H - . ,, ji j ik. Jr i - " , , a . - 7 - - aMMMmmwmMMMMHPOTMww 'i' . , . PV ,. - . .. . . 1 j . . iv - ' t,... fit- i.t-".. - j r nnin'Tr 'Pr,TTHT7i rTiTHiii m n r.--:;. ' -iKt-.n .k y.""!"; 1 w-. vrt.--' 5-. rw- ....wo ijf--.Tr .r ,.rTJii ?fri-P : J.!?4, loia, r-A":; j '.f r :. .ii: nftt fltilv. il TK enioy wis iiijcrty r. i 8ayr.ia laai- we 1 1 irjaii Close, l nave rernaTce,. tuai ?inipn thpnerinlp vL' there, ht'tfittiAmnti tti f -Tl SSW UafcvpaUy now SSr Jot fcr bauonil Jb- ty. ajuMtr t- bt aTrrVinall.pTt.cf5hrpTtcnramu Blty..TcVe arc a rt ;and attiopat U the utxie bU.Prpricv 3st, hooU render -the.' tribute- cf pafctrtied . .tr. Hav ia-thc.ouict posjrssj paisage vttettd brrfe iplrd Psalmist . r that !Tfc passage aa wbii I alludeHthis : coce to the Jewish natioc, jt may, never theless be. applied tv.XJje United btatca. Keeping the fpjrit the, pai&agc in view, we cannot but nWice theiiaod of-God m all national iTri and.the peculiarity cf.lilshand WiCTreci-jousiBy the hand of God. I mean his agency 6rjm)vdcnce. And. atthoogG m?f btt'.seea ia aUr.cf bein m obviou., there ' arc . few, f any, WhArefte. in iomedrrecat Icu to ac- lnowled 5C It. A It i. Indeed, by the opera? UoacX God handler by thexercjse of bis proridence, that be'eansea tjune to exitt, creature! to act, ox eTeiiti to. take ; pltce, .'SValUMif induiring'. how Jiis provi: Scocc fcii ihft natural .world U set-fcrth ir the scripture ; we irja jejt bieryeVthat la the moral world. .It U re p'rtscnteoin auch'Jacyaatt aa tliefbIlawlnr":-.Thc Kiic heart b b the. bxd f ihct Lchl, ' asiheiver of letter h.tometh it Mjhl therrvet:he vUL' A jnan Jiearnleyls cOi'his wayjbot the Lord' direcutb hit .tepiU.VI:.Wai ,ive. (hem onei heart. He turneih t5cir heart to hata, his peojde, to deal iti!elf , with bis 4ervanUI -Mark the tohraseclorr : to ceartwuetr'witn bis servant a, 'VNTieb Pharaoh;', King of Ejypt, therefore, once said, come crt,,Iet cs deal wisely i ih the ehildrejL lirael. lcat thev nn(tlp!y ; let, us. concert, tnea-; furo.wlicjrhy. their fctura, may b6 the ttrrmcr add their bonae renderetT per petual ; who docs not see the hand of God? who docs not discern bis providence which was then txcrcied In such a way as, most effectually toaccore and exhibit his own drj- in the tyrant's destruction and in the, dehreraace of this people ? And - when George,- King of G real-Britain, bncTat teropted to' tnake his cnlontes in America." morcKrnsibly fl the effects of hi usurp ed authority, bv subjecting them tontcgal 1 to hich,- tUl then, they Iwd always been considered as entitled, who dees not race, e ven in ihclrit and conduct of that king and hh counsellors, ahe hand of Godf. ia ether wordsVihJirovidcoce of God,whid was then1 operating in such a inanncr as eventuaJlyitomrnpic tnc pnae-oi unum by deliteTine the-colonkrs from 'their or. pressionand a4vanciogthetn'toNatioiial exktcnce, aavereigcty and independence? And who doca not see the hand cf God h the spirit and conduct exercised by the txoole of this country, in relation to those eppreisive edicts sued from' the courtn Britain? Every fctrue Anrrrican; 'every painoi, every rrai aucut v i whaterrr countr-; cannot bat approve the Spirit by which uur fatheiTwere mfiucnCri ed at the coramciKement ox tne revolt etonary iiruggler And if the hand of G"1. . tttobe seeQ ufthe kindliajcf that splri . no less is it to be seen in thijse remarkable ' events and transactions tout took , place" d iriog the bloody conflict, and for which that spirit prepartcj them.And a nit Astonidiing thinr it'ah in the prcvidence cf Godv that.liruahXcd at they , were, to contend with uieUgiooaof llritainYtd Sustain such a" coniiict, tliey shpuld nerec telesa be anintatcd wth courage and un daunted resolution tb iuch. a degree that tui priVallocs of case'br cooifort, no suficr ingsof toil and paih could for a moment caue them to relcrtt their undertaking or : thriak from the noble end they had In view, najnely, the liberty of their country" To secure thii Invaluable blessing, it wax J etpuaiiy'ncccssi'.y tor vuctu w.ue uiui cA s and. considexibe what evidently, was ttic design ct Meavcn Taai Ainenca snouja be ircr -the united srnirii. which tlrcirnrfc- vancd.nay be view td afonctif the special Ithli country forpaoi -y. " . Thus the band or agency of God cp tPA- hrth trv til ft CAr.nirlx that'influerltl V I vert perfetflY'fe.' X eontrlatin; thoa-e !; Hir itt-the ouiet Tosrssj"ui, .a H G0d bAtll not GC&il W irjuninr h. Xhcuh tfuVtaemVAracle of the Divine w'fcrd mir seem lo have a primary refer- IT M v . , i with an ardor for liberty, and uniting them at the beart-oCcneinipin thia thing; , but also,' In. raising up and qualify in in ah extraordinary; manner, such as he intend-, nhnuld bLnrincinal aeetita in accom- Inllihine his purpose. I ullude to ttie povJ II- .. crtinf with which' the men composing the congress, and the men who led our armies were, at iJiat interesting crisis, almojl instantane ously inspjred. Shall I menti nOie hames of ttiet venerable men? But,:ihf our Fathers of the Hevoludon, wherp are t!ie- ? and the horoes of 76, -do they live forever ? Yes; For, though most of them have deceased, they still I veidte hearts of their countrymen, and their ine.norials will endure rochout all generations. It was notj'I repeat H, it was not a fortu itous'drcumuance or casual event,. but tbc special providence TJof God, that ad vanced Gcorg? H "ushirigtvnQt distin-guy-hcil pest of cornniander inchkf of 'the AmCrcan armies k By. the smn.e special ProvUcTicc was h'e ih'iclded in tbi day of battle, Ami hi liraes of inlminVpt danger. By; the &:inie divine influence, Was hisuo ble;jniind supjcrted amid those perilous and'aiuictive scenes with which he was (aiouitr, and which emphatically tried mcti1 9utiU. i It was the peculiar hand or agency of Gixi also. Hat suggoted to Washington, such a plan of operation, particularly in relation to the Larl Cornwall, as tfTcc tually h waited all the ttfbrts of the Bri tish coainfandcr in chief, then in N. York, aud so eventuated in the capture of the Britisharmy at Yorktown, which put a glorious termination to the war. Another idea' suggested in the passage, if Wiis observed, was; the peculiarity of G vfl's hand in Kspect to us as a nation. I mean that iu the providence of God as ex ercised towarih us, we see such evidence of his goodness that in a variety of respects, we may say, Heiiath not dealt so with any nauou Here we might notice the j country itself we are permitted to inhabit, j fertilitybf ta scil--the.aalubrity of its at- J ncVpherc ; lie- pprity of k$ waters hs! pleaanic : flr . Eituaticntbe means' which hw.brds fto'- mUuitfyvirtuc and genius for tke acquisition of wealth,' res pectability and tame;. VAnd If in these rcs pccu".w.are distinguished dfrom most.o; thct nations : much more so are we in 4 regard to the government under which we lite. It is n t a government of Kings and Nobles, who in all ages ba e general ly ipurned at the rigaUtd'ybicli reasona ble creiurej are cuuded, who have consi deid the people as quita another and in ferior order ot beings, niporUnt in no o .tner icw than, as they might (being emerge Jia ignorance and blinded by le iusiouj sene the purposes of their ambi tiou and cruelty. No, thanks ha to Ciod ! the government under which wc live b al i - ... i LgDvenuiient oi tne fieojile themselves. ; In tUtlr Holies u the power placed? andifat any'liurra Cliange be necessary in thead mitibtratruu, it i with them to effect it. l at cun tiii be said of any nation now op al" the f. tee ot the earth r No: Whatever history relates of ancient republic, or uioscoi more recent onginrhc fact is, that not-1 a vestige' of them now remains. Have la tUlStavoured land. The nowrr i j government, however, might I j hie hands' of the people, and y ight be vested in 1 yet that gov- sJrament, owuig to the nattire of the coh- "uctulon;vOperate.uafayorably in respect (o CUcrtJigtotis liberty of tome of the citi- xensv isLatcs contams liothirte that can eive anv jut rduud of offence to any tortion of ci rix envwh ate vcr their religious opiniooa may be. Itsccurci all, ranks of citizens c very, epecica pit right : it coinbines wis- dQULwiilFenenrr. and connects the di pity cf the goVeiTiraeui with tbe safety? and tiappinciVof. the icdlridual."'No one on" accovmio; iu religious tenets rendered Iioclfgible'lo any office cf the government. If a man prefer one kect ordeothination oi.cunsuaniio,another. heis welcbinefKd 16. do, and If he -choose: lie mav eert '111 hrs influhice-to render it .the prevalliniri .m, ut .f rf'.t "iir.. SX shmcru-of rcl.igron'or torobiMunhe fru: ecixjse iherwC! ; Truais ttsit iAt t Ji. C li-i .t., eu- reqnirea, tne.1 the sooner It w uakhowa'ia theVald. t mvher (Erectly or iadire&Gy,iaav .bciis-'ju x. 1' .' ' v wucr wr raaniiBu,; uuraitnougn -.tlie frieWlr.thahid;T;prVte Vut Ahc(cnt ail venerable jsuutJo;,. -na give iublJc tbiuiki for their reviral ia Eu rope;',tho prominent featiijxs cf- tnat re-; ugton axe t,rueiry jtna opnrcsiiou. And 1 hesitatd not txTtiim, thut't iu infiueric till enjoy ifiUineit 'MUblctting; Here the peculiarity of God'ihand is especially to be noticed, ror tne iact neea not, oe concealed, ; since it cannot- lie denied, that' that liberty. for(vwhichApuri fathjer fought and bled, has ag iiii becTtattacked.1 and that too ty- thV same' government whostf unjustjmeasures hadformerlyioc casionedtHe blood of tbQusands. loi. pur countrymen; by theyry saihe bverrim'ent that had. recognizedihe libertyUnd iftde peiideiicc of this country. ! What were the motives'of the British government in again attacking our liberty and independence, it is not difficult to cjou jecture,. Britai.f had indeed acknowledg ed the. Independence of America ; fur this obvious reason, the. could not prevent it; and s trotn, thatrcriMderition she ac knowledged it, it did not require the spi rit of prophecy to foresee that' whenever atvopportunity stuxdd offer by which fche might think : to compensate 'herself in some measure fir the merited disgrace 8c mortification jw hie 'i she, by her on. fnlly.i herself of the opportunity. .Opportunltes in abundance have been given hen either tom display her friendship anmagnanjtnifty, or to exerdse the spirit of hostility .t Whether she has generally acted fthe friendly part towards, the United Stae?, or, for a serif a ox years prior 10, mediate war. martifested a very unfriendly: pa"rt ; you are, fellow-citirens, fully'competentl to form an opinion ; because .the facets tn refa'tion to the conduct , pursued both . .by I Rmrland and America towards eachlo- tner ever since tne penoo, nj mc rcou tionary warfare ail before you. Let 'it suffice to observe here, that acordingj to the septiments of republicans, and fede ralists also,' America bad sufficient cause to declare war against England, who, for a loner time past, on the ocean had been carrying on war against the United States, Qf the .'justice of 'the war. indeed on the prt 01 tn unitcu otates, na one enter tained a single doubt in whose breast re mained the smallest sparky of TcVi The situation in which we were as1 a nation, left us but onejof twolhihgs to choose 1 eitncr tameiy to sunenaer our.ngnts o Britain, or oppose her injustice by a resort tocrras. Thepeeple, by their represen, tatives in-Congress, chose the letter. The manner in which this w,ar was prosecuted you all know. How strictly the rules 'of civilized warfare were; adhered to by the United States, and in "what respects, and to what extent they were vjolatedty Eng land, the river Raisin, Frenchtown, Ha vre de Grace, Hampton, the city of Wash ington and many other places bear testi mony. How the national ajni of govern ment was impeded in" its operation thro the opposition of the eastern states, how that opposition strengthened the .bands !of tne epemy, proiongea tne war, an,u conse quently contributed to augment the na tional calamity, I niecd not inform you Aior wm jtra expect me to.speait parti cularly of , the bravery idisplayed by our army, or the valor exhibited by our infant navy .' I will just remark that both have deserved wclW of their country, and re ceived its cordial approbation; They have indeed given the world to under stand, especially the legitimate kings'! of Europe and their parasites, that wlne er their armed host- (which ;are only tools of oppression Yebme in contact with fthose of the American republic,1 theyarjb rare to be overcome. They haveamon Ishe'd the enemies of freedom abroad and instmcted them at home; and haver, one would think,, convinced., thera that'-hb counsel or devicecoF their can ver 4uc ceed in wrcstrncirom 'the sons of Ameri ca the legacy of their Fathers-while' t)i6 God of their Fathert ft with them: Need we particularize ?. See in ther west', an ar my of British" veterans' pht to -'flight'.' and ujv opvurc oi an equrc Dntisn uecw-i uc, like was never before But-to " shew y$i farther hs fieculiaTitVoi GoJL's hand, ?te in . a little time after ft similar exhibition 1 ry . . . . r, -r----r-:rrsz . i-.- ravourotthc Ameridah: Ilepubllc frT;if it "weTepobleVlioweVerrr-thft spirit bf 'ui.terpctibntr.Hea ' erowaiy ct z f heV: sign resienteclaa; it i(i iciuauc iuici ouwu Vbuf.dntlclpate meairiing r-aiid supple leau mitrated in thecnce: and. ihuredto ail uxc uqirpr c: appyar.oer.iaitjf; I ubtl'detaand en;ranceV balibulof re-1 Scarcely :gttuxid -l ttle.ensue'sw Whatt! result r On lYorktw "which 'terWiihaiea tHe'revxilu-i txiOTI nw fT -U.AO 11. (UUvlH( I ." T '-' i . ",- r' " l . - 4 . 't . .:' j c .).M.-.Vwt,t-,wl,....i -iixniin m ,ihe north. Another British'army van? "quiCTr'ahoUierIiritbjh' fleet-entirely capture :d.1. Col'td m6rj? bbvibusprbofrbe . fsriYen ot the'sn fir nrhVidenrsof God Fn r nn suia n cue ic-.i. 01 i-wa fceaianajb .wounded ctherbeholdtfrqm riSOoVtOOO'TrienUedwoundedi'a n.Jtfbrisdne'rila'erilvyjihecene'iat was necessary in therevolutaary war in order to success," and V.iaUip: tthenited spirit which then" prevaUedrhe ba6d,pf God was obsfervablel Every bodr Snows tha in oiir late contest the spirit of Union i has tpeen tarv less remarkable. ?WhaU shall wersay ? That the bV vlo4; hath been less conspieuoua in -tiu alva' tion of our republic? No, verily.bnf tliH more so. $ot w LtKstanding the - bat ' seemed to be divided against itself, ?knd by ah internal faction ' was threatened with destruction; it hasi blsed beXJod! it has. been preserved f., 1 An anecdotet)ccurs a aiy mind, which Iwjll now venture to relate, k gentle' man -de voted to the. cause of true religiou, remarked once when ainpng sonie of his religioul,friends, that it had soaaetimes seemed stranere to hifo that the" Dl tine! Being should permit the cause of truth fb i be assailed w.ith sueb virulence, and that too by a number in the world of considera ble abilities. . It is, replied one, of the company, that the cause, mifht thereby more manifestly , appear tp I thec-ause of God ; seeing, jiotwitliBtancL ; the most appapntly successful weapons are eni- t 'pioyea against it, tney cannot destroy it ,; alsoto renderthe bandtqf God -the more conspicuous intlie final oveithrow of Sa , tan's kingdom f Tbe applicaon is eav Itvill only remark, that, God In his prcn; .way as should convirice its enemies djait its preseriwtion' was not to-be ascribed to'any waiu oi iuuuy anu ihchtis on in;ir part to destroyjtb'at to his hand, alone, Arid ii must r;fessed that God's hand hath conspicuouslysnone both ia the salvation bfjbur 'republic; and in theconfusion and disgrace of iU,e'nemi?s. Seeing then fel low-citizens, tnat we naye been remarka-; ably favored of God, jand are still, and thafhe hath not dealt so withany, nation, who does, not perceive, naywhope heart is not impressed with'a. lively sense of he obligations weare under to; give jtO the Lord the glory due unto his name. It hath f)leased; God, iff regard to, national pri vi eges and . blessings, to make us a peculiar people;! Permit me to remind you of the brated Judge and Prophet in Israel to die chosen tribes upon some: recent manife's tatidn of his gonessto tliem : . Only fear the Lord and. serve liim in truth and ;with all your hea"rt,.fof consider howigreaJt; things he hath done fir you." Yes,?niy respette& friends and fellow-citi zeus'-ct- lis jadore thd sovereign of the n? ntversei; For.hts laws and institutions, let us cherish a sacred respect. Let us re pent of our fngratitude and fear fii good-? nessi! Let us cprdiafty receiyehis osptl ; the genius of which directly .i,-4itrary to every species 01 oppression, ana xne sa lutary influence of whtchr amongst a peo pie, 3vill render them truly formidHl .4 to kings, and ata happyr remove from the" terrors of despotmn. . Poor, afflicted and now distracted Fraice,' may perhaps yet discover thU U at Uo.dis.tantperiod to: come,lying;nor on an,rinC!u, iu i rtnnerjhtit on I&raer Kms. ise. from wtl . VTr'f 7. . , . ;e -t t:t Tf au iro tne uegraaan(;;anQ concern infn wh eh- hef orinressnrs have .:.hrniiht it her,' and exhibit - a- glory yh no usur j per- from- within norcp'ltidii of kiunl irom wiuiouc, saaii-pe aoit.eipser; .VI am Sawareil-' ifc-jfo entioii t$. have advanced, objections ihay 1t :Sade Ithas bpen inUmate-thkt'thttse)'' liberty or the rights.of'man is.a rJcaiisr rt dr.. Whv is the Vrc valence vof thiicakseWr: umitea r wnyxircumscriuea .wiuun vioer.. narrow boundaries of the United jtSK .Ifit beTacaiise thatGod approyew. ehBnldvhe hhi pirofidbee seelja'tofortl t uiuiugencrjai'ijvicuvIir 1. -oniy -xvaucr u 4ujc&xui u , uciuyA9s&v. An objector mayas;vh if jrgio be the rauseF of u u, wasntt o.ncetia-iQr, 07 long n: lime QOMded roqatipn-iM p'nt tiinittjo,: tl.pr' ieuc6f c;ause eveor be retainea ax f 1 cy awornx that! shall riie.: utifit slMXdditheDiritf i wiuj uiy uue4i!iiejav pe nuiuaiea .So'lhat m ifLffiLlttn Deaair40x wuicaooa uaaiiuniiesceu.,y is -'i JDrobation. Eut J f soV rebliesTati obrettr uon pt-the cartn r uut rayrnot imiaroa ieclkrnsh'et, rhade'i against iriieeUgibn? rtlihetaiispomi- iiberff ll pre-V vil ib -iAnd'Uiat: the eartlsh the feet otbrr ;hUiat timeiViUv:exh ?tlfy -Pofn'toilt Tiref retuestiohi 1ablehe;the:tia&fgvw eveiv be retaihea:-at I fF bywornU-at rtji,r;;v f ' "'e a ? ,-.r, ..yy tm. BmmmmmlsP ?w i. it Mi ii'- .mi fn'.i. M ii iiii.i- mti -y,.i.-.it;.-(ir.,-,iwii mm-fv. 'r''' 1 '"J1 ' T demand fctiJiaVsin'ire iegatdta - "t" C t remaV not ii ve to se&'tlrose day i I " xi r - ram s cmnaeni.iney,wni4irnv'asi am xnatnnavvxovviittiiau opyfcstoa uau on erth'JfeUdV-soldieW Wdcotn'paniona t igether in his cise.wiUretfder'onr rjtiset- mgtjoyful tp ail ternity-.'vb 'C r y Abjuxah l3rs..G t!aii? Cmexi ,lXtoffiei,tonformahly iaa'Resbajn of cpjunjn ixdiich each commissioned officer-was ' v boniwiUIbfthwiihberejrted to'thrioince. By Order, TT. PAUKEUK sf IrusfcGtn. s -V Oii; HUNDRED & i)OI ' Sic. to offer thfeabo-vi t eward;together with; . aii reasoaauic expenses, -ivr uieaoprcuisjonj . and deliveryto hiin;df tbfoUowing deserter rom tbompaJiyrunder rfly pommarid, o)arir4 i, Arc4u4ai.o; McBeHf ,a!pr?yate,orn ih filadeti"N-C;ftbou2eiVMffetinBdhch hioffacbmplexnblacfchAir grey eyes, femd hV ftrbfessJott Sr.hoolti aster. de IferteatioiBi Jforf oue,ine Harbor, of ChirleVtfhMy,lSl:-: itxtWtiUtBsfii pyAtbornjn sraneavupon jue jimencan rrauuuB ana - i r n v vT 'tarint&fc oncludroy ftiMt ; - Jt tHetmaysaUrealeibeIeWae 1 that!p'rioud-Jibeceve Uy Princeof Peac 7jv tot iwbW tin?e? ihaH v : y Ibe no more,wii :usy;we imayuectiogeiner in that woridlclacredBberfy hU'fece 451 nirectea, pyttnft;conmamrmg; omcej Ofi Artillery theliart)olvof3hle3toni dark compietioju black hair, black eves; aila - ,t' by profesiOii a labourer TleNdeseriea fronj' IfrSjwaiSa fifer.bjornltt SotftbX:a rijl'abnuCSveark oId5'feetnQ inches bk:hi of fair o-npjfexioq, sahdy tiairiC bluft deiertedToifh Port 3lomtne .Tn STeDfM815M' Cj4KsiitK-;aVpTivatebom'Cii- v Na 'abouyear9d5ee of d- cpmplex;b, and bvitnfession'aidTiWerifie desertea fiB ForfMouUnelh November? 1815. ' " caiaiES uoixwxJODi a private, corn in nu thejrf0Fd;CabeW26; y.earsf oUfiye fee$ ninVinches high ofswirtny wniplexionrUrIi eyes, aifi uy wuiuu a iiicrf Ciaviiif jjccm ii thtf : servicemrteen or fou'rteehSearX ije sith. , Heo'esertedlnra Fof t Moitftre, pee. , A wif ere? evesstnu-. Dvtxrarrssion uiucib , . HffBiRT .UKUir.xuruiiuiicriKjrii i l imwm "&v. deserted "from' Fort . Jtohnson, in the Harbo WChHtontberrofMarelrUstv - 0 w-Kfl Cabon 26 yars.xta. -5'feetXO i4chea hittli - a pioavlilkbablueeyesiaait V-.- . -!. T- ' , 4, DyTroieion a laaqurecvr Ttte aeaertea' witir "SSSJ " V iLVOTlliiLV Hrf a I'd . 1 iheheVA.igbof laireonexion,Mark' bair- hkie vesi aftd bv nrofesaibn a labotirer.--" .c aeldeserlnnvFoHobn W knbeea ansfeVeid -frombe jRifleTeginaent , A:' l pwiuioiif anjoescripHve roi can give noci .? t $ 4iiTO;!bffair. corapletiorvdark .haur, vJiazHr dj-k :: t laiortj 5biaphalt lac Scyes oa - VlotteVulboul.2& veirs old. 5 feet Iff lucucs iugui oi tiaxjtxpatpiex ion, ugnx nanv rTtfgttut'2iyi feet eleven mini 0verby? and; dbnrtls ,Grad v, de ertedf Witik fort Tobasbn on 3d July instant. 7 1: i-A j reurafrf a tiTKN i it 1 1 .ia. ics. torreiBcr aeetedmprCModltrre abdatlhlst f , 4 J Jtur' . otswarthnlen lh1fiir. hltrrf ' . I -eye aMTry pitteIon'a labourer . , " ? yt . i 3tPjBViWTWpiatAv borttiVaaUia ' , Witlireasotiible -expenses will be paid fcjf ; ? i . " ' theMnrehension and dehverr of each and' , fveoitheiAalkMre" named deserters toe; f rcpmndihPjherf " V- porM gntTiestop, or aayomtr oiucer in .', , the vraylol the United States-, Ur jc 'ft' I- . 5 - l 'A, . "7 If -J, ' f ' v t ' r ' ' )1