POETRY. TOMB OF HOWARD. John low ah n, the .r Famed Philanthropist, - diedat Cher son, m Turkey, January, 20th, 17U, and lies lliere entomb d. This cir cumstance gave rise n the following lmev: When 'er the sounding Euxine's stormy In !ostile pomp the Turk's proud navy rid es, Tkf-nt .n .' tninlit-fK of I lie Imperial Czar. To nour the ienmost oi vindictive war ; It onward to thoseYiiore they haply steer, . here'- Howard, tin cold dust reposes near ; TVu.lst o'er the wae the silken pennants An, i.t.n fir off tlt ml,! f!rM-fn:V crleam : VAtYd the pmp ef war, the swedrig bjeasrV Shall feel a -t;l unwo iti-d me imprest ; To ihuknvmJer shored But moo, oh siranger, doora'd perhaps to roH.n, :-Y :-'YY; An e;ic;i;:u,y a , ear, and far Irom pome; If ever tort one thy tout foots: eo leads Vi Y , ; ..I : 1 V 1 . K . ..... 1 Bi !i c(M!n(? - reedi : ' 0ti YwardVgrcve thou shall impassioned 5fcnd;Ya As vodd sad converse w'.th a friend ! M imc'er th) tit- u thsvar sou scene, iYhateVr thy wery p Igrimage has been, 'fncKH cli.il llw.ll I wimi tin j" from I ; thy heart Sane v an regrets that oft unb'dden start, Th . L- iin.ni him: in ev'rv lot res.irOed. Wov we u ho ;ujld, who perishY- orman- ' rOK TUE HEatSTKB. V SUNDAY SCHOOLS. a , A Editor I have for a corinler- We ti ie been aHiouslv expecting to , j uc u e uet.u -T ' r ', hear of Ts e c-sta dish meat or u oay ti . . . JJ ; Scods. in N.u th-C:tndnia lint, as t 'V18' 14 , c , ; ! reii.1 viu vai i V , .r ; it v iH hi oi'c iiM'et t ieir er.rne ap- . 11 vii at .v. . t ! ; m 1 L, , V : . . . . . . . : th is kind be ei 01 ined i n every Vl- r?s- ; ti' ii-.iur renei utin oi ou countrv. The "reat object i! SaiKlay SchooU. j l tu itHtruct young; .eroi '. Y-y1' i Iy umh-rstand the d S-cnj ?ures : , a.td to direct their attention ,r.m , J ti-Christuri amusements on tae r bat'i-t.av Bv such a 'oui '-e a t?us. man v voting pe rso i' s who t. 5t; i their tirne away on th Lord's oay, WtiUlil e useiuiiy riiipK ru in .Mi that winch is f so inuch ijr'anc tu their future weiiare. r CldlrU ei d.icaletl at schools of this kind, would no tloubt so in become ve y tond of i eadiii t!e Holy Writ, t tere t ey fiov... almost wh-dly neglect it. The S i' Hth Schools insom? oi fir sister S it es (frih the m ost con ect in r ma -tion that I can uet.) amplv ptove the con ectness .f what I ha e hei etated . I hoje. tl erefire. that the MiVister of the G opei throughout our tate. will lose no time in communictijig th sobiect to t'.eir reSi,ectiv cor.:re giion. 1 -:v ; Concord, ' Dec. 1 o 1 7. : rs0M TilECUARLSS rOV TIM 1 9. Messrs. E n ii h s. .6 n t '''f: Of V; ! e ds arul C':ife:on of raith, an -fiit V'U Cvjtaui rf factions : tno ti., v are" U: the nvs' pai.t. the re vlk d' an .-nnent u -iter, they ne v e ' t I.hIc-s are not inapplicable i u mo de?" t iiiies. -. ' :;.;.: ":-v Wf, m Pr ste an t we re wit hd raw - f the ( hurch Vvf R'Ot.e, t!w h of R.me, t!Vv j ed that the crip- the onlr iii.uuie!! '.!rffM:.nt!slv coPtei:tle to. eV alone, w ere - ' i : I',..! l...o fivrtti-iTihr- Hufl.i tlaik and d ox Clergy, they yere p I a in in c very j ai ticie aud cei e?nuny : b if too v:i.V. and obsLtite tor t faith a; d practice ol t) e i -.-y. The Chuic' Jl:eerore, to whtOi divine autfu.i :y is cm li.'ft tl r!ir care of siiuU, thought it advUab'eitt decbi re, that ui h as re- fust . to ci lipsy vtstii iu i upjn u en- i .options of the Bible, should rsu!vation..:;:Y tay ex have tin Thus hen contending with ti e See ; Of Ume tl.d v e Hi st .iiei.i.nufi s extd i the suth ! of t ; e fccnpu res. ant! inveigh '-Vru.-d the impo-ijii: t n rinions : ?'Ui tin s i er uete tl.ey r, vetlul e- to rebuke nonco.dor-' inits. than rv ey in thoir tuin, hot- roweti tlp Javii-laue of : apri ; uhm u ; t' e ''--authm ily ': the Ap.i die Chii; th; j t e dvj. v iij to jutle fr otliers ; ' 8i d TO I :0' V ho ? 1 r"- t ' j t j utt h';i stj , s: e dea l out hard Ian-j ; g , ijo. ii 1,. I v. " ie h -ae. , 'mv. I ' t.In 1 to be an incr ntro j vet it e pYjition. that be iei, r u nbe-i lief, can 1.-,!!.'! he a v;rt..e,or a crime, CL? -5!0i.a .ti. ii-y.s n.,vc .Ui ..Y tar past, ' btui tstaohdud in xhis, pUte " flics Tluce UtJlais l liave i,.t .. jet .neani 01. .. .. , iut:...i ..: ti.jM - ' ;' 0 !;(,r M1 ni;, trufjnt prouer to rerommiM. , uw- ; . . - - - i ' - ' i" a I j 1 i mi ir iijt) I I ft I J I if 1-.'. . 4.4 ' - :Vn-ih . SijCh otlr jd:a s as.th-HNj id: x- n.tro- liht dictate, or prudence n;'- jlduced not so much to edify, as to Ititnhonc o! '.tsknMLnou.dcer.!, ,f,rve of llttr rur.,,.eH. ''i,.v u!m al talrily be dt tUe u insMmpt tu tl,t!ic i . . i teht ft oi ort'n ..xv It noreo o'.srv irii that the e vej v r:p- ; i . . r r'- . , i ... n ; V i i i r I in I er, js i ica ve o v,a;:t of reer L ' a - ... . . i nr0 All. I i-PSiprt tu- I !.: il iit I..'! i?l Li.t ..-In t hp or in. . 1 '"i-vm . -.. .. ... . ' - ! i in any one who" tiles ih6 beist fceink ij of information, if a proposition be evident, we cannot avoid believing it ; where then is the merit, or piety, of a necessary assent ? If, on the contra rr. if hi nor evident . wp cannot avoid ! rejecting it ; and where is the crime i of not believing what does not appear to us to be true ? Blind assent to that of which we can form no cunccp-j tion, cannot with propriety be called belief. Are men who have piercing eyes the more righteous for seeing r Or do blind men sin, because they can not distinguish colors. Wh en w e ci early discern a propo -si tion, or know it proceeds from God. onr asetit is iMevitalde. Buf, ii we ! can neith e r com pre: end it ourse I ve fa , nor see Goti?s authority for it, and yet ! swallow it ; this is credulity,, and not I Divine faith, which can have nothing ! le?s than truth for its object. I Wheti God speaks, it is tatrsdutv to obe y. But. when men spak. our ! belief is but human ronfirlei.ee even i tlxcuh th.ey tel I us tlteir power is from i (iod. HasG.id imparted a ilrveation i C 'tttkC'tl-lIU f t fllllS'A -tin it - ance of man 10 reveal it ? Or was it given, not to teach men how to live. butfho'w to 'doubt ? I am cone, s tic! t)U r b I essed Sa v i on r, ?) my fa! lie"" name, and ye receive vie not : if c"o t!;rr sk.ill come in his mm nan:? hint will if? receive. Let us rentember this rebuke, and be Christians, and not prietiings. We are sure $crip t ti i e phrases w e re in spired b v t h e 1 1 i- I v Spirit, and are e(juuilv ure thjf - 1 , ., ' - . r :vu:ir. creotls are the uapoitim oi w . n A' - ; i Sectaristn.How strani; ts it. t; at . r , , , , , the ftirmer shouul be considered i:t- d iiniiitvllitrvble, ati r .th- spicu ous and it 1 fa; ! i hi e, a- d on pain of eternal dam- live imposition of Carnal creeds is . r - . . as c,;iitiarv to reason, a it is to c! a ; - iy. Tl ev kfep a'ie party m iiim-. ep a:ie party ami inviui"u fstsTiuciiooN : ti:ev cre ate narrow unsocial views, and are setn. And thev who believed them j j against t'eir cn-ntMicoi, w-re c ir-- f (it So tar cither the w rath of God. of tht. j-f.o.e, ,v;1 v;tablt., if Lme-r .aid thev believ- f ;:n ,v!ien hev rlid ii;t, th-v shin- j wrecked t'.'eir soals ; ami it f!ey did j r.ot1 br-live, and avowed (oesr lucredu-1 Si t v. tl oiign tnev saved met r sou is thev highly incensed their ghost.y N 1 1 wi tli standi ng ai ! Bi ble Socle! t s concur in the nnmrietv ot dis i,i:ia- j t'?g the Scriptures without a eom.nent. i yet aie Missionaries of vaii us d'n. I minations. traversing foreign c m n- ri ies, as weli as our own. nt so jn c'i. it would seeiti, to make Christ ian, ,as proselytes t tlie tenets f tlu se i :rti- cuiar asSfciationSi nv wMom fiev axe been sent . "abrtau wliscri pt iofV-1 uers f r the proan tion d ect.i i.4n !; ..t ..... mn olcn in 1 it I I 5111 '1 f '(' 11 I t 1 1 I I VirtTSi (XI . rt I -V 1 l "I" V Ml i hois pre pa re ! t say, t ! i a t r h e 'se ... j. are the most likel y mean- of "iir be- ' v omi ng fine foi l 't :-!?r on? sjvf r ' It has been most evi! i!t ly decla'Td -b y t : e a u t iff o f i h e f ' h i i ia n d i s ( - ?a I io n. tha f all 'h fuc n vd ts, i. e -1 he w h o ! v s 1 1 s ra tic -f He-1! e Y t. i !igi,n is include il atidr t ' positive orecp i5;?iy to G d -and unb m nded phi la tfopiijV 1 ! th-n , : j eternal principles o- i:ior!iiJ v r.n r v . are s; p pi ciio..;. .ir.d th e s c r : :t -1 t -i-f v are of t!te;;yeU es all? tu mnh us . . i i . i in" sn.ciu.o:-: t,Fi,t rr j 'fOT dcrtrirc, revr .J. c,rr,cU rt '" it utifti snl vuttun : beii cr . tnltt- I". en r-ci rt. and ! v h v i sv ! tl an absent lo apr ifmi1!;.,-v . t i ' i i ? - uocinnes oe conj,ieief; as an '.n ( an human in.:u.'y f rnish belter ; rules man tue precepts ot tne oospei r I?i they ueed substitution, or letruire nient.'ment t ,: I', said a late Prelate, men cannot " be b- u' t io Ihink ether, let them ! entle ivoi t Uue tlier in pea' e and amit '. l et n At ...: rn 1 m e.vr - . -r " ve.v Erhrann. In it-.e, in ; a : Jieacii of Christian charity. BY AUTIIOIMTY. it.uni(m.utlW j ta.n Pub! i- the diij'tt jbutvon or cer Docunitnts. Rczolvtd bu ti- senate and House f lirf. rcxeniattvcx cf the United S;atc fAonrica, in Loigr, c, it-bird. Th e Secretary f S ute cube to be disu i u.od, cne set 1 f Slate Papers .nd Public Dvc n ent s. pri n ; t d by T. ti. XV a' t & Son s. n pu;ru'.d:ce of Yets of XYt.gress .'hereto-", 'iv passed, 0 the i'l cs-dt iu ot the LTniti d Y itcy v one set to the Vice- Pn si lent of :e United States ; one set tYcach cf the lea as of Departments, to the Ait rney Yentral ni the Unhed States, t u each V f 1 he Senators and Representatives, and to ! J year crCne Dollar and a Folf fcr half a Wiir to be paid in advance Subscriptions recrived by the Printer and bv evcrv ? st-Alau vcrtjgriigrits not excucding thirty lines inserted the first time for Half-a Duliar, and for a Quarter in each succeeding papr. tet nth Congress ; one set to each branch of the Legislature of each State and Ter ritory, and one to each of the Executives of the several States and Territories; one set to "each University and College in the United States ; six set to the Secretary -f the Senate, for the use of the Senate and eighteen sets to the Clerk of the Houe f Representatives, for the use cf that House ; and the residue of the sets of the State Papers and Documeuts aforesaid, hall be deposited in the Library of Con gress. .';" H- CLAY, of the House of Representatives. JOHN (iAlLL vUD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. December 2 J, U17 Approved, JAMES MONROE. A Tl esolntion d irect.ng a distr but"on of err tarn Laws among' the members and dele- f the 15th Congress. Rexck'rit, by the Senate and HAine of Reirewitafwefi cf the United State of i tirirrica in Ccngrrss: asscmhUd. 1 hat the Secre.arv of St. tc be dire ctt d to dis- tribute c pies of the Laws of .hi Unitevi I btatcs, publ sited bv Biorcn fc Co. anw ng ) tf.e members ancl leieutes ;i itrn'.ou, j f the present Congress, who m u not f ha e received th? s :uie, ia pursuance rf any former a . t or resoludt-n of Congress. Dccem!)cr 23, 1S1T. v I Sigt e'.i as above. 3 A RUNAWAY. N thr 'a- V J .i e iiv tMuia'to man nm- ed t ..A I ilUCN , a 5yv He ih i ut ; 23 vmho ah )U 5 t et 8 incliet hr K'1, a i h.'"dn5' weii md-mo, w ih a sor ab ve j ..Me oi ot hia i-n t., ard a v rv black heat. ! of ha r. I Pae no d--iht b.it tiut he wtl rrake tor F:ter:'m-ir. Vii-i-riK. 1 will ffive il for his appi thension. so that 1 gc. h ni aga.n. AVAL FARROW. Spartar.sburgh coun y, S. C. Dec 1. DiiY GOODS. ; Thomas W ilson A Co. j T AVE lately rcceivitl from Philsdflphia ft 1 f,nd Xew-York, 'v PMckarps of STAPLE U l LXCi GOOD V v,z : 2 Bales Sbep-.jurdN best IJrcad Cioths 2 ilo ( 'a'is: Ti'-rts v 1 F tiicy Waistcoating 1 C Sk Icint'tt 12 Itoe lllankets 10 Sir pc do 6 Kendall Cottons 6 FuMiitls, ussirlcd colors 1 Pchce Fi .'incl ' 1 do ' (;i iths 4 T..n:od;es 2 ". F;hs.:v:v 1 lit ii n k mc: 1 Scotch () .rf-etinj . 6 (i r:it..n 1.: uns 2 hvst Hca. ti :? ts 4 do F -It da 4 i.jnccr C:xp9 :: 2 D m ties 1 Cotton Hosiery 1 V isied do 2 ; Ho.-.'wtfs ' 2 Co I'm Checks 1 V!!: c M.u vedle ' 1 S.ik r.r.hrellas 10 Hoes hh Linen 2 do do Shei-t ng 4 IiOnr Uwn 6 !')i-o co !i ts, assorted oloTs 5 ) Vashvona!h it hhons 10 P.u-' r;:nni;ng 0 Trunk-, tul.co 4 do 6-4 C;''iibr ck 1 J.tllH.tt i 1 Sc.vcd Tr. ha Mid Muslla 1 1 Hook 1 Pla-n do" do :V : ' ; l.eno ;;? 1 P! ec es cr.!')!-' -l H wr lmzeen 20 dt) ..;; i; jVahi'- 3.cu4iaw:. ' 10 Sail a-surtedci lors 1J L' van ;i(S do IJ F'vffir,- do t f:a- 1 ; r: i -k ' Pal)! e CI0U13 11 : iVfcs!) jntsHr t'luth 3 -dfiZl. i'f itidl 'iiUTH 6 cP 2 do o ..- 4 '.i-siTfit-! e Shawls C'a vs:n:tre hearts 7 h D .ou skSdk Shawls l 'anion Crape do 7-4 L?vant ne do 7-4- ! lack & White I.ace Veils 4-i hnrtd Levantine ilandkh Half Han Ikeichiefs French Cambric Handkerchiefs 4 '4' 2 4 6 with tape borders 20 Pieces super. French Cambric Ladies' and Centleniens Sdk Iiosiery i'o do do Gloves Th: e:al and Silk Ices d do Kdgi g Black and white Patent Sdk Lace, Sec. f The above floods, in addition to their for- , ' - C Yw ,.trr t-v .. ts k f!oOi.Mftl A -rz -.w4 tv . , all of whiCh wai' bc sol.l at reduced prices. tf ' Petersburg, Nor 10. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. T A N A WAY ti om the sub?c ib :r, living 2. n Franklm county, Nordi-Carolina, on the 12th of January, 1817, a N gro Man nam ed RANDOL ah ul 26 or 27 v ears of age, be t'. '-en 5 and G feet high, rather vellow com- ! nlecteif ; appears htmible when spoken .0 . iv is expecicu ne uas bomc uiams 01 snot a- t hoht Ins ti ps, thighs net k and face, as he ' bus been shot kt several times. His wife be- 'Jongs. t a Mr. Henry Bridges, formerly of i this c i'inty, w ho star: ed with hf r about the I 14th mutant, to South-Carolina, Georgia, or i Teiira svee. It i siionoseti he will attemnt harffriig'.'or: trading for svd Xegm. And j ail mas'ers of vessels are forb d having any j th ng to do with n,m at the penalty of the 1 law. F!e ab ive reward and all reasonable j r harres w.ll be pasd to any person who will secure said ntgro, so that I get him. WOUD TUCKER. December 23, 1317. X B, Any person apprehending the above Neum, will inform me by letter, directed to Ransom's Bndge, N C. v I Xj The Etl tors of the Telescope, S. Caro ; I na; the Wii.g, Xash ille, Ten. and Reflec j tor, MJleilerevdle, will insert this tlvertise meni six times, and forward their bills as a I hove. :;-.."' - "'Y--: RALEiGH TRHTfED BY JOSEPH NEW GOODS. BENJAMIN' B SMITH Respectfully in forms his friends and acquaimances ge nerally, that he has just returned from th orth, and is now Opening, at the Corner ot 11-rget and Fayetteville Streets, near the darket-House, an Elegant Assortment FANCY" & STAPLE COOI1S, HARDWARE, .JUTLEltV, and GROCKRiFs ; ad of which ne is disp sea to sell at the m(jst reduced trices for Cas'i. Nov 7, 1317- 46 2m DR. RICIUUD FE.WYXK " H rl: G removed to Raic gh, with a v:ew rf mak og it his p?'manent re id-ncj . espcctmlly actpia-nts the inhabitants M tc' rown and its Vicinity, tha he ha formed a ;onnpct:on iu the Fract.ce of Fhjsic wi.h br. Bi'ttces. Lrs. Fvr.r.er end Burge W'U rt'end putctuahy to ail apjilicatio' .ude o thm. Tb? r Vbcp :s on Fayett ville Sttee . xt dorr ' unw Wr. John Smart's Store. Ra'eivhy Jan. 1. SOLD AT J. Gates' Store Raleigh, By appointment of the Proprietor, Viocn are celfuraied for the !ure of mt: d seases to which the Human Uouj is b '.. ble. 0t trtd onh hv the n?e Proprietor, T. W. DYOTT, M. I). 'Jf'indson o't!. -P'- celebra tO ir. Robrr son. of Ed nhoroogh Or. Robertson's celebrated Stomachic Elixir of Health. For the cure ct Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Hooping Con gh, A;lhrra, Fains in the breaV wind in ih- Strm,ch, fiowel com p!a:raF, kc Pr ce 1 doila; 50 cents. Dr. Itnbertson's Vegetable Nervous Cordial, or Natuie's Grand Reslora tive. ; v- d' commtj'leil for the cure ot all Nervous ; cump'a ntii, attrdd wi h mw.'d U ear.eis. '.:cprrs..o 01 iie spirits, Hel-.-che, lfc mo. Kamtnes. PIvHei ic F ts, - Det-iiilv. the excessive use 01 Mercury, aies.ses" pctt ia j -vFemdefc, c. rice 1 'if 50 ceius. , ; Dr. Robertson's -'celebrated Gout and ' iine'imativ Drops. V sftf: and cJh cu J kit for t.e G ;u , ltheumatHrn, Lumber; v, "..om a?.d (ii&tt j s-veliirsg n.id wca'ne-: rt tht j.er.ls, ipratr?,? 5r-nic, Pa r,s 01 ihe II fad' it Face, Frotcc. j kc I'r.c 2 !oi ars Dr. Robertson's Patent Stomachic Bit tors. ! Celt brutal for ft re if then, r.g a weak Mo j mach, increasing the appcti.e, r.d a ct rtau - I prevMivvt und cu-e for t. e Ftver - Ayue, ac. nice i rtoii.r n -m m 9 j Dr. Robertson's Infallible Worm De strovnii' Lozenges. Price 50 cents per packg.- la ge dtto. 1 dollar. Dr. Dyott's Anti-Ililioas Pills. For the p- evtnti 11 art 1 u e. -Bil;ouand Mai xtant F?ve . Pnct 25cen per box, iaj-ge d. t ti, 50 ct n I s . Dr. Oyottrs Patent Itch Ointment. A sa c rnd ! tniibie Cure for the Itch ! Pr cf 50 cents pr box , 'X" Tkc Noic hat each and all the a bove Genu ne M. dicmes are Mgir d itli tht ; siguaimvof the sok Proprietor, T. V DY orr.M. D t Pamphlets containing cerlificaes ol i Curei, &c. performed th ough the eiHcucv j of the abovr Medic lies may be bad g'&tis by spplyinsr at I. Gal-Sro-e Jimt Received, BY WILLIAM ViCXLJiALEIGIT; A FnENU St)?f LX OF THOSE JUSTLY LSTEKMED & HIGHLY APPROVED MEDICINES. raspma Bt W. T. COS WAi, so 1 BCJl STEAD ' PLACE, BOSTOX. tJ Dr. RelfeN Botanical Drops ! ! Dr. Relfe's Asthmatic Pills. Dr. Relfe's Aromatic Female Pills, for obstruct ions, Sic Dr. Reite-s Antibiiious Pills, lor indigestion, &c. Dr. Relfe's Vegetable Specific, a Cure for the " s.ck headache." Dr. Helle-, Vegetable Khenmc PUU! 1 approveu. oy uic iuuh raiinou 01 me tacultv. 1 As- a Physic, thev act without the k'ast pa.n, i j and may be taken by Females tnuler ail cir-; ,-nmjtnirf(i1n trrtal.'(h:in!;..rB I, ;.'-., !l Dr. Jebbs celebrated Rheutnaliclj Liniment; the rebel" ,s .mmed.ate aul the j vi. ....v.j .u.B, uijearsj standing ! i j Llumlries ointment lor the Itch, ' which be it ever so inveterate will be cured J thereby in one hour's application., 0 dujiger from taking oliL Pr;ce 50 c. j Dumfries' Lotion, without smell,) for the same complaint. (Q Bri:ixh A M. septic, Dentrifce, which not only rei ders the j teeth' be-UtihiUy w hite, though heretofore j discolored, but removes the scurvy from the 1 gums, and at the same time imparts to the breath the most delectable fragrance. i Albion Corn Plaster, affords instant ' ease, at the same time itdissolves and draws ! tlie Corn out'by the roots. rel to the Teeth. Dr. Hunter's celebrateil Pi!!s. Dr. Hunter's Injection Powders rention secrecy- toms packet' signed by W.T. Conway. " " The above Medicines mav be had of most of the Druggists, iioak.-e.ler, ind I Wmasttrs throughout the Unite I States. YcCY A large discount tu . rhvicians fYt.n f try traders, &.c. 52 .-c 15.. GALES. Dr.. Hunter s Cerate, for the nrc- 1 Slle shu'1 rerr, ,in n : tno v ;.N . . . A treatise descriptive oft he s ran-i I x"eirx btct,f,n ut tJ,e " vtsl ! r..' . r ' oiiu. i-ui l ui tin- vin-i ;ai jiscajse. i ii 1 1 . - -.. and : metlwKl hi rii.-e ..K ""..ii.um i.uri:o,.u!vl ;nCai ,i, nt' li GALES'S ALMA NACK F hi Ksl8 CONTAINING beside he A.rrmi). Calcu athms, some ' .1 M.- Arnch"'0 Agr culture ; some nsin,-ii- .;i,;p Pn n taimng- Mlctilal.ns .Mi"rr, Aruoio!" &c. with' a list of the Moi hrrs o( t,e proachiiig 'enera' A'scuml, Orders w,H be duly alien .Yd to Oct. 30. NOTICE. The Subscr: hers, on h r th' F.rm of B . UAKHAM Sc Co. . Offer their terv res to i fie P -Jj'.r , Jittcii'jn and Commission .'L rrhc. tK UOM their gesierul kvxt h.-de j f;.; A and attenion to Ihi-iiCvs, p.., l.r' l'f ms!vts .vth the hi.-I e4" hvt.fif v si f t:rncr;d .tisfact on. (inoDi n-iu . . . - u- 1 item, a li he disposed of to the ut,l.h cage, agr eeab.'y to cr ier R. A. 'M -vf. UANDOL "If r?,.? Paleigh, December 11 51 tr Ww Jliiliverj Ladies Ue cnj f J)ress A "V ISS RM.KY. from Nr.r.VoRic. rr-pi ' ' tullv mtonr.s the Ladits ? !..;, ri, tbat ?h l.as commenced the ' e lit s i'T m one of Mr John Stuart nev Vvs. : , h is S.'k and S-altm Ponut if d,e t r.i.. . Ish-f-n ; ? Ia n ai.d'opei work .Strau- li.u.;-s" I Ruff!, ot Turbans ; Indies K.1 Gloves ; 1; ,j ; boxes b the dozen, ors.ngle ne :iiri, j as.-iorimeriT i i"ei:uiner-. Mse tiutifrs .. r. self she H-:ll heebie to give'trcneral s.t sr..( t.on, as her M:lhnery :.nd I )-... V,! ,e made in the ewest fahionv, hav,r.g v. nklf cor; espondencefrtirri Neu -Vrvrk, o.d !v kft" mg p a ifox! nd general aasortnuiv." ' December 10 51 tf NOTICE. AT the list mee'ing ofie Davie L ,?-c il No 52, Crrise County, the f ' VA 'omnlMjPt was :v,we rs::ut Brtrh, r LrS JAM IN JONF.S, o v it t'.Mt he jiC -J. 1 .lotus, had axi:'f od the ch.r.r'rte' o: or the conry tdBert.e, urd puru"d .n 1 - uh.ic road, on' W.Mia?i m irr, of ,. arol.na, and len:rrd'.'d (:t hin th ti s 1 r-1 e iti. liars per head f. r a res u.n i.n:; lir e;-oci vh.ch iht s;'1d U'm. Sc:.ir' t en rial idi ti'.m. Ti;e s,id iU'i.'jkinin Jc,:us n:.'.'e his demand, i:n ier the j reiti.ee ot eecu: .ngakw ofth s !aie, ami ur.mdly rnc.m! a certhin so n ! r.;ic)- from i!ie .;'or-.i d Mv.art, under the ast:;ctd chaj -ct tr of r.tr. Or !crt-t!, thai a!d Jones be expePf d fr -n j tli.s Scc.c.y, tidvrU2ed, and tlechai p.. ale I vno 1 ' I ' J. .i.URM SC'HI. ber5 52 1-jw J FOR SALE, j I ,S"Y L yu and Imprnvemeats U'i-'g '.n', I ; . " i Count es of Nasli and Franklin. J'ii (Tract conta.r.s upwartis of 3000 acres, & i 4i ; d.ree PiaataijoiH. The one -l.tre I live, j, j j s ttunVi at t e Crosx R .ads, one had n iro-n . 1 t- . ti l l - . t odier Kads from Warrt-ntrn to-Tarlnron.'j, Th.s ph.cp has provtd to he : fine stand lr a -Jlt: IT M I U 1.1 l.Mlt) i.liMlll-Ml. I IIC II (f l og HoiMt is roomy nn-.l convenient havipj hJ Roim -.vd 7 Fire lb.-?s, and many ven ost id Out houe;: v.'ith a cofnl Sto'rl.oi'se, h... m 3ronrr;s and a Cellar under the wholt The other two plaM'aL'ns have tolf.rah gd Dwelling' lioitst.s. Thev can ho soli sep-.mte. This hied is boiuidt-ti bv Rtdbo ! creek on the north nearb three m li s wher; the land gooil for TtJ)acc, Wheat i Cor-j There is or saul creek a-ul I m.l, a pr.me M !, w.ih tvo (irises, B It r-g CIo;hs, and a Co ! Thont w. slung to pe.rchase are rrriurstii to vie' the land -.nd rvi Inikon tht rr.lc where the roads run The House s set ne, the cios;i rcud, and convergent to seier.I never lA nr Springs tf p-ire v.ater. The payment wdl lie njade convenient D.STLL-S, Nash. county, N.C. Dec. 2 5J bv LAND & NEGROES FOR SALE. fWILL SELL on a long credit, no LAND in Ora!ie Coun'y, and the NLGR ! S upon it. There are more than 1,C00 At of Land, of the best qualitv, in fine oulcr !; r 1 cropping, w.th e erv utresarv ior Faru it s j eighty liushels ofWIicat seeded," sd land j suliicient opened for fifteea hanth to vrrk to ! 'great adva itcre There ure about r.n Si ivt-s as Lkely as nv in N,nh-Car In. a. Possession of t!ie whole, toirether with a large crop 01 Corn, Oats, Wheat, Foddt r nr. ! i 'I'- U..r, ....l.l l. ,1. I'. 1 J- 1 i.uacm, wiMiiu iuoiicrni mm eiiiiii ti v 1 KSe"S;'' renton, X. C Xovember 1. JAMES G. BREHOX. A7 n9 h President of tht -United Stain. TfHEREAShv an Act of Con-ress nad w on me wnr; uav ot .Alarch, one vthu i- 8and eight hundred and fifteen, entithil i act to provide for the ascertain- and :r veymg of the bouiuiiry lines fixed bw i :e Treaty with the Creek Indians and f r o i,er purptwen," the Pres.d-ntof the ! a, i a'lthorizetl to cause the I lulsacon.n.'l by ? said Treaiy to he offered ir sxie i en :" veyed ; and whereas the laiuU torili la iori!i oi 1 amessee Ritr has been sui v Therefore, I James Monroe the Un'.tcd Slates, in conform". ty w.ih t said act, do hertby dcclaie u:d trnkr kn.-" that public sales, for tiie disposj (i:"re-1' t"3 law) of the lands in Alabama Tfr.'t "' n. rth of the River Tennessee. .shaJi he h '! i nunb-retl, or.e.uio three, fix j- tht. i'! ..V I miii on tie-- urt Mn ay m M .rrh n xt, ! the remind ot tl, a'orea d 1: r.J.s ; ca I nujiifr.c.'d order. iti tuu'u.er mv nana a jjinjrton. th- t.vtny-nr-; V of "Novf ;; ': : one ' 'tla:uul ':''iX lin ' J. 1;;r;fl 'rt' " , , . . . , , J..M.s' MOMlUi , m uicinrii' II ' . . ' f V1 ,YK!' - V t;al Land OJct. ter in the State. E i !: S' 4 It it ;t 4 t i i t 1 1. t m C J I ! x t h y o c h ti f.1 e t C if! ti si o t: t; at ot I w to in it- io CI n

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