ' fmm 'such Dtaces, man- the dpipinions of tnis conic -narticdlarlr as they are all fho do not respect any; flag,! u mr master, anu uic . ; , f k ir- Jot f A1J"3". ';'"' iwec .ttl. ' fn;jii. larder, ana uisiuj; - ltllft aea and are execraxeauj ?u : -: - Ffihfe myself to "staUOoou. romraon uractico ornatiop9f, M llf Jr'in to (hlSicrttary fiwie, TV"" J ,;,- - fkin mymasterffn're 01 i-iit; rferation : 1815. s i M - J vlrnmTlkt 'VoMeiri"'- up these traitors aeranon and both fKSra iU'oVeTcn.ii. nptto .ifW! W "hV three preceding pointg are of mataallj to rtrwrthw '" Suc1 established eqBityTd justice, BMtpre "iSotri (ta1"ffn6? "it; that it Woald be offensive to the deU- T duty to lof 7 f Xlf to aitlAefToMo oWamrOf-tne, y- ROTernnlent!to snppoVe, wlUtever f-ri? the .eptrif?rc.iw.eentoii f couId Selay, under any pretext, ble an object ;-and remove tlje eprlndpalrpewons concerned in J "ine 0I1-thero, in the.manner de whicn oaT prevent if., li.VjtfcjiiHbfcthktfc.tn say J.ose A1- t-edand which I have, an important pomto onA .MJo'ieltor,) mu.tturn,! have written J??r-1,vlUiilea-i llerre- erJ?hl t?. iVmateri-i other ra i Jftctor Bobinon; Hwt I Ifte prompt intcrpositipn , the present. -1 wllwf !?V2f.w .! iorl Piere and Preire and their follow- 1 j W P. m. , !f to a-plain ana a.rTjViat! thefW be. pun sJ.ed xritn . ti5tiJmnn , J them.rr . . Ar:.,... tVi rt,f .h :lal( the rtor,Keh ft? JS? PTSJW? .Vdsitiori towards. Spain Tht lw.!,Si ii.Jn ce-oflM kind. ;;nat ue v. ; rooPtliat he ;9 determi tljrcctanacu.:rc.i armeu auu uivci?cm , ir ions. 1 cn broken on, jibw-aiv- ? rr " ' I jeir refpectiTe' frontier shoo H plac-ia same ..to f" J . tuon n-Pa!V?7n tM1Win'ci-r. th - nir. litC i4 w, .7 1 - . - I r fce UrifiEtatev tojt r;0,PrK'flen,;bilitr,!as Veil the tota! want daiins tl lcrios- V"u" , VhH "of ert'of his proclamation. ol the le diT. should be Kitted to his TlinVt.tWe criii.uU, who. boast of majesty. is and attempting tri compromit k wDd fntenigence wmcn auuaisi! b?eeo oar- respective governments. rTCSiueni: vai,nui "" ,.',v .1MM5VT lA gntfnB no l.w,.6ub.rd,on or measure, avf .viT-tfeoral principle, .as th proieciion ...... n mrt nrr iiic m.a&j . i - z . w j i purity and sincerity, of the sentiments J fthi American igorerncienWan ft Orleans? cont raf V, toa h is etpress or dcTS." His cxceltency,a.s Wis encbar red by, this rrpublic with watching o ver its securitv and the obseirvanc of the whole, oranoiu1B H;u v, r capied, since it willemam subject,, exictly as it was before its occupation,; to a iranK. a"H ?f 1 - 7 - ";, t n ihi tw& roTernmentf. sgnrvrtWhich thev havfc received and dV receive froth the iatnorifies atNew just indignation uithiqh the united State View thVhosfile plans, iand the dition of that band of incendiaries. ousht to be inspired .by the lRdisputa ble justice of ray importunity, thejos- tiBcation of the American government i and tlie iraportanceof the afTur. ; . i L-nftn trf Vdtiandlsnnversai- ! U pubUcand"notori(fjsnhaia factious S band of insurgents and- incchdiams ! continue with impunity,, m,.the pVpt ( vioceofIuisiaHapd,pccially in 1 Kew)rleant and Natchitoches, the ..:mTifi sAvstem of raism: and ; arming troops ip .-1 I volution in the kingdom t ew cpa.u , -K4r,rftRr. Itihabitalits of the I dorainions;or the I The invasion of the internal pjofj ? , J ualirietrated by i the horrible oe Wentrof the Union, , in 8 AntomatieBeithe namei . . k:u mv, nnster, cive its treaties and laws; cannot but con sider himself : authorized to restrain, the projects arid hojtilemeasufes of a set of adventurers, who Wake war a gainst afriepily VVC ty the terri tory of this ctmfederationpomproraU tioglts tranquility and high character, by availing himself oftIieieans which the constitution. , the law and his pro dence offer to him' for obliging. these persons to apawipn;weir..uesigu3, auu to manifest to hii catholic majesty the x)f the Presi be eratified, ofhisfrienjl- an evi- nedioput extortions and injufies'which Spain has auflerect, for, the space of seven, from the gang f oAwontnrprn who have assaited her " . " .... from the bosom oi tins repuimw j; means of fixing the frank and sincere systenYof good peighborhood .which so Mcti interests both states jand Anal ly, a sure;prelintTnary taf the remoyai of, all the difficulties which may 'pre sent themselves in tlie negociations, which usht to terminate all the pend ing discissions between! the. twof gov ernments, and to fix for.: ever between 1,0m : Wmetual and solid fricniHmp, I U as t flatter myself,5 the president proves ail the, attention wmcu tuuo . . . " J J. : n ra' jtttVtirg ot aucn transenueni. uuyoi nd fllda fo mv solicitations, I can assure nis exceueucy, jmu that there will be nothing .which the lam certain that it cannot be conceal ed from . thft distinguiahedtalents of tVft Presideilt and yourself, that the I point of. which I treat, is not one under tne civu ior Tuuiuciuai ; io.v,.m w' intArmiriated; hisma jesty will JBe able- to direct Ml tention and his powerful armies, to i sti-f tiofint' tlie - philantKf oic heart of my sovereign j, the humanitjr by which, he is distineuislnd, and. which consti-, tutes -tne cnaracter oi w ojiauiwi-a-tion, induce him tawisi to re -establish order; among the senedrather-by mildness than by4 thellfeelof armsy which cannof be-e1fefevUhbiit-,the efluiion dt the blood jiiielaved sub, jectsi.. This objeccatiho failto be 4lihlnif A-7i7An in VLIiailiu vL, Vu !af, wtwj( T surffents; and thoseCof the internal pro vinees, cease lo-bef turnished by the Citizens oi uu ! rcuuuiiv, " 4 v Kimmunltion, apd tfoOpsi ' V' II shall never have the yam presump tion to loffer vou, or tlie wise magis- tiite that is afc the heaH.'of,this admin- thp.OTl- fttfoences that misht result against th 1 - . . 0 ,--. v-'r'i ..j-'" interests ot this renuoirc oy tne inde pendence of ;Spanjs America. My wishes are onlv directed, to equal you m moderation, and to re-estabUsli, on the most firm' and permaneht basis, tl) relations between our gov6rnments. This sincere desire wilU I hope, serve, as an apology for me, Avhile J take the , liberty; to present an hypothesisnn this note. ii; Si ' v I grant; For a moment, that all the Mexican empire erects itself i.ntotan: independent state- 'p that, it adopts :the WISe CQllaUlUUUU ui uua vuiucMvi Mtv, establishes af complete system oflegis- latiohA5 and, finally, that it enjqyrall the blessings pf liberty, in thesame, full extent as tins republic. It is be yond Question that the climate ofJVtex ico is. piore,;temperate than thafof the United I States 5 the soil, richer and more productive"; the'productions and fruits more abundant, rich, and of a superior quality1 ; and that provisions labor.! wood, nouses, ciothins, cSLcarej iu consequence of the mildness and rei- gularity of the climat) mnch' cheaper than in this country. If this event yei"jTbethrnd hke.lg.l . - . r t'i tathnr: fill ken. out ot tne " : hknlf Ximiiton,; ,abouJt25Cye of . clothes 4b counTer,neeeyerebele to the abote rewaro, 7" Bioant cotnty Ten, fan, w. . : , 4 SHEHl: sr' Jf 18X5, WJJ-t K 881. A? 4 43a Acres in, by rVwiW -Uita fow-tKV vears 1813 ancr 1314- Creek 3or iei, w v4r , Jtrt.' 171 B v John EIrrxl; onMucWy CreMm- should take-placed do yon : not: think, .sir, as iIrdo,vhat so ;raan abring- 1 king, my master, win not oe aispuscu prusHccr..v Wdo, to satisfy, this republic, which tages,1 will deprive tins, republic of th- may be compatible with Ms dignity. & successive emigrauonrom 5 f S Vomer Ration, xhnrW with.the interests 01 nis suujecw. - 1 au, w. - iiy5i;Woiven,mvon waicrCv. v :r;75 - I renew W VOU UIV wsui auvw . i".v r. -tv ... Y. lJ . ..1 xV An4Ytf 1 1 iicmntlc lnhflhltflnts Of thlS COnleUe-! Lt-Afi: particular respeui, au ui-j 7 VX uC-'lrfJW desire to.please you, and pray uoa w ration, wno woiu ciirn inm. 1 P . rv niir iiip m.inv Tears. i lucaiww - rr -7 .-. .J - ,w 1 W- MI lOaTiv John Kelleyduu. a djomTiff John Ke, n . , .le'yWpn-thwers-of theJLittlead-; y 60 teonLird -Fji Ik, on waters of th e J t0 By Diniel PulK, bn tne same wwta, jorti1nsthe Samerfor,pl4rr' - L; -fry David M'Oennls Qn water of Dan m CJjjjek DWgct, includ- inirhislmproveriitnt, for 18t4. - j . 141 By -WavKd Pn Waters including: ns piantauon irum 100 John Campbell, n?F"' , Hers of Back Island, aAjoAing. V'," 1 1W By 'Andrew m, oiJX&KM? VJreeK. ln-iaaivin wbincw, ,y --v"-r ' fjf eekVinBatem VistrWt for 1814c 4 v Jaehb "Drari,vtfnthe watfersbf;tim . . - ? Yadkin. incniajpgus jibijcuiw. l5tBv HoDert Elrod, Muddj .J.-- . .... ... ' . , ..'J. . .r -; - UpVon waters. of :Muddy-Creeks fat , k ' 1814 " ' i" a H k& tkv irt Tlro. . jan fSdhy'tk his preserv aignea LUIS DE ONIS. Wiuhingtvn, JJfC.JO, 1815. lion." James Alooroe, ate. etc. n?riff : ConsiitadoV ' V fiaW'eirk fcp 1813 &1814 , ' . . s.l. rt tiJ: waters of th'eJJtOYikin J . 1 AKaI RriWirclS. , llQIOiHMUr . - till chlnWa , .; in geiiiuiii.aHtoitheir generat , : ; f&3 ' JA Case my sovereign musr nave nwuui Wthe-oiinary tribunals ;but thftit manliest ana nasranL vioiauuii oi publicity; hicbT, great;cnmes always j Vill acquire. All Ixuisiana,has wit- tins transpOTxauon , j--;. tion of the insursents and their hostile 1 w . i !Vl UW frm ho. i territorr I ous, toahe -government finder im competent WhbHrjpH9diction,it haoeenecui tedtbattlieymayiveliir an of thi republic at?unt the possession of a Wendly-tntfiiettbowcM ..iikpr threats; cor.theJawStoiNUie i nor, even me prociawiiiM :m aidentot tne up. i'?': ? intended to-restrain ' tiTe ;:r. . r. have been infilcientto stop w.s. rVr?ou nlinsl On the contra- met r - . i. vi.if..i-,k ry, they prosecute tnem jtua ui tt-j elt ardor and rancourmqre and more exasperated at mii of the A heslonrof- hivsubjcctl -m;4inJ eaVoaching rf-esU- 1 : ni,hroernt of tlKurefations between our V tlespective: nations- lt4s nown' to -b ie5 that they atecow enlisting, s in ; 5 1 jir.Orleins. 'men .for otherexpedi,- - . ... . .t i i J i k..I ).V tn in. T.lide again tie dominions ofhiacatho. kU mijlsty, under thedirectionJ of the SVieS'Iofrf Alvarez de Toledo; 'aaV-d Joso Manuel deiltrrera, whohad z?S-1 amved at that city, with the ap- punished; as guilty, of: . i.r at. " - r- t t The thirdiand liirpbinf Uduccd pleased to give necessary orders ju vup cllecibiTsipf cuitomsinotiq.adpiitih to th ports of the XTbited'Statest Tes sers-underthelnsaiTectianafr CaTthana-.of.the.M exieau Co toejs fBucnoVAyresorofthetdaces which hatCTCYpidiainstUe ttthpritj p.f the Icing, ray master ;iinroevCJoin? permit them' to Und,. orltu f einn'this fctmtrv;ithe:l.hamefui ?pbceedrrof .their p1racy7'cr atieBiftifeiR as1 'th'ey po fwfKei V&fJgf?gTV km. to destrovand toDlttideraheyes ielt'WbldKtbeJrimeette Spanish fla.- .nii tol eranceuSy er- SiVc Ol'Mic.iav;oiwcUM.wjiMUMi thf treaties bctecH'painxind the U nUrl S;fii: f.Ri! t1 ;mefricallr oddos- ed to thp general friciple ofjbublif eciiritrkid4good,f Uhvidtj lawS.OlTrailonsprotiucea me iuuai iuc- iincholir effects, on .1. 1 interest 'ind . ... i i ii.ncfnirtinn.ann mi inp itih.hiihj ifiiii i iw ni n-ivo i iiujatiwv v",i"r,T ' r i.e. . w ai . ! ' ." . I. - !,Hv-nromoie. and -vlvifv the -eom-M ' &Wm--g&S-- .JvH TransWion irWcft accomjmnua- a roerfthese 'stated? tflalter,my: ffi&lStl&34 ? . : ! : 'Mrffttf W&r. sclf that thisevent ianat happen r v ... I theCltevatur de Onisj to theSecre' butlsmftlly convinced that the con- rjy.wdnyiters.ifltolliver.feUli -v.VVvS . tuty of Staled . . ?. : sequence kAishypAlicaS-hede ;...-l4:-..iV , - Slftr-Since-tlie Jast note I i.ad;,the idthmi2tkilctMB.- SW5S2S? i I honor, io'addre3. to youAunder.the! rfiDa-thaV;the xitiienCoKehtf i .SSfcnSiS K received pos veinomation that,the .ihobid-reBecl deeply,n i sK . IffiiS&pfrdW&ijHS ' f ' ' eip.etionW.hichthetraitor:Toledowas feQl ! ferfrprn Hying any 'aid 'to. ?' ' . preparinsinNew-preans.aga-.nstthe 7-nf Ae Ma!siftfii Ff ir'ffi'-' " I- &orionVW'thrtihj, mTmaMCT,'ha IJTnl JSrtlU thtfiianiii-, to$$.t$$fcW,S': . I ; Whst citv. of two bod es . of troops, One Jriifc.';wCil. t.ifefri es of Si'ilsLJr: tail ptf of f -ISii threft hundrea'from Tennessee,' com- ?MlMMht& . - sM fcndedtertc , thrt.:WW:to.p.nnrwww.S.. .girtin-lffesiWtdeTasting thein. "g&jrfdWSrfif. ?l3f,.na . . , St a1,stalp;'ir,fr? bftVrnto:yoianv 13 ; ' "4,V gimiiMw fPSSSS1 f i j porceindeeka - J that,i.f4htf8M.es:6r.T&ncky, Tenr li) nessee, XouisianaAndtGeorgia conr ffisiDaetjiii4" -5 flmSSSff ' !' KWH' oftftdf TtDg1eaderj.f those atmie, and i aV vratniof. Net, ;i power. :hotwithstandinS1he , Wi.foirtdiiperutt-:ad.mt. o-Awdothi.cMntryitfftlSe t rySnotiWitjo.. " . i T5edi!yft ,latMpSrw,'J JgatiS5. t r mmmmm imjminis ,. 5! fefes!!il ;.ih towsp Smew4 tVism'm ; SotfliMm5 liSmlni'4KeS -tyMl-ISJ0 )) inlncytlejtto rjt reroCthcf rrie ydisp VH 1 aaao iivM-. ir". ... -w. ... ii rn mure, i "' .- i-x'j a!-vi..w '.ivtTs.AW'yw:;-1.' vttww w .. j ., r t -. . sv i i . . ..,. - rinfe rWrticularlr WhenJiia majesty 1 iMSSs htet Sd .thcJedit ofV W twhnfS well cWfin'ced;c and fteir orderiv are trictlr ,observed7 tn thai whole Union, lii nOH entertain anyi. lejJan. 23, "id Wn&&tee;oo wat' tirek orBlufc Tdentoh. OTiMuddvCreek, ftd- Jdsh'iia Homer, for 121,3: v - a. PebWtgafon Mill.,Creek; .in v ctudmff aiai, for 181 - '-nv. 1 , . ? C. BAKNE,Sa. 1 Stokes, 22dJaa 1816. . 54 4A,' ; I .poi"ntment he says) of Minister to i - V s .v - y 1 -.r x;r . .: " , . . . ' fVvf ..." i fit