-a; iit . .. . r V," IV. f 1 ) UMr JScrf rtT2 R Wtf tfaVlS?? f P.- Dtrdr-rTe ttisccptft fViK;X?- le felt It .t iut? proentftimf the atteflUah; t -jmeetmgitnd fife fcould offer bit IcnUnirntvtin Jotccml Kw frowrfi of towr or.Citiice4rsr nloral : ftr nitrlft tKasc Bif jf which icpport, ortVetncxlcl or. aclrniraliqA: Thisuu thftoantrf "fft Cat weight o! Uxmin, a? w l! t c4ue of all wr , -FS" ftth a Mst of jrcophanC- and rra- rrtat fa.iMhan life br' propertT aiTiclj, r pulitical liberty. llQttIicptpett the country -ai eren yrowc jhaa its jr;Mnt coDdinon.Bonr pcvsrapi uT Situation ne rtrftnrcaliarl calcu: IsVJ fr trade, aid btradewa'had tjrincipallV. RnbiiHUdIf -then our ?rrlr Al. the taxes ctjnld not be'patd and'a national bankruptcy mut the consequence. .Ttii pjtna coujd not tje disputed; in'd he uba!u appeal to ant !iau acquainted c.Uh tSecbnmer-j oiat werld, aa to the atate and prunes t ifiur trade. 11e dintreaf of tradel in fart nnHpniabri-iit was to bt: aeen and feU in ever j quarter-, pf the empire aud in ecrv ctaf4ortheom munitV: and it wcafd beabwnltojMip-. an the itin:stefifri4Wd to incul cf.tc, that such unireral"caUmiJ vas tl, mere result of a trani(in from war to pace. Nrtthe ctif jar deep er, aud threatened a lon fired ImU fortune Such, indeed, n as the gene ral and juM impression of (he public; dJ therefore , instead of that mirth and leef thatiietj and merriment, hidi wibt be expected on the restoration of pice, rc ?ar nothing but mijierv and le.pitr i thd merchant without m.vk- -U- ;the manuCictureruitJiout custom-j crs, the tradesman and his family star- j bef n rtub!c!,,U0t ohl t of our V iiri'Scrtv, and to ctt'ihgwojr ,MT ti! t make snTat'fttndcM1' dc-- :ij;, the; agriculturist abandoning bin jionally found if w notv, alas ! so-cx-fim t.i in Urate to ome foreign land. IhaustetL astiije coniDelled to receive M ne can Cnne 10 rcapc inc uurrwr , of iroprinnment ; a preat part of the t land consequently left uncultivated, " . - - I and the hirer thrown upon thepoori jtr, while5 th common if nntthe ex eJusiveti'Hf nfconversation thfoaghout . the cutUQ, retcr to exteotji or pis-; Vif!be?, or jrxeruti'nis fr rents andj ; trxe--Sach nerthp pjoomy syiup-i Inir.s of the- ijine uch the nlarming car5 f wit' general convulsion. , I"hc questi ::, thtfn, fr the pfMiplcvtot coftt.!er. in order to avert the dauserJ feTY, Hr'.t. w.!hcr thcV !uriM state ; !cir complaints to thcs government r ondlv, 'whether if tier' made tire falcmentinf war pro: tht ratnuvnt jsWiM h. hruril r and' inllv. whether, if 'heard, redress! m:( oe-.o'itajiirit, rir.atircuieuy ap- p ? li'it, ivfiatevcr th. result M-o'jld chort tf e.pople niakeihein nst knovn ,ti proclaim their rriff.. i uca. What, caid he, s-hnll w e,vinJ VucIt .t direful state, of ditre allow j t eprf!vc to regard those iaip idrnt J 'p' c'itc, to ho!nJwernsinIy tSyiq that ittrss, thry tell us-thatrwr , 5u-!it it down ti patience to enjoy VSe comforts of o ir hwlV rrlUion B ; the l)ypcrits tliemsel'vvve Tcr tTae f )t submit io any tujary ,'they can re Cress or to a'ir Vfvirthey cZ-Vicmovp.? it 'Are they tn lo foond evert quietlv cn f darln? any pnratlAii?; Na theyliave I abundance, uhi'.ea rosnr of you starve r y?t Ary rYciimmendsjoul'rt:liroit U, wjon-, which ithey touchoT them ! 'P.TCff tfxild reader tite?o rwtlt and rswlyci to . . w m 1 T r ill en' 5haI Ae; lift posts: distrcrc are mereir.tentpan wafciiid L -ilevc'thi. It would b iiaons)kteQt"ith f ? notof IJritiiMpteHt, to' b: ' ; ' to the-5phstrn"t4lch.that;decLiaf tioi .e;tetf. df tlsratiott fc-d,rts auUibw'Vftr'rodeed pre tj tooch'oa a parV; Thpa authors Uve sustained the k Vr.f m whith1 has- naralvied oar induitr7,ind;inRadafd:the:C0unlrj with tlie inoJt flagrant rrupttpna thet hTverdiirrlced oc.afflicted any na onVI'it:POSib!eftben,to:.rctaI,? inn i donation, -wc n uc vw3 wui, who have' pfryedlike yultures upon the VltaUor the cquntnr, and , who,4.e vebjno;w,'are rebelling til everj Tfarietr of Jujturr, feUUs;,towattT?ith pa tience? that tirogftiir rtynaTe 'all our tliQctiUieif i tUt thinsi'trol willy take their1 natural course ; a'd that pur present distnifs ii-iherefj ,the . cpn&eT JjUence of p&ace I it poMiblehptto gel astoDig-nentand lomething more, whin at iuch''acrjais we reflect upon the thooi itfuV distributed xngin& ccrista' and courtly sycophaillir-wheii Wc''e sudi immense umajuandered in-llie cont-uction Cf supernumerary palaces and superfld6us.stefs,jwhire thousatids fthoac who13,ess alpure and honrrale blood, and feelings quite aWirtoos 'fea.cver bc!Q&a t$. royalty , are literally. s.tanini'T T :t pro! ifion and "profligacy arid ins:r.ciUlity to the s)at e -oti tlic .people,'? t - r a o ac i rf tfec faccln eTexr direction. - .There r.hs; at present in thia courrtryif v:fc.perMnfl, one a Lioru spiritual, nnu,.u three Lords temporal, jr?' tz j? Jrom th publip purser for dohi not ..inno Jess than 10,000 aVeap N '' en- ;tleraen,it will beTintToar;r crilectioo tnat, arcorningraacaicuj-uu.i vr thnr Voun'si tthidr was laid before Parliamentary commileeA sone 'years si uce, f Sof'Ool a car ' vi oul f , suflpl to su pply 5,000 person 'wit ! bread ; so that the four Lords to wli m j( have rHIudcd, who'are lite'ratlv a burthen up-. n fjie country, -rjecif foV doxnnothingaoaliV crvr' up oort!i3,000 of the croud HaVare star, vine. t tho-tc scifisn drones who thusprcr ujwn oar resources, presume to inu)tt')e country by recoiuuiend-incharitablejcoatributionsfiu- tlic pep plewhile'thoyki care to hold tight theirown parse string, giving merely nuch a trifiraa serves only to ofi'eud the understanding the country' - Such is the fattitA wUdi Orej Bri tain boa. beetle tlpradet Jifter having so long oc4uped the 'most Eminent station, after"lviig stood forth . as Uo liberator ofJ nations, as the ad vocate oflhe 6ppesef, ond the sup port of.the needy. This t Iden mine, I a all the nations of Europe have occa- !.. -1 A . i 1 r 1 an czrcinuajruirj-. uniiniiun, auu irom ; whom P-roM-a-Fenchmanfrom a j Bourbon ;'. too-from a member of that I family uBtcJi is truly endeared to us by theirtoIerarTt spirit and liberal con duct towards IVotestants, - and still more for having io materially, contri buted to wren America from-the Io thinton of niig'and 'Jluf tKcre is some thing so odious,.and contemptible'.in the conduct -an'L character of thV fa mily, that auEngliHhraan.tijnacious f the crspquenceofiiu country must feel pecalirly humbled bv the .circum stance tir which -I 'hate aUuueil." For or 4 y made tlrejjwho, that is sensible "of-prideV could pofd to day,!Tr to owe-anyoligntron to sncTia lamily, who an; as silly in tlieir-.'supcr-s t i t i n n s a s ' 1 1 1 e y a re i u h u mi n - i n tl iei r policy,-vf-o were, at once coWatdlrandJ ne:;cyiiM, .wm, iae moment .Uona narfe landcil in Fraocewlthout ny arm skipped awajfrdiir PkVts File sbaiW rassboppers. ..Is it possible nbt t penny dlqt all this disirrace js owl. to the oligarchy, that rojsorpk- Kn land. CIt roisbt behe nbserred. that althiu-i tie berrfl most of those ivhb heartl him' very- wjpjl uddabou :what m jsery meantj that some niiht rertuira an exnatioa ;f -bliffarehy, and he woald t)icrcfore,;expIiin iti:j Aji1 oik garchy tncantf supreipe, powerin .the hands" oPa few. and such WiS'the" bane, oC the cyuntrfi Jit thit' olifeliy.j A' .u '.. 1 . vu n paro ui c iix h to sia n c o 1 15 nj 1 site men rcbciviij bounty ..from uctrji fa2 mily, t Use tarcical ;e"bHiqTit.ot JjH, UnaubcinJikceliiariasforJilidlfv 1 1 V tap :'.rov 'of 'haxoury, wlule : !ifc"r;'pnl imj)ulst;was'nior,j T orHheorSed thirst J j 1 :i;cipi! 3vnttwbr. v... , r.i dr.eVeypartorj thr'svat- ; cf iiu.ittne.countrrttronva 1 U - divined j ' B 1 ,5 0pUmseiTes4 , , , 4 . , . AS thA I n w m A l ot; that t k t;rr tney.na, tcoxetr liis weresprtiuucKatwoca i ree Kbf theol iarcTi ji . wjth ;ou i 7nytna ' tcriai.inisperence grauempi xo resist 'its e ;lfehce perKaJw, the stanr j'dinr- ciy IhioT become '$o enormous as !'th;vureateAiVectirtt7! of what re- mains." of Qconsfitational tibertT-- If anr .ffentle,i&n doubted that th ex istence of a sCaL Jinarmy wadanre.i; t . rous 10 popular nueriy, ne mustnave. ' read history' with great inatteritionl- : Fnr'history bbth autient anriiodenTj j both foreign and domestic, presented the most strikihjr examples of that dan IceKi! He' 'should thinlc. ;it enough i to scue one insiancc.j rr neii a auuiuip armynyas8tablit!Aed -at f.Romey tLepir dki who'-wt 't)ieial err of the first trU utnViratefr Lf&r the;destruction of human 11 . ., :raj,pjoclamationi promising j qy id prosperity to those who supported . his measures, and cte riouncinz. raiser "'find proscription i a- ratnsc tnose wro oppr7--u-i.7em rro tterwards lawiui Jor any one to strike. off, his headi or put liim to death inany other manner; and thci tcrriQie aenuDctauon 01 Lepiuas was carried, ihtoieflecti ' For bo fess than4! u,uuu -proscnuea; oj nev tyrannical triumvirate 'were but. to death bt .the aid p a standing aqny J and it was re tWkable that th first ideqf of aJ -Pfe- perty Tax originated witiiistrtunivi rate, who forty ed; the great prototype of, so many; succeeding goyernineiiU liut the fate '.of the prototpe should; s'er,ve as a warning to the imitator s'. This country was, hejioped, safe from the great ei!s of "avil war? butU was jmp)Hsible. that thins could Ion re main in their present state : and if; a- Vr.auch circumstances should ansc twire was' fffofnuph: reason to fd read: iwould be iul65dtalk,of,the law and constitution 'w hen the "staoding army! appeared. TheiMw was miite and the Constitution. a (lead letter, When oppo sed to that sword, which was the usual instrument and best ally" of a tyranni cal Prince. , Here the Honorable Gen tleman quoted the speech of James the scnpxioa in vone r: caiH.wiairiue-iiarae 1 of the-proscribed tjic ald be proclaimed I and posted' up in JhV public street's, and it was aGterivards' lawful ' forc any 1 first ofahat .Parliament which, be ttl',H:k observed, was annual. In this'speech Uhe Kipg said in substance, M that he prelernsu the good of his people tothe iridulgence of his own wishes, because he felt that in attending to tlieir good he always best consulted hiswn inte rest; addingrthat the pofyer he pos sessed was ordained 'r -the ffoml ot the people, and not fori- own good) andi tliat those who woald ur;r2 Ll nto think ntlipwu( i.n. '..:. 1 :lT-t wic ijjcr;knu ; ptosis iy himself, as well as to i't'vcomm6n weal.w -Had isdotitrjneBaj4;r. 8. been acted upon by the successors ot James I; our Monarph would Hot have lost lus head; and another wouldy not have been 'dismissed irorii'-tht: throne But:thefc act.vaAhat the uocinoe oijjames. i; teem., i -.to TIiavg .been altogether rorirotten'tri'tnoderni times. ' Pnfice's iniht,r hovve, yet lainentTthat thejrliact been?rt foreet. lutL UJcir. ,iuer. wiMrrespeci'io PrfrliamentarV UeJorrTl';the'T6B.", G6n- ftleman r.ul,, .that 1terVh&uld iddino miu hh( nau ucn ajreaqjouper veuVyppb;. that interestinlt aubi'ecti kAccordih:r,to his Iddinrtnt. a-rtieh'rnr bmuuiu . ue convreneu- aistincuy, tor tnej entiinents. He was.firraly 'conyincec. hatnles's VradicaleanUftijctuatj-e'r vmw..v buiii,u iai uijii ai.nreadfal storm WAS.r-nUftr.tino' I .Tmuifaniess speemir averteft. wouia bt,fj dnheArf.fiirAAJrcftfn 'muff n.nJ Aiftt lU-V-LJ 'lilJ-J ' mattonXWcurel' 'protctrid' In a'poacbJuif "rfiht thftititfV th Tjtt ,.: tion forthettiirfmc of thai desira-i wtvawi ut; mau& vun uigniir-ana Udternrnaiion ithat thepeoplfl thMd approach the throne fth Magnahaf Ja in their ;HimJaiand Grranes l their hfeaxts, tfitll vih JRrince fiegent;tha . .... : Li .'r-jr.S .i;..r ..i'.-.V.V pu rpiije oj prepa fng i pet ithtt or pe litloTOj'yjLli ; aJrienv.to.: the attaXnaVent of - reform abii at such a meetitrtre, shorM;;take occasiop- redeliver Iits1 rfatid tf :ir rights rin telf himrv?hate- yerparasitef inr 'm Splimtyi thaciyotrpf tbmpla; n , ; o "rsnable;7 to ineet imihetj ' j- cofistd eratton J.t to tell ' hinViaTsA hat foilr grtevae4 tnust be rcmedi&-4hd thatrthe detar o yourjrejress irolXpUr hal deitructidif alf 6sey whoia'ynu Kk' List oOhe United Sut Duties on'Dis tiUers, Ketajler, CftrrXag-es, jStama.nQ'Aid ber ofUseriifAricUhm-Hl andIi&elIaneous unwr, ana a 01 uiEuuemDers ot Asm Orders lvil 1e thankfullv received friu xuniry aiqreK-eencrs ana otuers V l READ THIS. T VVILLgiye a" greabargxiniibe .Vtleor 20 of WKIchha fresh nhiiBiider ?ver crood t?ttee-i Ke "Kiancei faQ&ja ) goojd condiuon l j i' s beine reared out fof several years pas;.o ir. A ffctenv Tenats rh(Dwllo hoasa is iir small ahdf to'litdf valubut sinnte ear goed- a.lacjrjrfwa a country, tegetherwiih :'t$Tfr5l& ; tallOO nfediatcly, 'Te ttand wilLbt tohriibbaJ credit, oa the, pUrCliatergivicjIxiDdptrscnii. al security; and mortran the propeirtf. ' tb Sept.' 1816. f V., f 1 rnilB SUbscribett wifli.CIIsh and-eotisldertti X'"btepSinS levins selectettairreat ririety ULNev-York ; adiPbiladeluhifu otter fbr sale on vervjuoderate teams'. Uie fflUowrtie' arti- cies or., tne latest importations, onsistinoi . Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold Musical frenea- tiny and Patent LeVer, Watcheil Silver do. of 1 Seals land Keys of the newest fakliionsi otne supermy elegant, moiq yst ana uornenan buttons aSili feleevc do: i Gotd- and Pearl set Ciaspsand BrUceHtsifd.-tiornelian. Coral and JettNecklacesi Minfafire C3e ,-and I Lockets, :'VAlsd.'SiTvier'S: and Salt SKaebfSci'ssbre Chains: andTSpecia; tries ofall tins, andiited to all og;Silygf. UaieiKiar irencirases, Todm tca Hieetft DQtton3, foittimjr and'Xitg'NeleSy'Tlod, kins, ilooks aiKyand Fruat Kmv8 Sil ver Monnled Srcij! iipahje'tteil awlTlumes, Pocket P.j5Ujsf;Uinuaiut Castoc,Gilt S Veel, and Silk AvIibainsfiiewSelf tJie best kind oESht'dajc Clocks, warranted to perbiTh well wit$ w W.out nce Mali gany cases, &r. ike. &d ' ' " Wutchestoi Clocki of the most d&qpplitat-: ed kind, catefuUy repaired Witli promptitude and warranted tor twelve mem tbs v ; ' ' The above mentioned (Joods. Jhaving been bought almost enttrly with psbhe under sjnetl is:eiDabledV Sell them at reduced prii ces-for Cash: - ;.- ;V The adbscrib'er would do -injustice-, t6 his foplictrs i (re ifbt tn tht ciajmerlEO return raterul acknowledgements toiieojpttl lie for Dast firoiir"s. atid assures them that he I nrill uhis rttmnst etvleaTOLMtOdWvetOU' X fl. Cisli fcveivfbr OldJGoid andSUvirT. Jfiive Kaieiffb.- tctobeFa - r -ir Tcn-i'arrf & other Yalndb'b Property j rHltUti SUOSCnocr petjig'-auoui rcnjc .11 from Pfctt?yiutflT$rj. fo:ssJea Lot in the .Town bfFa'yedeydle. ITCarohna rit inW.f? irthbut .S ev aoVr 60 Tan-Vam, Quanti ? d Tal Wrlroots and' f f pig ments ofall descraOsed. by tanners curriers f ralsoi-tirKe. pwting Hetwff ex. ttmrtv m 1ii shtd. it br aU nceS ry cat Uousesajarge' atnRaccVtMjt ier ierms.tdsmCHu:ci? i; .ioe iah is highly- imoroYea, tnd i&fta conTeniace HtedJor whofestle na retail Hng iitbefjCnter irrii njouws,-,' Atsd 40U 4ca plaaA four miles fto r Ai 4 reduced PceTor casb Vrirood and Dprr -li&tfter; ikbnlfarflei BddleJ KidfCatves; -$!UVtf?$te& Uenrn&s in respect to It bcwmfhperytious. v.tn cMtSeiiboye Property tsoi laid on. oVtock nfeUlW iPavsnecU ' ber nude sH cure; . orcrin PPjr M h " lrT 9T . y-r. 1 r. :?-':..:.. -'.i :i of.UieH &wa'nearuie a.u Aumy - potnewnartiw 't tv tif. ROOnR will hliw,iri laeiM-eaf fjeceuiber .theltjfc i feSTTE ot3M!n I - v bury, mnd three othvfCliotai luaftd lasald ' - pep ana a rcasotuDio preai wi u oe p rca , Notst;. ??j .Adastrsoear : p?5? p?m &fcttfw r-. tV; s;viptd seirlbrUiyineati?. :-i ie nSb ':". Vi Otdmed.7 brown ah alhl3atkl6thj?J5 ; t TO 1 PinTcen. Wet Black, s reep erirasoo id scarltt E Sehawand ; t lorence SUksasi ItKrt arid Luteatrniz It Ikoai &Utacl cotton ShWisV64; 7A atR iFapcy illkndlihieif :Wlft ItSnom rA iTrl Mjidrasa and, cpulnioii0o. J a -v? lidV beaver aooVsUii GlqyestT Cottoa and woolleir Stocfaogg Cambnc,4aticlslid 1 t Jacdnetlt . ,-i., '4'' 1 iidist oor.ace r - -.1 w-.- v.u r.-d.!. Ja- Bed Tickitig eea liaise and nfimnomwy -domestic Strhea,ad . Check, &cn fccv witb " , general axrorimenpi uv 1 lai y Alios . iJ -1 ill l-'.Io f r 11 i i-i , irblsh will be JWd ery low for ex'sb or nn -tbort icredii tiioae whose rjua&iuat itv tckir T- ':2fiLfes bfti ittit reibeived afres1isuppW ,T. ' ? I M Boola from Philadelphia ainonst f " 4 1 1 hicVatbe fbllowiifc Vv .-'",. 1... ,. ' - AntiiaVTravels in Greece, Eusttce's GUs-! -j 1 yl .ficalc5:yok;i'''Ali. Bey a Traveis u ; ; thlT?uii& Peria Arm v W Abyssirfia UwiVdo ih.Brail i Camp- . b"ettVdo.in South Africa: Hamilton'a "Woflt 'Vkk iuiu, yuw "K"1" K, irp ldy.C Lsf';lonjn,'bs9 Clleht AniiquVy byhettthor tfQ&fw$n& Rboda KPairaL pot !MatchedPaience and hv ltotles riEuiilia'Qf LCTcleHau do. r Christ tpbeT, John Bull and Jona,' ffcgttiati Piddle ; foore;Vlhshnd ubspd Melodies! lttletind .reVPoemsj SiejreofCoria'thr. WVtli lieUV Atedical Compani(3h7n$vEdii' "v v m 'Kbrth on.Fevers; -SraacC'on ddJvtf'pri' ,7 Jraftco. L S -1 It A. -A UVeaJOf, Uo:JtfartyyT;tnited.3tfd beffersOTSJ ,rit.fmi rirt. Beauties or i jiriSHana-i . .. ...- Farnily We 5 yois-.iour w v fcreni ka do, PocEet BiOle iaoocct a more itcn7ve ai bettc iSsortmt' SSjOOKS thait bis beretofore posses. !7J7iw.KX.'ff.vA1icaii and Post Paper, I A '2far.JT?y ..,.1 1.-. fe. by MrsDpjer 2v: Larimer ; "AilelaBe KBrbl:ea.IIam-t The Mjssisasya hbetn. flrre on tllbr sWroation'oi he Escopal Ctorcj UlrJolCatATUiism: Xluteabmnt ( -4 . . 1 - sr. vvi tr.