- i j-- . . 1' Ji.V Hi' ( 1 I I U I : til V 1 ill t a ! "3. 9 i H' Sv'V ... J r -4 . f f ' p - : t P It :v- 1w5 f. f H PORTUY. ! I GIAr. KOSCIUSKO. The n Virion u f this friend of liberty anil hu tnan.ij Ainerifcans have reason not o be the hrst tfv oblitera e from their hearts ii. , T nhcP Pleamres of Hope " are - - - .... - ... i the -chur.;i am'M,: oilier hues on toe j sibct f the fidl of ioUhd:;commemoi a tsv nf th. dsasurs wh.ch beiel i4, ami compLmenixrv ot the distinction acquired bv !vcmv as the " lest champion" of Wars iw. The feelings which these lines c ,.ivev, do infinite honor to the writer and uie larupusje touches the heart almost With the force of miration : 7 Warsaw' last champion from her height sur- VP VT,V reV the fields, a w.ite of ruin laid Ch ! Tlesv'n! he cried, my bleed .n country T : . save , . , . v i -.1, i tihn-e ? 1 thrre no hani on hicrh to sme.d the Dra.e . Yet, thonlj destruction sweep these lovely 'r;':;pl:t-;'.ns,.';;..':';'; ':-.':v,:.'--- --C:'. :'":' '.':'-. :.:-.: liise. fellow-rnen ! flur oiintrv vet remains ! I3y tlutt lirc-ad name we wave the sword on j h "h, ,vvv:.-.-;::.'-;.,'':.:.:-:;; And swear for her to live --with her to de ! I f e said , and, on : th e raw part heil i ts, ar- vvv ra M His trust v warrior??, few, hut undismay'd ; Fi-!Vj pscM ami slow, it liorr ,d ront -they form ; "Still as the hresze, but dr adtul as he Ktr m- ; L. ,w mun:i'rinj.sou:ni aln their banners fly, j Hfve- ce, or death, the wat hwo d St reply ; j Then peai'd !J.e rotes; omn potent to charm, ' And the lo d tor.s.n tollel the.r'ias a'.am! In vak?, ala ! in va n e trUant few, j Frm rank to ranli y ur voile) M i humler fiew, j Oh-' tuotKl fs'- picture irt the book of Time, Sri)nt:a fe.l, unwept, w.th..ut a crime ; I Foii::'i not h tcenerous . iend, a pitying oe ! t Strrj-th in. r arms, not mercy in her woe ! ii: . :'rw he.- nerveless grasp tne shatter VI ' Ch's I cr bright eye, and curbd her high ij career ; ; -Hone, fiir a reason, h de the v :rld farewell, And Frecdo.Ti shrr -'tM as. Kocicskd fell I RUSSIAN VOYAGE OF DISCO- St. refrrshnrzh. 0L 21. T.K. dhwin ii ; n abstract t?f the Te n ii nr. K ntyiiue tt the Chan cellor Count i!om:suzov : Iiv t c'Wcrjti'-rv1 e of instructions ??;t ven to - Lieut. Knt7u;e he was to sail in the sunt rot r (C ':16lT to '.Northern. Bv, to uiake a v v:l;-f ir.u tl..e interior of N.-rtlt-Ameri-Xca; C i' .ruKihly to those instructions, IJ.'.U K. led .''on th: 1 7th of July, 1 8 1 7, from t!ie '".Port ff St. Peter a'id St. 1 ul fcr tht -above named bay. The wind vns ir- favr.r ibh on the .()'; ts'sag. liiTl on the 2'"th, lu- urrived t th: v of St. La w re ce ab ut w dec;reeii s tr.li .f lkii- nnifs Sth s. As tr.re remnimd s-itnci- j ent tin e to' into Northern Bay , Ire re- solved to enor n . . v..-. .- ;:raits, u CTi- C-i -osl inces favored hi" in that respect, lie c al l not; it is true, f1 'ittcr hviuHelf th it he should be able o furtiie'r. Nrtl' than Cant. Cook, but he wished m. r ne .i h to ohse r v e t h e c oast of A nenc He ntered Beiir;u Straits on the or; Juiv, v. uh a f ivrr tide wi'.d an 1 ci "weuther ; and th- .lextday i-e tound . seif ofTa biVi AVfvic i he wiied ta e ;r. ' i , it i.ie i;r"-.t ' . o n r , . of ;:V! a; an 1 the w tut ot v oes vu.i liad r pr T!vl-d 1m:ts'I:. ri)i.t;d ghe t?i;t 'research ltuuf Ntye -c'lrse tt- -isr tfU ce i ni.-r ca Repine as n.- r to iS-V.-.'SSlOtV '' Etui i::.!' c first. .of Aviait, h uiCOVl r :"a p. iir' iut.i vliiCi ,iie vn'tevvtiy aiiavt. vltica r.r jyerccivv i t)nun!arjes ; it w.. OP:v- ate -r having .rivi- iaV. r iv;nda- th 't he saw tf.tM tn t, ww t!iM tn;l. : juh: ..-Ka it iv. en- ed tin- JV'e it ) tx i the li.."" tr fi-i'MTi u it l K- "T! ir.t -. c ca i s;vie r jr. 1 mc in:i.t i - to i-e'i!! 'lorre iim in c v- id w h C' i'o ? UCt''c i t : v e : sel y t ' s nlot t? v irds tiiv- Hai it. (nis shijr h:!n. ni.i:'n !n(y:H-.ne! verv war- a .'-', h-'l.'.-,"-.'-."'"W.!ierc.' ncct to uttir it- , ,4 i.t u a a i i'.o a ci! u inch wo. i la P'" Out it 1 1- o. .r-rtL thev said, a naviatoi. ( t ci; .1 ,. i.-fort he couid reach the &v lie ad that to which he tite die o-tn.c ; of C''d II' pCi and tt.uv.A ihe ou utli ot a ( :vi- 1 r;vtt . but it was n.rv iirabie idy lor cati es, and iuto whiciV iie consefjut ntly c" h. u-t t-n:cr. From t he number oi c:i- ..:;:-i...i'... fnnn.-l:. at tiif purriure: .r ' t!.v. iteta buy, the t u:nry nust ,w. wri pit ( l;it.u."fi tv tZiU- givt s, in nia t- r rt. vi r' i ; t;pj ut.v . it v iv- jr, j; ..!.! T x Tlvr - '- 1 .-4 -.1. iiK ill .in a'Ut ui ' 'a ii -juiM ii i'i ee i.i. ri i ti i: t.i th , i i , ; r rhe 'u? c'ie i-.i t ct the N. ; 1 ; , ast ' Au'.et K" t, ie.Tri'eU in Uv bay ot t,' . L.aw -V.h MVv C'"tst rf Am.:, here toe ,!(;. .-a . i ui. tht I csiiiviciie . at" ' ' .. rei.cy Itl'k V. no h r,it thu; C(;..h , a. .J in a ' ie ;i b:.-,; i t wi.fi toe.r .A'.iei.Cc-n t tr.tl :. (C P e i run, tv;b.ii co , Xv;!i:;:.;cl trr tlicir k.u. A st t -. vciyct iti mus.: t-u'Cvd th : j - v . .. . . !..'. ; i ni i f 1 1 -. . ; i 1.1 rf. b.. atui lerrn i ;h; v '. t f'olvii'.i:. to ;...!. ue ;.ts u:-e vti.vs b... t- J k .. ; h ii he-c u- k:h:ay recei. cu v' c' i1c ev pelt ot d ar i.i.0 ktoaii .oiu h ; ietu-iitd. : - - aV 1 MIL V - . UVISV. . aL I A. V. 1 1 I v", :h tii. .'. c ui auvi i i i t.i-eist p;ji i i r t : 1.1, U U-tS li i. : v in.d hiso in t. :tA., tiiat in ;i.e r.. ut e of. l.st v i. c ai : ... . i. oi n ,-n.Jtr t beai s h ive 1 : I t : if A.s, U 1 14 ;i i. iy !t 1 1 ett t h e h t - i;i Ai t r- ii- :i r. a.,i s, m ri.aiiv y .. t IfiiVt r.ituf.kiii i d !c .. ut;. t..e i.. . !it... ; . ntecji ive Gef h t(,t.,,;. .i u.c i r ii. ' 5 i.-eU uiiu tie v oureu cacli ether. At the cni of the winter manv . 1 ! bears were found w!u had perished with ; hunger. In several settlements they kill- ed frrm two to three hundred bears. The 1 Id Kamtschadales da not remember e-1 verto have seen the be irs so savage and . j i r i- blood thirst . 1 he cane f this savaee- ! ness and of their :mmrer is for these two j years past taeve has been i entire want j . f fish in the Kamtschatka sea ; and 'tih j as is well k.itwn, are the chiet f.-od f the bears, winch, being usually so abundant m those waters, they easily contrive to catch. A couple of shucks of ati eur:h q ! ke have been lately felt hi the p- n in sula. ; : THE BRITISH MEDIATION. riOM THE X iTTOSAL ADTOCATE. The basis? o! the nes;ociation for j H Great Britain, to rTiecHaie vx ith Spain ; . . , . . r . and her colonies, ha bpn definitively i settled bv the five iireut continental powers, though it is evident that the protocol was prepared by the cabinet of St. James, if we at e to be governed by i s features. The condition which are to be pre scribed to the colonies for acJ uow ledjjing the supremacy of Spain, are said to be as f 1-iws : 1st The establishment of provincial as semblies. '. 2d A large proportion of natives to fill of fices 3d All tAxes to originate with tae cclo nUs. :'-':'; ;. : ' 4th A free trade with all the world. 5tn CuItiVati' 1. 1 i.ort and imp tt, to be r-'pibe Ihy he-jeoic otlhecuuiiits in their asseinolie.s. If these ar the condirions which five jjreat powers have decided u foil.;, i t n t: t be ev i lent that t he h pe s of KerdVnnad the 7th rest on a verv sleii tier h.I and that South-America au- prnjinaten t i wards imieoidenre at vifi :t rapiditv that Europe caniiot j t or pr pyentf tor such condif ions, j sim tiitt.nj; v r! i itl y to iihlepeniienco.i j AVoumI never offered in weak and i ii:ed,t int novi ers. fr i not to he d- ; I w h ch G rea t t.v u would propose in ; a uitdi;jtic!i, for while f he hope of 1c S tr i t micv w-u . I be main t a itietf wu i le I the s'.atJo w of roy tit y would bt su p- ported . and the jk w l enM 1 1 s won Id receive a shock. tuJ t hi raud : a. : . n i a. a i ; n i i i it it - ?iderafuin, Wo t"d he Ii f free for c im- luercial umsiopotjes r couni-ercinl in- J ' licence and a ceck sfdi held ou the !; pruviiicp, to prvnf ativ oppiiU to Eurune.tn confederarses. Stieh Conditions W,uld oidy be orpd i- , i tii ' r , people who na 1 the merns ol freeuom within their nt,p, and ol v,!ue oven- t U't I j nlependMi ce, no" doubt cotiid be n ter tai net!. If the Pa tri i t o I South Vourica ran be set! need by such ieiiiptin thers, tlsen they are incana- "jde.ol estimating the value ol the liner - ' ty for which thev are contending. The i I :ruj-t?i not fur r.rovincial overn- I 1 en ts, internal Taxation, and a free j I : ,ue : l V??. V;'--, J'"prn- ' j h-r.ce t to oe released ircun the j .' .nf ninnarrh r of Huropea n con- i! ; to be. in hort, free and sove- . in i . but ; t! e .v liole. to . t . their ifi leiM'nd. '!: aektio'.vir'l;- ed , a ud their eve :i e n(s accivd i t- V . If the- Fat' :ots a crept t 1h-mj o,i- iti rt, at:d put ijp t!.;ir avor!s, ac-. l ovr lede the j:ns'iiction tf Ft rdi- nad, with hi ch.ta Vr ami 1 is viev s, ! ' ?v wiil cfii v t eni no lo? titan ; j j h cap ttvatl iut f he ia-t -.pa I d ii-; j ! berfy by pu ihi v. reh.'U. a .d fix I (Mo; e troii;y the yoke around their j 5 ue' ks. If they c ui he tfu infiuencetl fl i 111 ihl IHMIIil'rit lit a.M n thtatl tllf ;i tse v e r cfitcrt titied correct notion s o f Independence. Great Britain will tranquil ly u r-t ; th. e conlniov:st lieeaue rhev at-iH ai t I ? c n e 1 1 1 t he Fd t riot while they ac tually tavor hurootan cot.ti ouJ. aud at the saute time couitnerte ( I.; rhe mot e readily monopolized. Should thev, however, be refused, the Hi i tjs!i cabinet will take nir incisures to en lorce thftn, a- t''er ohj -ci -ai ui oi ike i f.ituiev tiUt .f mediation ind'.'pcntl- ; ence, ui.d inilepet :lei:ce thev w ill it- the th to :ir k ;i "w I e ii . f r i i iVei -! .".t. r attempt to destroy from the ?a.ue motives. .frldrestpd tofh? LszH'alive Synod at Joiro?c, bj 3V.rc7tiVi E v per.tr uf t te.l from Moscow, Oct. 27, 1817 ' Dm ing ni v late tr.ivels throU'dt I the pi ovincs, I was ob! i -ed, to m v no -nail re et, to hsreti to speeclies pro f!otf5f etl by certari of tlie clerjrv in : ,hneient narts. which cont;iioMl .mhp. t . r . . tomii'- praises ol n,e praxes which T at . - j carr only be ascribed unto God. And j ry hjein Joweth uhto tlirouirh 'ur I , Lord and Savi ur Jesu? Christ alone ami that -ery man, be he whom he inaT.wit.i lyt Chnt, is full only of evil thei efure. to ascribe unto me the dorv o f d e etl ,n wh i fh the I :and " u f God t.ath been fo evidently manifesteil i-e I ore the whoie wofid, iV to ive nnto ; thit oiy w iich be I oneVh u n to Alr.ih.y God alone. " 1 dctouct ii my duty, therefore, liwi L to forbid all sucli cnbecoTn'n egress-U ions nf praise, and .recom'mendatyd to the Holy Synod to give iiist'ructitiisto oir fua n.nrpin Bishons. thatt'iey j theraelveand the clergy under lVeu .. t.:c f.rnre. mav. on similar occasions, in iiruic, i ,I,dJ v . " . i ' p fmm ill curh vnrPSlfM- 01 praise, so disagreeable to my prs, and that thev may render untovihe Lord of floats alone, thanksith, nrav for the blessings bestow ed in in us. Drav for the outpouiins of hisGoce u pon all of us ; con formir t!iemse!ss in this matter to t!e words of the S: cred rit, which require us to render t the Kiriir Eternal, Invisible, the OB 1 y wise God, honor and glory for ever and ever. ALEXANDER." DR. RICHARD FEWXK .VINO rem wrd to Raleigh, with a of making it his permanent residence,', rjra.Fenncr and Burgen T attend pu.ctu illy to ail applications made to thm.;. ;. -.jv-. v' Cj Their Shop is on Fsyett .viilr Strce . nr-xt door br-low Mr. John iitarts Store. JirJeizfi, Jan. 1. : FIFTY COLLARS REWARD. AV AVA trom thestibsc.'rxr, Jivmp - ;n Franklin count v, Xortb-Carol.na, on : the lihh of Januun , ! JIT, a 7 ero A!an nam- ed U VIK)L. btit 25 or 27 years of age, be- tween 5 and 6 feet high, rather jellow com ! plected j appears h- mble when p.ken .o . j it is exported lie has some nr..;rks oi'shot a i tout h:.- n;p, d..uhs. neck and face, 3S he ' has bet n shot at several times; Hi wife he ; Ionics to a Mr. Henry P.ridges, formerly of f this county, who started with her about the I I 4h insta'itv to South-Carol. na, Ce-rr.a, .or 1 1 T-i it:f cPf tt U Qltni'uiCpf! nP Wit HITint i to hlhivv her This is to cut, on all persons M. 1 J i V " "If - . - - - - - . 4 h .harbrtnnff cr tra.hn- for t Niro A11.1 1 . . . , ' - . ' f i lliasirrs vrrisein m r u " j Uiv; ; n, ab-jve reward and all reavonihle J chart i wdl he pa.il o ny person who will secure said ntr so hat I et h:m. WOoD TUCKER. I !i Am i' :.rnreh em 1 1 a ? trie abova '..-Nf ! ro, til litiiiivn me i letter, directed t llai.sofn's lin lire, r 1 I he Kcht ors of the Telescope, S. Caro- tin-Wh :r. N'-biivilie, Ten. and HeHec tor; M iictltrevilie, will insert th,s atlv rtise ment six times, and forward their bills as a b ve. LANDS FOR SALE. V v I 4 JO Acres of Land on th. call d ' fi f -i.; C. The bot$.m Ui.o -ro,, ;.'J .-ii ap.ed to ihe cu" ore ot , tori-., v!u it anu lobacco; 'Jieriorts io?r jjj s on. Th- re are 1G0 ces of o.l.M jj ,ano, on which here are 2000 AppJ Sc. 20CO !; r'ecJi trtes cf the i t f iui w 11 assr.r ed. now in pt-a iVt tio.i .:d com n so. 8 or 10 acres ;oi pr.nie rr;idiuw lend, of ezCclfsr s uU y. M ho'e of the land that is not rl ared i covered with pine and oak timber l uf the best ouahtv in 2 m.ks o' an excellent ; Saw ynd (n.a SI 11 on c&id creek. This p'are youM uit a man that wan s to keep -5torc Tarerr; I, ha- the dwt,S ,,1!e ita j, t v Halifax 23 m Us ; one to Warrettoa 18 ;;vl.'s j w la Lewisbu U m l s, and on; t N as! i v die, N C 1 6 miles. 1 his land iik- pt n'.y of nevr r isil.'i prins of good vaver. T. say much of .he build-pf;- uul b. unnece.ssn'-y, sut'ae' it to J.y 'h- D'v-'hn,' ihtiisc .h ta"pe ar.u convenient avi.h 3 s'roi., . ivne ' h nr.Peys. 'I tiuthou sts iare on'y toierab.e, except the fira:er ud 5'-ibi:s, which arr larvre convnur.t anu 1U voir ' Sr.dge, fi; c 16 53 tf STATU OF .0k'I il CAROLINA, " U N V, Suprier tcur i ct ? av Autumn Term, 'y"'.:''..::''':';'''7';v',v-. K ,z : ..e'o Myai! l ? Pctrtion for a Divorce h rit-rn t J'v Alimony, otc- e satisfaction of th V: nda;tt is a resident ?e tae ; it is tb re urt, t hat publication p St-r and Register, fc'nbly, that the De on or before th nxt jlo be rJ fcr the Coun---aft-ourth'iise in Raleurh. 5 C ; w i ; ,He u .ii? r? i i- r r. i tv of tVaV - i .. . on tt.e hrst oTdav alter the t-.urth M mliiv .---- j .1 Ma ch i t x, the n and tl-ere to pled, sn. sv.?t or demor u sa;d pt-tition j other wise juignKnt pro ccnfUso will be entered up atrainst him. les . S. TURNER, C. S. C. Ja . y I 57 6v 31 AUK AYELL ! 10MMIV i r !) tht Jd of Ni.rthampton J -n""y, inh-Car..r;na, abou th first ci November Us;, a lv- gro iitan, abou: five u:e; hii , da? k c roplcxion, straight and ell made, a wart or m Ac ob the tndsof hn it r, of a phasing- cou tenance, shews his V e'h u ht he bputs which are remarkably ".hne ; h.s name is Jack, that be w J J b itah rt liecfe of Fred.rukabur, Va. to Cia tt-.n ;.;i.e of Tcnn ssee, spt cu.ator. The wner io icqu .ed o come forward, prove prupcrtv, pay chrs, and t&kf biro away. C ili l ER JONfiS, Jiilor orthampior, N.U. Jan'y 3 6w 'M:.-h: notice. r WTV H ."to .rroo e t .th yVest, and will all my LANDS lying in Granville .iuoy, N. C- nine mdes s. uth of Oxi rd. or ...V Kouth side of l"r Rier, c oraini:i 1676 Ac -s, with three .rr four bundred vres of F a Land on the River and Cretk, quai 'o any in the County for the prodtic t on f Com, Wheat and Tobacco. The h gh Lands are wh adapted to th' culture. . C i O!', Corn, &.c The ln.provnients re valusbfe. There is op-en land enough t.-r 18 . r 20 han.is. itur years credit given f r a part ot Uie pur. base-money. LiiWIS TAYLOR, j. Jan 1, 1318. A EJG H FllhVTED BY JOSEPH rccUuJiv acliuamts 'be inhabitants of theTde rce of disuhthty W wlud, thelo.er may i own and its V.cn.ty. that he h formed , i! be entitled under ,t : tl"5.;! Ct on in the Practice of Physic itb orn to bdore a Jude oi he JStn ... t ' Court. or some State Judtre or J-.isticeot the Tor the hentiit o TIIE (J UN DE I)" SO LDIER. Pen ion Office, Dec 23. iitTP. fnTW.no- Pvidenr.e will be required! 5 In all Vfd.t.a rases: & in cases ot'the lie- ; granted, to enable the Secretary grant I esisions, viz ; ! In cases where the regular discharge and , the sui ffeon's certificate for disability, can-i not be had, he applicant for a pension, whe- ther he has be -n a soldier. of J,Jie rejrular ar- j my or a militiaman in the service o- the Uni- j teil States, must produce the sworn certificate ; ofhis Taptain, or otiier officer under whom he serve:!, stating dist.nrtlv the time & place ot his 1 -ving been wounded, or otherwise dis abled, and that the same wounds or in?aoiir ties a ose while in the service ot tne i nuea States, and in the line f his duty, with the affidavit of one or more surgeons or physici ans, whether tjf the army or citizens, accu- raielv fecr.bin the wotiml, ana stating me Pe-ce : and if a Slate Juuzeor Just ce ot the Trace, then under the sed of the ' lerk ol theC un y in wh.ch such Judge or Justice ' mav reside, and in the name of t!C paymaster Uvho bst pa.d the soldier as belvnirin to the jerv!ce f the United States, in be. in ev n r";vftMcefumifihedby the applicant, in ortler - i determine the d te of the commencement -ft his pension 2in i vSTATI.OI- NOR rH-CA;;GINA, 1'EAUroRT OVS'iT. Court ol l,"f :,d f iA te beifcioni, D,-era he- ttn T317V ?!yets," ... Jr . - I in Original attcDme5t. J' n Avlsitns V r.ar:v. rin- to the Cou"t t'-t the lc.Vn- ,::JVd ur.i iesdes w.ti.o?it he hmi;? ot ie c e, ihtrersre ord-rt'd, dia puh:,c tion f .r kiH f rrrl- b mJs m tV R. leign Vr. th i urf he'pr-ears at the re-t I crn of alo a 1 ' J I - aft -f 1 t-aT W t ri?:t (on the rrtt Monde v it a'srcli' nrn) uni rep'vy n l pl. ad. the PMw'.ri null b permitted -to proceed to jucigment. From tue Mirn. ST : THOS. SMAW, Clk. ST.VTK OF NORTH CAROLINA, Ou-t of Plesi end Quarter -salens, Dcc--mo r Tc tn 181T John r. Ou-jTVin St .o -frjg;; anach. r, , ,r' '.' . "'' Kicrt. ': Peter? ..oh. j IT ar;e:.rin to the Ci-.rt that the Def-r-dan resides without the l,rr.i ot i: Sia.e, trorefove otuti' tt, that pabs;catn fcr !X ris be made n the Ka!e'h 8t i , that ur.l s tie a; eai at rex? Lr" of sa ' t:ourt (ar: tht firstMon,)ay in " ratch nex and ?ctuj .r.!e.id. lvr Pia.f.fi.r will bt i ;trrai:tte" .o pfoc?d to 'yid r.r.er.t Ff.-,.i the M.ru:e. 5f :.: THOnS S'lAW, Clk. NOTICE, TJI AT o the 2d da of MARCH next, at the Sure-House c i Alexander Cruy, on the 11 ;ch!an's ol thane, will be stdd at Vcn lue, on a i rav.i i-ble crmht, about I lort likely '-NF.6.SOES : nMt.n of Men, Wi ifter "and Chi li t r ; hfl' rir ir to the Cstate of Solomon- rk. dvcM. . irccu' iii'i)."i -i 'va... Randolph y.unty, .Ian. 7 56 tlwF " 9 X.X) AT By appoint iiient of the Proprietor, W'-h ir- c V tid f r th-; .ure ot mos d s- ves to whi the flam t t Hody is ha. b!e ". Prepared cm. by th sole Prvrirtcrt G-andaon of the l c eelsbrated Dr. Robert ton, of Kd nborouh. Dr. Robert-oirs celebr-ated Stomachic Elixir of Itealth. For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Hooping Cough, Asthma, Fains in t:e Breast, wind in the Stomach. Bovrei c ra plaints, Lc Pr ce I d.Sl" 50 ccnis. Dr. Robertson's Vegetable Nervous Cordial, or Nature's Granv Restora-' five. I Recommended far thecui-e o all Nervous complaints, attended wi h omv.-d U'eaknesa. oepression oi tne Jrunta, Hetd-Ache, Tre ::rxLZZ V YrMuy : - - ...vu ui j, ureses ! -ecu iar i t Females, .'kc. Pric- 1 d.rf!a 50 "nft 50 ems Dr. Robertson's iriebr.teU Oout and! Uheu.naLc Drops. A safe and tffef.;c:I care for tne Gout Hhetimatisra, Luraba',, tor.e and Gra.el. 8weUin,r af.d we&knes of the Jomis, Sprains, Bruises, Patns in the tid it Face, Fronted Fott. &c Price 2 'ol ars. Dr. RobeiUonY Patent Stomachic Bit te.s. Celebrated for stienjr henmg- a weak Sto macb, increasinfr the appet,;e, and a certain preventive and cure Tr ti c Fever U A true he. Price 1 dollar: . b Dr. Robertson's Infallible AVorni De stroyruj Lozenges. Trioe 50 cents per ackagt .;ge ditto, 1 dolUr. Dr. Dyott's Tvntt-Bilious Pills. For tlie Prevention acd t u eelBit ou nd Mal gnsnt Fevers. Price 25 cenu per box 1&: e ditto, 50 cents. Dr. Dyott's Patent Itch Ointment. A safe snd iuft llible Cure for the Itch.- Price 50 cents bcx. 00" Take Notice tbst each and all the a bove Geuuine l.edicines are signed v.ith the si feature of J bole Iroerietor, T. W. DY OTT, M. D 1 PampUt;ts cottainlnfr certificates ol Cure, &c. p j -iornied through the efheaxv of the abovt fjedicints, xzzy be tad gratia, by applying ;"U. GaltVaStwi e. GALES, J - Kiilar Armv. wr ere the Discharge and Surge- , Years 181J, IVAhMz i and wh eh h .ve on's Certificate have been lost or destroyed, i j been passed up-n ard al.ov ed ..r t.e i:.; :d or where they have never. been onpinally j of Auditors ; are hereby m.orrr-d. i.i' th. ir 9. r2Z Z .He i S pat op MnrrrA cv stArs. , laXtCV H Ji hfK'I'F. v 0. " Nu'rirh, F Vi. -1 1-LL Ptrson having Cla.tns ntfa-.nst the J. State, lor Service, s rtndererl k Supples " furnished the detached or lcal Mditin, ind,- either at this Office, or to Pat m eters who are, or may be appointed in difitreut purt of the State. Persons applyinrr-by or throui! the scrrrvy of others, musthave their rowers of Atti r.ty proven or acknowledged bcibre a Jus:-., r tjf the Peace, and certu'ied b t!i Clerk of !,e County Court that the Justice w:.s ai the the time an acting" Ju tire of the Peace, wih the seal of the County there: o annexed. PATENT MEDICINES. For sale at Philadelphia prices J BfJOTLY TRAVIS, Ptmaftprct Conrord. QZmitei suuth of Salisbury, wV. Carolina, njlHE follow ntr Patent Medicines, justly JL esteemetl fir their txtrao-d. nary res o rative qualities ; faithftillv preparel bv ') T. W. DYOlT, of Philadelphia, from the receipts of the late celeb ated tJr. livOer: of EdinlnirL DP DTOTT's CF.LFJIR TED Stomachic Elixir of Health; Price Cne I.ollar H Fifty Cents. "Which has been proved bv thrm,nd, w'uj have experienced its benefu tr.l i fleet. tthe the most valuabV .Meil c.ne ever ft rti o the pubVc, for the cure of CVuhs ( Consunipt.on, tlie i looping- i;cugTi .tv;ii a, Pain in the Ilre.e, Cra:-ps and V..t-d .n the Stomach, removmjr Costivenrss, .'at ss at the Stomach. 'Head Ache, loss of AppeMe, indict shonj &c ?c From the Dy sentery or Lix. Clioles Mor bus, severe Cripinfrs.and o,iherhsc.'.f f f 'tie bowel?, and the summer complaint .n Ci.', I dren, it has prived at erta n rented, an 're storel to perfect health from the greatest debility. DR. DYOTTs Vegplvde. Jerv.ous Cordial, or Aa ture's Grand llestoi-aiive. Pr.cr One I)tllar f.nd Fd'iy Cents li is confidently recommended vs the mojt effkac.ous medicine, for th? sp:edy rtr..f andc ire o all nervotis complaints atur.ded with mvard weakness, depression of spirits, head sc'ie, tremor, f-iintn?ss, anvl v.ir.oua complaints, resulting from a .secret i r pro pnety of youth and dtssipatel habjs, n-si-df n e n varm ehmates, the immodera e ue t tea.ilieun'.kitr'ilor excessive use ot mercu ry, so o.ten destmctie to the human fnmr, diseases peculiar to females at a ttrU.ii pt riodoflife. , Gout and Rheumatic Drops, Pr.ee Two Dailies ) A safe and tile tual cure for the ?rut rh ett mat ism, lumhafro, sume an I kt:.vv-. swelling and weakness of the joints, jipra n5, bruises, and all kinds of preen wounds u,c cra np, pains m the head, face and body, stiff ness of tlie neck, chilhUens, trozen limbs &c. I)!i hVOTF's Patent Stomachic I Vine BitUrs, Price One Dollar. , Wliich are celebrated for strenirthenin J we;ik stOTtachs, increasmtr tlieappetite, a?id a certain preventative and eta e for the ftvep and acue, iic. DR. DYOTT's Infallible Worm Destroying Lozvz?s, A medicine h phly necessary to be kept ii ail fam lies. Pr.ce F.fty Cents. Thonjrh numherlcM medicines are ex oP cvl tor espellin un : kiM.ng- Vcrm:,none are f f.ua! in fhcacy to lir Dn-Tr'.-i Vn.f Iii sT.o-iT'. Lozr.xc.rs ; -hey are mild i their j ration, ami may be rj.ve:: to Uie youngest infant with safftv. J)r Dyotr's Jhli-B:!;ws Fills. For the prevent ion and cure cf bd.ou a.J malignant fevr rs. Price 2 Cents Jare boxes 50 Ce-.is. These-Pihs, if t-mely adm ntered, will remove the caiss which common! , prxluce yellow fever, b.hous fever, ne;ue r'nd ievci, chclic pains, namlencies, indigestion, co-- tiver.ess, hypochondriacal and bvstenc con2 pla.nls Thsy are particularly serriceableiP Ferr a'c disorders, and especially in tne reu-oval nf those obstructions which are theereat Mv-rc of their complaints at certain periods ; h-v possess thts eminent ivdvantae ovtr m.v. I other purt,'ative5, while tliej- rpende en!fy j the' pnduce neither costiventss, debility :or Luu,reai. ciciicmrrt Dr. DjotVsltch Ointwnt. (lr ce i 0. Cents per Pox For pleasantness, Fafety, expetlition. ea and certainty, s infinitely superior to av - I ther ndictne for the cure of that most di a- trreeabie and torment: disorder the ITC . Dr. DyoWs Circassian Eye-Water. (Pri, e 50Ccnts." A sovereign remedy for all ica-es ci the Eyes. DR. DyOTT' Infallible Tooth-ache Drcp?. price SO Cents. Dr. Droit's Restorative Dentrifcr. Price 5J Cents a Uox Charcoal, ditto. Price 50 Cents a Rox I MAlirs Eenoicned Flaister Clotlu Pr ce 25 and 50 Cents Recommended by all the Physician- ofcr in ence in the city of Philadelphia, as a ovr re gu remedy for sores, .ore breast,, tumors felons, carbuncles, tc etc. ALSO, Ton RATE AS ABCTX A great Variety of DRUGS, MKDICINKS, DYESTLTF5, PALVTS.tcStc. (Lj Pamphlets containing certificates d cures, performed through the efir.,r. above valuable Medicines, may he had gratis. I by applying to JOHN TltUVVlS, y Sole Aent at this pUof. eoncsrd, Eeb. 6, 1818 60 3w - BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, may be had at this Office. ot War to Ulauns wui ne cr.scna .jfi, -pi m r '.a. ' bv even Auiu; each succeeding p Post-Master in the State- paper.