' , j i L !' . ...! .-FT T i ... . k : 1 ' v ' . - , . ... , ....... . r l . ti. . ; i i 7 , : : . - - -; , -W .-, f r 'HIBUICO&'s TEARS. MUbmriV tcar frrer ' ' If erturp jiHcncrsfumbcrs J ,ncr"bardithc pnrrot sontiregv Kr dire to brr-abe its number. oroore ihy bkl the swelling In frce-.bwu's cae iw;akm j , Those h::ppy dm a of bliss are flovn, . And Erin forsaken. V v Ju? t!tcu!i her svis in exile roaro They lf n freedoms tv And r.f in' daughter's finfl a- lAme hw! t!e veslern billow : 41 -There hatl thv breathe 'the glowm atria 1 here hV hall wtJte again , 'in taptur; front its ilurubev. DISTRESSES or ENGLAND. IV-"- --.v - tOEttHf. .iofthe inhabitant, of TWVitmln-!jtne Sptem?.erliutt at hichrr pre. jcii I - u l3,C?0opcranjotkkc into a met cntruri I-U U,00Operon,otkke into . errfvt:JMtitn the distress of the country, jLe men o"rerne3yinsr thenvthe fol ' lwriC: remaikv wexeTnadc by the ItrVd. Mr l'iA, Francis BuitlVtt and Lord Ooctraiie, Tbe ReT. T. Mr. P.Rt Stood forward i the meetir-Owt, front the? - to address ry revv oi nrs oaserrtiions. .. c n errnd 'wnnienmn commenceu oy - nent!.ng the absence (through intlispo- ? sitton) of that Teteran in the cause of Tlpfnriti. Mitnr uartirnzni. in rr ble gentleman h.td, for a Ion; sc- - 7 j . . neruu .-Ji- ...i t..rir tn niiipH- u- nfU MlAtrrwm- trymenj and, like erery troe patriot, be considered the appiobafn of his wn conscience, d theupiaiiie. of hh fellowritixens, xs a sufficient re- f o trf;..n. h hadmaile vhich pToceeiled from the .crowd, ei'ro..gU factun, with iu taxation without rere prerented from-hearing but a ie j rcproeaut.on, and it eptcn:'iMt po.er.'' TV. mrkrotwl frnim.n rnnmvfi! M A t. iniimt SV" It waionneCfS-iapr for hiro titellthemi that the cuuutry was distressed; it was ; ; r- . - i ii .i rstreunfnriunately they were all ; f tb- f-,rt. Tbv ar and - leit the murortune ny which the coan trr ovf rhelmcd. They were, in I truth, spectat'-r of a scene of national j rain. Individuals were daily quitting! the country, like so many messengers, to proclaim to the world the disti Ci- & novertr of this once hapnr land. In th mnnnfnfturinn' towns the nhabl- 1 fnf were enlfertW toother, not toJ con-ratulate each other on tlieir -flou-1 rislunc state of aflVtrs, but to march ; sirsv. in ?loomv nrocenion to the workhouse. They were now no Ion- 1 1 They were now no lon ger able to support themselves, the pariah must, therefore, support them Were they, the electors of Westmin ster, to appear inanimate at such a siht? Were they to sit and ueep in alienee r Whether they turned to the right hand or to ihe left, they met ca lamities beyond description. Mfsery was growing up before their eves, and unless the country prevented it, this lertile inland would soon oecome a Iwrrrn wildemex and he need not Mhe rcrcrcnu eni:eman conccucu . j 1Ti i V the present to be the most important! dcterrfrfiied ho-Uilit crisis at which the citizen of Weat- Pn the. appears minuter had ever been called to meet.if the nglit of the tell those whom he addressed, that a their sword. (Loud applause) All barren wilderness must be deserted. present in the power of the people TheethinHhadnotcomeontheomn-ji was urrsiac tlieir voices to the ear of try br surprise the electors of WCs!- the oppres-or ; O'lfiin- wan more ter minirter had ortentimes met, and had i'rtble than the voice of the oppressed, repeatedly warned the country against , I" commenting upon the extent of thine c:rcumtances that were closely jl national debt, he interrupted himself, ronnected uith the present calamity. ' and declared that he had wholly mis But, ala.W they uere not heard ; or, i taken' the name of the debt, for it was if Hiey werehcanl, tlieir remonstrances j not the debt of the nation; the nation v.ere not retrarded. The moment how hd nothing todo With it it was: the eer, v. as nut arrived, when the elec-J tors uf Westminster mi!t tliink with m.aniuitv. wi.cn they must redouble their effort, when tey most uoite their exertion, and endeavor to raise a tjrand barrier, in or'cr to oppose the . present system,, which aiinedai the ' univers.il ueitructtuu of all that was . dar to EuglUhmen. Hie administra- tiou, however ilcacicnt in ability, wer not at all deficient in political power.' If thev wanted a Calm, they couhl'com-j iaau-.i ir m tney wanteu a storro, tncy coulil ra.'se it. It was for. the people,' in the essence ofaSairsl to make them .' tie their power for the benefit of the co'iutrv. The national vess hu 1 bor f neac e. Whe 11 th ey w e t e be fore j mpoitiined, ministers said they would not tm, they would not attempt to ?teer clear of the shaals that threaten ed the safety of the national vcssel.i-. 3iut it wa the Utunden doty'iif the lectors of Westminster, and of every bore the Hritish fla was over-freigliU baughty spirit of Catharine,; 'hunger' d, the hipouht to throw overboard e- was his means. He (Sir F. Burdett) 1 very U inj; that wa- unnecessary, inor ;did not know whether such a regimen dertliat she mi-ht ridesrcuwly in the Lwould.bc palateable to Kne-lishrhen: I Y Btxiy.in liieKin-utmi, ro demand that;?0"", naaue some observations cpbn ('they should lighten the harden of tlie wretched sUpendl w1jichbe-said, !i xiiv a-v , .. j vuarv un L jtcces?arilr paid to a placeman-that , every shilling of pnfit which a sihecu j'rist could derive trm,his situation 'vfv.hich was ron; from the bowelf of (the country.) s-houM be thrown over lVanl : thus, the vessel of the state iM-;..ht h- enabled to swim with all l,or 1 w - - W race ihree Dcllara a. Xcar or oue Dollars 1 .Ailvertiaem. .Lana alfiorhalf a Year 'ettiSltoicdr 6(caiiinr3 and beauty. It was tlwctliat the people ahouitrcon tideniht bright gems wfeicb once orna mented theiJritihh coi'mtitution-t mx lime for them, tri restore VU& remn.i ithlclf corruirtion bp, folly-bitl i oftjiat wife system wnjui-was inc pride,of their. ancestors, Those e:ft were the rhfc which thcirfgrefdtlicfi oossesaed, & it wai for.,thehVto come forward' anil mnahd,- tCat vhafcycr. i tber h4?brcf deprivd of fihoV.il be ) given back to them. lie called on them not j. procrastinate n business of such importance! ; thewmk of a grfsat jiatioh outfit to be done with trpeed. Ilispl- fcct u-aVto tmnre's dn .their mind the ineceswitr ijurceful exertion "and uua- tniraous e'ctmn tflVer ue-ht tor'rccol- lecft that t the.eYv nf the nation were ,the cittxeofi of Wv-t ijiinterf !tueu on. vho-had 'frenuentlr.iveiijhc:tttheto: idc of the coantrr. . Itasiavir i ! dutj not only tf fueet but to act upon h this occasion. The reverend gentle- mnn "rrlieti orooosed the foUumifcire- ' solutinn : t ,, j 'That the prccr.t unexampled and hi I creasing suJJerit;. in rneulture, n mu ! facturt-s aivd conmiercr. arc not an effect f a sud Jen transition from war to pel.ee, but of an unJcrmmm? progressive iraiw- . c : ,jcamation$ Sjh Fhavoxs BcRnnTT,; rejoiced at !tJie unanimity tut prevailed ainonst hi constituents, and described the pre- ?enl as a nermi at which mat iee;in: was rnot necenrv. lie trusted.!. 'the conduct of M c.tministcr won be adopted in every partui the km-; .dom, and that nut only .the t ;;ninlr tope of remonstrance would be. . snunueti in mc ears v virnc I , , 4,1 . . il l hi ucv ;arajice ui any invasion Pfoi'Ie He cuiu hot hone to enlighten theni upon a suti- ject upon which thev Had jo lon and tn riiu n ii ii-iiTif I lip p Arrnn (of Westminister had the pood sense at :all times to sec xuc uamrer, ouiuuior Innately not the power, to uppuse. The unanimity which seemed ro pre vail in all quarters upon this subject would .oon establish the power, and it was well known with what.vior such a power had; been before exercised. The cause of the preterit deplorable 1 State or ine co,u:iiry was .eriueiii, .11 needed no argument to prove that the corrupt state of the representation ofj the people was the .foundation of all the poverty and atthctions ol which e very tongue complained. Indeed the corruption of that place (pointing to Westminister Hall) was, he said, so infamous, that the speaker became so much, disgusted at the vile traffic of scats earned on there, as to declare that such a system would make the hair of our forefathers stand an end. The Speaker could not, whatever par ticipation might be attributable to him, help saving this, but he miehthave ad ded with truth, that such a system 1,'would have made our lorcUthers draw oligarchy (Loud applause.) Frond indeed ought the body to be who were j 1tnu involved, of the liberty which th ey had put down through the world, of the tvtants they had rained, of the ? Pope they had restored, and of thefn- rmlMtion thev had, countenanced. eir maxims and Princinles soon cir culated; To satisfy bourbon vet ft zearice,Mar!hall Ney was shot in vio- llatinnofthe most solemn-obfrrationg.' tl;e' purpose of preventing reform at J home. tie he :ad read the play off To.! Marine and Ft truck to, in which is de- itacrineti the manner in wluclr- the hero . . . of im us:ir::iir Ik- ihis resolution as earned witha- el tbattlr'the Pce proceeletI to subdue; the I (A lauh)"-Tlre hon. baronet here paid (a veryHandsotue tribqte to the talents! of the late Mr. Horn Took. 'Ilje ? hon. barouet atter liavinnj censured the I conduct of many gentlemen, whom he I llot coming firwatd.at-a;penrrso im- waa allotted to'th Jse Avlio wer conned ted with the sex service; That Jser- he Jtion. . Hut the soldier was not under the same laws with the peJple. aVha't he; caiC for the constitution ? vice, he remarked, ya peculiarly .the favorite oTthe RritUB people j for.irwa attended -with no danger to tU'eeonsti- uing. curty jme astrtcd tht firimd for Haifa Dollar, VpreVirn'hrjoyal Ihlcti pe Tvaind JeclaVibg that; shouTd perlbrmfliitndu pleari nP - Wft ; M1? ; q dit fli n ' af that W biniVltC I : kuh Khrlr (f v acuicscea J.- lie VeaHled ihe'BrtBsh rnvnistW athii h7rm .f) Kidreausr;the;,pa1nfut cirdmstances Ific.h tadijjeeiv so oqea described i:w wan t&5 Imwou iq pia fc'nniri and other countries on pre con- ) whicii)fraife(l tiroup;h the world. U those who :Wtlict td.Jfee the real de but eun- - inljpnf, must Iwfc t-IttsilaincK UO a- in the propriety of petitioning j ;,e pr;nce Uegeht,but o'her -measures s!,m0(l aUo .be adopted.1 He here read this' rcsi'dution which, he prQsposed at I the meeting in' the city of Lopdon.ta- vtrnVand ml'visefl that tba present ;as emhlv hoUhrn-ain meet onjtheirjrst day of the session of parliament for the 'tuirnose of ascertainiuz in what mhh- I ner the pctitiou woull be entertained ! He said he had.calculated.the benefit i of the sub3cnptjons made fur the, dis tresses of tle;ioor, land found ;hat each poor person coald be supplied t u ih a nennr roll and a bint of porter i but no more"! (A lauih, and applause.) j jlr. Gehrge Rose had, towanisyiat tion iri the pon.ntKmin what he got from the pu'Wrc. Lirtl Camden subscribed (!ir- f:irfhin7S tin the pound ; Iord Arden three fartJiins and a fraction ; . the Archbiimp of Cauierbury three far- tbinas in the roufid ; the UukejCi urai ton (who snr'r. - scd that some, eiiquiry would take-i'iicel, anl in consequence of Mich, apnrehenwn' soli! one of his sinecures for ari immense sum) about j sixtecn-szyentccnths of a fartlnnm the pound! He! (Lord Cochrane) es incctel to be paifl in 'thesme pfpor- tion nest year. Alter several oDer- vations upon the degraded state of the renresentation of the people, .his Lord- ! ship ended amidst loud applause. BY UTIIOfllTY. An Act concerninariihe entry of vessels at the port of Miildletowri and Plymouth. TV it enacted bf the Sevatranrf House of Hcpresentativs of theMnitid State of America in Congress lasscmbicd That it shidl be lawful 'to make entry of foreign ships nr vessels, afid of carocV.hich may be on boanl the same, and to unlade such cargoes respectively, or any part thereof, at the port of Midd'letown, in the state: of Connecticut, and at Plymouth in the state of North Carolina, under the regulations in such cases by law provided. . H.CLAY, Speaker of the House of Reprrtentaiivea' JOHN GAILLARI), Prsrideni tf tfie Senate, pro tempore April 24, 1316.i-APPRovED, JAMES MADISON! An Act fr the more convenient arrangement of the time and places of holding the "Cir cuit Courts of the United States, lor the Distr.cts of South Carolina and Georgia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lirfircsentutrvt of th" United . States of jimcrica in Congress assembled, That from and after the first day Of June next, the Circuit Courts in and for the sixth Circuit of the United States, shall be held at the following tjmcs and pi ices, and no others ; that is t say, for the district of Georgia, at Savanuali, 011 the fourteenth dav of December, in every, year, aod at MiUcdgeviUe, on the sixth day of May, in every year ; for the district of South Ca rolina, at Charleston, on the twentieth day j of November in every year, and at Colum bia on the twe entieth dav of April in every year : ana tne circuit vourt lor tne s uci V . X . m f . ft Districts respectively, n'rthe Circuit Judge j of the saidsixtii Circuit is authorised 'and 4 reenjired to make all such rules and or- J du s aa may be necessary to carry into ef fect the change in time and place ot hold ing t'.ic said cvirts according to the true intent and meaning of this act. April 24, llild. Sigried as above. An Act concerning Pharaoh Farrow and o ' '. U q thers. . Be it enact ed hy the Senate and House rf Hepreseiitauyeti cf the United States .of A n erica in Cpngres astniblrd-Th the Jutlire of the Albemarle District eourt .n the statc'of Jorth Carolina, be, and.he is hty-eby" authorised ami required td.dls tribute to Phajaoh Farhiw and his assor 1 elites, the process arising from the sa,lei of two armed boats, belonging to the.Bri t'sh privateer Mars ; which boats,- with their tackle and auoarel, were catptured . oy the said inaraongr arrow ana ins.as- j vciatcs, on thentneteenth. day ,of Octo- drfcxl abd rtnIrtM-4fr in New Inlet,: inYthe said State i and wnferr,' tiieirappa. re have been condemned iiud sold liy a' decreerof the, court,- the proceeds oTwhichH s;iic- are. neni. ia tne ijeneiw.oi tne umteor ; iuu inai juic saiu Mistriouuoq DC made arreeable' to Uielaws'of Uie United tatea, reiatlbg5t6 captures made "by iri- vate armed abipisy ir Hv V'r if- -' r CSlKd as abbve.) .1 ,.t t r. HALCIGU r PAiis-rab wr JOSEFU 1 GALES:! imr,.T rru Mia-, to be paid ini idfaneeSuriaCTirit?, J Tht f tiii-nink nd its Ufindbes, Wrtt fafce tthSiabarraH-4.weteftte by the 10 line carrie p eld orowi fwl k! or Piitersburg-. , Vjrjr tnia ' Any pbrsivr bat deliver or secures saiu icto: iWt him aeain ahall Veceive the i rtr. fi u . Iford county, 17. C S milet west ot Iarlinvi'!e. September tS. MRS-ftVtTHEIlS-;' ! 1- . ... '!- in EflS leave to inform her friends and the ,i 13 Poblic that she has cmnfice4 the'. ahove Uusioesas in all their yanousBr.i chtay in the rlouie toirorryccuca y-' j Mr. Charles Drake; Mrs Wttnef wm Keep a General Assortment of FAS11IUN AIJL.13 1 AHTICLKS in heriinerinclud'mg1immin$ra t of the neweat kind. She hopes bjmnftual attendance to orders, arvd neatnew-m "their t xcution, to merit the patronage oi auch i Ladjfs s please to call upon LeK .' .1 Warrenion Oct. 10. $Q t6w N. U. A younf rVraale will be. taken Xo instruct in ihe busbes, from 14 to 16 yars I NEW GOOD.S. S.iTTER WHITE U TliJIVJS, HWIV just received Trohn the Jonh 'wartl, od irovrofter fur sale, at our-Storcs fh .aiisbury and Concord; N. C.(a veryf superb , ar.d Gn.traUA5fortmeBf of OOIJSof ai." tnest e.vry description, ; Dry Goods Cirtceties .Hardware i- Glass vt ttie Painti' SfcoMiery' 1 Jins and Mediciiie.s Cut'.ry vlf': ' CrofkryWare lU'okiand - Stationary ,4: DycaluU'jL- &C Wr ref urn our thauks to our friends and ihr puol.c gerwrallv ;fir the fjrt-ht encou- j ragemeui which we wave ecftivii ; arte; : the present asor;ment of Goods- were pwr chased untisuaUy tow, we ;w1ii setitheni fzyi- er tha we have levet; sold tlier Since ;W commenced the Mercaotd. bwires; These tfoodi are of the latest fashions tOiduai i:i qnkly to any jn the Slate. Those who w shro purchase will find it to their inte es. to call, a' either of their Stores. Salisbury,. N. C. Sept. 25. . 90 Nj B. We have removed ouf 3tore . in Concord, tothe hou foraierly occupied by Messrs. J & T. Ga?reisoh. v ' 03 We will take Georgetown, Alelaodria and B-dlimore Notes, at par, for jcoda. DIRECT TAX OF 1815. VTOriCli is hereby given, that the s Jbscri j3l ber has received Lists of the Direct I aa of the United States for 18l5 remaining due upon property in the following counties j i:i the Staled rNorth-L'arobna, Dot owned,; occupied or superintended by some person resjdjjig within the CpUectioa! District in which it is situate, and titat be. is authorised to received the said Tares .with urt addition often per cerit. thereon: Provided such pW j ment is made witbin one year after the day on which the Collector of the distiict Where 1 huch prcperry lies, had noiified that the tax had become due on tha saroe- Duti ofCoilcctar'sjnotiicatiOH thai the tax had oecornt ave: Johnson Coimty iehruary 10, 1816. Wate do do do Carteret Craven Jones ttocktngham (JUliiOfd ' Chatham Martin do do do do dOx do do do do do 22 rto IJ io do do do Co do v do I Mcrchi Jcb'ry -Mo 1 co, ; do Nor hurnpton do Bt ric do Collector t Office, the 1st day cf J vJ M 5 : - ; WKf Jr. 1 , ' Co'.lectur, desiirhated by the yl 8w Secretary of thi- IVeastiry; TAN-VARD & LAN1) FOR BALK. ' raiilfc. subtcrio;rii wishin? to renisve to the JL Ste of 'Indiana, are dfsircus' to sell their J aM-YAUD ad 1, ANDS 'in iftm county, of Ouiucrd, N. GsroMna, 4 -"Onles ou:h wt of Jsmeuown. The Jai-iard contains' 29 vats with othtr neceaiary . "boildg, fa carrying 00 be bujioeir, audf a atck WbatJ sufficient" tortaa one tftoujaoU "Hides, alio 1 stock of Hide nearly 'tanned, whtch is. for fslei by wholesale or refeiH. ' The J'nict of nd J which the Tan-yard jsopr-voritlins-SOtcre; r 100 of which ateiclcarc4if'. t acrs good Meadow, at valuafele'tJrchMOY Dweiunr-! louses, siHiate on two Smrins,one D-allmg. bouse pf B r ick, with, the; conyp iest and neceary buildings, : good .water and healthy situation, Opne Tnore so in thee plarts-a$ fct- to caceaditl It ia also worthv ' of the tn f bob ol kriP4rsoowho wishes tb folicw tax: wtrtinuc oiijintscn a laige cle ox o;ber wiat . ; The said" Premises ihay be had it a Viry'educetr prict. we deem noneertJiry to -say .more, as the j lace, ij very noted-, and ex pect no one wdl xuirchaafc. witbiBtviewin?. the premises, TheTaoiirtg bu:t.ieas wiir b.4 carried on aa Iorrj as vve refflam on nii j p!ce. 1 . StloE LEr AT Htlf' j conata'Htly ott hand, aTso a nuadtity.ot SlQRTlNGtWnrbe rtfv .lor vale tlna FaH for Cib or Hhlea-'ih'Jiaful---fof furthermlormatrTi apply to -- -('A-', " T Ty etc xr -ir'srJT?. . jv J4u?. ui'j in. 01 '- "?AlES COFFIN. ' . V August 23ttt, 1816. ;,;. tu,1a 1&&XZa anifor z Quarter id cadi Acceding ibjrapei-CoCT V.0re:Vm-4'eHSt!1v received of an(r debttJe'tli6r)iaot. ,r . iotifioreklew- an' others ' 11 ?Rehtoitbli!;n bea We . Wamai r-yA d.way with htueton it whfte one. a sir ioetL-eottott vesi.ui .1 Liii jt.rti - r-V 'rt M ha . I suohoce he will aun tW k k.- -i . . " . a,n 11 ari ocf'-ali1 tb.ttaWre;of(be biwiness wt! nridmitf4ifr!lier:,1oduJir-nr." i,n.t.- a ( wVo have beeniodMrpsd tworthre ana f.L yzrgt ought notcuprl zed if aa ofice- ahouldcati o'n thftiv nionv . G3"hbe' ho. are Indebted to the iat, firm uf ftwndto & Ttd$s are informed h.V uity wm w twui .wni iuc aoQve advep. tintdtrat'all fwl-tp settfi ; t Heir'poVeV ao'acciottpt7ittdb the 'time ai bore peomVd; - - - J0HH: Vm VIS, ?arvirpartD STATE" OF OTH-C AU0IJNA; i'V iierjford County. Jtof&.t Term, Edward Sy JeeU Wr; a'.tachnaeftt le?ied :;t; ; -4 - rn one negro hoy (n tlie Henry OtshOpr' r p'i4easion of Elizabeth PpeahK'tp theafcnonpf the Court tba't t)tdf ff ndant is hotah inhabnant of f the tk;e il i therefor', eWered, publjra. j R Jeih KegisteK 6hje4vhe appfe r atihe jheat.Aio4k.fi lo be. h5l3 for d dm.nv. hn l thf fourth Mo'iiday ii "KoVLftbtr next, nd f j reevy, final judgement wiifbe taken 1. ; -gaum htm.? ' . ; 1 JOf. ' llfiAD THIS. I WII.JL jve a y eat bargaio in the ule cS ,. ,4'jO acres of Wr.d in Aojon couotf 12 miifea jty of Wadesborcah.- Tie -Land ii 'wtll H'pted to 1 the cdl'Ut'e of Com, Wbetu and Cortcn, abo&i 30 acres under cuft'vation, ; i20 cf-wt.tCb- ftft'f -nd end a ve y good Jence the ba-i ce is Oot in good conditis' ; owin to itsbrlaq .-rented oqt for several yw i nrue is rni srnati ana o: puc imit viae, Dut s!.m.te rear a gocd and lajticg spring ,9.f wr. ter. The, pmcbsser can- be accommodated With Stock of eyey descrTpton ccaunon ia tJ$ cr.un cry, together with fiom 50 to 100? bureh cf Corn if application be mads im. mediau'y. 'The. Land w:Ube aoldoi a"libal crtdit, on the purchatff giving bond, peisos. al securtty,, and a snortgae on, ibe PTjopefty, 1 W. K. 1'ICKBTT. ' Anson, 6tb Sept, 186V: . :j WRRfiN BANDS FOR HALE. T N compliance with the Wilt -of the . lata Charles Marshall, the underaiencd Exc cutdrs' will xpos ,to Public Sale at tfie Market-House in VVarremon, on the 2d day of Warren November Court next that Valu able tract, of LAND, the late residence ot thtt, deceased, eontaming 1260 acres. Tha Land Is situated four and a half miles north west of Aarrenton on th main post road tetdinjr ta Williamaborougb, and is better Ljjilculated for a Tavern and Store than ati cpuutry stand n the county. One eiffhta part ol the, purchase moey must.be paid il .hand, and tru balance i ?even annual pay mentst with jjpod aecutity, toiiear mterest from the date. S'tit.oMOM .RSEEN. PUJLRMON HA.WKINS CEj'r JOSEPH HAWKINS, i Warrpn, Oct 15, 1H16 9U& i$ DOLL AR RE W ARD. AN A W AY frcro the subscriber, livig in Setlsnd-NecJc,--Halifr'xc(:U'i7, about. i tr.c rirst of December, a small Mulatto Boy, about a jteen years old. lie iaacvtnci viae moV, a id sxme inclined to be tow leggtc, ar.cf-fcaa some csr on his bead and-lacfj wl-ic!i were oectiiohrcT fiooi bur nt . He ii boy that is very well calculated to dtceive lninllt IheK, l2C gUJLffe, xd it is PTObabfe h wjll attempt ta bim he n-yfo deleted I wilt give a regard cf Twenty. Viv DulUrS to any peu-ni out w;l! deliver hinr to ne, hi "Scedah J Nffk, lU Iffax cooory.'or sfeitare biniin tof cr 7 g'Ve arty in-rKu(Ma.aotbat 1 get him again I IO . . J ' - 7-V and pay all expsiiats. 0 St i- , v s.. yNTcn. August 30. ' : ' WltX BE SOLD, T the : CottrthouW in .Morgaaton, of Satttrdav the 7th' bC December, the fob" lowing LANDS, or so m uch thereof -as'ww- ouwsoarge ine raxes one. inerro : . v 0 acres, given in Bylohn WillbVnos, ' 18t4Flym on Little Kifer,- aUjom Uenjamln. Newtand ' V .' .' lfifj AnrM' Hriwinr Rlrtia Wfiitf for tD year f,814; iyingon Utie H er, &i jvJining pr near to Johhs Kingr 30 acres, jriven m byUaJcJoitiVe.tor 181i lying pn a brrfncb bl Little Biver ,540; cres, giren in byvU-atthew Oaty to-. , , 13 15, lyihp; on Littler ttisfer, adjoining or ? near4o;Eliih Te.ue . 100 acre.., iiv-if in thenirne of Cbarlei Da ley for 1815, tyix oil t.iitle fciyer, ' . .. jotTMnljedicViFfeeman and land ot Boloipers'. - 3" ; JNa SUliDBUTfl, Pep. htt f - - - ; -a. ; .Burke County, N-T ' Jit th($apie ti7rie.q.ndMdce trill be Som for tbe1faaedieiberoi.in like roannrt Lying in a'aitf county, belonging to JW heirs of James Creenie'e, decd, lying tweerracobariind Henry'a Kiver and waurf bf the Catawb ttiver. M. BKXTTAIK, v. - . :c. Paw; 1