. .. - -wi, ,3, ; m v.--t - , FiUDAY FEBRUARY 16,: 1816, voi-syL V ; - i 1 ' i . .. J .. . i , . : ' ' I house or nZPRESEjrrATJZZS. ' M 0 X OAT, rs 5. - - 1 Mr. Kijigof Mass. prcsia'ted for con sidcralioa.thc following resolalioa r . Kehl, Hut" the committee oo- Fordn IUUtions be htructed to imiuire into tbtex nediencrorexcl Himff from .the ports ' or the United Sufej, U foreign veeU, owned m, axnlnff from, bounu to, or touch mg hi UnUnnrs Mfjestf pjesskni n the West Indies, and in the continent of North -Aroer from which the vessel of the Unit ed Sutes are excluded. , "And of prohibiting or encreasinthedutjes.on, Xbt importation in foreign reU, of xny articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture of atich possessions.' Mr. K. said, he was inducexl to pre sent this resolution, as i cll fromtufor mitioD, ai to the stite-bfifie tntde al luded to, received befonraiidsince jie left that Dart of the cc :Mfr vMch he had the honor to represent, as from his j own conviction of tic . necestr of some leisiariTe provision on uie sai ject. It i, said MrK. bv no means the object of this resolution to revive an extensive, odioos, restrictite; w-t tern, or commercial warfare with Oreatjj tn, Gs 8d. .(Abou three times the Britain 5 but justly to retaliate upon jj )en what we call common her -some of those cmbamissments, j, , uliicli her riid colonial system is, at .v . yorcvcry 1Q00 shingles mor than this moment, mfTic ting upon us. ?Wjien j r o inched in length, 13s ' '4d" being you torn jour attention to that nation,- mwrc n tj)C value in jthe'iiOrtliertf you see in operation nnooUhe -most-., rnrt of this country. rigid, exclusive colonial systems that., pur ccry 1006 feet.of, white and ever was adoptrj by anyjuUon well ,. yellow pine lumber of all descriptions, digested and prepared, as la her inter-; o()S''uhtcli is above half the original est, for the preseut state of commerce ' cost 3u (his country! Various other in the world.. I will ask your atten- articles; on which specific duties arc tian to its ejects on our country, with . imposed,4 in the same proportion, and relation to-the possessions mentioned t au aj valorem dutv of L0 percent, on in the resolution ; for, is to our conwj ai other articles which they see fit- to nercc witli her European terntones,;4ajmi( n4j infonnafion has bten re thc fate of that hss'.been determined ceiTetf t!,at it in theirintentipn, in re for four yearij by the commercial con- jation to the article of plaister from vention. It, will be seen that Great vova Scotia, to imn c an exnort duty Britain had, bcforc the formation ofjon of flve dpi ! a m tlie ton, fn earl v ifs" that arrangement witn us, secured tojfvalae in the" Boston market) 'when ner sudjccu in xonn America every landed east or New-Haven i so that adrantage in her power by secunn-to tlieir. vesssets mav bethe excluMvecar them a ready market for everj article Hereto tj:0:ic states" ji'here it is used. tthlrJi tlrv. rnuld furnish at a TCry I low duty; wbue on ihe same article, i, when unportciltin.the;vcsels of the from this country, a dutj is imposed aiHMuntin to a prohibition. . In relation then to tuis trade, all our vessels are permanently excluded from her islands ami- continental posses Hon in, America . She did; indeed, for a time., offer one or two insignifi cant ports irv the Island "of Bermuda, under great limitations, which we ouht to have rejected with scorn. While the United States, on the con tra arv. threw All their norta one ft to f B nti.h ves&eh of evert descnptiofl. She next selectS'frorh hcT articles as are not important- senus mem 10 me unueu alo selects in return six she caunot produce or do ii, she picks and culls our markets jTas j a petty chapman doesjiii wares ; and j we greedily receive whatever 6hc is , pleased to vouchsafe tq us ; a' "beggar f like us, devours the cruras vvhiclf tall from the rich man's tabl ; .wc ouglit to spurn such degraded, sucli a.ctff .teraptible traffic. In regartl theni to the-direct trade between-the United States, and the possessions named, the subjects of GreatJBritain are'.th'eVoply carriers t her ships from Orei? Bri tain may come to anv of our ports, with lull freights of dry rood witn part of the proceeds,-raiaseja load dia produce and carry; it to any port of Europe giving thcnV full frcighli, in three distinct voyages. And a pprV tion of our lumltr. and nnt and nJiTl T m ashes, will, and docs, byr CJatapIliirJ and other waters, find theirway tojliej St. Lawrence, are bought'op by tlt'd Mpiuzut w ins own price, ajuu cnt to a most profitabk roarket;in G, Britain and the West Indicsgiyih employment to ihcirships; amVgreat profit to their'mefchantie bly, er proaacrsr all hiadnd wUU addK lional freight aud insurance, for car ?oa5 fc Islands. But of (his, -.v,U4C as it h is, we arc in partdj oi iumoer,siocK provisions, ac. sncn I mean as they cfjoosV to admit in the Islands) sell itat their isarids?ata great profitrtake jn a cargo of W-n-; j in wnicn lamocf, psnf Duur, rice, ac. in ourvessel.i.finda'marketin the Bnt-sU West Ind ie;! is th; "rough Vome .uu McioaiDgwriome oiner lorejgn fiction, less rigid thanGredt Britaiarii txr colonial yajeiakiJdld the Tsan' - w-- mm t t'lii , ifllllia BU1UC Lft ferited, or attempted I'o be, bj the act.r Mr. Forsyth said, Tiecoincided eh'- r"- 9 w. i'..- KifLi f frW rifh hA orpnrltm&n from Massai eresslj asiinst this country and noff doubt the sarae win dc-uobc Islands, j I aUude to .u arj act laving a j dutr on certain goods, wares and mer-J rhandiiLe. Imnorted into this Island (Jaruaica) from the lTnited StafcsTof .Americaand otherplaces,? passeil the t.th of Koverober, 1315 ; by which it ii enacted, that from ttie passing of that j act, ar(j during the contuiuanceitlere shall be levied and pakTto his majes ty, cvC,'on all goods, wares "and mer chandize, imported into 'that .Island vldntclihn wSrnerica, belonging to niniaii ofnny fornn iin a slate o f amity or under the dow European $6verei' with his majesty, the following duties j viz. amon otners . Focvery larrel of wheat flour, npt weighing more' than 1 9G, net weight, h 13s;4d;if : . , : ' For 100 lbs. of rke, 6s 8d. tvl For every 1000 shin2lcs;;or Bos- ten 3,iDS, nofmore than 12 inches in w : 'Pi,, nnprqlinn hf yrcfpm 5n tlio nortY nn.t rh: thxf loiif lutn ... . . - ... Jf bcr tracle to the AVest Indiw has-etn. nearly destroved, nd two1 -thirds oh I the vessels employed in tliat ' trade '.thrown out of employ. I prcioW that nearly one-third of all the'tonnatre of! laiue, (Mhich in 1814, fetvt ivecypro-J pitious year, amounted to -135,OOOL) " was formerly em India trauc. A our vessels hac and British vessels havc'di mahir ca- scs", become our carriers... . ; Thn'niiPMtmn t!un U. iid Afr IT; no- !i .. ,-r. ..t.i .:i t - fcrif.ircc'licr c .luriiiU trqni.i former imppsitrous anikinreten si on s, i f we mu st asai n b jbjcoHghiti inj suojecuon to colon taLservitude. ) The whole trade 4f 'ds country is too. y aluablcLto beberQrJL way! fi'a Pf ti?f ..at 'ofjinyi Wtfciw clbin not admit hedodnup tliatwe-. have no' equivalent lo offer Grcit Rrlfat'ofrtf Mnis traue.,. it.cjirt. with thik;tottntry, posed hr thetreatv tbr.nut- ffA Wi pierce ortLetwpcpuntjU t?J?''WttoielBipr9city Instead f.that;i;c ! ?tef JPf Si?: f?auyfTher;-porU un win nas w iavqc tl.colonJal trade . .ner :buujecis, - weriiave none nor Wwp. al-l her Jtjib emirlerra us see, ill-return, if W4ianhhtYU;tKl 5?fc SI" Bern: ; onft'gboxi firf nl?lait. trill j . ; I ,shal J; enpquca theodnrcm of fia - V m wm.m W f-Uft - Mu ill! llll 1 fT PI A II 1 gar rao.iascs, vruini.cCi In onTqnthV crn iniesi;a?u UJus,ryvitn.w4nide 5ye snaU;enj6y vi'tli, tJiecoJamaT p6sk scssiWs of cr nUQctctVesil inuiesf reur x,VWB, 4nwtei head f"'wuiai ujjjuiittiyc4 VJCy inrClgTT fti6nsaredap98 courage all articles-. tW-tfrowixi. rirri duce or manufa-ctcre'of cur cwri coutfi ployed m the vveat- fi opportunity qi lormmg any new com- Jarge porportion on merciai -arrangements vitn otuer ior now bconieuklcss,i' ci?n nations, Tthrraght it .best, for thej .pi ii c p i icy , . . ,i ; polontstSl SJJ wise -fiiej .c4n;dotliQvt.ie :igrVwwoi.reaprocitjr,1vith'ns.ilet1 procty,I wonld rejefteiccofora; and byerery, means; in A'pbiiic.:i)V elinsettsrin his views of ttis subject but thoucht the resolution he had pro p9Sed too limited in dts terms He therefore suggested an amendment, by inserting' "after the'' words ' u United ' States,'! the words or. laying addi- tionai duties on." , u- ; , Mr- King said, he had no Icind of oujecnon io xne amenumcui, wmuinc therefore accepted as a part ot his mo tion. . , -Mr. Burwell said, this was a propo sition, it appeared to mm, of such trn i xne vnneu ouue unuertuu w wuu Mrvil the British colonial policy, it was in vain ta suppose that it would The subject of this proposition would necessarily affect the consumers and particularly the agriculturists of every part of the country. Hfhe course, of this nation, on tnis subjectBhould de pend mnch on the policy pursued by the other nations of Europe in redird to those colonies?'.. It was nerfe'etly e- vident, Mr. B. saidf that the effect of these measures of the British govern incnt, must be to embaffasS the inter course with her colonies, and'enhance to tle consumers in the islands the price of every necessary in life ; if the policy- ot the ether owners of Islands in the. West Indies should be more li beral. Great Britain will lose the bene fit of the trade she burthens eo'Jieavily, awl tin; evil will cure itself. England has- d'right to regulate the trade to her coloriies-as she'preases ; and an fat tempt to coerienef-'tb (mange her po licy in this iHpect woold,?! appte hended nltimatelf ' prove "the coni- froeneement.of a new-commercial con-f test -wHfi "JRn gland1. : He was, there foredesirons ilrat no decision should Vbe mad on tbjs proposition, without mature con ski e rati on ianu iaii mior mutton, particularly as;to the policy of the other powers of burope who nave colonies -abroad.' ; , -ifh King'poke in reply, and in fur tlier support of this motion He said, lie had intended to have made this resolution- more general to counteijvail jtHe ' restrictions and impositions, to wincn our rrau-e, witn tne coioriiai pos- sessions c suhjaclfdr of other forenm ' nations, is - But as ire. hare yet -had .no present, tomit thern.' Great Britain toi, of all nations- in j the "world is bound fb form with ns fh -mnst liheral .nAi.A:t' :i . A portion 'baci in its finrsnedftate, as"to iiuauuiayiuC4 IU UJC WllflMJlUVU ill, (.U19 uuuiivr . ri7ir. rvy .jurtner -saia, it mhrhtibc. feared bv fiomeihat thft 'rp taliation pc9po$ed yould xlcpnvetis of somernecessa supplies; 1 think riofi saidh'c Sfor the inteiesi of ,thp Isbnils to. reqiy various pr (ftijicfsr rot 1 d u te: 'It:HviQimpjQsaile auprvent vi w .9 vy vm i ii t i a vua ug mtr uic c uru iramccoi, w?is ifinaj.yir.oiigniinepoai ssipns;iit (tl)ft V.est -Tndjei 4 of other inwm i. juhtcomraerciaireiaiiauon jean'ixeveh Ee i'a- Vusl'U:a"uWofw'arJC ut"ei,riyvi xjoiam unnxsit ior ner int test tofbaye. x tnir With thisoun wjs ietextsv'wilndf .beWaTO Wer Aotore jnst or necMSary-jmeajstire. by any fear of ths.lkind Vl is -rquifr suJEclentor, inltranipgvfieri Wb b feaVof neellisibaithl F by- a nof-in'i tl e:KationiI 'Intein- ipfencervtltt fotloVinip ddn-iav hebnly- the'ecluding"obterriiods of !VlrKin andl eipresed wae confined -to the' .Resolution it self - . xm j vjjciui jjo w i irvm inese posses ;wothen apd7oUrv6 anabUndant iuppl tail' be;1affor5dedi um: juwreaoi t iriwzens,oc kfie npmjrrignitr; cf Msnalioii h jMrWHjghrsaioV .:iit'i'$rpHiec! at pwofosihon ing Tna,dto ;dojtroft arsltihilteh i BitW ttasbnot tobeltd t ft-Vrf Jrfmrh let hertransffress the .rnles of a. Just pdficY? to Ward s-us with out attempting by'corresponding regulations, to bring her to a sense ; of 'justice.5 .He would give a carte blancfieitb inscribe there on what regulations she chose foK her. intercourse with usj provided Ihey were; exactly reciprocal. He was glad his honorable' friend from the east nad introduced this proposition, and he hoped it would be the means, of bring ing the-question fully, before the "house. He would not supplvjier islands'with a biscuit or a se5Ar, but on terms .oft reciprocity. . - .'. . ;-t. Mri. Lowndes saidjhjioped the gen tleman from Massachusetts would per mit such a modification of his motion, as should includerri the enquiry not only the policy off Great Britain but of other nations. ' He could , not see why-the measures of France, Spain & Holland respecting the trade with tfyejr colonies should not meet the same counteraction. ' He could not, howe ver, see-the subject in the serious as pect in which it had appeared to the gentleman from Virginia, s He cduld nox agree in uie opinion mat it wouiu mvoiyeus in a serious commercial con flict with England, because it did not propose an attempt to torce on threat Britain an abandonment Of her com mercial system. ' Some discriminating I duties might be adopted, nof hy way j of retaliation ot those. imposed by ty. Britain, but to induce" her, by conside rations of reciprocity and mutual con venience, to abandon those regulations The adoption by this -country of a po licy which would only burthen with considerable duties the vessels of those countries which exclude our vessels ckc. Would merely have the effect of inT siting a? change of tlieir system j "It would be merely offering therrt ri inv duceraent to reciprocity. ' He could see fio reason, however, whj- a distinc tion should be made Tn tins proposi tion between Great-Britain and other nations. - -:. ' ' : Mr. King professed Jhis readinesjto giyethe enquiry the utmost -latitude j although his object had been, more "li mited ; and was wilKngto accept 'any amendment proposed for that purpose. Mr. Lowndes then moved to-amef)d the resolve by striking out the words of his Britannic majesty,9 il ; k Mr. .Wilde said he did not ris& for the purpose of opposing the motioriiof the nonorable gentleman from Massa chusetts (Mr: King.VHe had no bb iection to consider the1 fesohition, alit ne was m rayor 01 tne amenunient pro posted by the gentlenian!fr6ni South - Carolina (Mr. Lowndes.) r But as his friend ana colleague, the chairman! of the committee' of Foreign Relations (Sir, ForsvthV was not in ; the House at the time the honorable! gentleman irom Massacnusetts wiungjf-cmn- mencea his remarKs, iarm .wereiore could not reply to someof theitr'which he hiioSnot heard .MrJloui nis dutV' to say m faw words in answer to what had, fallen troiwihV honorable t rst'place,to reHaltoiheme.mbT of the House theJfat agoiijsilrlend tlnfairirvaii jofhe dln-. mittee drForeignlReTaHions; hropoie'd f pertoin'nie iating4tne commerce orxuer f u . otares : nairl aUdvevide cbnStfusetibii : oT?the I conveution as nhdersibbd bv nbtli nar iies?:; jnese ameuamenis -.wer.Tiiuf i the imeasuf es cbfitemnia VolUtibfheenidem chusettul :were;rejectedtfni aJJreS nirryiscf imihafjn qtttle ! 'their jcargs species uraaaa,Aot atzarwiunnj.qe-1 fr.ovxsions xne? treaty uevwoma lerent consifetionsvc strurnentas'thef bnldTonira it! appeared there was no small share of with G.. Bhtairac:cordihg to" Jtlie late vbt;feH1)jeci to exelude lesSeisand uooyi vat Icbji-. tortes .Di-nir. tJntanotc; ;iajastyvirremi thevbenefitsrtheaitoeeaDfe tWas; toe'ejinten eelcVraTng5front?o itOnaiaaslaVdo 3fajesito 'sKhnld-be iubiected. to .the Day&Intcbf lo pay&ent inconsistency in such conduct. When the terms of theWrivenHonwere found' fant''Mtii$ 4vKen?lKb wo , . made it :were Jo. ccased oVsacrifiJ ci n ; theriterefeif lhevinntrj;rt:lbi: it meant onehinjw jofgentlemen's' constituent eqyiifi.f. iti then itj. nieant 'antfiteirJ-"VMr'Wr'l said;' that 63 this subject i ywas afsol ; bis duty" to enrrectf j which the honorable Igejatlemafr Massachusetts had faTlen-h calledit i alnistake, for as e;as"scehii j self ii "Was ;Wil)intipbw- nceritjr ! to all iptliersS yetbeerainlhpugit. ..it strange that one, sWIniqrnieais j' that honorable ge$tlem been in is! ed pontsnxb i''?TOty 'ec .lTfiej honorablegetlraa.n ykiffi statetl.to day, and' asie ;Iiadrstaiedieane ; thing-some days sfnee in reference 't( the treaty; it might be ieVassde liberate opinion, thattRe interest I his.part ot the Country Were!sacr1ficeI j ri tnTsYconyenrion to the intetss -or the cojLtoii states-that the fisheries hatj beeni'giyeh.up to preseirVth&einter estsrridth.at.t! treaty seemed tobe to ! Secure to' the t i soutliern planters aaying upon J;hejr cotton by the reductforiiof the BrtiH dicnminatin tlutjes ' .ipfehai",;ia; cle. Now, sir, X -can Assure the lion nrable' gentlema-thv-Vve south erit , prahter never flt th4 sligh(estincon renienqe froMtlie'bpgrjatipn bf those duties. He riyer goi;?a cent less for his : cotton-rhe;'!; sKlpperWt in Bn tish. instead of Americaii vessels; antt , the loss tner.eiorc tell ypon the ame ,v ricaii ship-owner,' not onV the agYicnl 1 turalist. Mr. W.saidhe JrSiSself h$dt received v previous to hts arrival at Washington, various communjeationa on this sdbj ect bu t thjiy'Til I relater to the 6 wneiif ;m,encan opnageraoict ' not to the tranters of Am ericaU proi j duce, vThelargum container, was, notvtnat cur agrieui culture, but that bur navigation wou!4 be. ruined. Whom;sirsai4Mr ..f . Would the ruifi ob severely affect r Whp"Y9 wn nine tenths of th : tohnige -'-J.-St Certainly the veastern jjndVnorthieri states. Mr.' W. hopM; C Was bjiue , , eessary.to say, that lifittfiernbjj. elsewhere, had 'Jie been, ; jpfc-Wbul j'fce ever be the' advocate bf local iptereftsl tufbexf the repbsj thisp1pn;;'uil broad and malcehjuribus np they-induce oan brethren of (heieaSt. i son tnat ne .naa ,viana Lcpr'e y. j inisiake of thefigentlem'fe sachusetts. V .SUeb :$&imtiihWtfr: eirprene , noil. Pnmwh , hSir4- nttk'niaVanrl bppressblriWubihaveJnncw feelinrSff infeestait$iMe wai v 1n?hl1W hiS fy to2h j Wpvldjneverteacb" 6&pteo1dasf 'saciuseis&et cesnich bmbeeap - fie hd5hln iietb the rtlmrmstra ebplehbieBW 4V toe sae oi .tna pinion ana narmon vra; 7ithrnfaraa iounoaxion?ot mrrt&dftc Commence a Sjteifi 'Which irredesifeip tlMrithat4fuema i iU . rootibn'ojf that nature Whichjcoulov , possibly lead .tya.vaajb ,ceeb!ntv3scvsiv;ib. -.'merits-ied the Speaker reminded him the xjues' tion was merely "oajposonement' mnngrtne;Leopie, ot tne qnittu etatev f - t t r. tleanM . W tewlis,HDpTtije!lJiitted :SrialierK'k.itlaar-' di than. thenoBoiible ntleman i . r .1 - t s ... 15 V V