- trrwiM triTTi":TrT"J,a-i r r r- i t j-h - a--- j . -, n j i .u. T .jw-m l . i . --- - . - i -i . ' i -, . t3 .'- (fa V-4 ?t - V ,r-,- vr ii. v fmn frm afita- - rr-51 this out-' li2iS:a. C?3ir-- J ' V.IATEST S HO M LONDON. v7,j ;t- ' vOtft Edildrr of lhNewVft. i 3 .1 f U4f from kn oerin .Lord-wtr txr-tVi flctia-thc ilctlitemneVii, is "r ftuUishcd ui JthB London pipers. It C ' 'Uils.tht.'opcrtUonrtlutflettbe : f?Thefiettrow.(2lt of April) un- : dctfehtTi.. and whfen Wc shall (tuicjtw at Cali, in Sa.rdiAa, Q 50 from Xieace to Airier, to obtain a revision of a, . treat? made pj wUtf na Amcnca, ojr 'riAul'ef their tmrtaia thcDcy'f oorts -BV onrnriTatB letter arid journal s IVffbta Pns of the SJthVtbfi dar vrc i-find tha ninona?es said to hayc been iv indicated ir thfate cpnsDlracji are, lhtJ vHat theonlnion of their erjm- rttralrcidrjpses. ground.: There ttnf'arfd u copspiricj.'f The jio- Jencelcl. ihe; Ultra-Rojahsti, the un- .:fnwhtji..the eotfrtiers who screen .the- 6rilant, characters of the rtfola- Vtion (roojthe rojal eje, sajs a pn Vrate letters; " are the causes of disaf jnJcction. Marshal- Macdonald -as complaining to the Count D'Artoithe oth day of the severity if notinjas rtice'of tbe police to haaid-lcamp, . T vo was arreiet. . iic mj uc giuujr, jiald the Marshall but he h tio conspi ' ritary I dont know, replied the Count ;Vou may. be: mistaken 5 , you are jour- Sell -a mut revomuouarj. t am uui JreToIatiqnary, replied the Marshal, but a am a man 01 uie rcyoiuiioa. -Letters Trorn Leghorn .sar,- Lor.d ExmoQth'a late nroceedinirs have not git eaA. tKat!ncraJ tisfaction which inichtliave been crDected. The no- JLltitvCbnduct.pn our part ittre of . jjeiugiHujrcpreseineu aim , aunumeu ttf Vrivate views bf the friends of re- 1. fin: 1 W Ti:.. 2'- it.- TOiU.MoniJ.(r lautc, tuu i wc re sult of 55onaparte's Continental Sjs "tni? . the natural jeasousj which ac--compinJcj our'ejeratfed position. . . .yV: bivt jat received an impor iapt Private Letter from Paris, dated (the-27t&, pving very intesestine ac counts of the' final dawnfal of Talley rand and Fbache: They hate deci dedly lost the Rnyal javor. Blacas, it is supposedj tvjll come into power a gain. 4These.antertitiRg Iiettew shall appear4 to. morrow. x DiTid the -painter, was tried, con ' imQetlandnot, at Paris. t JTr'Canin has accepted tlie office xt President of the Board of Cun4.r0) ; and a - Member of Parliament in his atead i to be chosen foriverpool. tf Mr. Brougham gare notice of a ino 'tia foroaestruction.'of ile Trea sury records of tlie Income Tax. The -Chancellor ot the KicUeqoer said they ahould belestroycd, 'Hie 'object of Wr. B. is -supDosed to hare been nart iy to shew a uetestation of the. Tax, and partly because -it waf-improper for gojernment t ssesacnedule of each man's property. Ld. GrenTiller last night gave no tice) in Parliament,, of a. rnotioa for the next session,' tending to enforce a registration of slaves in the AVest Indies; and Lbn) Bathurst declared overnmeptto be ready tocpneur-in effecting the measure, j ; . Gen.? Chartrand , Ka$ been shot fa France, pursuant toUn'e sentence of Court Martial, tXvc : joining in the re- xuioa in jiarcn, 1013. , . . . Dldter, the chief of tne msurrectioi ill Grenoble, jUV been giveiSup by tw6 of bis accomplices.-' A son oflibissy D'Ahglais basben iArf.ted.. ,4Alo, Count de Thurs'r' ' . .Canlificoart Ja.'sald iff have been arj fttttd near Plriv anil xummitte'd ' to prison, ji . . '-'i-: ' Fducae remains in Germany and is aid to be occupied in writing his po litical memoirs. ' - ' ; v ' - ' Iad Hester 'Stanhope, fniece and coipwnloa of the later AVnw Pl (ac confinjoo"tht.Fnch papers), is now the heal ethtsetribei of Bedour lm .Araoa in BypL She has been an . extensive traveller ia -company! with Bruce lately tried at PAri.dnff a feeble," timid woman, has became a J i. L . . . 1 atroog uu vuurgwj Amazon, ..xier followers took upon.her as a auperior being ;.and she .declares she wUl ue er iorsakt themr- V -r : "The religious .and political fanati cism of the south Ji5 trAkeajoct with. Increased fum , -ry. Vte learn from good jmof1tyfthat jn the course of the Jast weelt gene ral rising took place at Nismes,hich terminated in, the massacreof agreat -bnmkef of, the Protestaots, and in ihe tiesxractton or uieir QweUingt. !It is conSdentljr.sUted that one half of the v ,!. iV ' v v. ?crJ v.vT7-;i7"-ri:jf ?-iiotrawv-i- t tW,. tofcrcaratti.. - ttfents:- waica paye aij,cp i imecoatains ne sum rr.i v By the fast saiangpngia, www arrived. At ihiir4?ort yrdaX 'Jxf3 dayrfram Bordeaux,' the editors i of the Mercantile Advertiser received from tnent' ll Prince Talleyrand returned to J-aris on the 20th of May. ! ; L -The Mareschtir'Ju-Charap Gruyer has been condemned to death atStras- burs for having joined the usurper ai the period of his landingia France, i, Tptfer; from Constandt of the 4th nit say that on account of the ice no4 mercnant vessel-nau cuicku kioi,iv. The Court of Russia had gone into mourning for two months, on account of the death. of the Empress of Aus tria. ' . .The report of Lord Whitmouth ha vinsr been aimointed ambassador to thu Court is wholly destitute of foun dation, " ' . - We hear from Home, that the -mur derer of Cardinal Doria's chaplain has been found and executed. , His death wis shocking, be was beaten dead with dubs, and afterwards quartered. The Duke Ferdinand, brother to the kinr AVf !emberg, , has been ap pointedLy the Emperor of Au stria go vernor ot Vienna, ana 01 upper auM Lower Austria. Marshal Grouchy is under trial (par contumace.) ; JDNfi 3. Marshal - AujrereaU, iltake of Casti glane'died a' few days ago.of a dropsy firms chest at one of his estates. The latest accounts. from London confirm the news of Savary and Gen. L'AlIemand having obtained permis sion to leave Malta, and tbat they have embarked for the United States. HAMBUBG MAY 7i , We learn from Vienna, that the Ot toman' Porte has a6cepted the media tion of England and Austria, for. the arranirement of some differences be- tween that power ana uussia. BRUSSELS, MAT 5. The letters frora the grand head quarters at Carabray mention, that, a very active correspondence continues to be kept up with Paris and London. The Duke of Wellington still remains in inat town, irre ngm wing ui uie Army of Occupation continues in its cantonments? ancTit is only on the ceRtrethattberehave been some move ments among the Prussian troops, on account of the'sreat review which is to take place to-day between Commer- cy and Ligny. dated Marseilles, May 18tl;atates, that in thevv beginning of that month, an insurrection broke out at Tunis ; that the insurgents killed the Bey and ofiered the' crown to -his brother, who refused it ; that.' they " got" possession, by stratagem, of the galeta and forts, and spiked the guns; they' then took, possession of fWc corsairs, armed with 10 and 20 guns each"; one brigi' 20 guns, lTOmenj one 18 guns; 2schrs. 16 guns iwith-which they sailed, tak ing witatThem considerable booty, and several of the,i principal ptliple, wip-j pbsed for.Cohstanstiflople.' i LATE FROM;HAyAK.V: p Baltimore f July 18. The new Spanish Governor arrived at HavannaTlthe 1st July, with 1500 troops ; he .is determined to execute fully (he king's onlers of shutting the ports against an foreign erga; mea sure very unpopular 'at the Island of Uuba. u, ... ;r ;Mivi. u. ti:u. V ON, GUANft iultlES. rom The JYer, prvL'ed TTtuhintonTGtk. ,-Amcmg thtf eccentricities which natu rally .grow out ot a high derrce of liberty b tht dun extreme latituoV mall official actthat emanate from the people Grand Jury presentments' arc the most remark able tor. this. - - Thcii' bodies bf citizens nave wanaerca :epoy step so wr.trcra. their original province, that it" may ,be, DerhshL instructive and useful for them to look back with, us, and urvey the ex (rexnc prcapui 01 jcueir aeviauon. vynat then is a erand iurv I . What is" the ohiect fthatlnstitutiour ' Aid what are its pro t Wd understand Ji tobe,1 In its Judicial character a part ofthe Superior Court fa each county to assist w the trial of causes. fvpu. uuv ui uuDiuoiiu cipaciijr lis "ovince arid duty is.4 general supervkioa . t the body of the county i to inquire and preicht to the court.all violations of the existing 4aVs, tharlheuilty may W pu nished. l"her laws proceed' oa the well known triiDr that' those matters la Which1 all are.equaDy cobcerntJ,Arill bo. attend ed to ,br ben. ' -JLesti jthtwfbrei delia quetiu should "escape; iTely througtithe indifierenceor 4aatteriUwa of the people a certain number of the 'mott teafuctablc of the dtixeas are periodScaUjesighated by lotasccnsoFsof thembrals of the Coun r., to uirAuL-e diligcnUy, and tufafota thelf corresporidentfx file of rrenca papers 0 thB - 6th'of Xune, which-do nolh6wVvelrTttrlusany of mo- ,ha,ve:they rooraia.oz ineir owu ,rrMV'r- rJ i.i, STtrWaipleasure iaany.WUtof the SuteSot contenJwithttwdpg. eutlciiof.ekistingaw undertake wpoitit outhowthewaougt to be madeAndey refobn ot rrmhlft themselvea so much of late witfc. th'edetaU of individual delinquencies, smce J. thev have taken up the wAorafrusmess oCpreseating.a State legislature,: Congress of the :Un5ted Sutesl the Bar 6ary powers or the Empire of Britain and Ireland. Indeed it U not to be expected thitso small a bod v of men, Who have the :whole weight ottne country oa their shoulders to praise the Navy.itojncou ragethe Army, to supervise the Nation al Treasurrand criticise pur Fpreign Di plomacy : ren; who have to watch bpam onihe ohe bud,the Indians on f he. Other, and'to attchdiat oddimes tq our own State Government; it is noto be expect ed, that.men with their hands so full can waste much, time on the trifling matters of their own county., The Grand Jury of this County have, hoxscver, gone fttll a stefi further. They, have undertaken to inform and direct thefieofde iohat desetii turn cf candidates to fleet hereafter, which naturally chough, (on'the event of disobe dience) may lead o the presentment of all the people of the IT. States j The a buse may be accounted for in .this way : in strictness, the Grand Jury ought to pre sent no offences b"t such as, on conviction, are punishable by the Court. But the Inquest in many cares hot know- imr which are indictable, nh?y of course are led to notice many that are not so; and thua having innocently, and , almdst ! unavoidably, oversteppea tne exaci o? dary, they nave since wandered at ran dom in any part of the empire, and e very department of the eovernment. 1 . , While this was confined to idle animad version on any part of he general or local administration, to speculation on political subjects, or declamatioa on topfes of na tional feelings, aitnougn unni xor a acquit, if was no more tnan;mereiy -jaie-anu therefore, harmless. After the fatigues 'of a busy term, it may, perhaps, have been a source of entertainment to the bar and the audience, to hear a chapter on govern ment : or a political essay from. the Grand 'Jury COOClUuing aiway wjiu wiujiu- i meat 'to the judge in the established form for hi attention to butines" during the term. These things jf they , were npt e-difying,- were certainly innocept. But when it is attempted to dictate to, or even to influence' the people in this jWay, the case is changed a Court of Justice be comes ah electioneering ground. We would wish here tojbe distinctly under stood as not intending to discuss the opi nions advanced by the Grand Jury. Whe ther they were correct or not, is a sepa rate question. Thej truth is, we concur with themria most of the positions taken ; but whether those opinions be; in them selves, right or wrong, we solemnly pro test against the method of promulgation. Addressing ourselves, therefore, to the high court of public opinion; rve do present it as a grievance, that these things are seen? In our land. We present it at a grie vance that ' Jurors' should thus jdo those things whichfthey aught, not to do, and leave undone those things that they ought to do. And finally, we present it as the w- ' I J tlL :.U W MAmnU- greatest grievancf of all, that so solemn- ticc, should ever be made the theatre of ao election canvass. P, 1 PHYTIC AND SURGEKY. TOE lubscribrr, through the medium of the Raleigh 1 Register, informs theciti- zeas of Sampson and Duplin counties that he. is prepared to practice I'htsic ahd bono tar. He flatters himself that he will be considered competent to do justice to those who may em ploy him,.' ; w. h. whXiams. Sampson county, July 8, 1816. 78-6w , JJ.B. Da. WixxtAxs resides at the dwel ling house of Mr. Thomas Morrisey, nin miles from Sampson Court-llouse, on the New bemroad. t W. H. W. NOTICE. j ' . . INTENDING to reraovje to the county of Rowan, I would ell the Land on which I reside, containing- 300 'Acres, abut 80 of which are dearedthe rest remarkably Well timbered, and plenty 'bf water on the whole-fit produces Corn; Vhe2tCotton and Tobac co, unme premise are a good Log Dwel ling Iloase and Kitchen, with a Stone Chim ney to each, a Barnv Stable and other smaller Buildings; and a good orchard of Apple and PeachTrees., I wUl take g400 in; cash, or S500, the one half in cash, and the other half in such property as may suit me,for the above said land and premises i . v , . "V . '.'s-.;EVANSj,' Vj Rockingham county, July XOthi 181$. ; 3'miles from S. Lanier, Esq. j f8-3t. wt oFiCK OF Claims , ' ' SoTirovlrtu losUcavtured or dPAtmii. Kit:: tTitAtstnf''j..ZLt-.zy .. Explanatory. sUnDlemenul rule. K 'la alt the caser; comprised in the notice irpm tc pince-oi pe 3d mstanvhe fouow Ingkh; 1etMMgalaUort,iiasiti?e obser: rctj oy. every cu;man via? F'N ter, la semce.atthe tmtttfufatii. pe.oatamed.v sue TMeiM! am ..w rc cate: faiirt egress isUle,. whether i any fetfUficate:r- herUoxcber.. fa relation to b clnm i .:; -Unaa been given, with? SJff 9 Iehfficer.i, Theclai. wtjBurt.fldettaajoji oaththatThe - f ' pVrsoa any uchctr -te Of inmcher,; If recelred. 7 ; buTrci i:-non-productiOrii la every case tlie name of jh ofSoer f ofnisbl inr such certify? : -WnniJ 4 .-r yhenever theerideace; on1 oath, of any' 5v.fItra.fitJieiihe4,8Ute a dc taxen. or uncttHrm A; T-jr'.ac., rruScttrl tiScktei f dWltyit citzU twin la what fwt ritcry;cx District C'r ftctiretheallcrsr ' ofl'cnsfoawilllpei: if .War. and forwarded (charg whateie4and tequila p rin for them theif PewOAiit ar-fttdeA by the-Coternmentiio-thtif ,gtnaritiy 4;: iheir;wouna;Jt: 1 War.Department, niaet.iMkiv u rri MR. -nhw-rlber announces to the PuWie, 11: thavihe coutmueMo tainent at her well known Stand M tuejiro o fFiiitMoTts ad, ia the villageof Aha pel Hilf, for the aecommodaon:Dd easej tnose wuo miy cuw w bw w . nroTender and honest fozers employed. h As some bf her frier, isandjbre t meraliave failedtoc4llM'j;W that ber house ws entirely fiUed wrthan4 appropriated to boarderafor ;. the JnfetTnai tion of such, she states, that She. has mr teen young gentlemen from College as day boarders, but as thty reside in Collegfshe hss it still in her power to accommodate tra vellers with board and lodging ar formerly ; , BLI&ABSTH NtTNN. 4ai l f7 i ' Wab DeVabtmekt, ! rats is to cr;yE jNOticR. THAT separate.proposals will be received jeparunent ot war, unui uje oi tnber next- inclusive, for the supply of all rations that may be required fori the use of the United States, from the Xsjt day of June; within the States, Temtoe.d. pistricts following, viz : j : r i 1 tVayne, Chickago, and their immediate vici nities, and at any place or places Where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruit ed, within the Territory of Michigan, the vicinity of tnv Upper Lakes and the state of Ohio, and on or adjacent to the waters of Lake J Miclngan. : " . v.2d.- At anyplace or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruit ed within the States of Kentucky and Ten nessee. . . 1 j' - Sd. At any place or places where.troops are or may be stationed, marched or? recruited within the. Illinois,. Indiana and Missouri Territories. - j v - v 4th". At any place or places where troops ' are or may be stationed, marched or recruited of Louisiana and their viciniues north of the wiimn yic Mississippi erTiiory, me suite Gulph of Mexico. ? i 5th. At any place op? places -where troops are or maybe stationed, marched brVrecruit within the Ditrict of Maine and state of New Hampshire. ( . r . .j . v ! 6th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruit- ea witmn ui stae ox jnassacnusetts, ,; i 7th. At any place or places where troorn are or may be stationed, marched or recruitd within the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island. . mi : . -vi"- I i 8th. At any place or places where troops are or may be stationed: marched orrecruited within the state of New-Yorc, north of the Highlands and within the state of Vermont. 9th. At any place or places where trooDs are or may be stationed, marched or recruit- cu wiutin uie siaicoi PicwTiorK. SOUtu Otthe Highlands, including West Point and wlthip tne state oi-w.ewwersey.- I Oth. At any place or places where trooDs are or may be stationed marched or recruit ed within the state ot Pennsylvania. , llth. At any place or places where, trnons are or may be stationed, marched or recmii. ed Within the state of nloufar ar.il and the District of Columbia. I 12 h. At any place or Places where tronns are or may be stationed marched or recruit ed within the state of Virginia. ; 13th. At any -place or places where trains are or may be stationed, , marched or recruit- cuwixnin me state ot jiormarQnna." i , 14th. At any place or places wher taops are or may be stationed, marchedjor Recruit ed witnm tne state ot Soum-Carotlna- 15th. tAtanyrpIaeor places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or rectuit ed within the sUteof Georgia, including that part of the Creek's land lying within -me ter ritorial limits of said state, :, , A ratioii to consist of one pound ind one quarter of beef,' or i three quarters of a pound ui saiicu poat, ciguteen ounces of bread or flOur, one eill of rum. whiskev or branHv nrl at the rate of two quarts of salt.fbur quarts of and one half Of candles to every hundred ra tions: The prices of the several barts of jthexatipn shall be specified, buVthe United States reserve the tight of inaking such alterations in the price of the comnonht parts of the ration jtfbtesaibVa shallmake the price. Of each part thereof bear aT just propbr- w rposro pricp ot-tne waoje ration. The rations are to befurnishe4 msych tauaa tmes.hat .there shall, tat'aU times, during the term of the Pronased )i.!,a;a. term of the Proposed contract- b';iiffi. eat fo the consuraptioa 6f the troops fbr. aix months tn advance, Of good and wholesome provisions, if the same shall lie rtniiT! it- lsr also to be permitted to all andievery vof the commandants of. fortified places .oripoSts, to v seasons, wnen tne same can be transported, or at any tim, in case of Urgent cy, such supplies : of like provision.. .a. shall be deeme proper. . i7?'. -t - iltiv understood that tiiA rtviwt'T Sa A.Wia at the expence and risk of isiuing the supplies to the troops, and that all Um the depredations of the en em v. or hv mnf utuui uie uiiieu states, snail be paid bv the United States at tfie pricof the artj. cle ! captured or destrored the depositions of two or Riorr)' nSrnh if uiuic wiaxacters, anaine certificate of acpm-J mwnea omcer, stating me circumstance of uic.ao3s4 ana tne amount or the 'article for which CoeiisatkishalI be claimed, f -' The privilege is Reserved to thetr.tc of rebringthat aeae pf the supplies, whM "SL LS undecany of the proposed extracts; ihall he lasUeaV untU thb 'suppUes which bare been, or iri9trhi rnm$d,w.ti. the contract no in &rbe, have" been ecisum. ecretaiyofWar T tui The ajc,w Mifrn? Vtyfoft bftmmeV01, hemtrP en purine flames. - the nvl-k3r e Co.a thft-coiner ofthegl&lSr ' W a contimtation of patronage fo?tF$ ,Crta and cusmersarid ihe puhlicat JaSt ffWR subscriber ttj : lLotaf which - he occVs toW; which is occupied Tanl?f Ut Torterbs, apply 'W 4?$ TUT, Coxxx'ssioirsas foierfect;4',l. . tlesKto-.the;).OTS. 'iameToeVLfi ' buGivs NoTicx. Tkt they mUt' eTown ofLmisburrbnthMS tember net and, continue to'hijBSi-Sf8 day, andset upon their oWnsjoum give.Titles mSsuch as may SSS law, f9r,that furpoie madcPP. Unde - - WuiOreeffl : :V&bmi;$-& ' Katteon,4rmi - Jordan Hill,-4 $ v2- and Gen Irt wh,chj3to.,gW Reaaing; VVri k metic,.;42nglisn 5rammai and CenU! MiicPrto taleedleWbrk. : ' i. w wcFiu sauries will be illowM . the Fresidentltd fiVnf.T Li l0Tca l7 sea. . NoTS-Theapnual Examination of the Stu drtswUi tomm on. VVesdavthel AUgUSt next V ...yqj 'ONE HUNDRED tWjff- M lars re ward. I AM directed, by. the commanding, offir ;of Artillery ft , tbe harboTof cS S. C, to oTer the above rewardj together" wi5 M rojizMejxpepses for.thi, apprehension and delivery to him ,.pf the fqllowi deserters from thexompany und,er my commaiid, to wit AacHraau) McEachi a private, iorn iu J.hN C.utsaycarsold feet one inch high, of fair complexion, blackhair grey era and by. professionia.Schoolinaster. He de! smedjBxim jfort Moultrie, in the Harbor of Charleston, fn4u!y4$. . "JHAtM, aptivaXe,oorn in-. abbMf2years';oJd:1fivefeet.$ inches high; of darkcomplexion, blackhair, black eves, aaJ by profession a Ubourer. He deserted fitm JFort Moultrie, ii August 1815. . Riaak Saa'pHsan, a fifer, born ip South-Ci ite .old4 feet JO inches high,' of-fair ebfnplexion, sandy hair, ,b!ue eyes, and hypxofessiou a fifer, having lee(j la the servic thirteen or fourteen yeari "He deserted rrtMpultrie inSeptgl5. Jaxxs Sr Anxs, private, born in Caswell, N. CNabput 23 years old, 5 feet 8inoheshigh, of dark c0mnleion, black Jiair; black ejes, and by prfcosjon a labourer. He deserted n)FortMwltrieinKoyenber, 1815. . : CtaARiy&ftCHasTWodi), a private, borninRd tberford, N,Ct about 26 vears old, five feet nine inches hirfj. bfswartnv completion. dark hair, grey e) es and by profession a black smiths Hdesmed from i-'ort Moultrie, Dec. 25, 1815, ; . ; , RoBxaTEAnr. a drummer, born in Rock- ingham, NJ C alwut 25 years old, 5 feet nine mcnes nign, oi aarcomplexion, sandy Hair, blueeyes and fcy profession a laboiirer. He deserted, from fort Johnson, in the Harbor of Charleston,..! bp $d of March last, C. aboat6 ears bid, 5 feet l0 inches t$i, ox oasK complexion, niaca h:ur, blue eves, ana by profession.. toou'rer. He deserted with Orady , " NATfUff .Gorman, aprjvate, born in Hocfc inghamV hfvC, about t0 yews old, 5 feet 7 inches high, of fair complexion, tlahk. hair, blue eyesv'aiid' bv profession a labourer- He deserted frbm J'ort Jolmsort on 22d Fe bruary lasi V - , wfrjX Thomas Jsxi-s, aprivate-ThisjnanM ingheeh trsferred from. the'Rifls Kegim withbut any' descriptive roll. l ean elve noae- count of hhn, exc ept that h e tleserted from 'ort Jopnson.pn?the 3dbf May last. , . Jqbx P,jCHAMBttis. a wSvaieborninFf son; N. C; about 26 years old, 5 feet 8 inches aigh 0 fair complexion, dark!h.$r, w eves anddbv 4rbfession a hatter. v Ife ddsen- ed from Fort Johnson on the 28th June last i? Joh Cotx, a -private,- born in Oj-ange, C, about 34 veara old. 5 feet 9 inches lush, ! dark complexion, black hair, black eves, and , by profession1 a cebler. He derserted wit6 Chambers. V ' 'aiSLTtreoDwaD, a private, botn in itte,: Virginia, about 26 yea old, ;i5 fip 10 inches high, of dark conipleo, light, ha', blue eyeJs,;.and)y profession aiabQiirer. He. deserted from Fort Moultrie about the 1st & this month, July 1816. l a . t DiirxisXJRADr. a tu-ivate. born inTlockinf ham5J-C. about 20 years old, 5 feet 8 inch ' hifih, of swarthy complexion, light hair? M"E eyas, add by profession a labourer?'- , -' Owwr Orxaax. a private, born iti H Iifi Virginia, about 29 years old, five feet eleven wcoes OigU, ot fair compiexKMi, Waca iii black eyes, and by profession a labourer. -, AajfxBRM; a privates borti iw' ChaUisia -C. abqut24 yearsbMi iS ftetvtencb5r r'i li.vri'-? 4- ' .t-t iiml hint J fi" iw 'cvwpisxion,t sanuyMf r. eyes, and by prbi'cion a rlabourer VW man, Overby attd I Dennis Cfady d50 from Fort Johnsca:ri 3d July instanL k 1 A Rewara ?.f TFTtf Tlflt.T.AT?S. toeett t- with aUreasonahw expenses wille paid me apprehension aad.delivenr of each and very of the above named deserters to tfce Oiiamanding Omcerbf Artillery, ia the 1' bor of Chleitoaorto anv bthet officer & Amyfth United States. . ?on5hsba, iuly tW ?-:'3-fJ 1x' Si 7 7'-. X'v'.-.., ,

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