. 11 ' -a-y """'"-y pAltJLKMli, Avj-i.f ."w-. aaomx5ioiTcmo 6thgejaa,2rtne f , ) - A A . A more TTTsJwTuBt; iemai&l- 1 .viiti.the unncu jvaiv - - ff thVrcme 60011 '6a Oic appca. PSJrkxi this itm Sacred A 'a' ,san InAu- XjoHi uailLard. ... Vrafcrf tV FT? f rnW, v-7irr 15. 1816 ArJTQTA. -" Tcbr-iirr w, uisOK JS?. prt of dot s'f For -nRtTOVwVrM iVil. m iriT-v-- ,,,fW ni Ra to nd imm Pryton K- i K. CaroLna, K. CaroLca. - J: ' 1 - .. -v ma X ' fTfTY D0LLAJl3;UEVf ARDr ,V O TAAJEH OR STOLEN from th.a piace C LVe. tnKh'in5;onU both i h-,t..bat a kmallblaae on -h.a Arrhead. .bod-.ll wuiH. 0-f(e eh" new. ten m! mane. Tt4TotKrr it a- eddnh- rre HoIUrtfirthe apprtheosion ana con.ichon cfibeTbxC - rroil is M-ini' 4 DISTRESSING; VMAN ha been found han ncrby ack iTlk haMkefdiref. on the 14U..y Woru- last, in the notb about a.x roUe uth ofSalem.N.C ' At the Covert appearetl br the er-.drnce that hi name w Senamis Ls;-dioiAinii.i r.Hr vw-n.a. He waa WcJf,nc throu Ovi 'ghbohood from the .south abotit bre j a Knr h fiiund dead, and appexre.1 , inVan. He was a man of .a middle sue, ap- . ptiml to be about yrars - 1 t . . .ivrMi kitntuIertD. He. baa t Mll baukibv him-OHCiS iheVoetjcal !..- r T.mT)mrnn)n. with a wrtttcji i lume Mr. E. LAWon; tStolhtr . Kl?nm frti. an Kpx Poem; with a written tutne At- Sd O.EeKleston. lie bad on a homespua j cnat with drer buttons with Ictlew on them . W L. An iJwcntoryothis rperty w lapos. fusion of Ilennrppel, n, who aciei " . rnacr : where more'uifornunoa can bchd 1 .r ft.. uninHnTute min. (" ' fc ."I Pr.nin are requested to g.re th; a Tce j in their respective paper fb .the itrormtn.n , tf'tbe rtliuont of the abore described prrsoa-1 " Salem, N;C. btokea Cyiinty TJTitfcrna ol7ic Uniled Stoics; tajjrrrx aT Tiikr rrr o trjsszvcris, fx nMlE lubeerber prop-?te t rctntrenee, JL wi h.nafewweeks;.il4ilyndthnse. .wetk Newtpaper. under the tdreina: n-tJ.-. to be publnbed at the neat of ih Rene ral twnwneou It wIl te charterer, and-Ttberarin its politick cm. cieiicn aiinnptm, wuu ; Sem todojii:ic to the antimema anu o pin ona or ibote. whohate not rtjcarded with approbation the-of pr.hcy purnicd. far aeveral years, by cur public cuncd- Aa a fvcipper. no pai-e wM be iparert toretnlerit oseful aod h.tcrevn,. b ' , AH pohtical Journal, it wUl bej-eld open, to each aide ft a calm diacuaaKm of puNie roeaaurf rejedinjr. aa improper, every too ecetaary bdlertice of reraonalitev. A detal of the proceedioera 81 dtbaiea ot Con greaa, aa arapU M poaaible.wni be a;iTen 1 viU all docuicebu which. I rem their impvr. rancc. may be deemed worthy of being piar. ed before the pawc la other retptcu. it will, of coarse. M the intereat ai object aftbe editor, to RraUty, by ar"pua aod careful aelectioo. the taue a,Ad wiabea of bia rrwlera. So far at rctfardtube roanner cfexecotvon, Ue aitenlioti to adTcrtiiingpatroot; wjth rt. anilarity of piHication. aud care m tranamia aioo toaubacribera. the ed.toe hppei to.be a lle to gtve ireoeral aatiaUctioo.. ' The remjLf propoaeil. 'e, J. The Ptttht Jfumalithe Urvttd printed ct a tupervryal aheet of the uaal . liti. wWX be fornUbed dmk daartpcr vrrmmibrit a werk atr. . . . 2. No tuba crip ion to l-e received witbont pay mr ot, in adanc, for the let m apecii ed X Subscription Willbe pfeaumed coo- rlaued. unlcai oiherwia-t orueieu j editor w U, at bia option. hc a iiRht to d.a ar frard aAicb order of" diacofltinuamr. . uolesl ajl arreartfi tre at the time paid oflf -j . 4. vnec cceunta have been forwarded, aod no payment baa been made witb r ooaWi time, the namea of delioquehtf may t eraaed from tbe aubacription tiaL J Oa the ortK&iag plan and urmi, a harc of public encouragement . i reipectfuJiy ,Uf - A. LUCAS. . WaVbHiftoa'CItY. Feb. 1 i. 181& ! 5r-3t N- .Those pentlemenin Kortb and South Ca rorHia; who may be kmd euooffh to take cfcarce ef aubacription papera, wdl aUo bav the Rcodoesa to receive the advance payT jcfta; and. -orward them, with the rjamet Ct the j.-n,to,Jieubj-.riber at Hileigt. boh twL wd m Try jod Ti-re farmed r.ice. Any ml -rmit 0.1; ijm will. HI 'ti.nt h hcirt of Vrrii; Coltrtin. pc at otirnm Court, on Jbe ,seonI Mor & o kwl Xe or junientwi. be a- Jan. 21. ; STATE OF NpftTH-CAROLIff A ir.chfnorwt County, AriUiam Jfionvis ami others. rr anpcarinp to the ronrt that William Uichacl arwl Marthahi w,fc, John Speed, Miry Speed, El.hu Winbourn und Citliar.ne hii w.fe. Jame Speetl, n.l William Vipin anfi6ambhi Wite.ai enot Inhalnunts o this SUte It 9 therefcire on! ered' that publ.-ca-tipn be male in the UaleigU Rejc.ster.Uir.t un Jens the above namftf defeJid.MUS appear at our next Court to be held for the Cuityot Uich mood at the Cminhoma in Hockinirham, on thfth.rd Jkfondavin March next, and aniTTer, p'cail or demur, jnderraent wjl b,entcretl n eaiitst them pro confesio, and the cause set forheirinj? ejtoarir 37 THOM AS IKXNINOH. e. y. K. A CAUTION TO TIIK INNOCENT. WrlP.!lKS fohn Bralv, late- of tha County, (andwlio..) he now livrk i fUnth-:arH:na) has n ne on Allen i t;nf ti. decd; f r upward .f nnff hundred do Ura, dail Fewua? 112, anl due 2th lie- cimber, 18U Iberehy . aunon aH peraona arain.ttradine lird No, at it ia behev ed io be a fvgtrvf wrf I d not ntd to pay it. : t Un iVaaty waa aaked bow he came by mA Nu, he -aid it waa fo racmft a,r: He novr imebted lo the eat ate of Mr ;rifHrf.bout fifty doUara wh"ch cannot beeoUectrd. baid Beaaly.ifll ..ttua Couuvy bo.it tour yrarao,favpd punahment under a chaise cfttolinfi leather anc other ihinK't. and I Informed by toti of hi r,l.t.oni. he haa at'hia time bia pocketa full M ol f u- tcfiit Kank Notoa. In a word, he has tfm K'nr4i rc-pufauoTt or oeiofc o compute ilL4u, ' , :;"J. BUSBKE, AwVof ROANOKE NAVIGATION. -arw nnif rf of the " Act for Imnrn I JL th N .vieatloo -t ih Krer Rnoke a.d .m wiirtk ' ps l rT i"- rk....v.7 oH)ttwCatoi.naf in 1815. ire unoera ned Cinvn.t.oivi-r. K'vc u t ce, that Ho k. foi rece-vwtt; Subvrrpnrn, to tiie Cpl Stoc k ot the C -mpaiif. wnt be opened ai the Hk Store cf Wm. !an :n tt Cy ofriRn, nm tha firtt Monday in 4rcn d optti Utttl Ue thii Mbiday ia J lo'low- U AShre-of Stork is cat Hundred Dollirai aidacb itibjcrib'irureqtftedtopiy endol 1ra upon each Sarc aubcr h d, eitucr at the t fneoUanb, of by ebtf ncedr-gOf the c.th.MAa- ioake rlaceat llahfia 00 the frdt Mb"5ajr id jont tuxu and ot more than 31 lp-r eeot.wpoo a tUnscaa btj de mawidcd in inT o.ie year ih aeaur The ender'i ged icebeff to rrco-i. teod.vb men ot cap'ial to bectme suok ber. Tpe aet pt 1ucr;oiiin rroj.a out p'oap m :hwl(rrp.oy irrtrr, of piotil, cquaVf m aoperit.rjto tac u.vrtkwUof auy U.kfi ira?iu ioaa cfthe Stat, ftec tooro u. ihe iiijpoafiaa ef ! Ikies "by 4 he utt riaa tb Comf-tny erett To Bdgi ctsr to Hooke an atiir.cairearta;whtc . inn in'O it tbu State. A p'i? deKewhiCh miy b.cndtrd aiextvclf b:e.i-:; 'II. : sttAVVKLL.-.., . ' 1 TlxVV, Tb,0. . CHEAP GOODS: ?f . nuzcrr:'f- ; (Next ltouie south 0? lr. Caies'i dwellin? HKS lafel Teceiteil from Kew-York, . J amall btit .vst cuutr c ;stt.wiC of l-'ANCY CiOOJW ; amount wDicn are J- Datk LgUgTDundcd Calicoes, Waterloo -vr ditto - , ' v ; : .Ginghami, yaroi patlerps 7T. . rme and coarse Cambrics . Strrried, tamboured an.1 Jaconet MusTins Worked Mull-Mull nd Book ditto r . Lew dittos Lotaj Lawn" limity,l!TVtJTapeStxIped; Cimhric, ditto (4 n ' . t India Cottons Uontlutyets andnoe.s .fiVAt-i a; it vl WWrxf'Pnnlma: Cranes . BUfc Velvet, Verjrchaailack an.l'white f White Sittm.ltWjnir,ajKl Florence Silk - 'fijrdrrsses " i. .. 1 lAvbuines, various jhades andcolorsc Silkv and Cotton Shawls '' 3.?n k Silk and Cot? onHostv' . .; j v; Rid and' Morocco Shoes . . . j. V. v Kid and' Morocco hoes Cotton and Thread Lace ltlack and white Silk: ditto, Velvet and Fancy Trimmings 8ilk and Straw BonaetivV. i." v;h a varietv'of artTc.es not enumerated. ' - All of which will be fiold "tinusually,lpw, . forcasn. , .Raleigh, Keb. 25 " criurtV piwK auw s.,ot; .... ... -'.. V.WrjiT.i V Attachment. -lc r. inarm . t Irish Linens, superior rjuality Cotton ShtrtinW. "v "-Lonr Cloths, Jtmaia' Diaper,' 'A fif inooki: itl deairable.tbatra 1 tiw,Cr.tal'ou tbould Wndejuxd pubCshed, aboutto be inade, retulcriji the pirci enctGpf all the eo;s necessary, t is,parucuixr, Queitectbatthose abie trfwb mediately ?etttnet to Ull Ubrariafc j wIarch Tm-W. HENDERSOK HAWakVthV Stand: lat'df W'tipied by tv-nkrxrre.-ai tliecornef of Favette- : ' . - - :: a .v .... J '- f rille and Nfartrttlreef To thepracUc 3f wilVTiroroptly attend- to; jmy call connected mlh either nepartmenticj?:y;.the Poor' W wiU cheexfilljr tender kssiitancev M 1 v j: v$9 X;Vv13t March 6. 1816. L ;.IEDICINES; PAIITTS; &ci. V.; rrtTlfl Subscriber having pcrchaed of Mr. JL Josra Has,' the1 IiabLsliment at the corner Ot Kavettevuie. anoi-, narni nurns, intendi to make it a.peririanent Stand for hi Business J-'vlle has just Wceived from New Yorkf and offcrs for sale; a general Assort mm of Medicines; Palhts, Groceries, Jllat-, ters Materials, and a fresh; auppl of Garden yerlil of whicirwill be sold low for cstsh. The object of hiring, al 1 louse established in this place h ere jail Mpicines of the first necessity ciJi be obtaihedjUenuine, fresh and cheap, u itxio obvious 'toj;-need rnrther coro ,.pnt , fdie'inea nut u for -Country Mer- chaiiU nd'Ptiysicians at 4 lib'eral discount. j f ft "" Mmeral 'Waters pijeparect ana soia as aWe". . i RANDOLPH WEBB.-. JtalcirK Marrh. . f 3t 39 ! ; notiqe: ; ; . ; : T' IE ClerXa of the different County Courts in this State wil pleiue.to take Notice, thatjhev are sevenlly jlquifed torelunrto this Office', on or betorelthe lately of Sep inhrr Bex tl x Certificate in the'asual form; oa a.sepstate sheet of periorininfr the acrecate amount of each ipe?ie.f . f .ropej'tv It. bis Count, Jo refused, hy th f apistratesand at,the sjjmej.tun.e, a full apd complete Transcript '.of Jhe Returns trx them made by said Al apstratia, whh shktj con. tain the name,' well the amount of each taxable lubject by each 4ml every person re turoed. i f s: GCtODVIN, ComPrr. Office, March 4. 18t3. 3t 59 fT -'U NOTICE. . rffm nbsernfr bavingat TCVe,County -iL Court, Pehruary.terjn?' obtained letters of. Administration on th. Xstote of Michael Dttak'ht. deceased s earnestTy requests all thosi indebted to said Eitate to make imme diate, payment and thdse.havmp claims, to present them properly authenticated within tlie.time prescribed by lw; or this notice will bi plead in bar of their recovery. V. ! ISHAMjUEXDON", AdmVJ Feb. 29. T 3t 59 NOTICE, nn vfondav the 25th of March, at the 'late Dwellm. House of Michael Duskirjs. decA WILL BE SOLTl to J the hijrhestpidder, all the PERISHABLE. PROPERTY oftaM deceased; consisiintr of Horses, flogs. Cattle, Sheep ; also Cori, Fodder, Household and Kitchen furniture, Plantation UtensUs, fw.. Nine months credit-will be ir.ven.: Bonds with aooroved security will be required. The sale to continue frpm day to day till all is sold. ! .1- L5 XSIIAMjnEV-DOX, AdmV Feb. 1816. 59 -3w NOTICE: TflE subscibers baring at, Montgomery -fVwintv. Court. JariuarV: term, obtained letters of Administration on ,tie Estate ofl Rowland Harriss rteceacti; earnesuy rajuwi 'all those indebted to wild Estate tp come and make pxvment ; and thlse having claims" a Minn tlie Estate, to present them properly authenticated vithin the time preserved Dy 1 : law. ,. r - DANTELllAnmSS. -) : .! V1LUAM HARRISS, j AdnVrs. RICHARH HARRISS, 3 Ken. v. 10 10. r 55 3w NOT CE. ! "T DO herebv forewarn all manner of persons JL fnim trailing for a J N OTE wh ich I have I'lvm to Liliam HarrissJ who lives in Franklin ir:mintv. State of .Tennessee, for the stun.-'of three hundred, and thirty dollars and seveuty cents- while he was in jhe county of Montiro- flxtt, as I never receivfed any thing for said note, and which note! I believe said Tshaxn HarViss carried awav tJirougtfrforpetfulness v1lliam Harris; , Montgomery county N. C." , Feb. 22. 1816. 1 . 59 3w NOTICE IS WJ5REBY GIVEN ' .To Hllwhom fy may edncerri, ' nnilAT the subscribers at7last December ' JL ; Cwmty Court helf in .LouisburnFrank lin countv, N. C. qualified aa Executors to flic last Will an4 Testament of John Hoff, decj lste'hf the said countv.- AU persons having fdeintndd afraintt the siid Estate must bring lthnn forward pronerlv 'authenticated vithin the time prescribed otherwise, jhia notice 'will be plead inibar of their recoivcry-t- 1 r - - .3 . 1 All those indebted to the said, Estate are rei cutstea w ram; p cw ' . Yd. 1816V V 58!, 1 . SnillS day theFirm Jaf Jtrme S. Smith. tf -Co. A4, Vis TJjssolvttWRe'ddinff Jones Cne ofthe partners) having died:ton the 20tn.ot Ueeem-b.-1815.. . f; " - 1" U-- .K-v. ' . i SuirvAYinir Partner.' ' - .. f i"VTPt llv;na. nurchaied'the interest in itaTd Firm fcybich waahejd W Redr diRjimes, tne jtusiaess aini"' cotKruetedUnder' the tame tunjf and Ithe kpfiCBR WILLIiis; RAN- FOR over;be itancnScvCoontyV. Af aWtClTBACB. ttoa n-waHOUSANTJ'DOLLABS: i theTHA repeat.-, ?U.: -. .jt deKie4ftI ttA? aowe month. ? ; Vs ATHAIN X)F'COpKSXwdl b.fou-a fbT 7? CctCVwbere toift dealrouWV; 6ef ercrttdlto maieippllctto - liS -fill h rerW-liitedhhoDcine wut TRlDAY MARCH IB, M: tbis ;CitrV Sit ( Siiurttj ?j$PMi$ hr to appbintmeyit;!tQ adtiiewith ms ExcellencT the Governor on.ttiechoice of Aaudge of thr SapwprM;purts4 ciri.inn of Jud?e.Hendcrson when Jj0AviEL, Esq. "of Hallfkx county, that one Court only; wUl bfe lbstf ' TCtnf f W NorfcCarolinn Law "HpnnsitflrV: cbntiininff i besidea a vari-i P annrf a M ihft vC." xeS deCldeu .flUk tlte J lalelterm of our..Sfpj ht nnhlished in a feviKnata . T- r . " .uiA decked in tneourti vnnc5rym that State, irom tne Keyoiytion nearly " Richard Bradley, Esq; hasvbeen re Gently elected President. tb; BanE of Cape lear in the?robm of John "London, Esq. resigned. l ? The brie Philip, arrived from, Bor deaux at Charleston on the l3t mstbro't letters and papers to the 4th January inclusive. They, howler, contain no intelligenceof importance. TThe po litical arrangeiiients made by the Al- rlied Powers; were successively going infn onpration. seconded by the forces which were destined to aid their adbpk tion. Insiirection of 5V$sfltt.Captt:, .SI: iv,Hc frnm HsTvanna. arrived AtBos- I vuvllfll " "7 - .; ton, wno leit tnere rcu. that it was .currently reported; that therh&d been aii insurrectionof Blacks at Nassau, NewrBroyidcnce, and that at first the Negroes got pos session of the, forts but they, were a rfW flpfpsfpd and subduetU wer; person betngkiliedon both sides, and. the usual order was restoreu ; ;Th bill from the House of Repre sentatives for reducing the Direct ta on the United States, to three tnillioiiiL of dollars, and continuing the saaefot one year, has been undeTiisdnSsion J in the feenate. un a raouoa iu aiuciui theXbill so as to repeal the fax altogev tper, tne votes siooa ixicry -rt --and there being an eqaUty of votes, the. motion was lost. The jSII is yet under ( consideration and its fate is considered unceKain.7-JVflt. Tnf. The Governor of Virginia, by mesr' sage a few days ago, announced to the Ierislature, tfat he had received from the General Government 860000a on 'account of the claira of tiiat State for money'advanced during, tiie, War. ! On motion of Mr. MerceHn tha VirT "ginia legislattire,it was resolved that Sie President and Directors of th$ Li terary Fund beequeHed todigestand report to the next General AJsmbly, a system of Public Educatipn,caictilat ed tQ give effect tothe applanations made to that object Ligdmr? r,ortofrtrt.rid durins its wsent ses sion, and tcomprehend invwh ;sys- J tern the esUDiisnment-ui uuc u. sity, to becaliedthelTnivereiofTir ginia, and suc!diUona?oes, Academies and Schools as ahaltdiffuse Wbr,AfifV of Education throughout thejCdmmbn wealth) and uchlesA for the government ot aucn WrJ PwsIUo-ps. Academies and Sthopls, as shall woduce feconenfy pendituni fbntheit eabmeni mainteaance, and gpod order and;d cipline-inthe management www-V 'Thf; resplution iwas sentp to S4- nate ana ODtainea w5wwMVMr? )rC'i' f Jcl fn rof riniaJiaye parsed a bill approprjatin 4$$ ol the aeDi au? oy ws vn?y Jtvi fn fhft Chest tof the XdferarV Fund And thus bf onemnnificeut donation, Hpn two hundred thoani? dollawi is scene ot this uescnpuua, ;t,.v . vinrinia' hit awwT riyj -Ibrtiu rcbatoakeberbappy wasvaptainted. Juriajc Uamei it e: davi on !:h!fe'wiy toAnson Courts sp - Heri1 "Jcp5trt r.fdtKlaweoma, t&pml r FT , - :&XU. ? ,Kkfe rhMduties k" 7 v fii!?: ventured their siiccest saita iniecesf The Feleraru.tf:Kew yorhatb .miliated fie Bnn.;Riifus -ItinrW v . . , . , - c, ., - :Jji512L:rtL:L: f the Xi;& SehalieV as a candidate for legates , pvid briCVVedridar. itV nomimtt oextjPresi- dentaand a the, nextyfeiietpwflie tTaited States-- till js: ouArdent"w.to see aiPre&i- iR&abiidarVSire United in MrMn j(i:thcS p.epubHca1n;p N? rC , Wt notnmate! $7 and from U we, liafiu hexwtll haverednaW jbf the Conssphily safce ot harmony, tnereiore, 11 is .w ifbiitli removilpf the sett of governmiaf OW a Ocfobeynett; ha passed in both hoti-ofthe-legisIature'of tJiat SUte. r wrThe Co3)Ktnn5Qn Pleas , (saya at ChaVleitojU paper) closed its.term onv tfc3fttliide:Sith beljim ' thehonor ofoi through at one term the whole docket j an achievemenfnot accomblished by lanyVpf Kts predeces- sofs for inany ars;. Sevtrt hundred ana sixiy jour yeruictg , wcreyuiaiiicu on theassttej ''docket,' "manconfessions uboit thC best! talettts -JMider 1 hoped that tjovv iomunsaT, accept thfe Vic8nchic1t;w ;Knglana Jtlepuniicans, ana tnepany in r i VjTJ.m w'jiiwii-.-r - -v.. ot judgment, ana numepusTiontius i whbbointioiitngthble ; rv flnrkpt; -It Is eonndeaWocn. m.onrriToden men ofhjbacj Ip?rJy giying, torJadSfhitb an ele g&tpinner. ' i . - ! ; . ;; , -fe" f- ' 1 ' " -vn i r ?. ::The:ntraost indignation is expressed at Savanna!, upon the information Tsy letters blisheVRathilpla afolTnd tifodxCwA ingreaiinount orweighpadfiBn Id among UiC-cpt-t. ton!hipe&omGeotgia iS. Eartk(ptakfi Pi ISjtli -staniwoT ftm't difylt ofaif sartKuakd'weefelt t WestSn,Mas saclrosettatAt the iinie"of the,earth?; ; quake the air was calm and intensely coldwapy were awakened; frpm sleep by tfidf mo&n of thljBir Kpusfcs, ofbythe peculiaroistening Jt On.tho dat folloihg fisaorevi or cracks were V ifec166iarmf these craelri. wetfeakcertalned iio bK sireral feet de s T n0m JtieedVat Sunbury A Fincham.---. Atrfe formeilace the ground openetl 1asxat Weston, ( Sis TfttXpitii MaU ' failed .affjuti yes. t htr.Uv. veaterdav week. Itr. John Ro bertson to Miss EliabeU Bsltrop, . " . "!;. DIED,. '4'" ' Tberi,i a few days ago deeply re rrettedi Mrs. Hawks, wife of Francis Hawks, la BockinghaTO county, oa thelpth Jan. Rta. Ann Thomas,- consort oCMrJ John Tbo hias."; She was the daughter Of Geo, Foster, Ettj-rof Prince WiIMa Cousty Virgiaia. '";TcOKKOTCOT-v i; ' ' ' '1 y -At me icat jpf Pmon B.TunstaU, Ejwj. Rrotland llecf . of a hbrt kidisposition, Mr. nichardTunstall tl-Ir.rf. potsetsed a ffen- yeajaniy-"' r by a numerous acquauvwun- c a rctny - Jaa inoat affectionate -i-H.iidemUe it deplor- jt dUf 9npr. and branchiae in var 1 VI I" - hi ; rX HAIN r)CObKSXwdl b.fou-at; undrstoid: fthPresident w rr 1 v A . , A. - . . f " 1 . ...' tj r , ft 1: r t 00 I A-- w.