Wit. n ! 1 I'll J ' ."T . "A"?' ' ?tl i 1 r-V. I i S' vr 'i " iitietoWoditer!at;7 believe itLnlonf.'iVcrnraent fJCtlsjrelv, hvifh hfarae for ton "jLSUQJtf fcntfr opto' little italcrVwiU.-? hpT Travelling lately through the wk ar'rooycof--;coro&K-cr6::s.1nj mcntj (com that i)(Jr;Vt do wn WArds; tvy I have ducoVjrrW. ami, iro 1" brtcticeand ba, been evoc since the fids bcen;cqpfiijlr. negligent orth ioter 1 ihfbrrnationj i otner am -U!r he raQchsKQrtcWthc M .Mtlc thVf are iniiaaUy-xisca bythc, ftrme r$ cir coantr.o savin; .r, rn if corn trerc at -.liajf a criW-the' btKhelj ,tl present piJe i of ferns' nhoaltl cahtimJV.i ' rtf 'tbat:nevr P.ncei.naTc urC. ai; fxjmcr did nrs'tock'of horse? and cal tie do their labor with somucHcac i 0 themieltes.and plMwre to me never were lhcrioJealthy ona ao wen look t. i"Adoubt list fall whetlierj shoald hate crn enough for.imy bwn consnmprloD; drove roe to the experi ment herein. reUtedand a falutarj & profitable" one I bave'found it it en jilede to sell everaf hundred bar rclrofcorn. Mr )tfi? dder I "carfttlly saved. Be lad it cared - as green ria Jhecorn tVoald allow t : thU w!a.rTio foOil that fav hore were-fil witfu; I hadit cut ; pretty fine in'a coramon.choppioi;loxf filled a large trough with it; and over j rt;aprinUcd some watec.aad small) qoantitvo! bran or sbortr; thia they j devoured 'with more voraciousnesi than I have ever witnessed in horse i at their food ; a refase of thebut-end; fould a'ometiae be IcR, when I had: It taVcn.oUt every nicht and morning, uml grxentathe work caUleand milch rows, ' vhich vould leave their other : UhuI of lar,tssk or straw, to fight for ; fhiC :ire yiiii, that at my dwellinrpl" - 1 . a - rfs ' I.I 1? I III. UU UVIIbl V tiv. Hit 11 a. frJlDn WC CUIlivaia 3V,wrv coru jn ame- war. x nan as croou a crop 01 m m 1 -P f lover and timotliy hay as ever went ar.'o a hor5e rack, yet 00 much did ihy turrs prefer the rchop-stuOy'that the racks were seldom empty, notoltencr 'tl.nn onre, anfl at mot twica'a ivf ck. , Home'will ak, ulicre axe wc all to ret br.b or shorts? I will tell you low I cnt enoosh.to last mv horses I f om Christmas-nntil mv fiuhiog lor j albavwxU be cnnopletcti. Jtsiwin-j r l had about a thousand bushels of M jndiCcrent tvhe.it of thh precc:mff ear crop, rtich I had nianofscftirctl j liar 55 flour and fold, the wan anu nhorts - .... .1 7 which Jiaye,?upplied &:e ever strce; ; ;j;d are not'vet all nsed 11is plin 1 1, trwihlr. or to whom it m;n W iDCnv- . :0M.'lt. ift-'Mi a mncflr.ct hamlj and bv the bve, a better ubst-tutc. ' Vnn on lav meal : and one quart is n inW imrv for one horse frt the day ;, .nil Mi-1 I ,Iin'll is certain! v'.mnch Uicipcr fha'ii ttrentv vrari of corn for. brn rhnrt en.uefnnd crinkled wiUr Ijc cntamtrniir.a.ccrmw w 'ftfcf3Tinof ihoufnntliTcntK ns 01 c5r'a't"uriTieccsWIy?vttClnAcc", r)i;inioa,1)uUc rf suit bUnrcxprri n tt V.orin 0ie;prc5ctit: jeam aj i 1 1.1 vt? more i,ianuvwifYHro m-? ladrc-U(l axir!lo'un-aml ciht rfork'J ften, op my dwelling nUclaO, and Mrice'ChmtmifJ noCqnebbclof rorb hav the nfc, unlrs by my thre roid hi' Many of my n labours 'uirtcUr y'orj that wV fro ws never looVed iti vrH ; .and I .positively a1 (fPOcreiJ'.ht lopj, oi "OTi liracnt JmmSliana tesffu truth: c-.t.rtly fcd inr m the abo rair, , r s1l!lil .to 12 , WOO 7 barrels of1 jOl.onr-m,r,l , ?.U-n ?m-.. corn, sno oC which ' will supply itay "M ,n,e-! ,m",??!',',il- anu f.cthc:hoIc concern, ,.y corn were rru.cip.lv ue,l m H e L,ial f wi(, 'notl,iniibut Use simll adupt as long as I live, unless I last twenty yetfrs. Iruly-was it ob-j nn make anntml contracts for a sap- served by Air. Hornerrin the late de- plv9oti ?uit&Uc terms s in doins"vhich, ii bate on the Kesfnction Btll'l hat) there will perhaps oe but litle difii-;thc jQfo7mationvaiidVcl Ivimr l orrav xvhtn idle, and tlie ! : j 3UU ofU when uorki:r. The qfeat j -ijWtJvartrr ' the tnn-faddor ? the j ' u d e ViFalof u!:ca or with ncal, keep . '?'v vf.fr litir in jriwwl Ue;.!lhv.ind futl. mmm '.ft -T T W I W U 1rIIIHl lllitlltl" l 1111 llllll I I errnis ki Imis. jrmuititios wc ii : 4 (ur of voir stable several io,i.. tf crcaituy ; .vnic;is. ;fltcorani,ouauoij, ',-a ir r'aail ilfnHn.Tant of labor yon arr siat.in an eulv-yf .bank paperj Joy. Vf '-nab(c'aHffen'najdMTC thet never-(aiHoclafgevc -.n'lnw ariilbfadci withuriniurr'to thejj per cent, interest; :aad; hieh'pir .n neii thtolbr. lcrthc blades belltoo, it vnav pe r?jnariceii,t.ie bZW are i:Tiicriujurcls for.thcre li tlo coVi- I pafiop in value hetjten tHew, the i I i nr le:ng?.tbe most nutritiuus. S . tiatideat vu I cf the i-nnprtanc? of settlement', of.tlje -;conntry; .a.uinfltj trasteTqlincthod.ol Afinwerf.qx; J eQ 'with xVn.. of wfiicji they f o;iiu pe a h , i mm c n.b q ti a n t it T-r:T(i 1 5 i bad t rnnntrir." aft frcll a 'inruriowto tlif5t : nrfiT Ctmrnia foV u hn thf'varc fed- r. aft trcii asMmunoun. rvvitlTcnrnVit parses through them,(cnt bal roi: i t at leasVi )i ni icsieo j :iae j cause oFvhicli is. that they have iqt lon food ciouhiri them to arrcxt the tnrn in iU pase until it 'perforins iti intended nnrpoies. .:.-Jor cin you pre; viyit it, tutc you kccpaip the corn- feeding aystem:- orK cattle,;or rat tening cattle; buit to feed nn nothin? liuttiav or cliopt fodderj or if you wish them tn hive min it should be' made & mingled with tlieir drink.- TJii add-.verr much to Uicir fattening:,' Urjll and a quart per day is enough,' But if rnu fffeil them on corn, thev will cat yobr, hay very liinitedfv indeed, be it j "evr sogoot ; rcattle, if feeding for the j t.u l WUR5ll.Cl.l) lliu.il ivtv II of omethi9gf and corn will not full filf theth, though thcr eat until they latva nrp rxy- tnil' Hnrec ar virv - . 1 dch nf (IIC jirac nature. , If the above advice jspursued. thon- sand of farmers, wh anticipate pur chasing of.com, will lae an abun dance: hundred, who . think that pcr- I haps with close feeding &c. thney will j have .enough U supply them, raay sell j J more than half, 2 thirds, of their crop; j have- a few barrels to sell, may double, treble, perhaps miadruple, their quan tttr,by which tno markets will be kept fully supplied, and4he purchasers "will nave ir at a lairpuce inai win uoiou i?er oppress ther?i.' . . Ar . JACOB GIBSON. r.Jiarinzo, Met. Sept. 22, 18 16.. ;N. B. On my dwelling plantation I. have but 'twelve trorX horses tl;ey have.cultivat'ed fJr me 300,000 corn hill3about 180 acres); ;thcy have trod out 2000 bushels of wheat and have flushed me nearly 300 acres of fallow (of which they will do the seeding) & all this work "without corn. Inclean ing'up my corn houses I shall clean the shattered corn and make meal of it to couplets my feeding for theycr; I nm' .mil liav 1hpii firr sometime. clion- I pins my crccr? tops and feedingwith them. I bru you all to trv the cxpe- "l.'iT. li..i'?i.i...L' families atidthog3. raox the vxox xovxisa cnaoxrcLt. ; XlriSJBANK OF ENGLAND. Amidt the vanous squanderings and public extravagancies which 'have aggravated-the pressure and distress of thejjrcsent period, tliere isrnone more cuIpaMe iitit nature and-principle. than that which has arisen from thee- ipacious' profits which glAnd Jiavcbsen pcr- fmittcd'to make,' ansing wholly and exclusively out oi their dealjnsrs and euntracU witii the public during' Jhe t h e t w o I a 3 1 tcs s i o ns jo f; Pa r 1 i i ra e n , i consequence of the", discussions raise n! 1 consequence' thereon by Mr.' Orenfcll, hayeibibi-) i ted a'scencof ministerial .ciirayagaiir e on tr.e cne part, ami of..nroOigatc ra-7 ,rpacuy on ibe part ot. tire. Uank; tliarisi without example in the CnariciaJ lusto- i ry. of this -or of Atit'otbef cb'anfryJ'- f attributtl fr Ignorance,' nclreiiceiorr', mo rcwU? aa acquiescence onjtae pan: ioi.ieivrm!neni.i.n i'ie;cxiioroiiant : upw. Mnwinv; iocj 1 1 - 1 2: il U.-L.l JtLi 'lC enabled,, by :the Itcitrictiun Att, to create to any cxte they pleis'eVwith out its costing thcmvone farthipg ; uoi;- rc scan t? charge the pr&'snt gp. a t a i i w i - . wkiii i h i iii . . t 4. -. j rests oftae rublicanu either isnorant tiff or tfrdifTercbt to'J tlie cp'ormous pro G t made. by : this B nklng pompagy 'at the' public'osbense. . Uai it necessai to-Droveithjs.?. X L'bokohlr at, whan have been iv profits hcqiu red j by trfct rnopnetnw ; of . fciBk- stock ''stncw the J Tjear:179rSyhich''wert stated by .Mr. Grenfell, infiis lafb discussion, tdliaye exceeded, .within e : last 'nineteen yeaji, the enormous" sVm ofTWExi,i;-j CNE'wtfi6iS'sT5RUXG ; oyer arn- j ()ove the annual dividend of saverrfer j cent. and that this jirdiit made in 10 j years,.'' bt-JjntbUM cohtfaictsi. Q.nly, a-. rnounts;tSjivn thnfi.as riucK 'aV,tvaa .mauejoy.ineruanKk H-wn ail tneir nann ing ojjeratiohs during the' whole of th' preceding Century 11 i ' 1 - Grievous upon! the! , people, and ob-j jectionablc'in prihqiplc as this. system j 11 is uy no mans unnnporcani ,10; look to it as a source of pubfTc retrench-! ment.' Tlie disciissirin3 and the notice j of Parliament, wichjlias been attract-j ed durir.4he two lastsessions to this: subject, have already been followed bv r i - i a reduction' in bank profits, and a cpr-i respond ing.saving fo' the public,, to ah j: iamoont ot about '1C0.00C. per annhvi 1 . . 1 r L i' mi 1 . . .1 anu if any person win anverr to ue i statement midcj by j Mr. Grenfell? iiv! Parliament, upon this subject, he will! 5ee the several jems of which this sa vingis composed namely, the adili tional stamp' dutje3 paid by the bank: the loanof six millions .at four per cent.; the loan of Ithree milUons at three per cent. ; and a sum of j nearly half.a million taken away from 4he bank, out of the balance of unclaimed dividends and applied td the use of the public.; j . ! . ;) t This is, of itselff important sav-1 in but ii is evident, from thcr papers now before the public, that it-is only comparaHvdly, a small part of that sa ving, which may, anjd ought, and will, wenist, be effected from the. same source ; and we were happy to observe that Mr. Ore n fell closed his labors up on tlus , subject, at the end of the ses sion; by a notice that he -should re snm'it as soon as Parliament shall a gain meet. I - , i: rrcvious to tne last sess.ios .vc re- mimled Mr. Grcnfell of the pledge he 1 iiau givcii 10 we puunc, arm expresseu a coufitletithopc that he would! redeem it. AVc have no hesitation m'fdec'aj ing it to bo our opinion that; he has done so 5 and at the eve of the next session we hall again take the liberty of reminding him of the public promise he has made, not to stop at the.pqint l whicli he has now arrived !& confi dently trusting, that he will pot; rest England. -err??. FOR RENT OR LEASE; f) For 3 or 5 Vears, !- MY HOttSES AND LOT at Person ourt . House, North .Caroliha: l'he Houses are new ; inHced they are oot yet compleatlv fnishvl k.e wrk is" now po'.nijon arui will he ready fir the receptlonof a faniilyjin the eaHyparCof )ecembernextt vberi psession rrilt he iriven. It Js believed jliy the b est judg-cs that the Uouses are the.Aiost conveni ent and thcbestca'tulaled ofany in the Coun try for Public EuterUmmchl. The . Houses have twelve fireptacesi tir(ipf 4yhicb are ap- propriatejl Cooking, hietl 1fh5ranes .1 K-yj lect riazzo on uienrsji sory awi uei on the sccbod'ftton'J - The jjarHs in part' of Lthe body othe' House with doors pNaiiny to' twecn the two latter ihere is no comrauVjfca-' tioa. except a wjndov. The Bar windows, open .to lliePiazzt to the Passge.i tbihe pirirttc Uoom. .The IfassaeU I0fet widtf id CQ fce Kinj?f- and is between twcr8paate frame bttddinios, oneC wMc'b s tVfijstol-y, 3D feet wide and 24 feet Ion, ihe'-oiher Vmi the fhd turned to tJie-Ortt 1 sfr' above the, Lrlkr orKltehenMO.bv S2 tli.whofe enr- t'eredninlerch;.eroor:lljie vicJnaTi frbni the Iritthen, cr a ahntys be convey eiio theditdn rnWWitt goincr tl)rou jhHlie rain ,win bVlijs paslni across oneendorthif paaV ajre-ia"htre'is only rma ether Hduss i of Bv trrt rrwnen't at tiCoan-H6b'se-'louot need' fce.cmertainerLpf aoir-rri 'ticn Bhsl n?ss a person cantdloK'here area' '"fvnbcc of otUrJcoiWiiencies, but' an6?o. parUcOlar description is deemed ttnccesaTr,' as.itl resumedanj pericat WfishJnff 5t& lease wiit f$sf clihoie. ta vtvf premises. r Sta blesancl Ather -nvaift.irH0asesind:ti1e' Lot weU -lric,o4'(xlf wiUjafl)t newlfbeside3' jthirfc tbe"iubscribex.lhi lytids lyingfcontigo ous io IbeCourt-IfffoiH' and will crant the j nrivilrye f firewpod. rTor erihfr--apply, i,pj B.v; r '"il'! vvwiujui; I sat ifieif, till he shalf have pmained full and ample jusiice tor the public, in all i their transactions, with tlie Baiik of . 4'ervon couatj, bepty? : , 't :- NOTICE; y " aTCoimlv Owtrt, MnuniSicmt tvi the Kst tate of Grorpe JIaU,!cTl' : AllPttaftnstherir .TKViOhfurmiTy to the fast ti'ili anfl 1 UJ Went' 6fT Keedham Whitneli!.ipcd Tcsta- Be M1 $ theremtses on.Taeslay Oie fifh Octoher't: the PTASAVT PtUS Pli AKT ATlO.Vi whereow th tr ad -'Needhavr. W'Tiitfield.' decM.' frtTetly IVsyd. Ivinz? ni W'ayne contitjv Nortii-Carofina, on the soyift slde ofiKeuse Hirer awl (joining the iunie," containW Sx HwulrM r.n4 i7ory A errs at !ANt1, uhout two humlrd ofvhirh is."clfar ed: rilh a rood.,r.nd cwivenient Dweiliner- lioiiseand every. Oeceasarv Out-lumse three : Apple Orchards and rtn'e Teach Orchard.- Pftyinent wUl beTe-uir.ed ju three instalments onethnxl anhiiaTly until all is "paid iNqtes tvith approved. securities, 1 -"" J . 3,4t - . aEcU;UX-SMtT,r, IULKIGH Vw Ini'o'm hit fnends aiid the lHMC Sfe- nerallv. that he still carries oi his liusiiiess; in aJl its varrns branches, at msiflejsr ;tanaj,' nearly opi'tjfitetlie State !Unk, tiii0a!etrh-- where he is W?l! pxcpr.red to execute idl kinds ot Gun-Work. Tudi as.makiiuj.snOY-GUSS," IJFI J2S;and'PJSTOLS of a superior Onality, and on reasonable tenris. tie ke'eps Gnu and KifJe : Locks aiui Moniitinrof a gHxVijuu?it on haad, at easona!le prices : ul kicds of tnn-Locks and Pistols repaird at a short rto-. tie , and warranted to He ai. jyopd as ever thc w'erc He-is also acquainted witb Uieart of Oron'hin Xlun-Rarrels; those wh wish, to ikvc. their Barrels brQ'd,- caiihave it done Vjor 4 vo dollars pfwmi.r ' Tlie subscriber c6ntfroes to m?ikeand keep tjn liantl, MILL INKS andtJIJtiEON'Sa- d. all mds of Mill, or ant other Mach me, IGvX cast at tie shortest iiwtiee,' and on as rea sonabU tenne as can be dfme at he norjji Any species of Brass Work that may-rn mending-. such, as Andirons, Candlesticks,' Doo"- Locks, &c. &c. can 'be repVired iu Uie neat est minner. 5' ' ' v. v t ' And for the information -of alt nnhomH mdu concern , the subscriber can t$ajct? TA USSESto nuit any size prtorutitiiiioh, and 'warrants thorn tagive rdi f where it is practicable. . , . Orders frotn any part. Of the Country for artie're in mv line of business,.-will be faith- fullv stteruled to. I, The subscriber alsqnotiaes that Tt HesShot Guns Ami listols that ieshe.nfockedr rcrsbns some time back, lie orftnhaadsj-itiid 4 I am in w'ant of my money, anc) unlesshey jj come and taketbepiawayI s!fs.l be u .aeie pecessUy of selling1 them at pinSlic sale iftSp days attertliis date, to pa' therexptnee oi re Ip every case, Cah :is" expected tje paitt oh delivery of-tuiy. of. the alxive arttcTe ' Sept.i3.iSl(3. ' V - ; .N. B. The hlffhest Trice wm befrtvenlbr old Copper ahd Pewter, orltakcri in exchange, ior any . Articles in my iinc, hi a iair j SIXTV DOLLARS REWAUP. I T V ILL" give the above He ward Wtfie ep 1 X prehension an41tll'ivfy of toilok- i.ng' .iNegroa, or: in jwnporcjua roFc tber of Uerr)'to me (n rsontroun y,H or to j Mr. Nefeon,, Hammil, .ln' 4tT t9& ty, viz : John. Seneca - (alias" Joe and hjsj wife Surah. ' John took himself ll from my overseer, in Halifax coun'y;!utt.weWe months' goV and no, doubt is a t pcesej)t and h&sieen ever, since, lurktiig abatit Mr, Bcir- jamin,Croweil'& (&;milea west, of Jhe Town ot rtaHtax;;,wer.hewuas Idcnirud-froatWrlaTnelWtof cu . uiuww WYS lf fliey have raay i elation ar-tf acaainttec4sn low'the brdmajrlsejhti of jroesylf J made, area iw.7iivin sv ".r,,w feeMiaivhvspftbne'iny wil! hft h5 hameapdtrenj!;tovn4s . al ireerrrtan, JiviPgjPone f .ijo . flini"mionV.dcVi Tqj 4ionjfr e4ppt:wh'a 35 far of gage,' tatiu taiieiiconnc ieg w Wca'bgh t oinfetpin jMikpirttty. large; 'siomacht h! b Seoict, U is therefore ttWiVt'oictlSie.' PadAt;: ' C f m iD lli;fl trY PrrhChr TJ lf f fti bcvfWiemilW (eitikie lo the appMtniiba tpf taise netroff Pctsoii tttettyV KC5j. IS Sta TcouestH lo rfiOMS-tcrJ wnl and tnanepax meat witliotit4elay-aiid4ho3ehaT.fKimrP t f Wy.K,&t0qKBi .Ijpeat:.-. ,'Ml are' requested lo present nem tor paymein ?H"riv?g!V!:?jg'7y:j:r ::v,--47?'i-j' " Jvfv tv' - ftv: .rr, X c TT ' Xiynard,-J cssewweiiy vrm itani Jeter Uictu v .i Blacamith:fcy trade, he is -pown ;:J& deb morPcdaen5 . 7 Joe tfok b laseif ofronyj me nnhe yjm- on esV Jao - A 4 ab?encof myseifajfamily lastmtnia - iSfmowiRi ' f I ' and ftrut ile;me:trine SarbOls wife) t?1kktf r.u v ; 4 v Censed to jnie ct w Cocaxani Storej K. Stf 2-1 me iovn commons Hiijrnra ns.crt, ; . ;i 1 i,;i ,v jfu"- fi yifi VVcy uuiaiiiuuui i':t:V- - . 4;,T foutVjBafSNoldl - last Mav.'shod 'iall r6iiiKli.ibTraftd rec.ollecl tfe'd, puewliiit Wbettedilhc t&ivt: Jis -and srUie orr-ia baclstp ;thief.3iae liensaUoatoUbem tnt; raW iniTdAatidnpf hiraMl be ihankfuUy 'l efceived. ::1S4-.:l i: - . xf KH KWtlH Irf V. ifartal- Jccsuntgnts I bavltbg-'beentnaoe. .'duW.?-- th; ot$ , face, Jby iaw, to : adjsit ahdN set tie aft wbf--coum-i igr the V llpto'e: whiclt re3 ma-nedJinsettled at tlie conclusion of the later war'aml are now unsettjetl, It- ;b HKafBX r W.Kvt'WK to the officers of the late armyi r" 1 uio have.p.rtbli.c f 'acemtttts tO'settrei-and to ! sn'clf nortommiSSiOned ofliccrs and privates-. ' 1 discfiar'dti ''hayiSeafiesOi., aUtf tnem, tnat Dy xorivarurtig uwnv poicis uuji . office, by mail, their accounts will be ettledf and the balsufec reirttd, yillgu4 iricUrrlng'tr any expense.lb. the apiinA'el vOjt anaen to trnnsaCLtieir lnishvessjor them, "The heiyand reprbtatircs of deeasexl o fiic erft-andvkl je'ps. ofdvClate army are infornwfj,'nat byJoirtittiher papers to ' this oHiicejlbr ahv aiearsoidtjjB lhkdev , ceased, hecijits: Vi'tlUb adjiasted, the balae bVyemttted fre otjfpn5!. KOROT-CAlLINAv v - ; &&ir$y Comity,: - Lewis Toncjt,' ; fca.' r- ' V:-Jljr a,eiTx. :TheEx'i.fM,Cwhvl ' ,v- IT appearbt? of "tSV Cotirt that John Afrnstroog' and Vjlliaixi yhite, twO'Q'tlieJdefeitdaits, reside beyond the j:nats of this Stae, It iiordered 'Jby the5 Couit, -thstf .publication be mide in the -Ha-. Ieih Register fn four weeks, thatthc said. tefendant5 tippear at our nlT tlirt "tof E- ; 4uity:to be be heldfor'thecouinty bfSurry, C -the CJourt-iWise ip l6ckford;: Oh' the first; ' fqnd.aty in March iiextait:p.leaawer,6r dem.hr or tlie Bdl Will be taken pro confess jtpd, h eard ex parte to tliem. " . ., r',. .v : r ;83 Mt 1.ETTERS jatu jeer, j. nomas, oarncsi,y:ijTie Jiawyj -neT. 11104 iiSHkrtt1 W - fM., uuvif fi'i rn; jeieinjai jjuuaioe I'.qjiojkis uar ; -;!-Mfchaie1CoUi!ieidIe;fai Shju! v ; i dnich'jCole. . nandoinh; Cotton, tepj, JosHL' ' '1 ; jCrouier rRbi Chapjel,7. Clerk of - Prphans-' f Jourt.at nalehTmas.Crow4cr, Jame? ' f , i3dmanj-WmiRon:.V - ' h Green Davits.;.:- I -':!- ' 'v ; - , , - v' XE. Jleaeali.'gtlis, ;Txnis $dai.-AnV drewKadiel" V '!':;'' - : James -Fort, 'Willie, Pennel, Thomasr ;&;-lbro8enri'atfd Ahtbony (Hinn 3aoDwfnWn GastonL i v V: v HOV James B ' ghtman, , h: uootraf.. tiavweou 3iawret M llyiMamiel SamiMaTcon, Henry ?v .Yroiiwh Winfield, -er J M AVilson,' RrthertrWebb. David Wcnrd. 'meldred AVebb. Vpi. atkinsi Arthur Wall EbjaiY5 VreaiS; --0 cr.j .v i tv uiiaiBs,' vr may, w tinker h; Gdore W Wtmatns kVan. ) - Ale&'r Young. . ,' H7ysfev: r?5 t . . ,; i, 4 ' . . . i vi1 J .M.r 5-1

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