0' . . - ,V note thia tScient to keep iliva .those favorable inpreldofiMWikCbtd bj ft t apptirmct (xfthetiquadroajand Dcy' hostility, uwcrviauy dation for the report that he has had i first rnrc "of his etuw complaint." FROM FORT' WAYNE. Cot of a letter fion Ihe Cotmsindin j OScer at Fort Wavne. tf Miami of the Lakes, to A Member of Cbnjrtrt; dated Foar Wa vjrst, 8th Jen. 18 16. Pcntt rnciir. to'icquAifit ycu with a communication jan made tame by a Mia mi Indian, & branch af, the, White Loon Samily. who basx4a expraed the greatest friendship to xnc, and of whoe tddixy to our government; (a far as a a Ttrt rmndcafc possess that sentiment) I hive not the least doubt. t " He says the British fcave tent out run ners among aU the tribes to the north and vounr and most active warncrt only, to re with as-iltUe delay as rosaibfc io Maiden I that they have a large quanury oi 'roods there, which they keep in reserve format class only, wbeneTer thermal arrive, and, pe seen to take a strdnshold 5toTuLik. J they .have .been, kiowatodo. My informant, who calls S nW sutes that he himself has received the invitation three days since, vith many other Miama chiefs, several of whom haVe- reeved- to to Malde, merely to see' and hear the British father; but, for himself, he b satisfied to remain ax home. . . ' pt orrral divs past. rreat numbers of Putawatimies and others, haro passed here on their way to Maiden. , .; - What their intentions are, is yet doubt ful, but my informant assures, that is haopiaion a warwUl rcak out early m the Spring. Y.r' . 'Y ";.' - In haste, as the express is now waiting forthisletter. lam . t r - NOTICE-. , . , ; 170U AJLLVORK done in ray BtVcwrrMs J; Sror, near the Jail, the accounts must nofbetuidto any but the subscriber,. No ooney to be paid to the stmths and no credit to be riven them on my account without my order 'r . YSSt. SCOTT.' Itxle;rh.Jan.lM81S. S-3t. UNION TAVERN, THIS well known 'Stand, on FajettevHle Street, -near the Courthouse, is sfrstn open tor the reception of Company. "The Subscribers solicit Jtha patronage of their riends and the Public Travellers and gen try passing through or visiting this City, are respectfnUy lot ed to call at the Union where they will '.find IcotfortabU ttocma, clean Beds, choke Liquors, and a Table rvppWd with the. best JLhe .cpuatry affords. Also rood Stable, forsrr,- . . " A fcw rt gular , liOAKDERS can be ac cocxaodsted. x ;' , PABStXX & LANCASTKB. Juntiary 24. 18lv 1 BELL TAVERN, . THO's. B. G LOST EK, HAVING leased, Cot a term of years, the Premise ' lately. known s yAnwn Tavern, in Wsrfentoo, Nortb-Csrolint, so Ikats tho patronare of the Public Ilia un ceasing endeavor will be exerted to keep rood accommodation foe Travtl'ers to have bis Hoaie'farmshed.with comfortable Bddinr, the best Liquors sod Viands, and to have his Rooms io rood order and coo suit readiness, Hia btables avball be well provided 'and attended t and In every other respect be hopes to give satisfaction to those wbo may favor him with tbeir custom. Warrenton. HC Jan. 1816. 33 4w entertainSient.; . : tomijwgb yt sla v outer. THE Subscribers respectfully infbrnuthe Public that thevhave lately openel a HOUSE OF ENTtirTAnOlENT, in the -rawTtofaAaxsarxr fin the House formerly occupied by R,sToaaacs.) v They deem it sufficient to iay,tnaterpences nave vo occa spared to render this Establishment commo dious and agreeable and to place it on the noat extensive and liberal foundation, R. TOBHANC r . W. II. SLAUGHTER, Ssllsbury, K. a Jan- 17th 1816. ' S4-2m ' OilLtiir r s pAiiu i i TtwrrTV. w. SOlJxtattheCotnrr.Horss.in W ithe town of Rocrix8Eax, Richmond County, the 16th of March next, the following TRACTB OK lvn u, or Mroucuimwiu will be of valne to satisfy the tax due thereon fnr iYi f rr 1814. and cost of advertising, ko, 200 Acres on the Cattaw branch, the property of the heirs of Simon Covington." or A mi ihm witera of Chaulk Fork, the prop erty of Michael rckrey. : a-nicholsoksext: Jan. 13. 1816. . .543t STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, County of Randolph. Haman Miller's Executors, "V.' . v. ; ' l In Eqmty. Rjland Roberts, U others., j : :t , . t t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; to Rich srd Shackelford and wife, Jacob Miller and wife, Peter RxJberts, Henry FoJler, Sa rah Fo'kr and Rvlsnd Roberts, that on the fith and 9th dsvs "of March next, atthe bouse of Seth Wade, Esq. in the County and State aforesaid, we tntena xaaiog iqo ipvsuiona of Seth Wade. Joseph Robins and others r Andoa the 15H and 16th dsji of March next, at the boae of CoLBurnside, 4.Law rrn'a Dirtrict. and State Soutb-Carolin u we intend taking tht Oepoiitions of JerexnU' h Arnolds aod others i And also,' on tne 23d day ol March next, .we Intend to Uke tho DeposUirns of George." Roberts, and O rhers, at the house of George Roberts, in the ' County of Rockingham, in the State of Korth Carol us. to be read U evidence in axertain matter of controversy in our said Court ofB quity'4epen'diEgberelawe are Complain srts and you are Defcndsnts, when, &c-V JAMES MILLER, lExectt. ;V 4 HAMON M1LLFR. f tors. February L H16. 55r-5t I - 1 XTlk mnbsqwrVinerV slSl CAGES' will beg raw JL'Mharins'eUimaler flTer )WS Sorsstomeate iupplies urnuhed Cst the asmetitte, Which J-JtaofKorthC scribWhVreeS toe-beerf audited s'ndaBowed by the. Audi, WtVW we4;atJforfbw be, jBtiW-'? rZZiJZITEZf. tors inoointed br tho General Assembly for paidmAwtestee!ce JjMiijh ' . fjrtn: p icai these' i ashec Two Apprentices wU be taken to , tyjs above business.', ' . ... , ' ' January 26. "' . . '. " , ' ' , 54-tf. V . MAHOGANY AND CABINET MOUNTING. , I I0RSALE,s parcel of Inch Board L o 1 ranv Plank, two Boxes of Elegant Ve. neers, a Log of Mahogany;16 feet Jong ai.d 16 Inches Square, two boxes of Glass, 13 by 16 lathes, a parcel of Drawer Locks, (fcmmode Handles, Quadrants, Knobs for Drawers, f with many other articles in that line t alw - parcel of wooden Clocks, and a few Clock cai ses ot wajnut. -Appiy v i V TIIO.COBB5. TUltiVh. Jan. 24. 1816. - .'53 4t P.5. Journeymen Coach Makers will meet with employment by applying -as above.' ! Would take an Apprentice to the Painting Bu sincss who could come well recommended. v :: T. C. i TENDOLLARS I REWARD. DESERTED FROKi THIS POST, on the night of the 22d of, DeceraUr, J815, DANIEL MOSES, a private in Capt Wm. Yilson's Company of Artillery. : V , The said Dam i a L Mosas. was born in the Province of Maine, about fortv veara of are. fire feet eight and an half inches high, with bszl eyes, black hair, dark Complexion, sod by occupation a tamer. : i . The above reward, with all reasonable ex pences, will be paid, on bis being delivered to me at this pott, or the Coromandirr Offi cer ot any Military - Post within the Vetted States. vi; ' ... ' j . ' ' 'r , . N G. WILKINSON. Lieut. & Comdr. of Art'y. Commanding. Fort Hampton, N. U. ' . . January, 1816. 55 5t notj(ce- .v TtrT Subscriber feels it his duty to mfbrm Ithe public that he has acquired infor mation of the cure of CANCEKSi that he has been in the practice for several )ears, and is happy to say he has not failed,4n any instance, where timely application has been made i to which a number of respectable ci tizens arc rtsdy to attest Persons applying-will consider themselves bound-for the payment of two dollars on application, and when the -cure is effected, eight dollars in addition thereto. ' 1 r WM. BRACKEN. . Stony Creek, Orange County, N.C.30:h January, 1816.' " v " Application by letter (post-paid) to the Post -Office at Anderson's Store in Caswell, inclosing two dollsrs, and stating the per son's' see and residence, and-where the Cancer is s'uusted, will be attended to. TO THE CITIZENS OF XAncolny Cabarrus; and Mecklenburg THE DIRECT TAX, for 1815, hsvinr become due and payable, I will attend at the following places and times, for Col lection, Via if . f In Lincoln County, at Adam Beard's, on tht 5th and 6th, of March At Thoa, Hync's 7th do. at Captain Joba Reed's, Catawba i Springs, 8th and 9th do at Major Jacob Clinei's, 11th snd 12th d. at Joel WiJ liam's, Indian Creek, 14th do at Samuel Ecpie's, Esq. 16th dorUIenry Schenk's, in Lincobton. 18th, 19ih and 20th. In Cabarrus At Jitnes Picken's Mills; 25 ih da at Frederick Peck's 27th da at Rocky River Meeting House 29th da at Concord 30 h do. In Mewklenburg st 'McGUl Matthews's on 2d of April at Peter Rape's 3d and 4th do at Joseph ! aires' 5p and 6th do In Cbariotiee 8th and 9th at Joseph Max well's 12th do. at Beattie's Ford 13th do. The duty on Household Furniture and Gold and Silver Watches, will be collected at the above pl.cea and times. , r A. FREW, f Collector of the Revenue t ot the 11th District of N. C. Jsmwy 27th 1816. 55 3t district Paymaster's Office,, Raixxoa, N. C. Fs:6, 1816. r ik following Roles and , Regulations (in X addition to thoe heretofore cxiatme-'l hare been received from the Paymaster Gen eral, and will be observed in all future Pay. meat to Companies or Detachments of Vo Uinteera or Militia, or any par, thereof, on claims to comDensatioQ for services rendered in the Army ofthe United States, via : . The officers wbo commanded are to make oathior themselves and their men 1st. That they have nov been previously paid. is . ;. 2d. That they have not either jointly or seve 1 r-dly executed any power ofattorney au thoriaingany person whomsoever to re ceive the compensation claimed : 3d. That they have not at any ;time signed . accounts (in duplicates or otherwise) or receipt rollsibr the same and passed them awa to another person, who might thereby be enabled to draw the amount from the proper- oraeer or agent of the ' ; United States that they have in no wise k either direetly or indirectly transferred ; or alienated tneir claims, by power of at torney, orderreceipt Roll, accounts or any other paper : . , , 4th- That the officm,nonomm5ftioned offi. i ers.musieians and privates, i V msybe . ' borne on the Master Rol),were during-the period therein expressed actually on mi. 3utarydatyintheeld,incamp,ormraf. ... rison. - - ' " "-.- M; 'r .- '' The same mode must be observed in the claim r presented by otneers and soldiers to be settled with, individually extent in the settlement with al soldier where the oath , of the officer cannot be extended to binr, fa$ om shuitbesubstituteJ, the. claim being pfeyi ouslf certifled in duplicates by the commnnd- Ued to the Declaimed. . ;'r.--"11 l , These prrcaitionary meastxres have .been cdnsidered necessary, as well oo theaccount of the vast number of claims which are known to hare been transferred by some means ' or other from the hands of crrifrial', claimants into .thoia bragents and speculators, as for lob unmcuuxucai manner m wnicu manv paya'ents hire b een uhav6idy"madei. JUNIUS 5 NEED, ' ryv.ii ddgenee that purp.se ddVei; cessation dtia them. TL sooner, sppli ca ll on Is made, the Better. 4 ..:., . ' WILUS wttitakek: ;Paym astcrlj. C, irdiUa. Tialelrh. TtK 8th. 1816. 452w- :i . I ; NOTICED : 1 BSCbNDED from mv Bed and Board, XjL on.thelst of this InstgnCmy Wife'Bet. sv W arson. ;l'do hereby forewarn all per sons from harboring or feeding her, aa they may oe wen assureq iney win do aeaic wim according to law t and aho, from trading with her on my account, as am determined to psy none oiner contracts ' , ' BENJAMIN WARSON. Buncomb, Jan 15, 1816. ! , 56 3w W. W. MASON. In tht Stort, Buildings, under the ft A J A- L. jieaaingritoom, nixt aour to Junius I ilAo fOK' c ALL, A' HANDSOME ASSORTMENT of Dry GOODS and GROCERIES, and addi tional Supplies are daily expected all which will positively be sold on tne most reason. able terms. He invites his friends in' town and country to call & jadre for themselves. Doubts not to sstisff them, both is regard to quality and price- t 1 r Raleigh, Feb. l5tb, 1816. 56-3w STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. 'I J T ? f ' -I A J - juincoin uouaiy. Court of Pleat and Quater- Seision, 'January TVrm,1816. Jonas Rudeiel Original Attachment, craintt levied in the Jacob Bennet. S hands of Samuel Cos. T appearing to the sstisfsctxm of the f!nrt th ripfrnrfant ia not resi dent of this State : It is therefore Ordered by Court, that Publication be made three weeks J into the hands of foreigners and ene successively. In the Raleigh Register, That j mieg the covernment who, as they unleaa aaid laeob Bennet aDnear at the next I -ti -.ai .Jmi ."1 mr f pL.aa.nd Onarter Sessions. U be hM f ..m tv at t court home in Lincolnton,. on the third Monday in April next, replevy and plead to said suit, judg- ment will be entered utx against him 56 3tp. - TstVA;,DRY M'BEE, c c. Just received by J. Gales, from Phi laaelphia,: Price 12s. 6d. m Morocco. fXIHE Ladv's'and Gentleman's POCKET- JL BOOK, for the year 1816. The Lady's contim an Almanac, Ruled Pares for Me morandums, a Doscription of St Paul's Ca thedral in London, the Whole Duty ot wo man, Answers to . Enigmas New, Enigmas, Selected Poetry, Marketing & several other Useful Tables. . , " . , Tho Gentleman's Pocket Book contains an. Almanac and Ruled Pares for Memorsn- dums, the Distances of Places from Wash ington City, the Officers of the Governinom ofthe United States. Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary. Departments at the Seat of I Government, Duties on Goods imported, a Correct L st of the Navy and' Army, Table of Taxes on Domestio Manufactures, and several other Useful Table . SCARCE MUSIC. L J. Gales hai had placed in his hands, for Sale, the following valuable Music ; Handel's Oratorio of Joihus, in score ' ' Choice of Hercules, in do Julius Cesar, in do. ' Six Sonstas for 3 Violins, ' two Hautboys or ' Flutes and Vio-j- loncello . - Ode on Queen Anne Birthday Concertbs for the Organ. A Book of SonaUS by Kozeluch and Mozart, part for the Piano and part for Violin and Bsss, or Flute and1 Bass Dr. Miler's CorreUi's 12 Sonatas for the Organ or Piano, with 12 small Pieces by pVeiffer, : and ' a Four-handed Sonata bound together Shield Opera of Marian - . A Book: of Songs and sundry Loose Musics NEW GOODS1. CLAPP 4 PJVWf Have jiut Received from New-York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, & Peters , ! . eiirr,- - . ' j: ; A large and General Auortment tf DRY-GOODS ANDH0R0CERIES; liinnCH they are NOW OPENING and fi offer for SALE at said Clapp's, in GUIL FORD , County, N. C. near the New Brick Church.' The following are amongst' their Assortment, viz. Superfine London and French Cloths I Pehse Cloth; Silks of -all ; colours rA mittfts ft Stitl fikftr4 . r4l QaMn Tln nets arid Hats, of the fewest;.. Fash ions ,TfPhy$icians have .Teceilred a? an ueeant Assortment ot becond Cloths Superfine London Cassimere ; Second ditto i Plain and Ribbed Stockinett; Imperial and Bedford Cord"; ".Black Florentine; and Satin Striped Vestnlets j Point arid Duffel Blankets ; Coatings and. Kersey Moleskin't Baize and Bearskin ;' Plains and Kersey t Lisbon Coat ing f Swansdown Vestings i Figured 6c plalrt juiunm a quanuiy oi tnsaf s-inen. ; ourper. fine and Second Long Cloths ; India and Don mestic Cotton t Mancheatry Flannels t Silk Cashmire Shawls ; Levantine do; Damask do i Black and mite Lace Shawls V Black' and AVhite Veilaj . White Lace, Itsjidkerchiefs ; Silk, Cotton, sind . Worsted Hosiery i Coarse do jFancy and. PjamItulins i Silk Gloves of different colours t Ginghams and Calicoes Scotch Plaids i Linen 'and Cotton Cambric : Long Lwn-Bornbazettefand Bombazines Russia' and Irish Sheet'gElerahx and com mon Furniture ;ftz--7ellinrton.- CordV-- ; J3indanno, Madras and Cotton ljandkerchiefs 6-4thsf 8-4ths,' arid 10-4Lhs linen Dlap Brown HollandrB.est Treble :GUt .Buttons tJilt and Plain dorElegant'Msrseilles .Vest: ,tngs---Knttung wmnGerman sriutesr-Bar Iron and Castings Shgartf Ooifee--Queens-WareJ-KniVes sndFcrks, sssoTtedRmri; Wine, and Brandy, Uc 1 Also a' Good As Sortmeate .Watches. fFTench andrEnrlish. Chain5eals,'and Keys i and an Elegant As. sortment ot Jrrench , ancLjFhiladelphia made Jewellery of the Newest Fashion.' ifc &c?r ' n All the above Articles will (be disposed of low j, tor. Casij ! or , Country Produce such as yeatnerghoeTlureaoaiKlFn paperf of this'city. V ' -kn " . A 1... nut i. Arte sr. -jtr ,aMv. - 56i.,- v Dist.' .PayMst. S. Army flsHB ondrrsirned are authorised as com A V i J UM A4v . JL' missioners . to Contract for the Bwldifg u avorics vjiurcBin w? cut ox aieign, Qt feet by 44-26 feet pitch; with a Steeple-W The work will be divided into the loUowiDr distinct Lcontracta.r-lst: For the deliverv cf the - Rock, rough and hewn, for tne founda Uqd, caps, sills, snd steps. . - 2d, For the de livery of the Brick. 3d. The Jayinff ortbe rock and brick (or the two latter may be u nited in one contract). C4tb,' The floor and roof eomnlete. 5th. The window. frames ' sashes shutters, door-frames and doors (or tne two last mentioned may be united in one contract), 6ib; The Steeptc A ; ' ; The attention of the besti workmen is in vited to this subject snd proposals are ao licited at an early day; as ' it is intended to have the work done in proper style and-with all possible despatch. . . :c " -; The residue of the interior work is reserv ed for a ; future contract. , B. Daniel, , v; TV. Shaw, . T. Emond, W.Scotty ' J. 8. RaboteaU) H Totter. JT. Hunter, ' , " Haleigb, 13th FelvlSie, 56 It&LEWiF: 1 V: FRibAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1816: ( A National Bank. A writer in the i ; j .i . . 1 - , " Delaware Watchman vvho disapproves of the plan of ;a National Bant which is oeiore congress, oecause,- ii esiao- lished, its stock will b& liable 1 to : get Wl1-1 "ve. n u power, will oe more likely to embarrass than to aid the government in its fiscal concerns, proposes a very dinerent establish menfjhich.he says speculators can r not turn to their account. He propo ses to fix it at Philadelphia, its capital for the present, at 100 millions, tq consist first of its. own bitls,,which are to be loaned on notes at 60 days at 5 per cent, or on loans for six months and upwards, secured by bond and raortcaee, at 4J per cent. Tov have branches wherever the directors and the several state legislatures may a- gree. lne uirectors. to, De chosen artlj by the President of , the United tatesj partly by Coneress.- arid partly by the legislature of Pennsylvania and me citizens oi rnnaaeipnia. arte rectors ofthe Branches to b&t elected. . ... rrn -m. . 1 t in a similar way. ine xotes to oe received in all paymentsto the United States in exclusion of all others, and in preference to specie, and cannot, therefore, depreciate. The TBank to cive aid to the government in. trans ferring its funds, &c It is calculated that a Bank of this kind would clear to theovernmntof the United States from six to eight millions a' year; arid, of course, not only enable it to repeal obnoxious taxes, but raise a tund for public works by which.; the country might be greatly benefited. I On the SOth ult. the Mayor of .Sa vannah issued a Proclamation, stating, that, having received information j that the Small-Pox prevails in the State of South-Carolina, he enjpins j ' that aH persons coming from that State, be in hibited from entering ihe City of Sa vannah ; also, all ships', vessels, t or boats of any description, until they are first examined, byy the sHealtii)lficer, and a certificate obtained ' from htrtt,' according to law The- Marshal of the ,City, is required.to apprehend vail; persons who shall attempt violate the iawjVand cause them to be retno ed.;)The inhabitants of ithat place? who have not hadhe SmalUPox,: 'aHr requested by the Ccinci'to get vac cinated immediately 'We trust; the citizens of this StatewiW attend to Ais necessary rjrecautionSomeV of our Phvsicians have received a? SUPdIy of fresh Kine matter. -tj . m m. w - It appears Hfrdnl a i cotomuriicatlon from Matthews county,' T a.that ne- gro-trader of the name i; cf ' Hatim,ons, was imurdered about the beginning , pf the present gears' in King. atrf Queen county He.was suriposed lo be irom ivo wau qvuuiy x ui una uwc : r ''i A fire latelyv;hrpke out fin the; large fire-proof .store" onBttrgwiri's Wtoft,Wilmiiifkton.belon tcrAIrt Hanson Kelljrr whkh entirely ccinsum ed the interior rpf . thevbuildirijTh' lire onrtnateu m a jau iuu vwwuyu( DT fttr. wee wniCA was careic&j left jvji-tiic proprtyxposea m?1 a lawgiving to the tow of Petersburg a represenUtive QZ&mTMg r' rrhehQdfiiiif'SiA to see. has1 fcegativerX the Mirpfoposipg a ies- iablish fifteeIrietr:Baiifa4r TfJfytWyl? t? wovidinir for the call of a Cdnvenoir tb tm'exid ihS Cqnstationf 90 to 84 Mcnfains fkfcsmy&QlWQyMfc .vl - !. . .j-iTs-..- rietTdnttaYajiafn r ' . JP, . .1 - ! .. . V'i. A i. ( was rciu anu -aiwwuwunYj as to Hi r :rx OBy the a, 7729; 1816 ; 17iat wisdom, ya!6ri&-tonbtiixU . riallv. manifested- duiinthlatk' Wsii ' i ,wah'Gia . SpPjresjdentofhe United tesV" and b'jr thpsejtutesnien and herc who acted. ' ywith hirn in ile couhrmAb fiSd,rid Jon the'bceani entitle meitotte autjide ? Jjarid admiratioh tf their coimtry11; (arid wfli" v ; 'reflect T lastm fame arid to : . aririaTs of Arneri cati history and that hei jnerocktiort M ardlionorahle peace with a liauity and ' ji .jul adrsa 'ojt galantrlarid courage conducted, by ' rfirimess' and mteUigeiite.f V K. Idnia ha'ft tulrnei'-itsi aiteli'dii' 1 anef- 5:?v. . -- --O- j v ' . ncienx mannenio ineauojejpx.y0i inxer rial Improvident A law1fi( been t passed, eVeatirig 3 1fcri'd-'ibfie'deio'' imriatedf!T1ieFund for Interna. Ife- ovemeritvatl; ' bk ? adief lu- ! dift'erent parts of the Commonwealth! The iund ts to. consist oi all theistock heldhy ,thj Stf tein BanVaric Turn- pike rittA Navigation Companies, toge ther with sucli dividends as may , ac crue thereon, arid stich bonii or pre- fmiums aV may beherefter received j for privileges grapte4 to Banks. The care of this fund ; is vVeTt in a corpo- rate body, to be styled The President andXiirectois oflhe Boara ef Coritrqi , to be composed of the Governor (Jre-" sident exVbfficiq)--t welve Birecfbrs, tp consist oi tfte l reasurer anq Attorney General of the Stated and ien Citizens, three of whom shall reside west ward, of the Allegheny : mourifaiiij two be tween the Alleghany arid the. v$lueV Ridge, three between the Blue Ridge and thfe head of tide water and two-. ; between1 that line and, the sea coast. - No appiicapni othe" idi.-'ipre made, excepilry special authority of4 law. What is th .. ed; 'Ilw-preserit atriount'is believed ' however Wbe- not farfrprii &: millioa of;doIlars : and rfiay 0 hbp io jpro? duce very 'fn&XyreQUtnfotjlif tb Virginia bufta'eJUm6ll . . . '-"' itjSa I ; i'.---'4- --"MARBIED, V, ,'','-" u. , . On the 1st ihst.Mt.Jehn PugbT pa'ye of liewbern,' to Miss Jane Keaa Henry of ' New-YorkV - r 'r : ' ': -: - J- o.v .:PffiiiT-vW. 5n Tuesday evening the sth instant iriJ Halifax: comity $ k jirsu Martha B; Alston? consort of the Hon. Willis Alstonv. Thisi tongue of praise, or the pen of pariegyricV r would laUshoriri descfibifi rrtahy.v and amiable, v virtues wfticli;adonied hex . , heart and guidedher afictioris fthrouglf r, life. : . --. h ".i":ir.v -z : If Tuimons c; Jones cohsort of JdneJ,lSjSi-i.''i In Pittcoumoii thttd'maWljan Atkinson, Es.inr the dSdryeir of hiiage. . ;;At,ShQ;pullSreenecc the 28th ' jamiarv j last Charles rr Esofn the 1 45d "yfeaii'pt hisage- respectable citzeri. Ui JNewDernaiy, mr? auiaparrow. 'v-'ju-m1'eai Va' oh the Slijt iilt. 3r;Waiter lone&Ja. i ge.Ztf years,! whowaVvfor ntany years a lUAOTSTQlilESSI ' V SeveialpefirisjfKa genteel and ieferreof' oii iriotint ofiri Rbo4 ihemnitt reducirif? sllveVlcbinfthnpd fw2tv &rmearis antt t! olutiol ih ttlatib perCCUR jo uie uee,nB uuir, anq c- Mider46it,'aeii ' i a mml4h rtthTftlrin JT theiiifaithful colWctiott 5 1 Biveiy to, tne purpose ot renaer;ng na via1)Ier aridjunit principal riversj land ofmorew&na fjr connecting, ; oy 'public ghwaj?:s,he fliexpedieheVf ncreksiti alloy; : by reducingthe' weicM 5 or irtet small mAR& sbmtf delte. atrteffid ' f Jthe Wiefiu3om: dgersiehwai ; greeawi -f ' . - -- v;s i iX. i-t., . ti