.. it a course lie fioped was notfh 'tended, and his object was to invest! -oa the subject early enough in the Teion to provide for the settle ment of all claims heretofore legisla ted for. Mr. Tavlor, of New-YorV, did not think Ooriress would feel bound to withhold anvjust claim because it niijiht decide any particular office no longer necessary. He was unwilling to call on the DepartmenrTor any o pinion, but had no objeclion to call tor anr information, it might possess, 'eliding to atl'ect the expediency., of the continuance of the office of claims ; ami reeved so to change the words of -: the-resolution firt in italicras tocon fuim it to his wishes.. This proposition was agreed to by Mr. Johnson. Mr. -Frpvtli then moved to amend the resolution, by striking out all the lat part thereof, printed in italic, w hich required the opinion of the Se cretary of 'War, as to what branch of the Department it would he -proper, to refer the duties of ti e Commissioner to: which motion was agreed to; and lb unmodified, the. resolution was .adopted. Mr. Harrison rose, according to no tuv esterlav pven. to ask leave to brin in ahilfto extend half-pay pen sions for five years, to the widows of soldiers who'died in the public ser vice during the late war, Sec. The leave nked was given, by a vote of 55 to 52, and a committee ap poiitod.to prepare a bill accordingly. The. House took up the report of the conferees on the part of this House "on the subject of the disagreeing votes of the two Houses t and On motion of Mr. Lowndes, the House resolved to adhere to its disa greement to said amendment. The bill? which parsed the Senate this day, were rec eived by the House, and severally twice rend and referred. The House tften resumed the consi deration of the resolution yesterday offered .by-Mr. Robertson, of Louisi ana, to instruct the military commit tee to enquire inti tlie expediency of -educating at the military school of the United States the son of all officers, non-com nis.'-iimed officer, or privates, who have fallen in fighting for their ountrv. After disposing of several provoi tiehs to amend e re.-olufion, and soire discussion of its object. A substitute was oered by Mr. Moore of Pa. as follows, whir1, after being amended, by expunging the words in italic was agreed to ; That the committee on mil'tarv affairs e instructed to enquire into the expedi enry of hring;ng in a bill, embracing the following principles, viz : That in all ap plications hereafter, for the admission of Cadets into the military academy of West Pint. a preference, shall be.triven to the i ns cf the cheers, non-commissioned of ." itccrs, and soldiers, who were killed in battle, or died in the service of the United :ates, in the late war, giving a prefer mre to those least able to educate them telvcs, and best qualified for the military profeisMon, and to he distributed as cqiwl lit a pructirahlr throughout the severed States and T. rrit'jrh n. according to the ratio cf itrrst-Kfaficr.. Iu th shan the resolution was a dpfed by a considerable majority The House, or. matron of Air. Hop fc:non. revolted itplf into a commit- f. tee of the -whole, on the bill to eMail- lih jp uniform system ofBankrnptcy throT)fd:otit tvie U. States.. The reading of th; bill (which con- tjins fifty-four printed folio paircs) oc V cur-fed ti e remainder of t-ie sifting : af'er the readinc: was finished, the i con-mittee rose, obtained leave to Vit aaic ; and the House adjourned to jviocaay. v I XEW-YORK. TAMES - LEA,- fwm Cr.swell Cemtv, and ,:3 J. G- A. WILLIAMSON, from Person j County, North-Carolina Having associated i tlimselvc3 with a (itntlem.in in New-York ; beg ieave to nit'orni their friends and those 1 uuo trade here, that they have L-iken a fetore. No 127, Pearl-street. ; where they 'shall this Spring" open a ver- general and t ? extensive assortment of. DRY GOODS, by the piece onlv. (Y Their acquaintances are particular! v invit- eii to call, conmlcnt they shall be able, to punctual customers (from their connexion in that place) to sell upon the most reasona ble terms, nnd in a manner that will no doubt give entire satisfaction. February 20 61 5 TEWS FOIl SALI'L I in Ilaleich, as well those in the Galleries f ! ic 'lintp K1u- w-t Kp trt thp hiorliest bidder, at sa.d Church,- on Satiudav the 21st j i instant, commencing at 10 o'clock, for ac j jcoinmotlation Notes at ninety days, negotia Lible at the State IJank. Ji It is jioped lhat no one will disappoint him I I seli by faiiinr to attend the sale. The Vevvs Jare ot various s:zes, and well calculated .to !suit he convenience of all classes and all lamihes and tlie permanent' right to them twill be sola. . '1 J Most of the benefits resulting from the ownership ot a r ew must be apparent , to- eve- ry boly ; but tliohe only who have realized the comfort and convenience it afibrds, can fully apprecute the advantages. Tlie accommodation of the poor of stran- :rs and ct all such as may occasionally at "end Divine Service in the house, will be con- Aiuitedaad pnantcd by the proposed arrange- BY AUTHOUFPY G& THE SURGICAL INSTITUTION I OTTEIiY....2l Class.) SCHEME) 1 Prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 5 1 do 10 do 20 do 25 do 1300 do 134 Prize 2636 Bhuks 4000 Tickets 5000 Dollars 1000 Dollars 500 Dollars J 200 Dollars j 100 Dollars atgSO is ! -.A of tiso Jllavk to J ire. STATIONARY PRIZES AS FOLLOWS : Hie first drawn No, will be entitled to Last . do on the first day to First 400 Blanks to each f Tbree tirst drawn Nos. on the 2d day, to each Last drawn No dQ do Thr-'e tirst drawa Nos. on the 3d. do Last do No do r.rstdrawn No on the 4ir day Last drawn No Three first drawn Nos Last do No First do No Last do No First do No Ito oV, No do 5th do 6 h do ?f. 9 ii Alt ihp T:7e subifctto a deduction of fiften ""C',r""-S- THK MVNAGKRS Have the pleasure to an rottrro to tl e tibl c, KiCitl li.SXitUt.lOO Ltter. ami areSMtsnv. iwace, the jd .:r.Mttgt's which have a recy ErtulaJaient being too weJl Knonto rtqu-t explanation. Samuel HoHusworth, William Gibson, M. D. Henry Thor.p-on, Tier.mel Ta J01 , 'William Billard, Tlennis-A. bmith, Henry ..Didierv jr. James L. Haw SAMUEL WINCHESTER, Sec'rv to the Managers. JlTcrvland Lot tent Qtjicc, Corner of Smith & Jt'ater Sfr?f, Baltimore. W ho will promptly attend to Raltimore, T)tremher2J 181T PIIJLADELPI 1 1 A WARRANTI.B RIFLES. Made by Geo. Jf Tnjnn, No. lG.i, North 2nd Street, fTHF. assortment anl quality of h-s K:fle ! on hand, and ihe arrangements male for : supplying -dl orders with iuttr.ess, prr mpt-ims- and jowneJ of pnc. induces h'm to hope thnt the eiirowracnifcut he has t.creto tlire rect'.ved from the So thern Mer liants, will becontinued and increased, an it is for their ni'.rtf t, he pnncipailr forms hi Nr t .n.t .rt- ' 5 2vs the i;roiiTi.r hok ;-, 'l"e f.iett tiff that cvrr ) C ? t-, 44 y LVL.AJJfc:Jj: eat tv rse. -it v e u.;r::rr,. or even V: IvapU.vA, urt- t-t Jay cf CliiLLvs. The above was he .de $ in Lon Ion, 1st Aug-. 1810, bv Tl:omas HM irt lmd. E.IGLE will Staml'he Lusuin ?le?on, at the Kcd-lloust, m Ci-. v. li Coun.y, N. (". T!eeutn .o conimencv t:ic 1st d-tv of. Fr. bruarv, 'oh1 vin "he 1st day of ..! On the fbilo'A'.n tt'rr.s, ViZ F fty IVllr,r:i the Sea son ; Twntty-Kve I dollars tlie s'u.ple le:p, to bep: dat the t me of servtcc; StveiUv five I killers to insure a, Mare to f ove in f lal ; j parlinjr with thenirre f -rfejis t?.C insurance, j One d jlJar to tlc groom in ever,' case, to be paitl in hand. J 1 1arles Colts were brought o t the torf last 'fall, apd svi uncomrnrt!y i . cessful ; ajid t there U .lciiLl brt Ue w .i Xd'-itinue to ! ' he auc-'es-itul AniM do not ''. evitatt m sy I hiir, that f ,hi.f.k bun the tints- look-n Horse I ever s: 11 1 1 wih pe'mec to vitw bim, and jndire lor thenrselvr. j P?il(rrte tlJlll PflfoT 2U31CCS j Entfle was pot by Y;iunteet.Vo,unteer by i Echpe: Eagle's dant Hy 1 1 i. : Stiver, irrindam 'by Enirmeer, great pjraiMUn by (.'ade's Liss ' of Mie Mill, b" Traveller, M ss'MakelesSi-c. I We do certify thnt the ve is a miecopy of the Pediijree of the Imported Horse Eagle,' : as taken from the English S'.od IJ-wk. Given under our hands, th.s 1 5th i:ec.l817. J W.M.TEIt liELU JOLNT kui;euts. Enprle is a fine bay, har.dsornely market, 'npwanls'cf If hnisls'higl.. With Urge bne, ! and perfect as U be -.uty '-Eaglr's Miironinion pertonr.ances in Eog ; lanfl on the. Turf, entitle him to rank higher ; tlin an tl tr Horse on the continent. lie i receivetl h5 tm nf as toi feit frcn Mr Wilson's ' b e lUizzard. st 4lb. ealat the sameplace won 400 guinets ; same,ear won 1800 iui -nens, beating .Voxer, Ivie, Rebel, &c. At York, Eagle t. 4o(J j.'i.neas, beating Kite ;and Ovtton, 7 subscribes. At New-Market ; lie won the t 'raven .."':, 11 subscribers, beatmg AN hiskey,Alstoiurst fruits of IMough- boy) Sir Sidney, Ko?Ji'i Jeubrt-as, etc ; at the samv place, lu w t Chippenliam, 8 st i - each. Ivo 'rumeas Hex. m theCraven Stakes ! at Newtarket, ii-ai? ifc Uumbo, Orange, t ' Flower; Northampton, Flambeau, Rebel, j-Strathspev.- At Ntw-M rket, Eaie cftrryiner ! It st 6 uWheat'Mr F Nval's horse Robiaii 8 st 1 lb. 200 guineas; at the. same place, re ceived tort tit 100 guineas from the Duke of Grafton's b f by Parasol Again he beat the Duke .f Grafton's b f andPck Nic, carrying 2 st 10 lbs dili'erence, i Ki guineas. He also, carrying 8 st 7 lbs beat M: Ihiv-orth's ch h Malta, 5 st 7 lbs. 50O gtimes.-- He received the same year, 100 guineas forfeit from Lord Sackvitie's b h Dick Andrews. Fin;dly, he carrying 9 st beat Sir C Hunbury's Iv!eanor, the finest mare in EnEbaH.carrvingrstOlbs. Eagle at New-Market won 200 guineas, car rying 9 st 7 lbs. and beat Mr VVatson'd b c Dreadnought, 5 st 8 lbs. At the same place received 10d guinexs forfeit .mm ch h Malta. Again, he carrying 9 t 4 lb beat Mr Wind ham's ch m Marianne 7 st 6 11 200 guineas. Eagle's Colts liavt -ecn iore successful than any other horse's in Englhid,agreeable to the time of his standing there! which may be -' seen by reference to tie Rac 3 r Calendar. 1 -...y.. ..' The strictest attent:o will I jiul to Mares sent to Eagle, butcannjt be 1. J e tor unavoid- able accidents. LEV; 13 January 19, 1818 UEKLEY. ! N. B. The MTiOuni o:'EagltUces won in STAE ti? MATlYLAMfc 100,000 Dollars 50,000 Dollara 20,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars 25,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars 10,000 Dollars 5,000 Dollars 130,000 Dollars - : 360,000 Dollars 360,000 Dollars 5000 Pillars 500 Dollars 1U0 Dollars 500 Dollars 500 Dollars. 1000 Dollars 1000 Doha s 5C00 Dollars 1000 Dollars 500 Dollars 1000 Dollars 10'O Do lars 1,000 iV Hars 50,000 T)olars day each, day day and last di 100,00 IV)! lars per cent, payable sixty days after the com- the hove brill:ant and 'ast Class of the Sur l-imrvtssaiy iu uuiu um n esu Hi d to U.e corrnunikity from this JPu&Lc John Owen, AI. D. Asliton Alexander, M. D Jesse Eichelberger, Lyde Goodwin, Geo re AV i nch ester, Nathaniel Williams. kins. iu-'.irdkks for iickkts. 56 6 w SALEM ACADEMY. f l!tP, friends and pa'rons of Salem Acade A .. ., are respectfu'ly informed, that tbe Cfowdrd atate of this Inst tutw n wdlnot ad-m-t of. oU' rxeiiii nvw Pupils for some time hence. Two causes, ir particular,have c ';ti butv d in produc i:g the p'taent dilem ma : Isj. The erroneous supposition, that many . i ou pupils who were taken hofii tt$i fall, wo:dd not re en tr this School t and 2d 1 h unoes.fri d layn in obtuinir tr ad di'irnal room for the con enient accommo dation of even an inttrior nujin r tiiao the present IF acquirsct n in 'he wisht-a of parents .and cuidians, loo libt-;aMv -vtei.d. ed. as the restili i-a shwii, involvta us in Vf ly se: oui u Ificultit s m V.e n t with ome neaiure of av-uranc-, c!km a pcoti ouj rt-turn of u rimila display .-f pori-wM t.'.w'L- us ? Th..t f t-u' rppj ctcti fr eu da then tore who have already obtained leave to pact- onecr more Scholars into th s A ca ll u.) t arr fi k: kly 1 1 quesU d not to avail tin n : then of this pei miasior, until appr.z td cf i ur sbd.ty to receive them 1 his In stitu ion, 'hank fiod ! is apain blessitl wi h peneral pood health. Its, worthy pa'rons w II br plea&t d to ac ept our prateful ac know Itdgctnerns. for thth confidence and jrood-will hitherto tvinctu. and 10 assume then.keUea of our moat respect lul conside : ration. By order of the Board of Trust eeF, DEM J A MIN liVACHKL Actii.g Inspector. SfcVtD.N, C. Feb. 3, 1818. 6l 2w DIRECT TAX FOR 1815 SclsieT' "VTOTTfT. is hereby given, that the subscri i. ber has received Lists ot the D.rect Tax of the United States, for and 1816, -e-l main ng ilue upon Property in the following! Counties iu the State of North-Carolina," not i owned, occupied, or superintended by some person residing witlun the CUItcticn District I in wh.xh it is situate ami that he is autho-' risetl to receive tlie said Taxes--, withauaddi- t.on of 10 per ctlit. therton: Prov.ded, uch payment 1 ,ent 13 made e-ter the on whicn the oiler 'District e ihe pn pertx i.f Na; the . day on wiiere U.e propem 'l ax .had btcoine d'ue Uute of Collector's w lud beet Montgomery Cumberiand More Anxm Kobeson Itichmotid M ake 1st January, 1816"! fM 0f Urange. Person . Kdgeccmb Pitt Hvde Ui . f 1815 do J 6th September, 1816 do do do do 17Ui Janusrj-, 1817 do do do 10th April, 181 dO :' 46 ::';?'-v'';' do S2dOciober, 181J5 . cio do '; :;.."'v 1st April, 1817 do do 14th A, ril, 1817 do : do 6th Jaituary, 1817 do do 20th Dec em'r, 1816 ltDecem'r, IQ16 do do do P.eaufbrt iv.i.:nnn x- ...J..,. Xorthansntan M:irtin Hal tax liertie Jones Wayne Carteret Johnston Granville Nash Warren Guilford Rockmgham Stokes Rowan Chatham Randolph Cabarrus Mecklenburg Lincoln Runcomb Surry Iredell Ashe Wilkes Wake Orange Person st April, 18lOTaxof - 1816 Collector's Office, 27h of Jan. 1313. JOHN VAN HOOK, jr. Collector, Df'gnaled by the Secretary of ''' 1 rar -..'-.' -'.-- tkv ATaX Of ! chN 1815 i! do I do j ! v W - - m I - 7 kottge: TTfi BUhseriher offers for sal?, an excellent TractofL.ND, .yin?12 mHes south of Raleigh, on Middle.Creek, about one mile above the Stage Road. D. II E. S ANDERS February 20 61 3w Just Received, BY WILLIAM PECK JULEIGH ; A miSH SVPPtT OF TBOSB JUSTLY ESTEEMED & HIGHLY APPROVED MEDICINES. PBITA1UD BT XT. T. TON WAT," TTO. 1, BCMSTAI JtJICB, BOSTON. to -xvit : Dr. Iielft-s Asthmatic Pills ! ! WHEN a cure for One Dollar, or at nwt two dollars, can be obtained tor a cough, cold, asthnaa, difficulty of breathing1, tightness of the chest, wheezing, pam in the side, spitting of hlood, palpitation of tlie heart, the strained stomach, &c. must it noti be a matter of surprize, that we see the Obi tuary daily swelled ..with deaths occasioned pmc-prilly bv colds ? On an average, t lo:ist One hundred and Fifty Thousand Persons ! die annually of Consumption, originat'rg principally from tVmg cold, commencintr with rough, then difficultv of breathir.L- and ! pnin in the s de , at lengtli the lungs become Tm H.Tted cpn..m.plin5.e,,nldihcC:ij: n- scene. Alas! too oitrn linn nrfMii eiu- 1 ,i. u.. 1 ". . .. .. . . 1 j i ,! v .i'u:nir to some. ailoDt intr tlie uil. j v.ee of nthers. prevail - thereby bv prevent j ; mg a trial of such Medicine as might afiord ,vu ' uiwicriue icea tnatno reliel canbe ob tamed Scarce a case occurs but may be re Leved y the timely applicat on of these Pills; As a proof of which, the following interest. ing cases are submited to public perusal f &-r -v L.ati v or uamden, Me. (Oakts Pebkt, Esq witness) was considere! uva confirmed and family consumption, two of her aisters having died of the same com plaint a short time previous; res. gned as p-st relief, having been attended by tlie most eminent : of the Faculty ; on taking one h x of these Pilb, was restored to perfect health. It is now ten months since. ALiidv of Hampden, Me. was seriously afflicted with great difncuty of ! breatliing, pain in the side, confined to her oea, aepnvedot sleep, great debility ; when being considered in a confirmed consumption, and resigned as past relief by her physicians and friends, on taking two boxes of these Piils,was restored to perfect health. . The Pills are prepared and sold, whole sale, by the sole Proprietor, W. T. Ccswit, Cb. mist. No. 1, Bumstead Place, Common- poimment by most Diugists, Pooksellersand : Pos Master- throughout tlie United Slates -; Pr.ce One Dollar. 1 H7 'Vew of tlte cbv are genuine unless ' tigrud 6y W. T -'-Conway.. i Pamphlets of many extraordinary cures ! may be had of the Agents, Cuatis. ! r A large discount to Physicians. Coun- ; rv Traders, Merchants, &c. 7ec 1. SALES AT AUCTION. ON the 3J of Marcir, will he sold 30 Pack aire tresh Imported GOODS, received j ot consignment consisting of the following ; Articles ; without the lca-.t reserve s on a bberal Credit. This sale w.Il be worthy the attention of (Country Merchants. Imitation Quiltings, Herring Tione Vest .ngs, 5 &. 8-4 Fancy Plain Damask Shawls, 3 corded Sewing Cotton, 6-4 Cambrics, Ma dras Handkerchiefs, Pink, lllue and Choco late Furnitures, Navy Blue Prints, 6-4 Cing h:ims,P.nk,Chocolate &. Buff; PUteFurnitures, Rluck, White, Purple & Yellow ditto, Brown Platdlaa, Colerains, Undress'd Cambrics, Fancy Plat es,I lair Cord Dimity,Madapollams, Toihnetts.Cassimeres. Sup'r. Broad Cloths. i Flushings, Blue &. White Handkerchiefs j ALSO, I Fools cap & Letter Paper. AndironsTrace ; Chains,' Carolina - and Patent Hoes, Wrought I Nails, tier man Steel, and some Common .Sad dlery. J. LEVY & (X). Fr.yctteville, Jan. 26 58 5;. RALEIGH FRIDAY, FEHHUAIIY20, ldl& 77Vi nrice of Bank Stock. Fiftv t ?hares of U. States liank Stock were - ., . c , c : RO,d ,n Unl' cltY few days ago, for one nuuarea suciy aoaars a snare. A Branch Bank of the U. States is about to be established at Albany, in I the State of New-York. Notwithstanding the Legislature of Tennessee, at their late session, an- : pear'd determined to prevent the in- troduction of a Branch of the U. States j Bank into that State, the merchants i of Nashville, and others, who know j how to appreciate a Bank Note that j xvill every where pass current, have j petitioned the President and Directors j of the Principal Bank for a Branch, ! and it is beheteri they will succeed in ootaimng tneir oojecu We learn that it is the opinion of some of the 6rst legal characters, that no State can prevent the establish ment of a Branch, or exact a bonus for permission to do so, or tax their capi- Ittl Ul IUUUB) US 1Mb VVTtl.llllCIH VI 111c United States has already required the compliance with such terms as it deemed it proper to prescribe ; and having so great an interest at stake, it will and ought to protect such esta blishments as may be deemed neces sary for the benefit of commerce, the agricultural interests of tlie several States, and of the fiscal concerns of the Union. JIdancholy occurrences.--Joseph J Steele and Joshua Woody, on the 3d instant, were drowned in Haw River, from crossing John Thomson's Ford, on one hor-e, in a state of intoxica tion. Both have left wives and fami lies to lament their premature end. The body of Bartlett Dowdv, of if-ta,'v unci j six days. It is sup'.n ed he v.ts. u li quor, and Ivingdown, the n;w 1. 11 and cove'retl him, and he rose &o moref Oflicial inforroatjob ?as ben ire ccived at Wasl'inton Citj. tha fn. Jackson his removed the" head-quarters of the Suth piviHioii of the Ar myNJo Fort Scott; near the coufii.ea of Georgia. Private Letters from New-OrleaV announce that IIerr Johnson 13 elected a Senator vt C 'i r. ss t ta Louisiana, vice W. C. C. Claiborne; deceased. - It is a faci Wurth mcntioriipc:, Vhat upwards of win hundred Petitions have been presented in the Hon of Representatives of the 17. Stae. ami referred to various committees, duriu 1 ne prebeni session. A contract ha been enferpd irtri ' r. 1 ! t. ii - .1 - . .... T " f , . "e mo5,m-0' 1 ' -iiiiiiu?e. on a scaie, ana in a st vie. cummpr..urntp with ti. manitutle tf that river. Tbe obsta cles which have so long impeded tbb accomplishment of this object, are at length overcome, and it is supposed it will be fuliy effected iu two years; An act has passed the Lepsiatnrts of Kentucky for e-tablisbin tiirty nhie new Banks. Their had alreadv- a Katik' with fourteerriirarich btv sides two Jirabches ot the Hank the United States. The Cist new town incorporated iri Massachuett.s since the Prelim nt?B Katerh Tour, has been warned Mo ROE. ' In the Court of KinsN -Ronrht. 'lately took place, the trial of Vi!l;.ni Uone for printing &, pubiishing a n ... fane libel on those parts of the Vh 'ih service called the Catechism, the "A;mh. tie's Creetl. and the Lord Prayer be fore Mr. Justice Abbot. The trial last ed from half past nine in thfe morning, till half past nine in the evening ; and the Jury after less thau half an houm deliberation, brought in a verdict vf Yot Guilty. The defendant was" tried on another charge on Friday, for publishing a pan dy on that part of the, common prayer called the Litanv,and after a trial which occupied the'Court nearly the whole of the day, the Jury, after consulting for about two hours, returned a verdict 6f.V- Guilty. He was aain indicted on Kjturdav for publication of a parody on St. Atha nasius's creed. '1 he trial occupied tue whole of the day, and the Jurv having retiied for ab -ut thirty minutes, re turned a verdict ot V.A Guilty. Mr. Hone conducted his own defence ; hia address on Thursday occupied a .,ut five hours in the delivery, that of FrU day nearly seven hours.' and tiiat of Saturday above eight. Ti e conduct ol the auditors, during the triala, wa5 most repre;;ecsible. EOR TIIK REGISTER. Answer to a Reader V? Question: If. Mr. Reader, you were to leave Ka le eh on Sunday next, at noon, which is ; about th Latitude f6 N. Longitude 78 45 I west t London, and keep pace with the j Sun, and parallel with the said Latitude, me nrsiM-cormot time from 12 o'clock, that could be told you was the beginning of Monday, would lc by our antipodes in China, in Lnt.35; Long. 101 15 East of London. The people could tell you ulo when you got there, that it was the begin ning of Monday for this Latitude and Lon gitude, and so on for all place on the four quarters of this Globe. If this shall be accepted as a corre Answer, I would take the liberty. Mr Header, to put a very simple qnestion to you. ouppose you were to leave Kaleigrt on the S2d of March next, at 12 o'clock, and keep pace with the Sun, and the same zenith cr parallel with the Sun, until you arrive at the meridian from whence von started, I, ask you what Latitude voa will be in? A SAILOR. P. S. I forgot to tell you, Mr. Reader; when going with the Sun, you will have but little time to ask questions, as you will travel at the rate of a'quarter of a mile a, second, calculating 58 miles to a. degree of Longitude for the said Latitude. T7" A correspondent from Strikes, who exprc sses surpr.ze that nothing has lately, been heaid from the N. Can una Bible Society, is informed that the annual Re port is iri hand; and will shortly be pub lished. MARRIED, At Oxford, in Granville ccunty, yes terday week, the Rev, bhepard K. Key lock, cf Guilford county, to Miss Sarah R. Littlejohn, daughter of Thomas B; Littlcjohu, Esq. DIED; In Tennessee, or. the 11th idt. n tlie 54th year of h s age, the II n. Ben net Searcy, Judge cf tlie 5th Judical Citruit- At his seat, near Augusta, n the i'tU instant, after a short illness a. cd 61, iiic Hon. John Milltdge, fonucrl Qoveraj? !of thatS;at-