, . V ' - T " L tmm&d grace?? ' tffj&V ' 5 L:L1 , fcreftf tLrfMhsaTcraMul .Tbo'ipiv'jlin port, and be r iQrnaJltem cf Jjt3NsUtrnia'j eeOaodO gun and morf ar4oats dflifthappr 'eht tn'hdthovM.jril Q.mwuU'anJ'rter. give the -'coraptetp .flictwfntcirlfrrfcllj otie 'ft-bnitdicas. , ... the gitjanttflutti'ofjii iilajcstjf's et ,FfoW.1l cnntluaaivcecLcadrese in their Att'tpAltfrsfj?! .rnhtjf hd alaTarihe lantl ttV tw'rtt-, V-fcr tn : VrWtL Kaam rirn'f lf3.IItjJJirfl ior Algiers wm.IUCUH VMim likVnroVoked war rtw0Jf k)f tfteiirl iiiouttb tint i ar.ua. -Tinr anil uunucK.c j"ojv"j I Ulster :.6ait WciLrawl pasc j rdrttepej?. ..nwcr,f at - tirlucli tliinc if : MDidlfV- r thVTr waiu'spfor r ethctr;.wt I.. d becw driven Hiurcoxi -2 eahjio: aridiaJietwiJji jbea .Head of the. tfi;:clr: -nuier if i Unit iy DlMit ea.trec7 buiv reached hioU hr tW canain"df the"Mrt. who I oh beinj Uli thclnVtrtrW expected rT iiftce 1 left AWer:ttiUi:thej tJb1e:aefbnccihen litd b'ewoaM BdiiH '6eet; ;tjrw-3ipictous CToartt UU tdrttbree JiqurY he-hcrt 6i: cx the alrociuet wnicn naa com wjflexTat .notjul fleet, iUar. banded; and Another ith prajoitjunJ ; the 'bay.VJiVTere.jirepaTir JHe bata ate resources created" nd roaibpeJ jii'ad fiotilfa for icrvicsj uptil lieaVlwo vnd althooth" imnedtd in its prvire4 ! Vclock; ; it fcnV -blervintbc ofHcer-iT.as tV calci and kilvcre wioiNtia pior- rttctiufiVtth.vtli lircbaaHsbUrcruelttes ofrpcit jdcUjf Sp bejOQU example, ana nijpij ruoraujc rvaipv to thenatitmjcijaracirr. racer. v rctni sent ODTireisian r cruel tt, uhenever practised opoii tboo under their pro tection-, . i V - M HIMhil in fhf nfTsm.i: XtoreHraHi1x.d' ment ot .this odjcci, i uaa ni uccf.jy to lament tJie ere foH of so.maiijirtl wooeiit ttotaun la.-Heen uretf, gilaut officcrt 'and menj lher. havcjVnd I.brtvtoau8pect aTrfntl coinoli Sfifu"iclbred ?u a coite-tHi:!cK fa-atfcc-;-iffr zv tee n'-ifculiarr; mr Keil bjr proyrsiofjfeanj I) 9uw(Jr.iihiBtf aJL tliia 'ptfr achwilevt(5i berotuhi as tinld ar&wjf r?oV tf jprorobiV-JiTenter L i n reliti n iC tii em. V - m . ; f ; TeifKTrdsJ p4 Will. ,a1read jr hay beenaiormed;;. 6: ds i?ajfttV siop iKibJpt'to Uic nirtltward tneij lollo'irr iin5tht' a-pnpy'returcdy rum lenrdejtbw; UJitounod rf nWxeHt I, jHecLaathriAltoA- consiuerejGLVi.x-nau icictjivcu ,jcfHuat i Tnipott4intrt3fmjtrttcttonr ttorald make preparition?;fpf H-xiuld ud saas sobn a3'r&aibtc"&ith) roapdVrifVtdiake the Satfmpr Xpa tf?el octet frfcfi?, liJisfaftt .lOOvard-V itcK at leojrttf I velritodTa GirsKPti, ittrfdevtjWliO; Had beenfeaV 5fT to Jaji&hi&xar - JJ.TrKT LTf K""i-" wjraan ''V'V-r. -vj-i-.- -'- f eriecx omze : a uani yoang ramnn- f Aiunnz sue ,vyowe;pi vice jmrueuwi I (jiVldewaj JeiTby, eirtls.firlt t tol fpUdW'tn -sijpibnrt iniJbarirtib bfetolicat?&rtf whlKajert taWijrbHin;ii wj4 XVregret txadQt wnietfi.beeii ;tot'h&t! rteteceMarpaperuT' mltflr' v. diViifonxiere abcrat :te.n 6t'clcV sljen cekfg and In ifitate of perfect rln and fUJapicT itinjnT ; aod .the fire P,t the: srupsl Jt.ncrCPlvTilJ,-profeca;ii up u lavuniainp roain mast 14th'(n5ti on wbtcftdaj I bnilje gronnd l?t tte1vbiTstleyoj(lp'oftte MoUr fromGJrttfafter A'-Vveiatiious'tlc ' f nd 'lb'.'vd fia'd ft&creil: foratbe lehtio5fijai(AuJ;Titid ofpair '.ilaysi Wuidtu'our V; ' The1 Oeet; ejmp!eo3in i1'itB.pointh Thus cameucedfife: irx anltoateil With theJatiaaiohirCTe in boats U and.w-1! f upp-Viic-U-as.U belje ve1, : red at GPof-jJ departed in the h Vst prrtisVii'Htir the rovU y far ir-. ble pfdpectf reactdng theportof U.eir deli 'lUtjbkia t6 dava- but hn adverse" wih3 deitrored theipec- ation "of-.'an earlv armal,. winch wil the moreianiipJrJnpKeif far by; my I eI in coa3eaece;Urrina; V rj:f,eWiba- ilurtcdfi teJ ftb'whfeev i wiled rm-AQHfaria( a Wd did the Bnti&bila'receitelonAhV.l rrav lud teri : niieMiradd thhtj efnV -inin-elicarouir jiml MronuraMei kit diusiiicrauits uiuiiiiJJi i . vi i if-upuorif 'f-J v ifn'JkMrujcr vi in-line I j iw l, T V 5 v llry' pcr- .tufjs r T.1 if i. . -? , : tanks of tire; cttr' bit also jinmeuiatc r about Jrom tiiia f waiXrrteD5Trethat,mV ras em) re intention JoT MkinWfhat wiot tiry principal obTeci- nT-auacV ad bGn covered to thl)fy byUie' ntraeraci t j Vt e;n . m iherrVtlltions orify: By'thcr de- IIUI i rp-tJiuUuiradiTedtd hitaj.-Qnil Woq after, aVi ntcrVa laJ 'tKc TntainehPri; A ' cU'aPSrtcd tire orcr.theflaftKm: battctitJ.haaoDf co a tact uhwaoic i.Aia ix pacitsca gx .on tfiicfo our, gua , dinsf, be Wt jtorijdtej. fetos: fraiWSI A vf iAute tlv i , ;! N rhAndsempIoyedVvarpiftrvand.tawlMs; ,taverthhoAoribwc iAnt aeeaVvih? moTt S't ! tacie qi awinujraiweur anu luicitano; timmMZw P-'Si oTbtedVtoa and,tp tpt;5f 4 thine andiprepare Tpre?retTeatr l jjinbpcnn Inmolioi -1 A, .fcttiT erij an46ttHpn;rirperiV .yf ' M'-feT trCCf mahmmir SV f ' ed anil d re c ; ? 'Tfill ier.ttOt mah: rtWvbf Lilr eihewMf4ki $m?.ta anwralcd &r AV : I UL1IUI V II TCI. II IB VII' C fl I SCIiaMvlVUI V - M r ml nswliXrum a quarter bere houses and ffiin Uiduinapl t.ircv unii jiiiivf wiiiivw.biiHbi ui9Mu(i to taway'the.ConluTr.X;aull)aih'.r twd had u itl diff.talijltuccee'detl -ip bringing awaysl isejiedj irt.iirdsbij an a unifonnj hiifcnndtdaunter, leaving a boat to btTnj oftVhcV.intaoV am m m. .iiiii m 11 v EAwn u r I f -w I n p k n h mmi annav mm niv mm - Ar mm am rmm i ft i ft - m - 'i . - ; aw ft . - r t--, miujiimmcDjl!i an io person t-m a.'. .t t i : ' t'-iw icitvu ana coznneu aiiaies nriwarAomiraywiipwnyeyii t HJla UI' V. IKJI AUii'l V i IMT4V - . I . . - , V . . lw . i (.7 " ' i . y I -.' ' , v:. t - - i k I Lam H aim 1 1ml iViims Msu&aT. If bIm - ,j . C--i rAkA. rJ'L1 lip. itfifyi&m tup ecjajrg-a4sw?i 1 1 " I II I I , . Ill '"'" ! ill.in'l ' . ,' I. - A.V