u-x-i . errors rcr nuccn, r-;7uic i d ilr bu'.Jrcd and ninety-tw6 ocllir. try Saturday il 3 w Z Sua, ', iai4' njr-1 v i ;For boQixs ana . premiums, uiifcx -C. rrir at', . ;uTt. ' 'i - . ' "-tyj ati-irfl, rLearc.i- - c . every'.! . at". "v'jTcv It" he It " r-v. .1 4 ! 1 1 .1- , 1 r - ; t i ill: if1 It I 4 mm w 1 e aim a 1 il l f . , T'-., a' ' 't TVhat charm cw rife the r. Trofti thee or pn-st c f rfs gitf .rare i iuuij- ruiGAncc c rr.ay f ' Tier ; s c?rra tot eVerr trh seet Bible Df Uesf etemitf HI rhi3 A joyful son? ofcred praise' . , A person tetrerQll f known by the name "bf JCaptaio .Granivhose .'extraordinary 'rajotfiaenta, rendered, him competent to jRchif y e hiuch good or evil, after trying cscajfed, by mcanf which, appear mfracu- !cru. from, virio'aa Jans, was wmc time - t 'wiineeioxrdin that cfMarybomugh, the Wr capital oi the Qaeec! county. Here, be- i Ja aounaantiy loppiiea. wun money, ng trcateJ the prfsonf tuch thing as . the pUcc. afforrd I 'repeatedly told thcctilT, a ucH ai'the numerous pcr- "icnt wTicrse corjc.ty'iiiduced.thera to viMt f.invhat,bc would elude their tigdance. In dclarce of eery. exert'on thev could . hiake; ' iFhe discovery that he had cut bU , irous'rearhr throogh, leaving "onlyufiR- pnt remaining-to keep tjcm toget.rt anxthe utkuticn of ottn ofnnit . '.vJ $ rulartrttght and tl.rckne&, diclrtiqt up- pear tbtliicoocrrl hinv: he laughed at the tftal the o&C4frf of the detachmenf, which hadvunluCtd them to take lodgiogs oppcajtc tne Tu,a a mcjstirc oi increas ,cd stxurltyr' rhe night auerthe immense irons were trot on hinu. he-cut - through .AnJ txrlles ci t. r-V . Tkitfurn tie dire s"f s.aanJ. wc v . J V TVTufc ocr stale of Ufa may .be, ' ' , r pooi or rich,' or ICv or fre v T. i' ' i-t ' t filill aarVsrb beirUL-U turn to Iter. ; a c7iim for everr rrief. . V - fc TftVaa-df our Siticr M our Ud, ' ' v . '. feoaoa mv onpaxr,i liirf HI ioe7r .--Aa4 cry aufi, ibau ruj;irr wine ' r jn CbT? Jl ?a?ch from ly.'to 2y,' , For tlby it triibu, tWusi & iie fia? '.them, and throujh'thhse of twenty -(wp o- ther men, charged. . iih capUal offences': "v I . fend rushirg fbr wjird nt their head, kndek . i-eddown two soldiers i !tioned in rhe pas v . r ibin the turnkey and his assistants : . aiKi opening the, door, . the t key of which he had seized, knocked doVrw'two rldiers who were th outsldi cf it, ancj takJog Tv V tlidr armsras he had ;d one. those jn L9 ' j assige.'raa down the street' with' ibz of c 1 - 4 fv Lis associates, crying atop thief,' till the : jaa. a mffn con fined fct debt, and who was ' taking tea.withvthe'jador, ran. inco ih ' passage, an4 with great presentexjf mind . shot thriroa Wte- bvk' which tncans the fcd shfourb the cbumrr oY' Ins denreda tionsk Tn htaftr he carried off Mr. White s Coach horses Irom . bcqtswratii. ,rcteiMcr:trathand belaix: hexra . fnltted Tnbbcry rteaj Waterfbrd, st,xty rEnlhV Ues disiant, and returning: with hcWr4?ial rapidityi plendereJ the hdnse Mr, noranclosQ to Mary borough vjf e iJfy artfcle'f Talce, air is hia general , practfcK XTe. H-tometimcs nnmerously ; auiadcd; aml rm bthef occasions enly by . ne or two'irtr ohScrrev that he never VEigat cxa ox mo'tciocs wu;ionn nciy ? prercnt .and their trere ; remanded to ' therrrfcirmer6 quarters. JIl;- escape of Grant was almost immediartl w dmclaim- I f ;i'.' :intd.aU, wlfith Js literally thr casefor I ' ) hc ilepredates at night Tilt, when persons ( I V , . - V . Ail? rheir'-ruardY nd fiv AlTe time his r " htftines is actompmhul darkness favours -rfts escape. : So pen5rsl is the alarhtvoc - Llterjd. by this catll aordihary deliriquent intv. and manr in the doujnics of Kil-! T.-icUrc, Callow, Kilkenny ana Wateiibrd, t urc oanicacea uusa, ana-Uii vac ioiiow "ing'.'mcrrilng,; scarce any drcumstaijce touM occasion T'& ckibritW openetl in a . district in Justly celeUratcd far-hospital!-vty; and stiU o tsaimatcdly alive to it. At v r oocof Uxpbcnises vwtwlfew das since J i :i y ."Pi' vntu attenaeauy 12 men, wen arm V I '.' 'hc "P1! i-,." atthq T . hu'fssotiates'wtre;: ciug upail ' the . C Cimgi. theccoidved prtk bepg car- V. Xrj act Baking approfyriatwtns for the srfrart I l ,V St;e;fbr4keeonathaoaaiidigbtJmx f i I A V r ikfravirg tfct exuenses oFthe' milfla- fy"cstkUihmnt tj tiTa TJnUcd SratrCfor tiip yea one thcmin4r;jfiLhunlrtJ an4ll x'TuxirtL'r. the" Indian ilcturtnieSit -fcr H t i Kruno, ns- tonnecxpencesfcroie tJUh. I ;hchdingsfabAVc3tnint,ijid:r the l? r.pcrcnasc U-maps, plans, ccIarandjaW iv J 1 j j trx3aeir fcr the or Wury nWemyM rl - I (wVlplacthcfJIovwntevViHit t 1 if tie are borehy respectively, approprii, i? : t ted.thatisto: . ' iifft.; nj; - ycrthepaycfaxtnyVcftSe,. linked i I 4 fkstes. iic jntllifasvioe imndrcit jrt f r-MX thousand Tour hundred and fcinrrr- FortuUistencs,ooe militia tKhciurul ihrei fcuittfrtkl ant) fift f Ian. ' - -. i il Pi-tee Thrct Dollirs thousand dollars.;;-V .: t - : - j : it ndhundredTand tviuousana aouiir rnr th Indian dcnirtrtent; two hQn ? -For tife purt" ise of liorstf-r tlifc ar tillrry fifty thousand ollar ; r : -' i tur tne purcirasc ci cnap piaas; inWlncladin g- ar-ragwQneihurtdrcd and.fiftea.thr . ."it hundred-ilol- .For th -;jae of rn"ap?, : and inr- ntl ibr the roil: - acaae 'inndred inrdby :te war, lmivtvt :.:-t Wo , thousand 'on. ahd se nty. one'dollars. jFor L : fraying the expense calling' t the militia during t' in addiL i to the suras here? r - appro ae million nAtpd h , to that bb?e : - wohundr ! fT:v T'- jul dollars. ' I V Ear pavmeu, , .Urges' sustained tyr I the -ships '"and vessels sunk at the entrance Uf the port f Baltimore, to prevenithe ships of the enemy from ' passing the fort and entering the-barbor, hfteeu thousand . one hnhdrefc eighty eight dollars and nf- ' .".J?; -V - i j nr...- L i i.il j jn. i c . t 1 1 1 171 Tiii i iiiiarm UT" i in i i r iiiiiiir: aiiu ui srn.nf,l,:iTWtM tn r"w w" , . ; . ferrtd to oOj otyects. . - - : occ v.jina oeu furtnerrnaciea 1 nai - . rJ ( . . . . J -i-3 F 1 ed by this act shall be paid out of any mo- nies In the treasury not otherwrse appn nriatcd. H. CLAY. ' ' Sfeak-tr 9 the Umtte RepTttoaathki. JUtUN tTVJL.L.AKl, Prtsttfant of, the Senate, pro tempore Apru 29, ltti6. ATPUOYED. JAMES MADISON. An act riiakinjj an sppropKatioii for ertclosing and itr.; rJvfng the puolic stjuare, near the Caoitolt'and to abolish the omce of com- mitftioncrs of the publ.c, buddings, and of suprr irttenu ent tand 6r .the anpojntment of one commissioner for the public ;bu Jd- j ; 'KBe it exacted 6 it the Senate andlToute of fieftrctenfartve cftke United State of jimxerua in L ongrcu atsemcieui liiai a sum hot exceeding thirty thousand dol lars, be, and the same is .Hereby ' appro priated, to be applied under the direction f. 01 tne rresiaent 01 tBeJunnca, 1 cnciosmirauuimniovinr;Lnc;uuui eatt of the Capitol, which sum '"shall Ce paid out or any money in tne treasury not otherwise appropriated. . r, Sec 2, And be Hf ur$ker enacted, Tha,t so muclvcf any act or acts as authorises the appointment of three commissioners ivr the superintendence of the public buil ding be, and the same Is herebv repeal ed ; and in lieu of the said commissioners there shall be appointed, by the President of the United StateiCby and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, one com missioner, who shall hold no other office under the authority of the United States, and who shall perform all the duties with which the said three commissioners were charged, and whose- duty it shall also be to contract for, and superintend the en closing and improvements of the public square, under the direction of therresi- dent of the United States t 4 "Sec 3. And be it frther,enacted Thaf there shall be allowed to the said com missioner, a Mian' of two thousand dol-, lars, to.be paid quarterly out oi amf mo nies id the-trcasury not otherwise apprd priateaT' . . v ' Sec. i. Art4 he'it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of such persons astnay nnir ocrn appomiea 10 supenntena tne repairing of the ptiblic buildings, to deli ver up 'unto the eommissioher who shall be. appomted in virtue of this act,' all p! las; "draughts, books, records, accounts, contracts bonds, obligatir - securities, and other evidence of de'Li ia their pos session which .bclone to their ofSces. - Sec5. And be It further enacted. That from and after the third day .of March next.lhe 6f5ce Jf. superintendent estab lished by act cf,Cohgrcss of first May, one thousand eight hun'dred and two, shall ceatz.-ajid thereafter; the duties of said oIBce.shall be performed by the comrais- c icner to be appointed by virtue of this ; and to vhom the superintendent shall f dUivcr all 'documents, iecurities, books. twju. jjcr, rcianrjgo saiu omcc; and from and after the third of March next, the commissioner aforesaid shall be vest ed with all the powers -and-perform att the duties, confeired.cn the superintend ent afcresakij f. : -v. 4t--Scc. 'And be It further toacted, -Thaf the Frcsidorit cf the Unktd tnt.. khiiti be And he' hereby 'is authorised1 fihdcmi powered, in repairing tjjer public twildings i v wc wijirvvsuiiin'rn to-make such oheratfans'Li lb?pt as thereofJ1 tvet,iaji he'shaVT' i udtrfv 1 mTf.: fntt, WttcT accomodation of twa'houses CoYTgrr thePreside: . t.ctfUha United A'tTliNTjiON n - -: OOMEofthtr 1 iMerlvbefon'to .O Tile th ; oka eers ; hatejibt rtturni their ML" :vETbVand-sl anibotit ;o ha ht Ar-i5 dearied aivl tKnibmed.'tliev niu I do to sooV o 1 shaJl he undqf the:ne;e5aity oT hringit ugalasC'thera i'l am 'toidl Airosy'rAnyeraon who Js them in possesJ r.rr.t,4c. htindn FcrtV.j c -r: anq mstrumrnti tor tne war omcf, iwcu f t-five hundred ilollar. ; f " v Tor the erection obrii!cKrijrs at Urest p . nu tnerjrancus departincpts of th gorrnrnent. r r jny cf thehv." ' ; f April 2986. - . . ''. , (Sign: 1 15 abore.Vf' a- r r wteMMaaM ff"F rem Warfetofi; JFslkehert V4d ton. '0rkt6BsIelg)vVr'l U tear Tairent lrfire . la(eigh yery day ifcnoon, ,n. 'i Luve it ivd-i-Warrt .Frorn ef Bapks'rand Arer to FaVetWille, erery day,'6amies . A .if I J wVi: .dekrb erenr day-atll p. n. - rrive at Favetteville4 the next day bi jA teavaFaretterine -erwy'ay atLp. m. and arrire at Kieffi xpnrxt uy uyj.f.(v k, LeaTeFayeville erery day at fvu, -ad arrire; at Godfrey' Ferry by lO'Pv- ?vc podfreys Ferry erery day at 2 m; and ar rive at Fayetteville bv 8 p. m. I -i" & From Suffolk, Va. Cv Sufibury, to Edenton, twiceatveek, 52 miles, t: t' ' J 1- - Leare Suffolk every vMonday. and a aday at 7 a. m. and, arrive at Ederfton by 4 p m.- Leave; rklenton evfijaesday and SaJUlrday at 4 a.m.andafr4TcatSuffolkby,6 p..ci- From;Edenton,jby LeeVM.Us amt Fly. moulh. to Washineton,'once a week, 3.8 miles. j ; Leave EUlenton" very Tuesday at a. an. ana arrive . 5nnigAv v- 11 a. m. Leave Washj.jrton everyWedne day at 2 n m, and arriveatEdentonbnThurs- Pmn .Warrenton. Jbv GrovehdL Jones s uav oto pjh. . ' . ; - f- SrfifliJJai, Nort Anion c h, Belview, Pr.nceujn.'Murfreesboro', Winton i, v icason, r - i Pitch Landing, Coleram and AVindsor, to I LenWoncel week. 162 miles. . . . ' w .B,miJt 6am. II' LiCttTS , If WIWUVU w Jf www. T T arrive at Afurfreesboro on Sunday by p mf and Wintonfby 6, and an 4 at Kdenton on Monday by 6 p m. Leave, Etlento' every Tnrlv lat fi a m and arrive at Varrebt6aon TKiifM.rl.v Kv fi n m ' i I Fro;w Edenton, by llertfbrd, NlSbnton', E- Lbeih, Jonesburg,Indiantown, Cumtuck c h, Tun's creek, N. WH Bridge, ;a. gpa nrt Ri.,rl- in Nor.iilk: once a week, 96 Leave Ed en ton every 1 tfeSday at 6 a m and 1 Aivi VnrfolriMrrv fodiv '& 8 am and ar rive at Edenton on Sunday by 6 p ml. . to New-lbanon, once jL week, l milei. Leave Elsabeih City everj 5a urd y;at 4 a mandaxnveat'New.Lebanon srmedayj by 1U rive it Ehzaetli city by tip ml ' 1 Frorti Norfolk, Va. by Deep Creek,, foran ges; itifer Bndg'e & El4zkbtthCit, toEderi- m. Leave .ew ueoanon ai , -wm, jmiu 'Wa,W milts, wee a wcck, .-iuw. Tave NoTldlk evcrv Monday ai o a m ana From WsntonVrT by Gates ch to Sunbuty, 27mdei, once aweck: v . Leave Vnton every Monday at oa m and arrive at Sunbdry by 3 pm. Leave Sunbury at 5 p m and arrive at Winton oh' Tuesday by 2pm.., ' I . . I : ... rroiju aruoro , oy urcaivuic miu. asuiii" ton, to'Newbemk 85 miles twice a Veki Leave Tarboro' every Thursday khd'Sun- and at Sewbera on Fnday and Tuesday by It a m, leave INewbern every Friday and Tues- day at J p m, arrive ai vvasmngton oy lua m, arjd arrive at Tarboro' on Saturday and Wed. nesdav bv 7 n m. r . ' From .1 ferboro', by 3aton Bridge,'. .w. 1 1 1 ' 1 It 1 A lull uiu niuiun, iu jyuptui y i uuee wccn. Li ave Tarboro every Thursday at 8 a m and, arrive at Duplin c h on Fr.day by 6 pm. Leave Duplin c h every Tuesday at 6 a ra and ar rive at Tarboro on Wednesday by 6 p nf. ! From'Murfree boro; by Windsor; to Ply mouth, onc4 a week. 1 Leave Murrreesboro' every Monday at 4 a m and arrive at Plymouth by 6 p m Leave Plymouth every Tuesday at 6 a m and arrive at MurfreSboro' by 8p m. From Warreuion, by Williamsboro Mer nusvdle. While Flair.s, tioalien. Mount Tir rab, Jtoxbury,Lee,bure, Caswell c h, Le nox Castie i KockinghVm, Mount Pleasant, Kocky Springs and .Gcmanion, to Salem, ortce a wtsek 162 miles. ; . iave y amnion evrry, Saturday at 4 a m, arrive at Merhtlsviile Ltv 1 did. leav lit 2pm and. arrive alalen the next Tueday by 1 0 a m j Leave b ale m' every Tuesday at 2pm and arrive Tat Warrenton the next . - ... 1 r . . Friday bySV m . , j : From Haleieb; by Souther land's Store, Lcmav'a x Hoads, Merrlttsville and Stacks- vitle, to Ihilaboro , once a week, 79 mdes Leave HillsboroVevery Wednesday at 3, p m and anivt; at ft sleigh' on Friday by Ida m. A Leave1 lUleigh every Phday at 2 p ra and arrive at; Merrittsville! on Saiutdv at il P m,lepan at 2 p ra, and arrive at ILliabo- ro' on Sunday by noon, , i , . ;.i : , From ndfaboro. by' M'CawWa Store: Anderson's Store and High Hock, to Lenox v-asue ?t muea, once a;Wetlo. ,. , , L Leave HUsboTq' every iMonda'y at 6'a m and arrive at Lenox1 Caatle by 6 p m. Leave Lenoac Casde every Tuesday at 6 a"m ana arrive at Hil labors' by 6 p'm. ' j v From Bsleigh, by Lhapel.UiUj HiilsbdrqV i(ason'a Hal , Haw vlf AUemance.Greens. borough Martina rule and Dobson's, to Sa lem, 121 miles, to. return from Salem bv jamcaiown, uretnsDoro , ) Auemance,:&a. once a weekvl' r r ri T'.k I - acavvTaieign every. oaiuroay si 4, a; la. arrive at t!llsboTo, by 4p m;depirt at 44 P in ana arnvrai aiem iuc .ai 4 uesoay by 10 a m. .Leave S'UtraeveryATuesday at p m ana amvc ax itatesira ue. nexxrnasy- bv V p 1 ,From5a unUviBe,Msmplmde anaHotrtonvillei so diaaesviueoocc wa;f o mil.- a vu'H . : - ' - - iFroja llunttviii by cH,Afartins2j boroV iamp.oovte rand onverawi Wilusbo Aalec:b,tnc a w V Leave Hunisvihe atwet k, 120 ciJia:-' fll svilie everv Vednesdar at :$ From Fayettetie, by counsels, iL,umpcr fm.ieetTille, RcmlaiHlVrahu-W'a.a MaTonc B. to Godfrey's Ferry, Ci 1 1 arf ive at Edenton on Tuesday bv 6 p ra. Leava piavcs, iu I r Edenton every Wednesday at 6 a m, and ar iCSquare, jf -IT. ,f v'nLrnfy on rhutLiv bv 6 d m. i ' yijw'.iiTBMtw Anr:uayva p m and tbel ( artif e at 5tateavVe on A nesdav , bv 6 4. II v. W ' - . 1 . . w. - . 1 cH p. XeavepdesyUlefjByMbiuUrbf 6i m vVl f aftd amvjlit eattmiha next Tuesday y lE tOC IT Whueniii. Uidffeiey rerry ana um ffluwwawiiu weti-ym-: -. Uev ' :; - ' ? ; ' 9:S;Sf fv"Le . a 1 n every Tr.: 1 ayt2: w$i rive at-'iabsbury-iiTt Ji.c r Jay $ ajpsr rive athariotte cuTtrsdan rUe'at Yotlt;th-lie1ttjriaav &tW leave1 York chfeveryawrday at 4a m; anl af-?"e at Salem ttt nrxt iesdayh lOaitaJ 5mtsfeivilleViiFaUstkwh Mill, Mvidenc;6.cajr,flCritfXor Findl eyvilW tcaster SjnoV ftiUlesurg to. Camden ' S. C::119 rraiesroilcerVeefci fliCave?Cl8ipSTIIrT CXJ ,iiuujij-. , mtind-rr Ive at iamdeil Saturday! by fk iave Cimderf WerVSundav itfra-m I and arrivi at States vdle theVhelLiTtMaL Ibyp -t,. M'-'M ' .t From. taietgnr Dy?ew-.nopeonoge.. HaV-Uiver, Pivttsboro' and Randolph cfto; And arrive at Salwtfuiy the nei Tusd7by; 10 V in. t,; ave JbaJisbury every' Tuesday at 2 p r m and arrivcat Raleigh the ext Friday bvlOam. ' - " v . ..tT- ; Prm Sil1cbnrv'li BrherrvStafeSVlle. island FordMorgantowana AicKayyiue tdshvjtle, odee a weekl$t4es. 1 H Leave Salisbury rverjr TuWday at 2jS m- arr ve at. Sfatesville on vecutesday oy o;at raf, and arrive at AsnyUlethenex Frjdioy 6pm k Leave' Ashville every Saturday t 6 a m, and arrat 3alibury the 'w&.t Tues day by 10 a m..r i :- . :t -. - F omlPittsboroV bv LiberSv andLGardner's 8ibre. to Lciinertbo. 65 miles, once n ' twct wekS.;, ; . "';!;;-; - Leave Pitsboro'jevery ojherlondayat '5'. a in, and a rive at iJRxington onTiitadwy, by 11am, Lf aye, Lexington at pm same day sod arrive at Fituboro. oh Wednesday bv a nm. - vr-j. r'' From SaLaburv by"J)onaldson?s, Mount Mourne, BeattieU Fdrdi Kead4raJiam4 J Leave'Sairsbury every vptbe'' uday5 at 2 pro anrarrivetaLVVVilkeibdrQUtt Friday by p;jmlives Saturday ptoa at art ! arrivt al.'Saliitry the net uesd ' by wlO?a Vtf &TX&t From C -s u iotte. h v,BarrvsvuleiBeattie'a foid, SnuihVand'Huoiersnlle, tqtba16fie once a week; , Leave Charlotte every Tuesday at.2p nv and return to Charlotte on Wednesday by j 6pm. s, , " ' -: JfT-.- From Ashville to faywOod cli ance in tvo weeK8li:;..r,:. ' -.i:' Leave Ashville every other Saturday, at 6 a m, and arrive at Hay wood-c n by 4p m.r- leave nay wooa cu Utop ia ana arrive at Aabyiile the nextJay by op m ; . From rayetevfjle, py- Moore c n,fTysoo rrom rayeiyrvaiey py aioorec n,y ysoo s re, WaddeirFrry and Lindiey Store, Hi ll.oorouL'bl23 mikai thence by- Clover Sto to Garden; cu, .i ivisuuruugu, xaywooaaooTpu, ttefc's Store, to Fay eUeviUe;." 83 ipiti a week.:- . L: '1 ; ' indite i.nce Leave FaVetteville every Wednesdav at p hi aiidT airivcf at HUlsbo.V oa Saturday by 2 p m. Leavi tiiijs borough etery Monday ai 10 a m and arrive at Fayetteville on VVed neaUy by Ia.ltt, .- i .... ' From Fye t vdlei ! by Moritroie Ki'ch mond c h; AVadesbbrougbiAlfe n 'aodl av Mc in ilea. Uavc;ayeteVUe everjh Ffiy at-l, p mj and ai .-i ye at; Salisbaryc bn .Taesdyy.-i 1 0 ai na. Jucave oaiisiwyevery i uesday at 2 p. m and arrive at FayettevUle on Friday by m. From Fayetteville, by Montpeiitr Lattrel Hdl, WiBfieidsville, S. C. Clieraw ch, and Camden; to Columbia, thrice a week, 149 miles . VSfh ' : " ' y Leave Fayetteville every Monday;iWed nesdayand Friday at 6 a m, and arri'v4at Marlborough ch by 9 j) ;m leave Maribora c h every Tuesday 4ursdsy and atiigday at 3 a m and arrive' at ; Camdeu by 9 n m Leave Camden every ! Wedneiday Friday I iiAVfiuajr tu kuu rrrrc at woiumoia -oy 1 pim Leave Colombia every Tuesdayt uu4.vutjr auu J 1 U 1 VJ y II 4,Ji B IB gqg aiTlV'C at Lamdeti by 9 p ni. Leave Camden every Wediiesday Friday and Monday atja m, and arrive aVfVlariboro cb by 9 p fhLeaVe Marlboro, crii every Tiiursdayh'atL lav and l usday at 3 a m ahd arrive at Faystieville byrpro ; ; ! ; - V' H ' From Warrenton. hv ' RmmmV r- nr'At Arrington's, Fhtlip's Store and TarborqV to i oLb'a Brioei thence by Tarboro' Rocav- mount; Wesiray yilie, Nash id h, tih'i$teye and Hansom'. lh:idge, to VVarreaton, once weeat;ymiiea. .. - ; : V 1 -vut, Leaie Warrenton every Satnr&ay aeami and arrive at'Tarbaro' on Sunday by 6arn.' a-eave rarorcr every iTburday; at 6Va m wiuarriTc at v arrenion on Friday byo rj ra jFrom Washington; by Bath, ohfidam once fcweek, 85 miles. ,f W&J;s3. 1 tave Washington evertuohsi m and arrive at Lakemdingi bnruay !- -r rnM,,fc0wvvednes; day at 6 am flod arrive at tya&irtMoh 1 bixrsday by 6 p m 0 9jl r- !Trpiniteieh,'rbiXhirrxj?n Leave kkirh frfrv.,V.,... jsV ana arnv at lash c?h cound.ihV ifrcEr Lesve;Nashc Irwryvarstia andkrfiveat KaleifcUon Frrfijt y Wjnajnnto Lwnympathnd X7Vr.r' ponaav at jfytti fit arrif at Sjcnnerno. -iK 'MJVfV.aW..sJ; JHT-Veave SCUDnemnn or .Wr -iL ft "Mod arriveiat -Haltfa btfFrida v a im . . t - r w w Auuua sr da fIe.ViUlamh JiM aTiR,t7ant jac Auley;5tbreisfto?FiYiettevUleSll2 oncetaTweit4.ie-;-4 .''it'' aarnre;au Fayettevili- ! Fayettevilie sroki;to5nI 4vcytteviMeVViti 1 lirtXn&tAlUhA CI -Lea?e li wbern verv Mon'div f .0 k by 6 p nvi.sve Smftrvil' :vy fc ;day ij ia tVe" r Leave .Ncvrbert? iery; ctktr Monday atS p m anld arrivcVjSt'ljaplm c h the nsit vva jrieaday by-lUlinv 'othetwyp-i Frn-I?brnbyl ' J4f?isvea1 a,2' P W fe .-.X? aurti on Tuesday feK a m and avrttf t: 'NurSTn vi j . 44- !keavCmstoC it;nH andarshc - &ejrrSa,ardsy at;6 ami sod ' ; JonesbMblmilePncew S r , aea vr risqe every aaturaay f 1 p jtf , andr.arritpyijano ioU' tTh.rovery: f btirsclay at S ' am and arrive itAthe h en Saturday .by ijj T.iPoBjs the rnaifs:ialttbel&es departure aj any. tjrne during the cntlnihince df the C4mtrsjihftprevslyxat4p adeguaB; C4mieesajtfefvexia txpensW' tha:nyecccisiqntd itety. . ;:f - 7- .' r . wFifteenifiotes pening .arid cIoslngibe inailatijia oflSi where ntf pjtolarme js spec&eA,.-.C y X For every thirty mmQlesdelaVfuBahlV uic .uKJ5u..JKxpieo in arrivingatter tne iraes prescribed in aycmncu'ihechniev'i (tlifcffde-;rf tnrdeliyt ' continue untir the a'eparrBrcr.of any depending wherebtbe m tending maiUffrip if rp shall biheui, urrlest it "''ialisjIeV to appear tha tbe delay, ws Gccari6ntdvby uaayadable accident y. in ttfhichxaie vhe a mount of pay for; th tf ip, wilh 'Vn kt caUi, be forfahe5in;rineoC; VM 4k--. Persons, rtafting proposals aredeslred t' sfatetbr'prlceiV.by,: the year. TaoseYwhqf ' Contract will receive -their nayarterlfia the manthf bf February, May, August and V November', one month after the capitation of - ecn qasrter, r ' , y - , ' .St1: No o hef ihia a free wbfre person shsit be employed to,iconvey .tbe mail. ? , j " 6. Where the proposer "tntends ;tbconv?y the miil in ;he body of a stage carriage, be if desired tarstxteit id-blpilopolala,. vj V 7. The - PnstJtn'&atM1 r Caea rirw himself tbe right of declaring any contiact at ad end Whenever . onfe fsilore happens, whicts v 8. The distances staied are such as hive' beeo communicated td this offibe, arid soni:of ' :' theare'doubtless tncarrecti 'on jbts s5cr ;X 1 the conractertasr infer in' himself 4 no alte; j ration i1I.bc msdsx: in the pay on accouht ctT ' any iwr dhius -respecx, -. , . - . pt'Vf.?.!' : 9 Toe contracts marked tbiis are to bVini "operation oo re lstJay, of Novembar neJft;. ; and all the others on the first tsy of Jsnoary J ooncracts tor routes m iyortn Carolina. arC:t-'.- :,-r-V Sl-ii'j. V. lM:A4m. ttmmUj.t V utiterarpost 5 flm;stibscribei having qualified atf -E.te-s 4Ja:chtbrtj theaWiilad Testarnent " iJerrymBenrb, 'decat '.the 'last County,, vyurv ia iuri uc ouoi-y-or wasn ; rcqnestar . alUhose tihdebeiT to telState of the saitf BerrtnjBellro, df. in ifriake irrmiediaUe o a rn. ana arrive at iewocxa Uie next Moh jJay aflO a mt;tS .:Af ' rSfom Ncwbers,! tTrent'BridK aid TRn- fjid Esute, to bring them forward proper il authenticated, withHi the time escribed bV! I", "i .lawpr ti.js cbUCe will he plead in bar of the,;? sWcover.;; - V ;::- ' t m NcountyAug.rl7V 1816; ?8y 3ar SHOCCO SPUING& M lh for sale !teCounty withi one a-d a nalT f opnngs, and 7 mifcs south i- lwelhni5e. whieH' J'?toi AhntftO acres of the abdye UndiJ eJeateti ;of .(ch U irs tolerant orrorcaiifvalion. There. La on'ihi. - r witttiittie repairs, ; might bemade eduallper-' ' fW inW county The sod of W" .rriir aaamed Icr the etiv v fIci .Cot Wheat and Cottony Po?fe rra PiV lo wtsawgTd J. Jones ' or Mr.- ;. rr. iS?r Wy - ubscrber; living " 14 i . v l fv